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Stud Health Technol Inform ; 316: 877-878, 2024 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39176933


This describes a project that analyzes and compares the research topics in medical and health informatics emphasized by authors of autobiographical narratives contained in the online IMIA History eBook published in 2021, as the field advanced over the past half century in its international and interdisciplinary dimensions from its early days until the present.

Artificial Intelligence , Medical Informatics , Medical Informatics/history , Artificial Intelligence/history , Narration , History, 21st Century , History, 20th Century , Humans , Autobiographies as Topic , Societies, Medical/history
Med Humanit ; 50(3): 520-528, 2024 Sep 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38821868


Second wave feminist legal and educational reform contributed to the fourfold rise in the number of women doctors in the United States between 1970 and 1990, challenging the hierarchical medical workplace from within. At the same moment, the feminist women's health movement (FWHM) identified and protested gendered health disparities, changing medical practice from without. This article analyses five women doctors' autobiographical reflections of medical training published between 1976 and 1987, during this period of gendered upheaval. In these works, authors shared their experiences of entering a male-dominated profession, addressing second wave feminist concerns about women's workplace equality. They explored whether women could become full and equal members of the medical professional, but also how women should become members of a profession that mistreated female patients in ways the FWHM sought to address. Through autobiographical writing, women doctors shared experiences that amplified these reform imperatives, while reflecting on their position as agents within an unequal healthcare system.

Feminism , Physicians, Women , Women's Health , Humans , Feminism/history , Physicians, Women/history , Physicians, Women/psychology , Female , Women's Health/history , United States , Autobiographies as Topic , Workplace/psychology , History, 20th Century , Gender Equity
Pancreatology ; 24(2): 323, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38199823
Distúrb. comun ; 34(1): e54202, mar. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396608


Introdução: a voz é essencial para preservação e manutenção da cultura de grupos sociais. O povo Pankararu, vincula sua língua-mãe aos rituais religiosos. A principal forma de transmitir a tradição oral é através dos cantos nos rituais dos Praiás. Objetivo: resgatar o uso de voz pelos cantadores Pankararu no ritual dos Praiás, à luz do saber tradicional e científico. Método: estudo qualitativo, do tipo história de vida, autobiográfica, no qual foram acessadas memórias individuais e coletivas da comunidade Pankararu, considerando a caracterização do povo, do ambiente e o uso de voz nos rituais. Resultados: os cantadores utilizam a voz de maneira intensa e contínua, sem hidratação, e fumam cachimbo durante o ritual. O local onde cantam é um terreiro, espaço aberto, exposto às intempéries da natureza, com presença de poeira. Para cuidar da voz, baseiam-se no saber tradicional, apresentando uma visão distinta do conhecimento científico, no qual a voz representa sua cultura e identidade. Nesta perspectiva, hábitos descritos pela literatura como deletérios, são considerados saudáveis, demonstrando uma concepção singular de saúde. Conclusão: o conhecimento científico, paralelamente ao tradicional, poderá contribuir para estabelecimento de cuidados que visem à saúde vocal dos Pankararus.  Poderei oferecer ao meu povo, o qual apresenta demandas de saúde, conhecimentos científicos proporcionando uma melhor qualidade de voz e vida.

Introduction: The voice is essential for the preservation and maintenance of the culture of social groups. The Pankararu people link their mother language to religious rituals. The main way of transmitting the oral tradition is through singing in the rituals of Praiás. Objective: To rescue the use of voice by Pankararu singers in the Praiás ritual, considering the traditional and scientific knowledges. Method: Qualitative study, history life, autobiography design, which individual and collective memories of the Pankararu community were accessed, considering the characterization of the people, environment, and voice use in the rituals. Results: The singers use their voices intensely and continuously, without hydration, and smoking pipes during the ritual. The "terreiro" is the place where they sing, an open space, exposed to wuthering and dust. They are based on traditional knowledge for taking care of their voices, in a different view of scientific knowledge, in which voice represents their culture and identity. In this perspective, habits described in the literature as harmful are considered healthy, demonstrating a unique conception of health. Conclusion: Scientific knowledge, in parallel with the traditional one, can contribute to establish care aimed at the vocal health of the Pankararus. I will be able to offer to my people, who have health demands, scientific knowledge providing a better quality of voice and life.

