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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38541277


Suicide is an important public health problem, fundamentally affecting the younger population and responding to multiple biological, psychological, and social causes. The objective of this study was to characterize changes in suicide mortality, suicide methods, and years of potential life lost from 2005 to 2019 in Paraguay. This observational, descriptive study used data from the Vital Statistics Information Subsystem of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare. The average mortality rate from suicide was 4.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, with an increase from 4.2 between 2005 and 2009 to 5.8 from 2014 to 2019. Suicide was more common in men (75%) than in women. In men, the highest mortality rate was observed among those 20-24 years old, whereas in women, the ages most affected were the 15-19-year-old age group. The most-used method for suicide was hanging. The most frequent place of suicide occurrence was at home (73%). The seasonality of suicide occurrence showed a slight increase in the spring-summer months compared with autumn-winter (53% vs. 47%). The rate of potential years of life lost statistically significantly increased from 2005 to 2019. Public health measures need to be implemented to investigate the underlying reasons and implement interventions in the population to decrease suicide mortality in Paraguay.

Suicide , Male , Humans , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Adolescent , Paraguay/epidemiology
Int J Epidemiol ; 53(1)2024 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38224273


BACKGROUND: Socio-economic status (SES) disparities in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mortality have been reported but complete information and time trends are scarce. In this study, we analysed the years of life lost (YLL) due to COVID-19 premature mortality during the pandemic in Chile and its evolution according to SES and sex compared with a counterfactual scenario [cerebrovascular accidents (stroke)]. METHOD: We used Chile's national mortality databases from 2020 to 2022. YLL and age-standardized YLL and mortality rates by sex and by epidemic waves were determined. The 346 communes were stratified into SES groups according to their poverty index quintile. Negative binomial regression models were used to test trends. RESULTS: In >2 years of the pandemic, the COVID-19 YLL was 975 937, corresponding to 61 174 deaths. The YLL rate per 100 000 inhabitants was 1027 for males and 594 for females. There was a heterogeneous distribution of YLL rates and the regional level. Communes in the most advantaged SES quintile (Q5) had the highest YLL during the first wave compared with those in the lowest SES quintile (Q1) (P < 0.001) but the opposite was true during the second wave. COVID-19 YLL trends declined and differences between Q1 and Q2 vs Q5 converged from the second to the fourth waves (0.33 and 0.15, Ptrend < 0.001 and Ptrend = 0.024). YLL declined but differences persisted in stroke (-0.002, Ptrend = 0.979). CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19 deaths resulted in a higher impact on premature death in Chile, especially in men, with a heterogeneous geographic distribution along the territory. SES and sex disparities in COVID-19 premature mortality had narrowed by the end of the pandemic.

COVID-19 , Stroke , Male , Female , Humans , Mortality, Premature , Chile/epidemiology , Economic Status , Mortality
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(3): e04702023, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534180


Resumo A mortalidade provocada pela pandemia da COVID-19 tem produzido impactos aos indicadores de Anos Potenciais de Vida Perdidos (APVP) em nível mundial. Objetiva-se estimar os APVP devido à mortalidade por COVID-19, segundo sexo, faixa etária e raça/cor, no período de março de 2020 a dezembro de 2021, no Brasil. Foram caracterizadas as mortes por COVID-19, estimadas e comparadas as taxas e razão de taxas padronizadas de APVP, a média de anos potenciais de vida não vividos (APVNV) e a idade média do óbito (IMO). No geral, foram perdidos 13.776.969,50 anos potenciais de vida, o que determinou uma perda média de 22,5 anos potenciais não vividos. Houve maior perda de anos potenciais de vida nos homens (58,12%) e nas faixas etárias de 0 a 59 anos nas populações negra (58,92%) e indígena (63,35%), enquanto nas faixas etárias de 60 anos e mais foi observada maior perda de APVP nas populações branca (45,89%) e amarela (53,22%). As mulheres registraram as maiores IMO, com exceção das mulheres indígenas. Homens brancos (1,63), pardos (1,59) e pretos (1,61) tiveram as maiores taxas em comparação às mulheres brancas. Apesar da COVID-19 ter tido maior impacto em idosos, foram as populações negra e indígena na faixa de menos de 60 anos quem teve maior perda de anos potenciais de vida.

Abstract Mortality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted indicators of Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) worldwide. This study aimed to estimate the YPLL due to mortality caused by COVID-19, according to sex, age group, and race/color in Brazil, from March 2020 to December 2021. Deaths caused by COVID-19 were characterized, in which the rates and ratios of standardized YPLL rates, the average number of years of potential life lost (ANYPLL), and the average age at death (AAD) were estimated and compared. Overall, 13,776,969.50 potential years of life were lost, which resulted in an average loss of 22.5 potential years not lived. A greater loss of potential years of life was identified in men (58.12%) and in the age groups from 0 to 59 years in the black (58.92%) and indigenous (63.35%) populations, while in the age groups of 60 years and over, a greater loss of YPLL was observed in the white (45.89%) and yellow (53.22%) populations. Women recorded the highest ADD, with the exception of indigenous women. White men (1.63), brown men (1.59), and black men (1.61) had the highest rates when compared to white women. Although COVID-19 has a greater impact on the elderly, it was the black and indigenous populations under the age of 60 who had the greatest loss of potential years of life.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535264


Objetivo: Estimar los años potenciales de vida perdidos y la distribución espacial de la mortalidad por incidente vial según modo de transporte en Medellín 2010-2020, como línea base para la implementación de la estrategia Visión Cero, de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en la movilidad de la ciudad. Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de corte transversal, con fuente secundaria. El cálculo de los años potenciales de vida perdidos se hizo tomando como edad límite la esperanza de vida al nacer de Colombia, según año y género. El análisis espacial se realizó a partir de la dirección del incidente; la representación de la densidad de Kernel fue por el método de clasificación estándar-cuantil, y las zonas de influencia se crearon por el método búfer de anillos múltiples, con distancias de 500 y 1000 metros. Resultados: Medellín, entre 2010 y 2020, registró 2988 muertes por incidente vial. Quienes más murieron fueron los peatones, con 1423 (47,6 %) muertes, seguidos por los motociclistas, con 1295 (43,3 %). Los años potenciales de vida perdidos fueron 98 787. Las comunas de mayor concentración en muerte de peatones fueron: Candelaria, Buenos Aires y Manrique; en motociclistas, la mayor concentración se evidenció en el sistema vial del río. Por zonas de influencia, los peatones fallecidos en un radio de 1000 metros del sistema vial del río fueron 688 (49,8 %), y los motociclistas, 636 (52,2 %). Conclusión: Los motociclistas fueron quienes murieron más jóvenes y más años dejaron de vivir. Politraumatismos son diagnósticos constantes de muerte, pero lesiones en cabeza, cráneo y tórax son más letales en peatones y motociclistas.

