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Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 48-51, out.-dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1562244


A Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial (CTBMF) é uma especialidade da Odontologia que tem como objetivo o diagnóstico e o tratamento das doenças, traumatismos, lesões e anomalias, congênitas e adquiridas, do aparelho mastigatório e anexos, e estruturas crânio-faciais associadas. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, realizado a partir das vivências dos alunos envolvidos no projeto. O projeto promove discussões sobre agravos de saúde comuns na comunidade via palestras nos ambulatórios de cirurgia da FOP/UPE, atua através de postagens nas redes sociais sobre temas de grande importância em cirurgia bucal e de reuniões com aulas ministradas que provêm fundamentação teórica para capacitação dos alunos. Resultados: Desde sua fundação, a LABMF promove ações ambulatoriais para promover troca de conhecimentos sobre a CTBMF, desmistificar e instruir a população sobre exodontias e a importância do autoexame bucal. Atua com mutirões para atender a população em espera, e promove encontros científicos, proporcionando integração com outras faculdades. Conclusão: O projeto proporciona ao aluno a oportunidade de aprofundar seus conhecimentos em CTBMF e a desenvolver e aprimorar competências relacionadas à educação em saúde, liderança, comunicação, e outros. Ainda, provém retorno à população geral, repassando informações e conhecimentos pertinentes à sua saúde, tornando-os multiplicadores do saber... (AU)

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology (CTBMF) is a specialty of Dentistry that aims to diagnose and treat diseases, traumas, injuries, and anomalies, congenital and acquired, of the masticatory system and appendages, and craniofacial structures associated. Methodology: Descriptive study, experience report type, carried out based on the experiences of the students involved in the project. The project promotes discussions about common health problems in the community via lectures at the FOP/UPE surgery outpatient clinics, works through posts on social media on topics of great importance in oral surgery, and meetings with classes taught that provide theoretical foundations for training professionals. students. Results: Since its foundation, LABMF has promoted outpatient actions to promote the exchange of knowledge about CTBMF, demystify and educate the population about extractions and the importance of oral self-examination. It works with joint efforts to assist the waiting population and promotes scientific meetings, providing integration with other faculties. Conclusion: The project provides students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in CTBMF and to develop and improve skills related to health education, leadership, communication, and others. Furthermore, it provides feedback to the general population, passing on information and knowledge relevant to their health, making them multipliers of knowledge... (AU)

La Cirugía y Traumatología Oral y Maxilofacial (CTBMF) es una especialidad de la Odontología que tiene como objetivo diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades, traumatismos, lesiones y anomalías, congénitas y adquiridas, del sistema masticatorio y apéndices, y estructuras craneofaciales asociadas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, tipo relato de experiencia, realizado a partir de las vivencias de los estudiantes involucrados en el proyecto. El proyecto promueve discusiones sobre problemas de salud comunes en la comunidad a través de charlas en los ambulatorios de cirugía de la FOP/ UPE, trabaja a través de publicaciones en redes sociales sobre temas de gran importancia en cirugía bucal y encuentros con clases impartidas que brindan fundamentos teóricos a la formación de profesionales. Resultados: Desde su fundación, LABMF ha impulsado acciones ambulatorias para promover el intercambio de conocimientos sobre el CTBMF, desmitificar y educar a la población sobre las extracciones y la importancia del autoexamen bucal. Trabaja en conjunto para atender a la población en espera y promueve encuentros científicos, brindando integración con otras facultades. Conclusión: El proyecto brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de profundizar sus conocimientos en CTBMF, y desarrollar y mejorar habilidades relacionadas con la educación para la salud, el liderazgo, la comunicación y otros. Además, retroalimenta a la población en general, transmitiéndole información y conocimientos relevantes para su salud, convirtiéndola en multiplicadora de conocimientos... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Schools, Dental , Students, Dental , Surgery, Oral , Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559827


El informe operatorio es un documento oficial que forma parte indispensable de la historia clínica. A pesar de que se le atribuyen funciones médicas (asistencial, docente e investigativa), legal y administrativas, con frecuencia no cumple las especificidades requeridas en la redacción. El permanente y continuo mejoramiento del desempeño profesional de los cirujanos demanda el rescate de las especificidades para la confección de tan importante documento. Es considerada una habilidad profesional específica de los médicos de las especialidades quirúrgicas, al ser parte de la práctica quirúrgica habitual e incluye aspectos cuantitativos (formales y sustanciales) y cualitativos (contenido informativo), de obligatorio cumplimiento por especialistas y residentes en formación. Constituye una responsabilidad individual que debe ser controlada por directivos y docentes de cada servicio quirúrgico. Este trabajo expresa la posición de la autora sobre el necesario rescate de la calidad de la confección del informe operatorio como parte indispensable de la seguridad del enfermo quirúrgico(AU)

The operation note is an official document that is an indispensable part of the clinical history. Despite the fact that medical (care, teaching and investigative), legal and administrative functions are attributed to it, it frequently does not meet the specificities required in the wording. The permanent and continuous improvement of the professional performance of surgeons demands the rescue of the specificities for the preparation of such an important document. It is considered a specific professional skill for physicians in surgical specialties, as it is part of routine surgical practice and includes quantitative (formal and substantial) and qualitative (informational content) aspects, of mandatory compliance by specialists and residents in training. It constitutes an individual responsibility that must be controlled by directors and teachers of each surgical service. This work expresses the author's position on the necessary rescue of the quality of the preparation of the operation note as an essential part of the safety of the surgical patient(AU)

Medical Records , Health Records, Personal , Specialties, Surgical/methods , Attitude of Health Personnel , Total Quality Management/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559915


Se requiere de estrategias e infraestructuras sostenibles, así como del perfeccionamiento en la gestión y la forma de dirigir las organizaciones sanitarias, para mejorar la atención traumatológica ortopédica. Sin embargo, hay pocas oportunidades para el desarrollo formal del liderazgo, especialmente en América Latina; por ello, la Asociación de Cirujanos Traumatólogos de las Américas realizó un Programa de Desarrollo de Liderazgo adaptado a los cirujanos ortopédicos latinoamericanos. El primer curso se realizó en México en 2019, y esta experiencia se trasladó a La Habana en febrero de 2022. Este documento informa sobre las necesidades para el desarrollo del liderazgo entre los cirujanos ortopédicos cubanos y los estudiantes, el plan de estudio del curso y las impresiones de sus asistentes.

