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Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 40(1): 41-49, Abr. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-VR-30


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether experiencing mobbing can predict different health risk behaviours, such as smoking, alcohol intake, increased use of medication as a consequence of psychological disorders at work, and the need to seek specialist support in non-university teachers (N = 9,350). The results of the factorial analysis confirmed the one-dimensionality of the scale and its invariance by gender and educational stage. Results for the predictive model showed that the total score on a mobbing scale predicts the increase in both alcohol intake and tobacco use, a greater use of medication as a consequence of psychological or psychosomatic health disorders at work, and the need to seek support from a specialist to overcome some personal crises related to work. Likewise, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco were positively correlated, whereas the search for specialist support was more related to the increase in the use of medication.(AU)

El objetivo del estudio fue investigar si el acoso psicológico predecía conductas de riesgo no saludables en forma de aumento del consumo de tabaco y alcohol y aumento del consumo de medicamentos por trastornos psicológicos asociados al trabajo, así como la búsqueda de apoyo de profesionales en docentes no universitarios (N = 9,350). Un análisis factorial inicial confirmó la unidimensionalidad de la escala de mobbing y su invarianza por género y etapa educativa. Los resultados del modelo predictivo mostraron que la puntuación en acoso predice el aumento de consumo de alcohol y de tabaco y mayor uso de medicamentos debido a problemas de salud psicológicos o psicosomáticos derivados del trabajo, así como la necesidad de buscar apoyo de especialistas para superar crisis personales relacionadas con el trabajo. El aumento del consumo de alcohol y de tabaco correlacionan positivamente. La búsqueda de apoyo especializado está más relacionada con el aumento del uso de medicamentos.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco Use , Alcohol Drinking , Faculty/psychology , Psychosocial Support Systems , Drug Misuse
Metas enferm ; 27(1): 68-75, Febr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-230209


Objetivo: describir las características de la resiliencia y su asociación con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes residentes en la zona este de Tijuana, frontera norte de México. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal cuya población fueron 7.611 adolescentes de 11 a 16 años escolarizados de la ciudad de Tijuana, Baja California. Se estimó una muestra de 663 participantes seleccionados mediante muestreo por conglomerados. Se recogieron variables sociodemográficas, de historia de consumo de tabaco y alcohol y la resiliencia (ER-14) (mín. 14 a máx. 98 p; muy baja, baja, normal, alta o muy alta). Se realizó estadística descriptiva, bivariante y modelos de regresión logística ajustados por sexo para la variable “consumo de alcohol o tabaco”. Resultados: participaron 710 adolescentes (50,7% mujeres). El 46% había consumido alcohol o tabaco en algún momento de su vida y el 27,1% en el último año (mujeres 31,5%; hombres 23,3%; p= 0,005). El 29% mostró alta resiliencia y el 25,5% muy alta resiliencia. Se obtuvo con más frecuencia alta puntuación en las afirmaciones: soy alguien en quien se puede confiar en emergencias (42,5%), siento orgullo de mis logros (41,3%), la vida tiene sentido (33,1%). Se encontró un efecto negativo de la resiliencia sobre el consumo de alcohol o tabaco alguna vez en la vida (ORa= 0,984; IC95% [0,978-0,990]) y en el último año (ORa= 0,987; IC95% [0,981-0,994]). Conclusión: a mayor resiliencia menor fue la probabilidad de consumo de alcohol o tabaco alguna vez en la vida y en el último año. Intervenciones futuras deben considerar estos resultados.(AU)

Objective: to describe the characteristics of resilience and its association with the use of alcohol and tobacco among adolescents living in Eastern Tijuana, in the Northern border of Mexico. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study on a population of 7,611 adolescents from 11 to 16 years old, attending school in the city of Tijuana, Baja California. The sample was estimated in 633 participants, selected through cluster sampling. Sociodemographic variables were collected, their history of use of tobacco and alcohol, as well as resilience (RS-14) (minimum 14 to maximum 98 scores; very low, low, normal, high or very high). Descriptive bivariate statistics were used, as well as logistical regression models adjusted by gender for the “use of alcohol of tobacco” variable. Results: the study included 710 adolescents (50.7% were female); 46% of them had used alcohol or tobacco at some point in their lives, and 27.1% during the past year (31.5% female; 23.3% male; p= 0.005); 29% showed high resilience and 25.5% showed very high resilience. The most frequently obtained high scores were for the statements: I am someone who can be trusted in emergencies (42.5%), I feel proud of my achievements (41.3%), and Life makes sense (33.1%). A negative effect of resilience was found on alcohol and tobacco use at some point in life (ORa= 0.984; CI95% [0.978-0.990]) and during the past year (ORa= 0.987; CI95% [0.981-0.994]). Conclusion: the higher the resilience, the lower the likelihood of using alcohol or tobacco at some point in life and during the last year. Future interventions should consider these results.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Resilience, Psychological , Underage Drinking , Tobacco Use , Mexico , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. esp. drogodepend ; 49(1): 31-57, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231980


Estudios recientes de estimulación transcraneal con corriente directa (tDCS), aplicada sobre la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral (CPFDL), han demostrado que pueden reducir el craving y el consumo de tabaco. Sin embargo, existen pocas investigaciones que hayan evaluado los efectos del tDCS sobre la motivación y la autoeficacia para dejar de fumar. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la tDCS sobre el patrón de consumo, la motivación y la autoeficacia percibida para dejar de fumar en 16 personas con Trastorno por Consumo de Tabaco (TCT). Se utilizó un diseño de series temporales con replicación intrasujeto ABAB. El tratamiento consistió en la aplicación de 10 sesiones repetidas de tDCS a 1.5 mA durante 20 minutos sobre la CPFDL (cátodo F3 y ánodo F4), una sesión diaria durante dos semanas (lunes a viernes). Tras una fase de descanso de un mes, se replicó el tratamiento intrasujeto en idénticas condiciones. La intervención completa duró nueve semanas y fue completada por 10 participantes. Los resultados mostraron una reducción significativa en la dependencia a la nicotina, el número de cigarrillos fumados y los niveles de monóxido de carbono (CO) en el aire espirado. Además, observamos una mejora significativa en la motivación y la autoeficacia percibida para dejar de fumar. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el tDCS, aplicado sobre la CPFDL, puede ser una técnica efectiva para usar como terapia coadyuvante a otras estrategias farmacológicas y/o psicológicas empleadas en las Unidades de Conductas Adictivas (UCAs), u otros centros de atención a las drogodependencias. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios que investiguen la interacción entre los efectos de la nicotina y el tDCS para encontrar la estrategia óptima de tratamiento. (AU)