Objective: To estimate the potential years of life lost and the spatial distribution of mortality from road incidents by mode of transport in Medellín 2010-2020, as a baseline for the implementation of the Vision Zero strategy of the World Health Organization in the city's mobility. Methodology: This is a retrospective and descriptive cross-sectional study, with a secondary source. The calculation of the potential years of life lost was made using the life expectancy at birth in Colombia as the age limit, according to year and gender. The spatial analysis was carried out from the direction of the incident; Kernel density was represented by the standard-quantile classification method, and the zones of influence were created by the multiple ring buffer method, with distances of 500 and 1000 meters. Results: Between 2010 and 2020, Medellín registered 2,988 deaths due to road incidents. Those who died the most were pedestrians, with 1,423 (47.6%) deaths, followed by motorcyclists, with 1,295 (43.3%). Potential years of life lost were 98,787. The zones (comunas) with the highest concentration of pedestrian deaths were: Candelaria, Buenos Aires and Manrique; in motorcyclists, the highest concentration was evidenced in the river road system. By areas of influence, pedestrians killed within a radius of 1,000 meters from the river road system were 688 (49.8%), and motorcyclists, 636 (52.2%). Conclusion: Motorcyclists were the ones who died the youngest and the most years they stopped living. Polytrauma is a constant diagnosis of death, but injuries to the head, skull and thorax are more lethal in pedestrians and motorcyclists.

Objetivo: Estimar os anos potenciais de vida perdidos e a distribuição espacial da mortalidade por incidente de trânsito segundo o modo de transporte em Medellín 2010-2020, como linha base para a implementação da estratégia Visão Zero, da Organização Mundial da Saúde, na mobilidade da cidade. Metodologia: Estudo retrospectivo e descritivo de corte transversal, com fonte secundária. O cálculo dos anos potenciais de vida perdidos foi feito considerando como idade limite a esperança de vida ao nascer da Colômbia, segundo ano e gênero. A análise espacial realizou-se a partir do local do incidente; a representação da densidade de Kernel foi pelo método de classificação padrão-quantil, e as zonas de influência criaram-se pelo método buffer de anéis múltiplos, com distâncias de 500 e 1000 metros. Resultados: Medellín, entre 2010 e 2020, registrou 2988 mortes por incidente de trânsito. O maior número de mortes foi de pedestres, sendo 1423 (47,6%), seguido pelo de motoqueiros, sendo 1295 (43,3%). Os anos potenciais de vida perdidos foram 98.787. As localidades com maior concentração de mortes de pedestres foram: Candelaria, Buenos Aires e Manrique; no caso dos motoqueiros, a maior concentração evidenciou-se no sistema viário do rio. Por zonas de influência, os pedestres falecidos em um raio de 1000 metros do sistema viário do rio foram 688 (49,8%), e os motoqueiros 636 (52,2%). Conclusão: Os motoqueiros foram quem morreram mais novos e mais anos deixaram de viver. Politraumatismos são diagnósticos constantes de morte, mas lesões na cabeça, no crâneo e no tórax são mais letais em pedestres e motoqueiros.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535266


Objetivo: Identificar las diferencias de sexo asociadas a los años potenciales de vida perdidos por suicidio en el departamento de Nariño, periodo 2005-2019. Metodología: Estudio de tipo descriptivo observacional y retrospectivo, en el que se analizaron 1686 certificados de defunción por suicidio de hombres y mujeres en el departamento de Nariño, identificados en el Departamento Nacional Administrativo de Estadística. Resultados: En el periodo 2005-2019, se observaron 1212 suicidios en hombres y 474 en mujeres. Estas se suicidaron a edades más bajas que aquellos. El 50,5 % de los hombres habían cursado básica primaria, y el 46,0 % de las mujeres, básica secundaria. El mayor número de casos de suicidios en hombres y mujeres se presentaron en el área urbana (51,2 % y 45,1 % respectivamente). El envenenamiento fue el mecanismo de suicidio más utilizado por las mujeres (66,7 %), y para los hombres, el mayor porcentaje (41,7) correspondió al ahorcamiento. La tendencia anual de muertes por suicidio fue mayor en hombres que en mujeres. En aquellos, la tasa de suicidio se situó por encima de 4,5 suicidios por 100 000 habitantes, mientras que, en ellas, se mantuvo por debajo de 3,0. Conclusiones: Hubo un aumento en la tendencia de muertes en el periodo de tiempo analizado y el riesgo de morir por suicidio en el hombre fue 3,9 veces el riesgo de morir en una mujer. El estudio contempla importantes aspectos para ser abordados en la prevención del suicidio.

Objective: To identify the sex differences associated with the potential years of life lost due to suicide in the department of Nariño, from 2005 to 2019. Methodology: Descriptive, observational and retrospective study, in which 1686 death certificates by suicide of men and women in the department of Nariño, identified in the National Administrative Department of Statistics, were analyzed. Results: From 2005 to 2019, 1,212 suicide cases of men were observed and 474 of women. Women committed suicide at younger ages than men. 50.5% of the men had completed primary school, and 46.0% of the women, secondary school. The highest number of suicide cases of men and women occurred in the urban area (51.2% and 45.1% respectively). Poisoning was the suicide mechanism most used by women (66.7%), and for men, the highest percentage (41.7) corresponded to hanging. The annual trend of deaths by suicide was higher in men than in women. For men, the suicide rate was above 4.5 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants, while for women, it remained below 3.0. Conclusions: There was an increase in the trend of deaths in the period analyzed and the risk of dying by suicide in men was 3.9 times the risk of dying by suicide in women. The study contemplates important aspects to be addressed in suicide prevention.

