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PLoS One ; 16(2): e0245800, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33539392


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the stress distribution on three implant models with narrow and extra-narrow diameters using the finite element method (FEA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dental implants of extra-narrow diameter of 2.5 mm for a one-piece implant (group G1), a narrow diameter of 3.0 mm for a one-piece implant (group G2) and a narrow diameter of 3.5 mm for a two-piece implant with a Morse taper connection (group G3). A three-dimensional model was designed with cortical and cancellous bone, a crown and an implant/abutment set of each group. Axial and angled (30°) loads of 150 N was applied. The equivalent von Mises stress was used for the implants and peri-implant bone plus the Mohr-Coulomb analysis to confirm the data of the peri-implant bone. RESULTS: In the axial load, the maximum stress value of the cortical bone for the group G1 was 22.35% higher than that the group G2 and 321.23% than the group G3. Whereas in angled load, the groups G1 and G2 showing a similar value (# 3.5%) and a highest difference for the group G3 (391.8%). In the implant structure, the group G1 showed a value of 2188MPa, 93.6% higher than the limit. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that the extra-narrow one-piece implant should be used with great caution, especially in areas of non-axial loads, whereas the one- and two-piece narrow-diameter implants show adequate behavior in both directions of the applied load.

Crowns , Finite Element Analysis , Mechanical Tests , Stress, Mechanical , Biomechanical Phenomena , Cancellous Bone , Cortical Bone , Weight-Bearing
J Clin Med ; 8(8)2019 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31349666


BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to analyze the stress distribution on two types of extra-short dental implants with 5 mm of length: An internal hexagon (IH) and morse taper connection (MT). METHODS: The three-dimensional model was composed of trabecular and cortical bone, a crown, an extra-short dental implant and their components. An axial load of 150 N was applied and another inclined 30° with the same magnitude. RESULTS: Stress concentrations on the IH implant are observed in the region of the first threads for the screw. However, in the MT implant the highest stress occurs at the edges of the upper implant platform. CONCLUSIONS: In view of the results obtained in this study the two types of prosthetic fittings present a good stress distribution. The Morse taper connections presented better behavior than the internal in both loading configurations.

J Craniofac Surg ; 25(3): 1068-71, 2014 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24777027


OBJECTIVE: The proposal of this study was to use a photoelasticity method to analyze the stress dissipation in the bone surrounding an implant under simulated loading. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four implant systems with different internal connection designs were studied: conical connection (group 1), triangular connection (group 2), Morse taper (group 3), and internal hexagon (group 4). After the models' inclusion in a photoelastic resin, they were subjected to static loads of 100, 150, and 200 N. The lengths of fringes that were generated were measured at the bone crest parallel to the neck of the implant and along the implant body, as well as the dissipation of force across the entire area of extension. RESULTS: Lower stress was observed at the crestal bone in groups 1 and 3 with no significant increase (P < 0.05) in different levels of load, whereas the stress levels in groups 2 and 4 were observed to be higher with loads of all intensities with significant differences from the other groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The type of connection and the implant neck design influenced the dissipation of force. The conical-type connection exhibited better load dissipation in the neck area, regardless of the load applied on the implant.

Dental Implant-Abutment Design , Dental Implants , Dental Stress Analysis/methods , Stress, Mechanical , Humans
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 66(2): 147-150, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-667466


A fresagem óssea em implantodontia é um evento que demanda muito cuidado no que diz respeito ao controle da elevação da temperatura. Através da instalação de termopares, foram mensuradas as temperaturas máximas atingidas no osso medular e no osso cortical de fêmur bovino durante osteotomias para instalação de implantes osseointegrados. Foram realizadas 32 perfurações com profundidade de 15 mm, velocidade rotacional da broca em 1.200 rpm, torque de 35 N, carga de 2 Kg e brocas helicoidais de 2,0 mm de diâmetro. Para medir a temperatura do osso foram utilizados dois termopares tipo K acoplados a um termômetro digital portátil, sendo um na cortical óssea a 3 mm de profundidade (termopar 1), e o segundo a 15 mm de profundidade, no tecido ósseo medular (terrnopar 2). Em metade das perfurações foi utilizada a técnica de dupla irrigação que permite, além da irrigação externa ao osso, a passagem do líquido irrigante pelo interior da broca. Nas outras 16 perfurações foram utilizadas apenas a irrigação externa a fim de diminuir o calor gerado durante o preparo do local de instalação do implante. Os resultados comprovam que o aumento maior da temperatura está no osso cortical apesar da profundidade da perfuração e que, em comparação com a irrigação externa, a dupla irrigação é mais eficiente no controle do aquecimento durante as osteotomias, diminuindo o risco de superaquecimento e consequentes injúrias ósseas.

