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Nurs Philos ; 25(1): e12469, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37933776


Mongolian philosophical underpinnings of well-being were expressed in the form of mythology, shamanism and Mongolian Buddhism before the development of modern nursing in Mongolia. Among these forms, the philosophical underpinnings of well-being, mythology and shamanism were formed as a result of the roots of Mongolian philosophy, whereas Buddhism spread relatively late. As a result of Mongolian mythology, an alternative approach called dom zasal was formed, and it remains one of the important foundations of the idea of well-being among people. Among the various concepts of shamanism, the concept of sunesu best expresses the underpinning of well-being, and the idea that healing and nursing care can be provided not only by those living in this world but also by spirit beings. Since Mongolians still use these ideas even in modern times, it should be noted that following them too narrowly may conflict with concepts based on scientific evidence. Along with the development of Buddhist philosophy in Mongolia, the Oriental philosophical underpinnings of well-being have spread. One of the most important concepts is the five basic elements of life (tavan mahabhutas) and three elements of the body (khii, shar and badgan). While developing the concepts of life and the body, the arga-bileg model (yin-yang in Chinese), developed at the theoretical level in Chinese philosophy, has become a popular basis for culture and customs among Mongolians. Therefore, it has been difficult to judge whether the origin of the arga-bileg model is Mongolian or Chinese; however, this is undeniably an important underpinning for well-being in both countries.

Nursing Care , Shamanism , Humans , Mythology , Buddhism , Philosophy
Front Psychiatry ; 14: 1243792, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37692306


In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, king of the Corinthians, dared to deceive the gods and was condemned to roll a boulder to the top of a mountain for all eternity. Shortly before reaching the summit, however, the boulder rolled back down into the valley, and the arduous task had to begin anew. Many of the contents of this classic myth are reminiscent of the therapeutic approach to addictive disorders. In addiction therapy, too, it is often a long and rocky road that ends with a relapse. The therapeutic effort was not entirely in vain, but one often begins to doubt its usefulness. In terms of Sisyphus and a Bio-Psycho-Social Model (BPSM) of health and disease, addiction can be located at the end of a downward spiral. By extension of the BPSM, can addictive disease be considered an expression of existential neurosis? The results of our own research speak in favor of this and show a clearly reduced experience of sense and meaning, but also diminished feelings of hope and forgiveness in addiction patients. However, positive correlations between various parameters of existential well-being and mental health or more appropriate stress coping are also found for the addiction group. These results are supported by neuronal correlates and are mirrored in the general population. Based on this, the consideration of existential issues in addiction therapy can be discussed. Finally, the use of art therapy and work training are proposed as examples of a meaning based therapeutic intervention in dealing with people with addictive diseases.

J Anal Psychol ; 68(2): 210-226, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36976884


This essay addresses the key role of analytical psychology amid our changing world: to work towards an expansion of Humanity's worldview. In current times of utmost transformation, it becomes imperative that we embrace a total cosmovision, one that includes the 360 degrees of existence: not only the 180 diurnal degrees of ascent, light and order, yet also the descendent sphere, incorporating what is unconscious, nocturnal and mysterious. Integrating this lower realm in our psychic life, however, contrasts our Western worldview, in which these two domains are seemingly opposed and mutually excluding. Mythopoetic language, and the mythologems that manifest in different myths, provide the means of delving into the profound paradoxes at the core of the total cosmovision. Myths such as Añañuca (Chile), Osiris (Egypt), Dionysus (Greece) and Innana (Sumer), highlight the descending path, providing a symbolic narrative of an archetypical transformation or spin, a key moment of "turning on its own axis" that merges the realms of Life and Death, ascent and descent, birth and decay. To live this paradoxical and generative path of transformation, individuals must seek their personal myth not outside but within themselves, where springs the Suprasense.