Sustainable strategies and infrastructures, as well as improvements in management and governance of health organizations, are required to improve orthopedic trauma care. However, there are few opportunities for formal leadership development, especially, in Latin America. For this reason, the Association of Traumatologist Surgeons of the Americas carried out a Leadership Development Program adapted to Latin American orthopedic surgeons. The first course was held in Mexico in 2019. This experience was transferred to Havana in February 2022. This document reports on the needs for leadership development among Cuban orthopedic surgeons and students, the course curriculum, and impressions of the attendees.

Coluna/Columna ; 22(1): e269159, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430252


ABSTRACT Introduction: The interest in spinal endoscopy is rising, particularly among younger spine surgeons. Formalized postgraduate training programs for endoscopic spinal surgery techniques are lacking behind. Methods: The authors performed a retrospective survey study amongst participants of the 2022 AMCICO endoscopic surgery symposium. Descriptive and correlative statistics were done on the surgeon's responses recorded in multiple-choice questions. In addition, surgeons were asked about their clinical experience and preferences with spinal endoscopy, training background, the types of lumbar endoscopic decompression they perform by approach, and future training requirements. SPSS (version 27) statistical software package was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistic measures were used to count responses and calculate the mean, range, standard deviation, and percentages. In addition, chi-square statistics were used to determine the strength of the association between factors. Results: The online survey was accessed by 321 surgeons, of which 92 completed it (53.4%). Demographic data showed the majority of responding surgeons being orthopedic surgeons (73.6%) and under the age of 50 (69.2%), with over half (51.1%) having less than three months of formalized training in endoscopic spinal surgery techniques. Most surgeons practiced uni-portal (58.9%) versus bi-portal (3.4%) spinal endoscopy. The transforaminal approach (65.5%) was preferred over the interlaminar method (34.4%). The bi-portal technique was indicated almost exclusively for the lumbar spine (94.8%). For endoscopically assisted spinal fusions, a uni-portal approach was preferred by 72% of surgeons over a bi-portal procedure (24.5%). 84.1% of respondents were interested in navigation, of which 30.7% preferred optical over electromagnetic technology (18.2%). Robotics was of interest to 51.1% of survey participants. Respondents' bias was estimated with course attendance assessments, with 37% of surgeons having attended all three days, 27.2% two days, and 16.3% one day. One-fifth of responding spine surgeons did not participate in any curriculum activities but completed the survey. The academic impact of the AMCICO endoscopy symposium was high, with 68.1% of respondents indicating interest in continued training and 61.1% of trainees ready to apply their newly acquired knowledge base to clinical practice. Conclusion: The interest in spinal endoscopy surgery techniques and protocols is high among AMCICO members. Many surgeons are interested in learning advanced endoscopic surgical techniques to integrate the technology into their surgical procedure portfolio to address common painful conditions of the degenerative spine beyond herniated discs and foraminal stenosis. The authors concluded that its academic impact was high based on the responses given by the participating surgeons. Level of evidence III; Retrospective study.

Resumo: Introdução: O interesse em cirurgia endoscópica da coluna tem aumentado especialmente entre os jovens cirurgiões, contudo, são poucos os centros que atualmente oferecem programas de treinamento nesta disciplina. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa retrospectiva entre os participantes do simpósio de "Cirurgia Minimamente Invasiva e Endoscópica da Coluna Vertebral" realizado durante o Congresso AMCICO 2022. Estatísticas descritivas e testes de correlação foram aplicados às respostas das perguntas de múltipla escolha. Os cirurgiões foram questionados sobre experiência clínica e preferências pela endoscopia espinhal, histórico de treinamento, tipos de descompressão lombar endoscópica que realizaram e requisitos futuros para um treinamento adicional. O software estatístico SPSS (versão 27) foi utilizado para a análise de dados. As medidas estatísticas descritivas foram utilizadas para quantificar as respostas e calcular a mediana, a média, o desvio padrão e as porcentagens. O qui-quadrado foi empregado para determinar a associação entre os fatores estudados. Resultados: A pesquisa on-line foi visualizada por 321 cirurgiões, dos quais 92 a completaram (53,4%). As informações demográficas mostraram que a maioria dos participantes são cirurgiões ortopédicos (73,6%) e menores de 50 anos (69,2%), com mais da metade deles (51,1%) possuindo menos de 3 meses de treinamento formal em técnicas endoscópicas. A maioria dos cirurgiões pratica abordagens uniportais (58,9%, contra 3,4% bi-portais). A abordagem transforaminal (65,5%) foi preferida em relação à abordagem interlaminar (34,4%). A abordagem biportal foi selecionada como a abordagem indicada para a região lombar (94,8%). Para a fusão endoscopia-assistida, a abordagem unilateral foi preferida por 72% dos participantes contra a abordagem biportal (24,5%). Os sistemas de navegação foram de interesse para 84,1% dos participantes, dos quais 30,7% responderam que preferiam a óptica em vez da eletromagnética (18,2%). O uso da robótica foi de interesse para 51,1% dos participantes. O viés dos participantes foi calculado com base no percentual de participação, onde 37% participaram de todos os 3 dias de conferências, 27,2% participaram de 2 dias e 16,3% participaram de apenas um dia. Um quinto dos cirurgiões não participaram das atividades do simpósio e ainda assim responderam à pesquisa. O impacto acadêmico do simpósio de "Cirurgia Minimamente Invasiva e Endoscópica da Coluna Vertebral" foi alto, com 68,1% dos participantes respondendo que têm interesse em treinamento adicional nestas técnicas e 61,1% respondendo que estão prontos para aplicar novos conhecimentos em sua prática médica. Conclusão: O interesse em técnicas cirúrgicas endoscópicas da coluna vertebral é alto entre os membros da AMCICO. Um grande número de cirurgiões está interessado em aprender técnicas cirúrgicas endoscópicas avançadas da coluna vertebral e integrar esta tecnologia como parte de suas ferramentas cirúrgicas para resolver problemas comuns que afetam a coluna com doença degenerativa, além de hérnias de disco e estenoses foraminais. Baseados nas respostas fornecidas pelos cirurgiões participantes, os autores concluem que o impacto acadêmico foi elevado. Nível de evidência III; Estudo retrospectivo.

resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Humans , Spine
Coluna/Columna ; 22(3): e273675, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514047


