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LGBT Health ; 11(3): 229-238, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37910864


Purpose: We assessed whether anticipated stigma (i.e., fear of public mistreatment due to gender identity) impacts communication between transgender women (TGW) living with HIV and health care providers. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of baseline data from Trans Amigas, a study conducted in Brazil, 2018. The study population consisted of TGW living with HIV, older than 18 years, residing in the São Paulo metropolitan area. We used multivariable logistic regression (α = 0.05), mediation, and bootstrapping for the analysis. Results: One hundred and thirteen participants completed the study. Fear of public mistreatment had an adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of 7.42 (p = 0.003) for difficulty reporting new symptoms to providers. Concerning fear of public mistreatment, we found that unemployment had an aOR of 3.62 (p = 0.036); sex work, an aOR of 2.95 (p = 0.041); and issues related to name change in documents, an aOR of 2.71 (p = 0.033). For the indirect effect on difficulty reporting new symptoms, mediated by fear of public mistreatment, unemployment had an aOR of 1.52 (confidence interval [CI] = 0.88-2.24); sex work, an aOR of 1.48 (CI = 0.81-2.52); and name change issues, an aOR of 1.47 (CI = 0.96-2.43). Conclusions: Anticipated stigma was associated with communication difficulties between TGW living with HIV and providers. Our data suggest that structural factors associated with anticipated stigma could indirectly impact on difficulty reporting new symptoms. These findings indicate the importance of considering social contexts that intersect with individual experiences when analyzing communication barriers between providers and patients, and the need to strengthen social policies for TGW in Brazil. Clinical Trial Registration number: R34MH112177.

HIV Infections , Transgender Persons , Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Mediation Analysis , Gender Identity , Brazil , Homosexuality, Male , Social Stigma , Communication , Health Personnel
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(4): e20072023, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557453


Resumo O sistema capitalista e cisheteropatriarcal se desenvolveu através da opressão e exploração de classe, raça e sexo no estabelecimento de relações desiguais e hierarquizadas de poder, e uma dessas opressões é o uso da violência contra os corpos considerados errantes e transgressores dentro dessa estrutura. Dentre os diversos tipos de violência, o foco deste estudo está na violência obstétrica, compreendida como uma violência patriarcal de gênero que visa a retirada de direitos, autonomia e protagonismo de mulheres e homens trans durante o período gestacional, do parto e puerpério ou em processos de abortamento. Esse artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a violência obstétrica e seu impacto nas homoparentalidades de mulheres lésbicas e de homens trans, pois compreende-se que a população LGBTQIA+ é uma das mais vulnerabilizadas e que está mais distante dos serviços de saúde, justamente pela violência institucional que acomete esses corpos. Dessa forma, pretende-se compreender, através de uma análise social e histórica, como os atravessamentos dessas violações sexistas e heteropatriarcais se entrelaçam e refletem na assistência à saúde dessas pessoas, gerando ainda mais formas de opressão contra essa população.

Abstract The cisheteropatriarchal capitalist system has developed by class, racial and sexual oppression and exploitation in establishing unequal, hierarchical power relations. One of these kinds of oppression involves the use of violence against bodies considered wayward and transgressive within this structure. Of the different types of violence, this study focused on obstetric violence, understood as patriarchal gender violence designed to remove the rights, autonomy and agency of trans women and men during the processes of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and abortion. This article reflects on obstetric violence and its impacts on homo-parenthood for lesbian women and trans men, on the understanding that the LGBTQIA+ population is one of the most vulnerable and removed from health services, mainly because of the institutional violence suffered by these bodies. Accordingly, the intention is to understand, through social and historical analysis, how these sexist, heteropatriarchal violations, interlacing and reflecting in health care for these people, generate even more forms of oppression against this population.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230170, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1560565


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the process of developing, validating and assessing an educational booklet to prevent transphobic bullying at school. Method: this is a methodological study, carried out from February to December 2022 at a public school in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. The educational booklet was developed in accordance with the methodological trajectory proposed by Echer, and submitted to content validity and semantic assessment by expert judges and Elementary School II teachers, respectively. In data analysis, content validity and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients were used, in addition to semantic agreement index. Results: the educational booklet had its content validated with a validity coefficient of 0.981 and an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of 0.833 for the set of items in the assessment instrument. In semantic assessment, teachers considered the booklet understandable, with a minimum agreement level of 94%. Conclusion: the booklet developed was considered valid by judges, to be used with teachers, individually and in continuing education or health actions, in order to contribute to preventing transphobic bullying at school.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el proceso de desarrollo, validación y evaluación de una cartilla educativa para prevenir el acoso escolar transfóbico. Método: se trata de un estudio metodológico, realizado de febrero a diciembre de 2022 en una escuela pública de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. La cartilla educativa fue elaborada de acuerdo con la trayectoria metodológica propuesta por Echer, y sometida a validación de contenido y evaluación semántica por jueces expertos y docentes de la Escuela Primaria II, respectivamente. En el análisis de los datos, se utilizaron los coeficientes de validez de contenido y de correlación intraclase, y el índice de concordancia semántica. Resultados: la cartilla educativa tuvo su contenido validado con un coeficiente de validez de 0,981 y un coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0,833 para el conjunto de ítems del instrumento de evaluación. En la evaluación semántica, los docentes consideraron comprensible el cuadernillo, con un nivel mínimo de acuerdo del 94%. Conclusión: la cartilla desarrollada fue considerada válida por los jueces, para ser utilizada con docentes, de manera individual y en acciones de educación continua o de salud, con el fin de contribuir a la prevención del acoso escolar transfóbico en la escuela.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento, validação e avaliação de cartilha educacional para prevenção do bullying transfóbico na escola. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, realizado no período de fevereiro a dezembro de 2022 em uma escola pública de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. A cartilha educacional foi desenvolvida de acordo com a trajetória metodológica proposta por Echer, e submetida à validação de conteúdo e avaliação semântica por juízes especialistas e professores do Ensino Fundamental II, respectivamente. Na análise dos dados, utilizaram-se os coeficientes de validade de conteúdo e correlação intraclasse, e o índice de concordância semântica. Resultados: A cartilha educacional teve seu conteúdo validado com coeficiente de validade de 0,981 e coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,833 para o conjunto de itens do instrumento de avaliação. Na avaliação semântica, os professores consideraram a cartilha compreensível, com nível de concordância mínima de 94%. Conclusão: A cartilha desenvolvida foi considerada válida por juízes, para ser utilizada com professores, de forma individual e em ações de educação permanente ou em saúde, a fim de contribuir na prevenção do bullying transfóbico na escola.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;27(supl.1): e240007.supl.1, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569713


ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the narratives of transgender women and travestis (TGW) from four Brazilian cities regarding access to and use of health services. Methods: Qualitative study carried out within the scope of the TransOdara project, cross-sectional multicenter mixed methods research conducted between 2019-2021. Fifty-two in-depth interviews with TGW in Manaus, Campo Grande, Porto Alegre and São Paulo were analyzed. The analysis was guided by philosophical hermeneutics. Results: Reports of discrimination, stigmatization and pathologization reiterate the difficulties faced by TGW in seeking healthcare. The recurrence of disrespect for the social/corrected name reveals obstacles to the recognition of transgender identities and, in some cases, the intention of inhibiting transsexuality-travestilidade. Other difficulties arise from actions that disregard the health specificities of TGW or the precarious social conditions that affect some of them. On the other hand, based on experiences of respect and adequate care, participants identify an ongoing change, which is expressed in greater availability of services and improved assistance. There is an expectation of continued expansion of services, technologies and training of health professionals. Conclusions: The identified change has been undertaken at the interface of public health policies with LGBT+ activism and the production of knowledge about TGW health needs. Although the identified advances are insufficient to change the scenario of the historical exclusion experienced by TGW in health services, they point to promising ways to improve their health conditions.

RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender as narrativas de Mulheres Trans e Travestis (MTT) de quatro cidades brasileiras acerca do acesso e do uso de serviços de saúde. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo realizado no âmbito do projeto TransOdara, pesquisa transversal multicêntrica de métodos mistos, conduzida entre 2019 e 2021. São analisadas 52 entrevistas em profundidade com MTT em Manaus, Campo Grande, Porto Alegre e São Paulo. O tratamento analítico foi orientado pela hermenêutica filosófica. Resultados: Relatos de discriminação, estigmatização e patologização reafirmam as dificuldades enfrentadas por MTT na busca por cuidado com a saúde. A recorrência do desrespeito ao nome social/retificado revela obstáculos ao reconhecimento das identidades trans e, em alguns casos, a intenção de inibir a transexualidade-travestilidade. Outras dificuldades decorrem de ações que desconsideram as especificidades de saúde das MTT ou as condições sociais precárias que afetam algumas delas. No entanto, a partir de experiências de respeito e atendimento adequado, as participantes identificam uma mudança em curso, que se expressa em uma maior disponibilidade de serviços e na melhoria da assistência. Há uma expectativa de continuidade da ampliação de serviços, tecnologias e capacitação dos/as profissionais de saúde. Conclusão: A mudança identificada tem sido empreendida na interface das políticas públicas de saúde com o ativismo LGBT+ e a produção de conhecimento acerca das questões de saúde das MTT. Os avanços empreendidos, ainda que insuficientes para mudar o cenário da histórica exclusão vivida por elas nos serviços de saúde, apontam caminhos promissores na melhoria de suas condições de saúde.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2024. 111 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566362


Este trabalho investiga e discute o paradoxo da proteção e da cidadania de adolescentes transexuais e travestis, com foco nas adolescências em situação de restrição ou privação de liberdade. O material apresentado baseia-se em análise documental, referenciais teóricos sobre adolescência, diversidade de gênero, socioeducação e direitos das infâncias e adolescências, além de material obtido por meio de conversações realizadas com adolescentes transgêneros privados de liberdade e profissionais que atuam no sistema socioeducativo. Inclui também dados de uma audiência pública realizada em Belo Horizonte para abordar episódios de transfobia dentro de unidades socioeducativas e propor formas de enfrentamento e eliminação de tal fenômeno. A premissa da pesquisa foi o convite feito ao Programa de Extensão Janela da Escuta (UFMG) para contribuir com um plano de enfrentamento à transfobia no socioeducativo. Os objetivos são a discutir como se manifesta a violência transfóbica em relação às/os adolescentes em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas privativas ou restritivas de liberdade, bem como entender a forma como a transfobia é elemento estruturante para a desproteção desses sujeitos. O material coletado e a discussão feita apontam para um quadro onde o preconceito e o rechaço desses sujeitos demarcam uma situação de desproteção, vulnerabilização e dificuldades de acesso a políticas públicas e à proteção. A dissertação está organizada em dois grandes artigos. O primeiro artigo, organizado em cinco seções, foca na discussão sobre a noção de adolescência para a psicanálise, aspectos da singularidade das transições e um panorama de segregação e desproteção desse público no Brasil. O segundo artigo, organizado em sete seções, se detém mais a elementos da política de socioeducação, as adolescências trans em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas e a vivência de situações transfóbicas como manifestações de rechaço a essas pessoas.

