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Heliyon ; 10(9): e30385, 2024 May 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38720755


Considering the need to gain a deeper understanding of the protective factors associated with coping with food insecurity, specifically in times of severe prolonged stress, the current longitudinal study seeks to examine the role of optimism in the relationship between food insecurity and adverse mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A three-wave longitudinal study involving 1921 Israeli adults was performed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants completed questionnaires assessing food insecurity, anxiety, depression, optimism, and socio-demographic characteristics. To explore the relationship between food insecurity and symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as the moderating role of optimism in this relationship, we employed a set of panel regression models with individual fixed effects. Our results indicate that the degree and change in food insecurity over time were positively associated with both anxiety and depression symptoms, whereas the degree and change in optimism were negatively correlated. Optimism was found to moderate the association between food insecurity and anxiety symptoms over time, but not the association between food insecurity and depression symptoms. A subgroup analysis revealed that optimism moderated the relationship between food insecurity and anxiety and depression for women, but not for men; for married/coupled individuals but not for singles; for non-parents with regard to anxiety, and for parents with regard to depression. Our results highlight the need to practice and enhance optimism in times of great despair, uncertainty, and hardship, especially in situations of food insecurity where tangible change may take time.

Cureus ; 16(2): e54198, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38496149


Heat therapy, including saunas, jacuzzi, and hot tub bathing, has gained global popularity. However, the escalating incidents of injuries and fatalities associated with hot tub activities are a significant public health concern. This study aims to comprehensively review and analyze the pathophysiological factors contributing to hot tub-related deaths, addressing the need for awareness and mitigation strategies. A comprehensive search of electronic databases, PubMed and Science Direct, was conducted to identify articles relevant to bath-related deaths. Eligible studies were exported to the Rayyan (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar) software for data analysis. The data extracted from the 18 studies were compiled to elucidate the mechanisms underlying hot tub bath-related deaths and to advocate for the adoption of potential mitigation strategies and future directions to prevent such incidents in the future. The review revealed insights into the current trend of fatalities linked to hot tub bathing. A detailed analysis of pathophysiological aspects, encompassing hemodynamics, electrolyte disturbances, serum glucagon alterations, and the impact of alcohol and substance abuse during hot tub use, was conducted. Furthermore, we explored the effects of temperature and conducted a thorough discussion of postmortem evidence analysis concerning deaths related to bathtub usage. Finally, the paper discusses mitigation strategies to prevent fatalities attributed to hot tub bathing. In conclusion, our review highlights growing public health concerns surrounding injuries and fatalities related to hot tub activities. Through an examination of the incidence rates, pathophysiological factors, and proposed mitigation strategies, we provide crucial insights for enhancing safety and addressing the escalating risks associated with hot tub bathing.

Intern Med J ; 54(2): 348-351, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38350660


In 2016, as a trainee doctor, I wrote a paper on changing the culture of medicine. I felt the medical system was broken back then, and it seems even less functional now, with higher rates of burnout, dropout and staff shortages nationally. As a result of a lack of resources, it feels impossible to provide the care to our communities expected of us, making our work challenging and disheartening. Until all stakeholders acknowledge the systemic issues faced by our workforce, service outcomes and physician well-being may not improve. We need to collaborate and innovate to reform the healthcare system taking a multifaceted, evidence-based approach, implementing an appropriate balance of systemic change and interventions to support individual well-being. As we collectively work towards these changes, tragic optimism may spur physicians to develop meaning and purpose despite the inevitable challenges. This may serve as the motivation and fuel required to survive and sustain our practice but also thrive working in careers of value.

Burnout, Professional , Physicians , Humans , Delivery of Health Care , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Workforce
BMC Pediatr ; 23(1): 637, 2023 12 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38110884


OBJECTIVES: To develop a prediction model of mortality in pediatric trauma-based injuries. Our secondary objective was to transform this model into a translational tool for clinical use. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study of children ≤ 18 years was derived from the National Trauma Data Bank between the years of 2007 to 2015. The goal was to identify clinical or physiologic variables that would serve as predictors for pediatric death. Data was split into a development cohort (80%) to build the model and then tested in an internal validation cohort (20%) and a temporal cohort. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was assessed for the new model. RESULTS: In 693,192 children, the mortality rate was 1.4% (n = 9,785). Most subjects were male (67%), White (65%), and incurred an unintentional injury (92%). The proposed model had an AUC of 96.4% (95% CI: 95.9%-96.9%). In contrast, the Injury Severity Score yielded an AUC of 92.9% (95% CI: 92.2%-93.6%), while the Revised Trauma Score resulted in an AUC of 95.0% (95% CI: 94.4%-95.6%). CONCLUSION: The TRAGIC + Model (Temperature, Race, Age, GCS, Injury Type, Cardiac-systolic blood pressure + Mechanism of Injury and Sex) is a new pediatric mortality prediction model that leverages variables easily obtained upon trauma admission.

