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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569993


Introducción: A pesar de su trascendencia, algunos hechos, apenas conocidos en la actualidad, favorecieron el crecimiento de la radiología en Cuba. La documentación sobre ellos es sumamente escasa y se encuentra muy dispersa, lo que dificulta sobremanera el acceso a ella. El rescate de esa información contribuye al conocimiento de la historia de la radiología en Cuba. Objetivo: Identificar cronológicamente hechos significativos, aunque poco conocidos, que influyeron en el progreso y reconocimiento de la radiología cubana y que obligan a reevaluar su historia. Métodos: Se utilizaron los métodos analítico-sintético, deductivo-inductivo, así como los submétodos cronológico y geográfico. Resultados: Fueron recogidos ―con una caracterización sintética― quince sucesos notables, poco conocidos, más algunos apuntes sobre la docencia de la radiología en estomatología. Conclusiones: Entre los hechos identificados destacan los que deben ser considerados como los primeros acercamientos a los rayos X en Cuba, que obligan a reescribir lo actualmente aceptado a ese respecto. Además de los revisados aquí, otros eventos significativos en la edificación de la historia de la radiología en Cuba deben ser abordados en futuras investigaciones.

Introduction: Despite their significance, some facts, barely known today, favored the growth of radiology in Cuba. The documentation about them is extremely scarce and is widely dispersed, which makes access to it extremely difficult. The rescue of this information contributes to the knowledge of the history of radiology in Cuba. Objective: To chronologically identify significant events, although little-known, that influenced the progress and recognition of Cuban radiology and that force us to reevaluate its history. Methods: Analytical-synthetic, deductive-inductive methods were used, as well as chronological and geographical sub-methods. Results: Fifteen notable, little-known events―with a synthetic characterization―were collected, plus some notes on the teaching of radiology in stomatology. Conclusions: Among the facts identified are those that should be considered the first approaches to X-rays in Cuba which force us to rewrite what is currently accepted in this regard. In addition to those reviewed here, other significant events in the construction of the history of radiology in Cuba should be studied in future research.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536631


Introducción: Si bien la radiología es ineludiblemente dependiente de la tecnología, otras aristas menos conocidas han favorecido su crecimiento como especialidad en Matanzas. A pesar del importante papel que han jugado durante su desarrollo, no se ha encontrado documentación que les caracterice, y asimismo acontece con sus principales actores, lo que desarticula la memoria. El rescate de esa información, por el contrario, integra memoria e identidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar aspectos significativos en la evolución histórica de la radiología en Matanzas. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron los métodos analítico-sintético, deductivo-inductivo, así como los submétodos cronológico y geográfico. Se realizaron entrevistas a informantes clave y revisión documental. Resultados: Se describen elementos relacionados con la docencia, sus directivos, y otros aspectos como el capítulo matancero de la Sociedad Cubana de Imagenología y la constitución de la Sección de Radiología Pediátrica y de la Cátedra Honorífica Dr. Francisco Domínguez Roldán. Conclusiones: La radiología en Matanzas ha experimentado un sostenido progreso a lo largo de los años ―amén de la esfera tecnológica, el fortalecimiento del claustro, la formación continua del capital humano, el trabajo del capítulo y la constitución de la Cátedra Honorífica Dr. Francisco Domínguez Roldán―, a pesar de limitaciones externas e internas. Desde sus inicios, ha contado con actores que han logrado mantenerla y desarrollarla.

Introduction: Although radiology is unavoidably dependent on technology, other, lesser-known edges, have favored its growth as a specialty in Matanzas, and despite the important role they have played during its development, no documentation has been found that characterizes them, and it also happens with its main actors which favors the destruction of memory. The rescue of this information, on the contrary, integrates memory and identity. Objective: To characterize significant aspects in the historical evolution of radiology in Matanzas. Materials and methods: The analytical-synthetic, deductive-inductive methods of historical research were used and also the chronological and geographical sub-methods. Interviews were conducted with key informants, and documentary review. Results: Elements related to teaching, its managerial staff and other aspects such as the Matanzas chapter of the Cuban Society of Imaging, the constitution of the Pediatric Radiology Section and the Honorary Chair Dr. Francisco Domínguez Roldán are described. Conclusions: Radiology in Matanzas has experienced sustained progress over the years―in addition to the technological sphere, the strengthening of its teaching staff, the continuous training of its human capital, the work of the chapter and the constitution of the Honoforific Chair Dr. Domínguez Roldán―, despite external and internal limitations. Since its beginning, it has had actors who have managed to maintain and develop it.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442040


