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J Exp Anal Behav ; 2023 May 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37203271


A cross-cultural comparison is made of delay discounting in samples of participants from Chile and China. Comparisons are made based on previous literature that suggests that individuals from an Asian culture should be willing to postpone delayed rewards more than are individuals from a Latin American culture. To test the cross-cultural validity of a hyperbolic discounting model, the model was fitted to both data sets. Additionally, a self-enhancement measure was evaluated as a potential mediator between culture of origin and delay discounting. Seventy-eight college students from China and 120 college students from Chile, with similar demographic backgrounds, discounted hypothetical monetary outcomes using an adjusting-amount titration procedure. Additionally, participants completed a self-enhancement measure. Age, academic major, gender, and grade point average were controlled. Chilean participants discounted much more steeply than Chinese nationals did. No support was obtained for the mediation of self-enhancement between culture of origin and degree of delay discounting. In both samples, delay discounting was better described by a hyperboloid than an exponential function, the only exception being the $10,000 condition in which the medians for Chilean participants' present subjective value were equally well explained by a hyperboloid and an exponential function.

Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh ; 15(1)2018 Apr 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29694330


As the development of nursing education becomes increasingly internationalized, it is tempting to focus on universal aspects of the discipline rather than explicitly emphasizing the distinct national cultures and contexts within which our profession and its educational styles and approaches have evolved. Capitalizing on an opportunity for comparative critical reflection on the relevant political, economic and social histories that have underpinned the development of nursing education in China, Brazil and Canada - three countries united by shared values about equity and access to health services - we sought to deconstruct the manner in which these forces have shaped the national differences in the way we conceptualize and deliver nursing education. On this basis, we examined the implications for the advancement of nursing education within each national context, recognizing the fundamental relevance of indepth critical reflection for optimizing nursing's advocacy capacity within each of our national health care and policy systems.

Clinical Competence/standards , Cultural Competency/education , Education, Nursing/organization & administration , Health Policy , Brazil , Canada , China , Curriculum , Humans , National Health Programs , Students, Nursing/statistics & numerical data
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(3): 611-618, jul.-set. 2016. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-829790


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo consiste em analisar e discutir como o jornal Folha de S. Paulo retratou a imagem de Ronaldo nas matérias publicadas durante a disputa e após a conquista da Copa do Brasil de 2009. Metodologicamente, o presente estudo é caracterizado como uma pesquisa histórica, pautada pelos procedimentos da história do tempo presente e o material de análise foi constituído pelo caderno de esportes da Folha de S. Paulo. Notamos que o jornal elabora o discurso através de um protagonismo implícito no histórico de conquistas e fracassos do atleta, demonstrando Ronaldo como um sujeito consolidado no campo esportivo e associando sua imagem como modelo de representação social.

Abstract This article's purpose is to analyze and discuss how the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo portrayed Ronaldo's image in articles published during the contest and after winning 2009 Brazil's Cup. Methodologically, this study is characterized as a historical research guided by the procedures of the history of the present time. The analysis material was constituted by the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper's sports section. We note that the paper elaborates its discourse through a protagonist role implicit in the athlete's history of achievements and failures, demonstrating Ronaldo as an established subject in the sports field and associating his image to a model for social representation.

Soccer , Mass Media , Athletes/psychology , Brazil , Culture
Bol. Acad. Paul. Psicol. (Impr.) ; 32(82): 191-212, 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-67194


A cultura organizacional (CO) vem sendo objeto de estudo emPsicologia, Administração e Engenharia, em função de sua relevância para asaúde no trabalho e para a saúde organizacional. Investigações sobre culturaorganizacional e cultura nacional, particularmente em serviços de alimentaçãorápida (restaurantes fast-food) parecem ser inéditos na literatura. Contudo, hádebate internacional abordando questões relacionadas à qualidade do empregonesses restaurantes. Como sua inserção é relativamente recente no Brasil, tornasenecessário o desenvolvimento de pesquisas que objetivem compreender acultura destes estabelecimentos, ainda mais considerando a mudança no cenárionacional caracterizado pelo desenvolvimento econômico e social das últimasdécadas. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir as relaçõesentre cultura organizacional e traços da cultura nacional nos restaurantes fastfood.Trata-se de estudo teórico que aborda conceitos, raízes antropológicas edesenvolvimento da CO, bem como traços da cultura nacional. Aspectosmetodológicos são discutidos, com ênfase na metodologia qualitativa e no métodoclínico. Este vem sendo considerado decisivo para o estudo em profundidade daCO. Ao final deste trabalho, são apresentadas diretrizes de pesquisa no estudodas relações entre cultura organizacional e cultura nacional, tendo em vista taisempresas(AU)