This study investigates and discusses the paradox of protection and citizenship of transgender and transvestite adolescents, focusing on adolescents in situations of restriction or deprivation of liberty. The presented material is based on documental analysis, theoretical references on adolescence, gender diversity, socio-education, and the rights of children and adolescence, as well as material obtained through conversations with transgender adolescents deprived of liberty and professionals who work in the socio-educational system. It also includes data from a public hearing held in Belo Horizonte to address episodes of transphobia within socio-educational units and propose ways to confront and eliminate this phenomenon. The premise of the research was the invitation extended to the Janela da Escuta Extension Program (UFMG) to contribute to a plan to combat transphobia in the socio-educational system. The objectives are to discuss how transphobic violence manifests itself in relation to adolescents serving socio-educational measures of deprivation or restriction of liberty, as well as to understand how transphobia is a structuring element of the lack of protection for these individuals. The collected material and the discussion carried out point to a scenario where prejudice and rejection of these individuals mark a situation of lack of protection, vulnerability, and difficulties in accessing public policies and protection. The dissertation is organized into two major articles. The first article, organized into five sections, focuses on the discussion of the notion of adolescence for psychoanalysis, aspects of the singularity of transitions, and an overview of segregation and lack of protection for this group in Brazil. The second article, organized into seven sections, focuses more on elements of socio-educational policy, the experiences of transgender adolescents serving socio-educational measures, and the experience of transphobic situations as manifestations of rejection of these people.

Transsexualism , Prisoners , Adolescent , Academic Dissertation
BMC Public Health ; 23(1): 1202, 2023 06 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37344828


BACKGROUND: Migration is recognized as a key determinant of health. Yet, limited research addresses the arc of intranational migration and, even less, the experiences of transgender (trans) adolescents and women migrants and the associated health vulnerabilities. Using intersectional stigma as a theoretical frame, this study seeks to better understand the sexual health vulnerabilities and needs of trans women migrants in Peru. METHODS: Between October and November 2016, in-depth interviews (n = 14) and two focus groups (n = 20) were conducted in Spanish with trans women in three Peruvian cities. To explore pre- and during migration experiences, focus groups were conducted in Pucallpa and Iquitos, key cities in the Amazon where trajectories often originate. To assess during migration and post-migration experiences, we conducted interviews in Pucallpa, Iquitos, and Lima to better understand processes of relocation. Audio files were transcribed verbatim and analysed via an immersion crystallization approach, an inductive and iterative process, using Dedoose (v.6.1.18). RESULTS: Participants described migration as an arc and, thus, results are presented in three phases: pre-migration; during migration; and post-migration. Intersectional stigma was identified as a transversal theme throughout the three stages of migration. The pre-migration stage was characterized by poverty, transphobia, and violence frequently motivating the decision to migrate to a larger city. Exploitation was also described as pervasive during migration and in relocation. Many participants spoke of their introduction to sex work during migration, as key to economic earning and associated violence (police, clients). CONCLUSION: Findings advance understandings of intranational migration and forced displacement as key determinants of trans women's health. Dimensions of violence at the intersection of classism and cisgenderism render trans women highly vulnerable at every step of their migratory journeys. Experiences of intranational mobility and relocation were described as uniquely tied to age, intersectional transphobic stigma, engagement in sex work, and multiple forms of violence, which impact and can magnify sexual health vulnerabilities for transgender women in Peru who migrated intranationally.

HIV Infections , Transgender Persons , Humans , Female , Adolescent , Peru , Social Stigma , Sex Work , Violence
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 35: e263652, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1507263


Resumo Analisamos um episódio no Twitter de linchamento virtual de um homem trans pela sua participação em campanha publicitária do Dia dos Pais em 2020. Os comentários foram analisados a partir do primado do objeto, fundamentado na Teoria Crítica, nos Estudos sobre a Personalidade Autoritária e em A Dialética do Esclarecimento. Das 461 postagens selecionadas, derivamos 7 categorias: 1. Conservador religioso; 2. Elementos projetivos; 3. Elementos de destrutividade; 4. Preocupação com o sexo; 5. Humor e ironia; 6. Base político-econômica; 7. Defesa da empresa e/ou de Thammy. Pretendemos contribuir científica e criticamente com a compreensão sobre o que fundamenta as relações contemporâneas, em especial no ambiente virtual.

Resumen Analizamos un episodio del linchamiento virtual por su participación en una campaña publicitaria del Día del Padre en 2020. Los comentarios fueron analizados a partir de primacía del objeto, con base en la Teoría Crítica, en los Estudios sobre la Personalidad Autoritaria y en La Dialéctica de la Ilustración. De las 461 publicaciones seleccionadas, derivamos 7 categorías: 1. Conservador religioso; 2. Elementos proyectivos; 3. Elementos de destructividad; 4. Preocupación por el sexo; 5. Humor e ironía; 6. Base político-económica; 7. Defensa de la empresa y/o Thammy. Pretendemos contribuir científicamente y críticamente a la comprensión lo que subyace las relaciones contemporáneas, especialmente en el torno virtual.

