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Serv. soc. soc ; 147(2): e, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565896


Resumo: O presente artigo aborda os cuidados paliativos, tendo a intersetorialidade como fator central. Objetiva-se analisar a experiência dos cuidadores de referência dos pacientes já falecidos na unidade de cuidados paliativos do Instituto Nacional de Câncer. Trata-se de estudo quanti-qualitativo retrospectivo. Apresenta-se um novo modelo assistencial e se discute sobre violência urbana como fator obstaculizador para o acesso aos cuidados. Afirma-se que a democratização do acesso depende da articulação intersetorial com base na realidade local e em ações integradas.

Abstract: This article presents palliative care with intersectoral collaboration as a central factor. The objective is to analyze the experience of reference caregivers of deceased patients in the palliative care service of the National Cancer Institute. This is a retrospective quantitative-qualitative study. A new care model is presented and urban violence is discussed as an obstacle to access to care. It is stated that the democratization of access depends on intersectoral collaboration based on local reality and integrated actions.

Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(4): 373-378, jul - ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518671


El desarrollo y organización del sistema sanitario en Chile tuvo importantes cambios durante la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, los que permitieron al país mejorar sustantivamente algunos índices de salud poblacional. Por otra parte, tanto el cambio de paradigma biomédico que surgió en el mundo durante las últimas décadas del siglo XX y que se orientaba hacia un modelo biopsicosocial de salud, como la aparición del concepto de Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) como una estrategia de intervención social, se sumaron al cambio en el perfil epidemiológico y demográfico del país y a las expectativas de la población, para alzarse todos ellos como factores catalizadores de un nuevo cambio en la forma de organizar la atención de salud en Chile. Esto generó un espacio para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento del nivel primario de atención de salud y de la medicina ambulatoria, lo que impulsó también la aparición de una nueva generación de especialistas que fueran capaces de dar solución a la gran mayoría de los problemas de las personas y de las comunidades, los médicos especialistas en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Esta nueva forma de organización sanitaria, actualmente vigente en Chile, y que se enmarca dentro del Modelo de Atención Integral de Salud iniciado a comienzos del siglo XXI, está basado en un sistema de salud sustentado en el modelo biopsicosocial y en la APS; y su eje primordial son las personas, las familias y las comunidades.

The development and organization of the health system in Chile underwent important changes during the second half of the last century that allowed the country to substantially improve some population health indices. On the other hand, both the change in the biomedical paradigm that emerged in the world during the last decades of the 20th century and which was oriented towards a biopsychosocial model of health, as well as the appearance of the concept of Primary Health Care as a social intervention strategy, they added to the change in the epidemiological and demographic profile of the country and the expectations of the population, all of them rising as catalysts for a new change in the way of organizing health care in Chile. This created a space for the development and strengthening of the primary level of health care and outpatient medicine, which also promoted the emergence of a new generation of specialists who were capable of solving the vast majority of people's problems. and from the communities, specialists in Family and Community Medicine. This new form of health organization, currently in force in Chile, and which is part of the Comprehensive Health Care Model initiated at the beginning of the 21st century, is based on a health system based on the biopsychosocial model and PHC; and its main axis are people, families and communities.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Comprehensive Health Care/history , Comprehensive Health Care/trends , Family Practice/history , Family Practice/trends , Chile , Ambulatory Care/history , Healthcare Models , History of Medicine
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2021. 110 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1414651


Este estudo objetivou construir teorização a partir da concepção de atores sociais acerca das razões da não inserção da atenção à saúde bucal na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) no município de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, fundamentado no referencial teórico construído com base na Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal e metodológico na Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (TFD). Foram realizadas 11 entrevistas intensivas com atores sociais da gestão, do controle social e cirurgiões-dentistas do serviço público do município. Os dados foram categorizados segundo a TFD e a partir do processo de análise dos dados, construiuse a teorização do estudo e obteve-se como categoria central "Consequência de uma concepção hegemônica doença-centrada da saúde para o modelo de atenção à saúde bucal". A concepção de saúde dos atores sociais do município contribuiu para a não inserção da atenção à saúde bucal na ESF. A teorização permitiu a identificação da origem das condições do fenômeno estudado e poderá contribuir para tomada de decisões dos atores sociais em futuras ações políticas. Esse estudo subsidiou a elaboração do produto técnico, que tem por objetivo compartilhar experiências exitosas, reflexões e troca de saberes entre cirurgiões-dentistas, gestores da saúde bucal e população em geral sobre a PNSB no estado de Minas Gerais por meio da ferramenta de mídia social podcast.