The Organizational Culture (OC) has been the object of study inPsychology, Administration and Engineering based on its relevance to health atwork and organizational health. Investigations on organizational culture and nationalculture, particularly in the fast food services (fast food restaurants) seem to beunprecedent in literature. Nevertheless, there is an international debate addressingissues related to the quality of employment in these restaurants. Since its insertionis relatively recent in Brazil, it is necessary to develop a research that aims tounderstand the culture of these establishments, especially considering the changein the national scenario characterized by the economical and social developmentin the latest decades. Therefore, this work aims to discuss the relations betweenorganizational culture and traces of the national culture in the fast food restaurants.This is a theoretical study that addresses concepts, anthropological roots andthe development of OC, as well as traces of the national culture. Methodologicalaspects are discussed, with emphasis on qualitative methodology and clinicalmethod. This has been considered crucial for a deeper research on OC. At theend of this work, research guidelines are presented for the study of relationsbetween the organizational culture and the national culture, with a view on suchcompanies(AU)

La Cultura Organizacional (CO) viene siendo objeto de estudio endiversos campos cientificos como Psicología, Administración e Ingeniería, enfunción de su relevancia para la salud laboral y organizacional. Investigacionessobre la cultura organizacional y la cultura nacional, específicamente en serviciosde comida rápida, parecen ser inéditos en la literatura. Así mismo, hay debatesinternacionales que abordan las problemáticas relacionadas a la calidad del trabajoen estos restaurantes. Ya que su inclusión en Brasil es relativamente reciente,se hace necesario el desarrollo de investigaciones que permitan comprender lacultura de estos establecimientos, sobre todo, considerando los cambios en elescenario nacional, caracterizado por el desarrollo económico y social de lasúltimas décadas. Es por ello, que este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir lasrelaciones entre Cultura Organizacional y algunos rasgos de la Cultura Nacionalen los restaurantes de comida rápida. Se trata de un estudio teórico que abordaconceptos, basamentos antropológicos y desarrollo de la Cultura Organizacional(CO), así como los rasgos de la cultura nacional. Los aspectos metodológicosson discutidos, con énfasis en la metodología cualitativa y en el método clínico.Este último, está siendo considerado clave en el estudio, a profundidad, de lacultura organizacional. Al final de este trabajo, se presentan algunas sugerencias de investigación para el estudio de las relaciones entre cultura organizacional ycultura nacional(AU)

Rev. adm. pública ; 42(5): 969-991, set.-out. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-510424


Um dos grandes desafios para pesquisadores de gestão internacional é compreender a diversidade institucional e cultural dos ambientes de negócios nacionais. Para responder a tal desafio, os pesquisadores recorrem a agrupamentos e generalizações. Embora tal recurso metodológico apresente inegáveis méritos, pode prover quadros relativamente pobres sobre a realidade de cada país. Este artigo procura endereçar essa lacuna. Realizamos uma pesquisa exploratória sobre os traços da cultura organizacional brasileira hoje, após 17 anos de abertura econômica e transformações institucionais, as quais geraram profundos impactos na sociedade e nas organizações. Exploramos a literatura existente sobre traços da cultura organizacional brasileira e apresentamos um estudo de campo baseado em entrevistas com profissionais estrangeiros que trabalham no Brasil e com profissionais brasileiros que já trabalharam fora do país. A comparação entre os estudos anteriores e o presente estudo revela um quadro híbrido, transitório e com ressignificações, típico de um período de transição marcado pela convivência entre traços pré-globalização e traços pós-globalização.

A great challenge facing international management researchers is understanding the institutional and cultural diversity of national business environments. In response to this challenge, researchers often resort to pooling and generalizations. Despite the undeniable merits of such a methodological approach, it may provide relatively poor descriptions of each country's reality. The purpose of this article is to address this gap. We carried out an exploratory research of Brazil's organizational culture today, after 17 years of economic openness and institutional changes that have led to deep impacts on society and organizations. We explored the existing literature on traits of Brazil's organizational culture and present a field study based on interviews with foreign professionals working in Brazil and with Brazilian professionals with overseas experience. Comparison of the present study with previous ones shows a hybrid picture typical of a transition period marked by the coexistence of pre-and post-globalization traits.

Organizational Culture , Organizations , Cultural Diversity , Internationality