The drilling bone in implantology is an event that demands a lot of care with respect to the control of tem peratu re i ncrease. By usi ng thermocou pies, the h ig hest tem peratu res reached in medular and cortical bones of bovine femur were measured during osteotomies to install osseointegrated implants. It was performed 32 perforations with rotational speed of the drill in 1200 rpm, 15 mm of depth, 35 N torque, 2 Kg-Ioad and helicoid drills with 2 mm of diameter. To measure the temperature of the bone were used two type K thermocouples attached to a portable digital thermometer, and a cortical bone 3 mm in depth (thermocouple 1). and the second 15 mm deep in the bone marrow (thermocouple 2). In half of the total number of the perforations it was used the double-irrigation technique which promotes the externa I irrigation and also allows flowing of irrigating solution inside the drill. In the other 16 perforations it was used only the external irrigation to reduce the heat generated during the perforation. The results prove that temperature increases most in the cortical bone despite the perforation depth and in comparison with the external irrigation only, the double-irrigation technique is more efficient to control the heating during osteotomies decreasing the risk of overheating and consequent bone injuries.

Animals , Cattle , Dental Implantation/methods , Osseointegration , Osteotomy , Peak Temperature , Surgical Instruments
Full dent. sci ; 3(9): 16-22, out.-dez. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-642903


Objetivo: Neste estudo, utilizando a fotoelasticidade,foi desenvolvido um modelo experimentalpara comparar a distribuição de cargasnos implantes distais paralelos (grupo 1) e angulados(grupo 2) no sistema de reabilitação demandíbula edêntula com a utilização de quatroimplantes. Materiais e métodos: Foram utilizados8 implantes Universal II cônicos de hexágonointerno da marca Implacil De Bortoli, com4 mm de diâmetro e 13 mm de comprimento,sendo quatro para cada grupo e, componentestransmucosos do tipo esteticone, dos quais 6são retos e dois angulados de 30 graus, todoscom cinta de 1 mm. Foram elaborados dois modelosfotoelásticos a partir de um arco mandibular,um com todos os implantes paralelos eoutro com os implantes distais angulados em 30graus, sendo elaborada uma única barra metálicaque foi instalada no modelo e recebeu a aplicaçãode uma carga de 20 N sobre o cantileverem um polariscópio. Resultados: As imagensobtidas demonstraram que no grupo 1 a distribuiçãoda carga foi visualizada com padrão maishomogêneo de tensões ao redor do implantedistal e em uma maior área, diferentemente dogrupo 2, onde foi possível observar uma concentraçãode tensões de maior magnitude naregião cervico-distal do implante distal, após aaplicação de carga. Conclusão: Dentro das limitaçõesdeste estudo, pode-se concluir que ainclinação de implantes gera uma concentraçãode cargas sobre a crista óssea marginal, mesmoque esteja unido com outros implantes, podendocausar uma sobrecarga e possível reabsorçãoóssea nesse local.

Objective: In this study, using photoelasticity,an experimental model was developed tocompare the distribution of loads in parallel distalimplants (group 1) and angled (group 2) inthe system of rehabilitation of edentulous mandiblewith the use of four implants. Materialsand methods: Eight implants UniversalII tapered internal hexagon manufacturedby Implacil De Bortoli with diameter 4mm and length 13 mm, four for each group,and transmucosal component type esteticone,6 straight and two angled 30 degrees, all with 1 mm strap. Two models were developedfrom a photoelastic mandibular arch,with a parallel with all implants and other implantswith distal angled at 30 degrees, and onlyelaborate a metal bar that was installed in themodel and received the application of a loadof 20 N on the cantilever in a polariscope. Results:The images obtained showed that in group1 load distribution was visualized with a morehomogeneous pattern of stresses around the distalimplant and a larger area, unlike the groupPereira HA, Zanatta LC, Oliveira SHF, Bortoli Jr N, Gehrke SA.2, where we observed a concentration stress ofgreater magnitude in the disto-cervical region ofthe implant distally after load application. Conclusion:Within the limitations of this study, wecan conclude that the inclination of implants generatesa load concentration on the marginalbone crest, even if it is united with other implants,it may cause an overload and possiblebone resorption in that location.

