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ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(11): 13903-13913, 2024 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38459939


Multijunction solar cells have the prospect of a greater theoretical efficiency limit than single-junction solar cells by minimizing the transmissive and thermalization losses a single absorber material has. In solar cell applications, Sb2S3 is considered an attractive absorber due to its elemental abundance, stability, and high absorption coefficient in the visible range of the solar spectrum, yet with a band gap of 1.7 eV, it is transmissive for near-IR and IR photons. Using it as the top cell (the cell where light is first incident) in a two-terminal tandem architecture in combination with a bottom cell (the cell where light arrives second) of PbS quantum dots (QDs), which have an adjustable band gap suitable for absorbing longer wavelengths, is a promising approach to harvest the solar spectrum more effectively. In this work, these two subcells are monolithically fabricated and connected in series by a poly(3,4-ethylene-dioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)-ZnO tunnel junction as the recombination layer. We explore the surface morphology of ZnO QD films with different spin-coating conditions, which serve as the PbS QD cell's electron transport material. Furthermore, we examine the differences in photogenerated current upon varying the PbS QD absorber layer thickness and the electrical and optical characteristics of the tandem with respect to the stand-alone reference cells. This tandem architecture demonstrates an extended spectral response into the IR with an open-circuit potential exceeding 1.1 V and a power conversion efficiency of 5.6%, which is greater than that of each single-junction cell.

Chemistry ; 28(46): e202201179, 2022 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35666136


A highly water- and air-stable Fe(II) complex with the quinol-containing macrocyclic ligand H4 qp4 reacts with H2 O2 to yield Fe(III) complexes with less highly chelating forms of the ligand that have either one or two para-quinones. The reaction increases the T1 -weighted relaxivity over four-fold, enabling the complex to detect H2 O2 using clinical MRI technology. The iron-containing sensor differs from its recently characterized manganese analog, which also detects H2 O2 , in that it is the oxidation of the metal center, rather than the ligand, that primarily enhances the relaxivity.

Contrast Media , Iron , Ligands , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Water
Chem Sci ; 12(31): 10483-10500, 2021 Aug 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447541


Reactivity assays previously suggested that two quinol-containing MRI contrast agent sensors for H2O2, [Mn(H2qp1)(MeCN)]2+ and [Mn(H4qp2)Br2], could also catalytically degrade superoxide. Subsequently, [Zn(H2qp1)(OTf)]+ was found to use the redox activity of the H2qp1 ligand to catalyze the conversion of O2˙- to O2 and H2O2, raising the possibility that the organic ligand, rather than the metal, could serve as the redox partner for O2˙- in the manganese chemistry. Here, we use stopped-flow kinetics and cryospray-ionization mass spectrometry (CSI-MS) analysis of the direct reactions between the manganese-containing contrast agents and O2˙- to confirm the activity and elucidate the catalytic mechanism. The obtained data are consistent with the operation of multiple parallel catalytic cycles, with both the quinol groups and manganese cycling through different oxidation states during the reactions with superoxide. The choice of ligand impacts the overall charges of the intermediates and allows us to visualize complementary sets of intermediates within the catalytic cycles using CSI-MS. With the diquinolic H4qp2, we detect Mn(iii)-superoxo intermediates with both reduced and oxidized forms of the ligand, a Mn(iii)-hydroperoxo compound, and what is formally a Mn(iv)-oxo species with the monoquinolate/mono-para-quinone form of H4qp2. With the monoquinolic H2qp1, we observe a Mn(ii)-superoxo ↔ Mn(iii)-peroxo intermediate with the oxidized para-quinone form of the ligand. The observation of these species suggests inner-sphere mechanisms for O2˙- oxidation and reduction that include both the ligand and manganese as redox partners. The higher positive charges of the complexes with the reduced and oxidized forms of H2qp1 compared to those with related forms of H4qp2 result in higher catalytic activity (k cat ∼ 108 M-1 s-1 at pH 7.4) that rivals those of the most active superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimics. The manganese complex with H2qp1 is markedly more stable in water than other highly active non-porphyrin-based and even some Mn(ii) porphyrin-based SOD mimics.

