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Environ Pollut ; : 124824, 2024 Aug 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39197642


Autotrophic microorganisms, the pivotal carbon fixers, exhibit a broad distribution across diverse environments, playing critical roles in the process of carbon sequestration. However, insights into their distribution characteristics in aquifers, particularly in those petroleum-hydrocarbon-contaminated (PHC) aquifers that were known for rich in heterotrophs, have been limited. In the study, groundwater samples were collected from red clay aquifers in the storage tank leakage area of a PHC site, a prevalent aquifer type in southern China and other regions. Metagenomics combined with hydrochemical and inorganic carbon isotope analyses were employed to elucidate the presence of microbial carbon fixation and its driving forces. Results showed that there were hundreds of autotrophic microorganisms participating in distinct carbon fixation processes in the red clay PHC aquifers. Reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) and dicarboxylate/4-hydroxybutyrate (DC/4HB), as well as 3-hydroxypropionate (3HP or/and 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate (3HP/4HB)) were the predominant carbon fixation pathways. The abundances of carbon fixation genes and autotrophic microorganisms were significantly and positively correlated with hydrocarbon concentrations and δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C-DIC) values. This finding indicated that the petroleum hydrocarbon significantly promoted the proliferation of carbon fixation microorganisms, leading to a substantial uptake of inorganic carbon. Therefore, we deduce that this process holds considerable potential for carbon sequestration in PHC-contaminated aquifers.

Environ Pollut ; 361: 124826, 2024 Aug 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39197644


Identifying spatiotemporal variation of groundwater NO3-N and its primary controlling factors are vital for groundwater protection. This study, under the data scarce conditions and based on time series monitoring data in Dagu aquifer, applied methods including hydrochemical ion ratio, multiple linear regression, support vector regression and grey relational analysis and dedicated to revealing primary controlling factors of temporal variation patterns of groundwater NO3-N. The results showed that agricultural and manure fertilizer are the main sources of NO3-N in north and central area (vegetable farming area), and that domestic sewage discharge and manure fertilizer are the main sources of NO3-N in south area (residential and grain planting area). In addition, results identified the dominant influencing factors of variation of NO3-N in different regions, with human wastewater discharge, nitrogen load amount and water-table depth being the dominant factors of variations of NO3-N in north area, human wastewater discharge being the main factor of variations of NO3-N in central area, and irrigation water and human wastewater being the leading factors of variations of NO3-N in south area. Moreover, types of controlling factors can influence the seasonal variations of NO3-N. NO3-N in vegetable farming area that dominantly affected by fertilization generally shows higher concentration and larger variation range of concentration during summer and autumn than that during spring. NO3-N which mainly affected by human wastewater discharge and manure inputs shows minimal seasonal variation of mean concentration. NO3-N in grain area influenced by irrigation could show more significant variations during spring and autumn than that during summer. The conclusions can enhance understandings of major influencing factors on NO3-N variation in local aquifer. Importantly, the dominant roles of water-table depth and irrigation in NO3-N variation of N2 site (vegetable planting area) and S5 site (grain planting area), respectively, were highlighted.

Chemosphere ; 364: 143154, 2024 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173835


As climate change induces changes in water quality and available water quantity of drinking water supply sources, the final product water quality changes in terms of trace organics including disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed during water treatment. In this study, the seasonal variability and speciation of DBPs across nine sample sites within a drinking water distribution system serving ∼400k people over a one-year period was investigated considering the governing parameters of water quality and treatment/transport/storage of finished water. The system considered treats surface water from a river and practices aquifer storage and recovery to address seasons water availability changes. Eighty-eight (88) sample sets were collected and held for 6-months in the laboratory to simulate extended storage scenarios associated with ASR operations, and each was analyzed at 9 different timesteps for concentration and speciation of chlorinated DBPs. Samples from groundwater influenced sites exhibited significantly lower total organic carbon (TOC) compared to other sites from the river source, and also were observed to have the lowest DBP formation. Three sites exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for four total trihalomethanes (THM4) within 30-60 days of storage. Chloroform was the predominant THM4 species, even in groundwater-influenced locations, whereas di- and tri-chloroacetic acid (DCA and TCA) were the most prevalent haloacetic acids (HAA5). Extended water age at one site, coupled with low initial chlorine concentrations exhibited higher initial THM4 concentrations and flat DBP formation curves. The study results provide new insights into DBP occurrence and fate in drinking water distribution systems which consider water storage such as in ASR.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39180658


