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Psicol. conduct ; 32(1): 65-87, Abr 1, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232222


Este artículo presenta dos estudios que evalúan la validez de constructo y la fiabilidad del “Cuestionario de esquemas desadaptativos tempranos de Young – versión breve” (YSQ-S3; Young, 2005). El primer estudio, con 1004 participantes, mostró que el YSQ-S3 tenía una excelente fiabilidad global ( de Cronbach= 0,97;  = 0,97); mientras que los factores mostraron una fiabilidad de aceptable a buena según el rango en que se ubicaron los coeficientes de fiabilidad mínimo y máximo de las 18 escalas ( de 0,67 a 0,89 y  de 0,67 a 0,86). El análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) mostró que el modelo de 18 factores de primer orden correlacionados tenía los mejores índices de ajuste. Además, mediante el AFC con factores de segundo orden, se halló evidencia que respalda la organización jerárquica del instrumento en cinco dominios de segundo orden. El estudio 2, con 806 participantes, replicó exitosamente el mejor modelo del estudio 1 frente a uno alternativo. Se concluye que el YSQ-S3 es un instrumento válido y fiable para la población adulta colombiana.(AU)

This article presents two studies evaluating the construct validity andreliability of the "Young's Early Maladaptive Schema Questionnaire - ShortVersion" (YSQ-S3; Young, 2005). The first study, with 1004 participants, showedthat the YSQ-S3 had excellent overall reliability according (Cronbach’s α= .97; ω=.97); while the factors showed acceptable to good reliability according to therange in which the minimum and maximum reliability coefficients of the 18 scaleswere placed (α from .67 to .89 , and ω from .67 to .86) . Confirmatory factoranalysis (CFA) showed that the model with 18 first-order correlated factors had he best fit indices. In addition, using CFA with second-order factors, evidencewas found to support the hierarchical organization of the instrument into fivesecond-order domains. Study 2, with 806 participants, successfully replicated thebest model of study 1 against an alternative one. It is concluded that the YSQ-S3is a valid and reliable instrument for the Colombian adult population.K EY WORDS : factor structure, validity, reliability, early maladaptive schemas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychometrics , Personality Disorders , Psychology , Behavior , Colombia , Surveys and Questionnaires
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2317055, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38379510


Background: In attempts to elucidate PTSD, recent factor analytic studies resulted in complex models with a proliferating number of factors that lack psychometrical and clinical utility. Recently, suggestions have been made to optimize factor analytic practices to meet a refined set of statistical and psychometric criteria.Objective: This study aims to assess the factorial structure of the German version of the PCL-5, implementing recent methodological advancements to address the risk of overfitting models. In doing so we diverge from traditional factor analytical research on PTSD.Method: On a large-scale sample of the German general population (n = 1625), exploratory factor analyses were run to investigate the dimensionality found within the data. Subsequently, we validated and compared all model suggestions from our preliminary analyses plus all standard and common alternative PTSD factor models (including the ICD-11 model) from previous literature with confirmatory factor analyses. We not only consider model fit indices based on WLSMV estimation but also deploy criteria such as favouring less complex models with a parsimonious number of factors, sufficient items per factor, low inter-factor correlations and number of model misspecifications.Results: All tested models showed adequate to excellent fit in respect to traditional model fit indices; however, models with two or more factors increasingly failed to meet other statistical and psychometric criteria.Conclusion: Based on the results we favour a two-factor bifactor model with a strong general PTSD factor and two less dominant specific factors - one factor with trauma-related symptoms (re-experiencing and avoidance) and one factor with global psychological symptoms (describing the trauma's higher-order impact on mood, cognition, behaviour and arousal).From the perspective of clinical utility, we recommend the cut-off scoring method for the German version of the PCL-5. Basic psychometric properties and scale characteristics are provided.

We contribute new insights to the debate on the factor structure of the PTSD Checklist (PCL-5) based on a large German general population sample deploying the newest methodological developments in a revised factor-analytical approach.Combining theoretical, statistical and practical considerations, we favour a two-factor bifactor model with a strong general PTSD factor and two less dominant specific factors ­ one factor with trauma-related symptoms and one factor with global psychological symptoms.For clinical practitioners, we recommend using the cut-off scoring method.

Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Humans , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/diagnosis , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/epidemiology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/psychology , Checklist/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Psychometrics , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536586


Introduction: Considering the current controversy regarding the factorial structure of the SDQ, this paper aimed to analyse the dimensionality and reliability of the parents' version for children from 4 to 16 years of age, and to present descriptive data according to sociodemographic variables. Method: The factor structure of the original five- and three-factor models, and the reliability of the SDQ were examined among a sample of 621 parents of Uruguayan children between 7 and 12 years of age (52% girls) from different socioeconomic levels. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses did not provide support for the five- and three-factor models. Data adjusted to three factors (prosociality, externalising symptoms, internalising symptoms) in an exploratory analysis with adequate reliability indices. Conclusions: The results of this study show the relevance of continued investigation of the SDQ internal structure, and further analysis of the behaviour of several of its items.