Inorg Chem ; 60(12): 8368-8379, 2021 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34042423


Previously prepared Mn(II)- and quinol-containing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent sensors for H2O2 relied on linear polydentate ligands to keep the redox-activatable quinols in close proximity to the manganese. Although these provide positive T1-weighted relaxivity responses to H2O2 that result from oxidation of the quinol groups to p-quinones, these reactions weaken the binding affinity of the ligands, promoting dissociation of Mn(II) from the contrast agent in aqueous solution. Here, we report a new ligand, 1,8-bis(2,5-dihydroxybenzyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, that consists of two quinols covalently tethered to a cyclam macrocycle. The macrocycle provides stronger thermodynamic and kinetic barriers for metal-ion dissociation in both the reduced and oxidized forms of the ligand. The Mn(II) complex reacts with H2O2 to produce a more highly aquated Mn(II) species that exhibits a 130% greater r1, quadrupling the percentile response of our next best sensor. With a large excess of H2O2, there is a noticeable induction period before quinol oxidation and r1 enhancement occurs. Further investigation reveals that, under such conditions, catalase activity initially outcompetes ligand oxidation, with the latter occurring only after most of the H2O2 has been depleted.

Inorg Chem ; 58(15): 9618-9630, 2019 Aug 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31313920


Recently, comprehensive studies on positively charged manganese porphyrins show that these compounds, known for their superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic ability, can be equally reactive toward a broad array of other redox active molecules of biological relevance present in a cellular milieu. In this context, the examination of some fundamental aspects of physicochemical behavior of metalloporphyrins behind their rich aqueous chemistry is believed to provide a valuable basis for the understanding of newly observed biological effects of these compounds in vivo and throw more light on a potential use of common SOD porphyrin mimetics for other redox active cellular targets in order to earn desirable therapeutic effects. Herein, we present versatile characteristics of highly positively charged Mn(P) and Fe(P) porphyrins (with up to +9 and +8 overall charge, respectively) with regard to their acid-base equilibria, metal coordination sphere, water-exchange dynamics, redox properties, and substitution behavior toward selected ligands. For the purpose of these comparative studies, we synthesized for the first time a 9-fold cationic manganese(III) porphyrin. The findings reported in this study enabled highlighting the most important similarities and differences characterizing the aqueous chemistry of positively charged manganese and iron porphyrins and, therefore, outlining the potential factors which can affect the intimate underlying mechanism behind the redox cycling of these metalloporphyrins.

Dalton Trans ; 46(31): 10264-10280, 2017 Aug 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28737821


The crystal structures of [RuII(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl·2H2O and [RuII(terpy)(en)Cl]Cl·3H2O, where terpy = 2,2':6',2''-terpyridine, bipy = 2,2'-bipyridine and en = ethylenediamine, were determined and compared to the structure of the complexes in solution obtained by multi-nuclear NMR spectroscopy in DMSOd-6 as a solvent. In aqueous solution, both chlorido complexes aquate fully to the corresponding aqua complexes, viz. [RuII(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ and [RuII(terpy)(en)(H2O)]2+, within ca. 2 h and ca. 2 min at 37 °C, respectively. The spontaneous aquation reactions can only be suppressed by chloride concentrations as high as 2 to 4 M, i.e. concentrations much higher than that found in human blood. The corresponding aqua complexes are characterized by pKa values of ca. 10 and 11, respectively, which suggest a more labile coordinated water molecule in the case of the [RuII(terpy)(en)(H2O)]2+ complex. Substitution reactions of the aqua complexes with chloride, cyanide and thiourea show that the [RuII(terpy)(en)(H2O)]2+ complex is 30-60 times more labile than the [RuII(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ complex at 25 °C. Water exchange reactions for both complexes were studied by 17O-NMR and DFT calculations (B3LYP(CPCM)/def2tzvp//B3LYP/def2svp and ωB97XD(CPCM)/def2tzvp//B3LYP/def2svp). Thermal and pressure activation parameters for the water exchange and ligand substitution reactions support the operation of an associative interchange (Ia) process. The difference in reactivity between these complexes can be accounted for in terms of π-back bonding effects of the terpy and bipy ligands and steric hindrance on the bipy complex. Consequences for eventual biological application of the chlorido complexes are discussed.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(4): 1472-1484, 2017 02 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28111938


