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J Hazard Mater ; 480: 135896, 2024 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39378590


Recent studies on microplastics (MPs) in marine ecosystems have focused on their bioaccumulation and biomagnification within food chains, emphasizing their potential health risks to humans. However, these bio-effects of MPs in marine ecosystems remain a contentious issue. Employing the "consumer-dietary source" tracking function in stable isotope analysis can enhance our comprehension of how MPs magnify in organisms. In our research conducted in the coastal waters of Haizhou Bay, Jiangsu, China, we examined two commercially important fish species, Larimichthys polyactis and Collichthys lucidus, through stable isotope analysis to investigate the accumulation of MPs in their dietary sources. Results revealed fiber, blue, and PET as the primary shapes, colors, and polymers of MPs in the region. C. lucidus displayed a broader isotopic niche and a higher propensity for MP accumulation than L. polyactis. Biomagnification analysis indicated that dominant MP shapes, colors, and polymers were magnified in both fish species, with MPs smaller than 3 mm exhibiting substantial biomagnification. Factors such as feeding strategies and habitat preferences may influence MP ingestion by fish. We conclude that a high proportion of dietary sources in fish does not necessarily equate to a high concentration of MPs. Neglecting the proportion of dietary sources might lead to underestimating MP biomagnification. Therefore, a multidimensional approach to exploring the biomagnification of MPs is essential to accurately grasp this unique pollutant's impact.

Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2032): 20241112, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39378991


Large mammalian herbivores (LMH) are important functional components and drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in grasslands. Yet their role in regulating food-web dynamics and trophic cascades remains poorly understood. In the temperate grasslands of northern China, we explored whether and how grazing domestic cattle (Bos taurus) alter the predator-prey interactions between a dominant grasshopper (Euchorthippus unicolor) and its avian predator the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Using two large manipulative field experiments, we found that in the presence of cattle, grasshoppers increased their jumping frequency threefold, swallows increased foraging visits to these fields sixfold, and grasshopper density was reduced by about 50%. By manipulatively controlling the grasshoppers' ability to jump, we showed that jumping enables grasshoppers to avoid being incidentally consumed or trampled by cattle. However, jumping behaviour increased their consumption rates by swallows 37-fold compared with grasshoppers that were unable to jump. Our findings illustrate how LMH can indirectly alter predator-prey interactions by affecting behaviour of avian predators and herbivorous insects. These non-plant-mediated effects of LMH may influence trophic interactions in other grazing ecosystems and shape community structure and dynamics. We highlight that convoluted multispecies interactions may better explain how LMH control food-web dynamics in grasslands.

Food Chain , Grasshoppers , Herbivory , Predatory Behavior , Animals , Grasshoppers/physiology , China , Cattle/physiology , Swallows/physiology , Grassland
Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2032): 20241052, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39378992


Antagonistic co-evolution can be asymmetric, where one species lags behind another. Asymmetry in a predator-prey context is expressed by the 'life-dinner principle', a classic informal model predicting that prey should be in some sense ahead in this arms race, since prey are running for their lives, while predators lag as they only run for their dinner. The model has undergone surprisingly little theoretical scrutiny. We derive analytical models that show coevolutionary outcomes do not always align with the life-dinner principle. Our results show that other important asymmetries can easily reverse the outcome, especially the rare-enemy principle: predators are usually outnumbered by their prey, sometimes substantially (trophic asymmetry), which can make selection on prey relatively weak. We additionally show that the antagonists typically exhibit different evolutionary responses to a situation where both predator and prey start out as equally fast runners. Although predators sometimes become so efficient that attacks always succeed, attack success often reaches a stable intermediate value. We conclude that the life-dinner principle has some validity as a metaphor, but its effect is of an 'all else being equal' type, which is surprisingly easily overridden by other features of the evolutionary dynamics.