Cet article étudie le rôle clé de la psychologie analytique dans notre monde en transformation: travailler à l'expansion de la vision du monde de l'humanité. Dans la période actuelle pleine de transformations radicales il devient essentiel d'avoir une cosmovision globale, qui inclue les 360 degrés de l'existence; non seulement les 180 degrés diurnes de l'ascension, de la lumière et de l'ordre, mais également la sphère descendante qui incorpore ce qui est inconscient, nocturne et mystérieux. L'intégration de ce royaume inférieur dans notre vie psychique, cependant, est en contraste avec la vision occidentale sur le monde, dans laquelle ces deux domaines sont considérés comme opposés et s'excluant mutuellement. Le langage mytho-poétique et les mythologèmes repérables dans les différents mythes fournissent les moyens de pénétrer dans les profonds paradoxes au noyau de la cosmovision totale. Les mythes tels ceux d'Ananuca (Chili), d'Osiris (Egypte), de Dionysos (Grèce), et d'Inanna (Sumer) montrent la voie descendante et offrent le récit symbolique d'une transformation archétypale, ou rotation, un moment clé de 'retournement sur son propre axe' qui fait fusionner les royaumes de Vie et de Mort, d'ascension et de descente, de naissance et de décomposition. Afin de vivre ce chemin de transformation paradoxal et fertile les personnes doivent chercher leur mythe personnel non pas à l'extérieur d'elles-mêmes mais à l'intérieur, d'où jaillit le Suprasens.

El presente artículo aborda el papel clave de la psicología analítica en medio de nuestro mundo cambiante: trabajar hacia una expansión de la cosmovisión de la humanidad. En los tiempos actuales de máxima transformación, se hace imperativo que abracemos una cosmovisión total, que incluya los 360 grados de la existencia: no sólo los 180 grados diurnos de ascenso, luz y orden, sino también la esfera descendente que incorpora lo inconsciente, lo nocturno y lo misterioso. Sin embargo, integrar este ámbito inferior en nuestra vida psíquica contrasta con nuestra visión occidental del mundo, en la que estos dos dominios se consideran opuestos y mutuamente excluyentes. El lenguaje mitopoético y los mitologemas que se manifiestan en los distintos mitos proporcionan los medios para ahondar en las profundas paradojas que se hallan en el núcleo de la cosmovisión total. Mitos como Añañuca (Chile), Osiris (Egipto), Dioniso (Grecia) o Innana (Sumeria) ponen de relieve el camino descendente, proporcionando una narrativa simbólica de una transformación o giro arquetípico, un momento clave de "giro sobre su propio eje" que fusiona los reinos de la Vida y la Muerte, el ascenso y el descenso, el nacimiento y la decadencia. Para vivir esta vía de transformación paradójica y generadora, el individuo debe buscar su mito personal no fuera de sí mismo, sino en su interior, de donde brota el Suprasentido.

Jungian Theory , Humans , Psychotherapy
Sleep Med ; 101: 178-182, 2023 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36395722


This article aims to emphasize the major influence of Ancient Greek Mythology on modern sleep medicine. An analysis of Greek texts and medical literature using the MeSH terms Greek mythology, sleep, Greek Gods, and myths was conducted to identify mythological references related to sleep medicine. The findings are discussed concerning etymology, the early conceptualization of some disorders, and the developing characterization of sleep disorders in Greek mythology. The search found several observations in clinical sleep medicine concealed in ancient myths. Beyond the etymology of terms and reflective imaginations, these myths and their characters influence concepts that still tantalize our medical practice in modern days.

Mythology , Sleep Wake Disorders , Humans , History, Ancient , Greece
Psychol Stud (Mysore) ; 68(2): 190-196, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36474579


India and its people are commonly known for their unique culture and tradition. Cricket and mythology are much interwoven into the lives of people as both are almost inseparable part of their life and culture. Although the two fields are completely different from each other, there is a deep-rooted connection between them when it comes to their popularity in India. Most of the people of India have spent their childhood either by listening to the stories of mythology or watching cricket, because the two interesting activities that consciously impact the mind and gain the attention so easily. The psychological aspects of both game and stories literally leave a strong impact in human mind. Hence, this paper attempts to integrate the psychological aspects of the game and mythology by analyzing the existing mental health problems of Indian cricketers with reference to the mythological stories of Indian heroes. It further aims to provide the proposed model for mental fitness named SPORTS as a guide to mental training for contemporary cricketers to manage their emotions and control their mind for optimal performance.

