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Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552244


Introdução: A comunicação é reconhecida como uma habilidade central por vários órgãos reguladores internacionais da educação médica. O ensino específico de habilidades de comunicação é fundamental para melhorar a comunicação dos médicos. As técnicas experienciais mostraram superioridade em comparação com os modelos tradicionais. A utilização de consultas reais ajuda os estudantes a visualizar melhor as suas competências de entrevista e a refletir sobre elas. Com os avanços da tecnologia, o uso de consultas médicas gravadas em vídeo tornou-se a abordagem padrão para o ensino da comunicação. No entanto, a eficácia dessa técnica depende do envolvimento ativo dos estudantes. As suas contribuições e comentários dos pares sobre a consulta gravada são essenciais para a aprendizagem. Contudo, a perspectiva do estudante sobre a utilidade dessa abordagem educativa recebeu pouca atenção. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção da aprendizagem dos residentes de medicina de família e comunidade resultante da atividade de vídeo feedback na sua formação profissional. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, realizado com residentes do primeiro ano de medicina de família e comunidade de um programa de residência estabelecido em São Paulo, Brasil. Os participantes foram entrevistados após as sessões educativas, que foram analisadas por meio de análise temática reflexiva. Resultados: A autopercepção de sua prática, o aprendizado de habilidades de comunicação e os ganhos afetivos foram identificados pelos participantes como pontos de aprendizado derivados da atividade de vídeo feedback. Além disso, sobre o aprendizado de habilidades específicas de comunicação, eles mencionaram comunicação não-verbal e verbal, conexões entre teoria e prática, estrutura de consulta e oportunidades para cristalizar conhecimentos. Os ganhos afetivos incluíram sentir-se parte de um grupo, melhora da autoestima, superação de inseguranças, percepção de consultas mais efetivas, reforço do gosto pelo trabalho e reconhecer a necessidade de mais aprendizado. Conclusões: Os ganhos de aprendizagem identificados em nosso estudo levaram a uma experiência de humanidade compartilhada, que permite aos participantes serem mais efetivos técnica e afetivamente com seus pacientes. Além disso, identificamos que a atividade educativa de vídeo feedback pode ser utilizada para outros possíveis fins educacionais além do ensino da comunicação.

Introduction: Communication is recognized as a central skill by various international medical education regulatory bodies. Specific teaching on communication skills is important to enhance doctors' communication. Experiential techniques appear to be superior compared to traditional models. Real-life consultation helps trainees visualize their interview skills and reflect on them. Upgraded by technology, the use of video-recorded medical visits became the standard approach for communication teaching. However, the effectiveness pf this technique relies on trainees' active involvement. Their inputs and peer feedback on the recorded consultation are essential to learning. Despite its importance, their perspective on the usefulness of video feedback in medical education has received limited attention. Objective: To understand the perception of learning among general practice trainees as a result of the video feedback activity in their vocational training. Methods: An exploratory, qualitative study, conducted with first-year general practice trainees from an established training program in São Paulo, Brazil. Participants were interviewed after educational session, which were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Self-perception of their practice, communication skills learning, and affective gains were identified by participants as learning points derived from the video feedback activity. Furthermore, for specific communication skills learning, they mentioned nonverbal and verbal communication, theory and practice connections, consultation structure and opportunities for crystallizing knowledge. Affective gains included feeling part of a group, improving self-esteem, overcoming insecurities, perception of more effective consultations, reinforcing fondness for their work, and need for more learning. Conclusions: The learning gains identified in our study led to an experience of common humanity, which allowed participants to be more technically and affectively effective with their patients. Also, we identified that the video feedback educational activity can be used for other possible educational purposes, beyond the teaching of communication.