Food Chain , Predatory Behavior , Animals , Biological Evolution , Models, Biological
Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2032): 20240944, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39378993


Anti-predator behaviours in response to predator cues can be innate, or they can be learned through prior experience and remembered over time. The duration and strength of continued anti-predator behaviour after predator cues are no longer present, and the potential for an enhanced response when re-exposed to predator cues later is less known but could account for the observed variation in anti-predator responses. We measured the carryover effects of past predation exposure and the potential for anti-predator learning and memory in the marine snail Nucella canaliculata from six populations distributed over 1000 km of coastline. We exposed lab-reared snails to cues associated with a common crab predator or seawater control in two serial experiments separated by over seven months. Responses were population- and sex-dependent, with some populations retaining anti-predator behaviours while others showed a capacity for learning and memory. Male snails showed a strong carryover of risk aversion, while females were able to return to normal feeding rates and grow more quickly. These behavioural differences culminated in strong impacts on feeding and growth rates, demonstrating that this variation has implications for the strength of trait-mediated indirect interactions, which can impact entire ecosystems.

Learning , Memory , Predatory Behavior , Snails , Animals , Snails/physiology , Female , Male , Brachyura/physiology , Sex Factors , Cues
J Exp Biol ; 2024 Oct 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39369304


Most predators rely on capturing prey for survival, yet failure is common. Failure is often attributed to prey evasion, but predator miscalculation and/or inaccuracy may also drive an unsuccessful event. We addressed the latter using threespine stickleback as predators and bloodworms (non-evasive) as prey. High-speed videography of the entire attack allowed us to determine the strike tactics leading to successful or missed strikes. We analyzed movements and morphological traits from 57 individuals. Our results reveal that kinematics drive the strike outcome and that failed strikes primarily arise from incorrect timing of mouth opening, often beginning too far from the prey for suction to be effective. This likely stems from the lack of integration between locomotion and feeding systems. Our study begins to unravel the important link between behavior and success in fish feeding.

Ecol Evol ; 14(10): e70323, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39355106


The global decline in insect biomass has far-reaching implications for terrestrial and freshwater food webs, impacting species reliant on insects as a crucial component of their diet. This issue extends to species traditionally considered agricultural pests, such as the common cockchafer Melolontha melolontha. In the race to combat cockchafers through collection, insecticide use, and other control methods, the repercussions of their numerical fluctuations on predators, including species of high conservation importance like bats, have been largely overlooked. Drawing on 31-years of monitoring data for a greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum population in the Aosta Valley (Western Italian Alps), we investigated whether annual fluctuations in bat counts are influenced by cockchafer availability and weather conditions. Despite an overall positive trend in bat abundance, we observed pronounced annual fluctuations, mostly driven by cockchafer availability rather than variations in temperature and precipitation. Furthermore, we found a significant association between cockchafer availability and the median date of birth and birth rate of bats. Births occurred approximately 5 days earlier in cockchafer flight years, with earlier births also linked to warmer spring temperatures and higher numbers of warm days in April. Moreover, the ratio pups/older bats was 0.56 in cockchafer flight years, compared to 0.47 in other years. Our results underscore the importance of considering predator-prey dynamics when examining the long-term population trends of species of conservation concern. We recommend implementing restrictions on the use of chemicals and other potentially harmful practices that may diminish prey abundance or quality, including that of species considered as agricultural pests. In designing conservation strategies, a delicate balance should be struck between the current interests of farmers and the overarching goal of preserving biodiversity against potential future threats.