Introducción: la radiología, incluyendo las nuevas formas de obtener imágenes médicas para diagnóstico y guía de procederes, es una de las especialidades que más desarrollo científico-tecnológico ha experimentado a través de la historia de las ciencias médicas. En Matanzas, fue instaurada en la segunda década del siglo XX por un grupo de figuras e instituciones precursoras, a las que fueron sumándose otras que han mantenido la disciplina hasta el presente. Objetivo: rescatar elementos de la historia de la radiología en la provincia de Matanzas, relacionados con quienes continuaron la obra de los precursores. Materiales y métodos: se utilizaron métodos propios de la investigación histórica como el analítico-sintético y el deductivo-inductivo, al igual que los submétodos cronológico y geográfico. Resultados: se presentaron trece fichas y veintitrés anotaciones que constituyen una caracterización sintética del objeto de estudio. Conclusiones: en la historia de la radiología en Matanzas, destacan como continuadores, en la etapa inmediata posterior a la de los precursores, nombres como los de los doctores Mario Muñoz Monroy y Manuel García Suárez. El primero, sobresale por su dimensión como mártir, y el segundo, aunque se opuso también a dictaduras, por su proyección científico-pedagógica. La especialidad alcanzó su verdadero encargo social en la década de 1960, y ha experimentado un progreso sostenido, cuya magnitud ha dependido de limitaciones externas e internas.

Introduction: radiology, including the new ways of obtaining medical images for prognosis and procedures guidance, is one of the specialties that more scientific-technological development has experienced throughout the history of the medical sciences. It was established in Matanzas in the second decade of the 20th century by a group of precursor figures and institutions, to which were added others that have maintained the discipline up to these days. Objective: to rescue elements of the history of radiology in the province of Matanzas, related to those who continued the work of the precursors. Materials and methods: typical methods of the historical research such as analytic-synthetic and deductive-inductive were used, and well as chronological and geographic sub-methods. Results: thirteen records and twenty-three annotations were presented that constitute a synthetic characterization of the object of study. Conclusions: in the history of radiology in Matanzas, names such as those of doctors Mario Munoz Monroy and Manuel Garcia Suarez stand out in the immediate stage after precursors; the first, because of his dimension as a martyr, and the second, although he also opposed dictatorships, because of his scientific-pedagogical projection. The specialty reached its true social charge in the 1960's, and has experienced a sustained progress, the magnitude of which has depended on external and internal limitations.

J Med Biogr ; 31(2): 104-112, 2023 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35484810


Vittorio Maragliano was born in Genoa in 1878. Fascinated since childhood by all things electric, he succeeded in installing the first radiological apparatus in 1896, only one year after the discovery of "Röntgen rays", and immediately began to make his first radioscopy observations. Having graduated from the University of Genoa in 1901 with a thesis on high-frequency currents, he continued assiduously to frequent the Department of Electrotherapy of the Medical Clinic, where he immediately became an assistant. A teacher of special medical pathology and physical therapy in 1910, Maragliano became tenured professor of electrotherapy and radiology in 1913, occupying one of the first three chairs in the history of Italian radiology, and later directed the Institute of Radiology of the Royal University of Genoa. In the same year, he co-founded, together with Aristide Busi, the Italian Society of Medical Radiology, one of Europe's first scientific societies of radiology.As a pioneer of radiology, Maragliano suffered serious injuries due to radiodermatitis from 1901 onwards, which required amputations and repeated skin transplants. His tireless scientific activity and his great success in the international scientific sphere, together with his copious publications, make Vittorio Maragliano one of the greatest pioneers of 19th-century radiology and a source of pride for the Genoese and Ligurian School of Medicine.