Enferm. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 32(5): 326-333, Sep-Oct 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-207827


Objetivo: El dolor se califica como un fenómeno subjetivo, sin embargo, casi todas las mujeres reconocen que el dolor de parto es la forma más severa de dolor que una mujer experimenta en su vida. La analgesia obstétrica está infrautilizada en los países en desarrollo debido a mitos y tabúes culturales. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio pretende identificar los conocimientos de las mujeres nigerianas sobre la analgesia del parto y explorar qué mitos y factores dificultan el uso de la analgesia en el parto. Método: En este estudio se adoptó un diseño cuantitativo descriptivo transversal. La población a estudio consistió predominantemente en mujeres embarazadas de la «etnia Yoruba». Se utilizó un cuestionario semiestructurado adaptado para obtener datos de las participantes de los centros de salud seleccionados en el estado de Ekiti, Nigeria. Los datos recogidos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial y se representaron en forma de tablas y gráficos. El nivel de significación estuvo fijado en p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Un total de 236 encuestadas fueron incluidas en el estudio (n = 236). Los resultados de este estudio revelaron que las participantes tenían un conocimiento muy pobre de las estrategias de tratamiento del dolor del parto, ya que solo 26,3% conocía las estrategias de tratamiento del dolor utilizadas para aliviar el dolor del parto. Un elevado número de las participantes (56,8%) creía que el dolor del parto no debía aliviarse con el uso de fármacos, estando muy de acuerdo en que la analgesia era «un signo de debilidad» (57,2%). Asimismo, más de la mitad (51,7%) de las participantes temían que el alivio del dolor administrado durante el parto pudiera causar daños al feto. La creencia de que experimentar el dolor del parto completa la maternidad (49,6%), la religión (50,4%) y la cultura (54,5%) se señalaron como factores que influyen en la aceptación de la analgesia del parto entre las participantes.(AU)

Objective: Pain is termed as a subjective phenomenon, however almost all women acknowledge that labor pain is the most severe form of pain a woman experiences in her lifetime. Obstetric analgesia is underutilized in developing countries due to cultural myths and taboos. Hence, the present study aims to identify Nigerian women's knowledge of labor analgesia and to explore what myths and factors hinder with the use of analgesia in labor. Method: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted in this study. The population of the study predominantly consisted of pregnant women from the «Yoruba ethnic group». An adapted semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from participants from selected Health Care Centers in Ekiti state, Nigeria. The collected data was analyzed using a descriptive and inferential statistics and was represented in form of tables and charts with level of significance set at p ≤ 0.05. Results: A total of 236 respondents were included in the study (n = 236). Findings from this study revealed that, the participants showed very poor knowledge on labor pain management strategies, with only 26.3% being aware of pain management strategies used in relieving labor pain. An elevated number of the participants (56.8%) believed that labor pain should not be relieved with the use of drugs, strongly agreeing that analgesia was «a sign ofweakness» (57.2%). Also, more than half (51.7%) of participants had fears that pain relief administered during labor can cause harm to the unborn baby. Belief that experiencing labor pain completes one's motherhood (49.6%), Religion (50.4%) and Culture (54.5%), were reported as factors influencing the uptake/acceptance of labor analgesia among participants.(AU)

Humans , Female , Labor, Obstetric , Culture , Religion , 57374 , Mothers , Analgesia, Epidural , Analgesia , Labor Pain , Analgesia, Obstetrical , Nigeria , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , 24960 , Surveys and Questionnaires
Enferm Clin (Engl Ed) ; 32(5): 326-333, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36084998


OBJECTIVE: Pain is termed as a subjective phenomenon, however almost all women acknowledge that labor pain is the most severe form of pain a woman experiences in her lifetime. Obstetric analgesia is underutilized in developing countries due to cultural myths and taboos. Hence, the present study aims to identify Nigerian women's knowledge of labor analgesia and to explore what myths and factors hinder with the use of analgesia in labor. METHOD: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted in this study. The population of the study predominantly consisted of pregnant women from the «Yoruba ethnic group¼. An adapted semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from participants from selected Health Care Centers in Ekiti state, Nigeria. The collected data was analyzed using a descriptive and inferential statistics and was represented in form of tables and charts with level of significance set at p ≤ 0.05. RESULTS: A total of 236 respondents were included in the study (n = 236). Findings from this study revealed that, the participants showed very poor knowledge on labor pain management strategies, with only 26.3% being aware of pain management strategies used in relieving labor pain. An elevated number of the participants (56.8%) believed that labor pain should not be relieved with the use of drugs, strongly agreeing that analgesia was «a sign ofweakness¼ (57.2%). Also, more than half (51.7%) of participants had fears that pain relief administered during labor can cause harm to the unborn baby. Belief that experiencing labor pain completes one's motherhood (49.6%), Religion (50.4%) and Culture (54.5%), were reported as factors influencing the uptake/acceptance of labor analgesia among participants. Furthermore statistical significant association was found between educational level of participants and knowledge of labor analgesia among participants (p value = 0.000; p ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Cultural myths on the use of analgesia exist among participants. It is suggested that women-centered education should be targeted toward eliminating these myths and increasing awareness about labor analgesia.

