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PLoS One ; 17(2): e0263981, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35171957


INTRODUCTION: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) pandemic has struck Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) particularly hard. One of the crucial areas in the international community's response relates to accelerating research and knowledge sharing. The aim of this article is to map and characterise the existing empirical research related to COVID-19 in LAC countries and contribute to identify opportunities for strengthening future research. METHODS: In this scoping review, articles published between December 2019 and 11 November 2020 were selected if they included an empirical component (explicit scientific methods to collect and analyse primary data), LAC population was researched, and the research was about the COVID-19 pandemic, regardless of publication status or language. MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, Scielo, CENTRAL and Epistemonikos were searched. All titles and abstracts, and full texts were screened by two independent reviewers. Data from included studies was extracted by one reviewer and checked by a second independent reviewer. RESULTS: 14,406 records were found. After removing duplicates, 5,458 titles and abstracts were screened, of which 2,323 full texts were revised to finally include 1,626 empirical studies. The largest portion of research came from people/population of Brazil (54.6%), Mexico (19.1%), Colombia (11.2%), Argentina (10.4%), Peru (10.3%) and Chile (10%), while Caribbean countries concentrated 15.3%. The methodologies most used were cross-sectional studies (34.7%), simulation models (17.5%) and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (13.6%). Using a modified version of WHO's COVID-19 Coordinated Global Research Roadmap classification, 54.2% were epidemiological studies, followed by clinical management (22.3%) and candidate therapeutics (12.2%). Government and public funds support were reported in 19.2% of studies, followed by universities or research centres (9%), but 47.5% did not include any funding statement. CONCLUSION: During the first part of the COVID-19 pandemic, LAC countries have contributed to the global research effort primarily with epidemiological studies, with little participation on vaccines research, meaning that this type of knowledge would be imported from elsewhere. Research agendas could be further coordinated aiming to enhance shared self-sufficiency regarding knowledge needs in the region.

COVID-19 , Empirical Research , Caribbean Region/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Studies , Humans , Latin America/epidemiology , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Article in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-49155