Objetivo: Identificar as diferenças de sexo associadas aos anos potenciais de vida perdidos por suicídio no departamento de Nariño, no período 2005-2019. Metodologia: Estudo de tipo descritivo observacional e retrospectivo, em que foram analisados 1686 certificados de óbito por suicídio de homens e mulheres no departamento de Nariño, identificados no Departamento Nacional Administrativo de Estatística. Resultados: No período de 2005-2019, observaram-se 1212 suicídios em homens e 474 em mulheres. Elas suicidaram-se em idades menores do que eles. O 50,5% dos homens cursaram o ensino fundamental, e o 46% das mulheres o ensino médio. O maior número de casos de suicídios em homens e mulheres apresentou-se na área urbana (51,2% y 45,1%, respectivamente). O envenenamento foi o mecanismo de suicídio mais utilizado pelas mulheres (66,7%), e para os homens, a maior percentagem (41,7%) correspondeu ao enforcamento. A tendência anual de mortes por suicídio foi maior em homens do que em mulheres. Neles, a taxa de suicídio esteve por cima de 4,5 suicídios por 100.000 habitantes, enquanto nelas se manteve abaixo de 3,0. Conclusões: Houve um aumento na tendência de mortes no período de tempo analisado e o risco de morrer por suicídio no caso dos homens foi 3,9 vezes o risco de morrer de uma mulher. O estudo contempla aspectos importantes a serem abordados na prevenção do suicídio.

Rev. Finlay ; 13(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449231


Fundamento: los accidentes constituyen cadenas de eventos y circunstancias que llevan a la ocurrencia de lesiones no intencionales. Son responsables de numerosas muertes cada año en el mundo. En el año 2019, los accidentes del tránsito y las caídas estuvieron entre las primeras 20 causas de muerte. En Cuba se erigieron como la quinta causa de mortalidad por todas las causas y edades en el decenio 2010-2019. Objetivo: caracterizar la mortalidad por accidentes en Cuba en el decenio 2010- 2019. Métodos: se realizó un estudio ecológico, longitudinal, descriptivo, de la mortalidad anual por accidentes en Cuba, a lo largo del decenio que comprende los años 2010 al 2019. Los anuarios estadísticos, publicados desde el año 2012 al 2022, por la Dirección de Registros Médicos y Estadísticas de Salud, del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba, constituyeron la principal fuente de información. Para su procesamiento estadístico, los datos obtenidos fueron incluidos en una hoja de cálculo en Microsoft Excel y los resultados se expresaron en figuras y tablas. Resultados: las tasas brutas de mortalidad por accidentes en Cuba en el decenio 2010- 2019 se incrementaron de 43 a 49,9 por 100 000 habitantes, las más elevadas fueron por caídas: 23,7 en el año 2018 y 23,4 por 100 000 habitantes en el 2019. Los años de vida potencialmente perdidos por accidentes disminuyeron de 5,4 a 4,7 por 1 000 habitantes de 1 a 74 años. Conclusiones: en Cuba, en el decenio 2010- 2019, se observó un aumento en la mortalidad por accidentes a expensas de las caídas accidentales, estas con mayor frecuencia en el sexo femenino.

Background: accidents constitute chains of events and circumstances that lead to the occurrence of unintentional injuries. They are responsible for numerous deaths every year in the world. In 2019, traffic accidents and falls were among the top 20 causes of death. In Cuba, they stood as the fifth cause of mortality from all causes and ages in the decade 2010-2019. Objective: to characterize mortality from accidents in Cuba in the 2010-2019 decade. Methods: an ecological, longitudinal, descriptive study of annual mortality due to accidents in Cuba was carried out, throughout the decade from 2010 to 2019. The statistical yearbooks, published from 2012 to 2022, by the Directorate of Medical Records and Health Statistics, from the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, constituted the main source of information. For its statistical processing, the data obtained were included in a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and the results were expressed in figures and tables. Results: the gross mortality rates due to accidents in Cuba in the 2010-2019 decade increased from 43 to 49.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest being due to falls: 23.7 in 2018 and 23.4 per 100 000 inhabitants in 2019. The years of potential life lost due to accidents decreased from 5.4 to 4.7 per 1,000 inhabitants between 1 and 74 years of age. Conclusions: in Cuba, in the 2010-2019 decade, an increase in mortality from accidents was observed at the expense of accidental falls, these more frequently in the female sex.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535913


Introduction: Liver diseases have a significant impact on global morbidity and mortality rates, primarily attributed to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the true extent of their impact on patients, healthcare systems, and countries is often underestimated. Materials and methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study aimed to determine the economic burden associated with premature deaths caused by cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. The economic assessment was conducted by analyzing potentially productive years of life lost (PPYLL) due to liver diseases in Colombia between 2009 and 2016. Results and conclusions: The total burden of liver disease accounted for 687,861 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Men experienced a higher number of years of life lost from mortality (YLL), while women had a greater number of years lived with a disability (YLD). The economic burden of deaths caused by cirrhosis and primary liver cancer exceeded USD 8.6 million, highlighting the urgency to enhance intervention strategies ranging from promotion and prevention to timely diagnosis and treatment.

Introducción: la enfermedad hepática representa una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial, principalmente por cirrosis y hepatocarcinoma; sin embargo, se subestima su impacto para el paciente, sistema de salud y el país. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que determinó la carga económica asociada a las muertes prematuras por cirrosis y tumores primarios del hígado, mediante la valoración económica de los años productivos de vida potencialmente perdidos (APVPP) en Colombia y de enfermedad hepática en Colombia entre 2009 y 2016. Resultados y conclusiones: la carga total de enfermedad hepática representó 687,861 años de vida saludable perdidos ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD), los hombres con mayores años de vida perdidos por muerte prematura (APMP) y las mujeres con mayores años vividos con discapacidad (AVD). Las muertes por cirrosis y tumores primarios del hígado representan una carga económica que supera los 8,6 millones de dólares, lo cual refleja la necesidad de fortalecer las estrategias de intervención desde la promoción y prevención hasta el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.

