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Nanoscale ; 16(31): 14899-14910, 2024 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040019


Despite the recent advances in quantum technology, the problem of controlling the light emission properties of quantum emitters used in numerous applications remains: a large spectral width, low intensity, blinking, photodegradation, biocompatibility, etc. In this work, we present the theoretical and experimental investigation of quantum light sources - mesoscopic systems consisting of fluorescent molecules in a thin polydopamine layer coupled with metallic or dielectric nanoparticles. Polydopamines possess many attractive adhesive and optical properties that promise their use as host media for dye molecules. However, numerous attempts to incorporate fluorescent molecules into polydopamines have failed, as polydopamine has been shown to be a very efficient fluorescence quencher through Förster resonance energy transfer and/or photoinduced electron transfer. Using the system as an example, we demonstrate new insights into the interactions between molecules and electromagnetic fields by carefully shaping its energy levels through strong matter-wave coupling of molecules to metallic nanoparticles. We show that the strong coupling effectively suppresses the quenching of fluorescent molecules in polydopamine, opening new possibilities for imaging.

Phys Rev E ; 109(4-1): 044144, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38755848


The dynamics of open quantum systems connected with several reservoirs attract great attention due to their importance in quantum optics, biology, quantum thermodynamics, transport phenomena, etc. In many problems, the Born approximation is applicable, which implies that the influence of the open quantum system on the reservoirs can be neglected. However, in the case of long-time dynamics or mesoscopic reservoirs, the reverse influence can be crucial. In this paper, we investigate the transient dynamics of several bosonic reservoirs connected through an open quantum system. We use an adiabatic approach to study the temporal dynamics of temperatures of the reservoirs during relaxation to thermodynamic equilibrium. We show that there are various types of temperature dynamics that strongly depend on the values of dissipative rates and initial temperatures. We demonstrate that temperatures of the reservoirs, including the hottest and coldest ones, can exhibit nonmonotonic behavior. Moreover, there are moments of time during which the reservoir with an initially intermediate temperature becomes the hottest or coldest reservoir. The obtained results pave the way for managing energy flows in mesoscale and nanoscale systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(13): 133901, 2022 Sep 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36206428


Existing methods for the creation of subwavelength resonators use either structures with negative permittivity, by exploiting subwavelength plasmonic resonances, or dielectric structures with a high refractive index, which reduce the wavelength. Here, we provide an alternative to these two methods based on a modification of the modes of dielectric resonators by means of an active medium. On the example of the dielectric active layer of size substantially smaller than a half-wavelength of light, we demonstrate that there is a gain at exceeding of which the change in phase due to the reflection at the layer boundaries compensates the change in phase due to propagation over the layer. Above this value of the gain, an unconventional mode forms, in which the phase shift after a round-trip of the light is zero. We show that this mode can be exploited to create a laser, the size of which is much smaller than the wavelength of the generated light and scales inversely with the square of absolute value of the refractive index in the active medium. Our results pave the way to creation of dielectric lasers of subwavelength size.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 7588, 2022 May 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35534608


We report on unusual regimes of operation of a laser with a gain medium with a large Raman scattering cross-section, which is often inherent in new types of gain media such as colloidal and epitaxial quantum dots and perovskite materials. These media are characterized by a strong electron-phonon coupling. Using the Fröhlich Hamiltonian to describe the electron-phonon coupling in such media, we analyze the operation of the system above the lasing threshold. We show that below a critical value of the Fröhlich constant, the laser can only operate in the conventional regime: namely, there are coherent cavity photons but no coherent phonons. Above the critical value, a new pump rate threshold appears. Above this threshold, either joint self-oscillations of coherent phonons in the gain medium and photons in a cavity or a chaotic regime are established. We also find a range of the values of the Fröhlich constant, the pump rate, and the resonator eigenfrequency, in which more than one dynamical regime of the system is stable. In this case the laser dynamics is determined by the initial values of the resonator field, the active medium polarization, the population inversion, and phonon amplitude.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 24054, 2021 Dec 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34912015