Readily exchangeable water molecules are commonly found in the active sites of oxidoreductases, yet the overwhelming majority of studies on small-molecule mimics of these enzymes entirely ignores the contribution of water to the reactivity. Studies of how these enzymes can continue to function in spite of the presence of highly oxidizing species are likewise limited. The mononuclear MnII complex with the potentially hexadentate ligand N-(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-N,N',N'-tris(2-pyridinylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (LOH) was previously found to act as both a H2O2-responsive MRI contrast agent and a mimic of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Here, we studied this complex in aqueous solutions at different pH values in order to determine its (i) acid-base equilibria, (ii) coordination equilibria, (iii) substitution lability and operative mechanisms for water exchange, (iv) redox behavior and ability to participate in proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions, (v) SOD activity and reductive activity toward both oxygen and superoxide, and (vi) mechanism for its transformation into the binuclear MnII complex with (H)OL-LOH and its hydroxylated derivatives. The conclusions drawn from potentiometric titrations, low-temperature mass spectrometry, temperature- and pressure-dependent 17O NMR spectroscopy, electrochemistry, stopped-flow kinetic analyses, and EPR measurements were supported by the structural characterization and quantum chemical analysis of proposed intermediate species. These comprehensive studies enabled us to determine how transiently bound water molecules impact the rate and mechanism of SOD catalysis. Metal-bound water molecules facilitate the PCET necessary for outer-sphere SOD activity. The absence of the water ligand, conversely, enables the inner-sphere reduction of both superoxide and dioxygen. The LOH complex maintains its SOD activity in the presence of •OH and MnIV-oxo species by channeling these oxidants toward the synthesis of a functionally equivalent binuclear MnII species.

Inorg Chem ; 54(19): 9367-80, 2015 Oct 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26111441


Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitric oxide (NO) are important signaling molecules that regulate several physiological functions. Understanding the chemistry behind their interplay is important for explaining these functions. The reaction of H2S with S-nitrosothiols to form the smallest S-nitrosothiol, thionitrous acid (HSNO), is one example of physiologically relevant cross-talk between H2S and nitrogen species. Perthionitrite (SSNO(-)) has recently been considered as an important biological source of NO that is far more stable and longer living than HSNO. In order to experimentally address this issue here, we prepared SSNO(-) by two different approaches, which lead to two distinct species: SSNO(-) and dithionitric acid [HON(S)S/HSN(O)S]. (H)S2NO species and their reactivity were studied by (15)N NMR, IR, electron paramagnetic resonance and high-resolution electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, as well as by X-ray structure analysis and cyclic voltammetry. The obtained results pointed toward the inherent instability of SSNO(-) in water solutions. SSNO(-) decomposed readily in the presence of light, water, or acid, with concomitant formation of elemental sulfur and HNO. Furthermore, SSNO(-) reacted with H2S to generate HSNO. Computational studies on (H)SSNO provided additional explanations for its instability. Thus, on the basis of our data, it seems to be less probable that SSNO(-) can serve as a signaling molecule and biological source of NO. SSNO(-) salts could, however, be used as fast generators of HNO in water solutions.

Nitric Oxide/chemistry , Nitrites/chemistry , Sulfhydryl Compounds/chemistry , Hydrogen Sulfide/chemistry , Oxidation-Reduction
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 53(43): 11452-7, 2014 Oct 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25213097


By design of a heme model complex with a binding pocket of appropriate size and flexibility, and by elucidating its kinetics and thermodynamics under elevated pressures, some of the pressure effects are demonstrated relevant for operation of heme-proteins under deep-sea conditions. Opposite from classical paradigms of the spin-crossover and reaction kinetics, a pressure increase can cause deceleration of the small-molecule binding to the vacant coordination site of the heme-center in a confined space and stabilize a high-spin state of its Fe center. This reverse high-pressure behavior can be achieved only if the volume changes related to the conformational transformation of the cavity can offset the volume changes caused by the substrate binding. It is speculated that based on these criteria nature could make a selection of structures of heme pockets that assist in reducing metabolic activity and enzymatic side reactions under extreme pressure conditions.

