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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 31(Pt 3): 605-612, 2024 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38592969


Experimental characterization of the structural, electronic and dynamic properties of dilute systems in aqueous solvents, such as nanoparticles, molecules and proteins, are nowadays an open challenge. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is probably one of the most established approaches to this aim as it is element-specific. However, typical dilute systems of interest are often composed of light elements that require extreme-ultraviolet to soft X-ray photons. In this spectral regime, water and other solvents are rather opaque, thus demanding radical reduction of the solvent volume and removal of the liquid to minimize background absorption. Here, we present an experimental endstation designed to operate a liquid flat jet of sub-micrometre thickness in a vacuum environment compatible with extreme ultraviolet/soft XAS measurements in transmission geometry. The apparatus developed can be easily connected to synchrotron and free-electron-laser user-facility beamlines dedicated to XAS experiments. The conditions for stable generation and control of the liquid flat jet are analyzed and discussed. Preliminary soft XAS measurements on some test solutions are shown.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(21): 15130-15142, 2024 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38525924


High-resolution carbon K-edge X-ray photoelectron, X-ray absorption, non-resonant and resonant Auger spectra are presented of gas phase trans-1,3-butadiene alongside a detailed theoretical analysis utilising nuclear ensemble approaches and vibronic models to simulate the spectroscopic observables. The resonant Auger spectra recorded across the first pre-edge band reveal a complex evolution of different electronic states which remain relatively well-localised on the edge or central carbon sites. The results demonstrate the sensitivity of the resonant Auger observables to the weighted contributions from multiple electronic states. The gradually evolving spectral features can be accurately and feasibly simulated within nuclear ensemble methods and interpreted with the population analysis.

J Chem Phys ; 160(5)2024 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38341687


A synchrotron based vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum for γ-pyrone has been interpreted in terms of singlet excited electronic states using a variety of coupled cluster, configuration interaction, and density functional calculations. The extremely weak spectral onset at 3.557 eV shows eight vibrational peaks, which following previous analyses, are attributed to a forbidden 1A2 state. A contrasting broad peak with a maximum at 5.381 eV has a relatively high cross-section of 30 Mb; this arises from three overlapping states, where a 1A1 state dominates over progressively weaker 1B2 and 1B1 states. After fitting the second band to a polynomial Gaussian function and plotting the regular residuals over 20 vibrational peaks, we have had limited success in analyzing this fine structure. However, the small separation between these three states clearly shows that their vibrational satellites must overlap. Singlet valence and Rydberg state vibrational profiles were determined by configuration interaction using the CAM-B3LYP density functional. Vibrational analysis using both the Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller procedures showed that both procedures contributed to the profiles. Theoretical Rydberg states were evaluated by a highly focused CI procedure. The superposition of the lowest photoelectron spectral band on the vacuum ultraviolet spectrum near 6.4 eV shows that the 3s and 3p Rydberg states based on the 2B2 ionic state are present; those based on the other low-lying ionic state (X2B1) are destroyed by broadening; this is a dramatic extension of the broadening previously witnessed in our studies of halogenobenzenes.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(50): 10621-10631, 2023 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38084657


The core-level electron excitation and ionization spectra of glycolaldehyde have been investigated by photoabsorption and photoemission spectroscopy at both carbon and oxygen K-edges; the valence ionization spectra were also recorded by photoelectron spectroscopy in the UV-vis region. The spectra are interpreted by means of ab initio calculations based on the equation-of-motion coupled cluster singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD) and coupled cluster singles, doubles, and perturbative are in good agreement with the experimental results, and many of the observed features are assigned. The photoabsorption spectra are not only dominated by transitions from core-level orbitals to unoccupied π and σ orbitals but also show structures due to Rydberg transitions.

J Chem Phys ; 158(23)2023 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37318170


A synchrotron-based vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum (VUV) of quadricyclane (QC) is reported with energies up to 10.8 eV. Extensive vibrational structure has been extracted from the broad maxima by fitting short energy ranges of the VUV spectrum to high level polynomial functions and processing the regular residuals. Comparison of these data with our recent high-resolution photoelectron spectral of QC showed that this structure must be attributed to Rydberg states (RS). Several of these appear before the valence states at higher energies. Both types of states have been calculated by configuration interaction, including symmetry-adapted cluster studies (SAC-CI) and time dependent density functional theoretical methods (TDDFT). There is a close correlation between the SAC-CI vertical excitation energies (VEE) and both Becke 3-parameter hybrid functional (B3LYP), especially Coulomb-attenuating method-B3LYP determined ones. The VEE for several low-lying s-, p, d-, and f-RS have been determined by SAC-CI and adiabatic excitation energies by TDDFT methods. Searches for equilibrium structures for 11,3A2 and 11B1 states for QC led to rearrangement to a norbornadiene structure. Determination of the experimental 00 band positions, which show extremely low cross-sections, has been assisted by matching features in the spectra with Franck-Condon (FC) fits. Herzberg-Teller (HT) vibrational profiles for the RS are more intense than the FC ones, but only at high energy, and are attributed to up to ten quanta. The vibrational fine structure of the RS calculated by both FC and HT procedures gives an easy route to generating HT profiles for ionic states, which usually require non-standard procedures.

