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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(7): e20230805, jun.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563938


Resumo Fundamento Apesar dos avanços nas modalidades de diagnóstico e tratamento, há necessidade de marcadores preditivos para acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) recorrentes. Objetivos Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre calcificação do arco aórtico (CAA) e recorrência de AVC em pacientes com AVC durante o acompanhamento de um ano. Métodos Todos os pacientes com AVC que sofreram seu primeiro evento foram avaliados para participação no estudo. Foram registrados pacientes que sofreram AVC recorrentes durante o acompanhamento de um ano. A CAA foi avaliada por radiografia de tórax. Com base na ocorrência de AVC recorrente, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos. A CAA foi classificada em quatro categorias de acordo com o seu grau, e a presença de CAA foi incluída na análise estatística. A relação entre CAA e AVC recorrente foi avaliada por meio de uma curva característica de operação do receptor. Um nível de significância <0,05 foi considerado aceitável para todas as análises estatísticas. Resultados Um total de 203 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (46,8% mulheres, média de idade 69±12,3). AVC recorrente foi detectado em 49 pacientes. CAA, hipertensão e fibrilação atrial foram mais frequentes em pacientes com AVC recorrente. Pacientes com AVC recorrente apresentaram menor taxa de filtração glomerular e maior largura de distribuição de glóbulos vermelhos (RDW). Na análise de regressão multivariada, CAA (hazard ratio [HR], 3,544; IC 95%:1,653-7,598, p=0,001) e RDW (HR,1,214; IC 95%:1,053-1,400, p=0,008) foram identificados como preditores independentes de AVC recorrente. Conclusão A presença de CAA (≥ grau 1) e RDW foram significativamente associadas ao desenvolvimento de AVC recorrente dentro de um ano. Esses achados podem ter significado prognóstico no acompanhamento de pacientes com AVC.

Abstract Background Despite advances in diagnostic and treatment modalities, there is a need for predictive markers for recurrent strokes. Objectives This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aortic arch calcification (AAC) and stroke recurrence in stroke patients during a one-year follow-up. Methods All stroke patients who experienced their first event were evaluated for participation in the study. Patients who experienced recurrent strokes during the one-year follow-up were recorded. AAC was assessed by chest radiography. Based on the occurrence of recurrent strokes the patients were divided into two groups. AAC was classified into four categories according to its degree, and the presence of AAC was included in the statistical analysis. The relationship between AAC and recurrent stroke was assessed using a receiver operating characteristic curve. A significance level of <0.05 was deemed acceptable for all statistical analyses. Results A total of 203 patients were included in the study (46.8% female, mean age 69±12.3). Recurrent stroke was detected in 49 patients. AAC, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation were more frequent in patients with recurrent stroke. Patients with recurrent stroke had a lower glomerular filtration rate and a higher red cell distribution width (RDW). In multivariate regression analysis, AAC (hazard ratio [HR], 3.544; 95% CI:1.653-7.598, p=0.001) and RDW (HR,1.214; 95% CI:1.053-1.400, p=0.008) were identified as independent predictors of recurrent stroke. Conclusion The presence of AAC (≥ grade 1) and RDW were found to be significantly associated with the development of recurrent stroke within one year. These findings may have prognostic significance in the follow-up of stroke patients.

Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 75-83, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531510


El trauma es la principal causa de muerte de la población en edad productiva. El abordaje del trauma torácico cerrado todavía es un desafío para el médico de urgencias. Aunque no es una entidad frecuente, se asocia con una alta mortalidad y resultados adversos. El diagnóstico del trauma cerrado de aorta torácica (LCAT) requiere un alto índice de sospecha, dado que los signos y síntomas no son específicos de esta enfermedad (dolor torácico, dolor interescapular, disnea, disfagia, estridor, disfonía). Es importante resaltar que la ausencia de inestabilidad hemodinámica no debe descartar una lesión aórtica. Para su diagnóstico imagenológico se debe tener en cuenta que los rayos X de tórax no tienen el rendimiento adecuado, el patrón de referencia es la angiotomografía y el ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE) constituye una opción diagnóstica. El manejo incluye líquidos endovenosos y antihipertensivos como medida transitoria, manejo quirúrgico definitivo y, en algunos casos, manejo expectante o diferido. Los pacientes inestables o con signos de ruptura inminente deben ser llevados de manera inmediata a cirugía. El manejo quirúrgico temprano ha impactado en la mortalidad. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas, la técnica quirúrgica abierta documenta mayor tasa de mortalidad que el manejo endovascular, el cual tiene numerosas ventajas al ser poco invasivo. Esta es una revisión narrativa que destaca algunos aspectos clave sobre los mecanismos de lesión, diagnóstico y manejo inicial del trauma cerrado aorta torácica. Por último, se propone un algoritmo de abordaje de trauma de aorta.

Trauma is the leading cause of death in the productive-age population. Addressing blunt chest trauma is still a challenge for the emergency physician. Although it is not a common entity, it is associated with high mortality and adverse outcomes. The diagnosis of blunt thoracic aortic trauma (LCAT) requires a high index of suspicion, given that the signs and symptoms are not specific to this disease (chest pain, interscapular pain, dyspnea, dysphagia, stridor, dysphonia). It is important to highlight that the absence of hemodynamic instability should not rule out aortic injury. For its imaging diagnosis, it must be taken into account that chest X-rays do not have adequate performance; the reference standard is angiotomography and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a diagnostic option. Management includes intravenous fluids and antihypertensives as a temporary measure, definitive surgical management and, in some cases, expectant or deferred management. Unstable patients or patients with signs of imminent ruptura should be taken immediately to surgery. Early surgical management has impacted mortality. Despite advances in surgical techniques, the open surgical technique documents a higher mortality rate than endovascular management, which has numerous advantages as it is minimally invasive. This is a narrative review that highlights some key aspects about the mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and initial management of blunt thoracic aortic trauma. Finally, an algorithm for addressing aortic trauma is proposed.