Recent studies of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (CPFDL), have shown that they can reduce craving and smoking. However, there is little research that has evaluated the effects of tDCS on motivation and self-efficacy to quit smoking. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of tDCS on the pattern of consumption, motivation and perceived self-efficacy to quit smoking in 16 people with Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD). A time series design with intrasubject ABAB replication was used. The treatment consisted of applying 10 repeated sessions of tDCS at 1.5 mA for 20 minutes on the CPFDL (cathode F3 and anode F4), one daily session for two weeks (Monday to Friday). After a one-month rest phase, the intra-subject treatment was replicated under identical conditions. The entire intervention lasted nine weeks and was completed by 10 participants. The results showed a significant reduction in nicotine dependence, the number of cigarettes smoked and the levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the exhaled air. Furthermore, we observed a significant improvement in motivation and perceived self-efficacy to quit smoking. These findings suggest that the tDCS, applied on the CPFDL, may be an effective technique to use as adjunctive therapy to other pharmacological and / or psychological strategies used in the Addictive Behavior Units, or other drug addiction care centers. However, more studies are needed to investigate the interaction between the effects of nicotine and tDCS to find the optimal treatment strategy. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation/psychology , Tobacco Use , Smoking Cessation/methods , Smoking Cessation/psychology , Motivation , Self Efficacy
Gac Sanit ; 37: 102336, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38006663


OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe the accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco around secondary schools in Madrid and its distribution in relation with area-level socioeconomic deprivation; analyze the relationship between this exposure and individual consumption characteristics of students between 14 and 18 years old; and explore other facilitators of this consumption. METHOD: Mixed-methods study conducted in three phases: 1) we collected data on accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco in the environment using systematic social observation around 55 secondary schools; 2) we administered 2287 questionnaires among the students in these centers to gather information about characteristics and determinants of consumption; and 3) we conducted 20 semi-structured interviews and one discussion group to deepen in the results obtained in surveys and systematic social observation. We will use Geographic Information Systems to integrate and analyze the data from a spatial perspective.

Alcohol Drinking , Social Determinants of Health , Adolescent , Humans , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Students , Tobacco Use/epidemiology
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 97: e202309077, Sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-226223


Fundamentos: El tabaco es la droga más consumida en el mundo y cada año provoca la muerte de más de ocho millones depersonas. El farmacéutico es el profesional de la salud más accesible a los fumadores, por lo que es fundamental en el tratamientoy prevención del tabaquismo. El objetivo de este estudio fue implantar un programa antitabaco multidisciplinar en una oficina defarmacia y evaluar el efecto de la atención farmacéutica en la cesación del consumo de tabaco. Métodos: El estudio se realizó en dos farmacias del Ejército de Tierra situadas en España y Líbano en las que se desarrolló unplan de deshabituación al consumo de tabaco durante los años 2020 y 2021. Como criterio de selección de participantes se aceptó atodos aquellos pacientes del área de influencia de las farmacias que aceptasen participar en el programa, siendo el tamaño muestralde treinta y ocho personas. Los pacientes se sometieron a test de adicción, motivación y hábito de consumo de tabaco, y se realizóun análisis descriptivo de los datos aportados, usando el test de chi-cuadrado para la comparación de valores, considerándoseestadísticamente significativos solo aquellos con un valor de probabilidad inferior a 0,05. Resultados: El trabajo multidisciplinar permitió el tratamiento con medicamentos mediante prescripción médica. El 63% de lospacientes del estudio consiguieron dejar de fumar. Conclusiones: Las oficinas de farmacia pueden implantar y liderar programas de deshabituación al consumo de tabaco quefaciliten la cesación y la adhesión a los tratamientos. La clasificación de los pacientes según su historial de tabaquismo resulta clavepara realizar un tratamiento adecuado y personalizado.(AU)

Background: Tobacco is the most consumed drug in the world and each year it causes the death of more than eight millionpeople. The pharmacist is the healthcare professional most accessible to smokers, therefore they are essential in the treatment andprevention of smoking. The study´s aim was to implement a multidisciplinary anti-smoking program in a pharmacy and evaluate theeffect of pharmaceutical care on smoking cessation. Methods: The study was carried out in two army pharmacies located in Spain and Lebanon in which a smoking cessation plan wasdeveloped in 2020 and 2021. As the requirements for participants selection, all those patients in the area of influence of pharmaciesthat agreed to participate in the program were accepted, with a sample size of thirty-eight people. The patients underwent an addiction,motivation and smoking habit test, and a descriptive analysis of the data provided was carried out, using the chi-square test for thecomparison of values. Only those with a probability value less than 0.05 are considered statistically significant.Results: The multidisciplinary work allowed treatment with prescription drugs. The study shows that 63% of patients managedto quit smoking. Conclusions: Pharmacies can implement and lead smoking cessation programs that facilitate cessation and adherence to treat-ments. The classification of patients according to their history of smoking is key to carrying out an adequate and personalized treatment.(AU)

Humans , Tobacco Use/drug therapy , Tobacco Use/prevention & control , Nicotiana , Tobacco Smoking , Smoking Cessation , Prescriptions , Public Health , Lebanon , Spain , Pharmacy
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 37: [102336], 2023. ilus, mapas
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-228792


Objective: This study aims to describe the accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco around secondary schools in Madrid and its distribution in relation with area-level socioeconomic deprivation; analyze the relationship between this exposure and individual consumption characteristics of students between 14 and 18 years old; and explore other facilitators of this consumption. Method: Mixed-methods study conducted in three phases: 1) we collected data on accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco in the environment using systematic social observation around 55 secondary schools; 2) we administered 2287 questionnaires among the students in these centers to gather information about characteristics and determinants of consumption; and 3) we conducted 20 semi-structured interviews and one discussion group to deepen in the results obtained in surveys and systematic social observation. We will use Geographic Information Systems to integrate and analyze the data from a spatial perspective.(AU)

Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir la accesibilidad y la promoción de alcohol y tabaco alrededor de los centros de enseñanza secundaria en Madrid y su distribución en relación con la privación socioeconómica del área; analizar la relación entre esta exposición y las características individuales de consumo en estudiantes de entre 14 y 18 años; y explorar otros facilitadores del consumo. Método: Estudio de métodos mixtos en tres fases: 1) recogimos datos sobre accesibilidad y promoción de estas sustancias en el entorno mediante observación social sistemática alrededor de 55 centros de secundaria; 2) administramos 2287 cuestionarios a estudiantes de estos centros sobre características y determinantes de consumo; y 3) realizamos 20 entrevistas semiestructuradas y un grupo de discusión en estos centros para profundizar en los resultados obtenidos en las encuestas y la observación social sistemática. Utilizaremos Sistemas de Información Geográfica para integrar y analizar los datos desde una perspectiva espacial.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Health Services Accessibility , Preventive Health Services , Alcohol Drinking/prevention & control , Tobacco Use/prevention & control , Underage Drinking , Social Determinants of Health , Public Health , Spain , Health Promotion , Surveys and Questionnaires , Urban Health
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e9, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424249