[ABSTRACT]. Objective. Health policymakers in the Caribbean face challenges with research use in decision-making. Although copious approaches to strengthen evidence-informed policy can be found in the literature, these strategies should be applied and evaluated in specific settings. We developed a theory of change for strengthening research uptake in health policy, and the interventions were implemented as the Evidence Informed Decision Making Network of the Caribbean (EvIDeNCe). We assessed the model’s logic and evaluated whether the expected outcome was achieved. Methods. The model was mapped in three stages: problem identification; goal determination; and backward linking of interventions. Beneficiaries were surveyed to assess the design logic and to evaluate the main outcome. Results. A total of 137 respondents completed evaluation questionnaires. The inclusion of evidence briefs, stakeholder dialogues, a research database, and training programs for policymakers in the model was validated. Respondents also reported their intention to act on research evidence to which they were exposed. After respondents had participated in stakeholder dialogues, the mean intention-to-use score was 6.4 on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), and 6.3 on the same scale, after exposure to training. Conclusions. This work provides initial validation of EvIDeNCe as a consolidated strategy to strengthen the application of research in policy in the Caribbean. To our knowledge, it is the first study to develop and apply a comprehensive model of this type to the Caribbean. The findings support results from similar initiatives in other countries, but additional work is needed to evaluate the overall impact of the initiative.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Los responsables de las políticas de salud en el Caribe afrontan retos con respecto al uso de la investigación en la toma de decisiones. Si bien en la bibliografía especializada pueden encontrarse estrategias muy diversas para fortalecer las políticas fundamentadas en la evidencia, dichas estrategias deben aplicarse y evaluarse en entornos específicos. Elaboramos una teoría del cambio para fortalecer la incorporación de la investigación en las políticas de salud, y las intervenciones se ejecutaron en la Red de Toma de Decisiones Basadas en Evidencia del Caribe (conocida como EvIDeNCe). Evaluamos la lógica del modelo y también si se alcanzó el resultado previsto. Métodos. El modelo se proyectó en tres etapas: determinación de los problemas, establecimiento de las metas y vinculación retrospectiva de las intervenciones. Se realizaron encuestas a los beneficiarios para evaluar tanto la lógica de diseño como el resultado principal. Resultados. Un total de 137 encuestados respondió los cuestionarios de evaluación. Se validó la inclusión en el modelo de sinopsis de datos científicos, diálogos entre los interesados directos, una base de datos de investigación y programas de capacitación para los responsables de las políticas. Los encuestados también informaron sobre su intención de actuar en respuesta a los resultados de la investigación a los que estuvieron expuestos. Después de que los encuestados participaron en los diálogos entre interesados directos, la puntuación media de la intención de usar la investigación fue de 6,4 en una escala de 1 (totalmente en desacuerdo) a 7 (totalmente de acuerdo), y después de exponerse a una capacitación, de 6,3 en la misma escala. Conclusiones. Este trabajo arroja una validación inicial de EvIDeNCe como una estrategia consolidada para fortalecer la aplicación de la investigación en las políticas en el Caribe. Hasta donde sabemos, es el primer estudio que ha elaborado y aplicado un modelo integral de este tipo en el Caribe. Los resultados apoyan las observaciones de iniciativas similares en otros países, pero hace falta seguir trabajando para evaluar las repercusiones más amplias de la iniciativa.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Os responsáveis pelas políticas de saúde no Caribe enfrentam desafios no uso de pesquisa na tomada de decisão. Apesar de a literatura oferecer uma abundância de enfoques para reforçar políticas informadas por evidências, essas estratégias devem ser aplicadas e avaliadas em contextos específicos. Foi formulada uma teoria de mudança para reforçar a incorporação de pesquisa em políticas de saúde, sendo implementadas intervenções como a Rede de tomada de decisão informada por evidências do Caribe (EvIDeNCe). Foi avaliada a lógica do modelo e analisado se o resultado esperado foi alcançado. Métodos. O modelo foi traçado em três estágios: identificação de problemas, determinação de metas e ligação regressiva de intervenções. Foi aplicada uma pesquisa aos beneficiários para avaliar a lógica do design e analisar o resultado principal. Resultados. Ao todo, 137 participantes responderam os questionários de avaliação. Foi validada a inclusão no modelo de informes de evidências, diálogos de interesados diretos, uma base de dados de pesquisa e programas de formação profissional para os responsáveis pelas políticas. Os participantes também informaram a intenção de proceder segundo as evidências de pesquisas às quais tiveram conhecimento. Após tomarem parte em diálogos de interessados diretos, a pontuação média de intenção de uso dos participantes foi 6,4 (em uma escala de 1 [discordo totalmente] a 7 [concordo plenamente]) e 6,3 após o treinamento. Conclusões. Este estudo proporciona a validação inicial da rede EvIDeNCe como uma estratégia consolidada para reforçar a aplicação de pesquisa em políticas no Caribe. Ao que nos consta, trata-se do primeiro estudo a formular e aplicar um modelo completo deste tipo no Caribe. Os achados ajudam a respaldar os resultados de iniciativas semelhantes em outros países, porém outros estudos são necessários para avaliar o impacto geral da iniciativa.

Translational Research, Biomedical , Health Policy , Health Systems , West Indies , Health Policy , Health Systems , West Indies , Translational Research, Biomedical , Translational Research, Biomedical , Health Policy , Health Systems , West Indies
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 42: e91, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31093119


OBJECTIVE: Health policymakers in the Caribbean face challenges with research use in decision-making. Although copious approaches to strengthen evidence-informed policy can be found in the literature, these strategies should be applied and evaluated in specific settings. We developed a theory of change for strengthening research uptake in health policy, and the interventions were implemented as the Evidence Informed Decision Making Network of the Caribbean (EvIDeNCe). We assessed the model's logic and evaluated whether the expected outcome was achieved. METHODS: The model was mapped in three stages: problem identification; goal determination; and backward linking of interventions. Beneficiaries were surveyed to assess the design logic and to evaluate the main outcome. RESULTS: A total of 137 respondents completed evaluation questionnaires. The inclusion of evidence briefs, stakeholder dialogues, a research database, and training programs for policymakers in the model was validated. Respondents also reported their intention to act on research evidence to which they were exposed. After respondents had participated in stakeholder dialogues, the mean intention-to-use score was 6.4 on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), and 6.3 on the same scale, after exposure to training. CONCLUSIONS: This work provides initial validation of EvIDeNCe as a consolidated strategy to strengthen the application of research in policy in the Caribbean. To our knowledge, it is the first study to develop and apply a comprehensive model of this type to the Caribbean. The findings support results from similar initiatives in other countries, but additional work is needed to evaluate the overall impact of the initiative.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e91, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-961745