ABSTRACT: Introduction: Low back pain is defined as pain, muscle spasm, or stiffness between the L1 and L5 vertebrae, below the lower margin of the twelfth rib and above the upper gluteal fold, and may or may not be associated with pain radiating to the lower limbs. Objective: To determine the prevalence of low back pain in spine surgeons. Method: A non-randomized quantitative cross-sectional clinical study was carried out in a sample of 95 spine surgeons in Brazil, with the application of the Oswestry and visual analog pain scales, in addition to a structured questionnaire for the characterization of the participants. Results: Among the studied population, 69.5% were orthopedists, 30.5% were neurosurgeons, and the mean age of the sample was 46 years (±10.6), with neurosurgeons being older than orthopedists. Regarding BMI, the majority (77.8%) were overweight or obese, and seventy-six percent performed physical activity. The prevalence of low back pain was 58.9%. No relevant differences were found in the time spent weekly in surgeries between those who had low back pain and those who did not (p = 0.364). Mean pain intensity was 2.0 (SD = 2.2), statistically (p = 0.025) higher in orthopedists (2.3) when compared to neurosurgeons (1.3). Regarding the ODI score, 98.2% of the surgeons had a minimal disability (0-20%) for daily activities. Conclusion: The prevalence of low back pain in spine surgeons is high and is associated with mild inability to perform daily activities. Level Of Evidence IV; Non-Randomized Quantitative Cross-Sectional Clinical Study.

RESUMO: Introdução: A lombalgia é definida como dor, espasmo muscular ou rigidez entre as vértebras L1 e L5, abaixo da margem inferior da décima segunda costela e acima da prega glútea superior, e pode ou não estar associada à dor que se irradia para os membros inferiores. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de lombalgia em cirurgiões de coluna. Método: Foi realizado um estudo clínico transversal quantitativo não randomizado em uma amostra de 95 cirurgiões de coluna do Brasil, com aplicação das escalas Oswestry e visual analógica da dor, além de questionário estruturado para a caracterização dos participantes da pesquisa. Resultados: Dentre a população estudada, 69,5% eram ortopedistas e 30,5% eram neurocirurgiões e a idade média da amostra foi de 46 anos (±10,6), sendo que os neurocirurgiões eram mais velhos que os ortopedistas. Em relação ao IMC a maioria (77,8%) estavam com sobrepeso e obesidade e setenta e seis porcento realizavam atividade física. A prevalência de lombalgia foi de 58,9%. Não foram encontradas diferenças relevantes no tempo gasto semanalmente em cirurgias, entre quem tinha ou não lombalgia (p = 0,364). A intensidade média da dor foi de 2,0 (DP = 2,2), sendo estatisticamente (p = 0,025) maiores em ortopedistas (2,3) quando comparados aos neurocirurgiões (1,3). Em relação ao escore do ODI, 98,2% dos cirurgiões apresentaram incapacidade mínima (0-20%) para as atividades diárias. Conclusão: A prevalência de lombalgia em cirurgiões de coluna é grande e está associada com incapacidade leve para atividades cotidianas. Nível de Evidência IV; Estudo Clínico Transversal Quantitativo não Randomizado.

RESUMEN: Introducción: La lumbalgia se define como dolor, espasmo muscular o rigidez entre las vértebras L1 y L5, por debajo del margen inferior de la duodécima costilla y por encima del pliegue glúteo superior, y puede o no asociarse a dolor irradiado a las extremidades inferiores. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de dolor lumbar en cirujanos de columna. Método: Se realizó un estudio clínico transversal cuantitativo no aleatorizado en una muestra de 95 cirujanos de columna en Brasil, con la aplicación de las escalas de dolor de Oswestry y analógica visual, además de un cuestionario estructurado para la caracterización de los participantes. Resultados: Entre la población estudiada, el 69,5% eran ortopedistas y el 30,5% neurocirujanos y la edad media de la muestra fue de 46 años (±10,6), siendo los neurocirujanos mayores que los ortopedistas. En cuanto al IMC, la mayoría (77,8%) presentaba sobrepeso u obesidad y el setenta y seis por ciento realizaba actividad física. La prevalencia de dolor lumbar fue del 58,9%. No se encontraron diferencias relevantes en el tiempo dedicado semanalmente a las cirugías, entre los que tenían lumbalgia y los que no (p = 0,364). La intensidad media del dolor fue de 2,0 (DP = 2,2), siendo estadísticamente (p = 0,025) mayor en traumatólogos (2,3) que en neurocirujanos (1,3). En cuanto a la puntuación ODI, el 98,2% de los cirujanos tenían incapacidad mínima (0-20%) para las actividades diarias. Conclusión: La prevalencia de lumbalgia en cirujanos de columna es alta y se asocia a incapacidad leve para realizar las actividades cotidianas. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Estudio Clínico Transversal Cuantitativo no Aleatorizado.

Humans , Middle Aged , Occupational Risks , Orthopedics
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(12): 869-877, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557840


Resumen OBJETIVOS: Determinar la utilidad del afeitado de la cavidad de la cuadrantectomía por cáncer de mama en la reducción de reoperación y explorar sus factores asociados y describir las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de las pacientes. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo y descriptivo efectuado entre el 1 enero de 2017 y el 31 de diciembre de 2018 en pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico histológico de carcinoma invasivo e in situ de mama a quienes se practicó cuadrantectomía con afeitado de todos los márgenes de la cavidad. Se trata del registro de las pacientes de un cirujano de Medellín, Colombia. Se recopilaron datos demográficos, clínicos, paraclínicos y se analizaron con estadística descriptiva. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 194 pacientes con edad media de 61.6 años. Los márgenes fueron negativos en el 85.6% (n = 161) y positivos en el 14.4% (n = 28). La cavidad afeitada estaba afectada en el 16% (n = 31), no se requirió reintervención en el 95.9% (n = 186) y se reintervinieron 4.1% (n = 8). La reducción de la reintervención fue del 10.3% (n = 20%). Los factores asociados con márgenes positivos fueron: marcación con arpón (OR = 1.19; IC95%: 1.07-1,32; p = 0.04), tumor multifocal (OR = 3.95; IC95%: 2.29-6.81; p = 0.00), afeitado afectado (OR = 3.26; IC95%: 1.75-6.04). Entre los grupos no se encontró mayor riesgo de recurrencia local (OR = 0.85; IC95%: 0.80-0.90; p = 0.35). CONCLUSIONES: El afeitado de todos los márgenes de la cavidad de la cuadrantectomía tuvo una reducción en la tasa de márgenes afectados y disminución de las reintervenciones. Los factores asociados con márgenes positivos fueron: marcación con arpón, tumor multifocal y el daño del afeitado; no hubo mayor riesgo de recurrencia.

