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Univ. salud ; 27(1): 1-10, enero-abril 2025.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555921


Introducción: La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y los estados de ánimo son indicadores cruciales del bienestar en adolescentes, pero su relación con estudiantes de Antioquia, Colombia, no ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Objetivo: Determinar la CVRS y los estados de ánimo en escolares de Antioquia-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con 1957 escolares de 9 a 20 años. Se aplicaron mediciones de CVRS, ansiedad, depresión, hostilidad y alegría, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario, apoyo social de padres y nivel socioeconómico. Resultados: La calidad de vida alta (CVA) es más elevada en hombres, personas con alegría, estudiantes con apoyo de padres, activos físicamente y personas de nivel socioeconómico alto y medio. AL aumentar un año de edad, disminuye en un 15 % la CVA, y al aumentar la depresión, la ansiedad y el comportamiento sedentario disminuye la CVA. Además, los niveles de depresión y ansiedad son mayores en mujeres, estudiantes mayores, sin apoyo de los padres y personas sedentarias. Conclusiones: La CVRS se asocia con estados de ánimo, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario y apoyo de los padres; mientras que los estados de ánimo se asocian con el sexo, el apoyo de los padres, la CVS y el sedentarismo.

Introduction: Even though health-related quality of life (HRQL) and mood states are key indicators of the well-being of adolescents, their relationship has not been analyzed in students from Antioquia, Colombia. Objective: To determine HRQL and mood states in schoolchildren from Antioquia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,957 schoolchildren and adolescents aged between 9 and 20 years. Measurements of HRQL, anxiety, depression, hostility and happiness, physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental social support, and socioeconomic status were applied. Results: A high quality of life (HQL) was observed more frequently in male participants, students with parental support, physically active, and those belonging to medium and high socioeconomic status. HQL decreased 15% as their age increased by one year. Also, HQL was reduced when depression, anxiety, and sedentary behavior increased. Furthermore, depression and anxiety levels were higher in women, older students, as well as in those without parental control and with sedentary behavior. Conclusions: HRQL is associated with mood states, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and parental support. In contrast, mood states are related to gender, parental support, HQL, and sedentary lifestyle.

Introdução: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (CVRS) e os estados de humor são indicadores cruciais de bem-estar em adolescentes, mas sua relação com estudantes de Antioquia, Colômbia, não foi amplamente estudada. Objetivo: Determinar a CVRS e os estados de humor em escolares de Antioquia-Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal com 1.957 escolares de 9 a 20 anos. Foram aplicadas medidas de QVRS, ansiedade, depressão, hostilidade e felicidade, atividade física, comportamento sedentário, apoio social dos pais e nível socioeconômico. Resultados: A alta qualidade de vida (CVA) é maior em homens, pessoas com alegria, estudantes com apoio parental, fisicamente ativos e pessoas de nível socioeconômico alto e médio. À medida que a idade aumenta em um ano, diminui em 15% o CVA, e ao aumentar a depressão, a ansiedade e o comportamento sedentário aumentam, o CVA diminui. Além disso, os níveis de depressão e ansiedade são mais elevados nas mulheres, nos estudantes mais velhos, sem apoio dos pais e nas pessoas sedentárias. Conclusões: A QVRS está associada a estados de humor, atividade física, comportamento sedentário e apoio parental; enquanto os estados de humor estão associados ao sexo, apoio parental, CVS e estilo de vida sedentário.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Health , Emotions , Happiness , Hostility
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 66-73, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561370


Introducción: El yoga es una actividad que trata de un ejercicio el cual contiene una intensidad baja a moderada, la cual no se centra exclusivamente en el entrenamiento físico, sino que también en el desarrollo de la mente y el espíritu de uno mismo. El yoga puede obtener un mayor impacto en el equilibrio y en la ganancia de fuerza de la parte superior del cuerpo, además, demuestra mejora en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y flexibilidad. Metodología: El enfoque de desarrollo fue de tipo cuantitativo en donde se realizó una revisión sistemática como metodología de búsqueda de información, relacionada al yoga como una terapia complementaria y los beneficios que éste aportaba al bienestar de las personas mayores. Resultados: En cada uno de los ensayos controlados aleatorizados que fueron recabados para fines de esta revisión sistemática. Se destaca la importancia y los beneficios del yoga en la movilidad, fuerza, flexibilidad y espiritualidad de los usuarios que practican esta terapia. Discusión: Los artículos analizados pertenecen a ensayos clínicos o estudios aleatorizados, los cuales permitieron responder de manera efectiva a nuestra pregunta de investigación, la cual consiste en reconocer si el yoga es efectivo para disminuir el riesgo de dependencia funcional y eliminar hábitos que no son saludables para las personas mayores, además de mejorar la calidad de vida actual. Gracias a ello se pudo evidenciar que esta terapia en adultos mayores genera cambios positivos respecto a estado y condición física, la ejecución de esta práctica mejora la calidad de vida en un 80% Conclusión: La yoga como terapia complementaria si entrega beneficios en la calidad de vida de la población adulta mayor, dado que, que hubo una mejora tanto en la movilidad, calidad de vida y autovalencia de los adultos mayores[AU]

Introduction: Yoga is an activity that deals with a low to moderate intensity exercise, which is not exclusively focused on physical training, but also on the development of the mind and spirit itself. Yoga may have a greater impact on balance and upper body strength gains, and have shown improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility. Methodology:the development approach was of a quantitative type where a systematic review was carried out as a methodology for searching for information related to yoga as a complementary therapy and the benefits that it brought to the well-being of the elderly. Results:The importance and benefits of yoga on the mobility, strength, flexibility and spirituality of users who practice this therapy are highlighted in each of the randomized controlled trials that were collected for the purposes of this systematic review. Discussion: The articles analyzed belong to clinical trials or randomized studies, which allowed us to effectively answer our research question. The activity of yoga in older adults generates positive changes regarding state and physical condition, the execution of this practice improves the quality of life by 80% Conclusion: Yoga as a complementary therapy delivers benefits in the quality of life of the adult population elderly, it can be said that there was an improvement in mobility, quality of life and self-valence of the elderly[AU]