The rising heavy metal (HM) pollution in coastal aquifers in rapidly urbanizing areas such as Dammam leads to significant risks to public health and environmental sustainability, challenging compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines, World Health Organization (WHO) standards, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to clean water and life on land. This study developed the predictive-based monitoring of HM concentrations, including cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and mercury (Hg) in the coastal aquifers of Dammam, influenced by industrial, agricultural, and urban activities. For this purpose, dynamic system identification and machine learning (ML) models integrated with three ensemble techniques, namely, simple averaging (SAE), weighted averaging (WAE), and neuro-ensemble (N-ESB), were employed to enhance the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of environmental monitoring systems. The experimental data were calibrated and validated in addition to k-fold cross-validation to ensure the predictive skills of the models. The methodology integrates extensive data collection across varied land uses in Dammam and accurate model calibration and validation phases to develop highly accurate predictive models. The findings proved that the N-ESB and Hammerstein-Wiener (HW) models surpassed other models in predicting the concentrations of all HM. For Cd, the N-ESB model achieved a root mean square error (RMSE = 0.0010 mg/kg). Similarly, Cr demonstrated superior performance (RMSE = 0.0179 mg/kg). Further numerical results indicated that the HW algorithm proved the most effective for Hg, with RMSE = 0.0000 mg/kg. The quantitative comparison suggested that the N-ESB model's consistently high performance and low error rates make it an optimal choice for real-time, precise monitoring and management of HM pollution in coastal aquifers. The outcomes of this research highlighted the importance of integrating advanced predictive modeling techniques in environmental science, providing significant and practical implications for policymaking and ecological management.

Water Res ; 263: 122145, 2024 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39098156


To counteract the ongoing salinization of coastal aquifers, which poses a significant environmental and socioeconomic challenge to local communities, it is necessary to first understand the origin and mechanisms of this phenomenon. This study investigates the origins of salinity in the Volturno River lowland in Southern Italy and reveals that the primary source in the area is paleo-seawater entrapped within sediments that were subject to evapoconcentration processes. By systematically collecting sediment samples at variable depths and locations and extracting porewaters, a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between freshwater and saline water was gained, including complex patterns of vertical stratification of groundwater salinity. The study highlights the limitations of traditional methods that rely on salinity monitoring via integral depth sampling, particularly in capturing the vertical redox and salinity gradients characteristics of layered aquifer/aquitard systems. On the contrary, environmental tracers, like chloride and bromide, provide valuable insights into the sources of groundwater salinity, distinguishing between current seawater intrusion and other causes, such as paleo-seawater and return flow from drained agricultural land. Results suggest that the majority of salinity does not originate from modern seawater intrusion or recent evaporation. Instead, it can be attributed to paleo-seawater affected by evapoconcentration processes. This study has broader implications for the sustainable management of coastal aquifers and the safeguarding of freshwater resources. While our findings are specific to the Volturno River coastal area, the methodologies and insights here presented can be reproduced in every coastal region facing similar salinity challenges.