Introducción: Considerando la controversia vigente respecto a la estructura factorial del SDQ, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la validez de constructo y fiabilidad de la versión para padres de niños de 4 a 16 años y presentar datos descriptivos según variables sociodemográficas. Método: Se examinó la estructura factorial de los modelos originales de cinco y tres factores y la fiabilidad del SDQ en una muestra de 621 padres de niños uruguayos entre 7 y 12 años (52 % niñas) de distintos niveles socioeconómicos. Resultados: Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios no pudieron dar apoyo a los modelos de cinco y tres factores. Los datos se ajustaron a tres factores (prosocialidad, síntomas externalizantes y síntomas internalizantes) en un análisis exploratorio con adecuados índices de fiabilidad. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio muestran la pertinencia de continuar investigando la estructura interna del SDQ y analizar con mayor profundidad el comportamiento de algunos de sus ítems.

Ansiedad estrés ; 29(2): 78-87, May-Agos. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223608


El presente estudio instrumental examina las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey (MBI-SS) en una muestra de 361 estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a la carrera de Psicología de una universidad privada ecuatoriana con sede en Quito. La recolección de datos se efectuó de forma virtual durante la etapa de confinamiento provocada por la pandemia por COVID-19. Partiendo de una versión reducida de 14 ítems del MBI-SS, los principales resultados de proceso de validación son los siguientes: a) el modelo trifactorial (agotamiento, cinismo e ineficacia académica) presenta un ajuste satisfactorio a los datos; b) todas las subescalas del instrumento cuentan con buenos niveles de confiabilidad; c) las subescalas del MBI-SS se correlacionan negativamente con la variable satisfacción con los estudios, aportándose evidencia de validez nomológica; y d) el MBI-SS posee invarianza factorial fuerte en cuanto al sexo de los estudiantes. En conjunto, la recolección de evidencia de validez efectuada permite concluir que el MBI-SS, considerando el modelo de medición establecido, es un instrumento válido, útil y confiable para medir y evaluar el burnout académico al interior del contexto universitario ecuatoriano.(AU)

The present instrumental study examines the psychometric properties of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS) in a sample of 361 undergraduate psychology students at a private Ecuadorian university, Quito campus. Data collection was carried out virtually during the confinement phase due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on a reduced version of 14 items of the MBI-SS, the main results of the validation process are the following: a) the three-factor model (burnout, cynicism and academic inefficacy) presents a satisfactory fit to the data; b) all subscales of the instrument have good levels of reliability; c) the subscales of the MBI-SS are negatively correlated with the variable study satisfaction, providing evidence of nomological validity; and d) the MBI-SS has strong factorial invariance regarding to the sex of the students. As a whole, the collection of validity evidence allows us to conclude that the MBI-SS, considering the established measurement model, is a valid, useful and reliable instrument to measure and evaluate academic burnout within the Ecuadorian university context.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Students , Psychology/education , Pandemics , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Psychometrics , Burnout, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires , Ecuador , Stress, Psychological , Anxiety
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 38(5): 319-325, Jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-221498


Introducción: La mayoría de personas con tics persistentes refiere notar una sensación des-agradable (impulso premonitorio) antes de sufrir un tic. En los últimos a ̃nos, el interés haciaestos fenómenos sensoriales ha aumentado debido al importante papel que tienen en la terapiade conducta. Sin embargo, los instrumentos para evaluarlos aún son escasos. Entre ellos, laEscala para el Impulso Premonitorio al Tic (Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale, PUTS) es el másutilizado. Métodos: Examinamos las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la versiónespa ̃nola de la PUTS en una muestra de 72 ni ̃nos y adolescentes con síndrome de Tourette otrastorno de tics persistentes. Analizamos los datos para el total de la muestra y por grupos deedad (ni ̃nos hasta los 10 a ̃nos y mayores de 10 a ̃nos). Resultados: La PUTS obtuvo una buena consistencia interna y correlaciones moderadas entreítems de la escala (excepto en el ítem uno). Se encontró una buena validez divergente, unaadecuada fiabilidad test-retest y una estructura bifactorial (con una dimensión de fenómenosmentales relacionados con el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y otra sobre las cualidades y fre-cuencia de los impulsos premonitorios). Estos resultados se replicaron para ambos grupos deedad, excepto la validez divergente y la fiabilidad test-retest que fueron inferiores en el grupode menor edad.(AU)

Introduction: Most people with persistent tics report an unpleasant sensation (premonitoryurge) before the tic. In recent years, interest in these sensory phenomena has increased due totheir important role in behavioural therapy. However, instruments for assessing these sensationsremain scarce. Among the available instruments, the Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale (PUTS) isthe most widely used. Methods: We examined the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Spanish-language version of the PUTS in a sample of 72 children and adolescents with Tourette syndromeor persistent tic disorders. We analysed data from the total sample and by age group (childrenup to 10 years old and children/adolescents over 10). Results: The PUTS presented good internal consistency and moderate correlations betweenitems on the scale (except for item one). Divergent validity was good, test-retest reliabilitywas adequate, and a bifactorial structure was identified (one dimension related to mentalphenomena reported in obsessive-compulsive disorder, and another related to the quality andfrequency of premonitory urges). These results were replicated in both age groups, with lowerdivergent validity and test-retest reliability in the younger group.Conclusions: The Spanish-language version of the PUTS is a valid, reliable tool for assessingpremonitory urges in both children and adolescents, especially after the age of 10.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tic Disorders , Psychometrics , Tourette Syndrome , Child Psychiatry , Reproducibility of Results , Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders , Child Health , Adolescent Health
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 35(3): 300-309, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-223461