Introdução: O Yoga é uma atividade que trata de um exercício de intensidade baixa a moderada, que não se foca exclusivamente no treino físico, mas também no desenvolvimento da mente e do espí-rito. A ioga pode ter um impacto maior no equilíbrio e nos ganhos de força da parte superior do corpo e mostrou melhorias na apti-dão cardiorrespiratória e flexibilidade. Metodologia: a abordagem de desenvolvimento foi do tipo quantitativo onde foi realizada uma revisão sistemática como metodologia de busca de informações re-lacionadas ao yoga como terapia complementar e os benefícios que trouxe para o bem-estar dos idosos. Resultados: A importância e os benefícios do yoga na mobilidade, força, flexibilidade e espiri-tualidade dos usuários que praticam esta terapia são destacados em cada um dos ensaios clínicos randomizados que foram coletados para fins desta revisão sistemática. Discussão: Os artigos analisa-dos pertencem a ensaios clínicos ou estudos randomizados, o que nos permitiu responder de forma eficaz à nossa questão de inves-tigação. A atividade de yoga em idosos gera mudanças positivas quanto ao estado e condição física, a execução desta prática mel-hora a qualidade de vida em 80% Conclusão: o yoga como terapia complementar traz benefícios na qualidade de vida da população adulta idosa, pode-se dizer que houve melhora na mobilidade, qualidade de vida e autovalência dos idosos[AU]

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Systematic Review
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561696


Introdução: O desenvolvimento da família é influenciado por diversos fatores de sua organização interna e de ordem ambiental, social, cultural, econômica e política. Em contexto de pobreza os riscos são maiores. Fatores de proteção, como boa organização familiar e rede social de apoio podem diminuir as consequências negativas da pobreza. São escassas as pesquisas longitudinais sobre vulnerabilidade e resiliência nas famílias. Objetivo: Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de três famílias ao longo de 15 anos, estudadas por meio de entrevistas em casa, parte de uma coorte populacional de um bairro de Porto Alegre (RS). Buscaram-se associações entre a qualidade das relações nessas famílias e sua saúde física e mental, especialmente a do filho, foco da pesquisa. Métodos: Selecionaram-se no arquivo da pesquisa as três primeiras famílias (do total de 148) das quais se tinham os resultados completos das cinco visitas realizadas aos quatro meses e aos dois, quatro, nove e 15 anos de um filho. Realizou-se análise qualitativa dos registros em busca de categorias para compreender a vida e as relações interpessoais nas famílias. O estudo foi realizado em conjunto por duas pesquisadoras, médicas especialistas em desenvolvimento humano. As categorias identificadas na análise e estudadas nas cinco etapas foram: configuração familiar, situação socioeconômica, situações traumáticas, saúde física, saúde relacional e mental, evolução cognitiva e escolar do filho. Resultados: As três famílias, todas de classe C, com filhos sem problemas de saúde física, tiveram evolução suficientemente boa, apesar de todas enfrentarem múltiplos problemas, inclusive separações e mortes precoces. A relação com o sistema de saúde e escola era boa e similar para as três. A jovem com menos problemas de saúde mental foi aquela que sofreu perdas mais importantes: morte dos pais. Tinha uma estrutura familiar multigeracional sólida desde a primeira infância, com relações interpessoais predominantemente colaborativas e amorosas. Conclusões: O artigo busca avançar na compreensão da resiliência nas famílias em situações de vulnerabilidade. Concluímos que essas três famílias, uma delas mais que as outras, foram suficientemente saudáveis na tarefa de educar seus filhos sem desenvolverem problemas mentais graves. Propomos que o bom desenvolvimento se associa com a adequação e amorosidade dos cuidados com a etapa do ciclo vital, mesmo enfrentando situações problemáticas. Essas qualidades precisam estar associadas à estabilidade socioeconômica básica e a bons serviços de saúde e escola.

Introduction: Family development is influenced by it's internal organization and environmental factors, socioeconomic, cultural and political. In poor contexts there are more risks to development. Protection factors like good family organization and social network may decrease the risks. Longitudinal research about vulnerability and resilience in families is scarse. Objective: This article describes the development of three families over 15 years through interviews at home. The families were part of a populational cohort of a neighborhood in Porto Alegre (RS). We looked for links between the quality of relationships and the physical and mental health of these families, especially of the child focus of the research. Methods: We selected in the research archives the first three families (of a total of 148) for which we had full results of the five interviews at four months and two, four, nine and fifteen years of a child. We did a qualitative analysis of the records looking for parameters to understand the life and interpersonal relationships of these families. This study was done by two researchers, both experts in Human Development. The categories identified in the analysis of the five phases were: family structure, socioeconomic situation, traumatic experiences, physical, mental and relational health and cognitive evolution of the child. Results: All three families belonged to economical class C. The children were in good physical health and had sufficiently good general development, having faced multiple problems, including parental separation and early parental death. The relationship with the health and school systems was good in all of them. The youth with less mental health problems was the one who suffered the heaviest loss: early death of both parents. Her family had strong multigenerational ties since her early days, with predominant collaborative and loving relationships. Conclusions: This article aims to contribute to the comprehension of resilience in families in the context of vulnerability. We can say that these three families were healthy enough in the task of bringing up children without any serious mental health problem. We suggest that healthy development is associated with loving interfamily relationships adequate to each phase of development, notwithstanding dramatic events. This needs to be supported by basic economic stability and adequate school and health systems.

Introducción: El desarrollo de la familia es influenciado por su organización interna y factores ambientales, sociales, culturales, económicos y políticos. En contextos pobres los riesgos son mayores. Factores de protección como buena organización familiar y red social de apoyo pueden disminuir las consecuencias negativas de la pobreza. Son pocas las investigaciones longitudinales de vulnerabilidad y resiliencia de las familias. Objetivo: Este artículo describe el estudio del desarrollo de tres familias a lo largo de 15 años, a través de entrevistas en domicilio, parte de una cohorte poblacional de un barrio de Porto Alegre (RS). Se buscaron correlaciones entre la calidad de las relaciones de esas familias y su salud física y mental, especialmente la del hijo foco de la investigación. Métodos: Fueron seleccionadas en el archivo de la investigación las tres primeras familias (de un total de 148) de las cuales se tenían los resultados completos de las cinco visitas realizadas, a los 4 meses, y a los 2, 4, 9, y 15 años de un hijo. Fue realizado un análisis cualitativo de los registros en busca de categorías para comprender la vida y las relaciones interpersonales en las familias. El estudio fue hecho en conjunto por dos investigadoras, médicas especialistas en desarrollo humano. Las categorías identificadas en el análisis y estudiadas en las cinco etapas fueron: configuración familiar, situación socioeconómica, situaciones traumáticas, salud física, salud relacional y mental, evolución cognitiva y escolar del hijo. Resultados: Las tres familias, todas de clase C, con hijos sin problemas de salud física, tuvieron evolución suficientemente buena, a pesar de que todas enfrentaron múltiples problemas, incluso separaciones y muertes precoces. La relación con el sistema de salud y escuela era buena y similar para las tres. La joven con menos problemas de salud mental fue aquella que sufrió las mayores pérdidas: muerte de los padres. Tenía una estructura familiar multigeneracional sólida desde la primera infancia, con relaciones interpersonales predominantemente colaborativas y amorosas. Conclusiones: El artículo pretende avanzar en la comprensión de la resiliencia en las familias en situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Concluimos que esas tres familias, una de ellas más que las otras, fueron suficientemente saludables en la tarea de educar a sus hijos sin que desarrollaran problemas mentales graves. Proponemos que el buen desarrollo se asocia con el amor y adecuación de los cuidados a la etapa del ciclo vital, aun enfrentando situaciones problemáticas. Esas calidades necesitan estar asociadas a la estabilidad socioeconómica básica y buenos servicios de salud y escuela.