Hospitalization , Wounds and Injuries , Humans , Male , Child , Female , Retrospective Studies , Injury Severity Score , ROC Curve , Blood Pressure , Trauma Severity Indices
aSEPHallus ; 28(36)maio-out.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512302


O presente trabalho tem por objetivo abordar a noção freudiana de desamparo a partir da leitura do último romance da escritora Clarice Lispector, intitulado A Hora da Estrela. A metodologia adotada na presente pesquisa consiste em uma pesquisa bibliográfica, sendo privilegiado o referencial teórico freudiano. O intuito do trabalho consiste em realizar aproximações entre as noções de desamparo, literatura e tragicidade na teoria psicanalítica e no texto clariciano aqui abordado. Sabendo que a obra clariciana propicia que diversas leituras sejam efetivadas, optamos por realizar um recorte teórico e fincar nossas observações em trechos da obra que nos levem ao entendimento do conceito teórico freudiano de desamparo. Assim sendo, conclui-se que o desamparo é a expressão máxima da marca humana e que há maneiras de lidarmos com esta verdade tão avassaladora, inclusive por meio da arte poética. Ainda que as marcas deixadas por esta verdade, que são compostas de tragicidade e conflito, sejam demasiadamente rígidas, a psicanálise e a literatura nos fornecem subsídios para enfrentá-las

Le présent travail vise à aborder la notion freudienne d'impuissance à partir de la lecture du dernier roman de l'écrivain Clarice Lispector, intitulé L'heure de l'étoile. La méthodologie adoptée dans cette recherche consiste en une recherche bibliographique, en privilégiant la référence théorique freudienne. Le but du travail est de faire des rapprochements entre les notions d'impuissance, de littérature et de tragique dans la théorie psychanalytique et dans le texte lispectorien abordé ici. Sachant que l'œuvre de Clarice permet d'effectuer plusieurs lectures, nous avons choisi de faire une coupure théorique et de baser nos observations sur des extraits de l'œuvre qui nous amènent à la compréhension du concept théorique freudien d'impuissance. Nous en concluons donc que l'impuissance est l'expression ultime du manque humain et qu'il existe des moyens de faire face à cette vérité écrasante, y compris par le biais de l'art poétique. Bien que les marques laissées par cette vérité, qui sont composées de tragique et de conflit, soient trop rigides, la psychanalyse et la littérature nous fournissent des subventions pour y faire face.

The present work aims to address the Freudian notion of helplessness from the reading of the last novel by the writer Clarice Lispector, entitled The Hour of the Star. The methodology adopted in this research consists of a bibliographical research, being privileged the Freudian theoretical framework. The purpose of the work is to make approximations between the notions of helplessness, literature and tragicity in psychoanalytic theory and in the Clarice's text addressed here. Knowing that the author's work allows several readings to be carried out, we chose to make a theoretical cut and base ourobservations on excerpts from the work that lead us to the understanding of the Freudian theoretical concept of helplessness. Therefore, it is concluded that helplessness is the maximum expression of human mark and that there are ways to deal with this overwhelming truth, including through poetic art. Although the marks left by this truth, which are composed of tragicity and conflict, are too rigid, psychoanalysis and literature provide us with subsidies to face them

Psychoanalysis , Bereavement , Sadness , Literature
Agora (Rio J.) ; 26: e266467, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1519987


RESUMO: Este trabalho parte de algumas obras de arte dos artistas gaúchos Iberê Camargo e Maria Lídia Magliani para se aproximar da dimensão trágica da experiência psicanalítica. No movimento de torção entre o campo das artes e da psicanálise, ainda articulamos este trabalho com a tragédia grega de Antígona, obra literária na qual Lacan se apoiou para pensar a ética psicanalítica. Por fim, o artigo ressalta que a experiência trágica na psicanálise se aproxima do fim da análise, na medida em que introduz a possibilidade da queda do pai, ultrapassando o Outro da linguagem.