Introducción: La comunicación es reconocida como una habilidad fundamental por varios organismos reguladores internacionales de educación médica. La enseñanza específica de habilidades de comunicación es importante para mejorar la comunicación de los médicos. Las técnicas experienciales parecen ser superiores a los modelos tradicionales. El uso de consultas reales ayuda a los estudiantes a visualizar y reflexionar mejor sobre sus habilidades de entrevista. Actualizado por la tecnología, el uso de consultas médicas grabadas en video se ha convertido en el enfoque estándar para la enseñanza de la comunicación. Sin embargo, para que la técnica funcione, la participación de los estudiantes es crucial. Sus contribuciones y comentarios de los compañeros sobre la consulta grabada son esenciales para el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad de este enfoque educativo ha recibido poca atención. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción del aprendizaje por parte de los residentes de medicina de familia y comunitaria como resultado de la actividad de vídeo feedback en su formación profesional. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio realizado con residentes de primer año de medicina familiar y comunitaria de un programa de residencia establecido en São Paulo, Brasil. Los participantes fueron entrevistados después de una sesión educativa, que fueron analizados mediante análisis temático reflexivo. Resultados: La autopercepción de su práctica, el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas y las ganancias afectivas fueron identificadas por los participantes como puntos de aprendizaje derivados de la actividad de vídeo feedback. Además, sobre el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas específicas, mencionaron la comunicación verbal y no verbal, las conexiones entre la teoría y la práctica, la estructura de consulta y las oportunidades para cristalizar conocimientos. En cuanto a las ganancias afectivas, relataron sentirse parte de un grupo, mejora de la autoestima, superación de las inseguridades, percepción de consultas más efectivas, refuerzo del gusto por el trabajo y necesidad de más aprendizaje. Conclusión: Los logros de aprendizaje identificados en nuestro estudio llevaron a una experiencia de humanidad compartida, que permite a los participantes ser técnica y afectivamente más efectivos con sus pacientes. Además, identificamos que la actividad educativa de vídeo feedback puede ser utilizada para otros posibles fines educativos, además de la enseñanza de la comunicación.

Humans , Health Communication , Physician-Patient Relations , Education, Medical, Graduate
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561704


Introdução: Este artigo explora o tema da empatia na relação médico-paciente. Objetivo: Contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das habilidades de comunicação clínica ao revisar o entendimento e a aplicação da empatia na prática clínica. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão não sistemática dos principais livros utilizados na comunicação clínica sobre o tema da empatia. O recorte metodológico compreendeu as seguintes etapas: (1) amostra intencional da literatura; (2) coleta e leitura de dados ­ i.e., extração de fragmentos dos textos; (3) análise do conteúdo, com o foco na definição, importância e instrumentalização para a aplicação prática; (4) seleção e síntese, para facilitar a compreensão e a contextualização sobre o tema; e (5) comparação e ponderação do conteúdo selecionado. Resultados: A abrangência com que a empatia foi trabalhada na literatura selecionada resultou em três níveis de densidade empática: baixa, moderada e alta. Assim, a baixa densidade empática limitou-se mais à definição e importância do tema; a densidade moderada incorporou algum exemplo de como aplicar a empatia, porém de forma fragmentada; e a alta densidade empática abordou o tema de modo mais completo, facilitando a instrumentalização na prática clínica. Há concordância na literatura analisada de que a prática da empatia reflete-se na melhoria do cuidado médico, entretanto seu exercício permanece no campo racional. Ao exemplificar a aplicação prática da empatia, os autores sugerem que o médico adote uma postura isenta de julgamentos, ao mesmo tempo que propõem um exercício imaginativo, de adivinhação dos sentimentos/emoções do paciente. Apesar de os autores de alta densidade empática compreenderem a importância das emoções e nomeá-las no processo, percebe-se a necessidade de um desdobramento e aprofundamento a partir desse ponto. Conclusões: Por se tratar de um assunto complexo, com vários matizes, a empatia é abordada de diferentes formas na literatura selecionada. Isso evidencia sua riqueza e originalidade, ao mesmo tempo que apresenta lacunas para sua aplicação na prática clínica.

Introduction: This article explores the theme of empathy in the doctor-patient relationship. Objective: To contribute to the improvement of clinical communication skills by reviewing the understanding and application of empathy in clinical practice. Methods: A non-systematic review of the main books used in clinical communication on the topic of empathy. The methodological approach consisted in the following steps: (1) An intentional sample of the literature; (2) Data collection and reading, i.e., extracting fragments from texts; (3) Content analysis, focusing on definition, importance and instrumentalization for practical application; (4) Selection and synthesis to facilitate understanding and contextualization on the topic; and (5) Comparison and ponderance of the selected content. Results: The scope within which empathy was worked on in the selected literature resulted in three levels of empathic density: low, moderate, and high. Thus, low empathic density was limited to definition and importance; moderate density incorporated some examples of how to apply empathy in a fragmented way; high empathic density addressed the topic more fully, facilitating instrumentation in clinical practice. There is agreement in the literature analyzed that the practice of empathy reflects on the improvement of medical care. However, its exercise remains in the rational field. By exemplifying the practical application of empathy, the authors suggest that the physician adopt a non-judgmental posture, while proposing an imaginative exercise of guessing the patient's feelings/emotions. Although high-density empathy authors understand the importance of emotions and name them in the process, there is a need for an unfolding and deepening from this point on. Conclusions: Empathy is a complex subject with several nuances and is approached in different ways in the selected literature. This evidences its richness and originality, at the same time that it presents gaps for the application of empathy in clinical practice.