Value Health Reg Issues ; 37: 9-17, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37121135


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to estimate the burden of acute COVID-19 in Córdoba, one of the most affected departments (states) in Colombia, through the estimation of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). METHODS: DALYs were estimated based on the number of cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection cases reported by official Colombian sources. A transition probability matrix among severity states was calculated using data obtained from a retrospective cohort that included 1736 COVID-19 confirmed subjects living in Córdoba. RESULTS: Córdoba had 120.23 deaths per 100 000 habitants during the study period (March 2020 to April 2021). Estimated total DALYs were 49 243 (2692 DALYs per 100 000 inhabitants), mostly attributed to fatal cases (99.7%). On average, 25 years of life were lost because of death by this infection. A relevant proportion of years of life lost because of COVID-19 (46.6%) was attributable to people < 60 years old and was greater in men. People ≥ 60 years old showed greater risk of progression to critical state than people between the age of 35 and 60 years (hazard ratio 2.5; 95% confidence interval 2.5-12.5) and younger than 35 years (9.1; 95% confidence interval 4.0-20.6). CONCLUSION: In Córdoba, premature mortality because of COVID-19 was substantially represented by people < 60 years old and was greater in males. Our data may be representative of Latin American populations with great infection spread during the first year of the pandemic and contribute to novel methodological aspects and parameter estimations that may be useful to measure COVID-19 burden in other countries of the region.

COVID-19 , Disability-Adjusted Life Years , Male , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Female , Colombia/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , COVID-19/epidemiology
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol ; 58(2): 319-330, 2023 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35639133


PURPOSE: To estimate the mortality rates of a cohort of Brazilian patients after their first psychiatric admission and determine the possible risk factors associated with excess mortality. METHODS: The study included a cohort of psychiatric patients hospitalised from Jan 1, 2002 to Dec 31, 2007 in the catchment area of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state, Brazil. Data were linked to deaths that occurred between Jan 1, 2002 and Dec 31, 2016 from the SEADE Foundation (state data analysis system of São Paulo). The mortality rate (MR), age-sex-standardised mortality ratio (SMR), life expectancy at birth, and years of life lost (YLL) were computed. The factors associated with mortality were analysed by survival analysis using a Cox proportional hazards regression model. RESULTS: Of 4019 patients admitted (54.76% male), 803 died (69.74% male) during the follow-up (median = 11.25 years). Mortality rates were approximately three-fold higher than expected (SMR = 2.90, 95% CI 2.71-3.11). The highest mortality rate was noted in men with alcohol-related disorders (SMR = 5.50, 95% CI 4.87-6.19). Male sex (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 1.62, 95% CI 1.37-1.92), higher age (aHR = 21.47, 95% CI 13.48-34.17), and unemployment (aHR = 1.22, 95% CI 1.05-1.43) significantly increased the mortality risk from all causes. The average YLL was 27.64 years with the highest YLL noted in nonalcohol substance-related disorders (39.22 years). The life expectancy at birth in this cohort was 47.27 years. Unnatural causes of death were associated with nonwhite skin colour and substance-related disorders. CONCLUSION: An excess of mortality and a significant reduction in life expectancy of mentally disordered patients who were first admitted to psychiatric beds was noted, particularly patients admitted for substance-related disorders, which should represent a priority in mental health policies.

Hospitals, Psychiatric , Substance-Related Disorders , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Male , Female , Brazil/epidemiology , Follow-Up Studies , Risk Factors , Cause of Death
EClinicalMedicine ; 66: 102289, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38192589


Background: We provide a comprehensive view of the impact of alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, excess body weight, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on cancer mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom (UK), and United States (US). Methods: We collected population attributable fractions of the four risk factors from global population-based studies and applied these to estimates of cancer deaths in 2020 to obtain potentially preventable cancer deaths and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Using life tables, we calculated the number and age-standardised rates of YLLs (ASYR). Findings: In Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the UK, and the US in 2020, an estimated 5.9 million (3.3 million-8.6 million) YLLs from cancer were attributable to alcohol consumption, 20.8 million (17.0 million-24.6 million) YLLs to tobacco smoking, 3.1 million (2.4 million-3.8 million) YLLs to excess body weight, and 4.0 million (3.9 million-4.2 million) YLLs to HPV infection. The ASYR from cancer due to alcohol consumption was highest in China (351.4 YLLs per 100,000 population [95% CI 194.5-519.2]) and lowest in the US (113.5 [69.6-157.1]) and India (115.4 [49.7-172.7). For tobacco smoking, China (1159.9 [950.6-1361.8]) had the highest ASYR followed by Russia (996.8 [831.0-1154.5). For excess body weight, Russia and the US had the highest ASYRs (385.1 [280.6-481.2] and 369.4 [299.6-433.6], respectively). The highest ASYR due to HPV infection was in South Africa (457.1 [453.3-462.6]). ASYRs for alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking were higher among men than women, whereas women had higher ASYRs for excess body weight and HPV infection. Interpretation: Our findings demonstrate the importance of cancer control efforts to reduce the burden of cancer death and YLLs due to modifiable cancer risk factors and promote the use of YLLs to summarise disease burden. Funding: Cancer Research UK.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;48(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441846