Geologic Sediments , Groundwater , Rivers , Salinity , Italy , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Seawater/chemistry
Sci Total Environ ; 949: 175216, 2024 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39102951


Climate change and excessive groundwater extraction are major contributors to rising groundwater salinization due to seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. This study aims to define a wide-applicable approach in which hydrological balance, boundary conditions, and irrigation water demand, defined over time considering climate change predictions, can integrated into a numerical model of the groundwater system. The approach was tested in a selected coastal aquifer. The approach spans from the past, used to define steady or almost natural conditions for calibration purposes (1950-2000 in the test), to the future (2100), divided in decade steps. The water balance analysis is based on an inverse hydrogeological water balance approach. The future climate change predictions are used to assess variations in boundary conditions of the groundwater model concerning salinity and sea level, recharge, and inflow from upstream aquifers. The approach considers changes in agricultural activities, groundwater demand, and river stage. The regional model is generated using the MODFLOW code for the groundwater flow model and the SEAWAT code for the salt transport model. The test concerns the Metaponto coastal plain, in which a porous aquifer is at salinization risk due to seawater intrusion. In this way, different influences of climate change and human activities are combined to define a 3d view of groundwater depletion and salinization effects. Quantifying these potential effects or risks, adaptation scenarios with numerical assessments are outlined in this study.

Front Microbiol ; 15: 1439866, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39144216


If dihydrogen (H2) becomes a major part of the energy mix, massive storage in underground gas storage (UGS), such as in deep aquifers, will be needed. The development of H2 requires a growing share of H2 in natural gas (and its current infrastructure), which is expected to reach approximately 2% in Europe. The impact of H2 in aquifers is uncertain, mainly because its behavior is site dependent. The main concern is the consequences of its consumption by autochthonous microorganisms, which, in addition to energy loss, could lead to reservoir souring and alter the petrological properties of the aquifer. In this work, the coinjection of 2% H2 in a natural gas blend in a low-salinity deep aquifer was simulated in a three-phase (aquifer rock, formation water, and natural gas/H2 mix) high-pressure reactor for 3 months with autochthonous microorganisms using a protocol described in a previous study. This protocol was improved by the addition of protocol coupling experimental measures and modeling to calculate the pH and redox potential of the reactor. Modeling was performed to better analyze the experimental data. As in previous experiments, sulfate reduction was the first reaction to occur, and sulfate was quickly consumed. Then, formate production, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis occurred. Overall, H2 consumption was mainly caused by methanogenesis. Contrary to previous experiments simulating H2 injection in aquifers of higher salinity using the same protocol, microbial H2 consumption remained limited, probably because of nutrient depletion. Although calcite dissolution and iron sulfide mineral precipitation likely occurred, no notable evolution of the rock phase was observed after the experiment. Overall, our results suggested that H2 can be stable in this aquifer after an initial loss. More generally, aquifers with low salinity and especially low electron acceptor availability should be favored for H2 costorage with natural gas.

Water Res ; 265: 122248, 2024 Aug 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39142071


Vanadium (V) occurs in environment naturally and anthropogenically, but little has been understood about its environmental behavior in groundwater aquifer with sediments. This study investigated the pentavalent V [V(V)] transport and transformation under the influence of different sediment components (minerals, organic matter, and microorganisms) through column experiments. All these components played pivotal roles in V immobilization. The synergistic effects of sediment components enhanced V retention compared to individual component. Mineral components, particularly those containing carbonates and metal oxides, predominantly influenced V(V) transport as indicated by XRD analysis. Organic matter, especially under low pH conditions, induced particle aggregation, thereby inhibiting the transport of V(V). The V K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy revealed the formation of tetravalent V[V(IV)] in treatments involving organic matter and microorganisms. Notably, organic matter exhibited the capability to directly reduce V(V). The introduction of microorganisms restricted V(V) transfer. V(V) reducing genera (e.g., Brevundimonas, Arenimonas, Xanthobacter) were detected, achieving V(V) reduction to insoluble V(IV). V(V) bioreduction was improved by minerals that promote microbial metabolism with enhanced electron transfer, or by organic matter that increases levels of intracellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and extracellular polymeric substances. This study specifies the contributions of different sediment components to the transportation and transformation of V, deepening our understanding of V biogeochemistry in groundwater aquifer.