O trauma é a principal causa de morte na população em idade produtiva. Abordar o trauma torácico contuso ainda é um desafio para o médico emergencista. Embora não seja uma entidade comum, está associada a alta mortalidade e resultados adversos. O diagnóstico de trauma fechado de aorta torácica (TACE) requer alto índice de suspeição, visto que os sinais e sintomas não são específicos desta doença (dor torácica, dor interescapular, dispneia, disfagia, estridor, disfonia). É importante ressaltar que a ausência de instabilidade hemodinâmica não deve descartar lesão aórtica. Para seu diagnóstico por imagem deve-se levar em consideração que a radiografia de tórax não apresenta desempenho adequado; o padrão de referência é a angiotomografia e a ecocardiografia transesofágica (ETE) é uma opção diagnóstica. O manejo inclui fluidos intravenosos e anti-hipertensivos como medida temporária, manejo cirúrgico definitivo e, em alguns casos, manejo expectante ou diferido. Pacientes instáveis ou com sinais de ruptura iminente devem ser encaminhados imediatamente para cirurgia. O manejo cirúrgico precoce impactou a mortalidade. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas, a técnica cirúrgica aberta documenta maior taxa de mortalidade do que o manejo endovascular, que apresenta inúmeras vantagens por ser minimamente invasivo. Esta é uma revisão narrativa que destaca alguns aspectos-chave sobre os mecanismos de lesão, diagnóstico e manejo inicial do trauma contuso da aorta torácica. Finalmente, é proposto um algoritmo para tratar o trauma aórtico.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 832, 16 octubre 2023. ilus, tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524835


INTRODUCCIÓN. La disección de aorta es una patología poco frecuente, cuando se presenta, lo hace de una manera catastrófica manifestada por dolor torácico o lumbar intenso acompañado de compromiso hemodinámico agudo, un diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano suelen ser cruciales para evitar la muerte del paciente, así mismo, una disección de aorta puede ser secundario a un trauma torácico por desaceleración y se presenta en 1,5% a 2%, lo que induce sobre todo a un desgarro localizado en la región del istmo aórtico. CASO CLÍNICO. Paciente masculino de 35 años, con antecedente de accidente en vehículo motorizado que provocó un traumatismo cráneo encefálico moderado, hematoma epidural parietal derecho, con resolución quirúrgica hace 18 meses, se descartó lesiones a nivel de tórax con radiografía de tórax normal, además se realizó ecografía FAST en ventana perihepática, suprapúbica, periesplénica y subxi-foidea sin encontrar alteración. Acudió al servicio de emergencia por un cuadro de hemiparesia derecha más disartria de 4 horas de evolución, se realiza tomografía de cráneo sin encontrarse lesión, catalogándose como evento cerebrovascular isquémico con recuperación neurológica. Durante su estancia hospitalaria presenta un cuadro de disnea de grandes esfuerzos y tras realizar exámenes complementarios de control se llega a una conclusión de una cardiomegalia, por lo que es referido a consulta de cardiología donde se realiza ecocardiograma, en la cual se observa disección de aorta ascendente más aneurisma por lo que se decide su ingreso y se instaura tratamiento mediante medidas de soporte, con derivación a hospital de especialidades para cirugía cardiotorácica. CONCLUSIONES. La disección de aorta secundario a un traumatis-mo es poco frecuente, sin embargo, el diagnostico siempre debe estar presente en caso de trauma por desaceleración, ya que es vital para la supervivencia del paciente y su manejo oportuno.

INTRODUCTION. Aortic dissection is an infrequent pathology; when it occurs, it does so in a catastrophic manner manifested by intense thoracic or lumbar pain accompanied by acute he-modynamic compromise. Early diagnosis and treatment are usually crucial to avoid the patient's death; likewise, aortic dissection can be secondary to thoracic trauma due to deceleration and occurs in 1.5% to 2%, which mainly induces a localized tear in the region of the aortic isthmus. CLINICAL CASE. 35-year-old male patient, with a history of motor vehicle accident that caused a moderate head injury, right parietal epidural hematoma, with surgical resolution 18 months ago, chest injuries were ruled out with normal chest X-ray, and FAST ultrasound was performed in perihepatic, suprapubic, perisplenic and subxiphoid window without finding any alteration. She went to the emergency department for a picture of right hemiparesis and dysarthria of 4 hours of evolution, a cranial tomography was performed without finding any lesion, being clas-sified as an ischemic cerebrovascular event with neurological recovery. During his hospital stay he presented with dyspnea of great effort and after performing complementary control tests, a cardiomegaly was found, so he is referred to a cardiology clinic where an echocardiogram is per-formed, which showed dissection of the ascending aorta plus aneurysm, admission is decided and treatment is instituted through supportive measures, with referral to a specialty hospital for cardiothoracic surgery. CONCLUSIONS. Aortic dissection secondary to trauma is rare, however, the diagnosis should always be present in case of trauma due to deceleration, as it is vital for the survival of the patient and its timely treatment.

Humans , Male , Adult , Thoracic Surgery , Wounds and Injuries , Deceleration , Traffic Trauma Care , Dissection, Thoracic Aorta , Aneurysm , Chest Pain , Accidents, Traffic , Low Back Pain , Cardiomegaly , Dyspnea , Ecuador , Brain Injuries, Traumatic
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;93(2): 139-148, Apr.-Jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447244


Abstract Introduction: Patient's body size is a significant determinant of aortic dimensions. Overweight and obesity underestimate aortic dilatation when indexing diameters by body surface area (BSA). We compared the indexation of aortic dimensions by height and BSA in subjects with and without overweight to determine the upper normal limit (UNL). Methods: The MATEAR study was a prospective, observational, and multicenter study (53 echocardiography laboratories in Argentina). We included 879 healthy adult individuals (mean age: 39.7 ± 11.4 years, 399 men) without hypertension, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic aneurysm, or genetic aortopathies. Echocardiograms were acquired and proximal aorta measured at the sinus of Valsalva (SV), sinotubular junction (STJ), and ascending aorta (AA) levels (EACVI/ASE guidelines). We compared absolute and indexed aortic diameters by height and BSA between groups (men with body mass index [BMI] < 25 and BMI ≥ 25, women with BMI < 25 and BMI ≥ 25). Results: Indexing of aortic diameters by BSA showed significantly lower values in overweight and obese subjects compared to normal weight in their respective gender (for women: SV 1.75 cm/m2 in BMI < 25 vs. 1.52 cm/m2 in BMI between 25 and 29.9 vs. 1.41 cm/m2 in BMI ≥ 30; at the STJ: 1.53 cm/m2 vs. 1.37 cm/m2 vs. 1.25 cm/m2; and at the AA: 1.63 cm/m2 vs. 1.50 cm/m2 vs. 1.37 cm/m2; all p < 0.0001 and for men, all p < 0.0001). These differences disappeared when indexing by height in both gender groups (all p = NS). Conclusion: While indexing aortic diameters by BSA in obese and overweight subjects underestimate aortic dilation, the use of aortic height index (AHI) yields a similar UNL for individuals with normal weight, overweight, and obesity. Therefore, AHI could be used regardless of their weight.