Introducción: El reciente incremento de la prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus en Cuba sucedió con mayor celeridad, y las políticas encaminadas a su control requieren de su cuantificación sistemática. Objetivo: Identificar las diferencias en Cuba, según provincia y sexo, de los años de vida saludable perdidos por la diabetes mellitus en el 2015. Métodos: En el estudio de extensión nacional se obtuvieron los años de vida saludable perdidos como resultado de la suma de los años perdidos de vida potencial por mortalidad prematura y los años de vida perdidos por morbilidad y otros indicadores para identificar la mortalidad temprana en el año 2015. Resultados: En todas las provincias los índices de años de vida saludable perdidos por morbilidad superaron los de mortalidad prematura con predominio del sexo femenino, mientras en la mayoría de las provincias, las edades de las defunciones fueron más tempranas en el masculino. Las diferencias halladas permitieron agrupar a Artemisa, La Habana, Mayabeque, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Santi Spíritus y Camagüey, con los mayores promedios de años perdidos por morbilidad y fallecimientos más tardíos, y al resto de las provincias cubanas, con los menores años perdidos por morbilidad, pero con defunciones en edades más tempranas. Conclusiones: Las pérdidas de años de vida saludable difieren según el sexo y la provincia. Este conocimiento permite la identificación de diferentes patrones de morbimortalidad útiles para orientar las acciones de prevención y control de la enfermedad para cada territorio(AU)

Introduction: The recent increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Cuba occurred more rapidly, and policies aimed at its control require systematic quantification. Objective: To identify the differences in Cuba, according to province and sex, of the years of healthy life lost due to diabetes mellitus in 2015. Methods: The national extension study collected data on the healthy years of life lost as a result of the sum of years lost from potential life due to premature mortality and years of life lost due to morbidity and other indicators to identify early mortality in 2015. Results: In all provinces, the rates of years of healthy life lost due to morbidity exceeded those of premature mortality with a predominance of women, while in most provinces, the ages of death were earlier in the male sex. The differences found allowed to group Artemisa, Havana, Mayabeque, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Santi Spíritus and Camagüey provincesn with the highest averages of years lost due to morbidity and later deaths, and the rest of the Cuban provinces, with the lowest years lost due to morbidity, but with deaths at younger ages. Conclusions: Losses of years of healthy life differ by sex and province. This knowledge allows the identification of different patterns of morbidity and mortality useful to guide the prevention and control actions of the disease for each territory(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Life Expectancy , Cuba , Diabetes Mellitus/mortality , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Mortality, Premature , Disability-Adjusted Life Years , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev Bras Med Trab ; 20(2): 169-177, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36127900


Introduction: Mortality data make it possible to develop indicators to guide the planning of health promotion and prevention actions in order to reduce mortality from preventable causes. However, there are no publications on physicians' mortality in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Objectives: To describe mortality distribution and potential years of life lost from 2006 to 2015 among physicians who lived in Espírito Santo. Methods: This is a descriptive study of secondary data from the Mortality Information System of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The distribution of socio-demographic variables and of basic cause of death was studied by absolute and relative frequencies. Potential years of life lost in each death were considered the years remaining from age at death up to the age limit of 70 years. Results: There were 20 deaths of female physicians (14.5%) and 118 (85.5%) of male physicians, with predominance of whites (87.9%) and married (56%) individuals. The main causes of death were neoplasms (39.1%), diseases of the circulatory system (19.6%), and external causes (19.6%). The majority of female and male deaths occurred from 60 to 69 years, but average death was significantly lower among women compared to men (respectively 58.3 and 67.0 years). Potential years of life lost totaled 1,226 years, with a mean of 14.6, which was greater in women (20.4) compared to men (13.4). Conclusions: Mortality trends observed in the general population were also present among physicians in Espírito Santo. However, contrary to the general population pattern, average death age was lower in women. Early mortality caused many lost years of life, especially among women.

Front Oncol ; 12: 918833, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36158672


Objective: To analyze factors affecting 1-year overall survival and burden of gastric adenocarcinoma in a single-institution cohort. Methods: A prospective cohort study of gastric adenocarcinoma patients from a cancer center in São Paulo, Brazil, was conducted between February 2016 and July 2019. Overall survival was analyzed at 12 months post-diagnosis using the Kaplan-Meier method. A log-rank test was applied to compare curves. Sociodemographic and clinicopathological features were assessed to detect prognostic factors using univariate and multivariable Cox regression analyses to calculate hazard ratio (HR) and its confidence intervals (CIs). Disability-adjusted life years (DALY) constituted the sum of years of life lost (YLL) plus years lived with disability (YLD). YLL represented the sum of years lost before the age of 76.6 years. YLD was calculated as the number of cases multiplied by the duration and burden of the disease. YLL per death was calculated as the mean YLL for each individual. Results: Overall survival at 1-year follow-up was 80.8%. The multivariable model adjusted for age and sex identified cerebrovascular disease (HR 8.5, 95% CI 3.3-21.8), stage III/IV (HR 5.7, 95% CI 2.3-13.7), diabetes (HR 3.2, 95% CI 1.5-6.6), and<9 years of education (HR 2.9, 95% CI 1.5-5.8) as prognostic factors. Out of the 214 treated cases, there was 700.72 DALY during the first year, of which 90.55% corresponded to YLL and 9.45% to YLD. The average YLL per death was 15.48 and was higher among women (19.24 YLL per death). Conclusion: At a single cancer center, 1-year overall survival probability was approximately 80% in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. Patients with a higher risk of death had cerebrovascular disease, advanced clinical staging, diabetes, and/or lower educational level. Approximately 700 years of DALY was documented, with women having the highest YLL per death. Because this study was conducted at a single cancer center, the results might not be representative of a general population. To the best of our knowledge, this study was the first to assess gastric adenocarcinoma DALY, YLL, and YLL per death in the first year of follow-up in a hospital cohort in Brazil.

Trop Med Infect Dis ; 7(7)2022 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35878129


Pediatric tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease and a hidden global epidemic. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis mortality in children under 15 years of age in Colombia in the period 2010-2018. A longitudinal descriptive study was conducted. The variables sex, age groups, and origin were studied. This study had 260 cases for analysis and was carried out in three phases. The first phase was the determination of the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. The second phase was the construction of indicators by territorial entities. The third phase was stratification into four epidemiological situations according to the mortality rate and years of life lost. The median age was 7 years (range 0-14), 66.5% of cases were pulmonary tuberculosis (97.7% without bacteriological confirmation), 14.3781 years of life lost were recorded (95% CI: 142.811-168.333), and in children under 10-14 years, the loss was 110,057. Amazonas had the highest adjusted YLL rate (3979.7). In total, 36.4% of the territories had a high mortality, and 30.3% adjusted to the situation designated as 1. This is the first study that has used composite indicators to address the problem of premature mortality from childhood tuberculosis in Colombia. Our results allow us to specify that this disease remains a challenge for public health. It requires models of care and differential strategies by region. It also requires ensuring opportunities in diagnosis with sensitive methods, as well as intersectoral work for the optimal approach.