Heme/chemistry , Hemeproteins/chemistry , Seawater , Kinetics , Pressure , Thermodynamics
Chemistry ; 20(44): 14437-50, 2014 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25220399


For the exploration of the intrinsic reactivity of two key active species in the catalytic cycle of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), Compound I (HRP-I) and Compound II (HRP-II), we generated in situ [Fe(IV) O(TMP(+.) )(2-MeIm)](+) and [Fe(IV) O(TMP)(2-MeIm)](0) (TMP=5,10,15,20-tetramesitylporphyrin; 2-MeIm=2-methylimidazole) as biomimetics for HRP-I and HRP-II, respectively. Their catalytic activities in epoxidation, hydrogen abstraction, and heteroatom oxidation reactions were studied in acetonitrile at -15 °C by utilizing rapid-scan UV/Vis spectroscopy. Comparison of the second-order rate constants measured for the direct reactions of the HRP-I and HRP-II mimics with the selected substrates clearly confirmed the outstanding oxidizing capability of the HRP-I mimic, which is significantly higher than that of HRP-II. The experimental study was supported by computational modeling (DFT calculations) of the oxidation mechanism of the selected substrates with the involvement of quartet and doublet HRP-I mimics ((2,4) Cpd I) and the closed-shell triplet spin HRP-II model ((3) Cpd II) as oxidizing species. The significantly lower activation barriers calculated for the oxidation systems involving (2,4) Cpd I than those found for (3) Cpd II are in line with the much higher oxidizing efficiency of the HRP-I mimic proven in the experimental part of the study. In addition, the DFT calculations show that all three reaction types catalyzed by HRP-I occur on the doublet spin surface in an effectively concerted manner, whereas these reactions may proceed in a stepwise mechanism with the HRP-II mimic as oxidant. However, the high desaturation or oxygen rebound barriers during CH bond activation processes by the HRP-II mimic predict a sufficient lifetime for the substrate radical formed through hydrogen abstraction. Thus, the theoretical calculations suggest that the dissociation of the substrate radical may be a more favorable pathway than desaturation or oxygen rebound processes. Importantly, depending on the electronic nature of the oxidizing species, that is, (2,4) Cpd I or (3) Cpd II, an interesting region-selective conversion phenomenon between sulfoxidation and H-atom abstraction was revealed in the course of the oxidation reaction of dimethylsulfide. The combined experimental and theoretical study on the elucidation of the intrinsic reactivity patterns of the HRP-I and HRP-II mimics provides a valuable tool for evaluating the particular role of the HRP active species in biological systems.

Biomimetic Materials/chemistry , Horseradish Peroxidase/chemistry , Biomimetic Materials/metabolism , Catalysis , Horseradish Peroxidase/metabolism , Kinetics , Models, Chemical , Oxidation-Reduction , Thermodynamics
Inorg Chem ; 52(22): 13167-78, 2013 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24187986


On the basis of (7)Li NMR experiments, the complex-formation reaction between Li(+) and the tridentate N-donor ligand terpyridine was studied in the ionic liquids [emim][NTf2] and [emim][ClO4] as solvents. For both ionic liquids, the NMR data implicate the formation of [Li(terpy)2](+). Density functional theory calculations show that partial coordination of terpyridine involving the coordination of a solvent anion can be excluded. In contrast to the studies in solution, X-ray diffraction measurements led to completely different results. In the case of [emim][NTf2], the polymeric lithium species [Li(terpy)(NTf2)]n was found to control the stacking of this complex, whereas crystals grown from [emim][ClO4] exhibit the discrete dimeric species [Li(terpy)(ClO4)]2. However, both structures indicate that each lithium ion is formally coordinated by one terpy molecule and one solvent anion in the solid state, suggesting that charge neutralization and π stacking mainly control the crystallization process.