Curr Biol ; 2024 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39389058


Since prehistory, humans have altered the composition of ecosystems by causing extinctions and introducing species. However, our understanding of how waves of species extinctions and introductions influence the structure and function of ecological networks through time remains piecemeal. Here, focusing on Australia, which has experienced many extinctions and introductions since the Late Pleistocene, we compared the functional trait composition of Late Pleistocene (130,00-115,000 years before present [ybp]), Holocene (11,700-3,000 ybp), and current Australian mammalian predator assemblages (≥70% vertebrate meat consumption; ≥1 kg adult body mass). We then constructed food webs for each period based on estimated prey body mass preferences. We found that introduced predators are functionally distinct from extinct Australian predators, but they rewire food webs toward a state that closely resembles the Late Pleistocene, prior to the megafauna extinctions. Both Late Pleistocene and current-day food webs consist of an apex predator and three smaller predators. This leads to food web networks with a similar total number of links, link densities, and compartmentalizations. However, this similarity depends on the presence of dingoes: in their absence, food webs become simplified and reminiscent of those following the Late Pleistocene extinctions. Our results suggest that recently established predators, even those implicated in species extinctions and declines, can restore complexity to food webs simplified by extinction.

Ecol Evol ; 14(10): e70387, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39381191


A balanced equilibrium between carnivores and their prey is crucial for maintaining ecosystem sustainability. In this study, we applied the predator-prey power law equation to assess the balance between the biomass densities of carnivores and their wild prey within Nepal's lowland protected areas during 2013, 2018, and 2022. The estimated value of the power law exponent k for predator-prey biomass was 0.71 (95% CI = 0.39-1.05), indicating an approximate threefold increase in predator biomass density for every fivefold increase in prey biomass density. Consequently, this creates a systematically bottom-heavy predator-prey biomass pyramid. This finding, consistent with the k = 3/4 trophic biomass scaling across ecosystems, suggests that predator biomass is proportionally sustained by prey biomass, indicating a balance between top predators and their wild prey in Nepal's lowland protected areas. We further demonstrated it is possible to retain the overall power law exponent while jointly measuring intraguild competition between two predators with canonical correlation analysis. This understanding opens avenues for future research directed toward unraveling the factors that drive these consistent growth patterns in ecological communities.

Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 379(1912): 20230374, 2024 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230459


For prey, movement synchrony represents a potent antipredator strategy. Prey, however, must balance the costs and benefits of using conspecifics to mediate risk. Thus, the emergent patterns of risk-driven sociality depend on variation in space and in the predators and prey themselves. We applied the concept of predator-prey habitat domain, the space in which animals acquire food resources, to test the conditions under which individuals synchronize their movements relative to predator and prey habitat domains. We tested the response of movement synchrony of prey to predator-prey domains in two populations of ungulates that vary in their gregariousness and predator community: (i) elk, which are preyed on by wolves; and (ii) caribou, which are preyed on by coyotes and black bears. Prey in both communities responded to cursorial predators by increasing synchrony during seasons of greater predation pressure. Elk moved more synchronously in the wolf habitat domain during winter and caribou moved more synchronously in the coyote habitat domains during spring. In the winter, caribou increased movement synchrony when coyote and caribou domains overlapped. By integrating habitat domains with movement ecology, we provide a compelling argument for social behaviours and collective movement as an antipredator response. This article is part of the theme issue 'The spatial-social interface: A theoretical and empirical integration'.

Coyotes , Deer , Predatory Behavior , Reindeer , Wolves , Animals , Wolves/physiology , Deer/physiology , Reindeer/physiology , Coyotes/physiology , Ursidae/physiology , Ecosystem , Food Chain , Seasons , Social Behavior , Movement
Insects ; 15(9)2024 Aug 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39336601