Introducción: la voz es fundamental para la preservación y mantenimiento de la cultura de los grupos sociales. La gente de Pankararu, vincula su lengua materna a los rituales religiosos. La principal forma de transmitir la tradición oral es a través del canto en los rituales de Praiás. Objetivo: rescatar el uso de la voz de los cantantes de Pankararu en el ritual Praiás, a la luz de los conocimientos tradicionales y científicos. Método: estudio cualitativo, del tipo de historia de vida; Se accedió a las memorias individuales y colectivas de la comunidad Pankararu, considerando la caracterización de las personas, el entorno y el uso de la voz en los rituales. Resultados: los cantantes utilizan sus voces de forma intensa y continua, sin hidratarse, pipas de humo durante el ritual. El lugar donde canta el terreiro, un espacio abierto, expuesto a la intemperie de la naturaleza, con presencia de polvo. Para cuidar la voz, se basan en los conocimientos tradicionales, presentan una visión diferente del conocimiento científico, donde la voz representa la cultura y la identidad. En esta perspectiva, los hábitos descritos en la literatura como nocivos, se consideran saludables, demostrando una concepción única de la salud. Conclusión: El conocimiento científico, además del conocimiento tradicional, puede contribuir al establecimiento de cuidados dirigidos a la salud vocal de los Pankararus. Podré ofrecer a mi gente, que tiene demandas de salud, conocimientos científicos que brinden una mejor calidad de vida.

Voice , Indigenous Culture , Medicine, Traditional , Autobiographies as Topic , Voice Quality/physiology , Health , Singing/physiology
Licere (Online) ; 25(1): 26-67, mar.2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366189


Este artigo realiza um estudo comparativo entre as obras Fever Pitch, de Nick Hornby, e Long Distance Love ­ a passion for football, de Grant Farred. A proposta é analisar o que se refere aos conceitos de "memória e identidade" e "autobiografia esportiva", como também investigar a forma como os autores apresentam o "ato de torcer" em suas obras para, então, preencher uma lacuna em relação ao estudo comparativo, nos apropriando das diferenças e semelhanças entre as narrativas. Para isso, a metodologia escolhida tomou como base a pesquisa das teorias autobiográficas, em especial o pacto autobiográfico de Philippe Lejeune e Andrew C. Sparkes. Ademais, foram utilizados os conceitos sobre memória e identidade adotados por Stuart Hall, Joel Candau, Michael Pollak e Maurice Halbwachs e as definições sobre historiografia de Alain Courbin e Matthew Taylor. Além da leitura analítica dos livros selecionados, realizou-se uma pesquisa em trabalhos publicados sobre os autores em livros, jornais e periódicos. As décadas de 1970 e 1980 foram selecionadas para que fosse possível efetuar uma comparação entre as obras, considerando que têm, como centralidade, além do torcedor de futebol e sua passionalidade clubística, a literatura esportiva inglesa. Nick, torcedor do Arsenal. Grant, torcedor do Liverpool. Ambos apresentam suas tragédias e epifanias, exibidos num enredo em que a paixão pelo futebol e, principalmente, por seus times, é tratada como uma obsessão, pois promove uma junção entre viver e torcer, tornando-os elementos inseparáveis. Os autores viviam em realidades diferentes. Nick, branco, morava na Inglaterra e podia acompanhar o Arsenal nos jogos. Grant, negro, morava na África do Sul em pleno regime do Apartheid e torcia para o Liverpool, um time eminentemente racista, que não aceitava jogadores negros. A realidade dos torcedores/autores foi retratada neste artigo de forma a mostrar que a relação entre eles é bem maior do que se pode ler em uma autobiografia.