Analgesia, Obstetrical , Labor Pain , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Labor Pain/drug therapy , Nigeria , Pain Management , Pregnancy
J Anal Psychol ; 67(1): 208-222, 2022 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35417572


Civilization in Transition, the sociological writings of Carl Gustav Jung referring to processes of social transformation in the first half of the 20th century, is a source of inspiration to reflect on the social upheaval that we are facing in the second decade of the 21st century: crises such as the depredation of our natural resources with subsequent climate change; high incidence of feminicide and violence against women and children. The 'Mother Earth', women, the feminine and the dynamics of connection, solidarity and inclusion are being threatened and destroyed. Using the myth and symbolism of the image of Patasola as a starting point, this study seeks to unravel the archetypal roots that have led to exile both to the dark dimension - destructive and self-destructive - as well as to the luminous dimension - autonomy, authority and independence - of the feminine identity. From a psychological standpoint, this paper explores the way that feminine identity, that inhabits the collective unconscious, has been expressed in various patterns since our beginnings as a nation, throughout our history, and how it is still in force through the cultural complex of the undervaluation of the feminine. Finally, we will look at the potential for redemption implicit in the myth.

Civilisation en Transition, le livre des écrits sociologiques de Carl Gustav Jung qui fait référence aux processus de transformation sociale dans la première moitié du 20ième siècle, est une source d'inspiration pour réfléchir au bouleversement social auquel nous sommes confrontés dans la seconde décennie du 21ième siècle: des crises telles que la déprédation de nos ressources naturelles et les changements climatiques qui s'ensuivent, le taux élevé de féminicides et de violences envers les femmes et les enfants. La « Terre Mère ¼, les femmes, le féminin et les dynamiques de lien, la solidarité et l'inclusion, tout cela est menacé voire détruit. Utilisant comme point de départ le mythe et le symbolisme de l'image de la Patasola, cette étude cherche à débrouiller les racines archétypales qui ont conduit à l'exil de deux dimensions de l'identité féminine: la dimension sombre - destructrice et autodestructrice - et la dimension lumineuse - autonomie, autorité et indépendance. D'un point de vue psychologique, nous verrons comment cette identité féminine qui habite l'inconscient collectif s'est exprimée dans divers schémas depuis nos débuts en tant que nation, au cours de l'histoire, et comment elle est encore forte dans le complexe culturel de la sous-évaluation du féminin. Enfin nous nous intéresserons au potentiel de rédemption implicite dans le mythe.

"Civilización en Transición", los escritos sociológicos de Carl Gustav Jung referidos a procesos de transformación social en la primera mitad del siglo XX, son fuente de inspiración para observar y reflexionar acerca de la convulsión social que estamos afrontando en la segunda década del siglo XXI: entre otras, crisis como la depredación de nuestros recursos naturales con el consecuente cambio climático que está poniendo en riesgo nuestra existencia en el planeta; la alta incidencia de feminicidios y violencia hacia las mujeres y niños. La "madre tierra", las mujeres, lo femenino y las dinámicas de conexión, solidaridad, cooperación e inclusión están siendo amenazadas, destruidas y aniquiladas. A partir del mito y la simbología de la imagen de la Patasola, este trabajo busca desentrañar las raíces arquetípicas que han llevado al exilio tanto a la dimensión sombría -destructiva y autodestructiva-, como a la dimensión luminosa -de autonomía, autoridad e independencia- de la identidad femenina. Desde un punto de vista psicológico, veremos cómo esta identidad femenina que habita en el inconsciente colectivo se ha expresado en diversos patrones desde nuestros inicios como nación, a lo largo de nuestra historia, y cómo aún sigue vigente a través del complejo cultural de la minusvaloración de lo femenino. Finalmente, veremos el potencial de redención implícito en el mito.