Introducción: Este artículo explora el tema de la empatía en la relación médico-paciente. Objetivo: contribuir a la mejora de las habilidades de comunicación clínica mediante la revisión de la comprensión y aplicación de la empatía en la práctica clínica. Método: se trata de una revisión no sistemática de los principales libros utilizados en comunicación clínica sobre el tema de la empatía. El enfoque metodológico comprendió los siguientes pasos: (1) Una muestra intencional de la literatura; (2) Recopilación y lectura de datos, es decir, extracción de fragmentos de textos; (3) Análisis de contenido, centrándose en definición, importancia e instrumentalización para la aplicación práctica; (4) Selección y síntesis para facilitar la comprensión y contextualización sobre el tema; y (5) Comparación y ponderación del contenido seleccionado. Resultados: el alcance con el que se trabajó la empatía en la literatura seleccionada tuvo como resultado tres niveles de densidad empática: baja, moderada y alta. Así, la baja densidad empática se limitaba más a la definición y la importancia; densidad moderada, incorporó algún ejemplo de cómo aplicar la empatía, pero de manera fragmentada; alta densidad empática se acercó del tema de manera más completa, facilitando la instrumentación en la práctica clínica. Existe acuerdo en la literatura analizada en que la práctica de la empatía se refleja en la mejora de la atención médica. Sin embargo, su ejercicio queda en el campo racional. Al ejemplificar la aplicación práctica de la empatía, los autores sugieren que el médico adopte una postura no crítica, al tiempo que propone un ejercicio imaginativo de adivinar los sentimientos/emociones del paciente. Si bien los autores de alta densidad empática entienden la importancia de las emociones y las nombran en el proceso, existe la necesidad de un desdoblamiento y profundización a partir de este punto. Conclusiones: Por tratarse de un tema complejo y con varios matices, la empatía es abordada de diferentes maneras en la literatura seleccionada. Esto evidencia su riqueza y originalidad, al mismo tiempo que presenta vacíos para la aplicación de la empatía en la práctica clínica.

Physician-Patient Relations , Education, Medical , Empathy , Family Practice
Int J Emerg Med ; 17(1): 121, 2024 Sep 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39261764


BACKGROUND: Increasing numbers of patients treated in the emergency departments pose challenges to delivering timely and high-quality care. Particularly, the presentation of patients with low-urgency complaints consumes resources needed for patients with higher urgency. In this context, patients with non-specific back pain (NSBP) often present to emergency departments instead of primary care providers. While patient perspectives are well understood, this study aims to add a provider perspective on the diagnostic and therapeutic approach for NSBP in emergency and primary care settings. METHODS: In a qualitative content analysis, we interviewed seven Emergency Physicians (EP) and nine General Practitioners (GP) using a semi-structured interview to assess the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to patients with NSBP in emergency departments and primary care practices. A hypothetical case of NSBP was presented to the interviewees, followed by questions on their diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Recruitment was stopped after reaching saturation of the qualitative content analysis. Reporting this work follows the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist. RESULTS: EPs applied two different strategies for the workup of NSBP. A subset pursued a guideline-compliant diagnostic approach, ruling out critical conditions and managing pain without extensive diagnostics. Another group of EPs applied a more extensive approach, including extensive diagnostic resources and specialist consultations. GPs emphasized physical examinations and stepwise treatment, including scheduled follow-ups and a better knowledge of the patient history to guide diagnostics and therapy. Both groups attribute ED visits for NSBP to patient related and healthcare system related factors: lack of understanding of healthcare structures, convenience, demand for immediate diagnostics, and fear of serious conditions. Furthermore, both groups reported an ill-suited healthcare infrastructure with insufficiently available primary care services as a contributing factor. CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights a need for improving guideline adherence in younger EPs and better patient education on the healthcare infrastructure. Furthermore, improving access and availability of primary care services could reduce ED visits of patients with NSBP. TRIAL REGISTRATION: No trial registration needed.

Ann Fam Med ; 22(5): 453-455, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39313349


We primary care clinicians, scholars, and leaders ascribe value to Barbara Starfield's core tenets of primary care-the 4 Cs: first contact, comprehensiveness, coordination, and continuity. In today's era of rapid technological advancements and dwindling resources, what are the implications for face-to-face interactions of patient-clinician relationships? We propose adding a 5th C: "Contiguity." Contiguity-or physical proximity and presence-is a key dimension that not only enables the necessary technical aspects of a physical exam but also authenticates the most human aspects of a relationship and occurs specifically when we are physically vulnerable and responsible for the other before us. This, in turn, may best enable us to bridge difference and nurture trust with our patients. We measure what we value and, thus, naming Contiguity as a core tenet assures that we will not lose sight of this keystone in a patient's relationship with their personal physician.