RESUMEN Objetivo. Identificar las estrategias no farmacológicas para reducir y cesar el consumo de tabaco dirigidas a la comunidad estudiantil universitaria de pregrado. Métodos. Revisión sistemática clásica de literatura científica experimental publicada en los últimos 20 años en bases de datos y literatura gris. El algoritmo de búsqueda consistió en utilizar la máxima cantidad de terminología que describiera la pregunta de investigación y así disponer del mayor número de resultados en las diferentes bases de datos. Los cuadros de evidencias se construyeron con el instrumento FLC 3.0® y Excel 2021®. La herramienta GRADE permitió evaluar la calidad de evidencia científica. El riesgo de sesgos se estimó con base a las recomendaciones del Manual Cochrane de revisiones sistemáticas de intervenciones. Se suministrő un resumen narrativo de los estudios incluidos con alto grado de heterogeneidad establecida por estadística I2. Resultados. Se realizó la búsqueda en bases de datos y literatura gris y se obtuvieron 40 823 artículos. Luego de la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se incluyeron 7 artículos: un estudio con impacto en casación, dos estudios sobre reducción y cuatro estudios con efectos tanto en la reducción como la cesación del consumo de tabaco. La calidad metodológica evaluada mediante la herramienta GRADE fue "buena". El riesgo de sesgos de forma global fue "bajo". La alta heterogeneidad clínica y metodológica de los estudios impidió su agrupación para la construcción del metaanálisis. Conclusión. Los datos extraídos de los siete artículos muestran la capacidad de las intervenciones no farmacológicas para reducir y cesar el consumo de tabaco en la población estudiantil universitaria, aunque la evidencia sea aún limitada. Se considera necesario realizar más estudios para elaborar recomendaciones fuertes para su implementación.

ABSTRACT Objective. Identify non-pharmacological strategies for reduction and cessation of tobacco use, aimed at the community of undergraduate university students. Methods. Classic systematic review of experimental scientific literature published in the last 20 years in databases and grey literature. The search algorithm consisted of using the maximum amount of terminology that described the research question, resulting in the largest number of results in the different databases. Evidence tables were constructed with the FLC 3.0 assessment tool and Excel 2021. Use of the GRADE tool enabled assessment of the quality of scientific evidence. Risk of bias was estimated in accordance with recommendations in the Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions. A narrative summary of the included studies was provided, given the high degree of heterogeneity established by I2 statistics. Results. A search of databases and grey literature obtained 40 823 articles. After the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven articles were included: one study with impact on cessation, two studies on reduction, and four studies with an impact on both the reduction and cessation of tobacco use. The methodological quality was "good" according to the GRADE tool. The overall risk of bias was 'low'. The high clinical and methodological heterogeneity of the studies prevented grouping for the construction of a meta-analysis. Conclusion. Data from the seven articles show that non-pharmacological interventions can result in reduction and cessation of tobacco use in the university student population, although the evidence is still limited. Further studies are necessary in order to develop strong recommendations for implementation.

RESUMO Objetivo. Identificar estratégias não farmacológicas para reduzir e suspender o consumo de tabaco dirigidas à comunidade de estudantes universitários de graduação. Métodos. Revisão sistemática clássica da literatura científica experimental publicada nos últimos 20 anos em bases de dados e da literatura cinzenta. O algoritmo de busca consistiu em usar a quantidade máxima de terminologia que descrevesse a pergunta da pesquisa e, assim, dispor do maior número de resultados nas diversas bases de dados. As tabelas de evidências foram construídas usando as ferramentas FLC 3.0® e Excel 2021®. A ferramenta GRADE permitiu avaliar a qualidade das evidências científicas. O risco de viés foi estimado com base nas recomendações do Manual Cochrane de Revisões Sistemáticas de Intervenções. Foi fornecido um resumo narrativo de estudos com alto grau de heterogeneidade estabelecida pela estatística I2. Resultados. Foram pesquisadas bases de dados e literatura cinzenta e foram obtidos 40 823 artigos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram incluídos sete artigos: um estudo com impacto na interrupção, dois estudos sobre a redução e quatro estudos com efeitos tanto na redução quanto na interrupção do consumo de tabaco. A qualidade metodológica segundo a avaliação com a ferramenta GRADE foi "boa". O risco geral de viés foi "baixo". A alta heterogeneidade clínica e metodológica dos estudos impediu o agrupamento para a construção de meta-análise. Conclusão. Os dados dos sete artigos mostram a capacidade de intervenções não farmacológicas para reduzir e suspender o uso do tabaco pela população estudantil universitária, embora as evidências ainda sejam limitadas. Considera-se necessário fazer mais estudos para formular recomendações sólidas para implementação.

Humans , Tobacco Use Disorder/therapy , Tobacco Use Cessation/methods , Students , Universities , Risk Assessment , Smoking Prevention
Lisboa; s.n; 2023.
Thesis in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1570192


Introdução: O consumo de tabaco representa um grave problema de saúde pública a nível mundial, pelo impacto que tem na saúde das populações, provoca oito milhões de mortes por ano, é a principal causa de morte prematura evitável em todo o mundo. Com efeitos no agravamento da pobreza e alterações do meio ambiente. O projeto de intervenção comunitária (PIC) foi desenvolvido numa Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade (UCC). Teve como objetivo: promover a aquisição de conhecimentos que levem à prevenção do consumo de tabaco nos alunos das turmas do 8º ano de uma escola básica do 2º e 3º ciclo, de um concelho da área metropolitana de Lisboa. Metodologia: O projeto iniciou-se pela revisão da literatura sobre a prevenção do hábito de fumar dos adolescentes na escola. Fez-se uma Revisão Scoping, de acordo com o protocolo de Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), foram selecionados 11 artigos. A metodologia que norteou o projeto foi o Planeamento em Saúde. Para avaliar: o consumo de tabaco, os conhecimentos dos malefícios, crenças e falsos conceitos associados ao consumo de tabaco, usamos o questionário SmokeOut de Precioso (2014). O referencial teórico de enfermagem utilizado foi o Modelo de Sistemas de Neuman (2011). Identificou-se como problema prioritário: 52 % dos alunos apresentavam défice de conhecimentos sobre malefícios, crenças e falsos conceitos associados ao consumo de tabaco. Pelo que a estratégia adequada foi a educação para a saúde, com atividades planeadas para os 43 alunos que consentiram participar, autorizados pelos encarregados de educação. Resultados: O diagnóstico da situação de saúde revelou que 52% dos alunos apresentavam défice de conhecimento em relação ao consumo de tabaco. Após a intervenção comunitária, 19% dos alunos apresentavam défice de conhecimentos. Conclusão: Os resultados da intervenção comunitária, revelaram que é importante adquirir conhecimento sobre os malefícios do consumo de tabaco. Os alunos avaliaram a intervenção muito satisfatoriamente. (AU)