The water lily aphid (Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae) is a highly polyphagous herbivore that causes severe damage to many terrestrial and aquatic plants, especially lotus. Due to environmental concerns about water pollution and other issues caused by chemical control methods, there is an urgent need to develop effective and sustainable control methods. The harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) is a well-known aphid predator and may pose a potential threat to R. nymphaeae. To study the predation ability of H. axyridis at different developmental stages on R. nymphaeae, we assessed the functional response, attack rate, and search effect of H. axyridis larvae and adults preying on R. nymphaeae. The numerical response of this process was also evaluated under a constant ladybird-to-aphid ratio and constant aphid density conditions, respectively. Our results showed that all predator stages exhibited type II functional responses. The predation rate of individual H. axyridis on R. nymphaeae nymphs significantly increased as prey density increased. In contrast, the search effect of H. axyridis gradually decreased with an increase in prey density. Meanwhile, H. axyridis at different developmental stages possess varying predation abilities; fourth instar and adult H. axyridis were found to be highly efficient predators of R. nymphaeae. H. axyridis adults exhibited the highest predation ability and predation rate, while both the adult and fourth-instar larvae exhibited the highest attack rate. Moreover, fourth-instar larvae exhibited the highest search effect value at initially lower prey densities, although adults surpassed them at higher prey densities. Our results also indicated that H. axyridis exhibited varying degrees of intraspecific interference and self-interference influence as predator density increases. These results strongly support H. axyridis as an effective biocontrol agent for R. nymphaeae.

J Anim Ecol ; 2024 Sep 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39311413


Prey adopt various antipredator responses to minimize the risk of predation, and the fitness costs of antipredator responses can have emergent effects on the population dynamics of prey species. While the trade-off between food acquisition and predation avoidance has long been recognized in predicting antipredator responses, less attention has been paid to the dynamics of the food-safety trade-off driven by temporal variation in multiple risk factors under changing seasonal conditions. Here, we monitored foraging and vigilance behaviour of a central prey species, snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), at fine temporal scales over the winter with various types of predation risk, while also experimentally manipulating predation risk by attracting predators to foraging patches. Hares increased foraging and decreased vigilance over the winter, but hares under chronic risk decreased their antipredator efforts to a lesser degree, indicating that those individuals prioritized risk avoidance over food acquisition. Hares also decreased foraging and increased antipredator efforts in response to the temporal activity of predators and environmental cues of predation risk. However, the magnitude of the responses to the environmental cues was mediated by time of winter. While we did not detect a reactive response of hares to acute risk, we did find that hares exhibiting camouflage mismatch proactively increased vigilance. Overall, our results highlight the importance of species-specific traits and changing seasonal conditions in addition to temporal variation in multiple risk factors in predicting antipredator responses and the context dependence of risk effects.

Ecol Evol ; 14(9): e70292, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39310732


Predation is a fundamental selective pressure on animal morphology, as morphology is directly linked with physical performance and evasion. Bipedal heteromyid rodents, which are characterized by unique morphological traits such as enlarged hindlimbs, appear to be more successful than sympatric quadrupedal rodents at escaping predators such as snakes and owls, but no studies have directly compared the escape performance of bipedal and quadrupedal rodents. We used simulated predator attacks to compare the evasive jumping ability of bipedal kangaroo rats (Dipodomys) to that of three quadrupedal rodent groups-pocket mice (Chaetodipus), woodrats (Neotoma), and ground squirrels (Otospermophilus). Jumping performance of pocket mice was remarkably similar to that of kangaroo rats, which may be driven by their shared anatomical features (such as enlarged hindlimb muscles) and facilitated by their relatively small body size. Woodrats and ground squirrels, in contrast, almost never jumped as a startle response, and they took longer to perform evasive escape maneuvers than the heteromyid species (kangaroo rats and pocket mice). Among the heteromyids, take-off velocity was the only jump performance metric that differed significantly between species. These results support the idea that bipedal body plans facilitate vertical leaping in larger-bodied rodents as a means of predator escape and that vertical leaping likely translates to better evasion success.

Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2031): 20241463, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39317312


Predator-prey interactions are fundamental to ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Yet, predicting the outcome of such interactions-whether predators intercept prey or fail to do so-remains a challenge. An emerging hypothesis holds that interception trajectories of diverse predator species can be described by simple feedback control laws that map sensory inputs to motor outputs. This form of feedback control is widely used in engineered systems but suffers from degraded performance in the presence of processing delays such as those found in biological brains. We tested whether delay-uncompensated feedback control could explain predator pursuit manoeuvres using a novel experimental system to present hunting fish with virtual targets that manoeuvred in ways that push the limits of this type of control. We found that predator behaviour cannot be explained by delay-uncompensated feedback control, but is instead consistent with a pursuit algorithm that combines short-term forecasting of self-motion and prey motion with feedback control. This model predicts both predator interception trajectories and whether predators capture or fail to capture prey on a trial-by-trial basis. Our results demonstrate how animals can combine short-term forecasting with feedback control to generate robust flexible behaviours in the face of significant processing delays.

Predatory Behavior , Animals , Fishes/physiology , Models, Biological , Food Chain , Feedback
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39262094


Through killing and instilling fear in their prey, large terrestrial carnivores shape the structure and function of ecosystems globally. Most large carnivore species have experienced severe range and population declines due to human activities, and many are now threatened with extinction. Consequently, the impacts of these predators on food webs have been diminished or lost completely from many ecosystems. Kill rates provide a fundamental metric for understanding large carnivore ecology and assessing and comparing predation within and across ecological communities. Our systematic review of large terrestrial mammalian carnivore kill rates reveals significant positive geographic (North America, Europe, and Africa) and taxonomic (grey wolf Canis lupus, puma Puma concolor, lion Panthera leo, and Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx) bias, with most studies apparently motivated by human-carnivore conflict over access to ungulate prey and wildlife management objectives. Our current understanding of the behaviour and functional roles of many large carnivore species and populations thus remains limited. By synthesising and comparing kill rates, we show that solitary carnivores (e.g. brown bears Ursus arctos and most felids) exhibit higher per capita kill rates than social carnivores. However, ungulate predation by bears is typically limited to predation of neonates during a short period. Lower per capita kill rates by social carnivores suggests group living significantly reduces energetic demands, or, alternatively, that group-living carnivores defend and consume a greater proportion of large prey carcasses, or may acquire more food through other means (e.g. scavenging, kleptoparasitism) than solitary hunters. Kill and consumption rates for Canidae - measured as kilograms of prey per kilogram of carnivore per day - are positively correlated with body mass, consistent with increasing energy costs associated with a cursorial hunting strategy. By contrast, ambush predators such as felids show an opposite trend, and thus the potential energetic advantage of an ambush hunting strategy for carnivores as body mass increases. Additionally, ungulate kill rates remain relatively constant across solitary felid body sizes, indicative of energetic constraints and optimal foraging. Kill rate estimates also reveal potential insights into trophic structuring within carnivore guilds, with subordinate carnivores often killing more than their larger counterparts, which may be indicative of having to cope with food losses to scavengers and dominant competitors. Subordinate carnivores may thus serve an important role in provisioning food to other trophic levels within their respective ecosystems. Importantly, kill rates also clarify misconceptions around the predatory behaviour of carnivores (e.g. spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta and wolverines Gulo gulo are often considered scavengers rather than the capable hunters that they are) and thus the potential impacts of various carnivore species on their ecological communities. Despite the importance of kill rates in understanding predator-prey interactions, their utility is not widely recognised, and insufficient research limits our ability to fully appreciate and predict the consequences of modified predation regimes, justify current management actions affecting carnivores, or inform effective conservation measures. Together with other important research on predator-prey interactions, robust kill rate studies that address the research deficiencies we highlight will provide a deeper understanding of the foraging behaviours and potential ecosystem impacts of many of the world's carnivores, thus aiding effective conservation and management actions.