Physician-Patient Relations , Primary Health Care , Humans , Trust
Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1435940, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39301487


Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the level of acceptance of family doctors (FDs) exhibited by residents in China. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on a structured self-administered questionnaire was conducted to investigate residents in eastern, central, and western China between September and December 2021. A multivariable stepwise logistic regression model was employed to identify the factors associated with health-seeking behavior after the signing of agreements concerning family doctor contract services (FDCS) as well as residents' willingness to change FDs. Results: Among the 2,394 respondents included in this research, 55.8% sought primary care from their FDs when they became ill, whereas 9.7% expressed a willingness to change FDs. Residents who reported high levels of satisfaction with FDCS [odds ratio (OR) = 2.162] and trust in FDs (OR = 1.430) were more likely to seek initial help from FDs. In addition, residents from central China (OR = 0.546) and western China (OR = 0.704) and those who exhibited a high level of trust in FDs (OR = 0.238) were less likely to change FDs. Conclusion: The level of FD acceptance among Chinese residents was relatively high. Satisfaction with FDCS and trust in FDs were associated with the acceptance of FDs among residents. FDs should make efforts to enhance the quality of health services as well as the overall health experience of residents.

BMC Prim Care ; 25(1): 340, 2024 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39285291


BACKGROUND: When doctors seek medical care, there is evidence that the treating doctor can struggle to provide optimal treatment. Guidelines state that doctor-patients should be treated like any other patient, but this is challenging for the treating doctor. This study set out to explore both the positive experiences general practitioners (GPs) have when caring for doctor-patients, and the challenges they confront. It sought to identify whether GPs believe they treat doctor-patients differently to other patients and if so, in what ways, for what reasons, and how this impacts their provision of care. The study also aimed to develop a model that makes sense of GPs' experiences when caring for a patient who is also a medical doctor. METHOD: Qualitative in-depth interviews with 26 GPs were carried out, with analysis of de-identified transcripts using pragmatic grounded theory. Evolving understandings were used to develop a model to make sense of GPs' experiences caring for their doctor-patients. RESULTS: The core aspects of GPs' experiences of treating fellow doctors centred around concepts of respect and collegiality. These play a central role in mediating how a treating doctor experiences a consultation with a doctor-patient, influencing the quality of care provided. GPs shared that the use of medical language (and assumptions about the doctor-patient's knowledge/behaviours), testing, the exploration of sensitive issues, and the degree of shared decision-making were areas where their treatment might vary when treating a doctor-patient. Treating doctors often experience anxiety about errors and the likely scrutiny from the medical, and wider community. The decision to treat the doctor-patient differently was driven by a desire to maintain a sense of collegiality, to not offend, to meet their doctor-patient's expectations, and to appear competent. CONCLUSION: The professional socialisation of doctors, with its emphasis on collegiality and respect, plays a significant role in the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship when a doctor treats a doctor-patient. Current guidelines make little reference to these dynamics with the over-simplified 'keep it normal' recommendations. Treating doctors need evidence-informed training to navigate these challenges and ensure they can effectively deliver quality care to their doctor-patients.

Attitude of Health Personnel , General Practitioners , Physician-Patient Relations , Qualitative Research , Humans , General Practitioners/psychology , Female , Male , Middle Aged , Adult , Interviews as Topic , Grounded Theory , Quality of Health Care
Z Rheumatol ; 2024 Sep 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39320505