Humans , Human Development , Mental Health , Resilience, Psychological
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1563683


This study sought to explore the perspective of medical faculty on the mental health of their students. This qualitative study based on a focus group is part of a longitudinal research that studied the mental health of Brazilian students. One group was conducted with faculty employed at a medical school. Topics discussed covered the concept of mental health and medical education. Six professors participated in one group. The mental health of medical students is a construct that encompasses emotional aspects, ability to solve problems and multiple facets of a human being, according to the participants. Artistic practices, moments of socialization and leisure were perceived as stimulating students' good mental health. Excessive demands generate competitiveness and the teacher's expectation of the student's good performance based on their own experience can harm the student's mental health. Participants also highlighted that a pedagogical reformulation that makes sense for the student's learning process is necessary to update traditional curricula. Medical students' mental health is influenced by experiences and exchanges during the medical school, mainly between professor and student, understood as necessary and inherent to the process of becoming physician. The findings of this study show the need for curriculum changes in the medical education process and updating teacher training for good practices that reinforce good mental health.

Este estudio buscó explorar la perspectiva de los profesores de medicina sobre la salud mental de sus estudiantes. Este estudio cualitativo basado en un grupo focal es parte de una investigación longitudinal que estudió la salud mental de estudiantes brasileños. Un grupo se llevó a cabo con profesores empleados en una escuela de medicina. Los temas tratados abarcaron el concepto de salud mental y educación médica. Seis docentes participaron en un grupo. La salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina es un constructo que abarca aspectos emocionales, capacidad de resolución de problemas y múltiples facetas del ser humano, según los participantes. Las prácticas artísticas, los momentos de socialización y el ocio fueron percibidos como estimulantes de la buena salud mental de los estudiantes. Las exigencias excesivas generan competitividad y la expectativa del docente sobre el buen desempeño del estudiante basándose en su propia experiencia puede perjudicar la salud mental del estudiante. Los participantes también resaltaron que es necesaria una reformulación pedagógica que tenga sentido para el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante para actualizar los currículos tradicionales. La salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina está influenciada por las experiencias y los intercambios durante la carrera de medicina, principalmente entre profesor y estudiante, entendidos como necesarios e inherentes al proceso de convertirse en médico. Los hallazgos de este estudio muestran la necesidad de cambios curriculares en el proceso de formación médica y de actualización de la formación docente hacia buenas prácticas que refuercen la buena salud mental.

Este estudo buscou explorar a perspectiva dos docentes de medicina sobre a saúde mental de seus alunos. Este estudo qualitativo baseado em grupo focal faz parte de uma pesquisa longitudinal que estudou a saúde mental de estudantes brasileiros. Um grupo foi conduzido com professores empregados em uma faculdade de medicina. Os temas discutidos abrangeram o conceito de saúde mental e educação médica. Seis professores participaram de um grupo. A saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina é um construto que engloba aspectos emocionais, capacidade de resolução de problemas e múltiplas facetas do ser humano, segundo os participantes. As práticas artísticas, os momentos de socialização e de lazer foram percebidos como estimuladores da boa saúde mental dos estudantes. Exigências excessivas geram competitividade e a expectativa do professor pelo bom desempenho do aluno com base na própria experiência pode prejudicar a saúde mental do aluno. Os participantes destacaram também que é necessária uma reformulação pedagógica que faça sentido para o processo de aprendizagem do aluno para atualizar os currículos tradicionais. A saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina é influenciada pelas experiências e trocas durante o curso de medicina, principalmente entre professor e aluno, entendidas como necessárias e inerentes ao processo de tornar-se médico. Os achados deste estudo mostram a necessidade de mudanças curriculares no processo de formação médica e de atualização da formação docente para boas práticas que reforcem a boa saúde mental.

An. psicol ; 40(2): 290-299, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232723


Existe un debate considerable en la literatura sobre cómo el narcisismo predice diversos comportamientos asociados con la utilidad de los sitios de redes sociales, pero los investigadores han prestado menos atención a explorar los mediadores potenciales de esta relación. Con base en la literatura existente, anticipamos que el narcisismo predice comportamientos de autopromoción en los sitios de redes sociales. El estudio actual también investigó el papel mediador del perfeccionismo multidimensional entre el narcisismo y el comportamiento de autopromoción. Se recopiló un total de 605 cuestionarios completos de estudiantes de universidades de Rawalpindi e Islamabad, Pakistán, mediante un muestreo conveniente. El estudio utilizó el Inventario de Personalidad Narcisista (Ames et al., 2006), un cuestionario de desarrollo propio sobre comportamiento de autopromoción en sitios de redes sociales y la Escala de Perfeccionismo Multidimensional (Hewitt et al., 1991). Los hallazgos indicaron que las mujeres en comparación con los hombres y las solteras en comparación con las casadas obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en narcisismo. Los niveles educativos más altos se asociaron con tasas más altas de narcisismo. Los resultados también sugieren que el narcisismo se correlaciona con el perfeccionismo orientado a uno mismo y, más significativamente, con el narcisismo orientado a los demás. El perfeccionismo orientado a uno mismo y a los demás medió significativamente la relación entre el narcisismo y el comportamiento de autopromoción en los sitios de redes sociales.(AU)

There is considerable debate in the literature about how narcis-sism predicts various behaviors associated with the utility of social net-working sites, but researchers have paid less attention to exploring the po-tential mediators of this relationship.Based on the existing literature, we anticipated that narcissism predicts self-promoting behaviors on social networking sites. The current study also investigated the mediating role of multidimensional perfectionismbetween narcissism and self-promoting behavior. A total of 605 complete questionnaires weregathered fromstu-dents from universities from Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan using convenient sampling. The study used Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Ames et al., 2006), self-developed Self-promoting Behavior on social net-working sites questionnaire, and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (Hewitt et al., 1991). Findings indicated that females as compared to males and single as comparedto married individuals scored higher on narcissism. Higher educational levels were associated with higher rates of narcissism. The results also suggestthat narcissism correlated with self-oriented per-fectionism, and more significantlywith others-oriented narcissism. Self-oriented and others-oriented perfectionism significantly mediated the rela-tionship between narcissism and self-promoting behavior on social net-working sites.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Mental Health , Perfectionism , Narcissism , Behavior , Students/psychology , Pakistan
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2381371, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39087853


