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Int J Nurs Knowl ; 35(2): 186-194, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37300360


PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of defining characteristics and causal relationships of the etiological factors of the nursing diagnosis deficient knowledge in individuals with heart failure . DATA SOURCES: An analytical, cross-sectional study on the diagnostic accuracy of the defining characteristics and causal relationships of the etiological factors of the nursing diagnosis. The sample consisted of 140 patients with chronic HF and in outpatient follow-up. The latent class analysis method was used to test the accuracy of measurements and estimate the prevalence of the diagnosis. The calculation of subsequent probabilities and the odds ratio ( were also parameters employed. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Pernambuco. DATA SYNTHESIS: The diagnosis had an estimated prevalence of 38.57% in the sample. The inaccurate statements about the disease and/or therapy, self-care deficient performance, and inadequate behavior were the clinical indicators that best predicted the presence of the diagnosis and demonstrated the same sensitivity value (1.0000), specificity (1.0000), and 95% confidence interval (0.9999-1.0000) for all. The populations at risk was elderly (OR = 2.12, confidence interval 95% = 1.05-4.27), and illiterate individuals (OR = 2.07, confidence interval 95% = 1.03-4.16) had an approximately twofold great chance of developing havening deficient knowledge. CONCLUSION: The evaluation of the accuracy of clinical indicators, corresponding to the defining characteristics in the study, contributed to screening and diagnostic establishment capacity in clinical practice, and to the translation of theoretical and practical knowledge. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Accurate clinical indicators of the nursing diagnosis deficient knowledge facilitate the clinical reasoning of nurses and favor the professional's role in the development of health education strategies focused on the acquisition of knowledge about the disease by patients, family members, and caregivers.

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia das características definidoras e relações causais dos fatores etiológicos do diagnóstico de enfermagem Conhecimento deficiente em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. FONTE DE DADOS: Estudo analítico, transversal, sobre a acurácia diagnóstica das características definidoras e relações causais dos fatores etiológicos do diagnóstico de enfermagem. A amostra foi composta por 140 pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca crônica e em acompanhamento ambulatorial. O método de análise de classes latentes foi utilizado para testar as medidas de acurácia e estimar a prevalência do diagnóstico. O cálculo de probabilidades posteriores e a Odds Ratio também foram parâmetros empregados. O estudo teve aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. SÍNTESE DE DADOS: O diagnóstico apresentou prevalência estimada de 38,57% na população. As Declarações imprecisas sobre a doença e/ou terapêutica, Déficit no desempenho do autocuidado e Comportamento inadequado foram os indicadores clínicos que melhor predisseram a presença do diagnóstico e demonstraram o mesmo valor de sensibilidade (1.0000), especificidade (1.0000) e intervalo de confiança 95% (0.9999­1.0000) para todos. As populações em risco Idoso (Odds Ratio = 2.12, intervalo de confiança 95% = 1.05­4.27) e Indivíduos analfabetos (Odds Ratio = 2.07, intervalo de confiança 95% = 1.03­4.16) apresentaram, aproximadamente, duas vezes a chance de desenvolver o conhecimento deficiente. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação da acurácia dos indicadores clínicos, correspondentes as características definidoras no estudo, contribuiu para a capacidade de triagem e estabelecimento de diagnósticos na prática clínica e para a tradução de conhecimentos teóricos e práticos. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA PRÁTICA DE ENFERMAGEM: Indicadores clínicos acurados do diagnóstico de enfermagem Conhecimento deficiente facilitam o raciocínio clínico do enfermeiro e favorecem a atuação do profissional na elaboração de estratégias de educação em saúde focadas na aquisição do conhecimento sobre a doença por parte de pacientes, familiares e cuidadores.

Heart Failure , Humans , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Family , Nursing Diagnosis , Outpatients
Int J Nurs Knowl ; 34(2): 116-125, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35794806


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the content of the nursing diagnosis deficient knowledge in individuals with heart failure. METHODS: Methodological study to validate the content of a nursing diagnosis based on the predictive model of diversity, carried out through the organization of the phenomenon of interest and analysis by judges using the collective wisdom model. The NANDA-I Knowledge Deficient diagnosis was evaluated by 48 judges and considered valid when it presented a median content validity index ≥ 0.8 in the confidence intervals. RESULTS: Note that 66.6% of the judges indicated that the new definition proposed was more adequate than the definition adopted by NANDA-I. After the experts' analysis, the following defining characteristics were considered valid: inaccurate statements about the disease and/or therapy, inadequate performance in the management of intercurrences, increase in hospital readmissions, worsened quality of life, deficit in self-care performance, and follow-up of inadequate instruction; related factors are as follows: inadequate guidance offered by health professionals, nonparticipation of the patient in the planning of their health care, weakened relationship between professional and individual; populations at risk-elderly and low level of education of the individual and/or caregiver and the associated condition, mild cognitive impairment. Anxiety, depression, and impaired social interaction were elements considered not relevant to the content domain. CONCLUSION: The validation of the content of the aforementioned diagnosis in patients with heart failure, through the analysis of judges with different degrees of expertise, made it possible to improve the definition and expansion of new diagnostic indicators. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Updated diagnostic elements for the nursing diagnosis deficient knowledge in individuals with heart failure will facilitate accurate clinical judgment and the establishment of a therapeutic plan aimed at etiological factors modifiable by nurses.

Heart Failure , Nursing Diagnosis , Humans , Aged , Quality of Life , Anxiety/diagnosis , Risk Factors , Heart Failure/diagnosis