Radiodermatitis , Radiology , Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 19th Century , Child , Italy
Rev. medica electron ; 43(6): 1759-1769, dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409682


RESUMEN La radiología es una de las especialidades con más desarrollo en las ciencias médicas. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron rescatar y compartir elementos de la historia de la radiología en la provincia de Matanzas. En el mismo se utilizaron métodos como el analítico-sintético y el deductivo-inductivo, al igual que los submétodos cronológico y geográfico. Se presentaron nueve notas complementarias y once fichas con una caracterización sintética de figuras e instituciones precursoras. En 1907 debió instalarse en Matanzas el primer equipo de rayos X, pero la iniciativa no fructificó. Los primeros en el territorio en usar dichos rayos con fines médicos fueron los doctores Juan Francisco Tamargo, Enrique Sáez y Federico Escoto, en la segunda década del siglo XX; pero quien estableció el límite temporal entre cómo se hacía y cómo debía hacerse la radiología, fue el Dr. Mario E. Dihigo Llanos, a principios de la década siguiente (AU).

ABSTRACT Radiology is one of the most developed specialties in the medical sciences. The objectives of this work were to rescue and share elements of the history of radiology in the province of Matanzas. Methods such as analytic-synthetic and deductive-inductive were used, as were chronological and geographical sub-methods. Nine supplementary notes and eleven cards were presented with a synthetic characterization of precursor figures and institutions. In 1907 the first X-ray equipment had to be installed in Matanzas, but the initiative did not bear fruit. Doctors Juan Francisco Tamargo, Enrique Sáez and Federico Escoto were the first in the territory to use such rays for medical purposes in the second decade of the twentieth century; but who established the time limit between how radiology was done and how it should be done, was Dr. Mario E. Dihigo Llanos, at the beginning of the following decade (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Radiography/history , Medicine , Physicians/history , Radiography/classification , History of Medicine
Cancer ; 127(16): 2828-2854, 2021 08 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33970484


During the period from 1962 to 1977, several antigens, notably carcinoembryonic antigen and prostate-specific antigen, were discovered and entered clinical use. Ultrasonography, positron emission tomography scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging were introduced, and adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy after limited surgery became routine procedures. Radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry techniques were standardized. The announcement in England and the United States that tobacco is a potent lung carcinogen was long delayed, important news. The US Cancer Act of 1971 made it possible to experiment with newly discovered drugs, transfer promising therapeutic agents from the laboratory to the clinic, and finance randomized clinical trials. Oncologists achieved a series of successes with combination chemotherapy in childhood cancers, adult lymphomas, and testis tumors. Clinical trials demonstrated that breast-conserving therapy is as effective as mastectomy. The discovery of retroviruses, reverse transcriptase, and vascular endothelial growth factor was coupled with learning about oncogenes. The 2-hit theory and the reciprocal translocation of chromosomes helped to solve some of the riddles of oncogenesis. The staging classification of cancers by the American Joint Committee on Cancer unified clinical and pathologic handling and prognostication of malignant tumors. The progress made in oncology between 1962 and 1977 came about through the dedicated work of many individuals. However, there were 9 pathfinders (3 medical oncologists, 2 surgeons, 1 medical nuclear physicist, 1 pediatrician geneticist, 1 hematologist geneticist, and 1 virologist) who, despite their diverse backgrounds, personalities, and interest, made extraordinary contributions to oncology.

Lung Neoplasms , Medical Oncology/history , Neoplasm Staging , Tobacco Use/adverse effects , Causality , History, 20th Century , Humans , Lung Neoplasms/chemically induced , United States
Cancer ; 127(1): 12-26, 2021 01 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33095913