Background: The Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3) is the reference instrument for measuring anxiety sensitivity. The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the ASI-3 have been examined in university students but not in adults from the general population. Whether the ASI-3 subscales provide relevant information has not yet been examined either. Method: The ASI-3’s factor structure, internal consistency, temporal stability, and relationship with neuroticism were examined in a Spanish community sample of 919 adults. Results: In two subsamples of participants, the ASI-3 presented a structure of three correlated factors (physical, cognitive, and social concerns) that loaded on a higher-order factor, but the three factors did not explain much item variance. The total scale and subscales of the ASI-3 showed excellent or good indices of internal consistency (alphas and omegas = .81 – .91), and adequate indices of test-retest reliability at two months (r = .57 – .73) and the relationship with neuroticism and its facets (r = .19 – .52). Conclusions: The ASI-3 provides reliable, valid measures of anxiety sensitivity in Spanish adults, but its subscales are not very useful beyond the information provided by the total scale.(AU)

Antecedentes: el Índice de Sensibilidad a la Ansiedad-3 (ASI-3) es el instrumento de referencia para medir la sensibilidad a la ansiedad. Las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del ASI-3 se han examinado en estudiantes universitarios, pero no en adultos de la población general. Tampoco se ha examinado si las subescalas del ASI-3 aportan información relevante. Método: se examinó la estructura factorial del ASI-3, su consistencia interna, estabilidad temporal y relación con neuroticismo en una muestra comunitaria española de 919 adultos. Resultados: en dos submuestras de participantes, el ASI-3 presentó una estructura de tres factores correlacionados (preocupaciones físicas, cognitivas y sociales) que saturaban en un factor de orden superior, pero los tres factores no explicaban mucha varianza de los ítems. La escala total y las subescalas del ASI-3 mostraron índices excelentes o buenos de consistencia interna (alfas y omegas = .81 – .91) y adecuados de fiabilidad test-retest a los dos meses (r = .57 – .73) y de relación con el neuroticismo y sus facetas (r = .19 – .52). Conclusiones: el ASI-3 proporciona medidas fiables y válidas de la sensibilidad a la ansiedad en adultos españoles, pero sus subescalas no son muy útiles más allá de la información proporcionada por su escala total.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Sensitivity and Specificity , Anxiety/classification , Neuroticism , Test Anxiety Scale , Patient Health Questionnaire , Manifest Anxiety Scale , Spain , Psychology , Psychometrics
Psicol. conduct ; 31(2): 359-378, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-225384


Esta investigación pretende examinar la fiabilidad, la validez convergente y la invariancia de la medida de la “Escala de soledad de de Jong Gierveld” (DJGLS). Se evaluó especialmente el ajuste de modelo-datos de varias estructuras factoriales en una muestra de adultos jóvenes. Los resultados demuestran que el modelo bifactorial-ESEM muestra un elevado ajuste modelo-datos, según el CFI y el RMSEA. En este caso, se ha determinado que las saturaciones cruzadas, definidas por el modelo bifactorial-ESEM, tienen un efecto creciente en el ajuste modelo-datos. En este modelo bifactorial-ESEM, la DJGLS tiene un factor general altamente fiable y dos subfactores irrelevantes. Se obtuvo la invarianza de las medidas métricas en función del sexo. Las puntuaciones de la DJGLS tuvieron correlaciones moderadas y altas, estadísticamente significativas, con variables externas. En conclusión, puede decirse que la DJGLS es un instrumento de evaluación fiable, con validez convergente y de constructo, en la muestra de adultos jóvenes. Además, la DJGLS es, básicamente, una escala unidimensional y muestra el mejor ajuste modelo-datos en el modelo bifactorial-ESEM. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Loneliness , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Turkey , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 38(5): 319-325, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35820636


INTRODUCTION: Most people with persistent tics report an unpleasant sensation (premonitory urge) before the tic. In recent years, interest in these sensory phenomena has increased due to their important role in behavioural therapy. However, instruments for assessing these sensations remain scarce. Among the available instruments, the Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale (PUTS) is the most widely used. METHODS: We examined the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Spanish-language version of the PUTS in a sample of 72 children and adolescents with Tourette syndrome or persistent tic disorders. We analysed data from the total sample and by age group (children up to 10 years old and children/adolescents over 10). RESULTS: The PUTS presented good internal consistency and moderate correlations between items on the scale (except for item 1). Divergent validity was good, test-retest reliability was adequate, and a bifactorial structure was identified (one dimension related to mental phenomena reported in obsessive-compulsive disorder, and another related to the quality and frequency of premonitory urges). These results were replicated in both age groups, with lower divergent validity and test-retest reliability in the younger group. CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish-language version of the PUTS is a valid, reliable tool for assessing premonitory urges in both children and adolescents, especially after the age of 10.