Iatreia ; Iatreia;35(3): 228-233, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1534586


Introducción: la vigilancia epidemiológica del suicidio en una región permite identificar los patrones, la distribución y las características con que ocurre y sentar las bases de intervenciones para prevenirlo. Objetivo: describir la situación del suicidio en Antioquia para el periodo 2016-2017. Métodos: estudio descriptivo basado en datos del Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Lesiones de Causa Externa del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias forenses. Se calcularon las tasas de suicidio y los años de vida potencialmente perdidos (AVPP) y se describieron las circunstancias del evento. Resultados: hubo 425 suicidios en 2016 y 419 en el 2017, con una tasa de suicidio de 6,50 y 6,34 por 100.000 habitantes/año respectivamente, y 16.446,8 AVPP para 2016 y 16.019,94 para 2017. La mayor parte de los suicidios se presentó en el sexo masculino, en los grupos de edad jóvenes, residentes en área urbana y estado civil soltero. Con respecto a las características del suicidio, el mecanismo más frecuentemente utilizado fue la asfixia mecánica seguido por el envenenamiento, en cerca del 40% de los casos se estableció un evento vital desencadenante como los conflictos de pareja, y se presentaron con mayor frecuencia los días domingo y lunes y en la noche y madrugada. Conclusión: las tasas de suicidio en Antioquia se han incrementado en 2016 y 2017 con respecto a años anteriores. Es más frecuente en hombres y en edades económicamente productivas, lo que explica los altos AVPP. La descripción de las características del suicidio podría facilitar la discusión de intervenciones preventivas.

Summary Background: Identifying the patterns, distribution, and characteristics of suicide in a region is possible with epidemiological surveillance which may lay the foundations for suicide prevention. Objective: To describe the situation of suicide in Antioquia during the period 2016-2017. Methods: Descriptive study based on data from the Epidemiological Surveillance System for External Cause Injuries of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. Suicides rates and Years of Life Lost (YLL) were calculated and the circumstances of the event were described. Results: There were 425 suicides in 2016 and 419 in 2017, with a suicides rate of 6.50 and 6.34 per 100,000 inhabitants/year respectively, and 16,446.8 YLL for 2016 and 16,019.94 YLL for 2017. Most of the suicides occurred in males, in young age groups, urban residents and single marital status. Regarding the characteristics of suicide, the most frequently used mechanism was mechanical asphyxia followed by poisoning, in about 40% of cases a triggering life event was established, such as partner conflicts, and were more frequent on Sunday and Monday and at night and early morning. Conclusion: The incidence of suicide in Antioquia increased in 2016 and 2017 compared to previous years. It was more frequent in economically productive ages, which explains the high YLL. The description of the characteristics of suicide may facilitate the discussion of preventive interventions.

Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over
BMC Public Health ; 22(1): 54, 2022 01 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35000578


BACKGROUND: Understanding the impact of the burden of COVID-19 is key to successfully navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a larger investigation on COVID-19 mortality impact, this study aims to estimate the Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) in 17 countries and territories across the world (Australia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Peru, Norway, England & Wales, Scotland, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States [USA]). METHODS: Age- and sex-specific COVID-19 death numbers from primary national sources were collected by an international research consortium. The study period was established based on the availability of data from the inception of the pandemic to the end of August 2020. The PYLL for each country were computed using 80 years as the maximum life expectancy. RESULTS: As of August 2020, 442,677 (range: 18-185,083) deaths attributed to COVID-19 were recorded in 17 countries which translated to 4,210,654 (range: 112-1,554,225) PYLL. The average PYLL per death was 8.7 years, with substantial variation ranging from 2.7 years in Australia to 19.3 PYLL in Ukraine. North and South American countries as well as England & Wales, Scotland and Sweden experienced the highest PYLL per 100,000 population; whereas Australia, Slovenia and Georgia experienced the lowest. Overall, males experienced higher PYLL rate and higher PYLL per death than females. In most countries, most of the PYLL were observed for people aged over 60 or 65 years, irrespective of sex. Yet, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Israel, Peru, Scotland, Ukraine, and the USA concentrated most PYLL in younger age groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the role of PYLL as a tool to understand the impact of COVID-19 on demographic groups within and across countries, guiding preventive measures to protect these groups under the ongoing pandemic. Continuous monitoring of PYLL is therefore needed to better understand the burden of COVID-19 in terms of premature mortality.

COVID-19 , Aged , Brazil , Female , Humans , Life Expectancy , Male , Mortality , Mortality, Premature , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , United States
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e75, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432026


RESUMEN Objetivo. Estimar el impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 durante el año 2020, a través del exceso de mortalidad por todas las causas y los años potenciales de vida laboral perdidos en la población en edad de trabajar, de una selección de países latinoamericanos y el Caribe. Métodos. Estudio basado en datos de defunciones por todas las causas entre 15 y 69 años, procedentes principalmente de los Institutos Nacionales de Estadísticas. Se estimaron defunciones esperadas a partir de las registradas entre 2015 y 2019. El exceso de mortalidad fue estimado a través del indicador P, la razón de mortalidad estandarizada (RME) y los años potenciales de vida laboral perdidos (AVLP) hasta los 70 años. Resultados. El exceso de defunciones en Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, México, Perú y República Dominicana sumó 426 978 (279 591 en hombres y 147 438 en mujeres), lo que representó una pérdida de 5 710 048 (3 738 775 en hombres y 1 971 273 en mujeres) de APVLP. La mortalidad observada fue significativamente superior a la esperada en todos los países, menos República Dominicana. Conclusiones. El impacto de la COVID-19 en la población en edad de trabajar tendrá un impacto profundo en la situación socioeconómica. El recuento oportuno del exceso de muertes resulta útil y puede ser usado como un sistema de alerta temprana para monitorizar la magnitud de los brotes de COVID-19. La monitorización del exceso de mortalidad en personas en edad de trabajar, realizada por el Observatorio Iberoamericano de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo permite evaluar con mayor exactitud la carga social y económica de la COVID-19.