Abstract OBJECTIVES: To determine the usefulness of quadrantectomy cavity shaving for breast cancer in reducing reoperation and to explore its associated factors and describe sociodemographic and clinical data of the patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective, descriptive, retrospective cohort study conducted between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018 in patients older than 18 years with histologic diagnosis of invasive and in situ breast cancer who underwent quadrantectomy with shaving of all cavity margins. This is the registry of patients of a surgeon in Medellin, Colombia. Demographic, clinical, and paraclinical data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: 194 patients with a mean age of 61.6 years were included. The margins were negative in 85.6% (n = 161) and positive in 14.4% (n = 28). The shaved cavity was involved in 16% (n = 31), no reintervention was required in 95.9% (n = 186), and 4.1% (n = 8) underwent reintervention. The reduction in reoperation was 10.3% (n=20). Factors associated with positive margins were: harpoon marking (OR = 1.19; 95%CI: 1.07-1.32; p = 0.04), multifocal tumor (OR = 3.95; 95%CI: 2.29-6.81; p = 0.00), affected shave (OR = 3.26; 95%CI: 1.75-6.04). No increased risk of local recurrence was found between groups (OR = 0.85; 95%CI: 0.80-0.90; p = 0.35). CONCLUSIONS: Shaving all margins of the quadrantectomy cavity was associated with a lower rate of involved margins and fewer reinterventions. Factors associated with positive margins were: harpoon marking, multifocal tumor, and shave damage; there was no increased risk of recurrence.

Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 11(3): 349, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1416652


Introducción: Los cirujanos informaron esfuerzo y dolor musculoesquelético durante o después de un procedimiento. Modificando que la inserción del trócar localizado en línea media clavicular se coloque en línea media, puede mejorar la postura del cirujano. En el Hospital Universitario de Caracas, la técnica de colecistectomía laparoscópica modificada se realiza con frecuencia por disminuir la sensación de esfuerzo y dolor durante el acto quirúrgico. Se plantea el estudio de los elementos de confort para el cirujano con esta técnica modificada. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, comparativo y de corte transversal en cirujanos de pacientes con litiasis vesicular que se resolvieron con colecistectomía laparoscópica, en el Hospital Universitario de Caracas, período enero-agosto 2022. Resultados: Se realizaron 77 colecistectomías laparoscópicas, conformadas por: técnica americana 32 (41,6%) y la técnica modificada 45 (58,4%). La técnica americana evidenció como zona dolorosa la muñeca izquierda (62,5%), y en la técnica modificada reportan en 91,1% sin zona dolorosa. El 43,8% de los cirujanos no se sienten cómodos con la técnica americana, mientras que en la modificada el 97,8% reportaron la técnica cómoda. Los cirujanos refirieron un esfuerzo difícil en el 56,3% con la técnica americana y con la modificada el 82,2% refieren un esfuerzo leve. El grado de dolor en las extremidades fue mayor en los que realizaron la técnica americana en comparación con la modificada, siendo todos los resultados estadísticamente significativos. Conclusión: La técnica modificada tiene ventajas en cuanto a la comodidad del cirujano y su equipo de trabajo y puede emplearse desde el inicio de la formación de cirujanos(AU)

Surgeons reported exertion and musculoskeletal pain during or after a procedure. Modifying the insertion of the trocar located in the clavicular midline to be placed in the midline, to improve the surgeon's posture. At the Hospital Universitario de Caracas, the modified laparoscopic cholecystectomy technique is frequently performed to reduce the sensation of effort and pain during the surgical act. the study of comfort elements for the surgeon with this modified technique is proposed. Methods: A prospective, descriptive, comparative and cross-sectional study was carried out in patients with gallbladder lithiasis at the Hospital Universitario de Caracas, from January to August 2022. Results: 77 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed, consisting of: American technique 32 (41, 6%) and the modified technique 45 (58.4%). The American technique showed the left wrist as a painful area (62.5%), and in the modified technique they reported no painful area in 91.1%. 43.8% of the surgeons did not feel comfortable with the American technique, while in the modified one 97.8% reported the comfortable technique. the surgeons reported a difficult effort in 56.3% with the American technique and with the modified one, 82.2% reported a light effort. the degree of pain in the extremities was greater in those who performed the American technique compared to the modified one, all of the results being statistically significant. Conclusion: the modified technique has advantages in terms of comfort for the surgeon and his team and can be used from the beginning of surgeon training

Humans , Male , Female , Surgical Instruments , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Musculoskeletal Pain , Patients , Lithiasis , Equipment and Supplies , Gallbladder
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(6)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441430


Objetivo: Caracterizar las preferencias y frecuencia de las técnicas quirúrgicas para la resolución de la enfermedad pilonidal (EPS) en los cirujanos/as colorrectales de Latinoamérica. Material y Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo analítico mediante encuesta electrónica validada por pares expertos. Distribuida entre los cirujanos/as colorrectales de Latinoamérica. Fueron excluidos los cirujanos/as no subespecialistas en cirugía colorrectal. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 372 respuestas de 15 países latinoamericanos, con media de 18,9 ± 12,5 años como subespecialistas. El 66,7% utiliza técnicas abiertas para EPS crónica, las técnicas más usadas son marsupialización (31,5%), destechamiento (27,7%) y resección con técnica de Karydakis (17,7%), colgajo de Limberg (6,1%), Bascom (5,4%), plastias en Z o V-Y (4%), McFee (3,8%) y Epsit (3,8%). La intervención más utilizada para la resolución de la EPS aguda es el drenaje bajo anestesia formal con curetaje y/o marsupialización (51,1%). El 45,3% de los cirujanos/as cambia de técnica durante su carrera. Discusión: Gracias a la amplia distribución y representatividad de los encuestados se logró plasmar la preferencia de manera realista acerca de las inclinaciones en el manejo de la EPS por parte de los subespecialistas del continente, aportando información de la que no se tiene precedente. Conclusión: Las técnicas abiertas son las preferidas para la resolución de la EPS crónica, las técnicas más utilizadas son marsupialización, destechamiento y Karydakis. Es frecuente el cambio de técnica quirúrgica preferente dentro de los subespecialistas, existiendo una relación entre escoger técnicas abiertas en la medida que los cirujanos/as tienen más años de experiencia.