Tic Disorders , Tics , Humans , Child , Adolescent , Reproducibility of Results , Severity of Illness Index , Tic Disorders/diagnosis , Language
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(3): 154-165, sep.-dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406723


Resumen La fusión de identidad consiste en un sentimiento de unión con un grupo, en el que el individuo experimenta una mezcla entre su identidad personal y la social; y es un buen predictor de la conducta extrema progrupo. El presente estudio analizó la estructura factorial de la Escala verbal de fusión de identidad elaborada por Gómez et al. (2011), en una muestra chilena. Se utilizó una muestra universitaria seleccionada por conveniencia de 411 participantes (66% mujeres) con una edad media de 24.45 años (DT = 5.89). Se analizó el ajuste unifactorial y bifactorial de la Escala a través del análisis factorial, y las respectivas confiabilidades. Los resultados indicaron un buen y mejor ajuste del modelo bifactorial (χ 2/gl = 3.34, p < .001, CFI = .975, TLI = .957, SRMR = .030, y RMSEA = .085), por sobre el unifactorial, que no mostró un buen ajuste (χ 2/gl = 5.26, p < .001, CFI = .946, TLI = .919, SRMR = .042, y RMSEA = .116). Ambos modelos contaron con altas confiabilidades (> .800). Se discutió sobre el mejor ajuste de la estructura bifactorial en relación con estudios realizados en Estados Unidos, España y población inmigrante en Chile. Se proyecta la necesidad de futuros estudios que incorporen otros análisis de validez y superen la limitación del presente estudio asociada al uso de una muestra no representativa.

Abstract Identity fusion consists in a form alignment with a group and is a significant predictor of extreme pro-group behavior. The present study analyzed the factor structure of the verbal scale of identity fusion developed by Gómez et al. (2011), in a Chilean sample. A Chilean university sample by convenience of 411 participants (66% women) with a mean age of 24.45 years (SD = 5.89) was used. One-factor and two-factor fit of the scale was analyzed through factor analysis, and the respective reliabilities. The results indicated a good and better fit of the two-factor (χ2/gl = 3.34, p < .001, CFI = .975, TLI = .957, SRMR = .030, and RMSEA = .085), than the one-factor model, which did not show a good fit (χ2/gl = 5.26, p < .001, CFI = .946, TLI = .919, SRMR = .042, and RMSEA = .116). Both models had high reliabilities (> .800). The better fit of the two-factor structure was discussed in relation to studies conducted in the United States, Spain, and an immigrant population in Chile. The need for future studies incorporating other validity analyses and overcoming the limitation of the present study associated with the use of a non-representative sample is projected.

Rev. psicol. clín. niños adolesc ; 9(2): 49-56, Mayo 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-204770


The Children’s Inventory of Anger (ChIA) is a self-report measure that assesses the level of anger experienced by children and youth. Anger is asignificant predictor of aggression, peer relationships difficulties and antisocial behavior; therefore, is crucial to have a valid and reliable measure toevaluate it. The purpose of this study was to validate the ChIA for the Mexican children (ChIA-M). Participants were 638 students (M = 9.8 years; SD= 1.51), 49% were females from primary and secondary Mexican public schools. The exploratory factor analysis supported the four-factor structurewith a shared variance of 47.60%, but a different distribution of items. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated the model to be an acceptable fitwith the data χ 2 (338) = 1089.75, p ≤ .001, NFI = .82; IFI = .907, CFI = .906, RMSEA = .047. Good internal consistency was obtained for Totalscore α = .94 and subscales: Frustration α = .90, Aggression α = .88 , Peer Relationships α = .76 and Authority Relations α = .81. Convergentand divergent validity was supported through positive and significant correlations with the Anger Inventory for Mexican Children and the negligiblecorrelations with the Children Questionnaire of Positive Emotions. Results suggest that the Spanish version of the ChIA for Mexican population isa valid and reliable measure of child anger. However, attention should be paid to the cultural differences related to the experience of anger. Furtherresearch should continue evaluating the ChIA with clinical samples and children from different ages and regions in Mexico. (AU)

El Cuestionario del Enojo para Niños (ChIA) es un instrumentode autoinforme que evalúa el nivel de enojo experimentado por niños y jóvenes. El enojo es un predictor de la agresión, los problemas con pares yel comportamiento antisocial; por lo tanto, es crucial tener un instrumento válido y fiable. El propósito de este estudio fue validar el ChIA para niñosmexicanos (ChIA-M). Los participantes fueron 638 estudiantes (M = 9.8 años; SD = 1.51), 49 % eran mujeres de escuelas primarias y secundariaspúblicas mexicanas. El análisis factorial exploratorio apoyó la estructura de cuatro factores con una varianza compartida de 47.60 %, pero una distribución diferente de ítems. El análisis factorial confirmatorio indicó que el modelo ajusta aceptablemente χ 2 (338) = 1089.75, p ≤ .001, NFI = .82;IFI = .907, CFI = .906, RMSEA = .047. Se obtuvo buena consistencia interna para Puntaje total α = .94 y subescalas: Frustración α = .90, Agresiónα = .88, Relaciones con pares α = .76 y Relaciones con autoridad α = .81. Obtuvo evidencias de validez convergente y divergente con correlacionespositivas y significativas con el Inventario de Ira para Niños Mexicanos y correlaciones insignificantes con el Cuestionario de Emociones Positivaspara Niños. Los resultados sugieren que la versión en español del ChIA para población mexicana es un instrumento válido y fiable del enfado infantil.Sin embargo, se debe prestar atención a las diferencias culturales relacionadas con la experiencia de enojo. Se sugiere seguir investigando el ChIAcon muestras clínicas y niños de diferentes edades y regiones de México. (AU)

Humans , Child , Anger , Weights and Measures/instrumentation , Emotions , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Mexico
Ansiedad estrés ; 28(2): 138-144, may-aug. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-203079


El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas, en hombres y mujeres universitarios, de la versión española propuesta por Blanco et al. (2017) para el Inventario de Trastornos de Ansiedad Generalizada. La mues¬tra total fue de 1220 participantes; 640 mujeres y 580 hombres, con una edad media de 20.40 años (DE= 1.92) y 20.54 años (DE= 2.04) respectivamente. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios mostraron que una estructura trifactorial (síntomas cognitivos, trastornos del sueño y síntomas somáticos) es viable y adecuada para ambas poblaciones (mujeres y hombres) de acuerdo a los requisitos psicométricos establecidos. Además, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes en las dos poblaciones; sin embargo, existen diferencias entre las poblaciones para las medias de los factores síntomas cognitivos y síntomas somá¬ticos.