Objective: This study investigated the impact of war exposure on post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and sleep disturbance across Ukraine. Subjective and objective indicators of war exposure were modelled as predictors of these symptoms.Methods: We created two predictors: first, we used governmental and crowd-sourced data to create an objective war exposure index for each of the 21 non-occupied regions of Ukraine, based on the number of air raid alarms, explosions, and proximity to frontline; and second, we obtained self-report cross-sectional data, using convenience sampling, from a nation-wide survey (N = 991) on subjective experience of threat triggered by the war. The survey also measured the outcome variables of PTSS and sleep disturbance. Hierarchical multilevel regressions modelled the relationship of this objective war exposure index with the two outcome variables, after accounting for demographics. A final regression step modelled subjective threat as predictor of these symptoms.Results: We observed strongly elevated levels of PTSS and sleep disturbance and strong regional differences in objective and subjective war indicators. Objective war exposure predicted PTSS but not sleep disturbance, whereas subjective threat predicted both symptom domains.Conclusion: The study demonstrates the utility of objective war exposure data for predicting the prevalence of PTSS in the different regions. The results further underscore the prominent role of subjective appraisal processes in the symptomatology of PTSS and sleep disturbance, thus informing theories on trauma-related disorders. Our results can guide the allocation of mental health services by identifying highly affected regions.

Objective data on air raid alarms and explosions have been prospectively collected in Ukraine.We related those objective data to symptom reports of 991 responders in most Ukraine regions.Objective data explained symptoms of post-traumatic stress but not sleep disturbance.

Sleep Wake Disorders , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , War Exposure , Humans , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/epidemiology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/psychology , Ukraine/epidemiology , Male , Female , Cross-Sectional Studies , Adult , Sleep Wake Disorders/epidemiology , Sleep Wake Disorders/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Middle Aged , Self Report
Infant Ment Health J ; 2024 Aug 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39126423


Communimetric screening tools help clinicians identify and communicate their patient's areas of need and the corresponding level of action. However, few tools exist to identify mental health (MH) and developmental needs in young children. We aimed to implement and evaluate a new communimetric MH and developmental screening tool for children under 6 (HEADS-ED Under 6) in a community MH agency in Ontario, Canada. Using a prospective cohort design, we explored how intake workers used the HEADS-ED Under 6 screening tool from November 2019 to March 2021. 94.5% of children (n = 535/566) were screened with the HEADS-ED at intake. Total HEADS-ED scores and domains were used to inform the intensity of recommended services. Three clinical domains (Eating & sleeping, Development, speech/language/motor, and Emotions & behaviors) also independently predicted a priority recommendation. The tool showed good concordance with the InterRAI Early Years for children under 4 years old. The HEADS-ED Under 6 was a brief, easy, and valid screening tool, and can be used to identify important MH and developmental domains early, rate level of action/impairment, communicate severity of needs, and help determine intensity of service required.

Les outils de dépistage communimétrique aident les cliniciens à identifier et à communicer les besoins et le niveau d'action correspondant de leur patient. Cependant il existe peu d'outil pour identifier les besoins en Santé Mentale (SM en français) et les besoins développentaux chez les jeunes enfants. Nous nous sommes donné pour but d'appliquer et d'évaluer un nouveal outil communimétrique de SM et développemental pour les enfants de moins de 6 ans (HEADS­ED de moins de 6 ans) dans une agence communautaire de SM dans l'Ontario au Canada. En utilisant une conception de cohorte prospective nous avons exploré la manière dont les préposés à l'accueil ont utilisé le HEADS­ED de moins de six ans de novembre 219 à mars 2021. 94,5% des enfants (n = 535­566) ont été dépister avec le HEADS­ED à l'accueil. Tous les scores et domaines HEADS­ED ont été utilisé pour éclairer l'intensité des services recommandés. Trois domaines cliniques (Manger et dormir, Développement/parole/langage/moteur, et les Emotions, comportements ont aussi prédit une recommandation de priorité indépendamment. L'outil a fait preuve d'une bonne concordance avec le InterRAI Early Years pour les enfants de moins de 4 ans. Le HEADS­ED de moins de 6 ans s'est avéré être un outil de dépistage valide, bref et facile, et peut être utiliser pour identifier des domaines de SM et des domaines du développement importants tôt, d'évaluer un niveau d'action/de dépréciation, de communiquer la sévérité de besoins, et aider à déterminer l'intensité des services requis. Kommunimetrische Screening­Instrumente helfen klinisch Tätigen dabei, die Bedürfnisse ihrer Patienten zu erkennen, zu kommunizieren und die entsprechenden Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Es gibt jedoch nur wenige Instrumente welche die Bedürfnisse von Kleinkindern hinsichtlich ihrer psychischen Gesundheit und Entwicklung ermitteln. Unser Ziel war es, ein neues kommunimetrisches Screening­Instrument für die psychische Gesundheit und Entwicklung von Kindern unter 6 Jahren (HEADS­ED unter 6 Jahren) in einer kommunalen Einrichtung der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung in Ontario, Kanada, einzuführen und zu evaluieren. In einer prospektiven Kohortenstudie untersuchten wir von November 2019 bis März 2021 wie die Mitarbeitenden der Einrichtung bei Aufnahmen das HEADS­ED­Screening­Tool für Kinder unter 6 Jahren einsetzten. 94,5 % der Kinder (n = 535/566) wurden bei Aufnahme mit dem HEADS­ED gescreent. Die HEADS­ED­Gesamtergebnisse und ­Domänen wurden verwendet, um die Intensität der empfohlenen Gesundheitsleistungen zu bestimmen. Ebenfalls sagten drei klinische Domänen (Essen und Schlafen, Entwicklung/Sprechen/Sprache/Motorik und Emotionen/Verhaltensweisen) unabhängig voneinander eine prioritäre Empfehlung voraus. Das Instrument zeigte eine gute Übereinstimmung mit dem InterRAI Early Years für Kinder unter 4 Jahren. Das HEADS­ED für Kinder unter 6 Jahren erwies sich als ein kurzes, einfaches und valides Screening­Instrument, das eingesetzt werden kann, um frühzeitig wichtige Bereiche psychischer Gesundheit und Entwicklung zu identifizieren, das Ausmaß von Interventionen/Beeinträchtigungen einzuschätzen, die Stärke dahingehender Bedürfnisse mitzuteilen und die notwendige Intensität von Gesundheitsleistungen zu bestimmen. コミュニメトリックスクリーニングツールは、臨床医が患者の必要な領域とそれに対応する行動レベルを特定し、伝えるのに役立つ。しかし、幼児のメンタルヘルス(MH)と発達のニーズを特定するツールはほとんど存在しない。本研究は、カナダ・オンタリオ州の地域MH機関において、6歳未満児を対象とした新しいコミュニメトリックMHおよび発達スクリーニングツール(HEADS­ED under 6)の導入および評価を目的とした。前向きコホートデザインを用いて、2019å¹´11月から2021å¹´3月に、インテイク担当者が6歳未満児スクリーニングツールHEADS­EDをどのように使用したかを調査した。94.5%の子ども(n = 535/566)がインテーク時にHEADS­EDでスクリーニングを受けた。HEADS­EDの総スコアと領域は、推奨されるサービスの程度を知るために使用された。また、3つの臨床領域(食欲と睡眠、発達・発語・言語・運動、感情/行動)が、個別の優先順位を予測した。このツールは、4歳未満児を対象とするInterRAI Early Yearsと良好な一致を示した。HEADS­ED Under 6は、簡潔で、簡単で、有効なスクリーニングツールであり、早期に重要な精神保健および発達領域を特定し、活動/障害のレベルを評価し、ニーズの重症度を伝え、必要なサービスの強度を決定するために使用することができる。.

Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 53(2): 126-133, 2024.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39127547


INTRODUCTION: Medical education has been changing, and the evaluation strategies that make it possible to address not only theoretical knowledge but also clinical skills. In Mental Health, these skills play a central role. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one of the evaluations that could assess clinical skills. This article describes the implementation and performance for the evaluation of undergraduate students since the OSCE's introduction in 2015. METHODS: An explanation of the implementation is made, and a description of the OSCEs carried out to undergraduate medical students in the second semester of mental health, using the databases of the final practical examinations during those years. The perception of mental health teachers is also described. RESULTS: The mental health OSCE implemented in 2015-2, is developed in the Simulated Hospital of the University and has five stations (interview, mental examination, diagnosis, treatment and information to the family and ethics). Between 2016-2 and 2019-2, 486 students performed OSCE with an average score of 3.85 (scale 0-5). It was observed that the grade obtained when evaluating anxiety disorders was below average, that of affective disorders above average, while that of psychotic disorders was within the average. The professors highlight the versatility, the comprehensive objective evaluation of the practical and theoretical aspects, and the possibility of comparison between the different groups. CONCLUSIONS: The OSCE is an examination that provides the possibility to evaluate the competences in psychiatry of medical students and allows the identification of the aspects to be improved in the teaching learning process.

Clinical Competence , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Educational Measurement , Psychiatry , Students, Medical , Humans , Psychiatry/education , Educational Measurement/methods , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 53(2): 165-174, 2024.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39129091


BACKGROUND: A telehealth mental health programme was designed at the LivingLab of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Antioquia [University of Antioquia]. OBJECTIVES: To describe the development and operation of the programme and evaluate the satisfaction of the patients treated during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. METHODS: Descriptive study that details the development of the programme. Data were extracted from medical records to describe the patients who were treated. A satisfaction scale was applied to a random sample and the data were summarised with descriptive statistics. RESULTS: In March 2020 and August 2021, 10,229 patients were treated, with 20,276 treated by telepsychology and 4,164 by psychiatry, 1,808 by telepsychiatry and 2,356 by tele-expertise, with a total of 6,312 visits. The most frequent diagnoses were depressive (36.8%), anxiety (12.0%), and psychotic (10.7%) disorders. Respondents were satisfied to the point that more than 93% would recommend it to another person. CONCLUSIONS: The LivingLab telehealth mental health programme allowed for the care of patients with mental health problems and disorders in Antioquia during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there was a high degree of satisfaction among the beneficiaries. Therefore it could be adopted in mental health care.

COVID-19 , Mental Disorders , Mental Health Services , Patient Satisfaction , Telemedicine , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Colombia , Telemedicine/organization & administration , Mental Health Services/organization & administration , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Male , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Adolescent , Aged , Program Development , Child , Program Evaluation
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2381368, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39129485


Background: Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) has recently been included in both the ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR diagnostic manuals. Studying its prevalence and correlates across cultures is vital for more effective identification, treatment, and prevention.Objective: This study aimed to examine prevalence rates of ICD-11-based PGD, in a representative Slovakian sample in response to deaths of loved ones occurring during the previous year. Further aims were to examine the factor structure of PGD symptoms and correlates of summed PGD item scores and PGD 'caseness'.Method: Self-reported data on PGD, depression, anxiety, alcohol use, and descriptive characteristics were gathered from a representative sample of the Slovak population (N = 319).Results: Data were gathered from N = 1853 people; 319 participants (17.2%) reported a loss in the past year. The prevalence of probable PGD among these bereaved participants was 1.99% for recent losses (<6 months, n = 151) and 7.75% for more distant losses (6-12 months, n = 130). The most frequently endorsed symptoms included longing/yearning for the deceased, sadness, denial/unrealness, and difficulty accepting the death. PGD symptoms had a unitary factor structure which was consistent for subsamples bereaved 1-5 and 6-12 months. The severity of PGD varied with kinship. Depression and anxiety, but not alcohol misuse, were associated with PGD severity and PGD caseness.Conclusions: These findings underscore that a significant group of people develop PGD between 6-12 months following a loss. This emphasises the need for targeted psychological interventions.

Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) is newly included in ICD-11 and knowledge about its prevalence and correlates in the general population is urgently needed.In a representative Slovakian sample (N = 1853), 319 people (17.2%) reported a loss during the past year; 7.75% of people, bereaved 6­12 months earlier, met criteria for ICD-11-based PGD.PGD severity and caseness were associated with kinship (but less strongly with other sociodemographic and loss characteristics) and with depression and anxiety (but less strongly with problematic alcohol use).At 6­12 months following loss, PGD seems fairly common in the general population and timely identification and mitigation of PGD is an important public health issue.

Bereavement , Grief , Humans , Slovakia/epidemiology , Female , Male , Prevalence , Adult , International Classification of Diseases , Middle Aged , Depression/epidemiology , Depression/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Anxiety/psychology
Univ. salud ; 26(2): A10-A18, mayo-agosto 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554429


Introducción: El suicidio es la tercera causa de muerte de jóvenes entre 15 y 19 años. Ante esto, los ambientes escolares pueden favorecer el fomento de la salud mental de los adolescentes, permitir la identificación temprana de factores de riesgo y aportar en la prevención de conductas suicidas. Una de las estrategias de prevención es el entrenamiento de "gatekeepers". Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del programa "Abriendo Puertas para la Vida" sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en prevención de conductas suicidas en un grupo de profesores de secundaria de una institución educativa de San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio preexperimental, con un grupo de intervención y medidas pre y pos-seguimiento. Participaron nueve docentes voluntarios durante dos jornadas de formación. Resultados: Se identificaron cambios positivos en conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los participantes entre pretest y postest, en la mayoría de las subdimensiones evaluadas; sin embargo, tres años después, estos cambios se mantuvieron tan solo en conocimientos sobre las conductas suicidas y en actitudes hacia la prevención. Conclusión: El programa "Abriendo Puertas para la Vida" evidenció efectividad y pertinencia, sin embargo, el mantenimiento de sus efectos requiere de acciones de seguimiento y acompañamiento a los docentes formados.