This study aimed to theorize by means of social actors' conception about the reasons for non-inclusion of oral health in the Family Health Strategy in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and analytical study that was based on the grounded theory methodology and National Oral Health Policy. Eleven interviews with public managers, delegates who participate in the municipal health council and dental surgeons who belong to public health service were made. The theorization of the study was created through the data analysis process, which resulted as a central category "a consequence of the dominant disease-centred oral health care model". Data were categorized according to a methodological framework. Local social actors' health concept affected the lack of oral health care teams in the ESF. This theorization identified the origins of the studied phenomenon and can help future local social actors' political decision making. This study supported the development of the technical product, which aims to share successful experiences, reflections and exchange of knowledge between dentists, oral health managers and all population about the National Oral Health Policy in the state of Minas Gerais through the social media tool podcast.

National Health Strategies , Oral Health , Grounded Theory , Healthcare Models , Health Policy
Porto Alegre; s.n; 2019. 256 p. il, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | Coleciona SUS, CONASS, SES-RS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1121726


Esta tese tem como objeto de pesquisa os Recursos Financeiros em Saúde nos Municípios Gaúchos: atenção, gestão e financiamento um tripé indissociável e seus dilemas. Apresentase o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) através de suas dimensões técnica (modelo assistencial), política (modelo de gestão) e econômica (modelo de financiamento), pretendendo-se demonstrar a importância da indissociabilidade das mesmas. Foi ainda analisada a condução dos sistemas municipais de saúde dos municípios que compõem a Macrorregião Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, considerando-se o cenário de crise econômica e financeira das unidades federativas brasileiras. Mostra-se a perspectiva da gestão financeira desses sistemas, cotejando indicadores escolhidos para avaliar se apresentam correlação entre os seus resultados e os gastos de parte do cofinanciamento estadual no Rio Grande do Sul para a Atenção Primária à Saúde. Adotou-se no estudo o método misto, explorando-se as abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, recorrendo-se à análise de tabelas, gráficos e estatísticas descritivas e, para a verificação de correlações entre variáveis, para efeito da análise de correlação utiliza-se o método de Pearson. Na análise qualitativa, o instrumento principal foi o relatório final das audiências públicas da Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul, organizadas pela Comissão Especial sobre a Sustentabilidade Financeira do SUS e com a participação dos entes federados, empregando-se a análise de conteúdo para a construção de categorias que emergiram da fala dos participantes das audiências. À luz do método misto e do percurso metodológico adotado, representou o eixo articulador entre a abordagem quantitativa e a qualitativa, entre a teoria e a prática e através desse processo o movimento das categorias epistemológicas, teóricas e axiológicas nela presentes. As categorias gramscianas aportadas e as estratégias políticas serviram como contribuições para o conhecimento da realidade, bem como instrumental para a análise e a ação. O intervalo temporal da coleta de dados foi de 2012 a 2017. Esse recorte foi definido considerando-se as mudanças na legislação para a organização do SUS, que passou a ser em redes. As narrativas feitas em relação à Política de Saúde convergem para o diagnóstico do subfinanciamento na saúde como sendo a dificuldade fulcral do sistema. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa suporta uma narrativa diferente da que é considerada como consenso, defendendo-se a indissociabilidade entre modelo de atenção, modelo de gestão e modelo de financiamento para a sustentabilidade do SUS. Considera-se que, ao ser apontado o subfinanciamento como o maior problema do SUS, ele acaba ocultando um conjunto de dificuldades de gestão que não podem ser isoladas. Muito mais do que o subfinanciamento do SUS, o modelo hegemônico e as dificuldades na execução financeira (qualidade do gasto) representam para a pesquisadora, os verdadeiros dilemas para o sistema. Sendo assim, ao se depositarem as maiores mazelas nos recursos insuficientes para o SUS, deslocam-se as verdadeiras dificuldades e mantêm-se ocultas as questões de gestão do sistema.(AU)