ABSTRACT Objective. Health policymakers in the Caribbean face challenges with research use in decision-making. Although copious approaches to strengthen evidence-informed policy can be found in the literature, these strategies should be applied and evaluated in specific settings. We developed a theory of change for strengthening research uptake in health policy, and the interventions were implemented as the Evidence Informed Decision Making Network of the Caribbean (EvIDeNCe). We assessed the model's logic and evaluated whether the expected outcome was achieved. Methods. The model was mapped in three stages: problem identification; goal determination; and backward linking of interventions. Beneficiaries were surveyed to assess the design logic and to evaluate the main outcome. Results. A total of 137 respondents completed evaluation questionnaires. The inclusion of evidence briefs, stakeholder dialogues, a research database, and training programs for policymakers in the model was validated. Respondents also reported their intention to act on research evidence to which they were exposed. After respondents had participated in stakeholder dialogues, the mean intention-to-use score was 6.4 on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), and 6.3 on the same scale, after exposure to training. Conclusions. This work provides initial validation of EvIDeNCe as a consolidated strategy to strengthen the application of research in policy in the Caribbean. To our knowledge, it is the first study to develop and apply a comprehensive model of this type to the Caribbean. The findings support results from similar initiatives in other countries, but additional work is needed to evaluate the overall impact of the initiative.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Los responsables de las políticas de salud en el Caribe afrontan retos con respecto al uso de la investigación en la toma de decisiones. Si bien en la bibliografía especializada pueden encontrarse estrategias muy diversas para fortalecer las políticas fundamentadas en la evidencia, dichas estrategias deben aplicarse y evaluarse en entornos específicos. Elaboramos una teoría del cambio para fortalecer la incorporación de la investigación en las políticas de salud, y las intervenciones se ejecutaron en la Red de Toma de Decisiones Basadas en Evidencia del Caribe (conocida como EvIDeNCe). Evaluamos la lógica del modelo y también si se alcanzó el resultado previsto. Métodos. El modelo se proyectó en tres etapas: determinación de los problemas, establecimiento de las metas y vinculación retrospectiva de las intervenciones. Se realizaron encuestas a los beneficiarios para evaluar tanto la lógica de diseño como el resultado principal. Resultados. Un total de 137 encuestados respondió los cuestionarios de evaluación. Se validó la inclusión en el modelo de sinopsis de datos científicos, diálogos entre los interesados directos, una base de datos de investigación y programas de capacitación para los responsables de las políticas. Los encuestados también informaron sobre su intención de actuar en respuesta a los resultados de la investigación a los que estuvieron expuestos. Después de que los encuestados participaron en los diálogos entre interesados directos, la puntuación media de la intención de usar la investigación fue de 6,4 en una escala de 1 (totalmente en desacuerdo) a 7 (totalmente de acuerdo), y después de exponerse a una capacitación, de 6,3 en la misma escala. Conclusiones. Este trabajo arroja una validación inicial de EvIDeNCe como una estrategia consolidada para fortalecer la aplicación de la investigación en las políticas en el Caribe. Hasta donde sabemos, es el primer estudio que ha elaborado y aplicado un modelo integral de este tipo en el Caribe. Los resultados apoyan las observaciones de iniciativas similares en otros países, pero hace falta seguir trabajando para evaluar las repercusiones más amplias de la iniciativa.