Introduction: Tobacco consumption represents a serious public health problem worldwide, due to the impact it has on the health of populations, it causes eight million deaths per year, it is the main cause of preventable premature death worldwide. With effects on the worsening of poverty and changes in the environment. The community intervention project (PIC) was developed in a Community Care Unit (UCC). It aimed to promote the acquisition of knowledge that leads to the prevention of tobacco consumption among students in the 8th grade of a basic school of the 2nd and 3rd cycle, in a municipality in the metropolitan area of Lisbon. Methodology: The project began by reviewing the literature on the prevention of smoking among adolescents at school. A Scoping Review was carried out, according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) protocol, 11 articles were selected. The methodology that guided the project was Health Planning. To assess: tobacco consumption, knowledge of harm, beliefs and misconceptions associated with tobacco consumption, we used the SmokeOut questionnaire by Precioso (2014). The theoretical nursing framework used was Neuman's Systems Model (2011). It was identified as a priority problem: 52% of the students had a lack of knowledge about harm, beliefs and false concepts associated with tobacco consumption. Therefore, the appropriate strategy was health education, with activities planned for the 43 students who agreed to participate, authorized by their guardians. Results: The diagnosis of the health situation revealed that 52% of the students had a lack of knowledge regarding tobacco consumption. After the community intervention, 19% of the students had a knowledge deficit. Conclusion: The results of the Community Intervention revealed that it is important to acquire knowledge about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption. The students evaluated the intervention very satisfactorily.(AU)

Child , Adolescent , School Health Services , Community Health Nursing , Smoking Prevention , Students , Health Education
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(2): 300-307, May.-Aug. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448417


Resumen: Objetivo: Conocer el efecto de los determinantes de la conducta planeada sobre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol en adolescentes de preparatoria. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional predictivo en 735 adolescentes estudiantes de preparatorias públicas, ubicadas en 14 complementos urbanos pertenecientes al Estado de Nuevo León, México. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados, para variables sociodemográficas, consumo de tabaco y alcohol, actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido hacia el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Se realizaron modelos de regresión logística de la actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido sobre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional predictivo en 735 adolescentes estudiantes de preparatorias públicas, ubicadas en 14 complementos urbanos pertenecientes al Estado de Nuevo León, México. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados, para variables sociodemográficas, consumo de tabaco y alcohol, actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido hacia el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Se realizaron modelos de regresión logística de la actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido sobre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Resultados: La norma subjetiva (OR=1.02, p=0.028) y el control conductual percibido (OR=1.084, p=0.001), se mostraron significativos para predecir el consumo de tabaco alguna vez en la vida, mientras que la actitud (OR=0.980, p=0.017), norma subjetiva (OR=1.034, p=0.025) y control conductual percibido (OR=1.080, p=0.001), se mostraron significativos para predecir el consumo de alcohol alguna vez en la vida. Conclusiones: Con base a los resultados se puede determinar la aplicabilidad y pertinencia de la Teoría de la Conducta Planeada para la generación de nuevos conocimientos científicos, que permitan el diseño e implementación de programas específicos para enfrentar las situaciones que los adolescentes perciben como facilitadores para el consumo de tabaco y alcohol.

Abstract: Objective: To know the effect of the determinants of planned behavior on tobacco and alcohol consumption in high school adolescents. Material and Methods: A predictive correlational study was carried out in 735 adolescent students of public high schools, located in 14 urban complements belonging to the State of Nuevo León, Mexico. Data were obtained through self-administered questionnaires for sociodemographic variables, tobacco and alcohol consumption, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control towards tobacco and alcohol consumption. Logistic regression models of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control over tobacco and alcohol consumption were performed. Results: The subjective norm (OR = 1.02, p = .028) and the perceived behavioral control (OR = 1.084, p = .001), were found to be significant in predicting tobacco use sometime in life, while the attitude (OR = .980, p = .017), subjective norm (OR = 1.034, p= .025) and perceived behavioral control (OR = 1.080, p = .001), were found to be significant in predicting alcohol consumption at some time in the life. Conclusions: Based on the results, the applicability and relevance of the Theory of Planned Behavior can be determined for the generation of new scientific knowledge, which allows the design and implementation of specific programs to face the situations that adolescents perceive as facilitators for the tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 25(3): 173-181, 2022. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437047


The lifestyle is the result of a set of behavior patterns or sociocultural habits acquired over the years that determines the state of physical, mental and social health of people. The aim was to analyze the habit of consuming tobacco, alcohol and other illegal drugs in the acquired healthy lifestyle. Descriptive, epidemiological and cross-sectional study in 788 participants aged 22 to 77 years (49.5% men; 50.5% women) selected by non-probabilistic and intentional sampling. Subscale 4 Tobacco, alcohol and other drug consumption habits was used. of the Acquired Healthy Lifestyle Assessment Scale. The following classifications on consumption habits were made: a) tobacco (non-smoker, mild, moderate, high and very high risk), b) alcohol (no risk, prudent consumption, low, moderate and high risk), c) drugs (never, almost never, with some frequency, quite frequently and very frequently) and d) global (not at all healthy, unhealthy, tending towards health and healthy). The results showed that 27% of the participants need to improve their lifestyle by eliminating (or reducing) drug use, acquiring healthier habits. Regarding the differences according to sex, men, compared to women, presented a higher prevalence of unhealthy habits, especially alcohol. In relation to the differences according to the age group, the participants from 49 to 55 years old presented the highest prevalence of habits in the unhealthy or unhealthy levels, while the group from 56 to 72 years old showed the healthiest levels in relation to the habit of drug use.

El objetivo fue analizar el hábito de consumo de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas ilegales en el estilo de vida saludable adquirido. Estudio descriptivo, epidemiológico y transversal en 788 participantes de 22 a 77 años de edad (49,5% varones; 50,5% mujeres) seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico e intencional. Se empleó la sub-escala 4. Hábito de consumo de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas de la Escala de Valoración del Estilo de Vida Saludable Adquirido. Se realizaron las siguientes clasificaciones sobre el hábito de consumo: a) tabaco (no fumador, leve, moderado, alto y muy alto riesgo), b) alcohol (ningún riesgo, consumo prudente, bajo, moderado y alto riesgo), c) drogas (nunca, casi nunca, con alguna frecuencia, con bastante frecuencia y con mucha frecuencia) y d) global (nada saludable, poco saludable, tendente hacia la salud y saludable). Los resultados mostraron que el 27% de los participantes necesita mejorar su estilo de vida eliminando (o reduciendo) el consumo de drogas, adquiriendo hábitos más saludables. Con respecto a las diferencias según sexo, los varones, en comparación con las mujeres, presentaron una mayor prevalencia de hábitos no saludables, sobre todo, de alcohol. En relación a las diferencias según el grupo de edad, los participantes de 49 a 55 años presentaron la mayor prevalencia de hábitos en los niveles poco o nada saludables, mientras que el grupo de 56 a 72 años mostró los niveles más saludables en relación al hábito de consumo de drogas.