Civilização em Transição, os escritos sociológicos de Carl Gustav Jung referindo-se a processos de transformação social na primeira metade do século XX, é uma fonte de inspiração para refletir sobre a agitação social que enfrentamos na segunda década do século XXI: crises como a depredação de nossos recursos naturais com as mudanças climáticas subsequentes; alta incidência de feminicídio e violência á 'Mãe Terra', ás mulheres, ao feminino e á dinâmica de conexão, solidariedade e inclusão estão sendo ameaçados e destruídos. Usando o mito e o simbolismo da imagem da Patasola como ponto de partida, este estudo busca desvendar as raízes arquetípicas que levaram ao exílio tanto para a dimensão escura - destrutiva e autodestrutiva - quanto para a dimensão luminosa - autonomia, autoridade e independência - da identidade feminina. Do ponto de vista psicológico, veremos como essa identidade feminina que habita o inconsciente coletivo se expressou em vários padrões desde nossos primórdios como nação, ao longo de nossa história, e como ainda está em vigor através do complexo cultural da subvalorização do feminino. Finalmente, analisaremos o potencial de redenção implícito no mito.

Racial Groups , Child , Colombia , Female , Humans
Insects ; 13(3)2022 Feb 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35323532


Japanese people are perceived to have a relatively more favorable disposition towards insects than individuals from other nations. Given that insects frequently appear in myths from all over the world, I researched Japanese mythology as a potential origin of this positive outlook toward insects. I reviewed the ancient records Kojiki, Nihonshoki, and Fudoki, and found seven cases where insects appear. In all cases, the insects played relatively minor roles. They did not speak, nor were they under the command of gods or emperors. They did not feature as main characters in ancient poetry, and gods/emperors did not take the shape of any insects. In only two instances were insects featured in a positive light. In general, relationships between gods, emperors, and insects are weak in Japanese mythology, and hence mythology does not appear to be the primary source of Japanese affinity for insects.

Surg Neurol Int ; 13: 67, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35242433


BACKGROUND: Myths and religion are belief systems centered around supernatural entities that attempt to explain the observed world and are of high importance to certain communities. The former is a collection of stories that belong to a cultural tradition and the latter are organized faiths that determine codes of ethics, rituals and philosophy. Deities or monstrous creatures in particular act as archetypes instructing an individual's conduct. References to them in Greek mythology and Christianity are frequently manifested in the modern neurosurgical vernacular. METHODS: A review of the medical literature was performed using the PubMed and MEDLINE bibliographic databases. Publications from 1875 to 2021 related to neurosurgery or neuroanatomy with the medical subject headings (MeSH) terms mythology, religion, Christianity and Catholicism were reviewed. References pertaining to supernatural beings were classified to either a deity or a monstrosity according to their conventional cultural context. RESULTS: Twelve narratives associated with neurosurgery were identified, nine relating to Greek mythology and three associated with the Christian-Catholic faith. Eight accounts concerned deities and the remaining with monstrous creatures. CONCLUSION: This article explores the etymology of commonly utilized terms in daily neurosurgical practice in the context of mythology and religion. They reveal the ingenuity and creativity of early pioneers who strived to understand the brain.

Junguiana ; 41(1)1º sem. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524337


A experiência com as plantas de poder permite o contato com outro tipo de sensibilidade daquela a que estamos acostumados no mundo ocidental. A situação ambiental do planeta se apresenta de modo imagético e emocional. A partir disso é feita uma aproximação com a psicologia analítica, a linguagem simbólica e o conhecimento dos indígenas da etnia yanomami. A possibilidade de extinção da vida na Terra tem sido uma preocupação que cresce dia a dia. Como evitá-la dentro das condições políticas e econômicas atuais ainda é um problema sem solução. Algumas propostas são apresentadas e cotejadas com o conhecimento indígena. A necessidade de compreender e assimilar esta sabedoria ancestral parece ser uma contribuição essencial para o encaminhamento de soluções.