Aim: To characterize the preferences and frequency of surgical techniques for the resolution of pilonidal disease (PSD) in colorectal surgeons of Latin America. Materials and Method: Cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study using an electronic survey validated by expert peers. Distributed among colorectal surgeons in Latin America. Surgeons who were not subspecialists in colorectal surgery were excluded. Results: 372 responses were obtained from subspecialist surgeons in colorectal surgery from 15 Latin American countries, with a mean of 18.9 ± 12.5 years as subspecialists. 66.7% use open techniques for chronic PSD, the most used techniques: marsupialization (31.5%), unroofing (27.7%) and resection with the Karydakis technique (17.7%), Limberg flap (6, 1%), Bascom (5.4%), Z or VY plasties (4%), McFee (3.8%) and Epsit (3.8%). The most used intervention for the resolution of acute PSD is drainage under formal anesthesia with curettage and/or marsupialization (51.1%). 45.3% of surgeons change techniques during their career. Discussion: Due to the wide distribution and representativeness of the respondents, it was possible to capture the preference in a realistic way about the management of the PSD by the subspecialists of the continent, contributing with information with which there is no precedent. Conclusion: Open techniques are preferred for the resolution of chronic PSD, marsupialization, unroofing and Karydakis were used the most. The change of surgical technique within subspecialists is frequent, there is a relationship between preferring open techniques to the extent that surgeons have more years of experience.

Acta ortop. mex ; 36(6): 367-372, nov.-dic. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533533


Abstract: Introduction: although pediatric orthopedic surgeons worldwide perform scoliosis surgery, the training received is variable and poorly understood. By surveying the European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS) and the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ortopedia (SLAOTI), we aim to characterize this variability. Material and methods: in 2021, we distributed an anonymous online questionnaire to EPOS and SLAOTI. Results: 43% EPOS and 22% SLAOTI perform scoliosis procedures (p < 0.05). 18% EPOS and 2% SLAOTI performed > 35 procedures annually (p < 0.05). 70% EPOS and 27% SLAOTI received formal training in spinal deformity surgery (p < 0.005). Conclusions: results show significant differences in training and performance of scoliosis procedures between societies.

Resumen: Introducción: aunque muchos cirujanos ortopédicos pediátricos alrededor del mundo realizan cirugías para la escoliosis, el entrenamiento es variable y poco conocido. A través de encuestar a la Sociedad Europea de Ortopedia Pediátrica (EPOS) y a la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ortopedia (SLAOTI) queremos caracterizar esta variabilidad. Material y métodos: distribuimos un cuestionario anónimo en 2021 a los miembros de EPOS y SLAOTI. Resultados: realizan las cirugías de escoliosis 43% de EPOS, en comparación con 22% de SLAOTI (p < 0.05); 18% de EPOS realizó > 35 cirugías al año, en comparación con 2% de SLAOTI (p < 0.05); 70% de EPOS y 27% de SLAOTI recibieron capacitación formal en cirugía de deformidades de la columna (p < 0.005). Conclusiones: los resultados de este estudio subrayan las diferencias en el entrenamiento de las cirugías de escoliosis entre diferentes sociedades.

Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 100(9): 562-568, sept. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-208257


Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de los congresos del American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress (ACSCC2020) y del Congreso Nacional de Cirugía de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos (CNC2020) en formato virtual por la pandemia SARS-CoV-2 según la huella digital. Material y métodos Se estudiaron los hashtags de Twitter #ACSCC20 y #CNCirugia2020 para determinar tuits, retuits, usuarios e impresiones. Se analizaron los datos sobre las cuentas con mayor influencia y la evolución histórica de los congresos entre 2015 y 2020. Utilizamos el software symplur para la recogida y análisis de los datos. Resultados Entre 2015 y 2017 hubo un incremento consistente en el número de tuits, participantes e impresiones. Entre 2018 y 2020, el ACS mantiene el número de impresiones con menor cantidad de tuits. Sin embargo, el CNC sigue creciendo y logra sus mejores métricas en el presente 2020. Encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las cuentas más prolíficas del ACSCC frente al CNC (p<0,002), pero no existen diferencias entre las 10 cuentas más influyentes (p=0,19) o las cuentas con mayor número de impresiones (p=0,450). Conclusiones Los congresos virtuales generan un impacto global a través del uso de Twitter para la diseminación de conocimiento. En el presente 2020 el crecimiento del impacto en redes sociales ha sido proporcionalmente mayor en el CNC que en el ACSCC. No obstante, el congreso virtual del ACS generó mayor impacto en las redes sociales medido por el número de usuarios, tuits e impresiones entre 2015 y 2020 (AU)

Aim The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress (ACSCC2020) and the National Surgery Congress of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (CNC2020) in virtual format due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic according to the fingerprint.Material and methods The Twitter hashtags # ACSCC20 and # CNCirugia2020 were studied to determine tweets, retweets, users and impressions. The data on the accounts with the greatest influence and the historical evolution of the congresses between 2015 and 2020 were analyzed. We used the symplur software to collect and analyze the data. Results Between 2015 and 2017 there was a consistent increase in the number of tweets, participants and impressions. Between 2018 and 2020, the ACS maintains the number of impressions with the fewest number of tweets. However, the CNC continues to grow and achieves its best metrics in 2020. We found statistically significant differences between the most prolific accounts of the ACSCC versus the CNC (P<.002) but there are no differences between the 10 most influential accounts (P=.19) or the accounts with the highest number of impressions (P=.450). Conclusions Virtual congresses generate a global impact through the use of Twitter for the dissemination of knowledge. In the present 2020, the growth of the impact on social networks has been proportionally greater in the CNC than in the ACSCC. However, the ACS virtual congress generated the greatest impact on social networks measured by the number of users, tweets and impressions between 2015 and 2020 (AU)

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Pandemics , Congresses as Topic , Online Social Networking , Societies, Medical , United States , Spain
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441513