OBJECTIVE: YouTube is often used by patients and healthcare professionals to obtain medical information. Reactive arthritis (ReA) is a type of inflammatory arthritis triggered by infection, usually in the genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract. However, the accuracy and quality of ReA-related information on YouTube are not fully known. This study aimed to assess the reliability and quality of YouTube videos pertaining to ReA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A YouTube search was performed on August 1, 2023, using the keywords "reactive arthritis," "Reiter's disease," and "Reiter's syndrome." The number of days since upload; the number of views, likes, and comments; and the duration of videos were recorded. The modified DISCERN tool (mDISCERN) and the global quality scale (GQS) were used to evaluate the reliability and quality of the videos. Two physicians independently classified videos as low, moderate, or high quality and rated them on a five-point GQS (1 = poor quality, 5 = excellent quality). The source of videos was also noted. RESULTS: Of the 180 videos screened, 68 met the inclusion criteria. The most common topic (61, 89.7%) was "ReA overview." Among the 68 videos analyzed, the main source of uploads was physicians 45 (66.2%), and 66 (97%) were categorized as useful. Around half of the YouTube videos about ReA were of high quality (33, 48.5%) according to the GQS. Upon comparing videos uploaded by rheumatologists, non-rheumatology healthcare professionals, and independent users, significant differences were found in mDISCERN and GQS but not in the number of views, likes, and comments or duration. Upon comparing high-, moderate-, and low-quality videos, significant differences were found in the number of views, likes, and comments; duration; and in mDISCERN and GQS. CONCLUSION: YouTube is a source of information on ReA of variable quality, with wide viewership and the potential to influence patients' knowledge and behavior. Our results showed that most YouTube videos on ReA were of high quality. Videos presented by physicians had higher quality. YouTube should consider avoiding low-quality videos by using validity scales such as mDISCERN and GQS.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 207, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39297118


BACKGROUND: Bad news may be defined as "any information which adversely and seriously affects an individual's view of his or her future." It seems necessary for physicians to use a specific method to break the bad news to patients properly. Due to the importance of this skill and its effects on patient's hope and motivation to continue his treatment process, in this study, we evaluate the interns of Guilan University of Medical Sciences' attitude to breaking bad news (BBN) to the patients based on strategy for BBN, perception of condition or seriousness, invitation from the patient to give information, knowledge: giving medical facts, explore emotions, and sympathize (SPIKES) model in 2020-2022. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study in Iran, 153 Guilan University of Medical Sciences interns were selected as a census sample in 2020-2022. A self-administered questionnaire collected the information with standard tests confirming its reliability and validity. The collected data were described and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 16. The Chi-square test was used to measure the statistical relationship between the demographic variables and the entire questionnaire. Also, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used to measure the relationship between the average age and the scores obtained from the four main areas and the entire questionnaire. A statistical level of less than 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: 43.1% of the interns were men, and 56.9% were women. The mean attendance age was 26.12 ± 1.32, the minimum age was 23, and the maximum was 33. Only 8.5% of the interns in this study had been taught about BBN, and most participants announced that they feel pressure and anxiety when BBN to patients. The attitude of interns in this study was not satisfying in all four parts of the study: individual preference (54.2% of participants showed poor attitude), preparing environmental conditions for BBN (60.8% of participants showed poor attitude), how to break bad news (52.3% of participants showed poor attitude), and the things that are done after BBN (52.9% of participants showed poor attitude). CONCLUSION: Based on the results, the attitude of the interns who had participated in this study was not satisfactory. Due to the importance of this communication skill to reduce physician anxiety and best control patients' reactions, managing courses in the undergraduate curriculum seems necessary.

Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J ; 24(3): 345-353, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234322


Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude and experiences in sharing unpleasant health information and adherence to the SPIKES protocol among physicians at a tertiary hospital in Muscat, Oman. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital from August to October 2022. An electronic, self-administered questionnaire was used to gather data from physicians across various departments. Results: A total of 89 physicians completed the questionnaire (response rate = 22.3%). Most participants (n = 86, 96.6%) recognised the need for additional training in the delivery of unpleasant health information ('bad news'), with 78.7% (n = 70) expressing their willingness to undertake such training. Additionally, 32.6% (n = 29) reported negative experiences due to improper delivery of bad news, with an equal proportion admitting to disclosing bad news to patients' family without their consent. The majority (n = 77, 86.5%) demonstrated a high level of overall adherence to the SPIKES protocol, with 59.6-85.4%, 12.4-34.8% and 1.1-11.2% reported usually, sometimes and never following specific steps of the protocol, respectively. Marital status (P = 0.015) and qualifications (P = 0.032) were the only variables that were associated with adherence level, with married physicians and those with board and/or fellowship certificates reporting significantly better adherence compared to their counterparts. Conclusion: Physicians in Oman encounter challenges in delivering unpleasant health information, underscoring the interplay of cultural influences, training and adherence to protocols. To address these challenges, targeted and frequent training programmes are recommended, starting from undergraduate medical education and extending to continuous opportunities for physicians at various career levels.