Abstract We analyzed an episode on Twitter of the virtual lynching of a trans man for his participation in a Father's Day advertising campaign in 2020. The comments were analyzed based on the primacy of the object, underpinned on Critical Theory, in Studies on the Authoritarian Personality and on The Dialectics of Enlightenment. From the 461 posts, we derived 7 categories: 1 Religious Conservative; 2. Projective elements; 3. Elements of destructiveness; 4. Preoccupation sex; 5. Humor and irony; 6. Political-economic base; 7. Defense of the company and/ or Thammy. We intend to contribute scientifically and critically to the understanding of what underlies contemporary relationships, especially in virtual environment.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 229-248, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385928


Resumen Debido al arquetipo tradicional del género como una construcción binaria, la visibilidad emergente de la comunidad trans sigue siendo una cuestión social cargada de mitos y actitudes discriminatorias. El objetivo de este trabajo fue construir y validar dos escalas, una de actitudes negativas hacia las personas transexuales y transgénero y otra sobre la interiorización de mitos sobre las personas trans. Se trabajó con una muestra aleatoria estratificada de 302 mujeres de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) en Monterrey (México). La escala de actitudes está conformada por 26 ítems agrupados en tres dimensiones y la escala de interiorización de mitos hacia la transexualidad, por 25 ítems agrupados en cuatro dimensiones. Ambos instrumentos se diseñaron con formato de respuesta tipo Likert con puntajes de 1 a 5. El ajuste de ambas escalas se probó mediante indicadores de consistencia interna, con valores satisfactorios de alfa de Cronbach en cuanto a la escala de actitudes (transfobia institucional: .878, malestar personal: .882, desviación/cambiabilidad: .745) y para la escala de mitos (conducta y orientación sexual: .739, sistema sexo/género: .638, relacional: .769, aspectos psicológicos y medicalización: .835). Por otro lado, se realizó el análisis de modelamiento por ecuaciones estructurales y se obtuvieron índices de ajuste satisfactorios y relaciones aceptables entre las escalas. Se encontraron puntuaciones más altas en la escala de mitos que en la escala de actitudes; esto se explica en parte por la reproducción de acciones estigmatizantes hacia las personas trans. Se corrobora que las actitudes y los mitos se correlacionan de forma directa entre sí.

Abstract Due to the traditional archetype of gender as a binary construction, the emerging visibility of the transgender community (transsexuals, transgender and transvestites) remains as a social issue with myths and discriminatory attitudes. Also, it is generally accepted that social attitudes toward minority groups are related to opinions about policy affecting those groups. After reviewing past literature and existing measures about attitudes towards transgendered people, it is well-known that their construction includes items referring to attitudes, myths and stereotypes. This study aimed to develop and validate two scales: (1) Attitudes toward transgender scale (attitudes scale); and (2) Myths about transgender individuals (myths scale). Quantitative analysis comes from a stratified random sampling of Social Work undergraduate female students (n = 302) at the Faculty of Social Work of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), in Mexico (95 % confidence level and 5 % margin of error). The attitudes scale evaluates the responses for a total of 38 items (14 inverted) divided into 3-item subscales: institutional transphobia, personal discomfort, and deviance/changeability. The myths scale includes a total of 39 items (13 inverted) grouped into 4-item subscales: sexual behavior and orientation, the sex/gender system, relational aspects (labor issues and social influence), and psychological aspects and medicalization. In this study, undergraduate students completed a survey containing both scales and a number of validity-testing variables. Each item took the form of a statement with which participants were asked to rate their agreement on a 5-point Likert-type scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Within each half of the questionnaire, items were rotated randomly to minimize potential order effects in participant's responses. Higher scores indicated greater anti-transgender prejudice, while lower scores indicated less prejudice. Items in which saturation is similar in two or more factors are excluded from the analysis, and items with greater relevance in the attitudinal scale and better theoretical dimension are maintained. The attitudes scale consists of 26 items and the myths scale, 25 items. Initial test of the scale's Cronbach's alpha(s) indicated that sub-scales are highly reliable as follows: for the attitude scale's alpha(s) (institutional transphobia: .878, personal discomfort: .882, deviation/changeability: .745); and for the myths scale alpha(s) (sexual behavior and orientation: .739, sex/gender system: .638, relational: .769, psychological aspects and medicalization: .835). Next, the hypothesized structural model was tested to evaluate the unique relationships of each scale and its subscales. Overall, fit index values of the structural model were found for the myths scale and the attitudes scale. These results explain the reproduction of stigmatizing actions towards transgender people. Also, it is confirmed that attitudes and myths are directly correlated with each other. In methodological terms, the results demonstrate that the attitudes scale and myths scale, as well as its subscales independently, offer a consistent, valid and useful measure of attitudes toward transgender community. Based on the results, it is confirmed that ignorance about transsexual and transgender people represent an influential factor for discriminatory attitudes; the deepness of the myths about transgender people are outlined as means of production of stereotypes. Taking into consideration the intolerance towards LGTBI community and especially towards transsexual people, the use of scales to determine the level of aversion and the internalization of myths is particularly important to prevent situations of victimization. This study contributes to research on anti-transgender prejudice by examining the relations of such prejudice with a number of theoretically relevant constructs. Results from this study suggest that anti-transgender prejudice is more closely related to sexual orientation and gender role-specific attitudes. Future studies are seeking to address other populations such as education and labor institutions, in order to design preventive engagements concerning attitudes about transphobia, transmission of erroneous information and actions to prevent the re-victimization of transgender people in different contexts.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);26(11): 5793-5804, nov. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350458