Resumen Introducción: El tamaño corporal es un determinante significativo de las dimensiones aórticas. El sobrepeso lleva a subestimar la dilatación aórtica. La altura (A) permanece estable durante la adultez, por lo que sería útil para indexar diámetros aórticos en pacientes obesos, aunque desconocemos los valores normales. Comparamos la indexación de diámetros aórticos por (IA) y superficie corporal (SC) en sujetos con y sin sobrepeso para determinar el límite superior normal (LSN, P97.5). Método: Se realizó un registro nacional, prospectivo, en 53 centros de Argentina. Se realizaron ecocardiogramas a 528 sujetos con índice de masa corporal (IMC) > 25 y 351 sujetos con IMC ≤ 25 seleccionados al azar. La población se subdividió en cuatro grupos según sexo e IMC y se compararon diámetros aórticos absolutos e indexados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 879 individuos (39.7 ± 11.4 años, 399 hombres). La indexación de los diámetros aórticos por SC mostró valores significativamente más bajos en sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad en comparación con los de peso normal en cada sexo. Estas diferencias desaparecieron al indexar por altura en ambos géneros (todos p = NS). El LSN de los diámetros IA fue de 2.20 cm/m para senos, 1.99 cm/m para unión sino-tubular (UST) y 2.09 cm/m para aorta ascendente. Conclusiones: La indexación de los diámetros aórticos por SC en individuos con sobrepeso y obesidad subestima la dilatación aórtica. El IA permite establecer un LSN sin tener en cuenta el aumento espurio de la SC determinado por la grasa corporal. Podría ser utilizado en ambos sexos y de manera independiente del peso.

Arch Cardiol Mex ; 93(2): 139-148, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37037226


INTRODUCTION: Patient's body size is a significant determinant of aortic dimensions. Overweight and obesity underestimate aortic dilatation when indexing diameters by body surface area (BSA). We compared the indexation of aortic dimensions by height and BSA in subjects with and without overweight to determine the upper normal limit (UNL). METHODS: The MATEAR study was a prospective, observational, and multicenter study (53 echocardiography laboratories in Argentina). We included 879 healthy adult individuals (mean age: 39.7 ± 11.4 years, 399 men) without hypertension, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic aneurysm, or genetic aortopathies. Echocardiograms were acquired and proximal aorta measured at the sinus of Valsalva (SV), sinotubular junction (STJ), and ascending aorta (AA) levels (EACVI/ASE guidelines). We compared absolute and indexed aortic diameters by height and BSA between groups (men with body mass index [BMI] < 25 and BMI ≥ 25, women with BMI < 25 and BMI ≥ 25). RESULTS: Indexing of aortic diameters by BSA showed significantly lower values in overweight and obese subjects compared to normal weight in their respective gender (for women: SV 1.75 cm/m2 in BMI < 25 vs. 1.52 cm/m2 in BMI between 25 and 29.9 vs. 1.41 cm/m2 in BMI ≥ 30; at the STJ: 1.53 cm/m2 vs. 1.37 cm/m2 vs. 1.25 cm/m2; and at the AA: 1.63 cm/m2 vs. 1.50 cm/m2 vs. 1.37 cm/m2; all p < 0.0001 and for men, all p < 0.0001). These differences disappeared when indexing by height in both gender groups (all p = NS). CONCLUSION: While indexing aortic diameters by BSA in obese and overweight subjects underestimate aortic dilation, the use of aortic height index (AHI) yields a similar UNL for individuals with normal weight, overweight, and obesity. Therefore, AHI could be used regardless of their weight.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El tamaño corporal es un determinante significativo de las dimensiones aórticas. El sobrepeso lleva a subestimar la dilatación aórtica. La altura (A) permanece estable durante la adultez, por lo que sería útil para indexar diámetros aórticos en pacientes obesos, aunque desconocemos los valores normales. Comparamos la indexación de diámetros aórticos por (IA) y superficie corporal (SC) en sujetos con y sin sobrepeso para determinar el límite superior normal (LSN, P97.5). MÉTODO: Se realizó un registro nacional, prospectivo, en 53 centros de Argentina. Se realizaron ecocardiogramas a 528 sujetos con índice de masa corporal (IMC) > 25 y 351 sujetos con IMC ≤ 25 seleccionados al azar. La población se subdividió en cuatro grupos según sexo e IMC y se compararon diámetros aórticos absolutos e indexados. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 879 individuos (39.7 ± 11.4 años, 399 hombres). La indexación de los diámetros aórticos por SC mostró valores significativamente más bajos en sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad en comparación con los de peso normal en cada sexo. Estas diferencias desaparecieron al indexar por altura en ambos géneros (todos p = NS). El LSN de los diámetros IA fue de 2.20 cm/m para senos, 1.99 cm/m para unión sino-tubular (UST) y 2.09 cm/m para aorta ascendente. CONCLUSIONES: La indexación de los diámetros aórticos por SC en individuos con sobrepeso y obesidad subestima la dilatación aórtica. El IA permite establecer un LSN sin tener en cuenta el aumento espurio de la SC determinado por la grasa corporal. Podría ser utilizado en ambos sexos y de manera independiente del peso.

Aortic Diseases , Overweight , Male , Adult , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Dilatation , Body Surface Area , Prospective Studies , Obesity/complications , Reference Values , Aortic Valve
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;22: e20220014, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440480


Resumo As lesões traumáticas da aorta (LTA) torácica estão associadas a altas taxas de morbimortalidade. São classificadas de acordo com a extensão do dano, e a angiotomografia computadorizada tem as maiores sensibilidade e especificidade para identificar o grau de lesão e potenciais lesões associadas. As estratégias terapêuticas para LTA são baseadas no tipo de lesão, na extensão e nas lesões associadas. Pode auxiliar na definição de conduta também o grau de estabilidade do paciente, podendo ser manejo cirúrgico convencional, endovascular (TEVAR) ou conservador em casos selecionados. Entre os pacientes com anatomia vascular adequada, a cirurgia endovascular está associada a melhor sobrevida e a menos riscos. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever uma série de quatro casos acompanhados em serviço terciário, em um estado com poucos serviços de alta complexidade. A terapêutica endovascular foi empregada como método preferencial. Os pacientes apresentaram evolução favorável sem complicações até a alta e encontram-se em acompanhamento ambulatorial.