During the period from 1942 to 1962, treatment attempts with single-agent chemotherapy such as nitrogen mustard and urethan gained limited application. However, the groundbreaking success with aminopterin in the treatment of patients with pediatric acute leukemia and methotrexate in the treatment of gestational choriocarcinoma established single-agent chemotherapy as a pioneering contribution to oncology. The landmark discovery that early-stage Hodgkin disease is curable with radiation made radiotherapy into an essential specialty of oncology. Although radical surgical treatment dominated the field of surgery, the excision of localized cancers with or without adjuvant radiation emerged as new modality in therapy. Cytopathology and surgical pathology became new fields in medicine and pathologists became an integral part of the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care of patients with cancer. The discovery of multiple new drugs demonstrated promising results and widened the field of oncology from the laboratory to the clinic. In the etiology of cancer, precancerous conditions were named and carcinoma of the lung was definitively linked to cigarette smoking. All things considered, the progress made between 1942 and 1962 came about through the dedicated work of many individuals. However, there were 7 distinguished pathfinders (2 pathologists, 1 pediatric pathologist-oncologist, 1 radiation therapist, 1 physician-actuary, 1 gynecologist-oncologist, and 1 chemist) who, despite their different backgrounds, interests, and sex, made groundbreaking contributions to oncology.

Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Drug Therapy/methods , Mammography/methods , Medical Oncology/methods , Female , Humans
Gac. méd. espirit ; 22(3): 100-110, sept.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149347


RESUMEN Fundamento: En la provincia Sancti Spíritus se constató la ausencia de publicaciones sobre la historia de la docencia de posgrado en la especialidad Imagenología, por lo que se hizo necesaria una investigación que aportara información al patrimonio científico cubano en ciencias de la salud y a la formación del potencial humano actual y futuro. Objetivo: Describir la evolución histórica de la docencia de posgrado de la especialidad Imagenología en la provincia Sancti Spíritus. Desarrollo: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa con el uso de métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético y empíricos: entrevista y análisis documental, en el período comprendido desde 1976 hasta 2020. Resultados: Desde el surgimiento de Sancti Spíritus como provincia ya existían algunos médicos radiólogos, pero no fue hasta 1982 que comenzó oficialmente el estudio de la especialidad en el territorio, como filial de Villa Clara. Con la fundación de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas en 1986 inició un nuevo capítulo de formación de especialistas en Radiología. Con el advenimiento de nuevas técnicas, en 2006 se cambió el nombre de la especialidad por Imagenología. En la actualidad se mantiene la formación regular de especialistas, incluidos residentes autofinanciados. Conclusiones: La Imagenología como especialidad de posgrado en la provincia Sancti Spíritus ha tenido un desarrollo histórico progresivo, gracias al fortalecimiento del claustro de profesores, la formación continua de recursos humanos para la atención a la población del territorio y los resultados científico-técnicos que avalan el progreso actual de la especialidad. La descripción de su evolución histórica permite perfeccionar la formación de las futuras generaciones, asimismo generar pautas para otras investigaciones.

ABSTRACT Background: In Sancti Spíritus province, the absence of publications on the history of Imaging postgraduate teaching was verified, thus, it was necessary an investigation that would provide information to the Cuban-health sciences-scientific heritage and also to the formation of the current and future human potential. Objective: To describe the historical evolution of Imaging postgraduate teaching in Sancti Spíritus province. Development: A qualitative research was carried out with the use of theoretical methods: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and empirical: interview and documentary analysis, from 1976 to 2020. Results: Since the emergence of Sancti Spíritus as province, there were already some radiologists, but it was not until 1982 that the study of the specialty in the territory officially began as a Villa Clara´s subsidiary. In 1986, with the founding of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, a new chapter of training to Radiology specialists began. In 2006, with the advent of new techniques, the name of the specialty was changed to Imaging. At present, the regular training of specialists is maintained, including self-financed residents. Conclusions: Imaging as a postgraduate specialty in Sancti Spíritus province has had a progressive historical development, thanks to the strengthening of the teaching staff, the continuous training of human resources for the care of the population in the territory, also the scientific-technical results that support the current progress of the specialty. The description of its historical evolution allows to improve the training of future generations, as well as to generate guidelines for other investigations.