This thesis has as research object the Health Financial Resources in the Gaucho Municipalities: attention, management and financing, an inseparable tripod and its dilemmas. The Unified Health System (SUS) is presented through its technical (care model), policy (management model) and economic (financing model) dimensions, aims to demonstrate the importance of their inseparability. It was also analyzed the conduction of the municipal health systems of the municipalities that compose the Metropolitan Macroregion of Porto Alegre, considering the scenario of economic and financial crisis of the Brazilian federal units. It is shown the perspective of the financial management of these systems, comparing selected indicators to evaluate whether they present a correlation between their results and the spendings of part of the state co-financing, in Rio Grande do Sul, for Primary Health Care. A mixed method was adopted in the study, exploring the quantitative and qualitative approaches, using analysis of tables, graphs and descriptive statistics and, for the verification of correlations between variables, for the purpose of the correlation analysis the Pearson method was used. In the qualitative analysis, the main instrument was the final report of the public hearings of the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul, organized by the Special Commission regarding the Financial Sustainability of SUS and with the participation of the federated entities using a content analysis for the construction of categories that emerged from the hearings' participants speech. In light of the mixed method and methodological path adopted, represented the articulating axis between the quantitative and the qualitative approach, between theory and practice and through this process the movement of epistemological, theoretical and axiological categories present in it. The gramscian categories employed and the political strategies served as contributions for reality knowledge, as well as instrumental for analysis and action. The data's collection time series was from 2012 to 2017. This period was defined considering the legislation changes for the SUS' organization, which became networks. Narratives made in regard to the Health Policy converge to the diagnosis of underfunding in health as the central difficulty of the system. In this context, this research supports a different narrative of what is considered as consensus, defending the indissociability between care model, management model and financing model for SUS' sustainability. It is considered that, when pointing underfunding as SUS' biggest problem, it ends up concealing a set of management difficulties that cannot be isolated. Far more than SUS underfunding, the hegemonic model and the difficulties in the financial execution (spending quality) represent, for the researcher, the real dilemmas for the system. Thus, by placing the greatest responsibilities on insufficient resources, the real difficulties are shifted and the management issues of the system remain hidden. (AU)

Primary Health Care , Unified Health System , Local Health Systems , Financial Resources in Health , Unified Health System/economics , Unified Health System/organization & administration
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;44(3)jul.-set. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-960673


Introducción: En México siempre se ha reconocido el derecho constitucional a la salud como uno de los más importantes derechos sociales, refrendado en las reformas del Sistema Nacional de Salud y de las cuales derivaron diferentes modelos de atención. Objetivo: Reconocer la vigencia ético-jurídica de ese derecho a la salud y su ejercicio efectivo en el nuevo Modelo Integral de Atención de Salud. Fuente de datos: Se revisaron 24 documentos nacionales e internacionales como Leyes, Reglamentos, Resoluciones, Informes de Organismos Internacionales y Conferencias Mundiales. Además, se escogieron seis artículos publicados en español, entre 1980-2014 relacionados con el derecho a la salud y los modelos de atención en salud. Síntesis de los datos: En el nuevo modelo de atención de salud presentado en el 2015 por la Secretaría de Salud de México, se establecen estrategias que aseguran el cumplimiento del derecho a la protección de la salud. Con el nuevo modelo, debe hacerse valer ese derecho objetivamente, alcanzar elevados niveles de cobertura y asegurar un acceso eficiente y eficaz a los servicios de salud que se brindan. La equidad se incorporó como uno de los principios del Modelo pero se reconoce que aún existen brechas para lograr la total cobertura y accesibilidad efectiva para los grupos sociales vulnerables. Conclusiones: La ejecución del Modelo Integral de Atención de Salud, recientemente implementado en varias entidades federativas del país, ofrece la oportunidad de asegurarles a todos los mexicanos ese derecho a la salud, que reconoce como un derecho humano(AU)

Introduction: In Mexico, the constitutional right to health has always been recognized as one of the most important social human rights, always endorsed in the reforms of the national health system and from which different models of health care were derived. Objective: To confirm the ethical-legal validity of this right to health and its effective exercise in the new Comprehensive Health Care Model. Data sources: 24 national and international documents were reviewed such as Laws, Rules, Resolutions, Reports of International Organizations and World Summits. In addition, six articles published in Spanish from 1980 to 2014 were selected, and those were all related with the right to health and the models of health care. Data syntesis: In the new model of health care presented by the Health Secretariat of Mexico in 2015, it is established that there will be strategies which secure the fulfillment of the right to protect the health. This right should be objectively enforced with this new model, and also to reach high levels of coverage and to secure an efficient and effective access to the health services provided. Equity was added as one of the principles of the model, but it is admitted that still exist gaps to accomplish universal coverage and effective accessibility of vulnerable social groups. Conclusions: The implementation of the new Comprehensive Health Care Model (that was carried out recently in several federative entities of the country) offers the chance to ensure the right to health for all Mexicans and this is recognized as a human righ(AU)