Introducción: El trauma es la pandemia que cada año cobra muchas vidas, los avances tecnológicos no han podido detenerla, sin embargo, estos han ayudado en la evaluación más efectiva de los pacientes. La ecografía realizada por médicos no radiólogos se ha convertido en una herramienta necesaria en la evaluación del paciente traumatizado. Objetivo: Describir los conocimientos que debe adquirir el cirujano general para realizar ecografía en la evaluación del trauma. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica del tema en las bases de datos PubMed, BVS-BIREME y Cochrane. Se describió los elementos que tiene que conocer el cirujano general para realizar ecografía en la evaluación del trauma. Se consideraron en la búsqueda todo tipo de estudios publicados desde enero de 1971 hasta diciembre de 2019 a los cuales se tuvo acceso y se realizó la evaluación de la validez interna de la evidencia, así como de su calidad global. Los idiomas utilizados en la búsqueda fueron el español e inglés. Desarrollo: La mayoría de los estudios aceptan a la ecografía como herramienta de evaluación en el trauma y su utilización sistemática por médicos no radiólogos. Conclusiones: Los principios básicos de la ecografía en el trauma tienen que ser parte de las herramientas de un cirujano general del siglo xxi. Los errores más frecuentes, responden a la no realización sistemática y a la falta de entrenamiento. Cada vez son menos las contraindicaciones de la ecografía en el trauma, pero sí es marcada la dependencia del operador(AU)

Introduction: Trauma is the pandemic that every year claims many lives; technological advances have not been able to stop it, but have contributed with the more effective assessment of patients. Ultrasound performed by non-radiologists physicians has become a necessary tool in the assessment of the trauma patient. Objective: To describe the knowledge that the general surgeon should acquire to perform ultrasound for assessing trauma. Methods: A bibliographic review of the subject was carried out in the PubMed, BVS-BIREME and Cochrane databases. The elements that the general surgeon must know in order to perform ultrasound in the assessment of trauma were described. The search considered all types of studies published from January 1971 to December 2019 and that could be accessed; the internal validity of the evidence was assessed, together with its overall quality. The languages used in the search were English and Spanish. Development: Most studies accept ultrasound as an assessment tool in trauma and its systematic use by non-radiologist physicians. Conclusions: The basic principles of ultrasound in trauma have to be part of the tools of a general surgeon of the twenty-first century. The most frequent errors are due to lack of systematic use and lack of training. Contraindications of ultrasound in trauma are progressively less frequent, but there is a marked dependence on the person who operates(AU)

Humans , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology , Ultrasonography/methods , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Emergencies
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 100(9): 562-568, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35716889


AIM: The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the congresses of the American College of Surgeons (ACSCC2020) and the National Surgery Congress of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (CNC2020) in virtual format due to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic according to the fingerprint. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Twitter hashtags # ACSCC20 and # CNCirugia2020 were studied to determine tweets, retweets, users and impressions. The data on the accounts with the greatest influence and the historical evolution of the congresses between 2015 and 2020 were analyzed. We used the symplur software to collect and analyze the data. RESULTS: Between 2015 and 2017 there was a consistent increase in the number of tweets, participants and impressions. Between 2018 and 2020, the ACS maintains the number of impressions with the fewest number of tweets. However, the CNC continues to grow and achieves its best metrics in 2020. We found statistically significant differences between the most prolific accounts of the ACSCC versus the CNC (P < .002) but there are no differences between the 10 most influential accounts (P = ,19) or the accounts with the highest number of impressions (P = .450) CONCLUSIONS: Virtual congresses generate a global impact through the use of Twitter for the dissemination of knowledge. In the present 2020, the growth of the impact on social networks has been proportionally greater in the CNC than in the ACSCC. However, the ACS virtual congress generated the greatest impact on social networks measured by the number of users, tweets and impressions between 2015 and 2020.

COVID-19 , Social Media , Surgeons , COVID-19/epidemiology , Humans , RNA, Viral , SARS-CoV-2 , Social Networking , United States
Rev. inf. cient ; 101(2)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409536


RESUMEN Introducción: La cirugía es tan antigua como la historia de la humanidad, se remonta a los tiempos más lejanos cuando el hombre hace su aparición en el teatro de la historia, a raíz de la individualidad física, psíquica y social. Objetivo: Abordar aspectos importantes de la historia de la Cirugía General desde la antigüedad hasta la actualidad y su desarrollo en Cuba. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la base de datos de la National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Google Académico, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Elsevier, ResearchGate y páginas web de distintas especialidades que recomendaron artículos de interés en relación al tópico para la reconstrucción del surgimiento de la cirugía desde la antigüedad hasta la actualidad. Resultados: Se recopilaron apuntes cronológicos divididos en: La cirugía en la antigüedad, América precolombina, La Edad Media y el Renacimiento, Desarrollo de la cirugía general en Cuba (breve recorrido 1354 hasta la actualidad). Consideraciones finales: El desarrollo de la cirugía comienza desde la antigüedad como necesidad, la especialización de los cirujanos generales en Cuba comienza a partir del siglo XVIII, cuando se separa de la cátedra de Anatomía para hacer la disciplina quirúrgica, lo cual ha tenido un progreso mantenido a lo largo de la historia, cuya magnitud es consecuente con el grado de desarrollo de la sociedad y de las limitaciones externas e internas, lo que se considera como un hito en el desarrollo de esta especialidad hasta la actualidad, con avances científicos, técnicos y anestésicos quirúrgicos de lo cual Cuba hoy exhibe a nivel mundial.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Surgery is as old as the history of humanity. It goes back to the most distant times when man made his appearance, as a result of physical, mental and social individuality. Objective: To approach important aspects of the history of General Surgery from ancient times to the present and its development in Cuba. Method: A bibliographic review was carried out in the database of the National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Elsevier, ResearchGate and web pages of different specialties that recommended articles of interest in relation to the topic for research, to reconstruct the emergence of surgery from antiquity to the present day. Results: Chronological notes were compiled, divided into the next categories: Surgery in antiquity, pre-Columbian Americas, The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Development of general surgery in Cuba (brief journey from 1354 to the present). Final considerations: The development of surgery begins from antiquity as a necessity; the specialization of general surgeons in Cuba begins in the eighteenth century, when it is separated from the Anatomy chair to perform as the surgical discipline, which has had a sustained progress throughout history. Its magnitude is consistent with the degree of development of society and society´s external and internal limitations. The development of this specialty in Cuba is considered a milestone, exhibiting high standards of scientific, technical and surgical-anesthetic advances today.