Healthy Lifestyle , Spain , Alcohol Drinking , Tobacco Use , Substance Abuse, Oral
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 31(spe1): e2021388, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384905


Objetivo: Descrever os indicadores de abandono do uso de tabaco, em 2013 e 2019, para o Brasil e as Unidades da Federação, segundo variáveis sociodemográficas, coletadas na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS). Métodos: Estudo transversal, populacional e descritivo realizado com dados da PNS 2013 e 2019, uma pesquisa domiciliar coletada por entrevistadores treinados. Foram calculadas a prevalência de ex-fumantes e a proporção de fumantes que tentaram parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses imediatamente anteriores à data da entrevista, e os respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%), segundo as variáveis sociodemográficas. Ademais, calculou-se a variação percentual entre os anos estudados. Resultados: Em 2013, a prevalência de ex-fumantes foi 17,5% (IC95% 16,9;18,0) e, em 2019, 26,6% (IC95% 26,1;27,2). Tentaram parar de fumar 51,1% (IC95% 49,3;52,9), em 2013, e 46,6% (IC95% 45,0;48,3) em 2019. Conclusão: É importante o fortalecimento e manutenção de estratégias para enfrentamento do uso de tabaco no país, de forma a aumentar a disposição e a capacidade do fumante atual de parar de fumar.

Objetivo: Describir los indicadores de abandono del hábito tabáquico en 2013 y 2019 para Brasil y Unidades Federadas, según variables sociodemográficas, recogidas en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (PNS). Métodos: Estudio transversal, poblacional y descriptivo con datos de las PNS, 2013 y 2019, una encuesta de hogares recolectada por entrevistadores capacitados. Se calculó la prevalencia de exfumadores y proporción de fumadores que intentaron dejar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses y respectivos intervalos de confianza (IC95%), según variables sociodemográficas. Además, se calculó la variación porcentual entre los años. Resultados: En 2013, la prevalencia de exfumadores fue de 17,5% (IC95% 16,9;18,0), en 2019, 26,6% (IC95% 26,1;27,2). En 2013, el 51,1% intentó dejar de fumar (IC95% 49,3;52,9), y, en 2019, el 46,6% (IC95% 45,0;48,3). Conclusión: Es importante fortalecer y mantener las estrategias de afrontamiento del tabaquismo, para incrementar la disposición y capacidad del fumador actual para dejar de fumar.

Objective: To describe the indicators of smoking cessation in 2013 and 2019 for Brazil and federative units, according to sociodemographic variables, collected in the National Health Survey (PNS). Methods: Cross-sectional, population-based and descriptive study with data from the 2013 and 2019 PNS, a household survey collected by trained interviewers. The prevalence of ex-smokers and the proportion of smokers who tried to quit smoking in the 12 months prior to the interview, and respective confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated, according to sociodemographic variables. Additionally, the percentage variation between the years was calculated. Results: In 2013, the prevalence of ex-smokers was 17.5% (95%CI 16.9;18.0) and, in 2019, 26.6% (95%CI 26.1;27.2). In 2013, 51.1% tried to quit smoking (95%CI 49.3;52.9) and, in 2019, 46.6% (95%CI 45.0;48.3). Conclusion: It is important to strengthen and maintain strategies for coping with tobacco use in Brazil, to increase the current smoker's willingness and ability to quit smoking.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Tobacco Use Disorder/epidemiology , Smoking Cessation/statistics & numerical data , Ex-Smokers/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Health Surveys
Referência ; serV(8,supl.1): e21024, dez. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1365328


Resumen Marco contextual: El clima escolar se considera un factor protector para el consumo de drogas. Objetivo: Identificar la asociación del clima escolar con el consumo de drogas por los adolescentes. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo correlacional predictivo. Muestreo por conglomerados unietápico y una muestra de 227 estudiantes de 15 a 18 años. Se aplicó una Cédula de Identificación de Características Personales y Consumo de Drogas y la Escala de Clima Escolar (MDS3). Resultados: Se identificó que cuando existe percepción positiva de seguridad (OR = 0,904; p < 0,01), existe menor consumo de alcohol en la última semana, lo que explica el 8,2% de la varianza. Por otra parte, el clima escolar positivo no predice el consumo de tabaco, sin embargo, existe menor probabilidad de consumo de tabaco en el último año cuando existe una percepción positiva del ambiente escolar (OR = 0,884; p < 0,05). Conclusión: La percepción positiva de seguridad en el clima escolar se asocia con el no consumo de alcohol en la última semana, sin embargo, no predice el consumo de tabaco.

Abstract Background: The school climate is a protective factor for substance use. Objective: To identify the association between school climate and substance use in adolescents. Methodology: Predictive descriptive-correlational study. Single-stage cluster sampling and a sample of 227 students aged 15 to 18 years. A Personal Traits and Drug Consumption Identity Card and the School Climate Survey (MDS3) were applied. Results: Participants had a positive perception of safety (OR = 0.904; p < 0.01). There was less alcohol consumption in the last week, explaining 8.2% of the variance. Although a positive school climate does not predict tobacco use, a positive perception of the school environment results in a lower probability of tobacco use in the last year (OR = 0.884; p < 0.05). Conclusion: Although a positive perception of safety in the school climate is associated with no alcohol consumption in the last week, it does not predict tobacco use.

Resumo Enquadramento: O clima escolar é considerado um fator de proteção para o consumo de drogas. Objetivo: Identificar a associação do clima escolar com o uso de drogas por adolescentes. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo correlacional preditivo. Amostragem por conglomerados num estágio e amostra de 227 alunos de 15 a 18 anos. Foram aplicados o Cartão de Identificação de Características Pessoais e Consumo de Medicamentos e a Escala de Clima Escolar (MDS3). Resultados: Identificou-se que quando há perceção positiva de segurança (OR = 0,904; p < 0,01) há menor consumo de álcool na última semana, explicando 8,2% da variância. Por outro lado, um clima escolar positivo não prediz o uso de tabaco, porém, há menor probabilidade de uso de tabaco no último ano quando há uma perceção positiva do ambiente escolar (OR = 0,884; p < 0,05). Conclusão: A perceção positiva de segurança no clima escolar está associada ao não consumo de álcool na última semana, porém não prediz o uso de tabaco.

An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 95(4): 222-232, Oct. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-207783


Introducción: Fumar puede provocar efectos adversos durante el embarazo y el postparto. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar diversas repercusiones que puede acarrear el consumo de tabaco materno activo y/o pasivo en el hogar, en el embarazo, parto, recién nacido y en la lactancia materna, así como el efecto del abandono del tabaco en el primer trimestre del embarazo. Método: Estudio longitudinal prospectivo realizado con una muestra de 800 mujeres embarazadas. Se realizaron cuatro evaluaciones: primer y tercer trimestre de embarazo y dos y 6/8 meses postparto. Se recogió información sociodemográfica, obstétrica, relacionada con la salud y con el consumo de tabaco, y se validó bioquímicamente el autoinforme de abstinencia. Resultados: Ser fumadora activa y pasiva predice sufrir complicaciones en el embarazo (OR 2,50; IC 1,42-4,35) y el parto (OR 3,10; IC 1,75-5,51) y tener la intención de no amamantar (OR 2,44; IC 1,35-4,42). Ser fumadora activa predice presentar complicaciones en el parto (OR 5,58; IC 2,64-7,77), el bebé (OR 3,77; IC 1,53-9,36) y no practicar lactancia materna a los dos (OR 25,73; IC 11,95-55,40) y 6/8 meses postparto (OR 6,61; IC 3,21-13,58). Ser fumadora pasiva reduce la intención de amamantar (OR 1,81; IC 1,11-2,95) y la lactancia a los dos meses postparto (OR 1,94; IC 1,11-3,37). Las mujeres que dejan de fumar presentan una menor probabilidad de sufrir complicaciones en el embarazo y el parto, mayor probabilidad de asistir a las clases preparto y de lactancia, y mayor peso de los recién nacidos. Conclusiones: El consumo de tabaco tanto activo como pasivo conlleva importantes repercusiones tanto en el embarazo como en el postparto. Dejar de fumar al inicio del embarazo revierte estos efectos. (AU)

