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ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 13(8): 10603-10611, 2021 Mar 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33596044


The intercalation-induced phase transition of MoS2 from the semiconducting 2H to the semimetallic 1T' phase has been studied in detail for nearly a decade; however, the effects of a heterointerface between MoS2 and other two-dimensional (2D) crystals on the phase transition have largely been overlooked. Here, ab initio calculations show that intercalating Li at a MoS2-hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) interface stabilizes the 1T phase over the 2H phase of MoS2 by ∼100 mJ m -2, suggesting that encapsulating MoS2 with hBN may lower the electrochemical energy needed for the intercalation-induced phase transition. However, in situ Raman spectroscopy of hBN-MoS2-hBN heterostructures during the electrochemical intercalation of Li+ shows that the phase transition occurs at the same applied voltage for the heterostructure as for bare MoS2. We hypothesize that the predicted thermodynamic stabilization of the 1T'-MoS2-hBN interface is counteracted by an energy barrier to the phase transition imposed by the steric hindrance of the heterointerface. The phase transition occurs at lower applied voltages upon heating the heterostructure, which supports our hypothesis. Our study highlights that interfacial effects of 2D heterostructures can go beyond modulating electrical properties and can modify electrochemical and phase transition behaviors.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(8): 084903, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30184664


Experimental investigations of solid materials at elevated temperatures rely on the optimized thermal design of the measurement system, as radiation becomes a predominant source of heat loss which can lead to large uncertainty in measured temperature and related physical properties of a test sample. Advancements in surface temperature measurements have reduced thermal losses arising from the cold-finger effect using axially inserted thermocouples and from radiation using shields or other thermal guards. The leading technology for temperature sensing at temperatures up to ∼900 °C makes use of these design features for measuring thermopower, yet uncertainty analysis estimation of this technique is not known. This work makes use of finite element modeling to determine spatial temperature distributions to obtain the upper limit of confidence expected for the axially inserted thermocouple approach when a heated radiation shield is incorporated into the design. Using an axially inserted thermocouple to measure the sample surface temperature, the temperature variations across the sample hot and cold surfaces at 900 °C for a temperature drop of 0, 5, and 10 °C are calculated to be as low as 0.02, 0.21, and 0.41 °C, respectively, when a heated radiation shield is employed. Uniform temperature distribution on the thermocouple cross-wire geometry indicates that the axial thermocouple measurement design is indeed effective for suppressing the cold-finger effect. Using a heated radiation shield is found to significantly reduce the temperature gradient across the thermocouples.

Nanotechnology ; 29(43): 432001, 2018 Oct 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30052199


This review is concerned with the leading methods of bottom-up material preparation for thermal-to-electrical energy interconversion. The advantages, capabilities, and challenges from a material synthesis perspective are surveyed and the methods are discussed with respect to their potential for improvement (or possibly deterioration) of application-relevant transport properties. Solution chemistry-based synthesis approaches are re-assessed from the perspective of thermoelectric applications based on reported procedures for nanowire, quantum dot, mesoporous, hydro/solvothermal, and microwave-assisted syntheses as these techniques can effectively be exploited for industrial mass production. In terms of energy conversion efficiency, the benefit of self-assembly can occur from three paths: suppressing thermal conductivity, increasing thermopower, and boosting electrical conductivity. An ideal thermoelectric material gains from all three improvements simultaneously. Most bottom-up materials have been shown to exhibit very low values of thermal conductivity compared to their top-down (solid-state) counterparts, although the main challenge lies in improving their poor electrical properties. Recent developments in the field discussed in this review reveal that the traditional view of bottom-up thermoelectrics as inferior materials suffering from poor performance is not appropriate. Thermopower enhancement due to size and energy filtering effects, electrical conductivity enhancement, and thermal conductivity reduction mechanisms inherent in bottom-up nanoscale self-assembly syntheses are indicative of the impact that these techniques will play in future thermoelectric applications.