RESUMO Objetivo. Os responsáveis pelas políticas de saúde no Caribe enfrentam desafios no uso de pesquisa na tomada de decisão. Apesar de a literatura oferecer uma abundância de enfoques para reforçar políticas informadas por evidências, essas estratégias devem ser aplicadas e avaliadas em contextos específicos. Foi formulada uma teoria de mudança para reforçar a incorporação de pesquisa em políticas de saúde, sendo implementadas intervenções como a Rede de tomada de decisão informada por evidências do Caribe (EvIDeNCe). Foi avaliada a lógica do modelo e analisado se o resultado esperado foi alcançado. Métodos. O modelo foi traçado em três estágios: identificação de problemas, determinação de metas e ligação regressiva de intervenções. Foi aplicada uma pesquisa aos beneficiários para avaliar a lógica do design e analisar o resultado principal. Resultados. Ao todo, 137 participantes responderam os questionários de avaliação. Foi validada a inclusão no modelo de informes de evidências, diálogos de interessados diretos, uma base de dados de pesquisa e programas de formação profissional para os responsáveis pelas políticas. Os participantes também informaram a intenção de proceder segundo as evidências de pesquisas às quais tiveram conhecimento. Após tomarem parte em diálogos de interessados diretos, a pontuação média de intenção de uso dos participantes foi 6,4 (em uma escala de 1 [discordo totalmente] a 7 [concordo plenamente]) e 6,3 após o treinamento. Conclusões. Este estudo proporciona a validação inicial da rede EvIDeNCe como uma estratégia consolidada para reforçar a aplicação de pesquisa em políticas no Caribe. Ao que nos consta, trata-se do primeiro estudo a formular e aplicar um modelo completo deste tipo no Caribe. Os achados ajudam a respaldar os resultados de iniciativas semelhantes em outros países, porém outros estudos são necessários para avaliar o impacto geral da iniciativa.

Humans , Health Systems , Translational Research, Biomedical , Health Policy , West Indies
Port of Spain; Caribbean Public Health Agency; Apr. 2014. 26 p.
Monography in English | MedCarib | ID: med-17901


Excess body fat has both immediate and long-term effects on the health and well-being of children. Childhood obesity is an urgent public health problem in the region and this problem is escalating. To address this matter, this paper was prepared and seeks to answer the following questions: i) what is the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions for preventing obesity in children and adolescents? ii) What are the characteristics of interventions that have proven to be effective? iii) Which program components or design features of efficacious interventions can be applied within the Caribbean context? The purpose of the Policy Brief is to identify the characteristics of interventions that have been evaluated and found to have positive obesity prevention effects, as measured by a reduction or stabilization of BMI or other outcome measures, which may be implemented in the Caribbean Region as effective responses to the burgeoning epidemic. The primary focus of the Brief is on midstream approaches for changing behaviors. Upstream approaches which include broad based public policy action such as laws, regulation and national policies in and of themselves are excluded. The Brief is prepared for decision-makers and program managers with responsibility for developing and implementing nutrition and other health promotion programs for children.

Obesity/prevention & control , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood/prevention & control , Adolescent , Adolescent Health , Adolescent Nutrition/education
Port of Spain; Caribbean Public Health Agency; Apr. 30, 2014. 10 p.
Monography in English | MedCarib | ID: med-17902


On 30, April 2014, CARPHA hosted a Policy Dialogue in Oranjestad, Aruba on the topic; Achieving Healthy Weights among Children and Adolescents in the Caribbean: “Moving from Research to Policy to Action. Chief Medical Officers from CARPHA Member States were the main audience for this Dialogue which sought to present synthesized research evidence about effective interventions for prevention of obesity; to consider the views and experience of stakeholders; and to foster discussion of actionable steps that could be taken in the Caribbean region.

Body Weight , Obesity/prevention & control , Child Nutrition/education , Adolescent Nutrition/education , Adolescent Health
Port of Spain; Caribbean Public Health Agency; Feb. 2014. 29 p.
Monography in English | MedCarib | ID: med-17903


This Evidence Summary is prepared in response to a request from the Assistant Secretary-General, Human and Social Development, CARICOM. Given the debate internationally with respect to Cannabis sativa’s safety and efficacy, and given that CARPHA’s role is to provide direction in analyzing, defining and responding to public health priorities, we have interpreted this broad request as requiring our response to the following question: What is the current state of scientific knowledge regarding the effectiveness of marijuana and its chemical constituents in medical treatment in humans? We present a synthesis of research findings, of international relevance, that answers the specified question.

Cannabis/therapeutic use , Cannabis/drug effects , Marijuana Smoking/drug therapy , Effectiveness
In. Pan Américan Health Organization. Investment in health: social and economic returns. Washington, D.C, Pan Américan Health Organization, 2001. p.189-206, ilus, tab. (PAHO. Scientific and technical públication, 582).
Monography in English | LILACS | ID: lil-386478