Introduction: Tobacco smoking may cause adverse effects during pregnancy and postpartum. The aim of this study was to evaluate several repercussions of active and/or passive smoking by the mother at home, during pregnancy, at delivery, as well as for the new born baby and breastfeeding, including the effect of quitting smoking in the first trimester of pregnancy. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out with a sample of 800 pregnant women. Four evaluations were made: first and third trimester of pregnancy, and 2 and 6/8 months postpartum. Sociodemographic, obstetric, health and tobacco consumption information was collected, with biochemical tests being performed to confirm the self-reported abstinence. Results: Being an active and passive smoker predicted suffering complications in pregnancy (OR 2.50; 95% CI; 1.42-4.35) and delivery (OR 3.10; 95% CI; 1.75-5.51), and also intend not to breastfeed (OR 2.44; 95% CI; 1.35-4.42). Being an active smoker predicted complications at childbirth (OR 5.58; 95% CI; 2.64-7.77), for the baby (OR 3.77; 95% CI; 1.53-9.36) and not breastfeeding at 2 (OR 25.73; 95% CI; 11.95-55.40), and 6/8 months postpartum (OR 6.61; 95% CI; 3.21-13.58). Being a passive smoker reduces the intention to breastfeed (OR 1.81; 95% CI; 1.11-2.95), and the practice of breastfeeding at 2 months postpartum (OR 1.94; 95% CI; 1.11-3.37). Women who quit smoking are less likely to suffer complications in pregnancy and childbirth, and are more likely to attend antenatal and breastfeeding classes, and to have babies with higher birth weight. Conclusions: Active and passive tobacco consumption has significant implications during pregnancy and postpartum period. Smoking cessation at the beginning of pregnancy reverses much of these effects. (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Tobacco Smoking/adverse effects , Smokers , Tobacco Smoke Pollution , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies , Spain
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 95(4): 222-232, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34556446


INTRODUCTION: Tobacco smoking may cause adverse effects during pregnancy and postpartum. The aim of this study was to evaluate several repercussions of active and/or passive smoking by the mother at home, during pregnancy, at delivery, as well as for the newborn baby and breastfeeding, including the effect of quitting smoking in the first trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out with a sample of 800 pregnant women. Four evaluations were made: first and third trimester of pregnancy, and 2 and 6/8 months postpartum. Sociodemographic, obstetric, health and tobacco consumption details were collected, with biochemical tests being performed to confirm the self-reported abstinence. RESULTS: Being an active and passive smoker predicted suffering complications in pregnancy (OR 2.50; 95% CI; 1.42-4.35) and delivery (OR 3.10; 95% CI; 1.75-5.51), and also tended not to breastfeed (OR 2.44; 95% CI; 1.35-4.42). Being an active smoker predicted complications at childbirth (OR 5.58; 95% CI; 2.64-7.77), for the baby (OR 3.77; 95% CI; 1.53-9.36) and not breastfeeding at 2 (OR 25.73; 95% CI; 11.95-55.40), and 6/8 months postpartum (OR 6.61; 95% CI; 3.21-13.58). Being a passive smoker reduces the intend to breastfeed (OR 1.81; 95% CI; 1.11-2.95), and the practice of breastfeeding at 2 months postpartum (OR 1.94; 95% CI; 1.11-3.37). Women who quit smoking are less likely to suffer complications in pregnancy and childbirth, and are more likely to attend antenatal and breastfeeding classes, and to have babies with higher birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: Active and passive tobacco consumption has significant implications during pregnancy and postpartum period. Smoking cessation at the beginning of pregnancy reverses much of these effects.

Smoking Cessation , Tobacco Smoke Pollution , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Longitudinal Studies , Postpartum Period , Pregnancy , Prospective Studies , Tobacco Smoke Pollution/adverse effects
Metas enferm ; 24(4): 24-32, May. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223063


Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia y las variables asociadas al consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios.Método: estudio descriptivo transversal en estudiantes universitarios colombianos. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de la información fue el Cuestionario de prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios, diseñado por Bautista y empleado en un estudio previo en El Salvador y Colombia. Dicho cuestionario está estructurado en tres bloques: características sociodemográficas, sobre el consumo de tabaco y sobre la prevención del consumo de tabaco. El muestreo fue intencional. Se implicaron alumnos de siete programas académicos distintos. Se realizó análisis descriptivo. Se aplicaron las pruebas estadísticas U de Mann Whitney y Chi cuadrado para comparar las variables entre fumadores y no fumadores. Se consideró significación estadística si p< 0,05.Resultados: participaron 331 estudiantes. La media (DE) de edad de los participantes fue de 23,65 (5,39) años. El 57,1%(n= 189) de los participantes fue mujer. La prevalencia de fumadores en estudiantes universitarios fue de 28,1% (n= 65). Se comprobaron relaciones significativas entre el consumo de tabaco y el sexo (p= 0,011), detectándose una mayor prevalencia de fumadores entre los hombres (56,9%; n= 37) que en las mujeres (43,1%; n= 28); así como entre el consumo de tabaco y la facilidad para asumir gastos (p= 0,011), siendo mayor el porcentaje de estudiantes entre los fumadores que afirmaron que les resultaba fácil/muy fácil (32,3% vs. 28,9%). Los fumadores iniciaron el consumo de tabaco con una media (DE) de 16,78 (2,95) años. El 64,1% tiene familiares que fuman y el 53,1% ha fumado en la universidad. Por su parte, el 92,2% considera que fumar es dañino para la salud y el 93,8% sabe que el humo de tabaco es perjudicial para los demás.Conclusiones: la prevalencia de tabaquismo entre estudiantes universitarios es baja. Las variables asociadas al consumo de tabaco fueron...(AU)

