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Phys Rev Lett ; 129(18): 183601, 2022 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36374702


We experimentally study entangled two-photon absorption in rhodamine 6G as a function of the spatial properties of a high flux of broadband entangled photon pairs. We first demonstrate a key signature dependence of the entangled two-photon absorption rate on the type of entangled pair flux attenuation: linear, when the laser pump power is attenuated, and quadratic, when the pair flux itself experiences linear loss. We then perform a fluorescence-based Z-scan measurement to study the influence of beam waist size on the entangled two-photon absorption process and compare this to classical single- and two-photon absorption processes. We demonstrate that the entangled two-photon absorption shares a beam waist dependence similar to that of classical two-photon absorption. This result presents an additional argument for the wide range of contrasting values of quoted entangled two-photon absorption cross sections of dyes in literature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(11): 110506, 2020 Sep 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32975988


We report the experimental realization of heralded distribution of single-photon path entanglement at telecommunication wavelengths in a repeater-like architecture. The entanglement is established upon detection of a single photon, originating from one of two spontaneous parametric down-conversion photon pair sources, after erasing the photon's which-path information. In order to certify the entanglement, we use an entanglement witness which does not rely on postselection. We herald entanglement between two locations, separated by a total distance of 2 km of optical fiber, at a rate of 1.6 kHz. This work paves the way towards high-rate and practical quantum repeater architectures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(7): 070404, 2016 Aug 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27563941


We demonstrate the violation of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering inequality developed for single-photon path entanglement with displacement-based detection. We use a high-rate source of heralded single-photon path-entangled states, combined with high-efficiency superconducting-based detectors, in a scheme that is free of any postselection and thus immune to the detection loophole. This result conclusively demonstrates single-photon entanglement in a one-sided device-independent scenario, and opens the way towards implementations of device-independent quantum technologies within the paradigm of path entanglement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(19): 190501, 2016 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27232009


Imperfections in experimental measurement schemes can lead to falsely identifying, or over estimating, entanglement in a quantum system. A recent solution to this is to define schemes that are robust to measurement imperfections-measurement-device-independent entanglement witness (MDI-EW). This approach can be adapted to witness all entangled qubit states for a wide range of physical systems and does not depend on detection efficiencies or classical communication between devices. Here we extend the theory to remove the necessity of prior knowledge about the two-qubit states to be witnessed. Moreover, we tested this model via a novel experimental implementation for MDI-EW that significantly reduces the experimental complexity. By applying it to a bipartite Werner state, we demonstrate the robustness of this approach against noise by witnessing entanglement down to an entangled state fraction close to 0.4.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(3): 030502, 2015 Jul 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26230775


Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which Alice wishes to commit a secret bit to Bob. Perfectly secure bit commitment between two mistrustful parties is impossible through an asynchronous exchange of quantum information. Perfect security is, however, possible when Alice and Bob each split into several agents exchanging classical information at times and locations suitably chosen to satisfy specific relativistic constraints. In this Letter we first revisit a previously proposed scheme [C. Crépeau et al., Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 7073, 407 (2011)] that realizes bit commitment using only classical communication. We prove that the protocol is secure against quantum adversaries for a duration limited by the light-speed communication time between the locations of the agents. We then propose a novel multiround scheme based on finite-field arithmetic that extends the commitment time beyond this limit, and we prove its security against classical attacks. Finally, we present an implementation of these protocols using dedicated hardware and we demonstrate a 2 ms-long bit commitment over a distance of 131 km. By positioning the agents on antipodal points on the surface of Earth, the commitment time could possibly be extended to 212 ms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(17): 170504, 2015 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25978215


How can one detect entanglement between multiple optical paths sharing a single photon? We address this question by proposing a scalable protocol, which only uses local measurements where single photon detection is combined with small displacement operations. The resulting entanglement witness does not require postselection, nor assumptions about the photon number in each path. Furthermore, it guarantees that entanglement lies in a subspace with at most one photon per optical path and reveals genuinely multipartite entanglement. We demonstrate its scalability and resistance to loss by performing various experiments with two and three optical paths. We anticipate applications of our results for quantum network certification.