J Am Chem Soc ; 135(11): 4299-306, 2013 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23391095


The supramolecular host assembly [Ga4L6](12-) [1; L = 1,5-bis(2,3-dihydroxybenzamido)naphthalene] contains a flexible, hydrophobic interior cavity that can encapsulate cationic guest molecules and catalyze a variety of chemical transformations. The Ar-CH2 bond rotational barrier for encapsulated ortho-substituted benzyl phosphonium guest molecules is sensitive to the size and shape of the host interior space. Here we examine how changes in bulk solvent (water, methanol, or DMF) or applied pressure (up to 150 MPa) affect the rotational dynamics of encapsulated benzyl phosphonium guests, as a way to probe changes in host cavity size or flexibility. When host 1 is dissolved in organic solvents with large solvent internal pressures (∂U/∂V)T, we find that the free energy barrier to Ar-CH2 bond rotation increases by 1-2 kcal/mol, compared with that in aqueous solution. Likewise, when external pressure is applied to the host-guest complex in solution, the bond rotational rates for the encapsulated guests decrease. The magnitude of these rate changes and the volumes of activation obtained using either solvent internal pressure or applied external pressure are very similar. NOE distance measurements reveal shorter average host-guest distances (~0.3 Å) in organic versus aqueous solution. These experiments demonstrate that increasing solvent internal pressure or applied external pressure reduces the host cavity size or flexibility, resulting in more restricted motions for encapsulated guest molecules. Changing bulk solvent or external pressure might therefore be used to tune the physical properties or reactivity of guest molecules encapsulated in a flexible supramolecular host.

Organometallic Compounds/chemistry , Models, Molecular , Organophosphorus Compounds/chemistry , Pressure , Solvents/chemistry
Inorg Chem ; 52(1): 222-36, 2013 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23256947


Two dinuclear seven-coordinate manganese(II) complexes containing two pentaazamacrocyclic subunits, with imine or amine functionalities, respectively, have been synthesized and characterized in the solid state as well as in aqueous solutions of different pH, by performing X-ray structure analyses, SQUID, potentiometric, electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), electrochemical, and (17)O NMR water exchange measurements (varying temperature and pressure), and by determination of SOD activity. The two manganese(II) centers within the dinuclear structures behave independently from each other and similarly to the manganese centers in the corresponding mononuclear complexes. However, the dinuclear amine complex possesses increased complex stability and acidity of the coordinated water molecules (pK(a2) = 8.92) in comparison to the corresponding mononuclear analogue. This allowed us to observe a stable trans-aqua-hydroxo-Mn(II) species in an aqueous solution and to study for the first time the trans-effect of the hydroxo group on the water lability on any divalent metal center in general. The observed trans-labilizing effect of the hydroxo ligand is much smaller than in the case of aqua-hydroxo-M(III) trivalent metal species. Whether this is a general property of trans-aqua-hydroxo-M(II) species, or if it is specific for Mn(II) and/or to the seven-coordinate structures, remains to be seen and motivates future studies. In addition, an influence of the hydroxo ligand on the SOD activity of manganese(II) complexes could be evaluated for the first time as well. Compared with the mononuclear analogue, which is not able to form stable hydroxo species, our pH dependent studies on the SOD activity of the dinuclear amine complex have indicated that the hydroxo ligand may promote protonation and release of the product H(2)O(2), especially in solutions of higher pH values, by increasing its pK(a) value.