Abstract The present research aimed to identify and discuss the social representations of trans women related to gender identity and transphobia in Brazil and Colombia. In this study participated 43 Trans women, 22 from Brazil, aged between 18 and 55 years (M=29.09, SD=8.53) and 21 from Colombia, aged between 21 and 41 years (M=28.19, SD=7.63). This study adopted a qualitative approach in which semi-structured interviews were used. The data were analyzed by the Iramuteq software, which identified the social representations in classes. The results showed what the participants understood about transphobia and how they regarded their experiences with this gender identity. The participants presented negative social representations, aiming at their personal experiences related to their social context. Themes related to violence, discrimination, prejudice, denial of rights and family support emerged from both the Brazilian and Colombian sample. Implications for Tran´s quality of life are discussed.

Resumo A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e discutir as representações sociais de mulheres trans relacionadas à identidade de gênero e transfobia no Brasil e na Colômbia. Neste estudo participaram 43 mulheres trans, 22 do Brasil, com idade entre 18 e 55 anos (M=29,09, DP=8,53) e 21 da Colômbia, com idade entre 21 e 41 anos (M=28,19, DP=7,63). Este estudo adotou uma abordagem qualitativa na qual foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram analisados pelo software Iramuteq, que identificou as representações sociais. Os resultados mostraram o que os participantes entenderam sobre transfobia e como eles encararam suas experiências com essa identidade de gênero. Os participantes apresentaram representações sociais negativas, visando suas experiências pessoais relacionadas ao seu contexto social. Temas relacionados à violência, discriminação, preconceito, negação de direitos e apoio familiar emergiram da amostra brasileira e colombiana. Espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir para compreensão deste fenômeno biopsicossocial.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Gender Identity , Brazil , Colombia , Qualitative Research , Middle Aged
Int J Transgend Health ; 22(3): 253-268, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34240069


BACKGROUND: Mexico has the second-highest index of crimes motivated by transphobia in the world. Transphobic violence manifests in a pervasive and complex manner in a country where violence permeates all aspects of social life. Some progress has been made to improve transgender rights and fight discrimination, but this has had an unequal impact in different geopolitical and cultural contexts within the country, particularly outside of metropolitan centers. AIM: The study explores how transphobia is experienced in the conservative province of Colima and how transphobic practices play a part in shaping transgender subjective experience and identity construction. A psychosocial theoretical framework is adopted to attend to the relationship between cultural, institutional and interpersonal practices in this process. METHODS: A qualitative approach is used to explore how different forms of transphobic violence are experienced by trans women in Colima. A purposive sample of 12 trans women, aged 22-38 years took part in narrative interviews which were analyzed thematically. Findings: The analysis is organized into three themes: (a) narratives of gender identity construction (b) gender expression and experiences of transphobic violence in Colima (c) sites for social support and change. DISCUSSION: We argue that the psychosocial processes related to transphobia are context-specific shaping transgender identities and limiting and regulating gender expression. Family, education, LGBT community and the police were identified as key sites for support against or source of transphobic violence. CONCLUSION: Despite the challenging socio-political context interventions are needed in policy and institutional practices to tackle stigma, transphobia and, trans-misogyny and improve the lives of transgender people living in regional areas in the global south.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (37): e21208, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352267


Resumen Este trabajo argumenta que es urgente detener y revertir la patologización de las experiencias trans en la formación de psicología en Argentina. Para el abordaje de este problema, se presenta una propuesta basada en la combinación de dos enfoques teóricos: el de la salud mental comunitaria y el de los estudios trans. A partir de esta articulación, se propone, en primer término, realizar una lectura crítica que de cuenta del rol fundamental que la formación de psicología continúa teniendo con respecto a la patologización trans en Argentina. Y, en segundo término, introducir en la formación de psicología, aquellos conceptos provenientes del campo de los estudios trans que pueden realizar aportes muy significativos al campo de la salud mental para la comprensión adecuada de las experiencias trans. Se toma como caso de análisis un texto de orientación psicoanalítica de reciente publicación en este país. Y se presentan tres herramientas conceptuales en particular: escucha, transfobia y performatividad de género, tal como son planteadas en los desarrollos teóricos de Leila Dumaresq, Miquel Missé y Susan Stryker, respectivamente.

Abstract This work argues that it is urgent to stop and reverse the trans pathologization in psychology training in Argentina. To address this problem, a proposal based on the combination of two theoretical approaches is presented: that of community mental health and that of trans studies. Based on this articulation, it is proposed, first of all, to carry out a critical reading that takes into account the fundamental role that psychology training continues to play with respect to trans pathologization in Argentina. And, secondly, to introduce in psychology training, those concepts from the field of trans studies that can make very significant contributions to the field of mental health for the adequate understanding of trans experiences. It is taken as a case of analysis, a text of psychoanalytic orientation recently published in this country. And three conceptual tools in particular are presented: listening, transphobia and gender performativity, as they are raised in the theoretical developments of Leila Dumaresq, Miquel Missé and Susan Stryker, respectively.