The present study analyses the psychometric properties, in university men and women, proposed for Blanco et al. (2017) to the Spanish version of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Inventory. The overall sample consisted of 1220 subjects: 640 women and 580 men, with a mean age of 20.40 years (SD= 1.92) and 20.54 years (SD= 2.04) respectively. Psychometric analysis showed that a tri-factorial structure (cognitive symptoms, sleep disorders and somatic symptoms) was viable and adequate for both populations (men and woman) according to the established psychometric requirements. The results showed that factor structure, factor loadings and intercepts of the instrument could be considered invariant across groups; however, there are differences between groups for the means of factors cognitive anxiety and somatic symptoms.

Humans , Health Sciences , Adaptation, Psychological , Anxiety Disorders , Anxiety , Medically Unexplained Symptoms , Sleep Wake Disorders , Sleep Disorders, Intrinsic
Ter. psicol ; 40(1): 71-92, abr. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390480


Resumen Antecedentes El mindfulness está cobrando un interés cada vez más creciente desde el ámbito de intervención psicológica, pero también desde ámbitos educativos o laborales. Este interés está suscitando, como consecuencia, la necesidad de disponer de herramientas que ayuden a medirlo. Objetivo Presentar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión corta de la adaptación española del Inventario Friburgo de Mindfulness (IFM) que tiene sus raíces teóricas en la tradición budista. Método Se contó con una muestra de 543 participantes (161 hombres y 379 mujeres) cuya edad media fue de 35.27 ( DT = 13.66), con unos niveles educativos y situaciones laborales heterogéneos. Resultados La consistencia interna ( α = .86, ω = .87) así como otros aspectos relacionados con la validez de constructo pueden considerarse apropiados. Los análisis factoriales exploratorios llevados a cabo apuntan a que los ítems de la escala se agrupan en dos factores relacionados, aceptación incondicional y atención plena, frente al modelo unifactorial planteado inicialmente desde el punto de vista teórico. Conclusiones Consideramos que la versión breve del IFM puede ser utilizada con éxito tanto a nivel clínico como para la investigación y, en este sentido, se sugiere que se siga indagando en la estructura factorial de la escala.

Abstract Background Mindfulness is getting more and more attention from psychological intervention contexts, but also from educational and organizational settings. As a consequence, there also is a growing need for tools to measure mindfulness. Objective The aim of this work is to present the Spanish adaptation psychometric properties of the short version Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI), a test based on Buddhist tradition. Method A sample of 543 participants (161 males and 379 females) with age average of 35.27 ( SD = 13.66) and heterogeneous educational and occupational background was studied. Results The scale internal consistency ( α = .86, ω = .87) as well as construct validity evidences can be considered appropriated. Exploratory factorial analyses suggest the FMI items are clustered in two related factors, unconditional acceptance, and full attention, as opposed to the initially proposed unifactorial model. Conclusions the FMI short version can be successfully used for clinical and research purposes although its factorial structure should be additionally tested.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Mindfulness , Surveys and Questionnaires
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 34(1): 134-142, Ene 2022. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-204031


Background: The Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, Form A (DAS-A), isthe reference instrument for measuring dysfunctional attitudes which,according to Beck’s cognitive theory, constitute the key vulnerabilityfactor for depression. The psychometric properties of the Spanish versionof the DAS-A have been examined in university students, but not inpeople with psychological disorders, despite being one of the most widely-used instruments in research and clinical practice of cognitive therapyfor depression. The objective of the present study was to obtain validity evidence for the DAS-A in victims of terrorism with and without emotional disorders. Method: The DAS-A’s factor structure, internal consistency,and relationship with depression were analyzed in 196 victims of terrorism with emotional disorders and 280 victims without disorders. Results: In both samples, the DAS-A exhibited a structure with three correlatedfactors: Achievement-Perfectionism, Dependency-Need for Approval, and Autonomous Attitude. In general, the total scale and the subscales showedgood or adequate indices of internal consistency (alphas and omegas = .60- .89) and a relationship with depression (r =.22 - .44). Conclusions: TheDAS-A provides reliable, valid measures of depressogenic dysfunctionalattitudes in Spanish adults with emotional disorders and victims ofterrorism.

Antecedentes: la Escala de Actitudes Disfuncionales,Forma A (DAS-A), es el instrumento de referencia para medir las actitudes disfuncionales que, según la teoría cognitiva de Beck, constituyen el factorde vulnerabilidad clave para la depresión. Las propiedades psicométricasde la versión española de la DAS-A han sido examinadas en estudiantesuniversitarios, pero no en personas con trastornos psicológicos, a pesar deser uno de los instrumentos más utilizados en la investigación y prácticaclínica de la terapia cognitiva de la depresión. El objetivo del presente estudio fue obtener evidencias de validez de la DAS-A en víctimas delterrorismo con y sin trastornos emocionales. Método: se analizó laestructura factorial, consistencia interna y relación con la depresión en196 víctimas con trastornos emocionales y 280 sin trastornos.Resultados: la DAS-A presenta, en las dos muestras, una estructura de tres factores correlacionados: logro-perfeccionismo, dependencia-necesidad deaprobación y actitud autónoma. La escala total y las subescalas mostraron,en general, índices buenos o adecuados de consistencia interna (alfasy omegas= .60 - .89) y de relación con la depresión (r = .22 - .44).Conclusiones: la DAS-A proporciona medidas fiables y válidas de las actitudes disfuncionales depresógenas en adultos españoles con trastornos emocionales y en víctimas del terrorismo.