ABSTRACT: This paper starts from some works of art by the artists Iberê Camargo and Maria Lídia Magliani to approach the tragic dimension of the psychoanalytic experience. In the twisting movement between the field of arts and psychoanalysis, we also articulate this work with the Greek tragedy of Antigone, a literary work that Lacan relied on to think about psychoanalytic ethics. Finally, the article points out that the tragic experience in psychoanalysis approaches the end of the analysis, as it introduces the possibility of the fall of the father, going beyond the Other of language.

Art , Psychoanalysis , Ethics
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220226, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440361


Este escrito se vale de modos de pensar presentes na filosofia de Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) para explorar alguns sentidos trágicos que compõem formulações denominadas de "promoção da saúde", entre eles, a extravagante noção de qualidade de vida. Por meio de causos do trabalho em saúde, oferta falsos fragmentos de reais encontros de cuidado para anunciar uma trágica micropromoção da saúde como conceito-ferramenta para pensar a relação entre controle e risco, entre proteção e êxtase na produção da saúde. Por fim, a perspectiva da redução de danos é visualizada como possibilidade clínico-política para habitar e suportar criativamente o horror trágico da nossa condição humana em sua face sanitária. (AU)

This text uses ways of thinking present in the philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) to explore some tragic meanings that compose formulations denominated health promotion, including the extravagant notion of quality of life. Through health work stories, it offers false fragments of real encounters of care to announce a tragic micro-promotion of health as a tool-concept to think about the relationship between control and risk, between protection and ecstasy in health production. Lastly, the perspective of damage reduction is viewed as a clinical-political possibility to inhabit and creatively tolerate the tragic horror of our human condition in its sanitary face. (AU)

Resumen Este escrito se vale de maneras de pensar presentes en la filosofía de Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) para explorar algunos sentidos trágicos que componen formulas denominadas de promoción de la salud, entre ellos, la extravagante noción de calidad de vida. Por medio de relatos del trabajo en salud, ofrece falsos fragmentos de encuentros de cuidado reales para anunciar una trágica micropromoción de la salud como concepto-herramienta para pensar la relación entre control y riesgo, entre protección y éxtasis en la producción de la salud. Finalmente, la perspectiva de la reducción de daños es visualizada como posibilidad clínico-política para habitar y soportar creativamente el horror trágico de nuestra condición humana en su aspecto sanitario. (AU)

Philos Technol ; 35(2): 26, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35378903


There is a concern that the widespread deployment of autonomous machines will open up a number of 'responsibility gaps' throughout society. Various articulations of such techno-responsibility gaps have been proposed over the years, along with several potential solutions. Most of these solutions focus on 'plugging' or 'dissolving' the gaps. This paper offers an alternative perspective. It argues that techno-responsibility gaps are, sometimes, to be welcomed and that one of the advantages of autonomous machines is that they enable us to embrace certain kinds of responsibility gap. The argument is based on the idea that human morality is often tragic. We frequently confront situations in which competing moral considerations pull in different directions and it is impossible to perfectly balance these considerations. This heightens the burden of responsibility associated with our choices. We cope with the tragedy of moral choice in different ways. Sometimes we delude ourselves into thinking the choices we make were not tragic (illusionism); sometimes we delegate the tragic choice to others (delegation); sometimes we make the choice ourselves and bear the psychological consequences (responsibilisation). Each of these strategies has its benefits and costs. One potential advantage of autonomous machines is that they enable a reduced cost form of delegation. However, we only gain the advantage of this reduced cost if we accept that some techno-responsibility gaps are virtuous.

Front Psychol ; 12: 646843, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552523


The Life Attitudes Scale (LAS) was designed to measure tragic optimism (TO)-a distinct type of optimism that could generate hopeless hope even in dire situations according to existential positive psychology (PP 2.0). This study explains why only a faith-based TO could serve as a buffer against suffering at the Nazi death camps as well as the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In study 1, the results showed that the factorial structure of a 15-item LAS-Brief (LAS-B), which is a short measure of TO, replicated the original structure of the 32-item long version. The five factors (i.e., affirmation, acceptance, courage, faith, and self-transcendence) provided a good data model fit statistics for LAS-B; the measure had adequate-to-strong internal and latent construct reliability estimates. In study 2, the buffering effect of TO on the association between suffering experiences during COVID-19 and life satisfaction in adults was examined. The results of the studies were consistent with our hypothesis that TO as measured by LAS-B serves as a buffer against the impact of COVID-19 suffering on life satisfaction.