Resumo Este trabalho argumenta que é urgente reverter a patologização das experiências trans na formação da Psicologia na Argentina. Para enfrentar esse problema, é apresentada uma proposta baseada na combinação de duas abordagens teóricas: a da saúde mental comunitária e a dos estudos trans. A partir dessa articulação, o artigo propõe, em primeiro lugar, fazer uma leitura crítica que leve em conta o papel fundamental que a formação em psicologia continua a desempenhar no que diz respeito à patologização das pessoas trans na Argentina. E, em segundo lugar, introduzir na formação em psicologia conceitos do campo dos estudos trans que possam trazer contribuições muito significativas ao campo da saúde mental para a compreensão adequada das experiências trans. Toma-se como caso de análise um texto de orientação psicanalítica recentemente publicado na Argentina e três ferramentas conceituais são apresentadas: escuta, transfobia e performatividade de gênero, conforme são abordadas nos estudos de Leila Dumaresq, Miquel Missé e Susan Stryker, respectivamente.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology/education , Transgender Persons , Transphobia , Gender Performativity , Argentina , Psychoanalysis
Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 23(1): 66-74, Jan.-Apr. 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1059208


Resumo: A transfobia, enquanto prática de violência e exclusão, é infligida de diversas formas contra indivíduos travestis e transexuais, sendo as trans significativamente mais atingidas. Neste artigo, estabelecemos um diálogo com o conceito de corpos abjetos de Judith Butler e as formulações da psicanálise acerca da constituição do sujeito e teoria da sexuação com o objetivo de pensar a transfobia enquanto um fenômeno de segregação. Nossa hipótese é que a trans pode funcionar como uma lente de aumento sobre o gozo não codificado pela linguagem, essa espécie de aberração que espreita todo ser falante, mas da qual nada queremos saber.

Abstract: Transphobia, as a practice of violence and exclusion, is inflicted in several ways against transvestites and transsexuals, but the "trans" women are significantly more affected. In this article we make a dialogue between Judith Butler's concept of abject bodies and Psychoanalysis formulations about the constitution of the subject and the theory of sexuation, aiming to think transphobia as a phenomenon of segregation. Our hypothesis is that the "trans" women figures may work as a magnifying glass over the jouissance not encoded by language, this type of aberration that peeks every speaking being, which we don't want to know about.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis , Transsexualism , Transphobia , Femininity , Masculinity
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e190274, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1135924


Abstract Transphobia and discrimination against trans people are widespread. In view of growing scientific interest in understanding this type of discrimination and considering that scientific knowledge shapes the way a phenomenon is understood and addressed, this paper aims at identifying theoretical perspectives and categories used in contemporary scientific research (2005-2016) to explain discrimination against trans people. A review of literature and a qualitative content analysis of the selected documents (N = 68) were carried out. Two broad theoretical perspectives were identified: cognitive approaches and discursive approaches. The limitations of the two approaches are discussed in terms of how the problem of transphobia and discrimination is framed and explained and the scope for action offered. To overcome such limitations, a conceptual distinction between gendered practices and transphobic attitudes and ideology is suggested and an alternative theoretical proposal using discursive psychology is presented.

Resumo A transfobia e a discriminação contra as pessoas trans apresentam níveis alarmantes. Diante do crescente interesse científico em compreender este tipo de discriminação e considerando que o conhecimento científico influi na forma como um fenômeno é entendido e estudado, objetiva-se identificar as perspectivas teóricas e as categorias utilizadas na literatura científica contemporânea (2005-2016) para explicar a discriminação contra as pessoas trans. Realizou-se revisão da literatura e análise de conteúdo qualitativa de documentos (N=68). Identificou-se duas perspectivas teóricas: cognitivas e discursivas. Apresenta-se as limitações de ambas as abordagens em relação à conceitualização e à explicação do problema, além das possibilidades de ações que oferecem. Diante destas limitações, argumenta-se favoravelmente a uma distinção conceitual entre práticas generificadas e atitudes e ideologia transfóbica, apresentando uma proposta teórica alternativa a partir da psicologia discursiva.

Resumen La transfobia y la discriminación contra las personas trans están muy extendidas. Ante el creciente interés científico por comprender este tipo de discriminación y considerando que el conocimiento científico configura la forma en que se comprende y aborda un fenómeno, este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar las perspectivas teóricas y las categorías utilizadas en la investigación científica contemporánea (2005-2016) para explicar la discriminación contra las personas trans. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura y un análisis de contenido cualitativo de los documentos seleccionados (N=68). Se identificaron dos amplias perspectivas teóricas: enfoques cognitivos y enfoques discursivos. Se discuten las limitaciones de los dos enfoques en términos de cómo se enmarca y explica el problema de la transfobia y la discriminación y el campo de acción ofrecido. Para superar tales limitaciones, se sugiere una distinción conceptual entre prácticas de género y actitudes e ideología transfóbicas y se presenta una propuesta teórica alternativa utilizando la psicología discursiva.

Arch Med Res ; 50(8): 543-555, 2019 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32036103


BACKGROUND: Transgender individuals are often targets of abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence at school, which causes significant personal suffering and serious consequences for their education process. Research suggests that structural interventions and changes are needed to reduce these phenomena and ensure that schools function as protective and secure learning environments for sexual minorities. AIM: This study presents a review of international interventions/programs focused on reducing bullying and promoting inclusive educational environments for transgender youths. METHODS: An extensive literature search in English and Spanish was undertaken using the electronic database of MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, SciELO and LILACS (1990-2018). RESULTS: Several international programs, guidelines and projects aimed at preventing bullying against sexual minorities (including the transgender population) in school environments were described. Recommendations and barriers to consider in the development and implementation of bullying prevention interventions in a range of school settings are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence suggest important positive benefits associated with attending schools that have anti-bullying or inclusive policies for gender minorities, such as the improvement of school wellbeing, more positive school climate, decreasing truancy, lower levels of victimization, decreased school harassment and increased feelings of safety. However, more research is needed to follow up on the various programs and interventions described in this study, to determine whether they have been implemented and what their actual long-term impact has been. The normalization of transphobia and tolerance for sexual minorities requires the attention of public policies in education strategies designed to deconstruct gender stereotypes and eradicate transphobia among adolescents.