Humans , /legislation & jurisprudence , Comprehensive Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence , Equity in Access to Health Services , Mexico
J Pediatr ; 177S: S148-S155, 2016 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27666264


We present a historical and analytical overview of the Russian child health care system describing strengths and challenges of the system. Main indicators of social environment and children's health, general demographics, and socioeconomic factors of Russia are described. The Russian health care system has preserved positive elements of the former Soviet model of pediatric care. However, beginning in 1991, it has been altered greatly in its funding and management. The child health care system is composed of a special network of outpatient and inpatient facilities. The key element of pediatric community care is the pediatric polyclinic, staffed by district pediatricians and nurses. Undergraduate pediatric training is separate from adult medical training. From day one onward, future pediatricians are trained at separate pediatric faculties of universities. Thus, they qualify as general pediatricians after only 2 years of postgraduate training. It should be emphasized that the gap between the health status of children in developed countries and the Russian Federation is largely due to the influence of socioeconomic determinants, such as traffic accidents, poverty, pollution, and hazardous life styles, including binge drinking. Further improvements of children's health require protective measures by the state to address the underlying socioeconomic determinants.

Child Health Services , Child Health , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Russia
Salud UNINORTE ; 31(3): 548-557, sep.-dic. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-791388


Objetivos: Identificar la percepción de estudiantes y docentes que participaron en la innovación pedagógica de la asignatura Promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad durante 2013 y 2014; asignatura en la que los estudiantes adquieren habilidades para la atención primaria en salud. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un diseño descriptivo evaluativo, mediante abordaje cuantitativo y cualitativo que determinó la satisfacción de los estudiantes relacionados con las prácticas, el logro de los objetivos actitudinales y adquisición de habilidades. Participaron 86 estudiantes de cuarto semestre, 17 de enfermería y 69 de medicina de la Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla (Colombia). Resultados: El 90 % expresó que las prácticas promovían el desarrollo de habilidad para trabajar en un contexto comunitario, mostrando respeto por la cultura de la comunidad. El 95 % afirmó que en las prácticas se estimuló el desarrollo de un componente ético y de habilidades comunicativas. El 85 % de los docentes considera que existe mayor trabajo en equipo entre los estudiantes y el personal de los servicios. Conclusiones: La percepción de satisfacción fue homogénea para estudiantes y docentes bajo el nuevo modelo de rotación; se favoreció lograr competencias en cada equipo de trabajo a partir de la identificación de habilidades en los laboratorios de simulación y el desempeño en la práctica real con casos. Con la innovación realizada se logró mayor conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre el modelo de atención, con énfasis en atención primaria en salud. Además adquirieron habilidades por medio del laboratorio de habilidades y destrezas clínicas, previo a la práctica comunitaria.

Objectives: To identify the perception of students and teachers who participated in educational innovation of the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention subject in 2013 and 2014, where students acquire skills for primary health care. Materials and methods: A descriptive evaluation design with a quantitative and qualitative approach which determineted the student satisfaction related to practices, achieving attitudinal goals and skill acquisition. 86 fourth semester students participated, 17 nurses and 69 of medicine from Universidad del Norte at Barranquilla (Colombia). Results: 90 % said that practices promoted the development of abilities to work in a community setting, showing respect for the culture of the community; 95 % say that in practice the development of an ethical component and communication skills were encouraged. Teachers (85 %) believe that there is more teamwork among students and service staff. Conclusions: The perception of satisfaction was consistent for students and teachers under the new rotation model, achieving competence in each work team from the identification of skills in simulation laboratories and performance in actual practice with cases. With innovation the students adquired greater knowledge on the model of care, with emphasis on primary health care. Besides acquiring skills through the laboratory and clinical skills, previous to Community practice.

Kidney Int Suppl (2011) ; 3(2): 210-214, 2013 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25018986