Physicians , Tertiary Care Centers , Humans , Oman , Cross-Sectional Studies , Male , Female , Tertiary Care Centers/organization & administration , Adult , Surveys and Questionnaires , Physicians/psychology , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Attitude of Health Personnel , Middle Aged , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Physician-Patient Relations , Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data
Support Care Cancer ; 32(9): 602, 2024 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39167220


PURPOSE: The patient-centered communication principles in Western countries are widely esteemed. In Eastern countries, a family-centered approach to medical decision-making is preferred. However, the predicaments faced by attending physicians and their coping strategies in the process of truth-telling about cancer are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to understand attending physicians' predicaments and coping strategies in implementing truth-telling for cancer in Taiwan. METHODS: This study used a qualitative description approach to conduct in-depth interviews with attending physicians. Data were collected from two medical centers in Taiwan. Purposive sampling was also conducted. A total of 17 attending physicians participated in individual semi-structured interviews. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Inductive content analysis was used to analyze and develop the subcategories, generic categories, and main categories. RESULTS: Four main categories emerged: (1) Causing harm to the patient: Family members' cooperation is needed. (2) Family members' request to conceal the truth: Physicians should judge based on the patient's disease condition. (3) Delayed treatment: Physicians should prioritize establishing confidence. (4) Delivering bad news about relapse: Physicians have different coping strategies. CONCLUSION: Physicians in Taiwan face challenges but prioritize family-centered care despite having coping strategies to protect patients. When faced with a scenario in which family members request concealment of truth, most physicians cooperate with them to determine the level and method of disclosing unfavorable news to patients. Physicians should prioritize patients' psychological needs when they experience relapse or metastasis or face strong negative emotions.

Adaptation, Psychological , Neoplasms , Physician-Patient Relations , Qualitative Research , Truth Disclosure , Humans , Male , Female , Neoplasms/psychology , Taiwan , Adult , Middle Aged , Interviews as Topic , Attitude of Health Personnel , Coping Skills
Glob J Qual Saf Healthc ; 7(3): 118-124, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104799


Introduction: The patient experience (PX) is central to improving the quality of healthcare services. We launched a PX capacity- and capability-building program at the Armed Forces Hospitals Taif Region, which is integral to our regional healthcare cluster transformation plans and is an initial step toward developing a culture of improvement in human experience in healthcare. Methods: A multidisciplinary PX committee recruited five frontline interprofessional PX heads, one from each of our regional healthcare hospitals. The Kirkpatrick model for program evaluation was used to assess the impact on four key levels: reaction, learning, behavior, and results. A pre-program competency assessment was conducted to evaluate the level of expertise across various PX competencies, and a program curriculum was developed accordingly. Participants underwent an intensive workshop-based PX capacity-building training program. A post-program competency assessment was performed along with a post-program survey. The PX-related activities led by interprofessional frontline PX heads at their respective hospitals' post-programs were tracked. The impact on the regional PX mean score across various settings, including inpatient, outpatient, and emergency settings, was measured using Press Ganey PX surveys. Our work is reported in accordance with the SQUIRE-EDU guidelines of the EQUATOR network. Results: The PX capacity-building program led to a significant improvement in participants' expertise across various PX competencies. Significant improvements beyond the strategic targets were observed in the PX mean score in inpatient departments pre-program (83.31) vs. post-program (86.34), with a p-value of < 0.001 across the regional healthcare system. Conclusion: The PX capacity-building program is a first step toward major cultural change amid the healthcare cluster transformation in our regional healthcare system. The Kirkpatrick model helps evaluate the impact of PX capacity- and capability-building training programs comprehensively through an organizational approach. Sustainable improvements in PX over a long period through a capacity-building program alone remain challenging.

Fam Pract ; 2024 Aug 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093609


BACKGROUND: Smoking cessation interventions requires attending to the circumstances and needs of individual patients. We aimed at highlighting the discordances between patients' and physicians' perspectives on contextual factors that should be considered during smoking cessation. METHODS: We identified 36 contextual factors identified that should be considered during smoking cessation using PubMed and interviewing general practitioners. Physicians recruited through social networks campaigns and smoker or former smoker patients from the ComPaRe cohort selected the factors they considered most relevant in two online paired comparison experiment. Bradley Terry Luce models estimated the ability of each factor (i.e. the probability to be preferred). We calculated the Pearson's correlation and the intraclass correlation coefficients for the contextual factor from each perspective and compared the ranking of the 10 contextual factors with the highest abilities. RESULTS: Seven hundred and ninety-three patients' and 795 physicians' perspectives estimated the ability (i.e., importance) of the contextual factors in 11 963 paired comparisons. We found a high correlation between physicians' and patients' perspectives of the contextual factors to be considered for smoking cessation (r = 0.76, P < 0.0001). However, the agreement between the abilities of contextual factors was poor (ICC = 0.42 [-0.10; 0.75]; P = 0.09). Fine-grain analysis of participants' answers revealed many discrepancies. For example, 40% factors ranked in the top 10 most important for physicians were not in patients' top 10 ranking. CONCLUSION: Our results highlight the importance of patient-centered care, the need to engage discussions about patients' values, beyond what is thought to be important, to avoid overlooking their real context.