ACS Omega ; 8(18): 16471-16478, 2023 May 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37179596


Sulfur-based molecules producing self-assembled monolayers on gold surfaces have long since become relevant functional molecular materials with many applications in biosensing, electronics, and nanotechnology. Among the various sulfur-containing molecules, the possibility to anchor a chiral sulfoxide to a metal surface has been scarcely investigated, despite this class of molecules being of great importance as ligands and catalysts. In this work, (R)-(+)-methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide was deposited on Au(111) and investigated by means of photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. The interaction with Au(111) leads to a partial dissociation of the adsorbate due to S-CH3 bond cleavage. The observed kinetics support the hypotheses that (R)-(+)-methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide adsorbs on Au(111) in two different adsorption arrangements endowed with different adsorption and reaction activation energies. The kinetic parameters related to the adsorption/desorption and reaction of the molecule on the Au(111) surface have been estimated.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(9): 6733-6745, 2023 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36799466


Carbon K-edge resonant Auger spectra of gas-phase allene following excitation of the pre-edge 1s → π* transitions are presented and analysed with the support of EOM-CCSD/cc-pVTZ calculations. X-Ray absorption (XAS), X-ray photoelectron (XPS), valence band and non-resonant Auger spectra are also reanalysed with a series of computational approaches. The results presented demonstrate the importance of including nuclear ensemble effects for simulating X-ray observables and as an effective strategy for capturing Jahn-Teller effects in spectra.

J Chem Phys ; 158(1): 014304, 2023 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36610975


A synchrotron-based photoionization spectrum up to 27 eV represents a considerable improvement in resolution over early He(I) and He(II) spectra. Symmetry-adapted coupled cluster calculations of the ionic state sequence give the sequence of state vertical ionization energies (VIE) as 12B2 < 12B1 < 12A2 < 22B1 < 12A1. Generally, these symmetry-adapted cluster configuration interactions VIE match reasonably well with the experimental spectrum over this wide energy range. Density functional calculations of the corresponding adiabatic terms (AIE) were also performed. Higher energy ionic states were determined by complete active space self-consistent field methods; these include all π-ionizations and some σ-ionic states. These were analyzed by Franck-Condon (FC) procedures and compared with an experiment. The spectral onset is complex, where two states, later shown to be the 12B2 and 12B1 states, are strongly overlapping. The superposition of the FC vibrational structure in the 12B2 and 12B1 states accounts for most of the peaks arising at the onset of the photoelectron spectra. However, the small separation between these two ionic states makes vibronic interaction fairly inevitable. In the absence of Herzberg-Teller analyses for ionic states, we have sought and determined a transition state between the 12B2 and 12B1 states, showing that vibronic coupling does occur. The lack of degradation in the vibrational envelope of the higher of the two states contrasts with our previous work on the halogenobenzenes, where overlapping state envelopes led to considerable widening of the line width at half-height of the higher energy states.

J Chem Phys ; 157(15): 154307, 2022 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36272785


A new vacuum ultraviolet absorption (VUV) spectrum of azulene vapor has been obtained by using a synchrotron radiation source. The onset of the ultraviolet spectrum, previously reported by Sidman et al., has been analyzed in detail by Franck-Condon (FC) and Herzberg-Teller (HT) methods. The photoelectron spectral profile identifies the 3px-Rydberg state 00 band to be 131 cm-1 from the VUV maximum. Excited state energy levels were calculated by three independent methods: the wide scan VUV spectrum was correlated with symmetry adapted cluster configuration interaction calculations. The low energy portion of the spectrum was studied by both time dependent density functional theoretical methods (TDDFT) and multi-reference multi-root CI (MRD-CI). Equilibrium structures were determined for valence states at the TDDFT level. Rydberg states were determined by both TDDFT and MRD-CI. The FC + HT analyses were performed on the TDDFT wave-functions. The HT intensity profiles are generally low in intensity, relative to the FC ones; however, HT is dominant in the second singlet state (S2, 11A1). As a result, numerous non-symmetric modes, their overtones, and combination bands show considerable intensity in that band. Energies obtained from use of extremely diffuse s-, p-, d-, or f-character functions enabled realistic extrapolation to the IE1 for many Rydberg states (RS). The lowest RS (3b13s) based on IE2 lies at 4.804 eV with a quantum defect of 0.714. Differentiation between valence and RS is readily made using the second moments of the charge distribution.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(21)2022 Mar 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35245912