Abstract Traumatic thoracic aortic injuries (TTAI) are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. They are classified according to the extent of damage and computed tomography angiography has the highest sensitivity and specificity for identifying the degree of injury and potential associated lesions. Treatment strategies for TTAI are based on the type and extent of injury and associated lesions. The patient's degree of stability can also help to define the choice of treatment, which can be conventional or endovascular surgery (EVAR) or even conservative management in selected cases. Among patients with adequate vascular anatomy, endovascular surgery is associated with better survival and fewer risks. The objective of this article is to describe a series of four cases followed up at a tertiary service in a Brazilian state that has few centers that provide high complexity care. Endovascular therapy was employed as the preferred method. All four patients had favorable outcomes, with no complications up to discharge, and are currently in outpatient follow-up.

J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;22: e20220156, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521178


Abstract Background Endovascular treatments for thoracic aortic diseases have been adopted rapidly, and long-term studies are relevant for durability evaluation. Objective To evaluate the long-term results of a prospective observational study of endovascular treatment in patients with thoracic aortic diseases who underwent percutaneous implantation of self-expandable endoprostheses. Methods Procedural success was defined as the absence of endoleak into the aneurysm or dissection-induced false lumen, no migration, and no conversion to open surgery. Intraoperative, postoperative, and late postoperative outcomes were evaluated in terms of complications, mortality, and evolution of the endoprosthesis over a follow-up of up to 179 months (median: 46 months). Results A total of 150 endoprostheses were implanted in 112 patients. Primary success was observed in 100 (82.14%) patients. Immediate mortality occurred in 7 patients (6.25%). Late mortality occurred in 31 patients (27.68%), 10 (8.93%) of whom died from cardiovascular causes, 12 (10.71%) from non-cardiovascular causes, and 2 (1.78%) from natural causes, while 7 (6.25%) had no diagnosis for cause of death. Types I, II, and IV endoleaks occurred during hospitalization in 4 (3.57%), 5 (4.46%), and 3 (2.68%) patients, respectively. Late types I and IV endoleaks occurred in 5 (4.46%) and 3 (2.68%) patients respectively. Twenty-two patients (19.64%) had clinical complications in the immediate postoperative period. Actuarial survival free from death from cardiovascular causes was 79.3% (95% confidence interval, 67.0-91.7%) at 132 months. Conclusions The low levels of intraoperative and postoperative complications demonstrate that endovascular treatment is safe and effective. The high rate of late survival for these critically ill patients indicates that the endovascular technique is beneficial for treatment of thoracic aortic diseases in terms of long-term outcomes.

Resumo Contexto Os tratamentos endovasculares para doenças da aorta torácica têm sido adotados rapidamente e estudos de longo prazo são relevantes para avaliação de durabilidade. Objetivo Avaliar através de estudo observacional e prospectivo, os resultados a longo prazo do tratamento endovascular em pacientes com doenças da aorta torácica submetidos a implante percutâneo de endoprótese autoexpansível. Métodos O sucesso do procedimento foi definido como ausência de vazamento interno para o aneurisma ou falso lúmen induzido por dissecção, ausência de migração e sem necessidade de conversão para cirurgia aberta. Os resultados intraoperatórios, pós-operatórios e tardios foram avaliados quanto a complicações, mortalidade e evolução da endoprótese em um seguimento de até 179 meses (mediana de 46 meses). Resultados Um total de 150 endopróteses foram implantadas em 112 pacientes. Sucesso primário foi observado em 100 (82,14%) pacientes. Mortalidade imediata ocorreu em sete pacientes (6,25%). A mortalidade tardia ocorreu em 31 pacientes (27,68%), dos quais 10 (8,93%) morreram por causas cardiovasculares; 12 (10,71%), por causas não cardiovasculares; dois (1,78%), por causas naturais e sete (6,25%) não tiveram a causa da morte diagnosticada. Vazamentos tipo I, II e IV ocorreram durante a internação em quatro (3,57%), cinco (4,46%) e três (2,68%) pacientes, respectivamente. Vazamentos tardios tipo I e IV ocorreram em cinco (4,46%) e três (2,68%) pacientes, respectivamente. Complicações clínicas no pós-operatório imediato foram observadas em 19,64% dos pacientes. A sobrevida atuarial por causas cardiovasculares foi de 79,3% em 132 meses. Conclusões Os baixos índices de complicações intra e pós-operatórias demonstram que o tratamento endovascular é seguro e eficaz. A alta taxa de sobrevida em 132 meses em pacientes críticos indica que a técnica é benéfica para o tratamento de doenças da aorta torácica em resultados a longo prazo.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(1): 201-208, 20221230. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417768


Introducción. La patología del arco aórtico se ha tratado principalmente con cirugía por vía abierta, pero con una alta morbimortalidad. Las técnicas endovasculares híbridas y las reconstrucciones en "chimenea" son una técnica válida y segura para disminuir el riesgo y la mortalidad. Métodos. Se presentan dos pacientes con patología del arco aórtico y contraindicación de manejo quirúrgico abierto, atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Vascular, Hospital Universitario Clínica de San Rafael, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Resultados. Se realizaron dos procedimientos endovasculares del arco aórtico para tratar un aneurisma torácico roto y una úlcera aórtica sintomática, con cubrimiento de los troncos supra aórticos con una endoprótesis y canalización de los vasos supra aórticos con prótesis cubiertas y uso de la "técnica de chimenea", de manera exitosa. Discusión. La patología del arco aórtico es de alta complejidad y se asocia con una morbimortalidad elevada por lo que, en los últimos 20 años se han desarrollado diferentes técnicas utilizando procedimientos percutáneos. Conclusión. La "técnica de chimenea" se puede realizar de una manera mínimamente invasiva en pacientes con patología del arco aórtico, no candidatos para cirugía abierta, con resultados exitosos.