This article performs a comparative study between the works Fever Pitch, by Nick Hornby, and Long Distance Love - a passion for football, by Grant Farred. The proposal is to analyze what refers to the concepts of "memory and identity" and "sports autobiography", as well as to investigate the way in which the authors present the "act of supporting football" in their works to then fill a gap in relation to the comparative study, appropriating the differences and similarities between the narratives. For this, the methodology chosen was based on the research of autobiographical theories, in particular the autobiographical pact of Philippe Lejeune and Andrew C. Sparkes. In addition, the concepts of memory and identity adopted by Stuart Hall, Joel Candau, Michael Pollak and Maurice Halbwachs and the definitions of historiography by Alain Courbin and Matthew Taylor were used. In addition to the analytical reading of the selected books, a research was carried out on published works about the authors in books, newspapers, and periodicals. The 1970s and 1980s were selected so that it was possible to make a comparison between the works, considering that, in addition to the soccer fan and his clubistic passion, English sports literature is central. Nick, Arsenal fan. Grant, Liverpool supporter. Both present their tragedies and epiphanies, displayed in a plot in which the passion for football and, especially, for their teams, is treated as an obsession, as it promotes a junction between living and cheering, making them inseparable elements. The authors lived in different realities. Nick, white, lived in England and could follow Arsenal in the games. Grant, a black man, lived in South Africa under the Apartheid regime and rooted for Liverpool, an eminently racist team that did not accept black players. The reality of the fans / authors was portrayed in this article to show that the relationship between them is much greater than what can be read in an autobiography.

Soccer/history , Autobiographies as Topic , Social Identification , Mass Behavior , Anthropology, Cultural
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426387


Este artigo tem por objetivo dialogar com a constituição docente em Educação Física na relação com o atletismo. A metodologia pauta-se na narrativa (auto)biográfica. Apresenta experiências construídas na e com a Educação Básica, bem como apropria-se de documentos pessoais como fontes. Resultou em três eixos de discussão: a) o atletismo e a docência em Educação Física; b) o atletismo nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; e c) percursos de/na "volta" ao Ensino Médio. Denota-se que, na relação com o conteúdo tematizado, revela-se uma professora curiosa, que aprende para ensinar e ao ensinar. A constituição docente é marcada, portanto, pela incessante busca por saberes, pela resiliência e pela potência das relações interpessoais estabelecidas nos diversos espaços e tempos (AU).

This article aims to dialogue with the constitution of Physical Education teachers in relation to athletics. The methodology is based on the (auto)biographical narrative. It presents experiences built in and with Basic Education, as well as appropriating personal documents as sources. It resulted in three axes of discussion: a) athletics and teaching in Physical Education; b) athletics in the early grades of elementary school; and c) routes to/from "back" to High School. It is noted that, in relation to the thematized content, she reveals herself as a curious teacher, who learns to teach and while teaching. The teaching constitution is marked, therefore, by the incessant search for knowledge, for resilience and for the power of interpersonal relationships established in different spaces (AU).

Este artículo tiene como objetivo dialogar con la constitución de los profesores de Educación Física en relación al atletismo. La metodología se basa en la narrativa (auto) biográfica. Presenta experiencias integradas en y con la Educación Básica, además de apropiarse de documentos personales como fuentes. El resultado fue tres ejes de discusión: a) atletismo y docencia en Educación Física; b) atletismo en los primeros grados de la escuela primaria; y c) rutas de ida y vuelta a la escuela secundaria. Se nota que, en relación al contenido tematizado, se revela como una maestra curiosa, que aprende a enseñar y mientras enseña. La constitución docente está marcada, por tanto, por la búsqueda incesante del conocimiento, de la resiliencia y del poder de las relaciones interpersonales (AU).

Humans , Physical Education and Training , Teaching , Track and Field/education , Constitution and Bylaws , Autobiographies as Topic , Sports , Education, Primary and Secondary , Interpersonal Relations
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1390747


El objetivo de la investigación fue comprender los efectos de la escritura autobiográfica en la elaboración de los duelos, la transformación subjetiva y la construcción de la memoria de mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado. Este artículo se concentra en lo relativo a los procesos de duelo. Método: la investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo y el método utilizado fue el interaccionismo simbólico; se hizo un estudio de caso con un grupo de mujeres participantes en procesos de escritura autobiográfica; la información se recolectó con entrevistas semiestructuradas, talleres de escritura y selección de textos. Resultados: la escritura auto-biográfica cumple una función positiva en el duelo de las mujeres al contribuir a procesos como: ordenar narrativamente el caos provocado por la violencia, nombrar y trabajar las pérdidas, dotar de sentidos íntimos y sociales al dolor y reconstruir las relaciones con lo perdido, con el mundo y consigo mismas. Conclusión: la escritura es un recurso valioso para avanzar en el duelo, a la manera de un ritual de despedida, ayuda a situar lo perdido en el ámbito de la memoria y a reconstruir la vida contando con la ausencia