We performed a spectroscopic study on them-MTDATA (donor) and PPT (acceptor) molecular vertical heterostructure. The electronic properties of the donor/acceptor interface have been comprehensively characterized by synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy and near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure. The spectroscopic results reveal the existence of new hybridization states in the original molecular energy gap, likely attributed to the interaction between the donor and the acceptor molecules at the interface. Such hybridized states can have a significant impact on the charge transport in organic electronic devices based on donor-acceptor molecules and can explain the increased efficiency of device using such molecules.

J Chem Phys ; 156(6): 064305, 2022 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35168351


A synchrotron-based photoionization spectrum of azulene shows a significant additional vibrational fine structure when compared to previous studies. This spectrum was successfully analyzed by using Franck-Condon (FC) methods. Previously reported zero-kinetic-energy electron spectra for azulene have been reinterpreted in FC terms, leading to some alternative assignments to the earlier work. The sequence of ionic states has been determined by using ab initio configuration interaction (CI) methods, leading to reliable theoretical values for both the calculated adiabatic ionization energy (AIE) and vertical ionization energy (VIE). VIEs were calculated by both symmetry-adapted cluster (SAC-CI), together with Green's function (GF) and Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA), and single excitation CI methods; AIEs for highest states of each symmetry were determined by open-shell self-consistent field (SCF) methods at the restricted Hartree-Fock level. Complete active space SCF was used for the pairs of 12A2 + 22A2 and 12B1 + 22B1 states, each of which occurs as antisymmetric and symmetric (higher energy) combinations. The combined ionic state sequences (AIE and VIE) from these methods are 12A2 < 12B1 < 22A2 < 22B1. The photoelectron spectrum (PES) shows a series of broadbands above 11 eV, each of which is attributed to more than one ionization. The calculated PES sequence of states of up to 19 eV shows that the SAC-CI and GF results are in almost exact agreement. The internal spacing of the bands is best reproduced by the simpler GF and TDA methods. States involving simultaneous ionization and electronic excitation are considered by both SAC-CI and TDA methods.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 126(3): 1635-1643, 2022 Jan 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35116088


In this article, we analyze the electronic structure modifications of triphenylamine (TPA), a well-known electron donor molecule widely used in photovoltaics and optoelectronics, upon deposition on Au(111) at a monolayer coverage. A detailed study was carried out by synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy, near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and ab initio calculations. We detect a new feature in the pre-edge energy region of the N K-edge NEXAFS spectrum that extends over 3 eV, which we assign to transitions involving new electronic states. According to our calculations, upon adsorption, a number of new unoccupied electronic states fill the energy region between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the free TPA molecule and give rise to the new feature in the pre-edge region of the NEXAFS spectrum. This finding highlights the occurrence of a considerable modification of the electronic structure of TPA. The appearance of new states in the HOMO-LUMO gap of TPA when adsorbed on Au(111) has crucial implications for the design of molecular nanoelectronic devices based on similar donor systems.

J Chem Phys ; 155(3): 034308, 2021 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34293869


A synchrotron-based vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) absorption spectrum of norbornadiene (NBD) is reported, and the extensive vibrational structure obtained has been analyzed. The previously known 5b13s-Rydberg state has been reinterpreted by comparison with our recent high-resolution photoelectron spectral analysis of the X2B1 ionic state. Additional vibrational details in the region of this Rydberg state are observed in its VUV spectrum when compared with the photoelectron 2B1 ionic state; this is attributed to the underlying valence state structure in the VUV. Valence and Rydberg state energies have been obtained by configuration interaction and time-dependent density functional theoretical methods. Several low-lying singlet valence states, especially those that arise from ππ* excitations, conventionally termed NV1 to NV4, have been examined in detail. Their Franck-Condon (FC) and Herzberg-Teller (HT) profiles have been investigated and fitted to the VUV spectrum. Estimates of the experimental 00 band positions have been made from these fits. The anomaly of the observed UV absorption by the 1A2 state of NBD is attributed to HT effects. Generally, the HT components are less than 10% of the FC terms. The calculated 5b13s lowest Rydberg state also shows a low level of HT components. The observed electron impact spectra of NBD have been analyzed in detail in terms of triplet states.