Introduction. Aortic arch pathology has been treated mainly by open surgery, but with high morbidity and mortality. Hybrid endovascular techniques and "chimney" reconstructions are a valid and safe techniques to reduce risk and mortality. Method. Two patients with pathology of the aortic arch and contraindication for open surgical management, treated at the Vascular Surgery Service, Hospital Universitario Clínica de San Rafael, Bogotá, Colombia, are presented. Results. Two endovascular aortic procedures were performed successfully to treat a ruptured thoracic aneurysm and a symptomatic aortic ulcer, with coverage of the supra-aortic trunks with an endoprosthesis and cannulation of the supra-aortic vessels with covered prostheses and use of the "chimney technique". Discussion. The pathology of the aortic arch is highly complex and is associated with high morbidity and mortality, being the reason that during the last 20 years, different techniques have been developed using percutaneous procedures. Conclusions. The "chimney technique" can be performed with successful results in a minimally invasive manner in patients with pathology of the aortic arch, who are not candidates for open surgery

Humans , Aorta, Thoracic , Aortic Aneurysm , Endovascular Procedures , Aortic Rupture , Aortic Dissection
Angiol. (Barcelona) ; 74(5): 227-233, Sep-Oct 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-211267


Los aneurismas de la aorta torácica presentan una incidencia de 6-10/100 000 habitantes. Esta incidencia está enaumento debido al envejecimiento de la población y a la mayor realización de pruebas de imagen.Generalmente son asintomáticos y su historia natural tiende al crecimiento del aneurisma. A mayor tamaño, másprobabilidad de rotura (con elevada mortalidad). El diagnóstico precoz es difícil (debido a que los pacientes suelenser asintomáticos) y suele ser incidental (por ejemplo, al realizar un TC por otros motivos).El seguimiento de los aneurismas pequeños y el tratamiento quirúrgico programado tienen como objetivo pre-venir la rotura del aneurisma. El tratamiento endovascular, cada vez más perfeccionado, es eficaz y seguro, ya quereduce la morbimortalidad respecto del tratamiento quirúrgico abierto y es el de elección en los aneurismas dela aorta torácica descendente.El presente protocolo se centra fundamentalmente en los aneurismas de la aorta torácica descendente y abdo-minotorácica. Aquellos que afectan a la aorta torácica ascendente y al arco aórtico están dentro del campo de lacirugía cardiaca.(AU)

Thoracic aortic aneurysms have an incidence of 6-10/100,000 inhabitants. Its incidence is increasing due to theaging of the population and the increased performance of imaging tests.They are generally asymptomatic and their natural history tends towards the growth of the aneurysm. The largerthe size, the greater the probability of rupture (with high mortality). Early diagnosis is difficult (since patients aregenerally asymptomatic) and is usually incidental (e.g. a CT for other reasons).Monitoring small aneurysms and scheduled surgical treatment are aimed at preventing the aneurysm from ruptur-ing. Endovascular treatment, which is increasingly being perfected, is effective and safe by reducing morbidity andmortality compared to open surgical treatment, which is the choice for aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta.This protocol is mainly focused on aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta and thoraco-abdominal. Those thataffect the ascending thoracic aorta and aortic arch are within the field of cardiac surgery.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Clinical Protocols , Aorta, Thoracic , Incidence , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/diagnosis , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/etiology , Lymphatic System , Cardiovascular System , Blood Vessels
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;119(3): 485-487, set. 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403348


Resumo Desde a primeira descrição da tetralogia de Fallot (ToF) em 1671 por Niels Stensen e em 1888 por Étienne-Louis Arthur Fallot, vários trabalhos relataram essa anomalia juntamente com suas variantes e anomalias cardiovasculares concomitantes. A artéria subclávia direita aberrante (ASDA) é a anomalia do arco aórtico mais comum. Diferentemente da artéria subclávia esquerda aberrante, a ocorrência de ASDA em pacientes com ToF só foi relatada casuisticamente. Apresentamos dois pacientes de ToF com ASDA. É importante notar que o conhecimento da coexistência das duas anomalias tem pontos muito práticos durante correções endovasculares ou cirúrgicas de defeitos cardíacos congênitos (inclusive ToF).

Abstract Since the first description of Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) in 1671 by Niels Stensen and in 1888 by Étienne-Louis Arthur Fallot, numerous papers have reported on this anomaly, along with its variants and concomitant cardiovascular anomalies. Aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) is the most common anomaly of the aortic arch. Different from the left aberrant subclavian artery, occurrence of ARSA in ToF-patients has only casuistically been reported so far. The present study reports on two ToF-patients with ARSA. It is important to note that knowledge of the coexistence of both anomalies has highly practical points during surgical or endovascular corrections of congenital heart defects (including ToF).

Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc;60(2): 188-200, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367410


El síndrome aórtico agudo incluye un grupo de patologías graves de la aorta, con una mortalidad hasta del 90% en los primeros 40 días tras el inicio de los síntomas. Según la localización de la lesión el tratamiento puede ser médico o quirúrgico, el cual ha demostrado mejorar el pronóstico de estos pacientes tanto a corto como a largo plazo. El diagnóstico oportuno es esencial para incrementar la supervivencia y disminuir la tasa de complicaciones relacionadas; no obstante, debido a la baja incidencia y presentación clínica en ocasiones inespecífica, l diagnóstico puede retrasarse u obviarse, ocasionando consecuencias catastróficas para los pacientes. Este artículo se centrará en el abordaje diagnóstico del síndrome aórtico agudo tipo A, además de ofrecer una breve revisión respecto al tratamiento médico y quirúrgico de estas patologías.

Acute aortic syndrome includes a group of serious aortic pathologies, with a mortality rate of up to 90% in the first 40 days after the onset of symptoms. Depending on the location of the lesion, the treatment will be medical or surgical which has been shown to improve the prognosis of these patients both in the short- and long-term. Timey diagnosis is essential to increase survival and decrease the rate of related complications; however, due to the low incidence and sometimes non-specific clinical picture, the diagnosis can be delayed or missed, leading to catastrophic consequences for the patients. This article will focus on the diagnostic approach of type A acute aortic syndrome, in addition to offering a brief review regarding the medical and surgical treatment of these pathologies.