Objective: to estimate the prevalence and variables associated with smoking among University students.Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on Colombian University students. The instrument used for data collection was the Questionnaire on Smoking Prevalence among University Students designed by Bautista and used in a previous study in El Salvador and Colombia. Said questionnaire was structured into three blocks: sociodemographic characteristics, smoking, and smoking prevention. There was intentional sampling. The study involved students from seven different academic programmes. Descriptive analysis was conducted. The Mann Whitney U and Square Chi statistical tests were applied to compare variables between smokers and non-smokers. Statistical significance was considered if p< 0.05.Results: the study included 331 students; their mean age (SD) was 23.65 (5.39) years, and 57.1% (n= 189) of participants were female. There was a 28.1% (n= 65) prevalence of smokers among University students. A significant relation was confirmed between smoking and gender (p= 0.011), with a higher prevalence of smokers detected among men (56.9%; n= 37) than women (43.1%; n= 28); as well as between smoking and the ease to bear its costs (p= 0.011), with a higher proportion of students among smokers who stated that they found it easy / very easy (32.3% vs. 28.9%). Smokers initiated their use of tobacco at a mean age (SD) of 16.78 (2.95) years; 64.1% of them had relatives who smoked, and 53.1% had smoked at University. On the other hand, 92.2% considered that smoking was harmful for their health, and 93.8% were aware that tobacco smoke was harmful for others.Conclusions: there was a low prevalence of smoking among University students. The variables associated with smoking were gender and economic status.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Students , Tobacco Use , Tobacco Smoking , Tobacco Use Disorder , Adolescent Behavior , Colombia , Risk Factors , Prevalence , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(1): 51-60, 20210000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178618


Introducción: Actualmente el tabaquismo es una de las mayores amenazas para la salud pública a nivel mundial. La muerte atribuida al tabaco en Paraguay representa el 12,2% de todas las muertes y el costo de la enfermedad asociada al consumo de tabaco en el sistema de salud es elevado. Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio es describir las características del consumo de tabaco en jóvenes en Paraguay. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal no probabilístico de muestreo estandarizado con representatividad nacional en estudiantes matriculados del 7° al 9° grado de la educación escolar básica, de 13 a 15 años de ambos sexos que incluyo a 6.518 estudiantes, correspondiente a 25 escuelas de la capital y 25 escuelas en el resto del país. Resultados: La prevalencia actual de consumo de productos de tabaco fue del 7%, fumadores actuales de 3,9% y fumadores de cigarrillos electrónicos de 3,7%. La prevalencia de fumadores de segunda mano fue más del 20% en todos los escenarios estudiados. Alto porcentaje de adolescentes con acceso fácil a la compra de cigarrillos sin verificación de la edad. Más del 50% con acceso a mensajes publicitarios sobre tabaco. Casi un 30% tenían conocimiento del efecto dañino del tabaco y más del 80% se manifiestan favorables a la prohibición de fumar en espacios cerrados y abiertos. Conclusión: Aunque la prevalencia de fumadores en adolescentes no es muy elevada, es un problema de salud pública creciente. Se requiere fortalecer las medidas de prevención y control.

Introduction: Currently, smoking is one of the greatest threats to public health worldwide. Death attributed to tobacco in Paraguay represents 12.2% of all deaths and the cost of the disease associated with tobacco consumption in the health system is high. Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe the characteristics of tobacco consumption in young people in Paraguay. Materials and methods: A non-probabilistic descriptive cross-sectional study of standardized sampling was carried out with national representativeness in students enrolled from 7th to 9th grade of basic school education, from 13 to 15 years old of both sexes that included 6,518 students, corresponding to 25 schools in the capital and 25 schools in the rest of the country. Results: The current prevalence of tobacco product use was 7%, current smokers 3.9%, and electronic cigarette smokers 3.7%. The prevalence of second-hand smokers was more than 20% in all the scenarios studied. High percentage of adolescents with easy access to the purchase of cigarettes without age verification. More than 50% with access to advertising messages about tobacco. Almost 30% were aware of the harmful effect of tobacco and more than 80% are in favor of the prohibition of smoking in closed and open spaces. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of smoking in adolescents is not very high, it is a growing public health problem. It is necessary to strengthen prevention and control measures.

Nicotiana , Tobacco Use Disorder , Tobacco Use , Students , Disease , Prevalence , Costs and Cost Analysis
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 2020 Oct 08.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33041241


INTRODUCTION: Tobacco smoking may cause adverse effects during pregnancy and postpartum. The aim of this study was to evaluate several repercussions of active and/or passive smoking by the mother at home, during pregnancy, at delivery, as well as for the new born baby and breastfeeding, including the effect of quitting smoking in the first trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out with a sample of 800 pregnant women. Four evaluations were made: first and third trimester of pregnancy, and 2 and 6/8 months postpartum. Sociodemographic, obstetric, health and tobacco consumption information was collected, with biochemical tests being performed to confirm the self-reported abstinence. RESULTS: Being an active and passive smoker predicted suffering complications in pregnancy (OR 2.50; 95% CI; 1.42-4.35) and delivery (OR 3.10; 95% CI; 1.75-5.51), and also intend not to breastfeed (OR 2.44; 95% CI; 1.35-4.42). Being an active smoker predicted complications at childbirth (OR 5.58; 95% CI; 2.64-7.77), for the baby (OR 3.77; 95% CI; 1.53-9.36) and not breastfeeding at 2 (OR 25.73; 95% CI; 11.95-55.40), and 6/8 months postpartum (OR 6.61; 95% CI; 3.21-13.58). Being a passive smoker reduces the intention to breastfeed (OR 1.81; 95% CI; 1.11-2.95), and the practice of breastfeeding at 2 months postpartum (OR 1.94; 95% CI; 1.11-3.37). Women who quit smoking are less likely to suffer complications in pregnancy and childbirth, and are more likely to attend antenatal and breastfeeding classes, and to have babies with higher birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: Active and passive tobacco consumption has significant implications during pregnancy and postpartum period. Smoking cessation at the beginning of pregnancy reverses much of these effects.

Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 36(2): 94-99, jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138540


INTRODUCCIÓN: El tabaquismo es una de las pandemias que afecta en mayor proporción a la población mundial. Una de las medidas para controlarlo es la aplicación de consejerías de cesación tabáquica (CCT). OBJETIVO: Determinar y evaluar la técnica de CCT más empleada por profesionales de APS de Peñalolén. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional de corte transversal basado en encuesta y simulación clínica en atención primaria de salud. RESULTADOS: De los 39 participantes, un 55,3% declaró utilizar la consejería breve como CCT y un 42,1% indicó no utilizar ninguna técnica específica. De los 13 profesionales que participaron de la simulación clínica, el 50% incluyó 5 o menos de un total de 7 aspectos claves durante la realización de la consejería breve. CONCLUSIONES: La estrategia de CCT más utilizada por los encuestados es la consejería breve, aunque no siempre se consideran todos los aspectos claves cuando se realiza.