We demonstrate a new type of non-Hermitian phase transition in open systems far from thermal equilibrium, which can have place in the absence of an exceptional point. This transition takes place in coupled systems interacting with reservoirs at different temperatures. We show that the spectrum of energy flow through the system caused by the temperature gradient is determined by the [Formula: see text]-potential. Meanwhile, the frequency of the maximum in the spectrum plays the role of the order parameter. The phase transition manifests itself in the frequency splitting of the spectrum of energy flow at a critical point, the value of which is determined by the relaxation rates and the coupling strength. Near the critical point, fluctuations of the order parameter diverge according to a power law with the critical exponent that depends only on the ratio of reservoirs temperatures. The phase transition at the critical point has the non-equilibrium nature and leads to the change in the energy flow between the reservoirs. Our results pave the way to manipulate the heat energy transfer in the coupled out-of-equilibrium systems.

Opt Express ; 29(4): 5624-5634, 2021 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726096


The creation of nanoscale lasers that operate above a coherent threshold is a challenging problem. We propose a way to circumvent this issue using systems in which a strong coupling regime is achieved between the light and the active medium. In the strong coupling regime, energy oscillations take place between the EM field in the cavity and the atoms. We show that by applying appropriate time modulation to the pumping, it is possible to control these energy oscillations in such a way that coherence in the laser system appears below the lasing threshold. In this approach, the radiation linewidth is two orders of magnitude smaller than the linewidth of a conventional laser for the same photon number. In addition, the second order coherence function of the output radiation is reduced from two to one before the system reaches a positive population inversion. Our results pave the way for the creation of nanoscale sources of coherent radiation that can operate below the lasing threshold.

Opt Express ; 25(3): 2790-2804, 2017 Feb 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29518996


In 1954, Dicke predicted that a system of quantum emitters confined to a subwavelength volume would produce a superradiant burst. For such a burst to occur, the emitters must be in the special Dicke state with zero dipole moment. We show that a superradiant burst may also arise for non-Dicke initial states with a nonzero dipole moment. Both for Dicke and non-Dicke initial states, superradiance arises due to a decrease in the dispersion of the quantum phase of the emitter state. For non-Dicke states, the quantum phase is related to the phase of long-period envelopes which modulate the oscillations of the dipole moments. A decrease in the dispersion of the quantum phase causes a decrease in the dispersion of envelope phases that results in constructive interference of the envelopes and the superradiant burst.

Sci Rep ; 6: 29709, 2016 07 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27405541


In contrast to Hermitian systems, the modes of non-Hermitian systems are generally nonorthogonal. As a result, the power of the system signal depends not only on the mode amplitudes but also on the phase shift between them. In this work, we show that it is possible to increase the mode amplitudes without increasing the power of the signal. Moreover, we demonstrate that when the system is at the exceptional point, any infinitesimally small change in the system parameters increases the mode amplitudes. As a result, the system becomes unstable with respect to such perturbation. We show such instability by using the example of two coupled waveguides in which loss prevails over gain and all modes are decaying. This phenomenon enables compensation for losses in dissipative systems and opens a wide range of applications in optics, plasmonics, and optoelectronics, in which loss is an inevitable problem and plays a crucial role.

Opt Express ; 24(4): 3464-78, 2016 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26907005


We suggest a mechanism by which a superradiant burst emerges from a subwavelength array of nonlinear classical emitters that are not initially synchronized. The emitters interact via the field of their common radiative response. We show that only if the distribution of initial phases is not uniform does a non-zero field of radiative response arise, leading to a superradiant burst. Although this field cannot synchronize the emitters, it engenders long period envelopes for their fast oscillations. Constructive interference in the envelopes of several emitters creates a large fluctuation in dipole moments that results in a superradiant pulse. The intensity of this pulse is proportional to the square of the number of emitters participating in the fluctuation.