BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens caused by percutaneous injuries or mucosal contamination is frequent among Healthcare Workers (HCW). METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis of HCW with an occupational exposure to blood reported to professional risk insurance agencies between 2009 and 2014 was performed. Comparisons between groups according to exposure level (mild, moderate, and severe) were evaluated. RESULTS: Two thousand, four hundred three reports were classified according exposure as mild 2.7 %, moderate 74.8 %, severe 21.9 %. Factors related: health sciences student with mild exposure events [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 11.91, 95 % CI 5.13-27.61, p < 0.00001], and physician with moderate exposure events (AOR 1.90, 95 % CI 1.17-3.07, p = 0.009). Factors inversely related: physician with severe exposure events (AOR 0.54, 95 % CI 0.32-0.91, p = 0.02) and health sciences student with moderate exposure events (AOR 0.08, 95 % CI 0.04-0.15, p < 0.00001). It was found an important relationship between severe events with infectious diseases specialist assessment, and follow-up adherence. Additionally, a case of Human Immunodeficiency Virus seroconversion was presented (0.0004 %), no other seroconversions were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational exposure events must be managed according to established protocols, but adherence failure was evident with the exception of severe exposure cases. Thus, interventions to enhance occupational safety are required. Occupation must be considered as a risk factor during initial assessment of events.
Pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, que se propôs a levantar a frequência de acidentes ocupacionais, envolvendomateriais biológicos potencialmente contaminados, que ocorreram entre os profissionais que atuam em um hospital deensino e caracterizar aqueles que acometeram a equipe de higienização e limpeza e lavanderia. Foram analisadas 238 fichasde investigações de acidentes de trabalho do Serviço de Epidemiologia do período de 2004 a 2009. Destas, 10,9% (26/239)correspondiam a acidentes ocorridos com profissionais da limpeza hospitalar, 2,5% de profissionais da lavanderia. Foipredominante o sexo feminino, faixa etária de 30-40 anos, do tipo percutâneo, destacando-se os quirodáctilos como a áreacorporal mais atingida e o líquido potencialmente contaminado foi o sangue. Três grandes pilares de assistência devem serfortalecidos: o sistema de informação para subsidiar a política institucional, a formação continuada dos profissionais quegeram resíduos perfurantes e a aquisição de materiais com dispositivos de segurança.
This is a descriptive and quantitative research which aimed to study the annual frequency of workplaceaccidents that occurred among health professionals and to characterize the occurrence of work acidentes involvinghospital hygiene staff. 238 professional accidents? reports were analyzed, from the Epidemiology Department in an UniversityHospital, from 2004-2009. From the total, 10,9% (26/238) corresponded to accidents with hygiene staff , and 2,5% with theones who worked at the laundry service. Data were gathered from the form of Surveillance System PSBio. It was observedthat there was a greater frequency of accidents, especially among the female workers, aged from 30-40 years, withpredominance of percutaneous exposure, especially the fingers as the most affected part of the body. Three pillars ofassistance should be strengthened: the information system to support the institutional policy, continuing education ofprofessionals who generate perforating residues and purchase of materials with safety devices.
Investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa, que se propuso a levantar la frecuencia de accidentes ocupacionales,envolviendo materiales biológicos potencialmente contaminados, que ocurrieron entre los profesionales que actúan en unhospital de enseñanza y caracterizar aquellos acometieron el equipo de higienización y limpieza y lavandería. Fueronanalizados 238 informes de expedientes de accidentes de trabajo del Servicio de Epidemiología entre 2004-2009. De estos,10.9% (26/239) correspondían a accidentes ocurridos con profesionales de la limpieza hospitalaria, 2.5% de profesionalesde la lavandería. Fue predominante el sexo femenino, faja etaria de 30-40 años, del tipo percutáneo, destacándose losquirodáctilos como área corporal más afectada y el líquido potencialmente contaminado fue la sangre. Tres grandes pilaresde ayuda deben ser fortalecidos: el sistema de información para subsidiar la política institucional, la formación continuadade los profesionales que generan residuos perforadores y la compra de materiales con dispositivos de seguridad.