Humans , Aortic Diseases/diagnosis , Aortic Diseases/therapy , Syndrome , Acute Disease , Aortic Dissection/diagnostic imaging
Cir Cir ; 90(1): 24-28, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35120094


AIM: We present our subclavian artery revascularization experiences in the patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm who underwent hybrid repair. MATERAIL AND METHODS: Between May 2015-December 2018,4 patients underwent TEVAR procedure following axilloaxillary bypass grafting.The mean age of the patients was 72.5 ± 3.01 years.One patient was female and 3 patients were male.Patients had thoracic aortic aneurysms including the left subclavian artery or aberrant right subclavian artery. RESULTS: All patients underwent endovascular stent graft repair following axilloaxillary bypass grafting in the same day.Mortality did not occur in the perioperative period.One patient had graft infection at 8th month of the operation and the graft was removed.He was lost due to pneumonia following the operation.The control computed tomographies of the other 3 patients revealed patent grafts together with successful endovascular interventions and they have been following uneventfully a mean of 27±6.2 months (range:24-32,median:29). CONCLUSION: The risk of stroke,spinal cord ischemia, and upper extremity ischemia are found higher in the patients who underwent coverage of the left subclavian artery without revascularization.The axilloaxillary bypass grafting may be performed in the patients with high risk to prevent carotid artery manipulation and clamping during carotid-subclavian bypass with long term promising patency rates.

OBJETIVO: Presentamos nuestras experiencias de revascularización de la arteria subclavia en los pacientes con aneurisma de aorta torácica sometidos a reparación híbrida. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: entre mayo de 2015 y diciembre de 2018, 4 pacientes fueron sometidos a TEVAR después de un injerto de derivación axiloaxilar. La edad media de los pacientes fue 72,5 ± 3,01 años. Un paciente era mujer y 3 pacientes eran varones. Los pacientes tenían aneurismas de la aorta torácica incluyendo el arteria subclavia izquierda o arteria subclavia derecha aberrante. RESULTADOS: Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a reparación endovascular con endoprótesis vascular en el mismo día después de un bypass axiloaxilar, no hubo mortalidad en el perioperatorio, un paciente presentó infección del injerto a los 8 meses de la operación y se retiró el injerto, se perdió por neumonía Las tomografías computarizadas de control de los otros 3 pacientes revelaron injertos permeables junto con intervenciones endovasculares exitosas y han estado siguiendo sin incidentes una media de 27 ± 6,2 meses (rango: 24-32, mediana: 29). CONCLUSIÓN: El riesgo de ictus, isquemia medular e isquemia de la extremidad superior es mayor en los pacientes sometidos a cobertura de la arteria subclavia izquierda sin revascularización; en los pacientes con alto riesgo se puede realizar un bypass axiloaxilar para prevenir la manipulación de la arteria carótida. y pinzamiento durante la derivación carótido-subclavia con tasas de permeabilidad prometedoras a largo plazo.

Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic , Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation , Endovascular Procedures , Aged , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/surgery , Blood Vessel Prosthesis , Female , Humans , Male , Retrospective Studies , Stents , Subclavian Artery/surgery , Treatment Outcome
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;21: e20220018, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422029


Abstract Coarctation of the aorta is a rare congenital abnormality, with an incidence of 6-8% of all congenital heart problems. It is usually diagnosed in childhood during routine clinical examination and adults mostly present with hypertension. Various investigations like transthoracic echocardiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance angiography can help with diagnosis. Prognosis depends on age at presentation and the severity of coarctation. Treatment options available are open and endovascular repair. Extra-anatomical bypass is the preferred option in cases with unfavorable anatomy. Long term follow up is required post repair due to risk of restenosis and aneurysm formation. Here is a case in which a young female presented with hypertension, was diagnosed with coarctation of the aorta, and was treated a left subclavian artery to descending thoracic aorta bypass. Her postoperative course was uneventful and she had improvement in hypertension.

Resumo A coarctação da aorta é uma anomalia congênita rara, com incidência de 6-8% entre todos os problemas cardíacos congênitos. É geralmente diagnosticada na infância durante o exame clínico de rotina, e os adultos normalmente apresentam hipertensão. Diversas investigações, como ecocardiografia transtorácica, tomografia computadorizada e angiorressonância magnética, podem auxiliar no diagnóstico. O prognóstico depende da idade na apresentação e da gravidade da coarctação. As opções de tratamento disponíveis são o reparo aberto e o reparo endovascular. O bypass extra-anatômico é a opção preferida em caso de anatomia desfavorável. O acompanhamento de longo prazo é necessário após o reparo devido ao risco de reestenose e formação de aneurisma. Descrevemos o caso de uma jovem do sexo feminino que apresentou hipertensão, a qual foi diagnosticada como coarctação da aorta. Foi realizada derivação da artéria subclávia esquerda para a aorta torácica descendente. O pós-operatório transcorreu sem intercorrências, e a paciente apresentou melhora da hipertensão.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;118(2): 448-460, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364325


Resumo Fundamentos Uma metodologia para identificação de pacientes portadores de aneurisma de aorta ascendente (AAAs) sob alto risco de remodelamento aórtico não está completamente definida. Objetivo Esta pesquisa objetiva caracterizar numericamente o fluxo sanguíneo aórtico, relacionando a distribuição do estresse mecânico resultante com o crescimento de AAAs. Métodos Estudo analítico, observacional, unicêntrico, em que um protocolo de fluidodinâmica computacional (CFD - Computacional Fluid Dynamics) foi aplicado a imagens de angiotomografia computadorizada (ATC) de aorta de pacientes portadores de AAAs. Duas ATC de aorta com pelo menos um ano de intervalo foram obtidas. Dados clínicos dos pacientes foram registrados e, a partir das imagens de ATC, foram gerados modelos tridimensionais. Foram realizados estudos do campo de velocidade e estruturas coerentes (vórtices) com o objetivo de relacioná-los ao crescimento ou não do aneurisma e, posteriormente, compará-los com os dados clínicos dos pacientes. O teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi utilizado para avaliar a normalidade da amostra e o teste não-paramétrico Wilcoxon signed-rank foi aplicado para comparações de dados pareados entre os ângulos aórticos. A significância estatística foi fixada em 5%. Resultados Para o grupo que apresentou crescimento do aneurisma, a incidência do jato na parede aórtica gerou áreas de recirculação posterior ao jato, induzindo à formação de vórtices complexos, ocasionando um incremento na pressão média no endotélio aórtico. O grupo sem crescimento do aneurisma apresentou diminuição na pressão média. Conclusão Este estudo piloto mostrou que a CFD baseada em ATC pode, em um futuro próximo, ser uma ferramenta auxiliar na identificação dos padrões de fluxo associados ao processo de remodelamento de AAAs.