ABSTRACT Objective. Estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, through excess all-cause mortality and potential years of productive life lost (YPLL) in the working-age population, in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries. Methods. Study based on data on deaths from all causes from age 15 to 69 years, mainly from national institutes of statistics. Estimates of expected deaths were based on reported deaths from 2015 to 2019. Excess mortality was estimated using the P indicator, standardized mortality ratio (SMR), and potential YPLL up to age 70 years. Results. Excess deaths in Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Peru totaled 426 978 (279 591 men and 147 438 women), representing a potential loss of 5 710 048 (3 738 775 in men and 1 971 273 in women) years of productive life. Observed mortality was significantly higher than expected in all countries except the Dominican Republic. Conclusions. COVID-19 in the working-age population will have a profound impact on socio-economic conditions. Timely counting of excess deaths is useful and can be used as an early warning system to monitor the magnitude of COVID-19 outbreaks. Monitoring of excess mortality in working-age people by the Ibero-American Observatory on Safety and Health at Work enables more accurate assessment of the social and economic burden of COVID-19.

RESUMO Objetivo. Estimar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 durante o ano de 2020, por meio do excesso de mortalidade por todas as causas e dos anos produtivos de vida perdidos (APrVP) na população em idade ativa, em uma seleção de países da América Latina e do Caribe. Métodos. Estudo baseado em dados de óbitos por todas as causas entre 15 e 69 anos, principalmente dos Institutos Nacionais de Estatística. Os óbitos esperados foram estimados a partir daqueles registrados entre 2015 e 2019. O excesso de mortalidade foi estimado por meio do indicador P, da razão de mortalidade padronizada (RMP) e dos APrVP até os 70 anos. Resultados. O excesso de óbitos no Brasil, na Bolívia, no Chile, na Colômbia, na Costa Rica, em Cuba, no México, no Peru e na República Dominicana totalizou 426 978 (279 591 em homens e 147 438 em mulheres), o que representou uma perda de 5 710 048 (3 738 775 em homens e 1 971 273 em mulheres) APrVP. A mortalidade observada foi significativamente maior do que o esperado em todos os países, exceto na República Dominicana. Conclusões. O impacto da COVID-19 na população em idade ativa terá um impacto profundo na situação socioeconómica. O cálculo oportuno do excesso de mortes é útil e pode ser usado como um sistema de alerta precoce para monitorar a magnitude dos surtos de COVID-19. O monitoramento do excesso de mortalidade em pessoas em idade ativa, realizado pelo Observatório Ibero-Americano de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, permite avaliar com mais precisão a carga social e econômica da COVID-19.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE01116, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1393720


Resumo Objetivo Investigar a tendência dos homicídios e estimar os anos potenciais de vida perdidos por essa causa na região sul do Brasil. Métodos Estudo de série temporal por homicídio construído a partir do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade. Estimados os anos potenciais de vida perdidos segundo faixa etária, sexo e causa de óbito e calculadas as taxas de mortalidade. A análise de tendência foi verificada pela regressão de Prais-Winsten com cálculo da variação percentual anual. Resultados A região sul teve um incremento de 14,5% nas taxas de mortalidade por homicídio na série histórica com destaque para adultos jovens (20 a 29 anos) e população masculina como principais vítimas dos homicídios e com maiores anos potenciais de vida perdidos. As maiores taxas de homicídio foram registradas no Paraná, com tendência estacionária (APC= 0,10%; IC95%= -1,23; 1,65; p= 0,875). No Rio Grande do Sul houve tendência crescente com aumento de 25,0% (APC= 0,90% IC95%=0,49; 1,32; p<0,001); Santa Catarina com tendência crescente com aumento de 20,8% (APC= 0,70%; IC95%= 0,09; 1,32, p<0,001). Em relação ao sexo, houve maior prevalência do masculino no Rio Grande do Sul com 27,7% (APC= 0,90%; IC95%= 0,49; 1,32, p<0,001) e do feminino em Santa Catarina com 17,4% (APC= 0,70% IC95%= 0,50; 0,91, p<0,001). Conclusão A tendência foi de incremento dos homicídios nos estados da região sul com predominância de homicídio entre adultos jovens e a maior perda de anos de vida entre indivíduos do sexo masculino representa questões socioeconômicas importantes para uma causa prevenível.

Resumen Objetivo Investigar la tendencia de los homicidios y estimar los años potenciales de vida perdidos por esta causa en la región sur de Brasil. Métodos Estudio de serie temporal por homicidio construido a partir del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad. Se estimaron los años potenciales de vida perdidos según grupo de edad, sexo y causa de fallecimiento y se calcularon las tasas de mortalidad. El análisis de tendencia fue verificado por la regresión de Prais-Winsten con cálculo de la variación porcentual anual. Resultados La región sur tuvo un incremento del 14,5 % en las tasas de mortalidad por homicidio en la serie histórica con énfasis en adultos jóvenes (20 a 29 años) y población masculina como principales víctimas de los homicidios y con mayores años potenciales de vida perdidos. Las mayores tasas de homicidio fueron registradas en Paraná, con tendencia estacionaria (APC= 0,10 %; IC95 %= -1,23; 1,65; p= 0,875). En Rio Grande do Sul hubo tendencia creciente con aumento del 25,0 % (APC= 0,90 % IC95 %=0,49; 1,32; p<0,001); Santa Catarina con tendencia creciente con aumento del 20,8 % (APC= 0,70 %; IC95 %= 0,09; 1,32, p<0,001). Con relación al sexo, hubo mayor prevalencia del masculino en Rio Grande do Sul con el 27,7 % (APC= 0,90 %; IC95 %= 0,49; 1,32, p<0,001) y del femenino en Santa Catarina con el 17,4 % (APC= 0,70 % IC95 %= 0,50; 0,91, p<0,001). Conclusión La tendencia fue de incremento de los homicidios en los estados de la región sur con predominancia de homicidio entre adultos jóvenes, y la mayor pérdida de años de vida entre individuos de sexo masculino representa cuestiones socioeconómicas importantes para una causa prevenible.