RESUMO Introdução: A cirurgia é tão antiga quanto a história da humanidade, remonta aos tempos mais distantes em que o homem faz sua aparição no teatro da história, fruto da individualidade física, mental e social. Objetivo: Tratar aspectos importantes da história da Cirurgia Geral desde a antiguidade até o presente e seu desenvolvimento em Cuba. Método: Foi realizada revisão bibliográfica na base de dados da National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Elsevier, ResearchGate e páginas da web de diferentes especialidades que recomendavam artigos de interesse em relação ao tema para pesquisa reconstrução do surgimento da cirurgia desde a antiguidade até o presente. Resultados: Foram compiladas notas cronológicas divididas em: Cirurgia na antiguidade, América pré-colombiana, Idade Média e Renascimento, Desenvolvimento da cirurgia geral em Cuba (breve viagem de 1354 até o presente). Considerações finais: O desenvolvimento da cirurgia começa desde a antiguidade como uma necessidade, a especialização dos cirurgiões gerais em Cuba começa no século XVIII, quando se separa da cadeira de Anatomia para fazer a disciplina cirúrgica, que teve um progresso mantido ao longo da história , cuja magnitude é compatível com o grau de desenvolvimento da sociedade e limitações externas e internas, que é considerado um marco no desenvolvimento desta especialidade até hoje, com anestésicos científicos, técnicos e cirúrgicos que Cuba hoje exibe em todo o mundo.

Rev. esp. investig. quir ; 25(1): 31-35, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-204875


Durante por más de dos siglos, los tercios españoles fueron la base de los ejércitos de España que participaron en numerosas batallas en las innumerables guerras en el que se vio envuelto el Imperio Español. Su organizador militar fue la base de sus triunfosque les hicieron merecedores de el termino de invencibles por su especial estrategia. La organización interna conllevaba un especialmétodo de asistencia sanitaria bien organizado con recursos y de efectividad para la época. Se analiza en el trabajo, la organización sanitaria los recursos disponibles, las enfermedades que se atendían tanto las comunes como las producidas en el campo debatalla por las diferentes armas de fuego como armas blancas y también de los efectos de la artillería como de las explosiones por el uso de la pólvora. (AU)

For more than two centuries, the Spanish Tercios were the base of the Spanish armies that participated in numerous battles in theinnumerable wars in which the Spanish Empire was involved. Their military organizer was the basis of their triumphs that madethem worthy of the term invincible for their special strategy. The internal organization entailed a special well-organized health caremethod with resources and effectiveness for the time. It is analyzed at work, the health organization, the available resources, thediseases that were treated, both the common ones and those produced on the battlefield by the different weapons, both firearms andbladed weapons, and also the effects of artillery and firearms. explosions due to the use of gunpowder. (AU)

Humans , War-Related Injuries/history , Surgeons/history , Military Personnel
Medisan ; 25(5)2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1346553


En este artículo se mencionan algunos aspectos de la vida y obra del doctor Claudio Julio Puente Fonseca, Especialista de Segundo Grado en Cirugía Pediátrica, Profesor Titular y Consultante de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Durante varios años fue el Jefe del Grupo Provincial de la especialidad. Sus logros en la asistencia, docencia, contribución al uso correcto de la lengua española y de la terminología médica fueron relevantes para sus alumnos y colegas.

Some aspects of the life and work of Dr. Claudio Julio Puente Fonseca, Second Degree Specialist in Pediatric Surgery, Associate and Consultant Professor in Santiago Medical Sciences University, are mentioned in this work. During several years he was the Provincial Group Head of the Speciality. His achievements in assistance, teaching, contributions to the correct use of Spanish and of the medical terminology were relevant for his pupils and colleagues.

Physicians , Famous Persons , Surgeons , Cuba
Coluna/Columna ; 20(3): 181-184, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339752


ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the amount of radiation received and accumulated in the bodies of two surgeons, one being the responsible surgeon and the other the assistant, performing spine surgery procedures over a period of 25 years. Methods Seventy-two spinal surgeries were performed during a seven-month period and the radiation loads were measured in both surgeons. The measurement of radiation was captured in fluoroscopy in anteroposterior and lateral incidences. The surgeon and the assistant used two dosimeters, one in the cervical region protecting the thyroid and the other on the lead apron in the genital region. The radioactive loads were measured in millisieverts and the accumulated charges were recorded monthly in both regions of the body in the two surgeons for seven months and the means for the work periods (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years) were estimated. Results It was observed that in the surgeon the average accumulated radiation loads were 131.9% and 176.92% higher than those of the assistant in the cervical and genital regions, respectively. Conclusion While the use of X-rays is indispensable in routine orthopedic surgery, we have to consider the development of techniques of protection, rigor and discipline in the use of safety materials for surgeons. Preventive exposure reduction measures such as using thyroid protection equipment and turning the head away from the patient during fluoroscopy, among others, should be mandatory to promote less radiation exposure. Level of evidence II; Comparative prospective study.

RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a quantidade de radiação recebida e acumulada no corpo de dois cirurgiões, durante período de 25 anos de trabalho, sendo um o cirurgião responsável e outro, assistente, nos procedimentos de cirurgia da coluna vertebral. Métodos Foram realizadas 72 cirurgias de coluna vertebral em um período de sete meses, e as cargas de radiação foram medidas nos dois cirurgiões. A medição da radiação foi captada em fluoroscópio nas incidências anteroposterior e de perfil. O cirurgião e o auxiliar utilizaram dois dosímetros, sendo um na região cervical protegendo a tireoide e outro sobre o avental de chumbo, na região genital. As cargas radioativas foram medidas em milisievert e as cargas acumuladas foram registradas mensalmente em ambas as regiões do corpo nos dois cirurgiões, durante sete meses, foram estimadas as médias no período (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 anos) de trabalho. Resultados Observou-se que no cirurgião as médias das cargas de radiação acumulada foram 131,9% e 176,92% superiores às do assistente nas regiões cervical e genital, respectivamente. Conclusão Enquanto o uso dos raios X for indispensável na rotina da cirurgia ortopédica, há de se considerar o desenvolvimento de técnicas de proteção, rigor e disciplina no uso materiais de segurança para os cirurgiões. Medidas preventivas de redução da exposição, como uso de equipamento para proteção da tireoide e girar a cabeça para se afastar do paciente durante a fluoroscopia, entre outras, devem ser obrigatórias para promover menor exposição à radiação. Nível de evidência II; Estudo prospectivo comparativo.

RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar la cantidad de radiación recibida y acumulada en el cuerpo de dos cirujanos, durante 25 años de trabajo, siendo uno el cirujano responsable y el otro, asistente, en los procedimientos de cirugía de columna vertebral. Métodos Se realizaron 72 cirugías de columna vertebral en un período de siete meses, y las cargas de radiación fueron medidas en los dos cirujanos. La medición de la radiación fue captada en fluoroscopio en las incidencias anteroposterior y de perfil. El cirujano y el auxiliar usaron dos dosímetros, siendo uno en la región cervical protegiendo la tiroides y otro sobre el delantal de plomo, en la región genital. Las cargas radiactivas se midieron en milisievert, y las cargas acumuladas se registraron mensualmente en ambas regiones del cuerpo, en los dos cirujanos, durante siete meses, y se estimaron los promedios durante el período (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 y 25 años) de trabajo. Resultados Se observó que en el cirujano los promedios de las cargas de radiación acumulada fueron de 131,9% y 176,92% superiores a las del asistente en las regiones cervical y genital, respectivamente. Conclusión Mientras el uso de rayos X sea indispensable en la rutina de la cirugía ortopédica, hay que considerar el desarrollo de técnicas de protección, rigor y disciplina en el uso de materiales de seguridad para los cirujanos. Las medidas preventivas de reducción de la exposición, como uso de equipamiento para protección de la tiroides y girar la cabeza para alejarse del paciente durante la fluoroscopia, entre otras, deben ser obligatorias para promover menor exposición a la radiación. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio prospectivo comparativo.

Humans , Spine/surgery , Radiation Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Personal Protective Equipment , Orthopedic Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 2021 May 05.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34082894


AIM: The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress (ACSCC2020) and the National Surgery Congress of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (CNC2020) in virtual format due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic according to the fingerprint. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Twitter hashtags # ACSCC20 and # CNCirugia2020 were studied to determine tweets, retweets, users and impressions. The data on the accounts with the greatest influence and the historical evolution of the congresses between 2015 and 2020 were analyzed. We used the symplur software to collect and analyze the data. RESULTS: Between 2015 and 2017 there was a consistent increase in the number of tweets, participants and impressions. Between 2018 and 2020, the ACS maintains the number of impressions with the fewest number of tweets. However, the CNC continues to grow and achieves its best metrics in 2020. We found statistically significant differences between the most prolific accounts of the ACSCC versus the CNC (P<.002) but there are no differences between the 10 most influential accounts (P=.19) or the accounts with the highest number of impressions (P=.450). CONCLUSIONS: Virtual congresses generate a global impact through the use of Twitter for the dissemination of knowledge. In the present 2020, the growth of the impact on social networks has been proportionally greater in the CNC than in the ACSCC. However, the ACS virtual congress generated the greatest impact on social networks measured by the number of users, tweets and impressions between 2015 and 2020.

Colomb. med ; 52(2): e4124776, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278946


Abstract Rectal trauma is uncommon, but it is usually associated with injuries in adjacent pelvic or abdominal organs. Recent studies have changed the paradigm behind military rectal trauma management, showing better morbidity and mortality. However, damage control techniques in rectal trauma remain controversial. This article aims to present an algorithm for the treatment of rectal trauma in a patient with hemodynamic instability, according to damage control surgery principles. We propose to manage intraperitoneal rectal injuries in the same way as colon injuries. The treatment of extraperitoneal rectum injuries will depend on the percentage of the circumference involved. For injuries involving more than 25% of the circumference, a colostomy is indicated. While injuries involving less than 25% of the circumference can be managed through a conservative approach or primary repair. In rectal trauma, knowing when to do or not to do it makes the difference.

Resumen El trauma de recto es poco frecuente, pero generalmente se asocia a lesiones de órganos adyacentes en la región pélvica y abdominal. Estudios recientes han cambiado los paradigmas del manejo tradicional derivados del trauma militar, mostrando mejores resultados en la morbilidad y mortalidad. Sin embargo, las técnicas de control de daños en el trauma rectal aún son controvertidas. El objetivo de este articulo es proponer el algoritmo de manejo del paciente con trauma rectal e inestabilidad hemodinámica, según los principios de la cirugía de control de daños. Se propone que las lesiones del recto en su porción intraperitoneal sean manejadas de la misma manera que las lesiones del colon. Mientras que el manejo de las lesiones extraperitoneales del recto dependerá del compromiso de la circunferencia rectal. Si es mayor del 25% se recomienda realizar una colostomía. Si es menor, se propone optar por el manejo conservador o el reparo primario. Saber que hacer o que no hacer en el trauma de recto marca la diferencia.

Rev. esp. investig. quir ; 24(3): 119-126, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219258


La historia del perfil del cirujano como profesional de la medicina no se puede decir que data del principio de los tiempos como quizá pueda afirmarse de la del médico. El cirujano como tal se empezó a diferenciarse por esta actividad en la edad media por lotanto su historia data menos de 1000 años. Esta profesión nace con la realización de actividades consideradas quirúrgicas fundamentalmente al actuar sobre las dolencias con las manos o con instrumentos por parte de unos profesionales que se dedicaban a otras actividades como la barbería y que no tenían en general estudios médicos. Con el tiempo, el perfil del cirujano se fue acreditando en especial en el siglo XIX con la fundación de los Reales Colegios de Cirujanos en el mundo occidental, incluida España, hasta llegar al siglo XX al que se le ha reconocido y denominado como el siglo de los cirujanos. En siglo XXI se han empezado a desarrollar los denominados procedimientos terapéuticos y han sido desarrollados por la casi totalidad de especialidades, por lo que la figura del cirujano con el perfil de siglos anteriores se puede decir que esta en declive y algunos pensamos que puede llegar hasta su desaparición por lo menos con el perfil que ha tenido hasta casi el momento actual. (AU)

The history of the surgeon’s profile as a medical professional cannot be said to date from the beginning of time as perhaps that of the doctor can be said. The surgeon as such began to differentiate himself by this activity in the Middle Ages, therefore his history dates back less than 1000 years. This profession was born with the performance of activities considered surgical, fundamentally when acting on ailments with the hands or with instruments by professionals who were engaged in other activities such as barbershop and who generally did not have medical studies. Over time, the surgeon’s profile was credited especially in the 19th century with the founding of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in the Western world, including Spain, until the 20th century, which has been recognized and referred to as the 20th century. of surgeons. In the 21st century, the so-called therapeutic procedures have begun tobe developed and have been developed by almost all specialties, so that the figure of the surgeon with the profile of previous centuries can be said to be in decline and some of us think that it may go as far as his disappearance at least with the profile that he has had until almost the present moment. (AU)

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Barber Surgeons/history , Surgeons/history , General Surgery/history , Spain