J Pak Med Assoc ; 74(8): 1570-1574, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160742


OBJECTIVE: To determine how medical students viewed the importance of patient-doctor communication, to assess their knowledge about patient-centred care, and to compare the attitudes of medical students in their pre-clinical and clinical years of study towards patient-centred care. METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted from April to September 2023 at Federal Medical and Dental College, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and comprised medical students of either gender from 2nd to 5th academic year. Data was collected using the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale. Data was analysed using SPSS 27. RESULTS: Of the 322 students, 178(55.3%) were males and 144(44.7%) were females. The mean score was 3.60±0.47, while the sharing and caring sub-scores were 3.23±0.66 and 3.99±0.52, respectively. The attitude of students overall was slightly patient-centred. Different study years showed variance in patient-centred scores which were also affected by cultural, demographic and gender parameters (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The attitude of the students leaned slightly towards patient-oriented behaviour.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Patient-Centered Care , Students, Medical , Humans , Students, Medical/psychology , Female , Male , Cross-Sectional Studies , Pakistan , Attitude of Health Personnel , Physician-Patient Relations , Young Adult , Adult , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38993998


As a rule, physicians' reputation significantly influences public confidence in the medical profession. Unfortunately, the societal perception of physicians in contemporary Iran appears to be negatively impacted. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze and elucidate the fundamental causes of this phenomenon. This qualitative study employed content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted in 2022. The study population consisted of 6 physicians, 6 nurses and 12 patients in the the affiliated hospitals in Kerman University of Medical Sciences selected through purposive sampling. Extraction of the main themes followed the Graneheim and Lundman approach, and data management was facilitated through MAXQDA 20. The study identified five themes encapsulating the causes for damage to physicians' reputation: physicians' relationship with patients, physicians' relationship with the community, physicians' relationship with the medical profession, challenges within medical practice, and challenges related to medical education. Within these themes, a total of 38 subthemes emerged. The primary drivers that seem to damage physicians' reputation include: non-effective communication, negative public attitudes toward certain physicians and medical centers due to malpractice, illegitimate relationships of physicians, gaps in physicians' skills, insufficient education, and ethical lapses. It was concluded that several infrastructural elements negatively impact physicians' reputation. Consequently, it is recommended to monitor the professional behaviors, practices and relationships of physicians, while scrutinizing the medical education system.

HCA Healthc J Med ; 5(3): 387-388, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39015598


Description I painted this picture after tearing up over the phone with her parents. "I think she's passing away," I had told them, "You'd better come up to the hospital." Inexperienced as a brand new physician, I felt like I was drowning in my responsibility over the care of my patients. Real people, with real lives, with real consequences to my decisions. It has gotten easier to feel okay while helping other humans pass away. And it sounds a little dramatic, but I've found ways to help myself cope without being stranded by the waves.

J Bioeth Inq ; 2024 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39037641


The principle of non-directiveness remains an important tenet in genetics. However, the concept has encountered growing criticism over the last two decades. There is an ongoing discussion about its appropriateness for specific situations in genetics, especially in light of recent significant advancements in genetic medicine. Despite the debate surrounding non-directiveness, there is a notable lack of up-to-date international research empirically investigating the issue from the perspective of those who actually do genetic counselling. Addressing this gap, our article delves into the viewpoints and experiences of medical geneticists in Germany and Switzerland. Twenty qualitative interviews were analysed employing reflexive thematic analysis. Participants' responses revealed substantial uncertainties and divergences in their understanding and application of the concept. It seems to cause distress since many geneticists stated that the principle was difficult to put into clinical practice and was no longer ethically justified given the increasing likelihood of therapeutic implications resulting from genomic testing outcomes. The insights provided by our qualitative empirical study accord with the ongoing theoretical debate regarding the definition, legitimacy, and feasibility of the principle. An adequately nuanced understanding and application of non-directiveness seems crucial to circumvent the risks inherent in the principle, while promoting patient autonomy and beneficence.