J Chem Phys ; 153(20): 204303, 2020 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33261475


Synchrotron-based photoelectron spectra (PES) of norbornadiene (NBD) and quadricyclane (QC) differ significantly from those in previous studies. The adiabatic ionization energy (AIE1) for NBD, assigned to the 2B1 state at 8.279 eV, shows a progression of 18 members with decreasing vibration frequency from 390 cm-1 to 340 cm-1; our calculated frequency is 381 cm-1. Similarly, the AIE1 for QC at 7.671 eV, assigned to the 2B2 state, discloses a vibrational progression of nine or more members with vibration frequency decreasing from 703 cm-1 to 660 cm-1; our calculated vibration frequency is 663 cm-1. These AIEs, determined by coupled cluster and fourth order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, were very similar to the corresponding second order perturbation theory results. The calculated AIE symmetry sequences are 2B1 < 2A1 < 2A2 < 2B2 for NBD and 2B2 < 2A2 < 2B1 < 2A1 for QC. The overall PES vertical ionization energy profiles for both compounds were closely reproduced by Tamm-Dancoff approximation energies and intensities. The vibrational structure of the ionic states, determined using Franck-Condon methods, gave a good account of the observed spectra, but the observed envelopes for both IE1 are complex sets of vibrations, rather than single progressions. The NMR spectra for QC showed residual second order properties at 300 MHz; both QC and NBD have been theoretically analyzed in greater detail using AA/BB/CC/XX/ spectra, where all H are coupled; the magnetic shielding and spin-spin coupling constants obtained are similar to experimental values.

J Chem Phys ; 153(5): 054301, 2020 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32770885


The vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectrum for cyclohepta-1,3,5-triene up to 10.8 eV shows several broad bands, which are compared with electron impact spectra. Local curve fitting exposed groups of sharp vibrational peaks, which are assigned to Rydberg states. The vertical excitation profile of the VUV spectrum, reproduced by time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), gives a good interpretation of the principal regions of absorption. Fourth order Möller-Plessett perturbation theory, including single, double, and quadruple excitations, showed that the lowest singlet and triplet states retain CS symmetry. This contrasts with TDDFT where several low-lying excited states are planar. Detailed vibrational analysis of the first UV band was performed by Franck-Condon, Herzberg-Teller, and their combined methods. These show the dominance of mid-range frequencies, while the lowest frequency (75 cm-1) has negligible importance. In contrast, the second excited (Rydberg) state shows a major progression with separations of 115 (6) cm-1. This is interpreted by re-analysis of the X2A' ionic state at the anharmonic level. Extremely low exponent Gaussian functions enabled several low-lying Rydberg state energies to be determined theoretically; extrapolation of the 3s-, 4s-, and 5s-Rydberg state calculated energies gives the adiabatic ionization energy as 7.837 eV (4) with δ 0.964 (2). Similarly, extrapolation of the centroids of the observed Rydberg states gave the vertical ionization energy (VIE) as VIE1 = 8.675 ± 0.077, close to the photoelectron spectroscopy VIE value [8.55 (1) eV].

J Clin Med ; 9(8)2020 Aug 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32764304


BACKGROUND: the choice of treatment of chronic grade III acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocation is controversial. Several surgical techniques have been described in the literature, responding differently to nonoperative treatment. The aim of this study is to describe a modified technique of stabilizing an AC joint dislocation with the new Infinity-Lock Button System, in order to demonstrate that it is effective in optimizing outcomes and decreasing complications. METHODS: this is a retrospective study of 15 patients who underwent surgical stabilization of the AC joint dislocation between 2018 and 2019, through modified surgical technique using the Infinity-Lock Button System. Active range of motion (ROM), Specific Acromio Clavicular Score (SACS) and Constant Score (CS) were evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively at last 18 months follow up. Patients rated their outcomes as very good, good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory. RESULTS: a total of twelve patients rated their outcome as very good and three as good; no patients were dissatisfied with surgery. The mean Constant Score increased from 38 points preoperatively to 95 postoperatively, the average SACS score decreased from 52 points preoperatively to 10 postoperatively, both significantly. No complications were detected. CONCLUSION: the described technique is effective for treatment of chronic grade III AC joint dislocation, resulting in elevated satisfaction ratings and predictable outcomes. Nevertheless, further longer term follow-up studies are required.