Manganese/chemistry , Organometallic Compounds/chemistry , Organometallic Compounds/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Water/chemistry , Crystallography, X-Ray , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Models, Molecular , Molecular Structure , Organometallic Compounds/chemical synthesis , Superoxide Dismutase/chemistry
Chemistry ; 18(35): 10969-82, 2012 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22806990


We present for the first time Gutmann donor and acceptor numbers for a series of 36 different ionic liquids that include 26 distinct anions. The donor numbers were obtained by (23)Na NMR spectroscopy and show a strong dependence on the anionic component of the ionic liquid. The donor numbers measured vary from -12.3 kcal mol(-1) for the ionic liquid containing the weakest coordinative anion [emim][FAP] (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate), which is a weaker donor than 1,2-dichloroethane, to 76.7 kcal mol(-1) found for the ionic liquid [emim][Br], which exhibits a coordinative strength in the range of tertiary amines. The acceptor numbers were measured by using (31)P NMR spectroscopy and also vary as a function of the anionic and cationic component of the ionic liquid. The data are presented and correlated with other solvent parameters like the Kamlet-Taft set of parameters, and compared to the donor numbers reported by other groups.

Inorg Chem ; 50(18): 9053-8, 2011 Sep 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21809868


Water exchange on a molecular, purely inorganic cobalt-based water oxidation catalyst, [Co(4)(II)(H(2)O)(2)(α-P(1)W(9)O(34))(2)](10-) (1), in the catalytically relevant pH region (pH 6-10) is studied using (17)O-NMR spectroscopy and ultrahigh-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The results are compared with those of the inactive [Co(II)(H(2)O)(1)Si(1)W(11)O(39)](6-) (2), which is stable in the same pH region. The results obtained provide mechanistic details of the elementary reaction step related to the water oxidation on homogeneous metal oxide catalysts under catalytically relevant conditions. It is shown that the structural integrity of 1 and 2 is maintained, no deprotonation of the aqua ligands on the Co(II) centers occurs, and the water exchange does not undergo any mechanistic changeover at the catalytic pH conditions. We have demonstrated that the water exchange process is influenced by the cluster environment surrounding the water binding sites and is fast enough to not be rate-limiting for the water oxidation catalysis.

Inorg Chem ; 50(14): 6685-95, 2011 Jul 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21667931


On the basis of (7)Li NMR measurements, we have made detailed studies on the influence of the ionic liquids [emim][NTf(2)], [emim][ClO(4)], and [emim][EtSO(4)] on the complexation of Li(+) by the bidentate N-donor ligands 2,2'-bipyridine (bipy) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen). For each of the employed ionic liquids the NMR data implicate the formation of [Li(bipy)(2)](+) and [Li(phen)(2)](+), respectively. X-ray diffraction studies were performed to determine the coordination pattern in the solid state. In the case of [emim][ClO(4)] and [emim][EtSO(4)], crystal structures confirmed the NMR data, resulting in the complexes [Li(bipy)(2)ClO(4)] and [Li(phen)(2)EtSO(4)], respectively. On the contrary, the ionic liquid [emim][NTf(2)] generated the C(i) symmetric, dinuclear, supramolecular cluster [Li(bipy)(NTf(2))](2), where the individual Li(+) centers were found to be bridged by two [NTf(2)] anions. Density functional theory (DFT)-calculations lead to further information on the effect of stacking on the coordination geometry of the Li(+) centers.

2,2'-Dipyridyl/chemistry , Ionic Liquids/chemistry , Lithium/chemistry , Organometallic Compounds/chemistry , Phenanthrolines/chemistry , Crystallography, X-Ray , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Models, Molecular , Molecular Structure , Organometallic Compounds/chemical synthesis , Stereoisomerism
Inorg Chem ; 49(23): 11254-60, 2010 Dec 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21058668


The one-electron reduced iron(II)-dioxygen adduct, {Fe(II)-O(2)}(-), is known to be an important intermediate in the catalytic cycle of heme (mono)oxygenases. The same type of species, considered as Fe(III)-peroxo, can be formed in a direct reaction between a Fe(II) center and superoxide. In a unique high-pressure study of the reaction between superoxide and the Fe(II) complex of a crown ether porphyrin conjugate in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), the overall Fe(II)-superoxide interaction mechanism could be visualized and the nature of all species that occur along the reaction coordinate could be clarified. The equilibrium between the low-spin and high-spin forms of the starting Fe(II) complex was quantified, which turns out to be the actual activation step toward substitution and subsequent inner-sphere electron transfer reactions. The constructed reaction volume profile demonstrates that the reaction product consists of Fe(III)-peroxo and Fe(II)-superoxo species that exist in equilibrium, which can better account for the versatile reactivity of {Fe(II)-O(2)}(-) adducts toward different substrates.