Abstract Objective To investigate the trend of homicides and estimate the years of potential life lost due to this cause in southern Brazil. Methods This is a time series study for homicide constructed from the Mortality Information System. Years of potential life lost were estimated according to age group, sex and cause of death, and mortality rates were calculated. Trend analysis was verified by Prais-Winsten regression with calculation of annual percentage change. Results The South had a 14.5% increase in homicide mortality rates in the historical series, with emphasis on young adults (20 to 29 years) and the male population as the main victims of homicides and with greater years of potential life lost. The highest homicide rates were recorded in Paraná, with a stationary trend (APC= 0.10%; 95%CI= -1.23; 1.65; p= 0.875). In Rio Grande do Sul, there was a growing trend with an increase of 25.0% (APC=0.90%CI95%=0.49; 1.32; p<0.001). In Santa Catarina, there was a growing trend with an increase of 20.8% (APC= 0.70%; 95%CI= 0.09; 1.32, p<0.001). Regarding sex, there was a higher prevalence of males in Rio Grande do Sul with 27.7% (APC= 0.90%; 95%CI= 0.49; 1.32, p<0.001) and females in Santa Catarina with 17.4% (APC=0.70%; 95%CI=0.50; 0.91, p<0.001). Conclusion The trend was towards an increase in homicides in the southern states, with a predominance of homicides among young adults and the greater loss of years of life among males represents important socioeconomic issues for a preventable cause.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Mortality Registries , Mortality Registries/statistics & numerical data , Life Expectancy , Homicide , Homicide/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop;55(supl.1): e0299, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356789


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Suicide deaths varies according to location, sex, and age. This study analyzed the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019) concerning suicide in Brazil. METHODS: This study described the mortality and years of life lost (YLL) due to premature death caused by suicide in Brazil in 1990 and 2019. The numbers, crude and age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR), and YLL were compared among Brazilian states, age groups, and sexes. RESULTS: There were 13,502 suicides in Brazil in 2019, 46.00% more than in 1990. The crude mortality rate increased 0.32%, while the ASMR declined -21.68% during the period. Crude and age-standardized YLL rates declined by -7.24% and -18.38%, respectively. In 2019, the biggest ASMRs were found in the South, whereas from 1990 to 2019, the ASMR declined in the South, Southeast, and Midwest, and increased in the Northeast. The number of suicides was higher among individuals aged 15-49 years, and suicide rates were higher among those aged over 70 years. From 1990 to 2019, an increase in the rate was found only of 10-14 years of age. Suicide was highest in men, except in the 10-14-year age group, ranking third in mortality among men of 15-34 years of age and fourth among women of 15-24 years of age. CONCLUSIONS: The ASMR and YLL for suicide declined since 1990, but suicide remains an important factor of mortality in the country. The South Region, men, elderly, and youth should be priorities in the implementation of suicide prevention strategies in Brazil.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(7): e00272421, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384278


The Brazilian government shares the responsibility of financing public health among federal, state, and municipal levels. Health expenditures are thus uneven across the country and cannot contribute equally to health outcomes across disease categories. This study aims to identify how the health expenditures of municipalities affect the mortality rate in the state of Paraná by causa mortis. We considered years of life lost for each municipality, the chapters of the International Classification of Diseases (10th revision), and the elasticity of this measure in relation to public health expenditure. Considering the possibility of endogeneity, this study follows the instrumental variable approach in a panel of generalized method of moments - instrumental variable (GMM-IV) with fixed effects. Our results show that a 1% increase in health expenditure could decrease the average number of years lost specifically for some causes from 0.176% to 1.56% at the municipal level. These findings could elucidate policy perspective within state finance.

O financiamento da saúde pública é uma responsabilidade compartilhada entre as três esferas governamentais brasileiras, i.e., a federal, estadual e municipal. Logo, gastos divergem pelo território e não se poderia esperar que contribuíssem de forma homogênea para os desfechos de saúde em todos os tipos de doença. Este artigo busca identificar como gastos municipais afetam a taxa de mortalidade no Estado do Paraná dado sua causa mortis. Consideramos anos de vida perdidos para cada município, os capítulos da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (10ª revisão) e estimamos a elasticidade dessa medida em relação aos gastos públicos em saúde. Considerando uma possível endogeneidade, este artigo segue a abordagem variável instrumental em um painel de método generalizado de momentos (GMM-IV) com efeitos fixos. Nossos resultados mostram que um aumento de 1% nos gastos municipais com saúde pode diminuir o número médio de anos perdidos entre 0,176% e 1,56% para algumas causas especificas de mortalidade. Nosso estudo pode lançar alguma luz sobre a perspectiva política das finanças dos estados.

La financiación de la salud pública es una responsabilidad compartida entre las tres esferas del gobierno brasileño, a nivel federal, estatal y municipal. En este sentido, los gastos son desiguales en el territorio, y no se puede esperar que contribuyan de forma homogénea a los resultados de salud en las distintas categorías de enfermedades. La función de este trabajo es identificar cómo los gastos de los municipios afectan a la tasa de mortalidad en el Estado de Paraná, por causa mortis. Se consideraron los años de vida perdidos para cada municipio, los capítulos de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (10ª revisión), y se estimó la elasticidad de esta medida en relación con el gasto sanitario público. Teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de endogeneidad, este trabajo sigue el enfoque de variables instrumentales en un panel de los método generalizado de momentos (GMM-IV) con efectos fijos. Nuestros resultados muestran que un aumento del 1% en el gasto sanitario puede disminuir el número medio de años perdidos específicamente por algunas causas del 0,176% al 1,56%, a nivel municipal. Esto puede arrojar algo de luz sobre la perspectiva política dentro de las finanzas de los estados.

Humans , Health Expenditures , Financing, Government , Brazil , Cities , Government