The experience with plants of power enables contact with another type of sensibility than the one we are used to in the western world. The planet's environmental situation is presented in an imagery and emotional way. From this, an approximation is made with analytical psychology, symbolic language and the knowledge of the indigenous people of the Yanomami ethnic group. The possibility of extinction of life on Earth has been a growing concern. How to avoid it within current political and economic conditions is still a problem to be solved. Some proposals are presented and compared with indigenous knowledge. The need to understand and assimilate this ancestral wisdom seems to be an essential contribution to finding solutions.

Una experiencia con plantas de poder permite entrar en contacto con otro tipo de sensibilidad a la que estamos acostumbrados en el mundo occidental. La situación ambiental del planeta se presenta de modo imagético y emocional. A partir de eso se hace una aproximación con la psicología analítica, el lenguaje simbólico y el conocimiento de los Indígenas de la etnia Yanomami. Una posibilidad de extinción de la vida en la tierra ha sido una preocupación que crece día a día. Cómo evitarla dentro de las condiciones políticas y económicas actuales sigue siendo un problema sin solución. Algunas propuestas son presentadas y cotejadas con el conocimiento indígena. La necesidad de comprender y asimilar esta sabiduría ancestral parece ser una contribución esencial para el encaminamiento de soluciones.

J Relig Health ; 61(2): 1401-1404, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34480689


Art offers a visual document of ancestral suffering, as such mythological images in the arts can provide cathartic relief in our patients with existential anxiety. The image of Hercules fighting Hydra and Cancer may serve as an example on how art can help attaining that goal. One example of such an attempt is reflected in the story of Hercules who had to defeat Hydra and Cancer as part of his twelve labors to become immortal. The same way Hercules fought against Cancer to become immortal, humans fight against cancer to defeat death. Cancer is a constant threat to mankind; oftentimes feeling as if it belongs to an alternate reality; a different reality we cannot comprehend, but that will unavoidably reach and impact us all.

Mythology , Neoplasms , Humans
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-987624


Background@#Visual images are used to communicate health effectively, yet visual gender representation in the context of health is not well established as most studies focused on effectiveness, awareness, adoption, or behavior change. @*Objectives@#This study explored emerging gender myths in visual images used to communicate reproductive health, maternal health, family and nutrition, breastfeeding, and childcare with the premise that visuals may shape notions of gender roles and identities. @*Methodology@#Selected images from flipcharts produced by development communication practitioners were analyzed using Kress and Van Leeuwen's social semiotics (2006). Interpretive visual analysis was used to analyze visual impacts (denotation) and cultural meanings (connotation) by Barthes' Order of Signification, and gender roles and identity naturalized by the images. @*Results@#Images for health communication used more women as subjects relative to the topics that are primarily women's concern. The subject's gaze were indirect offered as items of information, showing a relation of symbolic equality, and implying that health topics are part of the social discourse. Visual impacts and cultural meanings of images uncovered myths that embody the roles, and identities, and social expectations of men and women in health. Emerging gender myths have to do with anatomy, mainly as basis for the role, identity, and expectations, especially of women as main actors in health. @*Conclusion@#This study reveals that gender roles and identities portrayed in health are still universal and are not historically and culturally contingent.

Gender Role , Gender Identity
Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet ; 187(2): 235-239, 2021 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33982348


Mythical figures have been part of human cultural tradition for centuries, worldwide. Some of them were totally imaginary, others were likely inspired by individuals with malformation syndromes, while others are composites of parts of different species. Various artists have created works of art based on these mythical or hybrid beings, such as cyclops and chimeras. The plethora of representations of artworks in ancient, but also contemporary art (statues, paintings, illustrations, photographs, installations) is proof that they still continue to be a source of inspiration, although their rendering and interpretation have changed over time. Contemporary medical genetic knowledge has revealed the underlying pathogenesis and causative molecular basis of malformation syndromes and delineates the corresponding phenotypes. Today, many figures once viewed as mythical are reflected in living humans with medical diagnoses. Ancient terms that arose in mythology-cyclopia, chimera/ism, and others-live on in the medical literature.