Abstract Background A methodology to identify patients with ascending aortic aneurysm (AsAA) under high risk for aortic growth is not completely defined Objetive This research seeks to numerically characterize the aortic blood flow by relating the resulting mechanical stress distribution with AsAA growth. Methods Analytical, observational, single-center study in which a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) protocol was applied to aortic computed tomography angiogram (CTA) images of patients with AsAA. Two CTA exams taken at a minimum interval of one year were obtained. From the CTA-gathered images, three-dimensional models were built, and clinical data were registered. Study of velocity field and coherent structures (vortices) was performed aiming to relate them to the presence or absence of aneurysm growth, as well as comparing them to the patients' clinical data. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality of the distribution, and the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test, for non-normal distribution, was used to compare the paired data of the aortic angles. Statistical significance was set at 5%. Results The incident jet in the aortic wall generated recirculation areas in the posterior region of the jet, inducing complex vortices formation in the group with aneurysm growth, leading to an average pressure increase in the ascending aortic wall between exams. In the group without aneurysm growth, the average pressure decreased. Conclusion This pilot study showed that CFD based on CTA may in the near future be a tool to help identify flow patterns associated with AsAA remodeling process.

Humans , Aortic Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging , Hydrodynamics , Aorta/diagnostic imaging , Pilot Projects , Hemodynamics/physiology
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 437-444, ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388852


Resumen Introducción: Las diversas patologías de la aorta torácica descendente, representan una implícita amenaza para la vida, y son potencialmente tratables mediante reparación endovascular. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la reparación endovascular de la aorta torácia descendente (TEVAR). Material y Método: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo y descriptivo, donde se analiza TEVAR, en un período de 10 años (2009 al 2019), en el Hospital Dr. Eduardo Pereira de Valparaíso, Chile. Resultados: Se realizó TEVAR en 31 pacientes, sexo masculino 74,2%, femenino 25,8%, edad promedio 67,8 años (rango 53-85), patologías asociadas: hipertensión arterial sistémica (77,4%), tabaquismo (67,7%) y dislipidemia (38,7%), las indicaciones para TEVAR fueron: el aneurisma de la aorta descendente (51,61%), la disección tipo B crónica complicada (29,03%), y la disección tipo B aguda complicada (19,35%), relacionado al procedimiento se evidenció: morbilidad cardiovascular (12,9%) y morbilidad neurológica (6,45%), complicaciones relacionadas a la endoprótesis (29,03%), incidencia de endofugas (19,35%), estancia hospitalaria promedio de 5,2 días (rango 3 a 17), seguimiento promedio de 47,3 meses (9-108), éxito técnico primario (100%), tasa de reintervención: 3,22%, tasa de supervivencia a 1, 3, 5 años del 96,77%, 93,54 y 90,32% respectivamente, no hubo mortalidad menor a 30 días. Discusión: La evidencia demuestra que TEVAR puede realizarse en forma segura y efectiva, cumpliendo estrictos criterios clínicos y condiciones anatómicas, representando la modalidad de elección para la reparación de las lesiones de la aorta descendente. Conclusión: Los resultados demuestran que TEVAR, representa una excelente estrategia terapeutica, menos invasiva, con baja morbilidad y mortalidad asociada.

Introduction: The pathological injuries of the descending thoracic aorta, represent an implicit threat to life, and are potentially treatable by endovascular repair. Aim: To evaluate the results of endovascular repair of the descending thoracic aorta (TEVAR) in the medium and long term. Material and Method: Observational, retrospective and descriptive study, where TEVAR is analyzed, over a period of 10 years (2009 to 2019), at the Dr. Eduardo Pereira Hospital in Valparaíso, Chile. Results: TEVAR was performed in 31 patients, male sex 74.2%, average age 67.8 years (range 53-85), symptomatic 64.5%, associated pathologies: systemic arterial hypertension (77.4%), smoking (67.7%) and dyslipidemia (38.7%), indications for endovascular repair were descending aortic aneurysm (51.61%), complicated Stanford type B chronic aortic dissection (29.03%), and complicated Stanford type B acute aortic dissection (19.35%), neurological morbidity (6.45%), cardiovascular morbidity (12.9%), complications related to the stent (29.03%), where endoleaks predominate (19.35%), average hospital stay of 5.2 days (range 3 to 17), average followup of 47.3 months (9-108), primary technical success (100%), survival rate at 1, 3, 5 years of 96.77%, 93.54 and 90.32% respectively, there was no mortality less than 30 days or reoperation. Discussion: the evidence shows that TEVAR can be performed safely and effectively, meeting strict clinical criteria and anatomical conditions, which represents the modality of choice for the repair of lesions in the descending aorta. Conclusion: The results show that TEVAR represents an excellent therapeutic strategy, less invasive, with low associated morbidity and mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aorta, Thoracic/surgery , Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation/methods , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Aorta, Thoracic/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects
Med. intensiva (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 45(5): 280-288, Junio - Julio 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-222310


Objetivo Las técnicas endovasculares se han convertido en una herramienta esencial para el tratamiento de la patología de aorta torácica descendente (TEVAR). El objetivo es analizar las indicaciones y resultados del TEVAR urgente a nivel nacional en relación con la cirugía programada. Diseño y ámbito de estudio Registro multicéntrico retrospectivo de pacientes con patología de aorta torácica descendente tratados de urgencia mediante técnicas endovasculares entre los años 2012-2016 en 11 servicios clínicos. Pacientes, criterios de inclusión 1) Aneurismas de aorta torácica rotos, 2) roturas traumáticas de aorta torácica y 3) disecciones de aorta torácica tipo B (DATBc) complicadas. Variables principales Mortalidad, supervivencia y tasa de reintervenciones. Variables secundarias Datos demográficos, factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, datos específicos por indicación, datos técnicos y complicaciones postoperatorias. Resultados Se obtuvieron 135 TEVAR urgentes (111 varones, edad media 60,4 ± 16,3 años): 43 aneurismas aórticos rotos (31,9%), 54 disecciones tipo B (40%) y 32 roturas aórticas traumáticas (23,7%) y otras etiologías 4,4%. La mortalidad global a los 30 días fue del 18,5%, siendo superior en los aneurismas de aorta torácica rotos (27,9%). La supervivencia media actuarial ha sido del 67± 6% a los 5 años. La tasa de ictus postoperatoria fue del 5,2% y la tasa de isquemia medular del 5,9%. Las reintervenciones aórticas fueron necesarias en 12 pacientes (9%). Conclusiones La patología de aorta descendente urgente puede ser tratada mediante técnicas endovasculares con resultados óptimos y baja morbimortalidad, aunque ligeramente superior a los casos electivos. Este registro aporta por primera vez, información de la realidad clínica diaria del TEVAR urgente en España. (AU)