The objective of the research was to understand the effects of autobiographical writing on the elaboration of grief, the subjective transformation and the construction of the memory of women victims of the armed conflict. This article focuses on the grief processes. Method: the approach was qualitative, the method was symbolic interactionism; a case study was made with a group of women participating in autobiographical writing processes; information was collected through semi-structured interviews, writing workshops and text selection. Results: Autobiographical writing plays a positive role in women's grief by contributing to processes such as: narrative order of chaos caused by violence, naming and working through losses, giving intimate and social meaning to pain, and reconstruction relationships with what was lost, with the world and with themselves. It is concluded that this kind of writing is a valuable resource to advance in mourning elaboration; in the manner of a farewell ritual it helps to situate the lost in the sphere of memory and to reconstruct life counting on absence

Humans , Female , Armed Conflicts/psychology , Autobiographies as Topic , Grief , Crime Victims/psychology , Violence Against Women
Cult. cuid ; 25(61): 43-63, Dic 16, 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-217199


Reflexionar desde la experiencia vivida, para construir conocimiento a través de ellamisma, ha sido esencial para tejer este texto. El cual, es un pedazo de mi investigación doctoral.Objetivo: Describir y analizar simultáneamente aspectos familiares, profesionales comoenfermero y personales, subsumidos en una estructura social. Método: A partir de la metodologíaautoetnográfica, pretendo acercarme a la investigación y a la escritura, buscando describir yanalizar sistemáticamente una experiencia personal para entender la experiencia cultural. Utilizola narración en capas con el propósito de mostrar una experiencia dialéctica, en donde, aparecendiferentes voces reflexivas que producen e interpretan el texto. Resultados: emergieron asuntos:la relación con mi padre, el machismo familiar y el contexto donde me moví, la pedagogía deldolor, la asimetría de poder, estas dos últimas que corresponden según lo narrado y atestiguadopor mí, a una estructura de conocimiento encastrada en un sistema patriarcal, enraizada yperpetuada desde lo familiar hasta lo social, pasando por la institución de conocimiento, launiversidad. Conclusión: La autoetnografía es una metodología de investigación que centra laatención a la propia experiencia. Que, para este caso, hace referencia a la construcción deconocimientos desde mi posición como enfermero y hombre.(AU)

Reflecting from lived experience, to build knowledge through it, has been essential toweave this text. Which is a piece of my doctoral research. Objective: To simultaneously describeand analyze family, professional, and personal aspects, subsumed in a social structure. Method:From autoethnographic methodology, I intend to approach research and writing, seeking tosystematically describe and analyze a personal experience to understand the cultural experience.I use layered narration in order to show a dialectical experience, where different reflective voicesappear that produce and interpret the text. Results: issues emerged: the relationship with myfather, the family machismo and the context where I moved, the pedagogy of pain, the asymmetryof power, the latter two that correspond, according to what was narrated and witnessed by me, toan embedded knowledge structure in a patriarchal system, rooted and perpetuated from the familyto the social, passing through the institution of knowledge, the university. Conclusion:Autoethnography is a research methodology that focuses attention on one's own experience.Which, for this case, refers to the construction of knowledge from my position as a nurse and aman.(AU)

Refletir a partir da experiência vivida, por meio dela construir conhecimento, foi essencialpara tecer este texto. Que é um pedaço da minha pesquisa de doutorado. Objetivo: Descrever eanalisar simultaneamente os aspectos familiares, profissionais e pessoais, subsumidos em umaestrutura social. Método: A partir da metodologia autoetnográfica, pretendo abordar a pesquisa ea escrita, buscando descrever e analisar sistematicamente uma experiência pessoal paracompreender a experiência cultural. Uso a narração em camadas para mostrar uma experiênciadialética, onde aparecem diferentes vozes reflexivas que produzem e interpretam o texto.Resultados: emergiram questões: a relação com o meu pai, o machismo familiar e o contexto ondeme mudei, a pedagogia da dor, a assimetria do poder, estas duas últimas que correspondem,segundo o que foi narrado e testemunhado por mim, a um encaixado estrutura do conhecimentoem um sistema patriarcal, enraizado e perpetuado desde a família até o social, passando pelainstituição do conhecimento, a universidade. Conclusão: a Autoetnografia é uma metodologia depesquisa que focaliza a atenção na própria experiência. O que, neste caso, se refere à construçãodo conhecimento a partir da minha posição de enfermeira e de homem.(AU)

