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Heliyon ; 7(7): e07627, 2021 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34355105


This study aimed to evaluate the release of active components with antioxidant and antihypertensive capacity from encapsulated extracts of the peel and seeds of Gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis) and Cholupa (Passiflora maliformis) in an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion model. Microencapsulated extracts were prepared with enzymatically modified rice starch as the encapsulating material and ethanol extracts of seeds and peel of P. edulis f. edulis and P. maliformis as encapsulated material. Microcapsule characterization was performed by scanning electron microscopy with values of 4.54-5.13 µm and ξ potential values of -6.34 mV and -6.66 mV. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis was conducted with polydispersion values from 1.33 to 1.51, and dispersion stability analysis was also conducted. The total phenol content and antioxidant activities (ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP) and ACE inhibitory activity (in vitro antihypertensive activity) were evaluated after each stage of digestion, with values greater than 80% of activity before gastrointestinal transit and with values greater than 55% activity after the end of gastrointestinal transit. Gastrointestinal evaluation of the encapsulated extracts was performed with an ex vivo model using pig intestines and simulating the conditions of digestion in three phases: the gastric (pH 2.0 with 1.0 M HCl +0.5 g/L pepsin), enteric (pH 8.0 with Krebs solution +1.0 mL/L bile) and final enteric (pH 7.5 Krebs solution only) phases. The microencapsulation of passionflower extracts showed good behavior against changes in pH and enzymatic activities throughout digestion, thus promoting a controlled release and targeted delivery of bioactive compounds, undergoing a paracellular mechanism through the intestinal barrier to preserve the antioxidant activity and ACE inhibitory that was shown by the extracts before encapsulation of the material.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 50(1): 90-96, mar. 2018. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-958034


El género Fusarium es ampliamente conocido por su capacidad fitopatógena, típicamente asociada al marchitamiento vascular. Sin embargo, se ha reportado como un patógeno oportunista en pacientes inmunocompetentes e inmunocomprometidos, por lo que puede ser considerado como un microorganismo de interés en estudios de patogenicidad en diferentes hospederos. Este trabajo evaluó la capacidad patogénica de aislamientos de Fusarium spp. de diferentes orígenes en hospederos vegetales y en un hospedero animal (modelo murino). Doce aislamientos de Fusarium spp. de origen vegetal, animal superficial, humano superficial y humano sistémico fueron inoculados en plantas de tomate, gulupa y clavel, y en ratones BALB/c, inmunocompetentes e inmunosuprimidos. Las pruebas de patogenicidad en plantas no mostraron todos los síntomas asociados al marchitamiento vascular en los tres modelos vegetales, pero la colonización y la necrosis de los haces vasculares observada en todos los casos, independientemente de la especie de Fusarium y el origen del aislamiento, demostró el potencial infeccioso de Fusarium spp. en las diferentes especies de plantas. Por otro lado, las pruebas de patogenicidad en el modelo murino evidenciaron alteraciones del comportamiento. Asimismo, se observó en el modelo murino que todos los aislamientos infectaron y colonizaron diferentes órganos, independientemente de su origen, de la especie o del estado inmunitario del hospedero, pero solamente cinco (de diferente origen y correspondientes a diferentes especies) generaron mortalidad. En contraste, la prueba de inoculación superficial no evidenció lesiones ni colonización. Los resultados observados indican el potencial papel patogénico de los aislamientos de Fusarium spp. en los diferentes tipos de hospederos. Sin embargo, es necesario profundizar en estudios de factores de patogenicidad que expliquen la capacidad de este género para colonizar múltiples hospederos.

The genus Fusarium is widely recognized for its phytopathogenic capacity. However, it has been reported as an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Thus, it can be considered a microorganism of interest in pathogenicity studies on different hosts. Therefore, this work evaluated the pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. isolates from different origins in plants and animals (murine hosts). Twelve isolates of Fusarium spp. from plants, animal superficial mycoses, and human superficial and systemic mycoses were inoculated in tomato, passion fruit and carnation plants, and in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed BALB/c mice. Pathogenicity tests in plants did not show all the symptoms associated with vascular wilt in the three plant models; however, colonization and necrosis of the vascular bundles, regardless of the species and origin of the isolates, showed the infective potential of Fusarium spp. in different plant species. Moreover, the pathogenicity tests in the murine model revealed behavioral changes. It was noteworthy that only five isolates (different origin and species) caused mortality. Additionally, it was observed that all isolates infected and colonized different organs, regardless of the species and origin of the isolates or host immune status. In contrast, the superficial inoculation test showed no evidence of epidermal injury or colonization. The observed results in plant and murine models suggest the pathogenic potential of Fusarium spp. isolates in different types of hosts. However, further studies on pathogenicity are needed to confirm the multihost capacity of this genus.