Humans , Adolescent , Affective Symptoms , Crime Victims , Depression , Anxiety , Dependency, Psychological , Adolescent , Adolescent Health , Mental Health , Psychology , Retrospective Studies
Interacciones ; 8Jan.-Dec 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421855


Introducción: Este estudio evalúa la dimensionalidad de la versión para padres de la Escala de Competencia Parental Percibida (ECPP-p). La muestra considera a padres (n = 227; M = 35.34, DE = 7.22) de Lima metropolitana. Método: El análisis estructural se realizó con el análisis factorial confirmatorio mediante el uso del estimador WLSMV acorde a la naturaleza ordinal de los ítems de la escala. Se confirmó la estructura original evaluada de cinco dimensiones correlacionadas: implicación escolar, dedicación personal, ocio compartido, asesoramiento y orientación y asunción rol de padre o madre. Resultados: Se obtuvo un ajuste adecuado al modelo de cinco factores, X 2 = 406.47, CFI =0.96, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.068. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna fueron adecuados para cada una de las dimensiones (( >0.80) ((α >0.70). Conclusión: Se concluye que la ECPP-p es un instrumento que presenta evidencias de estructura interna y confiabilidad en la muestra de estudio.

Background: This study examines the dimensionality of the parent version of the Scale of Sensed Parental Competencies (ECPP-p). The sample was composed of 227 parents (n = 227; M = 35.34, DE = 7.22) from Lima Metropolitan. Method: The structural analysis was conducted with confirmatory factor analysis using the estimator WLSMV according to the ordinal nature of the items on the scale. The original structure evaluated of five correlated dimensions: school involvement, personal dedication, shared leisure, counseling and guidance and assumption of the role of father or mother was confirmed. Results: An adequate fit was obtained to the model of five factors, X 2 = 406.47, CFI = .96, TLI =0.95, RMSEA =0.068. The internal consistency coefficients were adequate for each of the dimensions ((( >0.80) ((α >0.70). Conclusion: The ECPP-p is an instrument that presents evidence of internal structure and reliability in the study sample.

Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 34(2): 323-331, 2022. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-204121


Background: The factor structure of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS)has rarely been adequately analyzed (e.g., performing principal componentanalyses rather than factorial approximations). We aimed to evaluate thepsychometric properties of the PCS through a variety of exploratory andconfirmatory factorial approaches. Method: Three hundred ninety-fourChilean patients with musculoskeletal pain were included (age, M = 49.61,SD = 18.00; 71.57% women). Eight factorial models were proposed toanalyze the structure of the data. In addition, validity evidence of the PCSbased on relationships with other variables were analyzed considering painintensity and kinesiophobia. Results: The results suggest a unidimensionalstructure. Models with more than one dimension exhibited undesirablefactor loadings or inadequate indices of fit. Based on these results, a shortversion of the scale composed of 4 items is proposed (PCS-4). The PCS-4scores demonstrated high levels of invariance between sex, chronicity, andeducation groups and also were associated with pain and kinesiophobia.Conclusions: The results of the PCS-4 Spanish version showed evidenceof reliability and validity for adequately measuring pain catastrophizing inChileans who suffer from musculoskeletal pain. The PCS-4 is a short formthat should be explored in future studies (e.g., in other Spanish-speakingpopulations).

Antecedentes: la estructura factorial de la Escala deCatastrofización del Dolor (PCS) rara vez se ha analizado adecuadamente. Elobjetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del PCSa través de diferentes enfoques factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios.Método: se incluyeron trescientos noventa y cuatro pacientes chilenos condolor musculoesquelético (edad, M=49,61; DE=18,00; 71,57% mujeres). Sepropusieron ocho modelos factoriales. Asimismo, se analizó la evidencia devalidez de la PCS basada en relaciones con otras variables considerando laintensidad del dolor y la kinesiofobia. Resultados: los resultados sugierenuna estructura unidimensional. Los modelos con más de una dimensiónmostraron cargas factoriales o índices de ajuste inadecuados. A partir deestos resultados se propone una versión corta de la escala compuesta por4 ítems (PCS-4). Las puntuaciones de PCS-4 mostraron altos niveles deinvarianza entre sexos, cronicidad del dolor y niveles educativos. La PCS-4también se asoció con otras medias de dolor y kinesiofobia. Conclusiones:los resultados de la PCS-4 versión en español mostraron evidencia defiabilidad y validez para medir adecuadamente el catastrofismo del dolor enchilenos con dolor musculoesquelético. El PCS-4 es una forma corta quedebería explorarse en estudios futuros (por ejemplo, en otras poblacioneshispanoparlantes).