Humans , Male , Anthropology, Cultural , Autobiographies as Topic , Androcentrism , Education, Nursing , Nurses, Male , Sexism , Nursing , Life Change Events
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 252-266, set.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1340871


A autobiografia é um recurso utilizado na prática da Logoterapia e análise existencial que tem por finalidade clarificar sentidos na vida por meio de histórias de vidas. Assim, a partir dos fundamentos antropológicos propostos por Viktor Frankl, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo apreender valores existenciais, e identificar núcleos de sentidos latentes em narrativas de vida de jovens universitários. Para tanto, contou com a participação de quatro estudantes universitários, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 23 anos. As autobiografias foram submetidas individualmente a uma análise de similitude com o auxílio do software Iramuteq, o que permitiu identificar núcleos de sentidos. Os resultados foram discutidos à luz da Logoterapia e Análise Existencial.

Autobiography is a resource used in clinical practice of Logotherapy and existential analysis with the purpose of clarifying meanings in life through histories of life. Therefore, based on Viktor Frankl's anthropological foundations, this research aims to apprehend existential values as well as to identify nuclei of meanings that are latent in the narratives of life of university students. For this purpose, this study had the participation of four undergraduate students, of both genders, with a 23 year old average age. The autobiographies were submitted to an individual analysis of similitude that counted with the help of software named Iramuteq, which allowed the identification of the so called nuclei of meanings. The results were discussed through the light of logotherapy and existential analysis.

La autobiografía es un recurso utilizado en la práctica de la Logoterapia y análisis existencial, que tiene por finalidad clarificar los sentidos en la vida por medio de historias de vida. Así, a partir de los fundamentos antropológicos propuestos por Viktor Frankl, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo aprehender los valores existenciales e identificar los núcleos de sentidos latentes en narraciones de vida de jóvenes universitarios. Para ese propósito, contó con la participación de cuatro estudiantes universitarios, de ambos sexos, com una media de edad de 23 años. Las autobiografías fueron sometidas individualmente a un análisis de similitud con la ayuda del software Iramuteq, lo que permitió identificar núcleos de sentidos. Los resultados fueron discutidos desde el punto de vista de la logoterapia y análisis existencial.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students/psychology , Existentialism , Logotherapy/methods , Perception , Autobiographies as Topic , Value of Life , Family Relations/psychology
BMC Cancer ; 21(1): 1041, 2021 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544381


BACKGROUND: Individuals affected by cancer need to integrate this experience into their personal biography as their life continues after primary therapy, leading to substantial changes in self-perception. This study identified factors uniquely associated with 5 different cancer-related identities in order to improve the understanding of how self-perception in men affected by prostate cancer is associated with certain clinical and psychosocial characteristics. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, long-term prostate cancer survivors after radical prostatectomy were asked to choose one of 5 cancer-related identities that described them best. Associations with sociodemographic, clinical, and psychological variables were investigated using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Three thousand three hundred forty-seven men (mean age 78.1 years) surveyed on average 15.6 years after prostatectomy were included. Most men favored the terms "someone who has had cancer" (43.9%) which was associated with a mild disease course, and "patient" (26.3%) which was associated with ongoing therapy and biochemical disease recurrence. The self-descriptions "cancer survivor" (16.8%), "cancer conqueror" (10.9%) and "victim" (2.1%) were less common. "Cancer survivor" was associated with high perceived disease severity (OR: 1.86 [1.44-2.40]). "Cancer survivor" and "cancer conqueror" were related to high benefit finding (OR: 1.89 [1.48-2.40], OR: 1.46 [1.12-1.89] respectively), and only "cancer conqueror" was associated with high well-being (OR: 1.84 [1.35-2.50]). Identification as "victim" was associated with a positive depression screening and low well-being (OR: 2.22 [1.15-4.31], OR: 0.38 [0.20-0.72] respectively) (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Although long-term survival is common among men affected by PCa, they display a large diversity in cancer-related identities, which are associated with unique clinical and psychological characteristics. These cancer-related identities and their distinctive properties are associated with psychological well-being even after a long follow-up.