Animals , Humans , Mice , Fusariosis , Fusarium , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Virulence , Disease Models, Animal , Fusarium/pathogenicity , Mice, Inbred BALB C
Rev Argent Microbiol ; 50(1): 90-96, 2018.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28988902


The genus Fusarium is widely recognized for its phytopathogenic capacity. However, it has been reported as an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Thus, it can be considered a microorganism of interest in pathogenicity studies on different hosts. Therefore, this work evaluated the pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. isolates from different origins in plants and animals (murine hosts). Twelve isolates of Fusarium spp. from plants, animal superficial mycoses, and human superficial and systemic mycoses were inoculated in tomato, passion fruit and carnation plants, and in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed BALB/c mice. Pathogenicity tests in plants did not show all the symptoms associated with vascular wilt in the three plant models; however, colonization and necrosis of the vascular bundles, regardless of the species and origin of the isolates, showed the infective potential of Fusarium spp. in different plant species. Moreover, the pathogenicity tests in the murine model revealed behavioral changes. It was noteworthy that only five isolates (different origin and species) caused mortality. Additionally, it was observed that all isolates infected and colonized different organs, regardless of the species and origin of the isolates or host immune status. In contrast, the superficial inoculation test showed no evidence of epidermal injury or colonization. The observed results in plant and murine models suggest the pathogenic potential of Fusarium spp. isolates in different types of hosts. However, further studies on pathogenicity are needed to confirm the multihost capacity of this genus.

Fusariosis , Fusarium , Animals , Disease Models, Animal , Fusarium/pathogenicity , Humans , Mice , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Virulence
Food Chem ; 229: 1-8, 2017 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28372151


The genus Passiflora, comprising about 500 species, is the largest in the Passion flower family. Passiflora edulis Sims f. edulis (gulupa) is one of the most important fruits cultivated in Colombia. In recent years and due to its organoleptic and bioactive properties, its exports have significantly increased. In this work, six new bioactive oxylipins -phytoprostanes - were detected in gulupa shell by a UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS method: F1t-phytoprostanes and D1t-phytoprostanes were the predominant and minor classes, respectively. Moreover, the polyphenol profile of the shell was investigated and we were able to detect and quantify phenolic compounds that have not been described previously, like luteolin-8-C-(2-O-rhamnosyl)hexoside and quercetin-3-O-(6″-acetyl)glucosyl-2″-sinapic acid. Consequently, this study provides new insights into the importance of gulupa shell as a valuable option in the design of new beverages rich in antioxidant phytochemicals, as part of a well-balanced diet, and in the process and quality control of such products.

Antioxidants/chemistry , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Fruit/chemistry , Oxylipins/chemistry , Passiflora/chemistry , Phenols/chemistry , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods , Antioxidants/analysis , Oxylipins/analysis , Phenols/analysis
Acta biol. colomb ; 17(2): 381-396, mayo-ago. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-659292


El propósito de este trabajo es reconocer y diferenciar las especies visitantes y los verdaderos polinizadores de dos cultivos de gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims.) ubicados a diferente altitud (2225 msnm y 1657 msnm) en el municipio de Buenavista - Boyacá cordillera Oriental de Colombia. En los dos cultivos se encontraron diferencias en composición, en número de visitantes y en polinizadores. En el cultivo ubicado a 2225 msnm, se registraron siete especies, mientras que en el cultivo ubicado a 1657 msnm, se encontraron 18 especies de visitantes. Se realizaron observaciones del recurso colectado por los visitantes y la estructura floral con la que el visitante entra en contacto. Además, se realizaron cuatro tratamientos experimentales de biología floral: polinización pasiva, polinización natural, polinización manual y eficiencia de polinizadores mediante "visitas únicas", concluyendo que las especies polinizadoras son: en C1 Apis mellifera, y en C2 Xylocopa frontalis, Xylocopa lachnea y Epicharis sp.