Environ Geochem Health ; 46(9): 366, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39162847


Groundwater nitrate (NO3-) contamination is a global concern. The distribution patterns, enrichment mechanisms, and human health risks of NO3- contaminated groundwater were investigated using 144 groundwater samples collected from domestic and irrigation wells in the piedmonts of the North China Plain (Beijing and Shijiazhuang areas). The results showed that the groundwater was neutral to weakly alkaline, and 47% of the groundwater samples had NO3- concentrations exceeding 50 mg/L, a threshold proposed by world health organization to threaten infants up to 3 months. Groundwater NO3- concentrations were generally higher in the Beijing piedmont than in the Shijiazhuang piedmont and decreased with depth in both piedmonts. High-NO3- (> 50 mg/L) groundwater was distributed sporadically spatially and mainly was of Ca-Mg-HCO3 hydrochemical facies. Stable isotopes (D and 18O) compositions and NO3-/Cl- ratios indicated that NO3- accumulation in groundwater was primarily due to use of N-fertilizers under agricultural practices, and was associated with groundwater recharge sources such as septic tank leakage and re-infiltration of reclaimed irrigation water. Water quality evaluation showed that groundwater quality was highly dependent on NO3- concentration, with entropy-weighted water quality index values increasing linearly with increasing NO3- concentrations. The potential health risk of high-NO3- groundwater was the most serious for infants in both the piedmonts. Therefore, reducing NO3- input from sources and drinking water intake is recommended to minimize the human health risk.

Environmental Monitoring , Groundwater , Nitrates , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Groundwater/chemistry , Nitrates/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Humans , China , Risk Assessment , Water Quality
Sci Total Environ ; 951: 175522, 2024 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39151615


Understanding the connection between aquifers, aquitards, and groundwater-dependant ecosystems remains a key challenge when developing a conceptual hydrogeological model. The aim of this study was to develop a systematic strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) fingerprinting framework of rocks and water within the sedimentary Surat and Clarence-Moreton basins (SCM basins) in eastern Australia - an area of extensive coal seam gas development and high potential for aquifer and groundwater-surface water connectivity. To do this, new groundwater samples (n = 298) were collected, analyzed and integrated with published data (n = 154) from the basins' major sedimentary, volcanic and alluvial aquifers, including the major coal seam gas target, the Walloon Coal Measures. Samples were also analyzed from rainfall (n = 2) and surface water (n = 40). In addition, rock core samples (n = 39) from exploration and stratigraphic wells were analyzed to determine the range of Sr isotope composition from host rocks. The analyses of cores demonstrate a distinct and systematic contrast in 87Sr/86Sr between different hydrogeological units. This confirms that all major hydrogeological units have a narrow range with unique 87Sr/86Sr population characteristics that are useful for guiding conceptual model development. Comparison with selected hydrochemical and groundwater age tracers (14C and 36Cl) suggests only limited changes of 87Sr/86Sr from recharge beds to the deeper parts of the basins or with a decrease in natural 14C and 36Cl tracer content along flow paths. Stream sampling during baseflow conditions confirms that 87Sr/86Sr in surface waters are similar to those of the underlying bedrock formations. We demonstrated that 87Sr/86Sr analyses of rocks and water provide a powerful hydrostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic fingerprinting framework in the SCM basins, enabling reliable assessments of plausible aquifer and groundwater-surface water interconnectivity pathways. Applied in other complex multi-aquifer sedimentary basins in Australia, and globally, a similar approach can help to constrain conceptual hydrogeological models and facilitate improved water resource management.

Chemosphere ; 364: 143030, 2024 Aug 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39121959