Abnormalities, Multiple , Holoprosencephaly , Chimerism , Humans , Mythology
Zookeys ; 1018: 1-179, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33664609


While the leaf insects (Phylliidae) are a well-supported group within Phasmatodea, the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798 has repeatedly been recovered as paraphyletic. Here, the Phyllium (Phyllium) celebicum species group is reviewed and its distinctiveness from the remaining Phylliini genera and subgenera in a phylogenetic context based on morphological review and a phylogenetic analysis of three genes (nuclear gene 28S and mitochondrial genes COI and 16S) from most known and multiple undescribed species is shown. A new genus, Cryptophyllium gen. nov., is erected to partially accommodate the former members of the celebicum species group. Two species, Phyllium ericoriaiHennemann et al., 2009 and Phyllium bonifacioi Lit & Eusebio, 2014 morphologically and molecularly do not fall within this clade and are therefore left within Phyllium (Phyllium). The transfer of the remaining celebicum group members from Phyllium Illiger, 1798 to this new genus creates the following new combinations; Cryptophyllium athanysus (Westwood, 1859), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium celebicum (de Haan, 1842), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium chrisangi (Seow-Choen, 2017), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium drunganum (Yang, 1995), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium oyae (Cumming & Le Tirant, 2020), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium parum (Liu, 1993), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium rarum (Liu, 1993), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium tibetense (Liu, 1993), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium westwoodii (Wood-Mason, 1875), comb. nov.; Cryptophyllium yapicum (Cumming & Teemsma, 2018), comb. nov.; and Cryptophyllium yunnanense (Liu, 1993), comb. nov. The review of specimens belonging to this clade also revealed 13 undescribed species, which are described within as: Cryptophyllium animatum gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Quang Nam Province; Cryptophyllium bankoi gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Quang Ngai, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Gia Lai, Quang Nam, and Dak Nong Provinces; Cryptophyllium bollensi gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Ninh Thuan Province; Cryptophyllium daparo gen. et sp. nov. from China: Yunnan Province; Cryptophyllium echidna gen. et sp. nov. from Indonesia: Wangi-wangi Island; Cryptophyllium faulkneri gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Quang Ngai and Lam Dong Provinces; Cryptophyllium icarus gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Lam Dong and Dak Lak Provinces; Cryptophyllium khmer gen. et sp. nov. from Cambodia: Koh Kong and Siem Reap Provinces; Cryptophyllium limogesi gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Lam Dong, Dak Lak, and Dak Nong Provinces; Cryptophyllium liyananae gen. et sp. nov. from China: Guangxi Province; Cryptophyllium nuichuaense gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Ninh Thuan Province; Cryptophyllium phami gen. et sp. nov. from Vietnam: Dong Nai and Ninh Thuan Provinces; and Cryptophyllium wennae gen. et sp. nov. from China: Yunnan Province. All newly described species are morphologically described, illustrated, and molecularly compared to congenerics. With the molecular results revealing cryptic taxa, it was found necessary for Cryptophyllium westwoodii (Wood-Mason, 1875), comb. nov. to have a neotype specimen designated to allow accurate differentiation from congenerics. To conclude, male and female dichotomous keys to species for the Cryptophyllium gen. nov. are presented.

Indian J Endocrinol Metab ; 24(3): 235-236, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33083261


In spite of India showing progress in various medical, economic and social fronts, the care of the transgender individual is still encumbered by the various biases and taboos that people hold. But, this was not true in the antiquity. Hindu mythology holds transgender individuals in a status equal to other genders. This brief review of the various references of transgender individuals in Hindu mythology throws light on the various ways the topic of transsexualism and changing gender was addressed.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;78(10): 660-662, Oct. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131682


ABSTRACT Epilepsy is one of the most dreaded and terrifying human afflictions. One of the many names it has received was Sacred Disease, during Greek times. Heracles served as a source of the divine connotation that epilepsy received in ancient times, as he was one of the most important demigods in Greek mythology. However, several authors have attributed Heracles' actions to a seizure, including Hippocrates, who described the sacred disease on his "Corpus Hippocraticum." This paper reviewed some of the publications on the myth and content of the text of Hippocrates, in relation to the current knowledge of the disease.

RESUMEN La epilepsia es una de las enfermedades más temidas y terroríficas de la humanidad. Durante el periodo griego, recibió uno de sus muchos nombres, el de enfermedad sagrada. Hércules sirvió como una de las fuentes para la connotación divina que la epilepsia recibió en tiempos antiguos, debido a que fue uno de los semidioses más importantes de la mitología griega. Sin embargo, muchos autores atribuyeron las acciones de Hércules a convulsiones, incluyendo Hipócrates, quien describió la enfermedad sagrada en su "Corpus Hippocraticum". Este artículo revisa algunas de las publicaciones sobre el mito y el contenido del texto de Hipócrates, en relación al conocimiento actual de la enfermedad.