Objective Endovascular techniques have become an essential tool for the treatment of descending thoracic aortic disease (thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair [TEVAR]). The aim is to analyze the indications and outcomes of emergency TEVAR at national level in relation to elective surgery. Study design and scope A retrospective multicenter registry of patients with descending thoracic aortic disease treated on an emergency basis using endovascular techniques between 2012-2016, in 11 clinical units. Patients, inclusion criteria 1) Ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysms; 2) Blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury; and 3) Complicated acute type B aortic dissections (TBADc). Primary variables Patient mortality, survival and reoperation rate. Secondary variables Demographic data, cardiovascular risk factors, specific data by indication, technical resources and postoperative complications. Results A total of 135 urgent TEVARs were included (111 men, mean age 60.4 ± 16.3 years): 43 ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms (31.9%), 54 type B dissections (40%) and 32 traumatic aortic injuries (23.7%), and other etiologies 4.4%. The overall mortality rate at 30 days was 18.5%, and proved higher in the ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysms group (27.9%). The mean actuarial survival rate was 67± 6% at 5 years. The postoperative stroke rate was 5.2%, and the paraplegia rate was 5.9%. Aortic reoperations proved necessary in 12 patients (9%). Conclusions Emergency descending thoracic aortic diseases can be treated by endovascular techniques with optimal results and low morbidity and mortality – though the figures are slightly higher than in elective cases. This registry provides, for the first time, real information on the daily clinical practice of emergency TEVAR in Spain. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aortic Diseases , Aorta, Thoracic/injuries , Aortic Aneurysm , Aortic Dissection , Prostheses and Implants , Mortality , Endovascular Procedures/mortality , Endovascular Procedures/rehabilitation , Spain
Med Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 45(5): 280-288, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34059218


OBJECTIVE: Endovascular techniques have become an essential tool for the treatment of descending thoracic aortic disease (thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair [TEVAR]). The aim is to analyze the indications and outcomes of emergency TEVAR at national level in relation to elective surgery. STUDY DESIGN AND SCOPE: A retrospective multicenter registry of patients with descending thoracic aortic disease treated on an emergency basis using endovascular techniques between 2012-2016, in 11 clinical units. PATIENTS, INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1) Ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysms (RTAA); 2) Blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (TAI); and 3) Complicated acute type B aortic dissections (TBADc). PRIMARY VARIABLES: Patient mortality, survival and reoperation rate. SECONDARY VARIABLES: Demographic data, cardiovascular risk factors, specific data by indication, technical resources and postoperative complications. RESULTS: A total of 135 urgent TEVARs were included (111 men, mean age 60.4 ±â€¯16.3 years): 43 ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms (31.9%), 54 type B dissections (40%) and 32 traumatic aortic injuries (23.7%), and other etiologies 4.4%. The overall mortality rate at 30 days was 18.5%, and proved higher in the RTAA group (27.9%). The mean actuarial survival rate was 67 ±â€¯6% at 5 years. The postoperative stroke rate was 5.2%, and the paraplegia rate was 5.9%. Aortic reoperations proved necessary in 12 patients (9%). CONCLUSIONS: Emergency descending thoracic aortic diseases can be treated by endovascular techniques with optimal results and low morbidity and mortality - though the figures are slightly higher than in elective cases. This registry provides, for the first time, real information on the daily clinical practice of emergency TEVAR in Spain.

Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic , Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation , Endovascular Procedures , Adult , Aged , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/surgery , Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(3): 197-203, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356874


RESUMEN Introducción: Una proporción significativa de los pacientes con válvula aórtica bicúspide (VAB) desarrollan una dilatación de la aorta que los predispone a serias complicaciones. Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de dilatación aórtica aplicando los valores de referencia de la población argentina en pacientes con VAB y la influencia de los distintos métodos de indexación (talla, T, y superficie corporal, SC). Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron consecutivamente 581 pacientes adultos con VAB. Se definió la dilatación según el criterio propuesto por las guías (fórmulas de Devereux) y sobre la base de los valores propuestos por el registro MATEAR (Medición de Aorta Torácica por Ecocardiografía en Argentina). Resultados: La edad media fue de 44,9 años (±16), 68,7% sexo masculino. Sobre la base del registro MATEAR se observó alta prevalencia de dilatación de la raíz aórtica o aorta ascendente (72,3% según T y 61,5% según SC) que resultó, en la raíz, mayor que la obtenida según las fórmulas de Devereux (T 47% vs. 31,5%; SC 35,2% vs. 26,5% p < 0,001). Se observó una subestimación sistemática al indexar por SC en pacientes con índice de masa corporal >25 kg/m² (57,8% de la población). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de dilatación aórtica, cuando aplicamos los valores de referencia para la población argentina, fue alta y en la raiz significativamente mayor que la determinada por puntos de corte originados en otras poblaciones. Se observó una subestimación sistemática al corregir por superficie corporal en pacientes con índice de masa corporal >25 kg/m², por lo que indexar por talla sería la opción más recomendable.

ABSTRACT Background: A significant proportion of patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) develop aortic dilation predisposing to serious complications. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of aortic dilation applying reference values for the Argentine population in patients with BAV, and the influence of different indexing methods [height, (H) and body surface area (BSA)] Methods: A total of 581 adult patients with BAV were consecutively included in the study. Aortic dilation was defined according to guideline criteria (Devereux formula) and the reference values suggested by the Echocardiography Thoracic Aortic Assessment in Argentina (MATEAR) registry. Results: Mean age was 44.9±16 years and 68.7% were men. A high prevalence of aortic root or ascending aorta dilation was observed based on MATEAR criteria (72.3% according to H and 61.5 % according to BSA). This was significantly higher for the aortic root than the one obtained with the Devereux formula (H: 47% vs. 31.5%; BSA: 35.2% vs. 26.5% P <0.001). A systematic underestimation was found when indexing for BSA in patients with body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m² (57.8% of population). Conclusions: When applying the reference values for the Argentine population the prevalence of aortic dilation was high and significantly greater than at the root that determined by cutoff points originating in other populations. Systematic underestimation was observed when correcting for BSA in patients with BMI >25 kg/m², so indexing by H would be the most recommended option.