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Chemphyschem ; 24(6): e202200723, 2023 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36417575


Thin gold nanowires (NWs) are materials that could be used as support in different chemical reactions. Using density functional theory (DFT) it was shown that NWs that form linear atomic chains (LACs) are suitable for stimulating chemical reactions. To this end, the oxidation reaction of ethanol supported on the LACs of Au-NWs was investigated. Two types of LACs were used for the study, one pure and the other with an oxygen impurity. The results showed that the oxygen atom in the LAC fulfills important functions throughout the reaction pathway. Before the chemical reaction, it was observed that the LAC with impurity gains structural stability, that is, the oxygen acts as an anchor for the gold atoms in the LAC. In addition, the LAC was shown to be sensitive to disturbances in its vicinity, which modifies its nucleophilic character. During the chemical reaction, the oxidation of ethanol occurs through two different reaction paths and in two stages, both producing acetaldehyde (CH3 CHO). The different reaction pathways are a consequence of the presence of oxygen in the LAC (oxygen conditions the formation of reaction intermediates). In addition, the oxygen in the LAC also modifies the kinetic behavior in both reaction stages. It was observed that, by introducing an oxygen impurity in the LAC, the activation energy barriers decrease ∼69 % and ∼97 % in the first and second reaction stages, respectively.

Nanoscale ; 14(24): 8594-8600, 2022 Jun 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35660836


Superconductivity in low dimensional materials and 2D electrides are topics of great interest with possible applications in next generation electronic devices. Using density functional theory (DFT) associated with Migdal-Eliashberg approach and maximally localized Wannier functions this study shows how biaxial strain affects superconductivity in a monolayer of Mo2N. Results indicate that 2D Mo2N presents strong electron-phonon coupling with large anisotropy in the superconducting energy gap. It is also proposed that, at low temperatures, a single layer of Mo2N becomes an electride with localized electron gas pockets on the surface, resembling anions adsorbed on an atomic sheet. Calculations point to Tc = 24.7 K, a record high transition temperature for this class of material at ambient pressure. Furthermore, it is shown that when biaxial strain is applied to a superconducting Mo2N monolayer, a new superconductivity gap starts at 2% strain and is enhanced by continuum strain, opening additional coupling channels.

J Chem Phys ; 140(13): 134703, 2014 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24712804


Carbon linear atomic chains attached to graphene have experimentally been produced. Motivated by these results, we study the nature of the carbon bonds in these nanowires and how it affects their electrical properties. In the present study we investigate chains with different numbers of atoms and we observe that nanowires with odd number of atoms present a distinct behavior than the ones with even numbers. Using graphene nanoribbons as leads, we identify differences in the quantum transport of the chains with the consequence that even and odd numbered chains have low and high electrical conduction, respectively. We also noted a dependence of current with the wire size. We study this unexpected behavior using a combination of first principles calculations and simple models based on chemical bond theory. From our studies, the electrons of carbon nanowires present a quasi-free electron behavior and this explains qualitatively the high electrical conduction and the bond lengths with unexpected values for the case of odd nanowires. Our study also allows the understanding of the electric conduction dependence with the number of atoms and their parity in the chain. In the case of odd number chains a proposed π-bond (MpB) model describes unsaturated carbons that introduce a mobile π-bond that changes dramatically the structure and transport properties of these wires. Our results indicate that the nature of bonds plays the main role in the oscillation of quantum electrical conduction for chains with even and odd number of atoms and also that nanowires bonded to graphene nanoribbons behave as a quasi-free electron system, suggesting that this behavior is general and it could also remain if the chains are bonded to other materials.

J Phys Chem A ; 118(31): 5748-55, 2014 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24219765


First principles calculations based on periodic density functional theory (DFT) have been used to investigate the structural, energetic and electronic properties of different transition metal atoms (Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, and Au) on the NiAl(110) surface at low coverages (0.08 and 0.25 monolayer). All adatoms prefer to adsorb on 4-fold coordinated sites interacting with two Al and two Ni atoms and forming polar and covalent bonds, respectively. The calculated negative work function changes are explained by the effect of positive surface image created after adsorption, which induces the polarization of the negatively charged adsorbates. Consequently, for metals with similar electronegativity as Ni (Ag and Cu), this polarization effect becomes more significant and leads to larger negative work function changes, but the charge transferred is small.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(12): 125502, 2008 Sep 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18851385


Quantum mechanical molecular dynamics shows that gold nanowires formed along the [110] direction reconstruct upon stress to form helical nanowires. The mechanism for this formation is discussed. These helical nanowires evolve on stretching to form linear atomic chains. Because helical nanowires do not form symmetrical tips, a requirement to stop the growth of atomic chains, these nanowires produce longer atomic chains than other nanowires. These results are obtained resorting to the use of tight-binding molecular dynamics and ab initio electronic structure calculations.

J Am Chem Soc ; 130(30): 9897-903, 2008 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18597461


The fact that the resistance of propagating electrons in solids depends on their spin orientation has led to a new field called spintronics. With the parallel advances in nanoscience, it is now possible to talk about nanospintronics. Many works have focused on the study of charge transport along nanosystems, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons, or metallic nanowires, and spin dependent transport properties at this scale may lead to new behaviors due to the manipulation of a small number of spins. Metal nanowires have been studied as electric contacts where atomic and molecular insertions can be constructed. Here we describe what might be considered the ultimate spin device, namely, a Au thin nanowire with one Co atom bridging its two sides. We show that this system has strong spin dependent transport properties and that its local symmetry can dramatically change them, leading to a significant spin polarized conductance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(1): 016104, 2006 Jan 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16486481


We investigate how the insertion of an oxygen atom in an atomically thin gold nanowire can affect its rupture. We find, using ab initio total energy density functional theory calculations, that O atoms when inserted in gold nanowires form not only stable but also very strong bonds, in such a way that they can extract atoms from a stable tip, serving in this way as a clamp that could be used to pull a string of gold atoms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(3): 036101, 2003 Jan 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12570509


Experimentally obtained atomically thin gold nanowires have presented exceedingly large Au-Au interatomic distances before they break. Since no theoretical calculations of pure gold nanowires have been able to produce such large distances, we have investigated, through ab initio calculations, how impurities could affect them. We have studied the effect of H, B, C, N, O, and S impurities on the nanowire electronic and structural properties, in particular how they affect the maximum Au-Au bond length. We find that the most likely candidates to explain the distances in the range of 3.6 A and 4.8 A are H and S impurity atoms, respectively.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(25): 256102, 2001 Dec 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736589


Suspended gold nanowires have recently been made in an ultrahigh vacuum and were imaged by electron microscopy. Using realistic molecular dynamics simulation, we study the mechanisms of formation, evolution, and breaking of these atomically thin Au nanowires under stress. We show how defects induce the formation of constrictions that eventually will form the one-atom chains. We find that these chains, before breaking, are five atoms long, which is in excellent agreement with experimental results. After the nanowire's rupture, we analyze the structure of the Au tip, which we believe will be universally present due to its highly symmetric nature.