Opt Express ; 23(26): 33792-801, 2015 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26832040


We report on MoSi SNSPDs which achieved high system detection efficiency (87.1 ± 0.5% at 1542 nm) at 0.7 K and we demonstrate that these detectors can also be operated with saturated internal efficiency at a temperature of 2.3 K in a Gifford-McMahon cryocooler. We measured a minimum system jitter of 76 ps, maximum count rate approaching 10 MHz, and polarization dependence as low as 3.3 ± 0.1%. The performance of MoSi SNSPDs at 2.3 K is similar to the performance of WSi SNSPDs at < 1 K. The higher operating temperature of MoSi SNSPDs makes these devices promising for widespread use due to the simpler and less expensive cryogenics required for their operation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(17): 173601, 2014 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25379916


Harnessing nonlinearities strong enough to allow single photons to interact with one another is not only a fascinating challenge but also central to numerous advanced applications in quantum information science. Here we report the nonlinear interaction between two single photons. Each photon is generated in independent parametric down-conversion sources. They are subsequently combined in a nonlinear waveguide where they are converted into a single photon of higher energy by the process of sum-frequency generation. Our approach results in the direct generation of photon triplets. More generally, it highlights the potential for quantum nonlinear optics with integrated devices and, as the photons are at telecom wavelengths, it opens the way towards novel applications in quantum communication such as device-independent quantum key distribution.

Opt Express ; 22(4): 4371-8, 2014 Feb 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663760


We demonstrate a compact photon pair source based on a periodically poled lithium niobate nonlinear crystal in a short cavity. This approach provides efficient, low-loss, mode selection that is compatible with standard telecommunication networks. Photons with a coherence time of 8.6 ns (116 MHz) are produced and their purity is demonstrated. A source brightness of 134 pairs (s. mW. MHz)(-1) is reported. The cavity parameters are chosen such that the photon pair modes emitted can be matched to telecom ultra dense wavelength division multiplexing (U-DWDM) channel spacings. The high level of purity and compatibility with standard telecom networks is of great importance for complex quantum communication networks.

Opt Express ; 22(2): 1576-93, 2014 Jan 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24515164


Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is maturing quickly. However, the current approaches to its application in optical networks make it an expensive technology. QKD networks deployed to date are designed as a collection of point-to-point, dedicated QKD links where non-neighboring nodes communicate using the trusted repeater paradigm. We propose a novel optical network model in which QKD systems share the communication infrastructure by wavelength multiplexing their quantum and classical signals. The routing is done using optical components within a metropolitan area which allows for a dynamically any-to-any communication scheme. Moreover, it resembles a commercial telecom network, takes advantage of existing infrastructure and utilizes commercial components, allowing for an easy, cost-effective and reliable deployment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(18): 180504, 2013 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24237497


Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which Bob wishes to commit a secret bit to Alice. Perfectly secure bit commitment between two mistrustful parties is impossible through asynchronous exchange of quantum information. Perfect security is however possible when Alice and Bob split into several agents exchanging classical and quantum information at times and locations suitably chosen to satisfy specific relativistic constraints. Here we report on an implementation of a bit commitment protocol using quantum communication and special relativity. Our protocol is based on [A. Kent, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 130501 (2012)] and has the advantage that it is practically feasible with arbitrary large separations between the agents in order to maximize the commitment time. By positioning agents in Geneva and Singapore, we obtain a commitment time of 15 ms. A security analysis considering experimental imperfections and finite statistics is presented.

Nat Commun ; 4: 2324, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23945795


The parametric interaction of light beams in nonlinear materials is usually thought to be too weak to be observed when the fields involved are at the single-photon level. However, such single-photon level nonlinearity is not only fundamentally fascinating but holds great potential for emerging technologies and applications involving heralding entanglement at a distance. Here we use a high-efficiency waveguide to demonstrate the sum-frequency generation between a single photon and a single-photon level coherent state. The use of an integrated, solid state, room temperature device and telecom wavelengths makes this type of system directly applicable to future quantum communication technologies such as device-independent quantum key distribution.