Radiology/education , Radiology/history , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/history
Cancer ; 126(12): 2734-2749, 2020 06 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32196649


During the period from 1922 to 1942, several carcinogens were identified in coal tar, industrial oils, and petroleum, and radium was added to x-ray as a potential carcinogen. It was proven that some viruses are capable of causing cancer, and the dependency of prostatic and mammary hyperplasia and carcinoma on naturally occurring hormones was established. Colon cancer was linked to hereditary and nonhereditary polyposis. A permanent place for diagnostic radiology was defined and radiation therapy advanced to preoperative and postoperative modalities using x-ray and radium. The trend toward the use of radical surgery for primary and metastatic cancers continued. Although several new radical surgical procedures were developed and advanced as far as the technical skills of surgeons and the anatomic setting permitted, several innovative, less radical procedures were introduced. In chemotherapy, the basic principle of the treatment of advanced cancers with hormones was inaugurated. Pathologists synthesized what was known in tumor pathology, named new microscopic entities, recognized carcinoma in situ, developed histologic grading and pathologic staging of cancers, and introduced aspiration cytology and exfoliative cytology as new fields in oncology. It is interesting that despite profound global economic, social, and political upheaval and wars and preparation for wars, writers and producers of musicals and movies presented more memorable works than ever before. In the fields of science and technology, particularly nuclear physics and chemistry, profound discoveries were made that became a permanent part of human life. The progress made in oncology between 1922 and 1942 came about through the dedicated work of many individuals. However, there were 7 pathfinders (3 surgeons, 2 pathologists, 1 physician-chemist, and 1 physician-cytologist) who, despite their widely diverse backgrounds, personalities, and interest, made outstanding contributions to oncology to the magnitude that they deserve a permanent place in the history of medicine and oncology.

Medical Oncology/history , Brain Neoplasms/surgery , Female , History, 20th Century , Humans , Medical Laboratory Personnel , Medical Oncology/methods , Oncologists , Papanicolaou Test
Acta Med Hist Adriat ; 17(2): 337-346, 2019 12 18.
Article in Italian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32390450


In 1933 the Professors of Genoa School of Medicine V. Maragliano, GB. Cardinale, and A. Vallebona proposed to designate Saint Michael the Archangel as Patron Saint and Protector of Radiologists. The proposal of Italian radiology scientists was immediately accepted by colleagues with great enthusiasm. A petition was then sent to Pope Pius XII to obtain official recognition by the Catholic Church. The choice of the Holy Archangel Michael was argued by the Professors because he is the Saint who, in religious iconography, is the one who wears armor, is the guardian of paradise, and leads souls to God. Moreover, the Saint represents the triumph of the Light of Good against the darkness of evil. On January 15, 1941, the Sacred Congregation of Rites issued the decree that constituted: "Sanctus Michael, Archangelus pro radiologis et radiumtherapeuticis patronus et protector declaratus".

Catholicism/history , Radiologists/history , Religion and Medicine , Saints/history , History, 20th Century , Humans
Int J Radiat Biol ; 94(5): 503-512, 2018 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29533136


PURPOSES: The term 'radiosensitivity' appeared for the first time at the beginning of the 20th century, few years after the discovery of X-rays. Initially used by French and German radiologists, it illustrated the risk of radiation-induced (RI) skin reactions. From the 1950s, 'radiosensitivity' was progressively found to describe other features of RI response such as RI cancers or cataracts. To date, such confusion may raise legal issues and complexify the message addressed to general public. Here, through an historical review, we aimed to better understand how this confusion appeared. METHODS: To support our historical review, a quantitative and qualitative wording analysis of the 'radiosensitivity' occurrences and its derived terms was performed with Google books, Pubmed, Web of Science™ databases, and in all the ICRP publications. CONCLUSIONS: While 'radiosensitivity' was historically related to RI adverse tissue events attributable to cell death, the first efforts to quantify the RI risk specific to each organ/tissue revealed some different semantic fields that are not necessarily compatible together (e.g. adverse tissue events for skin, cataracts for eyes, RI cancer for breast or thyroid). To avoid such confusion, we propose to keep the historical definition of 'radiosensitivity' to any clinical and cellular consequences of radiation attributable to cell death and to introduce the term 'radiosusceptibility' to describe the RI cancers or any feature that is attributable to cell transformation.

Language , Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced/radiotherapy , Radiation Tolerance , Radiology/history , Terminology as Topic , England , France , Germany , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , International Cooperation , Internet , PubMed , Search Engine , United States , X-Rays