Ferric Compounds/chemistry , Ferrous Compounds/chemistry , Porphyrins/chemistry , Superoxides/chemistry , Crown Ethers/chemistry , Dimethyl Sulfoxide/chemistry , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Molecular Structure , Pressure , Temperature
J Am Chem Soc ; 132(21): 7282-4, 2010 Jun 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20462177


In this work the rate constants (k(ex)) and the activation parameters (DeltaH(double dagger), DeltaS(double dagger), and DeltaV(double dagger)) for the water exchange process on Mn(III) centers have experimentally been determined using temperature and pressure dependent (17)O NMR techniques. For the investigations the Mn(III) porphyrin complexes [Mn(III)(TPPS)S(2)](n-) and [Mn(III)(TMpyP)S(2)](n+) (S = H(2)O and/or OH(-)) have been selected due to their high solution stability in a wide pH range, enabling the measurements of water exchange in the case of both diaqua and aqua-hydroxo complexes. We have experimentally demonstrated that the water exchange on Mn(III) porphyrins is a fast process (k(ex) approximately = 10(7) s(-1)) of an I(d) to I mechanism, strongly influenced by a Jahn-Teller effect and as such almost independent of a porphyrin charge and a trans ligand. This is also supported by our DFT calculations which show only a slight difference in an average Mn(III)-OH(2) bond found for a positively charged model porphyrin with protonated pyridine groups (2.446 A) and for a simple model without any substituents on the porphyrin ring (2.437 A). The calculated effective charge on the Mn center, which is significantly lower than its formal +3 charge (ca. +1.5 for diaqua; +1.4 for aqua-hydroxo), also contributes to its substitution lability. The herein presented results are discussed in connection to a possible fast exchanging substrate binding site in photosystem II and corresponding inorganic model complexes, as well as in the context of a possible inner-sphere catalytic pathway for superoxide dismutation on Mn centers.

Dalton Trans ; (43): 9486-95, 2009 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19859604


Rate and activation parameters for the complex-formation reaction of Ni(2+) with 4-(2-pyridylazo)-N,N-dimethyl aniline (PADA) were studied as a function of pH in different buffers in both aqueous and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelle solutions. In aqueous Tris buffer solution, the forward and backward rate constants increased with increasing pH, while the complex-formation constant decreased due to a larger increase in the backward rate constant. The activation entropy, DeltaS(#), and activation volume, DeltaV(#), changed with increasing pH from positive to negative values, suggesting an apparent changeover from a dissociative to a more associative mechanism. Complex-formation reactions with 2,2'-bipyridine in Tris buffer showed almost no increase in the forward and backward rate constants on increasing the pH, but the DeltaS(#) and DeltaV(#) values became more negative. N-ethylmorpholine buffer showed no pH effect on the rate constants and activation parameters. Water exchange reactions of aquated Ni(2+) were also studied as a function of pH under the same conditions. The reported rate and activation parameters for water exchange in Tris and N-ethylmorpholine buffers are consistent with those found for the complex-formation reactions of Ni(2+) with PADA. The observed pH and buffer effects for both the complex-formation and water exchange reactions of aquated Ni(2+) can be accounted for in terms of the formation of a Ni(2+)-Tris complex in Tris buffer and general base catalysis by the buffer components. In SDS micelle solution, the complex-formation reaction with PADA was much faster than in aqueous solution, but the increase in rate constant with increasing pH was less significant, while DeltaS(#) and DeltaV(#) became more positive, pointing to a more dissociative mechanism. For SDS micelle solutions there was no effect on the water exchange rate constant or activation volume. Mechanistic interpretations are offered for all observed pH, buffer and medium effects.