Negative lifestyle habits (potential risks for chronic kidney disease, CKD) are rarely modified by physicians in a conventional health-care model (CHCM). Multidisciplinary strategies may have better results; however, there is no information on their application in the early stages of CKD. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare a multiple intervention model versus CHCM on lifestyle and renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and CKD stage 1-2. In a prospective cohort study, a family medicine unit (FMU) was assigned a multiple intervention model (MIM) and another continued with conventional health-care model (CHCM). MIM patients received an educational intervention guided by a multidisciplinary team (family physician (FP), social worker, dietitian, physical trainer); self-help groups functioned with free activities throughout the study. CHCM patients were managed only by the FP, who decided if patients needed referral to other professionals. Thirty-nine patients were studied in each cohort. According to a lifestyle questionnaire, no baseline differences were found between cohorts, but results reflected an unhealthy lifestyle. After 6 months of follow-up, both cohorts showed significant improvement in their dietary habits. Compared to CHCM diet, exercise, emotional management, knowledge of disease, and adherence to treatment showed greater improvement in the MIM. Blood pressure decreased in both cohorts, but body mass index, waist circumference, and HbA1C significantly decreased only in MIM. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was maintained equally in both cohorts, but albuminuria significantly decreased only in MIM. In conclusion, MIM achieves better control of lifestyle-related variables and CKD risk factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) patients with CKD stage 1-2. Broadly, implementation of a MIM in primary health care may produce superior results that might assist in preventing the progression of CKD.

Cuad. méd.-soc. (Santiago de Chile) ; 50(2): 132-142, jun. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-588454


El año 2007 se inicia un Programa de Formación de Médicos Especialistas Básicos para la Atención Primaria de Salud, con un carácter experimental, financiado por el Ministerio de Salud, con la participación académica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile y con el involucramiento de dos municipios de la Región Metropolitana. Se entrega información acerca de los antecedentes históricos del Programa, la doctrina que lo inspira, su evolución desde el inicio hasta hoy, el estado actual del mismo y sus perspectivas de desarrollo a futuro. Se concluye que es un Programa consolidado, que tiene el carácter de una Política de Estado y que es bien evaluado por todas las contrapartes involucrada. Por todo lo anterior se vislumbran perspectivas de crecimiento y de expansión del mismo a futuro y asimismo se identifican las dificultades que podrían existir para ello.

In 2007, a new Programme of Basic Specialists for Urban PHC is implemented by the Ministry of Health, with the participation of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile in two municipalities of the Metropolitan Region. This Programme is based on previous national experience. At present he Programme is consolidated and is a new State Policy in the field of Medical Health Care Resources. The results so far are encouraging and its expansion, including the incorporation of new medical specialties, is envisaged.

Humans , Comprehensive Health Care , Workforce , Medicine , Primary Health Care , Chile
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);15(supl.1): 1449-1456, jun. 2010. mapas, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-555679


Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as ações desenvolvidas na construção do modelo de atenção em saúde no Distrito Especial Indígena - Xingu (DSEI-Xingu), mais especificamente, na área de saúde bucal, com a efetiva parceria entre a Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (FORP-USP) e a Colgate®, que permitiu a construção social da práxis em saúde no Médio e Baixo Xingu. Ao longo da história, o DSEI "Espaço Social" é onde as comunidades se constituem e, por meio do processo social de produção, cria acessos diferenciados aos bens de consumo, além de formar a base para a organização dos serviços de atenção à saúde dos povos indígenas. Para o DSEI-Xingu, são pontos básicos o estabelecimento de parcerias institucionais e a participação efetiva dos povos indígenas na gestão da saúde em seu território. Estruturado no planejamento baseado em problemas sentidos pela população, utiliza-se da construção coletiva de redes explicativas, apontando soluções em vários planos com abordagem intersetorial. É através da observação dos indicadores de saúde que se torna perceptível a assimilação das comunidades indígenas com o recente modelo de atenção básica à saúde bucal, uma vez que constantemente está sendo adaptado à cultura, à tradição e às singularidades desses povos indígenas.

The purpose of this article is to present the actions developed to create the health care model at the Special Indigenous District - Xingu (DSEI-Xingu); particularly regarding oral health. An effective partnership established among the following institutions University Federal of State São Paulo, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Dentistry and Colgate®, allowed the development of social health praxis at Middle and Low Xingu. The "Social Space" DSEI, which throughout the history, communities have developed and, through the social process of production, create differentiated accesses to consumer goods, is the basis for organizing health care services for the indigenous population. The DSEI-Xingu considers that establishing institutional partnerships as well as the effective participation of indigenous populations in health management in their territory is essential. Structured by plans based on population-reported problems, it uses the collective construction of explanatory networks, presenting solutions at different levels through an intersectorial approach. By observing health indicators, the indigenous communities' understanding of the recent primary health care model becomes perceptible, since it has been constantly applied to their culture, tradition, and uniqueness.

Health Services, Indigenous , Oral Hygiene , Brazil , Health Services, Indigenous/organization & administration , Models, Theoretical