Introduction: Suicide is the third cause of death in young people aged between 15 to 19 years. Thus, school environments can promote mental health of adolescents through early identification of risk factors and prevention of suicidal behaviors. One prevention strategy is the training of "gatekeepers". Objective: To determine the impact of the "Opening Doors to Life" program on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding prevention of suicidal behavior in a set of high school teachers from an educational institution in San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. Materials and methods: A pre-experimental study with an intervention group and pre- and post-follow-up measurements. Nine volunteer teachers participated during two training sessions. Results: Positive changes regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the participants during pretest and posttest were observed for the majority of evaluated sub-dimensions. However, after three years, the positive measures prevailed only for knowledge about suicidal behavior and attitudes toward prevention. Conclusion: The "Opening Doors to Life" program showed effectiveness and relevance. However, maintaining its impact requires follow-up actions and support of trained teachers.

Introdução: O suicídio é a terceira causa de morte de jovens entre 15 e 19 anos. Diante disso, os ambientes escolares podem promover a promoção da saúde mental em adolescentes, permitir a identificação precoce de fatores de risco e contribuir para a prevenção do comportamento suicida. Uma das estratégias de prevenção é a formação de "gatekeepers". Objetivo: Determinar o efeito do programa "Abrindo Portas para a Vida" nos conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas na prevenção do comportamento suicida em um grupo de professores do ensino médio de uma instituição educacional em San Juan de Pasto, Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo pré-experimental, com grupo de intervenção e medidas pré e pós-acompanhamento. Nove professores voluntários participaram durante dois dias de treinamento. Resultados: Foram identificadas mudanças positivas nos conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas dos participantes entre o pré-teste e o pós-teste, na maioria das subdimensões avaliadas; porém, três anos depois, essas mudanças se mantiveram apenas no conhecimento sobre comportamentos suicidas e atitudes frente à prevenção. Conclusão: O programa "Abrindo Portas para a Vida" mostrou efetividade e relevância, porém, a manutenção de seus efeitos requer ações de acompanhamento e apoio a professores capacitados.

Humans , Male , Female , Suicide , Psychology
Humanidad. med ; 24(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564580


Introducción: Las características y complejidad de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 motivan la necesidad de un abordaje multi e interdisciplinario. El estudio persigue caracterizar las representaciones sociales de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que posee un grupo de pacientes adultos, residentes en Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina Método: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, corte transversal. Se aplicó cuestionario sociodemográfico elaborado ad hoc y técnica de palabras asociadas. Participaron 90 pacientes adultos, reclutados principalmente del servicio de diabetológica del Hospital de Clínicas "José de San Martin" dependiente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Resultados: El núcleo de la representación social estuvo integrado por palabras referidas al impacto y malestar emocional que causa esta patología; la identidad de la enfermedad y la necesidad de cuidado de la salud. La periferia contuvo los siguientes temas, de mayor a menor importancia: obesidad, complicaciones de la diabetes, plan alimentario, tratamiento médico y medicación. En menor medida, se mencionaron elementos como actividad física y sedentarismo. De manera tangencial, surgieron los elementos de desinformación y sexualidad. Discusión: La representación social de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en pacientes se caracteriza por reflejar, en su núcleo, el temor, impacto y malestar que causa esta enfermedad. La reproducción del discurso médico mediante los temas referidos a factores de riesgo, complicaciones y tratamiento, conforman el sistema periférico de la representación. Elementos importantes tales como actividad física, sedentarismo, desinformación y sexualidad, son poco mencionados. Se destaca la importancia de la salud mental, como una problemática central a abordar en este tipo de patologías. También se sugiere implementación de educación terapéutica.

Introduction: Characteristics and complexity of type 2 diabetes generates the need for a multi and interdisciplinary approach. The aim of the study is to characterize social representations of type 2 diabetes in a group of adult patients, living in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Method: Descriptive and cross-sectional design. An ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and the associated words technique were applied. 90 adult patients participated, recruited mainly from a diabetes service of a public hospital. Results: The core of the social representation was made up of words referring to the impact and emotional discomfort caused by this pathology, the identity of the disease and the need for health care. The periphery contained the following topics, from most to least important: obesity, diabetes complications, eating plan, medical treatment, and medication. Elements such as physical activity and sedentary lifestyle were mentioned to a lesser extent. Also, misinformation and sexuality were mentioned tangentially. Discussion: Social representation of type 2 diabetes in patients is characterized by reflecting at its core, the fear, impact and discomfort that this disease causes. The reproduction of medical discourse, through topics related to risk factors, complications and treatment, make up the peripheral system of representation. Important elements such as physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, misinformation and sexuality are rarely mentioned. The importance of mental health is highlighted as a central problem to be addressed in this type of pathology. Also, it's suggested the implementation of therapeutic education.

Rev Clin Esp (Barc) ; 2024 Jul 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39009186


This year marks 100 years since the death of Franz Kafka. Often in general medicine, and internal medicine in particular, doctors face situations in which they position themselves as the only guarantor of the patient in relation to society and how it conceives the disease. Many times, patients come to us without a diagnosis or with the fear of it; sometimes also rejected by their environment. This short text addresses this current topic, paying tribute to the brilliant writer and his best-known work, Metamorphosis.

Semergen ; 50(8): 102295, 2024 Jul 24.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39053337


AIM: To evaluate the opinions of the new internal resident physicians (IRP) on family and community medicine (FCM) and professional and personal issues. METHODS: Anonymous survey of 837 new IRPs in the Madrid Region. RESULTS: Mean age was 25.6±3.5 years, 525 (62.7%) had a specific subject of FCM during medical school, 799 (95.5%) did FCM practices during their medical degree, and 606 (72.4%) considered relevant to be some months in FCM during their medical residence. Only 103 (12.3%) consider becoming parents during residency, 416 (49.7%) have suffered from anxiety, 99 (11.8%) from depression, and 19 (2.3%) had previous suicidal thoughts. Although 638 (76.2%) have received training in ethical decisions, 345 (41.2%) did not know how to implement these decisions, 120 (14.3%) had studied artificial intelligence and 744 (88.9%) have a positive view of the College of Physicians. CONCLUSIóN: Most new medical residents of Madrid consider a Primary Care rotation relevant during their training, but only 63% have completed specific training in FCM as an undergraduate. A total of 12% reported previous depression and half anxiety.

Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 20(6): 297-304, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38991823


AIM: To describe the impact of the COVID-19 on the psychosocial health of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondyloarthritis (SpA), and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). DESIGN: Longitudinal observational study of a series of patients with rheumatic disease. METHODS: The main outcome measure was impairment of the ability to participate in social activities, as measured using the PROMIS-APS instrument Short Form-8a. We evaluated social activities in various settings and performed a multivariate analysis to study the association between worsening of social participation during the COVID-19 pandemic and implicated factors. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-five patients had completed the prospective follow-up: 40 with AR (32%), 42 with SpA (33.6%), and 43 with SLE (34.4%). Overall, poorer mean PROMIS scores were recorded after the COVID-19 pandemic for: satisfaction with social roles (p=0.029), depression (p=0.039), and ability to participate in social activities (p=0.024). The factors associated with ability to participate in social activities after the COVID-19 pandemic were older age (ß=-0.215; p=0.012), diagnosis of SLE (ß=-0.203; p=0.015), depression (ß=-0.295; p=0.003) and satisfaction with social roles (ß=0.211; p=0.037). CONCLUSION: The ability to participate in social activities after the COVID-19 pandemic is affected in patients with rheumatic disease, especially in SLE.

COVID-19 , Rheumatic Diseases , Humans , COVID-19/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Female , Male , Middle Aged , Longitudinal Studies , Adult , Rheumatic Diseases/psychology , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/psychology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/psychology , Aged , Social Participation , Prospective Studies , Spondylarthritis/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Depression/etiology , Pandemics
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2375140, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38984725


Background: Israel is currently under a state of continued unrest and state of war. There has been an influx of financial aid to treat the mental health fallout both from within Israel and abroad. Despite increased research into resilience, treatment and wide-scale interventions, there is a concern that this is not significantly influencing mental health aid allocation.Objective: This letter to the editor aims to describe the current situation and address current difficulties in regard to the relevant literature from recent conflicts and national traumatic events.Method: A consortium of national and international trauma experts pooled together their knowledge to produce a working statement based on evidence from clinical and research findings.Results: As opposed to wider, short-term psychological interventions which have limited long-term proven efficacy, lessons from previous war zones, wide-scale exposure to trauma and current war-torn countries highlight the importance of targeting and assessment, addressing barriers to care, strengthening existing systems and promoting community resilience and care.Conclusions: In addition to acute care, funding should be allocated to long-term care, enhancing treatment accessibility and community follow-up and additionally support long-term research to assess effectiveness and contribute to international knowledge.

Immediately following widescale attacks, national disasters and outbreaks of war there is a tendency for an outpouring of aid, and in recent years, mental health aid.Despite an increase in research in the field there are still significant gaps in the literature and a disconnect between the evidence and economic and philanthropic policy with short-term initiatives often favoured over long-term strategic planning.It is recommended that greater attention be paid to targeting and assessment, addressing barriers to care, strengthening existing systems and promoting community care.

Mental Health Services , Humans , Israel , Mental Health Services/economics , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/therapy , Warfare , Mental Health
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38960854


BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a prevalent health challenge in India, with a bidirectional link to depression. Recognizing the prevalence of depression among hypertensive patients and associated factors are important for better health outcomes. METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases to identify relevant studies. R software was used for analysis, employing a random effects model with a 95% confidence interval. Subgroup analyses were done to explore sources of heterogeneity within the included studies. RESULTS: The prevalence of depression among hypertensive patients in India was 39.8% (95% CI: 28.6; 52.1). Despite a higher prevalence observed in South region (44.7%) compared to North (26.9%), the difference was not significant (p=0.39). Studies utilizing different assessment scales and varying sample sizes yielded similar prevalence. However, a temporal trend analysis indicated a higher prevalence in studies published between 2020 and 2023 (52.6%) compared to those published between 2016 and 2019 (35.5%) (p=0.03). Major factors associated with depression included lower socioeconomic status, low education level, female gender, uncontrolled hypertension, and COVID-19 related factors. CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of hypertensive patients suffer from depression. Therefore, screening for depression in hypertensive patients is essential to improve hypertension management in India.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 28(313): 9339-9350, jul.2024. tab.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1563368


Introdução: A pandemia da COVID-19 tem impactado signicativamente a saúde mental dos profissionais de saúde, especialmente dos enfermeiros que estão na linha de frente do combate à doença. Nesse contexto, a síndrome de Burnout é um fenômeno que tem recebido destaque, pois pode levar ao esgotamento físico e emocional desses profissionais. Objetivo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre enfermeiros e a síndrome de Burnout diante da pandemia da COVID-19. Método: Trata-se de revisão de literatura cientíca que abordam a temática em questão. Resultados: Os resultados apontam que a pandemia da COVID-19 aumentou a sobrecarga de trabalho dos enfermeiros, que têm enfrentado condições adversas de trabalho, como falta de equipamentos de proteção individual e o medo de contaminação. Essas condições têm levado a um aumento dos níveis de estresse e ansiedade entre os enfermeiros, o que pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da síndrome de Burnout. Portanto, é necessário que sejam implementadas medidas de proteção aos profissionais de saúde, como a oferta de suporte emocional e psicológico, além de uma carga de trabalho adequada. Conclusão: A pandemia da COVID-19 teve um impacto signicativo na saúde mental dos profissionais da equipe de enfermagem, com aumento da prevalência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse. É essencial fornecer suporte psicológico e emocional, melhorar as condições de trabalho e garantir o acesso a equipamentos de proteção adequados. Investir na saúde mental desses profissionais é fundamental para o bem-estar individual e a qualidade do cuidado aos pacientes. Instituições de saúde, gestores e profissionais devem reconhecer essa importância e trabalhar juntos para fornecer o suporte necessário durante e após a pandemia.(AU)

ntroduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has signicantly impacted the mental health of health professionals, especially nurses who are on the front lines of ghting the disease. In this context, the Burnout syndrome is a phenomenon that has been highlighted, as it can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion of these professionals. Objective: This article aims to analyze the relationship between nurses and the Burnout syndrome in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: For this purpose, books and scientic articles that address the subject in question were consulted. Results: The results show that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the workload of nurses, who have been facing adverse working conditions, such as lack of personal protective equipment and fear o f contamination. These conditions have led to increased levels of stress and anxiety among nurses, which may contribute to the development of the Burnout syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to implement protective measures for health professionals, such as offering emotional and psychological support, in addition to an adequate workload. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a signicant impact on the mental health of nursing staff, with an increased prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. It is essential to provide psychological and emotional support, improve working conditions and ensure access to adequate protective equipment. Investing in the mental health of these professionals is essential for individual well-being and the quality of patient care. Health institutions, managers and professionals must recognize this importance and work together to provide the necessary support during and after the pandemic.(AU)