Groundwater is an often-overlooked resource, while its declining quantity and quality is of global concern. To protect and ensure stable quantity and quality of groundwater systems used as drinking water supplies, a common method is to artificially recharge these groundwater supplies with surface water, a process called managed aquifer recharge (MAR), that has been used globally for decades. However, surface waters used for MAR often contain elevated concentrations of anthropogenic chemicals of emerging concern (CECs), such as plastics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). When infiltrating this surface water, MAR can thus act as a shortcut for CECs into groundwater systems and eventually drinking water supplies. Especially PFAS are an example of very persistent contaminants showing atypical transport patterns during MAR and thus posing a risk for ground- and drinking water contamination. This systematic review addresses the transport process of CECs through MAR systems by looking at (1) common CEC concentrations in surface waters, (2) factors affecting CEC transport and possible retention during MAR, such as sorption and other physio-chemical mechanisms of CECs, biological and chemical decomposition, or hydrogeological properties of the MAR system, and (3) key contaminants leaching through the MAR systems as well as possible treatment options to improve the retention of CECs during MAR. Since we are facing increasing needs for high quality drinking water, lower CEC drinking water guidelines as well as an increasing number of identified CECs in surface waters, we conclude with a series of recommendations and future research directions to address these issues. Those include the need for regular monitoring programs specifically addressing CECs and especially not yet regulated, (very) persistent and (very) mobile contaminants, such as PFAS, as well as redesigned MAR systems to ensure stable ground- and drinking water quantity and quality.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(38): 50576-50594, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39103581


The critical role of groundwater in meeting diverse needs, including drinking, industrial, and agricultural, highlights the urgency of effective resource management. Excessive groundwater extraction, especially in coastal regions including Urmia Plain in NW Iran, disrupts the equilibrium between freshwater and saline boundaries within aquifers. Influential parameters governing seawater intrusion-groundwater occurrence (G), aquifer hydraulic conductivity (A), the height of groundwater level above the mean sea level (L), distance from the shore (D), impact of the existing status of seawater intrusion (I), and thickness of the saturated aquifer (T)-merge to shape the GALDIT vulnerability index for coastal aquifers. This study enriches the GALDIT framework by incorporating two additional hydrogeological variables: hydraulic gradient (i) and pumping rate (P). This expansion produces seven distinct vulnerability maps (GALDIT, GAiDIT, GAiDIT-P, GALDIT-i, GALDIT-iP, GALDIT-P, GAPDIT). In the Urmia Plain, the traditional GALDIT index reveals vulnerability values ranging from 2 to 8.1, categorized into six classes from negligible to very high vulnerability. However, the modified indices, GAiDIT and GAiDIT-P, yield a three-class categorization, ranging from low to high vulnerability. The introduction of the "i" and "P" parameters in GALDIT-i and GALDIT-iP enhances the precision of vulnerability mapping, altering class distribution and intensifying vulnerability ratings. The eastern, central, and coastal areas of the Urmia Plain demonstrate high to very high vulnerability levels, in contrast to the lower vulnerability observed in the western regions. Both the GALDIT-P (r = 0.82) and GALDIT-iP (r = 0.81) indices show strong correlations with Cl concentration, thereby improving mapping accuracy over the traditional GALDIT index (r = 0.72). A sensitivity analysis highlights the critical influence of the "i" parameter, suggesting its weighting should be revised. Parameter recalibration serves to amplify the significance of "G," "L," "D," and "i" parameters, while diminishing others. The integration of multiple hydrogeological variables considerably enhances the precision of groundwater vulnerability assessments.

Groundwater , Salinity , Groundwater/chemistry , Iran , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Seawater/chemistry
Environ Toxicol Chem ; 2024 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39136622


Barium (Ba) dissolution and mobilization in groundwater are predominantly controlled by sulfate because of the low solubility of barium sulfate (BaSO4) minerals. Naturally present at low concentrations in groundwater, elevated concentrations of Ba can occur as a result of anthropogenic activities, including use of barite in drill operations, and geogenic sources such as leaching from geological formations. No toxicity data exist for Ba with groundwater organisms (stygofauna) to assess the risk of elevated Ba concentrations. The present study measured Ba toxicity to two stygobiont Cyclopoida species: one collected from Wellington and the other from Somersby, New South Wales, Australia. Toxicity was measured as cyclopoid survival over 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days in waters of varying sulfate concentration (<1-100 mg SO4/L). When sulfate was present, dissolved Ba concentrations decreased rapidly in toxicity test solutions forming a BaSO4 precipitate until dissolved sulfate was depleted. Barium in excess of sulfate remained in the dissolved form. The toxicity of Ba to cyclopoids was clearly attributed to dissolved Ba. Precipitated Ba was not toxic to the Wellington cyclopoid species. Toxicity values for dissolved Ba for the Wellington and Somersby cyclopoid species included a (21-day) no-effect concentration of 3.3 mg/L and an effective concentration to cause 5% mortality of 4.8 mg/L (at 21 days). Elevated dissolved Ba concentrations due to anthropogenic and/or biogeochemical processes may pose a risk to groundwater organisms. Further toxicity testing with other stygobiont species is recommended to increase the data available to derive a guideline value for Ba that can be used in contaminant risk assessments for groundwaters. Environ Toxicol Chem 2024;00:1-14. © 2024 The Author(s). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.