Ecol Evol ; 14(9): e70174, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219574


Parental investment increases offspring fitness at the expense of the parent's ability to invest in other offspring. In many animal species, parents guard their offspring after birth. The parental decision over the duration of this period is expected to be triggered by the associated fitness costs and benefits for both offspring and parents. Here, we evaluated the relevance of several intrinsic and environmental variables in determining brooding period duration in the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) and questioned whether brooding duration was related to chick subsequent survival and biometry prior to fledging. We used a semi-experimental design to increase the variance in cat abundance, a recent predator of albatross chicks, and predicted that an increased predation risk at the nest scale would trigger longer chick brooding and thus, protection. In addition, we questioned the influence of weather conditions, hatching date, and characteristics of chicks (sex and biometry) and parents (sex and age) on brooding duration. We report no effect of predation risk or parental characteristics on brooding duration. However, the probability for a parent to end brooding decreased with forthcoming unfavorable weather. Our data also revealed reduced brooding duration for late-hatched chicks and a positive association between brooding duration and chick structural size, and between the frequency of shifts between parents and chick structural size. Finally, brooding duration was not associated with chick survival or with chick biometry prior to fledging. We discuss these results in light of pre-existing hypotheses on fitness costs and benefits associated with brooding duration for chicks and parents.

Bioresour Technol ; 413: 131499, 2024 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39299349


Predator-prey interactions play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and possibly provide inspiration for strategies to mitigate environmental changes such as harmful algal blooms (HABs). To this end, this study aims to develop a novel strategy to mitigate HABs based on predator-prey interaction, i.e., Daphnia magna and Microcystis aeruginosa interaction. Bio-compounds (urea and 9-octadecenamide) produced by D. magna when encounter M. aeruginosa, were identified, particularly with urea promoting the aggregation of M. aeruginosa. Then, a novel adsorbent against HABs was synthesized by integrating bio-compounds of urea, and its effectiveness in removing M. aeruginosa was demonstrated. Notably, the adsorbent displayed a high removal efficiency of 99.25 % within 6 h. Our eco-friendly strategy holds promise for controlling HABs, representing the successful application of biomimicry principles.

Ecol Evol ; 14(9): e70208, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247168


Because it can lead to retaliatory killing, livestock depredation by large carnivores is among the foremost threats to carnivore conservation, and it severely impacts human well-being worldwide. Ongoing climate change can amplify these human-wildlife conflicts, but such issues are largely unexplored, though are becoming increasingly recognized. Here, we assessed how the availability of primary resources and wild prey interact to shape large carnivore selection for livestock rather than wild prey (i.e., via prey switching or apparent competition). Specifically, we combined remotely sensed estimates of primary resources (i.e., water availability and primary productivity), wild prey movement, and 7 years (2015-2021) of reports for livestock depredation by African lions (Panthera leo) in the Makgadikgadi Pans ecosystem, Botswana. Although livestock depredation did not vary between wet versus dry seasons, analyses at finer temporal scales revealed higher incidences of livestock depredation when primary production, water availability, and wild prey availability were lower, though the effects of wild prey availability were mediated by water availability. Increased precipitation also amplified livestock depredation events despite having no influence on wild prey availability. Our results suggest that livestock depredation is influenced by the diverse responses of livestock, wild prey, and lions to primary resource availability, a driver that is largely overlooked or oversimplified in studies of human-carnivore conflict. Our findings provide insight into tailoring potential conflict mitigation strategies to fine-scale changes in resource conditions to efficiently reduce conflict and support human livelihoods.

Appl Environ Microbiol ; : e0042524, 2024 Sep 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39235241