Humans , Male , Female , Psychometrics , Musculoskeletal Pain , Catastrophization , Chile , Phobic Disorders , 16136 , Reproducibility of Results , Psychology
Rev. psiquiatr. salud ment. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 14(4): 186-195, Oct.-Dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-230636


Introduction Psychosocial functioning is a key factor determining prognosis, severity, impairment and quality of life in people who have a mental disorder. The mini-ICF-APP was developed to provide a standardised classification of functioning and disability. However, despite its gaining popularity little is known about its structure and performance. This paper examines the structure of the mini-ICF-APP using factor analysis techniques. Materials and methods In a clinical sample of 3178 patients, with psychiatric diagnoses from several ICD-10 categories, we analysed internal consistency, item inter-correlations and the factorial structure of the data, with reference to ICD-10 diagnostic categories; Neurocognitive Disorders; Alcohol Use Disorders; Substance Use Disorders; Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders; Bipolar Disorder; Major Depressive Disorder; Anxiety Disorders; Personality Disorders; and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Results We found good internal consistency and item inter-correlations (Cronbach alpha=0.92) for the mini-ICF-APP. We were able to identify pivotal domains (flexibility, assertiveness and intimate relationships), which demonstrate sub-threshold influences on other domains. The factor analysis yielded a one-factor model as ideal for the whole sample and for all diagnostic categories. For some diagnostic categories the data suggested a two or three-factor model, however, with poorer fit indices. Conclusions The factor structure of the mini-ICF-APP appears to modify according to the main diagnosis. However, a one-factor model demonstrates better fit regardless of diagnostic category. Consequently, we consider the mini-ICF-APP to be a trans-diagnostic measurement instrument for the assessment and grading of psychosocial functioning. The use of the mini-ICF-APP sum score seems to best reflect the degree of impairment in an individual, even taking into account that affected domains may lead to sub-threshold effects on other domains.(AU)

Introducción El funcionamiento psicosocial es un factor clave que determina el pronóstico, la gravedad, el deterioro y la calidad de vida de las personas con trastornos mentales. La escala Mini-ICF-APP fue desarrollada para aportar una clasificación estandarizada del funcionamiento e incapacidad. Sin embargo, a pesar de su creciente popularidad, se conoce poco su estructura y desempeño. Este documento examina la estructura de Mini-ICF-APP, utilizando técnicas de análisis factoriales. Materiales y métodos En una muestra clínica de 3.178 pacientes, con diagnósticos psiquiátricos de diversas categorías ICD-10, analizamos la consistencia interna, inter-correlaciones de ítems y estructura factorial de los datos, con referencia a las categorías diagnósticas ICD-10, trastornos neurocognitivos, trastornos de abuso de alcohol, trastornos de consumo de substancias, esquizofrenia y trastornos psicóticos, trastorno bipolar, trastorno depresivo mayor, trastorno depresivo, trastornos de ansiedad, trastornos de personalidad y trastornos neuroevolutivos. Resultados Encontramos buena consistencia interna e inter-correlaciones de ítems (alfa de Cronbach=0,92) para Mini-ICF-APP. Pudimos identificar dominios fundamentales (flexibilidad, asertividad y relaciones íntimas), que demostraron influencias subumbrales en otros dominios. El análisis factorial produjo un modelo unifactorial ideal para la muestra total y para todas las categorías diagnósticas. Para algunas de estas, los datos sugirieron un modelo de dos o tres factores, aunque, sin embargo, con peores índices de ajuste. Conclusiones La estructura factorial de la escala Mini-ICF-APP parece modificarse con arreglo a los principales diagnósticos. Sin embargo, un modelo unifactorial demuestra un mejor ajuste, independientemente de la categoría diagnóstica. Por tanto, ... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hospitalization , Mental Disorders , Mental Health , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Quality of Life
Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Engl Ed) ; 14(4): 186-195, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34861928


INTRODUCTION: Psychosocial functioning is a key factor determining prognosis, severity, impairment and quality of life in people who have a mental disorder. The mini-ICF-APP was developed to provide a standardised classification of functioning and disability. However, despite its gaining popularity little is known about its structure and performance. This paper examines the structure of the mini-ICF-APP using factor analysis techniques. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a clinical sample of 3178 patients, with psychiatric diagnoses from several ICD-10 categories, we analysed internal consistency, item inter-correlations and the factorial structure of the data, with reference to ICD-10 diagnostic categories; Neurocognitive Disorders; Alcohol Use Disorders; Substance Use Disorders; Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders; Bipolar Disorder; Major Depressive Disorder; Anxiety Disorders; Personality Disorders; and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. RESULTS: We found good internal consistency and item inter-correlations (Cronbach alpha=0.92) for the mini-ICF-APP. We were able to identify pivotal domains (flexibility, assertiveness and intimate relationships), which demonstrate sub-threshold influences on other domains. The factor analysis yielded a one-factor model as ideal for the whole sample and for all diagnostic categories. For some diagnostic categories the data suggested a two or three-factor model, however, with poorer fit indices. CONCLUSIONS: The factor structure of the mini-ICF-APP appears to modify according to the main diagnosis. However, a one-factor model demonstrates better fit regardless of diagnostic category. Consequently, we consider the mini-ICF-APP to be a trans-diagnostic measurement instrument for the assessment and grading of psychosocial functioning. The use of the mini-ICF-APP sum score seems to best reflect the degree of impairment in an individual, even taking into account that affected domains may lead to sub-threshold effects on other domains.