Langmuir ; 34(21): 6296-6306, 2018 05 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29727580


The presence of oxygen vacancy sites fundamentally affects physical and chemical properties of materials. In this study, a dipole-containing interaction between poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) PDDA and α-MoO3 is found to enable high-concentrations of surface oxygen vacancies. Thermal annealing under Ar resulted in negligible reduction of MoO3 to MoO3- x with x = 0.03 at 600 °C. In contrast, we show that the thermochemical reaction with PDDA polyelectrolyte under Ar can significantly reduce MoO3 to MoO3- x with x = 0.36 (MoO2.64) at 600 °C. Thermal annealing under H2 gas enhanced the substoichiometry of MoO3- x from x = 0.62 to 0.98 by using PDDA at the same conditions. Density functional theory calculations, supported by experimental analysis, suggest that the vacancy sites are created through absorption of terminal site oxygen (Ot) upon decomposition of the N-C bond in the pentagonal ring of PDDA during the thermal treatment. Ot atoms are absorbed as ionic O- and neutral O2-, creating Mo5+-vO· and Mo4+-vO·· vacancy bipolarons and polarons, respectively. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy peak analysis indicates the ratio of charged to neutral molybdenum ions in the PDDA-processed samples increased from Mo4+/Mo6+ = 1.0 and Mo5+/Mo6+ = 3.3 when reduced at 400 °C to Mo4+/Mo6+ = 3.7 and Mo5+/Mo6+ = 2.6 when reduced at 600 °C. This is consistent with our ab initio calculation where the Mo4+-vO·· formation energy is 0.22 eV higher than that for Mo5+-vO· in the bulk of the material and 0.02 eV higher on the surface. This study reveals a new paradigm for effective enhancement of surface oxygen vacancy concentrations essential for a variety of technologies including advanced energy conversion applications such as electrochemical energy storage, catalysis, and low-temperature thermochemical water splitting.

Nanotechnology ; 28(15): 155403, 2017 Apr 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28303794


MnO is an electrically insulating material which limits its usefulness in lithium ion batteries. We demonstrate that the electrochemical performance of MnO can be greatly improved by using oxygen-functional groups created on the outer walls of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as nucleation sites for metal oxide nanoparticles. Based on the mass of the active material used in the preparation of electrodes, the composite conversion-reaction anode material Mn1-x Co x O/MWCNT with x = 0.2 exhibited the highest reversible specific capacity, 790 and 553 mAhg-1 at current densities of 40 and 1600 mAg-1, respectively. This is 3.1 times higher than that of MnO/MWCNT at a charge rate of 1600 mAg-1. Phase segregation in the [Formula: see text] nanoparticles was not observed for x ≤ 0.15. Capacity retention in x = 0, 0.2, and 1 electrodes showed that the corresponding specific capacities were stabilized at 478, 709 and 602 mAhg-1 respectively, after 55 cycles at a current density of 400 mAg-1. As both MnO and CoO exhibit similar theoretical capacities and MnO/MWCNT and CoO/MWCNT anodes both exhibit lower performance than Mn0.8Co0.2O/MWCNT, the improved performance of the [Formula: see text] alloy likely arises from beneficial synergistic interactions in the bimetallic system.

Langmuir ; 32(42): 10967-10976, 2016 Oct 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27689819


Hollow spherical structures of ternary bismuth molybdenum oxide doped with samarium (Bi2-xSmxMoO6) were successfully synthesized via development of a Pluronic P123 (PEO20-PPO70-PEO20)-assisted solvothermal technique. Density functional theory calculations have been performed to improve our understanding of the effects of Sm doping on the electronic band structure, density of states, and band gap of the material. The calculations for 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3 revealed a considerably flattened conduction band minimum near the Γ point, suggesting that the material can be considered to possess a quasi-direct band gap. In contrast, for x = 0.5, the conduction band minimum is deflected toward the U point, making it a distinctly indirect band gap material. The effects of a hollow structure as well as Sm substitution on the absorbance and fluorescence properties of the materials produced increased emission intensities at low Sm concentrations (x = 0.1 and 0.3), with x = 0.1 displaying a peak photoluminescence intensity 13.2 times higher than for the undoped bulk sample. Subsequent increases in the Sm concentration resulted in quenching of the emission intensity, indicative of the onset of a quasi-direct-to-indirect electronic band transition. These results indicate that both mesoscale structuring and Sm doping will be promising routes for tuning optoelectronic properties for future applications such as catalysis and photocatalysis.