Front Psychol ; 12: 647951, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34305717


The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a global threat to physical and mental health worldwide. Research has highlighted adverse impacts of COVID-19 on wellbeing but has yet to offer insights as to how wellbeing may be protected. Inspired by developments in wellbeing science and guided by our own theoretical framework (the GENIAL model), we examined the role of various potentially protective factors in a sample of 138 participants from the United Kingdom. Protective factors included physical activity (i.e., a health behaviour that helps to build psychological wellbeing), tragic optimism (optimism in the face of tragedy), gratitude (a prosocial emotion), social support (the perception or experience of being loved, cared for, and valued by others), and nature connectedness (physical and psychological connection to nature). Initial analysis involved the application of one-sample t-tests, which confirmed that wellbeing (measured by the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale) in the current sample (N = 138; M = 46.08, SD = 9.22) was significantly lower compared to previous samples (d = -0.36 and d = -0.41). Protective factors were observed to account for up to 50% of variance in wellbeing in a hierarchical linear regression that controlled for a range of sociostructural factors including age, gender, and subjective social status, which impact on wellbeing but lie beyond individual control. Gratitude and tragic optimism emerged as significant contributors to the model. Our results identify key psychological attributes that may be harnessed through various positive psychology strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts of hardship and suffering, consistent with an existential positive psychology of suffering.

J Med Humanit ; 42(1): 81-101, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33620597


The ongoing trauma of COVID-19 will no doubt mark entire generations in ways inherent in an unmanaged global pandemic. The question that I ask is why this ongoing trauma seems so particularly profound and so uniquely shattering, and whether there is anything that we could do now, while still in the midst of disaster, to begin the process of social and moral repair? I will begin by considering the trauma of isolation with unknown time-horizons, and argue that it not only damages our experiences as social selves, but its languages of overwhelming grief rob us of hope of self-restoration. Second, I will examine some reasons for the "why us"-type of trauma experienced by so many in the Global North, and suggest that such laments are predicated on the misalignment among our socio-historical awareness, disaster-imagination, and our sense of ourselves as uniquely unfortunate. Finally, relying in part on Viktor Frankl's notion of "tragic optimism," I conclude by considering how we may begin to reconsider our traumas as not just endings of what is, but beginnings of what still might be -as repair without a master plan.

COVID-19 , Grief , Narration , Humans , Optimism , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Vnitr Lek ; 67(E-8): 29-36, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35459332


Alcohol is a well-known, socially tolerated drug. Its harmfulness to human health, including its associated negative impact on the family of alcoholics, is well known. It is an interdisciplinary problem, whose solution requires financial contributions, society support, the involvement of a wider group of experts and finally also an active approach on young people and adults to this problem. The work is based on six lethal alcohol intoxication cases. The first case is devoted to a woman who dies in alcohol intoxication in the casino. The second case involves a man who died near the pond in alcohol intoxication. The third describes the course of the trip associated with drinking to the alcohol poisoning stage and the subsequent death of a man in a car. The fourth case is based on continual full-day drinking to the alcohol poisoning stage and subsequent death of a man. The fifth case describes the course of a riotous celebration, which ends with the death of an alcohol poisoned man. The last sixth case documents an alcohol poisoned man, which in combination with the ingestion of cannabinoids died on a bus station. The causes and reasons leading to such tragic events are discussed here. Attention is drawn to the dangers arising from the sudden drinking of occasional consumers and also to the dangers of the sudden drinking of persons who consume alcohol in excessive doses for a long time. Furthermore, the prevention of the use of alcoholic beverages by children and young people, including the prevention of alcoholism are discussed. Educational programs are proposed to create a remedial measure for de-tabooing this issue and format the attitudes of children, adolescents and adults to drinking alcohol, with the expectation of a reduction in deaths from alcohol intoxication in the future.