Bullying/prevention & control , Homophobia/prevention & control , Transgender Persons/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Bullying/psychology , Female , Gender Identity , Homophobia/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Male , Schools/statistics & numerical data
Rev. psicol. polit ; 18(43): 599-621, set.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004464


A "ideologia de gênero" tem sido o principal argumento de fundamentalistas religiosos/as e extremistas conservadores/as para a ofensiva contra direitos sexuais no Brasil, com ênfase para o cerceamento da educação sobre gênero e sexualidade nas escolas. Este projeto de pesquisa propõe mapear as estratégias argumentativas adotadas em livros publicados sobre "ideologia de gênero" e nas proposições legislativas que visam censurar o debate sobre gênero e sexualidade nas escolas a partir deste argumento. Analisa uma amostra de publicações disponíveis no mercado editorial brasileiro sobre "ideologia de gênero", bem como as proposições legislativas apensadas em torno do projeto Escola Sem Partido. Por meio deste mapeamento que delineia os principais argumentos presentes nestes materiais, visa subsidiar novos projetos de pesquisa que venham contribuir para a consideração crítica dos argumentos que têm sido adotados por fundamentalistas religiosos/as em uma ofensiva contra direitos sexuais em curso no país.

"Gender ideology" has been the main argument for religious fundamentalists and conservative extremists for the offensive against sexual rights in Brazil, with an emphasis on curtailing gender and sexuality education in schools. This research project proposes to map the argumentative strategies adopted in published books on "gender ideology" and in the legislative proposals that aim to censor the debate on gender and sexuality in schools from this argument. It analyzes a sample of publications available in the Brazilian publishing market on "gender ideo-logy", as well as the legislative proposals appended around the project School Without Party. Through this mapping that outlines the main arguments in these materials, it aims to subsidize new research projects that will contribute to the critical consideration of the arguments that have been adopted by religious fundamentalists in an offensive against sexual rights in progress in the country.

La "ideología de género" ha sido el principal argumento de fundamentalistas religiosos y extremistas conservadores para la ofensiva contra derechos sexuales en Brasil, con énfasis en el cercenamiento de la educación sobre género y sexualidad en las escuelas. Este proyecto de investigación propone mapear las estrategias argumentativas adoptadas en libros publicados sobre "ideología de género" y en las proposiciones legislativas que pretenden censurar el debate sobre género y sexualidad en las escuelas a partir de este argumento. Se analiza una muestra de publicaciones disponibles en el mercado editorial brasileño sobre "ideología de género", así como las propuestas legislativas apensadas en torno al proyecto Escuela Sin Partido. Por medio de este mapeo que delinea los principales argumentos presentes en estos materiales, pretende subsidiar nuevos proyectos de investigación que vengan a contribuir a la consideración crítica de los argumentos que han sido adoptados por fundamentalistas religiosos en una ofensiva contra derechos sexuales en curso en el país.

L'"ideologie du genre" a été le principal argument en faveur de les fondamentalistes religieux et les extrémistes conservateurs pour l'offensive contre les droits sexuels au Brésil, en mettant l'accent sur la limitation de l'éducation sexuelle et sexiste dans les écoles. Ce projet de recherche propose de cartographier à partir de cet argument les stratégies argumentatives adoptées dans des ouvrages publiés sur l'"ideologie du genre" et dans les propositions législatives visant à censurer le débat sur le genre et la sexualité dans les écoles. Il analyse un échantillon de publications disponibles sur le marché de l'édition brésilien sur l'"ideologie du genre", ainsi que les propositions législatives annexées autour du projet Ecole San Parti. Cette cartographie qui présente les principaux arguments de ces documents vise à subventionner de nouveaux projets de recherche qui contribueront à la prise en compte critique des arguments adoptés par les fondamentalistes religieux dans le cadre d'une offensive contre les droits sexuels en cours dans le pays.

J Homosex ; 63(11): 1446-1463, 2016 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27715830


In Brazil, there is a deficit of culturally adapted tools to assess prejudice against sexual and gender diversity with empirically demonstrable validity and reliability. Prejudice against non-heterosexual orientations is a strong problem within Brazilian culture and is particularly related to nonnormative expressions of gender. To address these issues, a scale was created. The objective of this article is to validate the revised version of this instrument developed for the specificities of Brazilian culture and establish its reliability. The revised version of Scale of Prejudice Against Sexual and Gender Diversity (PASGD) was completed by 8,184 undergraduate students from southern Brazil. Analysis was conducted using the item response theory (IRT) model for rating scale data, criterion validity, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The scale showed good validity and reliability. The results indicate that the PASGD is a useful tool for assessing prejudice in the Brazilian context, adapted for the local Brazilian reality.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 28(47): 66-47, maio 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-523


A Educação Física escolar interpretada através das vivências de pessoas que ultrapassam e/ou vivem nas fronteiras do gênero é o foco deste estudo. Destaca reflexões desencadeadas pelas análises do folder "A travesti e o[/a] educador[/a]" - sobre a inserção desses sujeitos na aula de Educação Física, correlacionado a fontes bibliográficas, entrevistas realizadas e questionários aplicados a professoras travestis, transexuais e transgêneros brasileiras. Concluiu-se que, não diferente da escola como um todo, a Educação Física é também um espaço que exalta a incoerência entre a realidade do cotidiano educacional e as normativas que determinam a escola como gestora da inclusão.