The purpose of this paper is to study in two crops of purple passionfruit Passiflora edulis f. edulis harvested at different altitudes (2225 m.a.s.l. and 1657 m.a.s.l.) in the municipality of Buenavista - Boyacá, located in the eastern Mountain range of Colombia, in order to familiarize with visitors and pollinators. This study reveals that in both crops there were differences found in composition, the number of visitors and pollinators. In the crop at 2225 m.a.s.l., 7 species were registered, while 18 species were recorded at the 1657 m.a.s.l. crop. In order to achieve this, collected material by the visitors and the floral structures with which they approach, were observed; at the same time four experiments took place: passive pollination, natural pollination, manual pollination and pollinator's efficiency. These experiments established that pollinator species are: in C1 Apis mellifera, and in C2 and Xylocopa frontalis, Xylocopa lachnea and Epicharis sp.

Univ. sci ; 14(2): 135-140, May-Aug. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-637322


Objetivo. Caracterizar mediante marcadores moleculares RAM (Random Amplified Microsatellite) la diversidad genética de materiales cultivados de gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis), colectados en los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Huila. Materiales y métodos. Hojas jóvenes y en buen estado fitosanitario fueron colectadas en fincas productoras de gulupa, para la extracción de ADN y caracterización mediante marcadores moleculares RAM, de acuerdo con el protocolo descrito por Hantula (1996). A partir de los perfiles de bandas obtenidos, se generaron datos binarios de presencia (1) y ausencia (0). Los datos fueron analizados con el programa estadístico NTSYS- pc versión 2.0, obteniéndose una matriz de similitud utilizando el coeficiente o índice de Dice. Resultados. Los marcadores RAM fueron eficientes para detectar polimorfismos en esta especie, en total fueron usados cuatro primers universales, con los cuales se obtuvo un polimorfismo de 88,8%. En términos generales con los marcadores RAM se evidenció una amplia diversidad genética distribuida en las zonas en las que se cultiva la gulupa en el país. En el presente estudio no se encontró una concordancia con la procedencia de las muestras por departamento o localidad. Conclusiones. Los materiales de gulupa evaluados en este estudio mostraron una alta diversidad genética (0,291-1), probablemente producto del método de propagación, de su procedencia diversa y el poco tiempo de establecimiento de los cultivos en el país.

Objective. To evaluate through RAM (Random Amplified Microsatellites) molecular markers the genetic diversity of cultivated materials of gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis), collected in the departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca and Huila. Materials and methods. Young and healthy leaves were collected from crop fields of gulupa for DNA extraction and characterization through RAM molecular markers, according to Hantula's protocol (1996). Binary data of the type presence/absence were collected from the electrophoretic profiles. Data were analyzed with NTSYS- pc- 2.0 statistical package, obtaining a similarity matrix using the Dice coefficient. Results. RAM markers were efficient in detecting polymorphism in this species. Four universal primers were used that produced 88.8% of polymorphism. In general terms, with the RAM molecular markers a high genetic diversity was detected in the areas where gulupa is cultivated in Colombia. In the present study no geographical relatedness was found with the accessions evaluated for department or locality. Conclusions. The materials of gulupa evaluated in this study showed a high genetic diversity (0.291-1), probably due to the propagation method, its diverse provenances and the short time of establishment of the culture in Colombia.

Objetivo. Caracterizar por marcadores moleculares RAM (Random Amplified Microsatellite) a diversidade genética dos materiais cultivados de gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis), coletados nos departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca e Huila. Materiais e métodos. Folhas jovens e em bom estado fitossanitário foram coletadas em fazendas produtoras de gulupa para extração de ADN e caracterização por marcadores moleculares RAM, de acordo com o protocolo descrito por Hantula (1996). Dos perfis de bandas obtidos foram gerados dados binários de presença (1) e ausência (0). Os dados foram analisados pelo programa estatístico NTSYS-pc versão 2.0, produzindo uma matriz de similaridade usando o coeficiente ou índice de Dice. Resultados. Os marcadores RAM foram eficientes na detecção de polimorfismos nesta espécie, foram utilizados quatro primers universales, com os quais se obteve um polimorfismo de 88,8%. No geral, com os marcadores RAM revelou-se uma ampla diversidade genética distribuída em áreas onde se cultiva a gulupa no país. O presente estudo não encontrou uma correspondência com a origem das amostras por departamento ou localidade. Conclusões. Os materiais de gulupa avaliados neste estudo mostraram alta diversidade genética (0,291-1), provavelmente como resultado do método de propagação, de sua origem diversa e ao pouco tempo de estabelecimento dos cultivos no país.