Alcoholic Intoxication , Alcoholism , Adolescent , Adult , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Alcohol Drinking/prevention & control , Alcoholic Intoxication/complications , Alcoholic Intoxication/prevention & control , Alcoholism/complications , Child , Ethanol , Female , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male
Conserv Biol ; 35(3): 794-803, 2021 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32851689


Governments pass conservation laws, adopt policies, and make plans yet frequently fail to implement them. Implementation of conservation, however, often requires costly sacrifice: people foregoing benefit for the benefit of biodiversity. Decisions involve trade-offs with outcomes that depend on the values at stake and people's perceptions of those values. Psychology, ethics, and behavioral science have each addressed the challenge of making difficult, often tragic, trade-off decisions. Based on these literatures, values can be classified as secular or sacred, where sacred values are those for which compensation may be unthinkable (e.g., freedom). Taboo trade-offs emerge when secular values are pitted against sacred ones. These are difficult to discuss, much less negotiate. Confronting taboo trade-offs in conservation may require discursive approaches to better understand particular attributes of decisions that place sacred human values at risk. Tragic trade-offs emerge when sacred values are pitted against one another. The trolley problem-a forced choice between 2 unthinkable outcomes-is a simple heuristic illustrating ethical challenges of tragic trade-offs. Behavior studies illustrate that people have a strong aversion to losses where an active choice was made, resulting in a bias toward status quo decisions. Faced with tragic, trolley-problem-like choices, people tend to avoid taking responsibility for action, defer decisions, evade opinions on painful choices, and regret unfortunate outcomes of actions. To help close the implementation gap, conservation actors may need to directly address the psychological, ethical, and behavioral barriers created by the remorse, regret, and moral residue of implementing conservation choices that have tragic outcomes. Recognition of these predictable features of the human psyche may foster better administrative structures to support action with durable outcomes as well as new research directions.

Lecciones sobre Conservación a Partir de los Tabúes y el Dilema del Tranvía Resumen Los gobiernos aprueban leyes, adoptan políticas y elaboran planes para la conservación, pero con frecuencia fallan en implementar todo lo anterior. La implementación de la conservación, sin embargo, requiere con frecuencia un sacrificio muy costoso: que la gente renuncie a un beneficio para beneficiar a la biodiversidad. Las decisiones involucran compensaciones con resultados que dependen de los valores que están en juego y la percepción que tiene la gente de esos valores. La Psicología, la Ética y las Ciencias del Comportamiento han abordado el reto de la toma de decisiones difíciles, con frecuencia trágicas, relacionadas con las compensaciones. Con base en la literatura de estas disciplinas, podemos clasificar los valores como seculares o sagrados, donde los últimos son aquellos para los cuales una compensación puede ser inimaginable (p. ej.: la libertad). Las compensaciones tabúes emergen cuando se confrontan los valores seculares contra los sagrados y es difícil discutirlas y mucho menos negociarlas. La confrontación de las compensaciones tabú dentro del esquema de la conservación puede requerir de estrategias discursivas para entender de mejor manera los atributos particulares de las decisiones que colocan los valores humanos sagrados que están en riesgo. Las compensaciones trágicas surgen cuando se confrontan entre sí los valores sagrados. El dilema del tranvía - una elección forzada entre dos resultados impensables - es un heurístico simple que ilustra los retos éticos que representan las compensaciones trágicas. Los estudios sobre el comportamiento demuestran que las personas tienen una fuerte aversión hacia las pérdidas en las que se realizó una elección activa, lo que resultó en un sesgo hacia las decisiones del orden establecido. Cuando las personas se enfrentan a elecciones trágicas del estilo del dilema del tranvía tienden a evitar responsabilizarse por la acción, aplazar las decisiones, evadir opiniones sobre elecciones dolorosas y arrepentirse por los resultados desafortunados de las acciones. Para ayudar a reducir la brecha de la implementación, los actores de la conservación podrían necesitar abordar directamente las barreras psicológicas, éticas y de comportamiento creadas por el remordimiento, el arrepentimiento y el residuo moral de la implementación de las elecciones de conservación que tienen resultados trágicos. El reconocimiento de estos rasgos predecibles de la psique humana puede promover de mejor manera las estructuras administrativas para respaldar las acciones con resultados duraderos, así como nuevas directrices para la investigación.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Taboo , Biodiversity , Decision Making , Humans , Morals
Afr J Reprod Health ; 24(s1): 32-40, 2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34077050