The Physical Education class at school interpreted through the experiences of the people who go beyond and/or live on the borders of gender is the focus of this study. It highlights considerations triggered by the analysis of the folder "A travesti e o[/a] educador[/a]" ­ about the insertion of these subjects in the Physical Education class ­, correlated to bibliographic sources, interviews and questionnaires given to transvestite, transexuals and transgender brazilian teachers. It was concluded that, not unlike the school as a whole, Physical Education is also a space that exalts the incoherence between the reality of the educational routine and the norms that determine the school as a manager of inclusion.

La Educación Física escolar interpretada a través de las vivencias de personas que ultrapasan y/o viven en las fronteras del género es el foco de este estudio. Destaca reflexiones desencadenadas por los análisis del folder "A travesti e o[/a] educador[/a]" - acerca de la inserción esos sujetos en la clase de Educación Física -, mesclado con fuentes bibliográficas, entrevistas realizadas y cuestionarios aplicados a la profesoras travestis, transexuais y transgéneros brasileñas. Se concluyó que, no diferente de la escuela em general, la Educación Física es también un espacio que exalta la incoerência entre la realidad del cotidiano educacional y las normativas que determinan la escuela como gestora de la inclusión.

Humans , Physical Education and Training , Faculty , Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Surveys and Questionnaires
Saúde debate ; 37(98): 485-492, jul.-set. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-700164


O texto aborda a vulnerabilidade de travestis e homens homossexuais ligados às religiões afro-brasileiras à violência letal no Brasil, onde não há legislação específica para caracterizar crime homofóbico ou transfóbico. É focado na Teoria Queer, que reconhece certas posições sociais como desprezíveis. Trabalha a relação entre sexualidade, raça e religião para refletir a violência letal contra gays e trans de camadas populares, pobres, negras e mestiças. Conclui refletindo sobre as respostas produzidas por ativistas LGBT e estudiosos envolvidos em reflexões queer, bem como sobre propostas de políticas públicas para combater a homofobia e a intolerância religiosa contra grupos subalternos.

This paper addresses the vulnerability of transvestites and homosexual men linked to African-Brazilian religions to lethal violence in Brazil, where there is no specific legislation to characterize homophobic or transphobic crime. It focuses on the Queer Theory, which recognizes certain social positions as contemptible. It works the relationship between sexuality, race and religion to reflect lethal violence against gay and transgendered from popular, poor, black and mestizo layers. It concludes by reflecting on the responses produced by LGBT activists and scholars engaged in queer reflections, as well as on public policy proposals to tackle homophobia and religious intolerance against subaltern groups.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 12(24): 195-210, ago. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-693286


El presente artículo busca determinar las principales propiedades teóricas y prácticas que se derivan del discurso patológico contemporáneo, asociado al dispositivo del "hacer psi", así como sus concomitantes consecuencias para la sociedad. En este sentido, se desarrolla una reflexión en torno a los ejes esenciales en los que se enmarca la sección de "Trastornos Sexuales" del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (DSM-IV-TR), específicamente en lo que se refiere a la patologización de las identidades no heterosexuales en un término amplio y las llamadas parafilias. De este modo, el propósito del artículo consiste en llevar a cabo una discusión respecto al valor diagnóstico de las categorías nosológicas actuales sobre la sexualidad, procurando así desentrañar la lógica que les es inherente. Dicha lógica busca regular el deseo y estandarizar el placer, de forma algunas veces subrepticia, pero muy persistente.

The present article refers to the main theoretical and practical properties that are derived from the contemporaneous pathological discourse, regarding the "psy" apparatus, and their concomitant consequences for society. In these sense, a reflection is developed around the essential axes of the "Sexual Disorders" section from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV-TR), concerning specifically the pathologization of the nonheterosexual identities in a wide term, and the so called paraphilias. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the value of the current nosological categories about sexuality. In order to do so, the main focus is to unravel their inherent logic that tries to regulate desire and standardize pleasure, in a hidden, but persistent manner.

O presente artigo procura determinar as principais propriedades teóricas e práticas derivadas do discurso patológico contemporâneo, associado ao dispositivo do "fazer psi", assim como suas concomitantes consequências para a sociedade. Neste sentido, se faz uma reflexão dos eixos essenciais que estruturam a seção de "transtornos sexuais" do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico dos Transtornos Mentais da Associação Americana de Psiquiatria (DSM-IV-TR), especificamente no que se refere à patologização das identidades não heterossexuais num termo amplo e as chamadas parafilias. Desta maneira, o propósito do presente artigo consiste em efetuar uma discussão a respeito do valor diagnóstico das categorias nosológicas atuais sobre a sexualidade, procurando assim desentranhar a lógica inerente a elas. Tal lógica busca regular o desejo e padronizar o prazer de forma às vezes sub-reptícia, mas muito persistente.

Humans , Paraphilic Disorders/pathology , Psychology , Sexuality/psychology