INTRODUCTION: Smoking is one of the pandemics that affects the world's population in a large proportion. One of the measures to control it is the application of smoking cessation counselling (SCC). OBJECTIVE: To determine and evaluate the SCC technique most used by primary health care professionals in Peñalolén a commune of Santiago, Chile. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional observational study based on survey and clinical simulation in primary health care professionals. RESULTS: Of the 39 participant professionals, 55.3% declared using brief counselling as SCC and 42.1% indicated they did not use any specific technique. Of the 13 professionals who participated in the clinical simulation, 50% included 5 or less of a total of 7 key aspects during the brief counselling. CONCLUSIONS: Brief smoking cessation counselling is the most used tobacco cessation counselling strategy by the professionals surveyed. Although not all key aspects are always considered when it is done.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Smoking Cessation/methods , Health Personnel , Counseling/methods , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Tobacco Use Disorder/therapy , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Clinical Competence
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 20(2): 227-232, abr.- jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120735


Introducción: El consumo de tabaco es perjudicial para la salud, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el tabaquismo es la causa de muerte de aproximadamente 8 millones de personas cada año. Objetivo: El propósito de la investigación fue determinar los factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana. Métodos: La muestra estuvo conformada por 447 estudiantes de diferentes universidades de Lima, se aplicó una encuesta previamente validada: Test de Fagerstrom para medir el consumo de tabaco. Posteriormente los datos fueron analizados utilizando tablas de distribución, frecuencias y contingencia. Además, se aplicó la prueba estadística de regresión para obtener las razones de prevalencias (RP) de las variables de estudio tanto en el análisis bivariado como en el multivariado, con un intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC al 95%). Resultados: Se evidenció que existe asociación significativa entre el sexo masculino y el hábito de fumar (p=0,01), con un RP = 1,67 e IC al 95% = [1,03 ­ 2,23]. También se pudo observar que tener padres fumadores estuvo estadísticamente asociado al hábito tabáquico en los universitarios, con un valor de p=0,00, y un RP = 2,53 con IC al 95% = [1,62 ­ 3,52]. No se encontró asociación significativa entre las variables edad y presión social. Conclusión: Las variables sexo y padres fumadores tienen asociación significativa con el consumo de tabaco enfatizando que tanto nuestro entorno familiar como académico merece ser seguro, saludable y libre del humo de tabaco.

Introduction: Tobacco use is harmful to health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) smoking is the cause of death for approximately 8 million people each year. Objective: The purpose of the research was to determine the factors associated with tobacco consumption in university students from Metropolitan Lima. Methods: The sample consisted of 447 students from different universities in Lima, a previously validated survey was applied: Fagerstrom test to measure tobacco consumption. Subsequently, the data was analyzed using distribution, frequency and contingency tables. In addition, regression statistical test was applied to obtain the prevalence ratios (PR) of the study variables in both bivariate and multivariate analyzes, with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: It was evidenced that there is a significant association between male sex and smoking (p = 0.01), with an RP = 1,67 and 95% CI = [1,03 ­ 2,23]. It was also observed that having smoking parents was statistically associated with smoking in university students, with a value of p=0.00, and an RP=2,53 with a 95% CI = [1,62 ­ 3,52]. No significant association was found between the variables age and social pressure. Conclusion: The variables sex and smoking parents have a significant association with tobacco consumption, emphasizing that both our family and academic environment deserve to be safe, healthy and free of tobacco smoke.

Rev. cienc. cuidad ; 17(2): 53-64, 2020.
Article in English | COLNAL, BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1122389


Objetivo: Determinar el contexto fenomenológico en relación a los hábitos de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, en estudiantes universitarios de una institución de educación superior de ciencias de la salud en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo de enfoque fenomenológico; se realizaron 8 entrevistas a jóvenes universitarios (informantes clave) que conocían el contexto universitario, las personas expendedoras y las consumidoras. La técnica de recolección de datos fue con entrevistas a profundad. El proyecto fue aprobado por el comité de ética de investigación en Seres Humanos, Hospital de San José - FUCS. Resultados: Los hallazgos identifican 6 categorías: 1) Factores de riesgo de policonsumo; 2) Factores de protección de policonsumo; 3) Sustancias psicoactivas; 4) Lugares de consumo; 5) Conductas de riesgo; 6) Efecto del consumo. A partir del análisis de contenido y de las proposiciones emergieron 14 subcategorías: factores de riesgo internos y externos; factores de protección externos; redes de apoyo; sustancias lícitas e ilícitas; lugares: bares, viajes, casa de amigos; conductas de riesgo: suicidio, riñas, conductas sexuales de riesgo, enfermedad física y mental y rendimiento académico. Conclusión: en el estudio se concluye que la problemática social presente en los estudiantes universitarios, está fundamentada en las situaciones de riesgos a las cuales están expuestos socialmente y que requiere de un pilar formativo desde la niñez. La UNODC, propone examinar a profundidad las variables que influyen en el consumo y actuar con programas preventivos viables, que permitan fortalecer las habilidades intrapersonales e interpersonales.

Objective: Determine the phenomenological context related to the habits of consumption of psychoactive drugs, in university students from a higher education institution of health sciences in Bogota, Colombia. Materials and methods: Qualitative descriptive study of phenomenological approach; 8 interviews were performed in young university students (key informants) who knew about the university context, the dealers, and the consumers. The technique for the recollection of data used were in-depth interviews. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee in Human Beings, Hospital of San Jose ­ University Foundation of Health Sciences (FUCS). Results: The findings identify 6 categories: 1) Risk factors of polydrug abuse; 2) Protective factors of polydrug abuse; 3) Psychoactive drugs; 4) Places for consumption; 5) Risk behaviors; 6) Consumption effects. From the analysis of the content and the propositions, 14 sub-categories emerged: internal and external risk factors; external protective factors; support networks; illicit and legal drugs; places: bars, trips, friend's houses; risk behaviors: suicide, fights, sexual risk behavior; mental and physical diseases and academic performance. Conclusion: The study concludes that the present social problematic in university students, is based on risk situations to which students are socially exposed and requires a formative process that starts during childhood. The UNODC, proposes to examine the variables that influence the consumption and act with viable preventive programs in depth, allowing to strengthen the intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

Objetivo: Determinar o contexto fenomenológico em relação aos hábitos de consumo de substâncias psicoativas, em estudantes universitários de uma faculdade de ciências da saúde em Bogotá. Materiais e métodos: Estudo qualitativo descritivo fenomenológico; realizaram-se 8 entrevistas a jovens universitários (informantes chave) que conheciam o contexto universitário, as pessoas fornecedoras e as consumidoras. A técnica de recolecção de dados foi com entrevistas a profundidade. O projeto foi aprovado pelo comité de ética em pesquisa em seres humanos do Hospital de San José-FUCS. Resultados: Os achados identificaram 6 categorias: 1) fatores de risco de policonsumo; 2) fatores de proteção policonsumo; 3) substâncias psicoativas; 4) lugares de consumo; 5) condutas de risco; 6) efeito do consumo. Partindo da análise de conteúdo e das proposições surgiram14 subcategorias: fatores de risco internos e externos; fatores de proteção externos; redes de apoio; substâncias lícitas e ilícitas; lugares: bares, viagens, casa dos amigos; condutas de risco: suicídio, brigas, condutas sexuais de risco, doença física e mental y finalmente, rendimento acadêmico. Conclusão: A problemática social presente nos estudantes universitários, está fundamentada nas situações de risco, as quais estão expostos socialmente e precisam de uma formação estrutural desde a infância. A UNODC propõe examinar a profundidade das variáveis que influenciam o consumo e atuar com programas de prevenção viáveis, permitindo o fortalecimento de habilidades intrapessoais e interpessoais.

Alcohol Drinking in College , Students, Health Occupations , Alcohol Drinking , Tobacco Use