Except for such rare situations where it might be determined absence of physician's imputability, physicians cannot ̳save the most lives while respecting the legal rights of the patient' without violating the overarching principle ̳every human life has equal value'. Arguing to the contrary is a conscious hypocritical attitude, or in other words, a fiction. Medical law and ethics long since carry with its various fictions. Furthermore, in a public health emergency such as the current COVID-19 crisis, medical law and ethics change and shift the focus from the patient-centered model towards the public health-centered model. Under these particular circumstances, this fiction becomes striking, and it can no longer be swept under the rug. As health emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime, the patient prioritization in circumstances of limited resources should be accepted. Medical law and ethics should back away from strict commitment to placing paramount emphasis on the value of human life. It is time for medical law and ethics to leave taboo-related hypocritical attitudes, and venture to make a historic compromise. To do so, three principles should be met: subsidiarity, proportionality, and consensus and social proof.

COVID-19/epidemiology , Health Care Rationing/ethics , Health Care Rationing/legislation & jurisprudence , Public Health/ethics , Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Pandemics , Respiration, Artificial/ethics , SARS-CoV-2 , Withholding Treatment/ethics , Withholding Treatment/legislation & jurisprudence
Space Cult ; 23(3): 226-229, 2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34253951


Sanitary Crisis, Civilizational Crisis is the translation of Michel Maffesoli's Crise sanitaire, crise civilisationnelle. This paper can be taken as his pronouncement on the civilizational crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic acutely reveals. Maffesoli's text urges one to see beyond secondary causes or dramatic representations of the pandemic as a sanitary crisis, and to consider the primary, and tragic, causes of this event, understood as a crisis that marks the exhaustion of the logic of modernity. Following from a longstanding critique of the decadence of modernity and, by extension, of an "official society" ordered and controlled by an out-of-touch and morbid elite, Maffesoli makes unequivocally clear that this global pandemic is a direct consequence of a globalized progressivist, economicist, and utilitarian civilizational paradigm. The paper takes up the task of reflecting on how relationality, being-together, and being-with, can be thought in our current moment of civilizational crisis.

Estilos clín ; 24(2): 317-328, maio-ago. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1039857


O artigo propõe discutir um fenômeno que na última década tem ganhado vulto na cena escolar: a medicalização do sintoma de aprendizagem como forma de desenlace para o sofrimento que este engendra - tanto para estudante quanto para professores e famílias. Como estratégia metodológica, este escrito parte de uma retomada da tragédia clássica para, dela, destacar elementos que possibilitam compor diferentes cenários que indicam desdobramentos possíveis para o encontro com a dimensão insolúvel da (ex)sistência. O escrito tem como objetivo refletir sobre as consequências deste encontro para a relação estabelecida entre os atores escolares envolvidos com a práxis educativa. Retomando a figura trágica do deus ex machina, o trabalho indica que a medicalização, o mais das vezes, ingressa na cena escolar como elemento externo que suspende as condições necessárias a uma consideração do impossível próprio ao educar e daquilo que disso deriva: a abertura para uma invenção que mobilize os elementos internos à cena na construção de uma saída do mal-estar. Quando o desenlace de um impasse é pensado a partir da perspectiva do insolúvel que a linguagem inscreve na vida comum, as saídas para os conflitos escolares acabam por ser inventadas no jogo de relações entre os sujeitos da educação.

El artículo busca discutir un fenómeno que, en la última década, ha cobrado relevancia en la escena escolar: la medicalización del síntoma de aprendizaje como forma de desenlace para el sufrimiento que engendra, tanto para el estudiante como para maestros/profesores y familias. Como método, este escrito parte de una recuperación de la tragedia clásica para destacar elementos que posibilitan componer diferentes escenarios que indican desdoblamientos posibles para el encuentro con la dimensión insoluble de la (ex)sistencia. El objetivo es el de reflexionar sobre las consecuencias de ese encuentro para la relación establecida entre los actores escolares involucrados con la praxis educativa. Retomando la figura dios ex machina, el análisis indica que la medicalización, muchas veces, ingresa en la escena escolar como elemento externo que suspende las condiciones necesarias para una consideración de lo imposible inherente al educar y de la apertura hacia un invención que movilice los elementos internos a la escena en la construcción de una salida del malestar. Cuando se piensa el desenlace de una situación límite desde la perspectiva de lo insoluble que el lenguaje inscribe en la vida común, las salidas para los conflictos escolares acaban inventándose, en el juego de las relaciones entre los sujetos.