Introducción: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha impactado signi cativamente la salud mental de los profesionales de la salud, especialmente las enfermeras que están en primera línea luchando contra la enfermedad. En este contexto, el síndrome de Burnout es un fenómeno que ha recibido atención, ya que puede provocar agotamiento físico y emocional de estos profesionales. Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre enfermeras y síndrome de Burnout ante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Se trata de una revisión de la literatura cientí ca que aborda el tema en cuestión. Resultados: Los resultados indican que la pandemia de COVID-19 ha aumentado la carga de trabajo de las enfermeras, quienes han enfrentado condiciones laborales adversas, como falta de equipos de protección personal y miedo a la contaminación. Estas condiciones han provocado mayores niveles de estrés y ansiedad entre las enfermeras, lo que puede contribuir al desarrollo del síndrome de Burnout. Por ello, es necesario implementar medidas de protección para los profesionales sanitarios, como ofrecer apoyo emocional y psicológico, además de una carga de trabajo adecuada. Conclusión: La pandemia de COVID-19 tuvo un impacto signi cativo en la salud mental de los profesionales del equipo de enfermería, con aumento en la prevalencia de síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Es fundamental brindar apoyo psicológico y emocional, mejorar las condiciones laborales y garantizar el acceso a equipos de protección adecuados. Invertir en la salud mental de estos profesionales es fundamental para el bienestar individual y la calidad de la atención al paciente. Las instituciones, gestores y profesionales de la salud deben reconocer esta importancia y trabajar juntos para brindar el apoyo necesario durante y después de la pandemia. (AU)

Mental Health , Health Personnel , Burnout, Psychological , COVID-19 , Nurses, Male
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 53-69, 20240726.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565960


Esta pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, procura compreender os movimentos de avanços e recuos pelos quais as políticas de saúde mental de Santo André (SP) passaram recentemente, época na qual a visão da Reforma Psiquiátrica e da sua contrarreforma se conflitaram. Seguindo essa proposta, após revisão de literatura na qual se reflete sobre as disputas em torno do conceito de saúde mental, a trajetória histórica dessas políticas no Brasil e no município, foram realizadas três entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais da área que atuam na região: a tomadora de decisão, um gerente de equipamento e um trabalhador de ponta. Tais entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e divididas em eixos de análise, dos quais extraiu-se que, de forma geral, tanto do ponto de vista federal quanto estadual, houve ataques à Reforma Psiquiátrica e às políticas dela oriundas, seja pela falta de financiamento, seja pela promoção de outras perspectivas de mundo a respeito do significado do adoecimento mental e sua forma de tratamento e que acabou por afetar o andamento dos serviços a nível local, cujo sucateamento só não foi maior pelo apoio do Executivo do município, dos trabalhadores e do próprio histórico de construção dos serviços.

This qualitative research seeks to understand the advance and setback dynamics that public mental health policies in Santo André city, São Paulo, have recently undergone, a time in which Psychiatric Reform and its counter-reform conflicted. After a literature review on the disputes surrounding the concept of mental health, the historical trajectory of these policies in Brazil and in the municipality, we conducted three semi-structured interviews with professionals in the field: a policy decision-maker, an equipment manager and a frontline worker. These interviews were recorded, transcribed in full and divided into axes of analysis. Results showed that both from a federal and state government point of view, there were attacks on the Psychiatric Reform and its policies whether due to lack of funding or promotion of other worldviews regarding the meaning of mental illness and its treatment which affected the progress of services at the local level, the scrapping of which was only mitigated by the support of the municipality's Executive, workers and the service's construction history.

Esta investigación cualitativa buscó comprender los movimientos de avances y retrocesos que las políticas públicas de salud mental han experimentado recientemente en Santo André (São Paulo, Brasil), un momento en el que la visión de la reforma psiquiátrica y su contrarreforma entraron en conflicto. En esta propuesta, luego de una revisión de la literatura que reflexiona sobre las disputas en torno al concepto de salud mental, la trayectoria histórica de esas políticas en Brasil y en el municipio, se realizaron tres entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales del área que actúan en el región: el tomador de decisiones, un administrador de equipos y un trabajador de primera línea. Estas entrevistas fueron grabadas para su posterior transcripción y división en ejes de análisis; de los cuales se concluyó que, en general, tanto desde el punto de vista federal como estatal hubo ataques a la reforma psiquiátrica y las políticas que de ella se derivan, ya sea por falta de financiación o por la promoción de otras miradas sobre el significado de la enfermedad mental y su forma de tratamiento, lo que terminó afectando la marcha de los servicios a nivel local, cuyo desguace solo se vio agravado por el apoyo del Ejecutivo del municipio, de los trabajadores y del propio historial de construcción del servicio.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 70-87, 20240726.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565964


Este artigo visa analisar a produção científica publicada na literatura sobre segurança do paciente em serviços de saúde mental extra-hospitalares por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Esse levantamento bibliográfico ocorreu em janeiro de 2023 por meio das bases de dados Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (Ibecs), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), National Library of Medicine (PubMed) e Web of Science. A amostra final resultou em nove artigos categorizados em três eixos temáticos, conforme o tipo de assunto que foi abordado. Como conclusão, esta revisão integrativa da literatura ressaltou a importância da segurança do paciente nos serviços de saúde mental no contexto extra-hospitalar e destacou a necessidade de uma maior atenção e investimento nessa área: também foi possível identificar lacunas e contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento nesse campo da saúde mental.

This study analyzes the scientific literature on patient safety in out-of-hospital mental health services. An integrative literature review was conducted. Bibliographic survey was performed in January 2023 on the Spanish Bibliographic Index in Health Sciences (Ibecs), Nursing Database (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Web of Science databases. The final sample included nine articles categorized into three thematic axes according to the subject addressed. Results highlighted the importance of patient safety in out-of-hospital mental health services and the need for greater attention and investment in this area. It identified gaps, contributing to further advance knowledge in this field.

Este estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar la producción científica sobre la seguridad del paciente en los servicios extrahospitalarios de salud mental a partir de una revisión integradora de la literatura. Se realizó una búsqueda en enero de 2023 en las bases de datos Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (Ibecs), Base de Datos de Enfermería (BDENF), Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (Lilacs), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (PubMed) y Web of Science. La muestra final estuvo compuesta por nueve artículos categorizados en tres ejes temáticos, según el tipo de tema abordado. Esta revisión integradora de la literatura destacó la importancia de la seguridad del paciente en los servicios de salud mental en el contexto extrahospitalario y destacó la necesidad de una mayor atención e inversión en esta área; además, fue posible identificar brechas y contribuir al avance del conocimiento en este campo de la salud mental.