Environ Sci Technol ; 58(33): 14687-14697, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39115966


As global change processes modify the extent and functions of terrestrial-aquatic interfaces, the variability of critical and dynamic transitional zones between wetlands and uplands increases. However, it is still unclear how fluctuating water levels at these dynamic boundaries alter groundwater biogeochemical cycling. Here, we used high-temporal resolution data along gradients from wetlands to uplands and during fluctuating water levels at freshwater coastal areas to capture spatiotemporal patterns of groundwater redox potential (Eh). We observed that topography influences groundwater Eh that is higher in uplands than in wetlands; however, the high variability within TAI zones challenged the establishment of distinct redox zonation. Declining water levels generally decreased Eh, but most locations exhibited significant Eh variability, which is associated with rare instances of short-term water level fluctuations, introducing oxygen. The Eh-oxygen relationship showed distinct hysteresis patterns, reflecting redox poising capacity at higher Eh, maintaining more oxidizing states longer than the dissolved oxygen presence. Surprisingly, we observed more frequent oxidizing states in transitional areas and wetlands than in uplands. We infer that occasional oxygen entering specific wetland-upland boundaries acts as critical biogeochemical control points. High-resolution data can capture such rare yet significant biogeochemical instances, supporting redox-informed models and advancing the predictability of climate change feedback.

Groundwater , Oxidation-Reduction , Wetlands , Groundwater/chemistry
Sci Total Environ ; 950: 175232, 2024 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39111444


Geological CO2 sequestration is a proven method for mitigating climate change by reducing atmospheric CO2 levels. However, CO2 injection often induces salt precipitation, leading to decreased formation permeability, which in turn limits CO2 injectivity and storage capacity. Conventional approaches, such as freshwater and low-salinity water injection, have been employed to mitigate salt precipitation. Despite their widespread use, these methods provide only temporary improvement and can be ineffective in some scenarios, resulting in long-term issues such as salt recrystallization and clay swelling. Given the complexity and significance of this issue, a comprehensive review of salt precipitation mechanisms and remediation techniques is essential. This paper critically examines the processes of salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline aquifers and evaluates various remediation techniques aimed at improving CO2 injectivity. The paper reviews the influence of CO2 flow dynamics, geochemical reactions, and fluid properties on salt precipitation and pore throat accumulation, assessing the efficacy and limitations of existing mitigation methods. Additionally, the paper explores alternative techniques with potential for long-term CO2 sequestration, analyzing their advantages and drawbacks. Based on insights from the reviewed sources, the paper recommends exploring alternative treatment measures and the integration of hybrid solutions to enhance CO2 injectivity. The findings presented serve as a valuable reference for advancing research and practice in this critical area, offering a deeper understanding of the challenges and potential solutions for effective CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(38): 50261-50282, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088177