J Chem Phys ; 152(14): 144301, 2020 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32295354


The strong inter-relationship between cyclohepta-1,3,5-triene (CHT) and norcaradiene (NCD) systems observed in some reactions has been extended to include the energy surfaces for some low-lying ionic states. Equilibrium structures for ionic states of CHT with 2A' symmetry were routinely found; the structures emerging with 2A'' symmetry were NCD ionic states. A detailed analysis of these surfaces as a function of the C1 to C6 distance showed that while minima occurred for both state symmetries, curve crossing occurs in CS symmetry, which is avoided by distortion to C1 symmetry. The CHT → NCD structural change is attributed to initial conrotatory closure of the singly occupied molecular orbital. A new synchrotron-based photoelectron spectrum (PES) for CHT up to 25 eV shows little vibrational structure. We have assigned the PES up to 17 eV using a variety of theoretical methods. The calculated lowest ionic state, X2A', is predicted to have a very low vibrational frequency of 87 cm-1, leading to a high density of vibrational states. The Franck-Condon envelopes calculated for the two lowest states are almost completely contained within the envelope of the lowest PES band. A comparison of the predicted PES of CHT and NCD showed much closer agreement of the PES with that of CHT. An analysis of the 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of CHT showed no evidence of NCD. The increased chemical shifts arising from the higher frequencies used here lead to significant changes in appearance when compared with earlier NMR spectra.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(11): 6282-6290, 2020 Mar 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32129435


The work function is the parameter of greatest interest in many technological applications involving charge exchange mechanisms at the surface. The possibility to produce samples with a controlled work function is then particularly interesting, albeit challenging. We synthetized nanostructured vanadium oxide films by a room temperature supersonic cluster beam deposition method, obtaining samples with tunable stoichiometry and work function (3.7-7 eV). We present an investigation of the electronic structure of several vanadium oxide films as a function of the oxygen content via in situ Auger, valence-band photoemission spectroscopy and work function measurements. The experiments probed the partial 3d density of states, highlighting the presence of strong V 3d-O 2p and V 3d-V 4s hybridizations which influence 3d occupation. We show how controlling the stoichiometry of the sample implies control over work function, and that the access to nanoscale quantum confinement can be exploited to increase the work function of the sample relative to the bulk analogue. In general, the knowledge of the interplay among work function, electronic structure, and stoichiometry is strategic to match nanostructured oxides to their target applications.

Inorg Chem ; 58(24): 16411-16423, 2019 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31756086


The unoccupied electronic structures of three closed-shell, highly popular organoiron complexes ([Fe(CO)5], [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(µ-CO)]2, and [(η5-C5H5)2Fe]; 0, I, and II, respectively) have been investigated both experimentally and theoretically by combining original gas-phase X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) outcomes recorded at the C and O K-edge with results of scalar relativistic time-dependent density functional calculations carried out within the zeroth order regular approximation. Experimental evidence herein discussed complement the Fe L2,3-edges XAS ones we recently recorded, modeled, and assigned for the same complexes (Carlotto et al. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 5844). The first-principle simulation of the C and O K-edge features allowed us to univocally identify the electronic states associated to the ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) transitions both in I and in II. At variance to that, LMCT transitions with sizable oscillator strengths do not play any role in determining neither the C nor the O K-edge spectral pattern of 0. The higher π-acceptor capability of the CO ligand, regardless of its terminal or bridging coordination, with respect to [(η5-C5H5)]- is herein ultimately confirmed.

J Chem Phys ; 151(13): 134306, 2019 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31594342


We performed a theoretical investigation on the influence of electronic correlation effects on the B1s NEXAFS spectrum of boronic acid derivatives, namely, boric acid [B(OH)3], phenyl boronic acid (PBA), and 1,4-phenyl diboronic acid (PDBA), employing different computational schemes of increasing complexity, ranging from the purely one-electron scheme based on the transition potential method of density functional theory (DFT-TP), time-dependent DFT (TDDFT), and multiconfigurational self-consistent field (MCSCF). We also report experimental measurements of the B1s NEXAFS spectra of the aforementioned molecules together with the high-resolution C1s NEXAFS spectrum of PBA. We demonstrate that due to the shallow B1s core energy levels compared to C, O, and N, the inclusion of static correlation effects, which can be incorporated by using multireference approaches to excited states, assumes a decisive role in reconciling experiment and theory on B1s core-electron excitation energies and oscillator strengths to valence states. This claim is corroborated by the good agreement that we find between the DFT-TP calculated C1s NEXAFS spectrum and that experimentally measured for PBA and by the failure of both DFT-TP and TDDFT approaches with a selection of xc functionals kernels to properly describe the B1s NEXAFS spectrum of PBA and PDBA, at variance with the good agreement with the experiment that is found by employing the MCSCF wave function approach.