Humans , Male , Disease , Epilepsy , Seizures , History, Ancient , Mythology
Rev. bras. neurol ; 56(3): 29-30, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120516


Zeus is known as the king of the gods and god of the sky. His attributes are lightning and thunder and he is often depicted about to hurl them. According to Greek mythology, Zeus molested the titan Metis and decided to swallow her when she was pregnant, which resulted in an excruciating headache, only relieved after a craniotomy performed using Hephaestus' axe. The result of this procedure was the birth of Athena, Zeus' daughter. We conducted a combined analysis of some writings such as the classical mythological poem Theogony by Hesiod, and some other books that examine and retell myths and legends of ancient Greece, with medical papers on this topic, trying to characterize Zeus' headache. Would it be possible to fit Zeus' headache into the group of thunderclap headaches?

Zeus é conhecido como rei dos deuses e deus dos céus. Tem como atributos os raios e os trovões e é frequentemente representado prestes a lançá-los. De acordo com a mitologia grega, Zeus molestou a titã Métis e resolveu engoli-la grávida, o que resultou em uma cefaleia excruciante, apenas aliviada após uma craniotomia realizada por meio do machado de Hefesto. O fruto deste procedimento foi Atena, filha de Zeus. Realizamos uma análise combinada utilizando escritos mitológicos clássicos como o poema Teogonia de Hesíodo, além de outros livros sobre mitologia e artigos médicos que tratam deste tema, para tentar caracterizar a cefaleia de Zeus. Seria possível enquadrar a cefaleia de Zeus no grupo das cefaleias em trovoada?

Humans , Craniotomy/history , Headache , Mythology , Headache Disorders , Greece, Ancient
Agora (Rio J.) ; 23(3): 72-80, set.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1130824


RESUMO: Em Totem e tabu, Freud faz menção a um pai mítico - Urvater - ideia simbólica de um homem originário que pode ser inferido como um pressuposto mítico desde o qual será proposto um modelo de homem. Frente a isso, questionamo-nos: quais seriam os pressupostos "mitológicos" da psicanálise desde os quais se tornou admissível pensar a mulher freudiana? Objetivamos identificar, na obra de Freud, se a mitologia serviu como recurso de proposição do modelo feminino. Assim, problematizamos o recurso freudiano inicial de pensar a sexualidade feminina como modelo oposto incontornável da sexualidade masculina.

Abstract: In Totem and Taboo, Freud mentions a mythical father - Urvater - a symbolic idea of an original man that can be inferred as a mythical presupposition from which a model of man will be proposed. In the face of this, we ask ourselves: what are the "mythological" presuppositions of psychoanalysis from which the Freudian woman has become admissible? We aim to identify, in Freud's work, whether mythology served as a resource for proposing the female model. Thus, we discuss the initial Freudian recourse to think of female sexuality as the inescapable opposite model of male sexuality.

Psychoanalysis , Sexuality , Feminism , Evidence-Based Practice
Hist Philos Life Sci ; 42(3): 39, 2020 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32852629


The new mythology for which the German Romantic period called was not envisioned as antithetical to empiricism or experiential/experimental knowledge, but rather as emerging in dialogue with it to form a cultural foundation for such inquiry. Central to the mytho-scientific project were problematic theories of sexual division and generativity that established cultural baselines. This article examines the mythological investments of two influential thinkers of the period-Goethe and Schelling. It then analyzes Goethe's unique merger of mythological approaches to sex and generation with empirical observation in The Metamorphosis of Plants. It next traces Schelling's expansion of Goethe's theories of nature beyond their empirical justifications to develop a metaphysics of sexual differentiation. Finally, the article illuminates Goethe's final reply to the sexual dynamics of Naturphilosophie at the end of his life, through the analysis of a single poem, "Finding Again," in the collection God and World. Ultimately and in spite of its empirical commitments, Goethe's more flexible view of sexual correlations would lose ground to the powerful metaphysical mythology of sexual opposition as both scientific and cultural bedrock.

Empiricism/history , Mythology , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Germany , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century