Opt Express ; 21(23): 27641-51, 2013 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24514282


Multi-photon and quantum communication experiments such as loophole-free Bell tests and device independent quantum key distribution require entangled photon sources which display high coupling efficiency. In this paper we put forward a simple quantum theoretical model which allows the experimenter to design a source with high pair coupling efficiency. In particular we apply this approach to a situation where high coupling has not been previously obtained: we demonstrate a symmetric coupling efficiency of more than 80% in a highly frequency non-degenerate configuration. Furthermore, we demonstrate this technique in a broad range of configurations, i.e. in continuous wave and pulsed pump regimes, and for different nonlinear crystals.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(18): 180504, 2010 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20482160


Single-photon entanglement is a simple form of entanglement that exists between two spatial modes sharing a single photon. Despite its elementary form, it provides a resource as useful as polarization-entangled photons and it can be used for quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping operations. Here, we report the first experiment where single-photon entanglement is purified with a simple linear-optics based protocol. In addition to its conceptual interest, this result might find applications in long distance quantum communication based on quantum repeaters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(22): 220404, 2008 Jun 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643408


We report on a Bell experiment with spacelike separation assuming that the measurement time is related to gravity-induced state reduction. Two energy-time entangled photons are sent through optical fibers and directed into unbalanced interferometers at two receiving stations separated by 18 km. At each station, the detection of a photon triggers the displacement of a macroscopic mass. The timing ensures spacelike separation from the moment a photon enters its interferometer until the mass has moved. Two-photon interference fringes with a visibility of up to 90.5% are obtained, leading to a violation of the Bell inequality.

Opt Express ; 15(22): 14539-49, 2007 Oct 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19550733


We demonstrate fast counting and multiphoton detection abilities of a Silicon Photo Multiplier (SiPM). In fast counting mode we are able to detect two consecutive photons separated by only 2.3 ns corresponding to 430 MHz. The counting efficiency for small optical intensities at lambda= 532 nm was found to be around 16% with a dark count rate of 52 kHz at T= -5 masculine C. Using the SiPM in multiphoton detection mode, we find a good signal discrimination for different numbers of simultaneously detected photons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(17): 173901, 2006 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17155475


We experimentally demonstrate an integrated semiconductor source of counterpropagating twin photons in the telecom range. A pump beam impinging on top of an AlGaAs waveguide generates parametrically two counterpropagating, orthogonally polarized signal/idler guided modes. A 2 mm long waveguide emits at room temperature one average photon pair per pump pulse, with a spectral linewidth of 0.15 nm. The twin character of the emitted photons is ascertained through a time-correlation measurement. This work opens a route towards new guided-wave semiconductor quantum devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(13): 130502, 2006 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16711974


We present a novel Bell-state analyzer (BSA) for time-bin qubits allowing the detection of three out of four Bell states with linear optics, two detectors, and no auxiliary photons. The theoretical success rate of this scheme is 50%. Our new BSA demonstrates the power of generalized quantum measurements, known as positive operator valued measurements. A teleportation experiment was performed to demonstrate its functionality. We also present a teleportation experiment with a fidelity larger than the cloning limit.

Nature ; 437(7055): 116-20, 2005 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16136138


Quantum communication requires the transfer of quantum states, or quantum bits of information (qubits), from one place to another. From a fundamental perspective, this allows the distribution of entanglement and the demonstration of quantum non-locality over significant distances. Within the context of applications, quantum cryptography offers a provably secure way to establish a confidential key between distant partners. Photons represent the natural flying qubit carriers for quantum communication, and the presence of telecommunications optical fibres makes the wavelengths of 1,310 nm and 1,550 nm particularly suitable for distribution over long distances. However, qubits encoded into alkaline atoms that absorb and emit at wavelengths around 800 nm have been considered for the storage and processing of quantum information. Hence, future quantum information networks made of telecommunications channels and alkaline memories will require interfaces that enable qubit transfers between these useful wavelengths, while preserving quantum coherence and entanglement. Here we report a demonstration of qubit transfer between photons of wavelength 1,310 nm and 710 nm. The mechanism is a nonlinear up-conversion process, with a success probability of greater than 5 per cent. In the event of a successful qubit transfer, we observe strong two-photon interference between the 710 nm photon and a third photon at 1,550 nm, initially entangled with the 1,310 nm photon, although they never directly interacted. The corresponding fidelity is higher than 98 per cent.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(18): 180502, 2004 Oct 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15525142


We report experimental distribution of time-bin entangled qubits over 50 km of optical fibers. Using actively stabilized preparation and measurement devices we demonstrate violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality by more than 15 standard deviations without removing the detector noise. In addition we report a proof-of principle experiment of quantum key distribution over 50 km of optical fibers using entangled photon.