The paper is aimed at discussing a phenomenon that has expanded in the last decade in the school scenario: the medicalization of the learning symptom as a denouement for the suffering that engenders it - both for the student and the teachers and families. As a method, this writing starts from a resumption of the classic tragedy to highlight elements that make it possible to compose different scenarios that indicate possible unfoldings for the encounter with the unsolvable dimension of the (ex)sistence. The writing reflect upon the consequences of this encounter for the relationship established among the school actors involved in the educational praxis. Resuming the figure of deus ex machina, the work indicates that, many times, medicalization enters the school scene as an external element that discontinues the necessary conditions for a consideration of the inherent impossible in educating, as the opening to an invention that mobilizes the elements internal to the scene in the construction of a way out from the unease. When the denouement of an impasse is thought from the perspective of the unsolvable that the language inscribes in the ordinary life, the solutions for the school conflicts are ultimately invented in the relationships between the subjects.

Psychoanalysis , Education , Medicalization
Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 20(3): 686-694, set.-dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-904808


Trabalhamos com o quase conceito animot de Derrida, narrando sua experiência trágica entre o pensamento poético e o saber filosófico, e sua leitura deste quase conceito na teoria psicanalítica, forjando no pensamento da diferença a cena da escritura - inconsciente como escritura - e este outro do outro {que chama} {de} animot, que só se distingue na escritura e não da voz revelada. Nessa leitura, para {o} animot tudo é permitido.

We have been working with Derrida´s almost concept animot, narrating his tragic experience between poetic thought and philosophical knowledge and his reading of this almost concept in psychoanalytic theory, faking the writing scene in the thought of difference - unconscious as writing - and this other one from the other one {which is called} animot, which is only distinguished in writing and not from the revealed voice. In this reading, everything is permitted for animot.

Instinct , Philosophy , Psychoanalytic Theory
Agora (Rio J.) ; 19(2): 257-264, May-Aug. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-782017


As Erínias tinham por função despertar o ódio e a sideração. A politização das Erínias em As Eumênides, de Ésquilo, e sua transformação em Benevolentes seres de fala participam da elaboração na poética do discurso trágico de uma palavra que subjetiva a culpa e o ódio.

The monster's politicization. The role of the Erinyes was to rouse fury and sideration. The politicization of the Erinyes in The Eumenides of Aeschylus and their change into benevolent beings of speech participate in the creation of the poetics of tragic discourse of a word which subjectivities guilty and hatred.

Humans , Psychoanalysis , Hate , Homicide
Agora (Rio J.) ; 19(2): 257-264, mai.-ago. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-68723


As Erínias tinham por função despertar o ódio e a sideração. A politização das Erínias em As Eumênides, de Ésquilo, e sua transformação em Benevolentes seres de fala participam da elaboração na poética do discurso trágico de uma palavra que subjetiva a culpa e o ódio (AU)

The monster's politicization. The role of the Erinyes was to rouse fury and sideration. The politicization of the Erinyes in The Eumenides of Aeschylus and their change into benevolent beings of speech participate in the creation of the poetics of tragic discourse of a word which subjectivities guilty and hatred (AU)

Humans , Homicide , Hate , Psychoanalysis
Cogn Emot ; 30(5): 857-67, 2016 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26020681


Based on the theory of appraisal, we predicted that positive and negative events happening to the same people or things in a specific chronological order (i.e., a negative event following a positive event) would induce different mixed feelings than the same events happening to different people or things. Pairs of emotional pictures with different captions were used to create two event groups. In the "tragic event" group, the positive and negative events happened to the same person or things, and in the "tragicomic event" group, the positive and negative events happened to different people or things. We designed two experiments to explore and compare the generation of mixed feelings in those two groups. In Experiment 1, the negative event was shown first, and in Experiment 2, the negative event was shown second (although the chronological order of the depicted events was the same). The participants were 381 undergraduates: 195 in Experiment 1 and 186 in Experiment 2. In both experiments, we found that tragic events introduced less intense mixed feelings than did tragicomic events due to fewer pleasurable feelings induced by the tragic events. There was no significant difference in the report of negative emotions between the groups. Appraisal theory and negative bias effects may explain these results.

Emotions/physiology , Photic Stimulation/methods , Students/psychology , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Pleasure/physiology , Young Adult