This study integrated hydrochemical analysis, isotopic analysis, the integrated water quality index (IWQI), and the health risk assessment model to analyze hydrochemical characteristics, quality, and nitrate health risks in a typical agricultural and industrial (i.e., Holocene and Pleistocene) simultaneously affected by anthropogenic activities, as well as to explore the recharge mechanisms of the groundwater. The shallow groundwater is mainly Ca-HCO3- and deep groundwater is mainly Na-HCO3- types. In shallow and intermediate aquifers (Holocene), rainfall recharge is seen, but in deep aquifers (Holocene) and the Madhupur tract (Pleistocene), there is no evidence of recent recharge from the stable isotopic (δ2H‰ and δ18O‰) composition of groundwater. Anthropogenic sources significantly impacted the groundwater chemistry of shallow and intermediate aquifers more than geogenic sources. Most metalloids, and metals (As, and Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Mn) and NO3- exceed the WHO-2011 and BD acceptable limit from shallow and intermediate groundwater. PCA analysis revealed the contamination of shallow and intermediate aquifers by metalloids, metals and from various anthropogenic activities. Based on the IWQI, HPI, HEI, and DC, groundwater samples from shallow and intermediate aquifers are unsuitable for oral consumption. The NPI shows that the metalloids, and metals are responsible for groundwater pollution in a descending order of As > Fe > Pb > Ni > Cr > Mn. Health risk assessment indicates oral and dermal consumption of contaminated water from shallow and intermediate aquifers can pose carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks for both the adults and the children. The HQ and HI values of shallow and intermediate groundwater indicates higher non-carcinogenic risk. Carcinogenic risk through oral and dermal consumption follows an order of As > Ni > Cr > Pb and Ni > Cr > As > Pb, respectively. Compared to adults, children are more susceptible to both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks. Potential threats to the health of people living in the study region need immediate attention from the public, government, and the scientific community.

Environmental Monitoring , Groundwater , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Water Quality , Groundwater/chemistry , Risk Assessment , Bangladesh , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Humans
Environ Geochem Health ; 46(9): 358, 2024 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088124


Groundwater is the main source of water for more than 2 billion people worldwide. In southern Brazil, the Crystalline Basement Aquifer System is composed of strategic groundwater reservoirs. Groundwater is mostly taken from shallow wells, and it is often used without any treatment, which poses a risk to public health. The present study aims to evaluate shallow groundwater quality and the geochemistry of shallow and deep groundwater located in the municipality of Canguçu, southern Brazil. The physicochemical and microbiological parameters of groundwater samples collected from shallow wells were monitored and analyzed using ANOVA variance analysis and water quality index (CCME WQI) approaches. Also, the results were compared with secondary data from deep wells. The monitored shallow wells had thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli, pH, potassium, manganese, iron, and nitrate in disagreement with the guidelines of the World Health Organization. Moreover, variance analysis showed that the parameters temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, and magnesium were the most influenced by seasonal variations. According to the CCME WQI, most samples had good quality (60%), 28% had fair quality, and 12% had poor quality. In addition, the field campaigns with higher precipitation rates also presented fair quality. Therefore, most of the shallow groundwater quality is affected by surface pollutants from the urban area, aggravated in rainy periods. Whereas deep groundwater is influenced by geochemistry mechanisms. The results revealed the risk of water consumption for public health and the urgent need for better maintenance of these wells and water treatment implementation.

Environmental Monitoring , Groundwater , Water Quality , Groundwater/chemistry , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Water Microbiology , Seasons , Water Wells , Nitrates/analysis
Water Environ Res ; 96(8): e11091, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39072849


Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widespread groundwater contaminants and are present in over 7000 drinking water wells near a North Carolina (NC) PFAS plant (Chemours). To understand options available to affected residents, we used new and previously existing water quality data to investigate deeper aquifers as alternate drinking water supplies and compared the regulatory responses near Chemours and three other PFAS production facilities with nearby contaminated wells. Data from >100 wells show that GenX concentrations decrease with increasing depth through the four aquifers in the study area: surficial, Black Creek, Upper Cape Fear, and bedrock. This illustrates the extent of vertical PFAS penetration through the aquifer sequence following roughly 40 years of atmospheric emissions. Detailed data on 143 water quality parameters in nine deep wells (two Upper Cape Fear, seven bedrock) revealed only eight exceedances of drinking water standards (one each for arsenic, perfluorooctanoic acid [PFOA], iron, chloride, and gross alpha, and three for manganese) and nine exceedances of health advisories (all for sodium). Regulatory responses to PFAS contamination of wells in four states included mention of deeper wells as an alternate water source only for nonresidential users in NC and residential users in Vermont. The bedrock aquifer is currently used by some residents and may be a viable alternative to shallower groundwater, though arsenic treatment may be beneficial at some deep wells and long-term sustainability of the aquifer should be evaluated. PRACTITIONER POINTS: GenX concentrations decreased with increasing depth in four aquifers near a PFAS plant. A few exceedances of drinking water standards and health advisories were found in deep bedrock wells. New bedrock wells could be part of the response to PFAS issues in shallower wells. In the long term, deep bedrock wells might be a less expensive option for some residents.