Grasslands are recognized as important reservoirs of soil biodiversity. Livestock grazing is implemented as a grassland management strategy to improve soil quality and enhance plant diversity. Soil microbial communities play a pivotal role in grassland ecosystems, so it is important to examine whether grazing practices affect the soil microbiome. Previous studies on grazing have primarily focused on bacteria and fungi, overlooking an important group-protists. Protists are vital in soil microbiomes as they drive nutrient availability and trophic interactions. Determining the impact of grazing on protists and their relationships with bacterial and fungal communities is important for understanding soil microbiome dynamics in grazed ecosystems. In this study, we investigated soil bacterial, fungal, and protist communities under four grazing levels: no grazing, moderate-use grazing, full-use grazing, and heavy-use grazing. Our results showed that heavy grazing led to a greater diversity of protists with specific groups, such as Discoba and Conosa, increasing in abundance. We also found strong associations between protist and bacterial/fungal members, indicating their intricate relationships within the soil microbiome. For example, the abundance of predatory protists increased under grazing while arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi decreased. Notably, arbuscular mycorrhizae were negatively associated with predatory groups. Furthermore, we observed that microbial network complexity increased with grazing intensity, with fungal members playing an important role in the network. Overall, our study reports the impact of temporal grazing intensity on soil microbial dynamics and highlights the importance of considering protist ecology when evaluating the effects of grazing on belowground communities in grassland ecosystems. IMPORTANCE: The significance of this study lies in its exploration of the effects of temporal grazing intensity on the dynamics of the soil microbiome, specifically focusing on the often-neglected role of protists. Our findings provide insights into the complex relationships between protists, bacteria, and fungi, emphasizing their impact on trophic interactions in the soil. Gaining a better understanding of these dynamics is essential for developing effective strategies for grassland management and conservation, underscoring the importance of incorporating protist ecology into microbiome studies in grasslands.

R Soc Open Sci ; 11(9): 240708, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233718


Density-dependent competition for food influences the foraging behaviour and demography of colonial animals, but how this influence varies across a species' latitudinal range is poorly understood. Here we used satellite tracking from 21 Northern Gannet Morus bassanus colonies (39% of colonies worldwide, supporting 73% of the global population) during chick-rearing to test how foraging trip characteristics (distance and duration) covary with colony size (138-60 953 breeding pairs) and latitude across 89% of their latitudinal range (46.81-71.23° N). Tracking data for 1118 individuals showed that foraging trip duration and maximum distance both increased with square-root colony size. Foraging effort also varied between years for the same colony, consistent with a link to environmental variability. Trip duration and maximum distance also decreased with latitude, after controlling for colony size. Our results are consistent with density-dependent reduction in prey availability influencing colony size and reveal reduced competition at the poleward range margin. This provides a mechanism for rapid population growth at northern colonies and, therefore, a poleward shift in response to environmental change. Further work is required to understand when and how colonial animals deplete nearby prey, along with the positive and negative effects of social foraging behaviour.

Harmful Algae ; 138: 102705, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244240


The dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, a harmful algal bloom species, is currently appearing in increasing frequency and abundance across Northern European waters, displacing other Alexandrium species. This mixotrophic alga produces goniodomins (GDs) and bioactive extracellular substances (BECs) that may pose a threat to coastal ecosystems and other marine resources. This study demonstrated the adverse effects of A. pseudogonyaulax on four marine trophic levels, including microalgae (Rhodomonas salina), microzooplankton (Polykrikos kofoidii) and mesozooplankton (Acartia tonsa), as well as fish gill cells (RTgill-W1, Oncorhynchus mykiss), ultimately leading to enhanced mortality and cell lysis. Furthermore, cell-free supernatants collected from A. pseudogonyaulax cultures caused complete loss of metabolic activity in the RTgill-W1 cell line, indicating ichthyotoxic properties, while all tested GDs were much less toxic. In addition, cell-free supernatants of A. pseudogonyaulax led to cell lysis of R. salina, while all tested GDs were non-lytic. Finally, reduced egg hatching rates of A. tonsa eggs exposed to cell-free supernatants of A. pseudogonyaulax and impaired mobility of P. kofoidii and A. tonsa exposed to A. pseudogonyaulax were also observed. Altogether, bioassay results suggest that the toxicity of A. pseudogonyaulax is mainly driven by BECs and not by GDs, although further research into factors modulating the lytic activity of Alexandrium spp. are needed.

Dinoflagellida , Food Chain , Dinoflagellida/physiology , Animals , Harmful Algal Bloom , Zooplankton/physiology , Microalgae