Alcoholism , Depressive Disorder, Major , Mental Disorders , Humans , Inpatients , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Quality of Life
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 53: 56-63, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347631


Abstract Introduction: The Lambert's Outcomes Questionnaire (OQ-45) is a 45-item self-administered instrument used to measure clinical outcomes in psychotherapy. It measures functioning through three areas: symptoms distress, interpersonal relations and social role. The objective of this paper is to assess the reliability and the validity of its Spanish version. Method: A sample of 639 subjects, non-clinical and clinical, completed the instrument. Results: The psychometric evidences of the questionnaire showed an adequate internal consistency (.97 and .91) and acceptable convergent validity with the BDI, STAI, PSS and SF-12. The Confirmatory Factor Analyses suggested a bifactor structure. The cut-off points have been established for the subscales and total score (54.5), considering the clinical criterion, which means, prioritizing slightly the sensibility over the specificity. The RCI was 3.80 and Minimum Change Score 17.56. Conclusion: The OQ-45 showed acceptable psychometric properties, providing support for using this version of the questionnaire to assess Spanish's functionality. Given these findings, this tool could help clinicians evaluate treatment efficacy and establish psychotherapy goals.

Resumen Introducción: El instrumento Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) desarrollado por Lambert, se trata de una escala auto-administrada de 45-ítems que se utiliza para medir los resultados clínicos en psicoterapia. Esta herramienta evalúa el funcionamiento por medio de tres áreas: síntomas de malestar, relaciones interpersonales y rol social. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la fiabilidad y la validez de la versión española. Método: Una muestra de 639 personas, clínica y no clínica, cumplimentaron dicho instrumento. Resultados: Las evidencias psicométricas del cuestionario mostraron una consistencia interna adecuada (.97 y .91) y una validez convergente aceptable con las siguientes escalas: BDI, STAI, PSS y SF-12. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios han sugerido una estructura bifactorial. Los puntos de corte se han establecido para las subescalas y la puntuación total (54.5), teniendo en cuenta el criterio clínico, lo que significa que se ha priorizado ligeramente la sensibilidad sobre la especificidad. El RCI ha sido de 3.80 y la puntuación mínima de cambio de 17.56. Conclusión: El OQ-45 ha mostrado propiedades psicométricas aceptables, que apoyan el uso de esta versión para valorar la funcionalidad de los españoles y, como consecuencia, podría ayudar a los clínicos a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento y establecer objetivos en psicoterapia.

Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 18(2): 293-316, 02 nov. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-225809


Background: Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) occurs frequently in women with breast cancer due to oncologic treatments. It is essential to have a validated instrument to diagnose and quantify FSD in this population accurately. Objective: To validate the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Method: The FSFI was applied to 272 sexually active Mexican women with recent diagnosis of breast cancer who had not initiated systemic cancer treatment. Results: The FSFI six-factor model is valid by confirmatory factor analysis, and the inventory and its factors have adequate internal consistency reliability. Conclusions: This study provides enough evidence about the reliability and factor structure of the FSFI questionnaire in the context of breast cancer clinical practice in Mexico (AU)

Antecedentes: La disfunción sexual femenina (FSD) ocurre con frecuencia en mujeres con cáncer de mama debido a los tratamientos oncológicos. Es fundamental contar con un instrumento validado para diagnosticar y cuantificar la FSD en esta población con precisión. Objetivo Validar el Índice de Función Sexual Femenina (FSFI). Método: El FSFI se aplicó a 272 mujeres mexicanas sexualmente activas con diagnóstico reciente de cáncer de mama que no habían iniciado tratamiento oncológico sistémico. Resultados: El modelo de seis factores de la FSFI se validó por análisis factorial confirmatorio y el inventario y sus factores tienen una fiabilidad de consistencia interna adecuada. Conclusiones: Este estudio proporciona suficiente evidencia sobre la confiabilidad y la estructura factorial del cuestionario FSFI en el contexto de la práctica clínica del cáncer de mama en México (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Early Detection of Cancer/psychology , Breast Neoplasms/psychology , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Sexuality/psychology , Mexico
Ter. psicol ; 39(2): 199-218, jul. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390463


Abstract: Background: Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is the most widely used instrument to assess subjective well-being in different populations. Aim: The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the psychometric properties and the factorial invariance of the SWLS in Latino immigrants living in Chile, Spain, and the United States. Method: A total of 663 participants over the age of 18 and who have lived in the host country for more than a year participated. Results: The results provide evidence of good internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega. Also, there is evidence for the unifactorial structure of the instrument through confirmatory factor analysis and its invariance at the configural, metric, and scalar. Conclusions: It is concluded that SWLS is an invariant and reliable measure to study life satisfaction in Latino immigrants in western countries.

Resumen: Antecedentes: La escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) es el instrumento más utilizado para evaluar el bienestar subjetivo en distintas poblaciones. Objetivo: El propósito de la presente investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas y la invarianza factorial de la SWLS en inmigrantes latinos que viven en Chile, España y EEUU. Método: Participaron un total de 663 inmigrantes latinos mayores de 18 años y que llevan más de un año viviendo en el país de acogida. Resultados: Los resultados entregan evidencia de una buena consistencia interna a través del alfa de Cronbach y el omega de McDonald, también se provee soporte a la estructura unifactorial del instrumento mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y finalmente se prueba que la escala es invariante a nivel configural, métrico y escalar. Conclusión: Se concluye que la SWLS es una medida invariante y fiable para estudiar la satisfacción con la vida en inmigrantes latinos en países occidentales.

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Emigrants and Immigrants , Spain , United States , Chile