Drinking Water , Fluorocarbons , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Water Wells , North Carolina , Fluorocarbons/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Drinking Water/chemistry , Environmental Monitoring , Water Quality , Groundwater/chemistry
Sci Total Environ ; 946: 174375, 2024 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38960175


Groundwater contamination by nitrate and sulfate in mining areas is a significant challenge. Consequently, the inputs sources of these contaminants and their evolution have received considerable attention, with the knowledge gained critical for improved management of water quality. This study integrated data on multiple stable isotopes and water chemistry data and a Bayesian isotope mixing model to investigate the relative contributions of inputs sources of sulfate and nitrate sources to bodies of water in a karst mining area in southwest China. The outcomes indicated that hydrochemical component in the water bodies of the study area is mainly derived from the dissolution of silicate rocks, carbonate rocks and sulfate minerals as well as the oxidation of sulfides. The human and agricultural wastewater, soil nitrogen, and fertilizers were the predominant inputs sources of nitrate to the mine water environment; the predominant inputs sources of sulfide were mineral oxidation, evaporite dissolution, atmospheric deposition, and sewage. Groundwater is mainly recharged from atmospheric precipitation, and surface water is closely hydraulically connected to groundwater. Nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition and water chemistry indicative of nitrification dominate the nitrogen cycle in the study area. The oxidation of pyrite and bacterial sulfate reduction (SRB) had no significant impact on the stable isotopes of groundwater. The results of this study demonstrate the inputs of different sources to nitrate and sulfate in karst mines and associated transformation processes. The results of this study can assist in the conservation of groundwater quality in mining areas and can act as a reference for future related studies.

Water Res ; 261: 122003, 2024 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38986283


Droughts are classified as the most expensive climate disasters as they leave long-term and chronic impacts on the ecosystem, agriculture, and human society. The intensity, frequency, and duration of drought events have increased in the past and are expected to continue rising at global, continental, and regional scales. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are highlighted as effective solutions to cope with the future impacts of these events. Despite this, there has been limited comprehensive research on the effectiveness of NBS for drought mitigation, and existing suitability mapping frameworks often overlook drought-specific criteria. To address this gap, a new framework is proposed to identify areas suitable for two drought-coping NBS types at a regional scale: detention basins and managed aquifer recharge. Two multi-criteria decision-making techniques (MCDM), i.e. Boolean logic and Analytic- Hierarchy Process (AHP), were used to map suitable large-scale NBS. The new framework accounts for unique criteria to specifically address drought conditions. By incorporating climate change scenarios for both surface and groundwater, recharge, and different groundwater characteristics, it identifies suitable and sustainable locations capable of managing extreme drought events. Executed through Boolean logic at a regional scale in Flanders (Belgium), the framework's strict approach yields significant potential areas for detention basins (298.7 km²) and managed aquifer recharge (867.5 km²). Incorporating AHP with the same criteria introduces a higher degree of flexibility for decision-makers. This approach shows a notable expansion across Flanders, varying with the level of suitability. The results underscore the highly suitable potential for detention basins (2552.2 km²) and managed aquifer recharge (2538.7 km²), emphasizing the adaptability and scalability of the framework for addressing drought in the region. The comparison between potential recharge volume due to detention basin and groundwater use in the region indicated that the detention basins could partially compensate for the high water demand. Therefore, creating a framework targeting drought is vital for the sustainable management of water scarcity scenarios.

Climate Change , Droughts , Groundwater , Belgium