Cancer Med ; 13(14): e70003, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39031003


OBJECTIVE: Effective communication between cancer patients and providers is critical for addressing psychological distress, reducing uncertainty, and promoting patient well-being. This is particularly relevant during medical appointments that may elicit uncertainty, such as surgical consultations for newly diagnosed women with breast cancer. This study aimed to evaluate how pre-appointment anxiety and illness uncertainty affect patient-provider communication in breast cancer surgical consultations and subsequent post-appointment well-being. Breast cancer patient anxiety has been studied as an outcome of provider communication, though less is known about the extent to which preexisting anxiety or uncertainty act as antecedents to effective patient-provider communication. METHODS: This study analyzed videorecorded breast cancer surgical consultations (N = 51) and corresponding patient surveys to understand how pre-appointment anxiety influences pre-appointment patient uncertainty, patient-provider communication during the appointment, and subsequent post-appointment uncertainty. RESULTS: The proposed model achieved good fit to the data such that more pre-appointment anxiety was associated with more pre-appointment uncertainty, more pre-appointment anxiety was associated with more empathic opportunities per minute, and more empathic opportunities were associated with less post-appointment uncertainty. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate breast cancer patients with anxiety pre-appointment are at-risk for more illness uncertainty and are more likely to explicitly provide empathic opportunities. This supports the need for added attention to empathic opportunities to not only address patients emotionally but to also assess whether a patient may be at higher risk of having preexisting anxiety.

Anxiety , Breast Neoplasms , Communication , Physician-Patient Relations , Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/psychology , Uncertainty , Anxiety/psychology , Middle Aged , Adult , Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires
BMC Prim Care ; 25(1): 248, 2024 Jul 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38971738


BACKGROUND: The 15-method is an opportunistic screening and brief intervention tool for alcohol-related problems in primary healthcare. A Danish feasibility study of the 15-method indicated that adjustments were needed to improve its contextual fit to Danish general practice. This adjustment process was conducted in two parts. The first part focused on identifying barriers, facilitators, and user needs for addressing alcohol using the 15-method. The second part will address the identified barriers and user needs to finalize a Danish version of the method. This study reports on part one of the adjustment process. METHODS: Semi-structured individual interviews and focus group interviews with healthcare professionals (n = 8) and patients (n = 5) from general practice in Denmark. Data analysis was conducted using thematic content analysis. The results were condensed into two focus areas that will form the basis for user workshops in part two of the adjustment process. RESULTS: The main barriers for addressing alcohol using the 15-method were patients and healthcare professionals not having the same agenda, having difficulty opening a conversation on alcohol, and workflow in the practices. Main facilitators included high interpersonal skills, taking the patient's perspective, and good routines and interdisciplinary work. Suggested adjustments and additions to the method included digitalization, visual icebreakers, quotes and examples, and development of a quick guide. The identified focus areas for user workshops were Communication and Material, and Integration to Workflows. CONCLUSION: Healthcare professionals found the opportunistic screening approach exemplified by the 15-method to be beneficial in identifying and addressing alcohol-related problems. They appreciate the method's structured framework that assists in presenting treatment options. Identified adjustment areas to the 15-method will lay the groundwork for future efforts to develop a finalized Danish version of the 15-method.

General Practice , Humans , Denmark , General Practice/methods , Female , Male , Focus Groups , Adult , Middle Aged , Feasibility Studies , Qualitative Research , Mass Screening/methods , Interviews as Topic , Alcohol-Related Disorders/diagnosis , Alcohol-Related Disorders/therapy
Heliyon ; 10(13): e31723, 2024 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040296


This qualitative study examines the impact of scientific, ethical, and translational challenges of precision medicine for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The study explores how these challenges affect biomarker research for inflammatory skin diseases as identified by stakeholders, including patient board representatives, pharmaceutical industry partners, and postdoctoral and senior researchers from multiple disciplines in biomarker research. We recruited participating experts both within and associated with the international Biomarkers in Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis (BIOMAP) consortium to ensure representation of the different organizational units of the consortium. For the study, we followed the COREQ checklist. The interviews were conducted using GDPR-safe online platforms and the pseudonymized transcripts were analyzed using Atlas.ti. We analyzed the interviews from participants' personal experiences, topic-oriented, and group specific to identify the main themes presented in this article. The findings were presented to peers and to the wider BIOMAP audience, discussed, and a draft was circulated within the consortium for feedback. In this study, we identify and discuss the interrelation of challenges that are relevant to improving precision medicine with multimodal biomarkers. We show how scientific challenges can interrelate with ethical and translational issues, and explain these interdependencies and articulate epistemic and social factors of interdisciplinary collaboration. Based on our findings, we suggest that including patient representatives' perspectives is crucial for highly interrelated and widely diverse research. The proposed integrative perspective is beneficial for all involved stakeholders. Effective communication of science requires reflection on the tension between scientific uncertainty and the goals of precision medicine. Furthermore, we show how changing the perception of the diseases, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis can benefit patients beyond medical practice.