Biomechanical Phenomena , Bone Resorption , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Dental Implants
Full dent. sci ; 2(7): 246-250, 20110816.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-850840


Com os avanços das técnicas de levantamento da membrana do assoalho do seio maxilar, associadas a enxertos dos mais diversos tipos, tornou-se realidade, a colocação de implantes dentários, em áreas desdentadas da maxila posterior atrófica. Na maioria dos casos, essa cirurgia ocorre, sem intercorrências, e o resultado final, apresenta excelentes perspectivas de reabilitação protética. Existem, porém algumas complicações nesse procedimento, e uma das mais comuns, é a perfuração da membrana sinusal no trans-operatório. Nesse procedimento, mesmo com a ruptura da membrana do assoalho do seio maxilar, os resultados podem ser satisfatórios, pois com uma manobra para fechamento dessa perfuração, há uma regeneração tanto da membrana como óssea obtida através de enxerto ósseo e assim podemos instalar os implantes e reabilitar funcional e esteticamente o paciente. Esse trabalho consistiu em relatar os resultados obtidos, em pacientes que sofreram esse tipo de intercorrência, no transoperatório, e tiveram a cirurgia prosseguida, com o protocolo de correção da fenestração. Foram analisados exames radiográficos panorâmicos iniciais e finais, e relatórios cirúrgicos das seguintes instituições: Universidade Paulista (UNIP) - Faculdade de Odontologia - Curso de Especialização em Implantodontia; Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico da Odontologia (FUNDECTO-USP); Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE) e essa análise mostrou que mesmo com a perfuração os resultados na neoformação óssea são satisfatórios

With advances in techniques for lifting the membrane floor maxillary sinus, associated with grafts of all kinds, became reality, the placement of dental implants in edentulous areas of the posterior atrophic maxilla. In most cases, this surgery is without complications, and outcome, presents excellent prospects for prosthetic rehabilitation. There are however some complications in this procedure, and one of the most common is the sinus membrane perforation in surgery. In this procedure, even with the rupture of the membrane of the maxillary sinus floor, the results can be satisfactory, since with a move to close this perforation, there is a regeneration of both the membrane as obtained from bone graft and so we can install the implants and functionally and aesthetically rehabilitate the patient. This work, was to report the results obtained from patients who have suffered this type of occurrence in the trans-operative and had surgery continued, with the correction protocol of fenestration. Panoramic radiographs were analyzed initial and final, and surgical reports of the following institutions: Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Faculty of Dentistry, Specialization Course in Implant; Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development of Dentistry (FUNDECTO-USP), University of Uberaba (UNIUBE) and this analysis showed that even with the drilling, results in new bone formation are satisfactory

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Implants , Maxilla , Mucous Membrane , Osteogenesis , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Maxillary Sinus , Bone Transplantation
ImplantNews ; 8(6): 815-820, 2011. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-642519


O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o nível de reabsorção óssea peri-implantar, em função dos três diferentes tipos de antagonistas oclusais em pacientes portadores de próteses implantossuportadas. Partindo-se uma amostra de 52 arquivos, foram selecionados nove pacientes, que apresentavam um total de 29 implantes na região posterior da mandíbula, reabilitados com coroas de porcelana sobreimplante, que tinham como antagonistas dentes naturais (G1), próteses totais (G2), ou próteses implantossuportadas (G3). Não foi objeto deste estudo uma comparação entre implantes com hexágono interno e externo. Todos os implantes, incluídos nesse estudo, foram moldados 30 dias após a instalação dos abutments de cicatrização. Foram construídos 59 elementos, sendo que 89% receberam próteses parafusadas elaboradas a partir de Uclas totalmente plásticas e 11% foram próteses cimentadas confeccionadas sobre um munhão de titânio. As perdas ósseas ocorridas após a reabilitação protética foram medidas e comparadas através da digitalização das radiografias realizadas na reabertura, antes do carregamento protético e após dois anos em função. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pela análise de variância (Anova) e todos os implantes apresentaram perda óssea, independente do tipo do antagonista; como o valor de p encontrado foi maior do que 0,05, os grupos foram considerados semelhantes, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa entre eles, ao nível de significância de 5%.

The aim of this study was to compare the level of peri-implant bone resorption, according to the three different types of arch antagonists in patients with implant-supported prostheses. From 52 file recordings, nine patients with a total of 29 implant-supported porcelain crowns in the posterior mandible were selected, having natural teeth (G1), dentures (G2), or implant-supported prostheses (G3) as antagonists. Different implant connection types were not compared. All impressions procedures were made 30 days after implant and healing abutment installation. Fifty-nine elements were constructed, of which 89% were screwed prosthesis from plastic, burnout Ucla abutments and 11% were cemented prosthesis over titanium abutments. Bone loss after prosthetic rehabilitation was measured and compared by scanning the radiographs taken during reopening before prosthetic loading and after two years in function. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Anova), and all implants showed bone loss, regardless of antagonist type (p > .05).

Humans , Alveolar Bone Loss , Dental Implants , Peri-Implantitis , Radiography, Panoramic , Biomechanical Phenomena