Cancer Survivors/psychology , Prostatectomy , Prostatic Neoplasms/psychology , Self Concept , Age Factors , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Autobiographies as Topic , Cross-Sectional Studies , Germany , Humans , Logistic Models , Male , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/blood , Odds Ratio , Prostatic Neoplasms/surgery , Self-Assessment , Socioeconomic Factors , Time Factors
PLoS One ; 16(9): e0256251, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525105


This paper describes a randomized controlled trial on the Online Life Story Book (OLSB), a digital reminiscence intervention for people with (very) mild dementia living at home. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of the OLSB on (i) neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in persons with dementia and (ii) the distress and quality of life (QOL) of primary informal caregivers. A randomized controlled trial with individual randomization to one of two conditions was conducted: 1) intervention "Online Life Story Book"; 2) wait list control condition. In the intervention OLSB, a trained volunteer guided the participants through the process of creating an OLSB in approximately 5 meetings within a period of 8-10 weeks. Participants in the control condition received care as usual while they waited for 6 months before starting. Outcomes on NPS and distress and QOL of the informal caregiver were assessed at baseline (baseline, T0), 3 months (T1) and 6 months (T2) post baseline. Of the 42 persons with dementia, 23 were female and 19 were male. They had a mean age of 80 years, ranging from 49 to 95. The total drop-out rate was 14.3 percent. Small but insignificant effects on NPS, caregiver distress and QOL of caregivers were found with the exception of self-rated caregiver distress that reduced significantly during the intervention. One reason to explain the results might be that the included participants were in relatively good health. Practical challenges during the intervention could have affected the results as well. It might also be that the intervention caused effects on other outcomes than NPS and caregiver distress. In future research, it is important to study the effects in persons with more complaints and higher distress and to be careful in the selection of outcome variables in relation to the reminiscence functions served by the intervention.

Autobiographies as Topic , Caregivers/psychology , Dementia/psychology , Internet/statistics & numerical data , Memory/physiology , Quality of Life , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Books , Dementia/rehabilitation , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged
Trends Mol Med ; 27(5): 413-415, 2021 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33840623
Support Care Cancer ; 29(8): 4375-4380, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33420530


PURPOSE: Novels and autopathographies that employ cancer as a central theme offer a wealth of opportunities for researching the way patients with cancer make sense of their illness and its treatment. Such literatures can also inform clinical care, because they can support patients in living with their illness. The use of novels and autopathographies for research and care in persons with cancer fits within the framework of 'Health Humanities', the interdisciplinary field where medicine and social science meet. This paper presents a concise overview of novels and autopathographies that explore cancer as their theme. METHODS: Literature searches were conducted using PubMed, major scientific journals of medicine and clinical oncology, and databases in the Health Humanities. Searches focused on novels and autopathographies where cancer is the central theme, which are available in English, and which can be considered to represent 'high literature'. RESULTS: Twenty-nine books were identified. The majority of the books were written originally in English, and breast cancer and lung cancer were the most frequently discussed types of cancer. The core themes identified were giving meaning to illness; coping with medical treatment; and the psychological and social consequences of illness. CONCLUSION: Novels and autopathographies about cancer represent an innovative base for research on living with cancer and offer rich data on how people make sense of cancer and its medical treatment. Clinical implications of this review pertain to interventions based on bibliotherapy and expressive writing. Novels and autopathographies are just part of the Health Humanities context: a wide range of art genres may prove helpful in improving the quality of life of persons with cancer.

Adaptation, Psychological , Autobiographies as Topic , Fictional Works as Topic , Literature, Modern , Breast Neoplasms , Databases, Factual , Female , Humans , Lung Neoplasms/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Writing
Psychoanal Q ; 90(1): 7-48, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35312387


All his life, Wilfred Bion attempted to devise a narrative form for an account of the traumatic experiences he went through as a tank commander in the First World War. The body of his autobiographical works, which consists of texts written in different stages of his life and remain fragmentary, documents his desperate efforts to wrest a biography of his own from the most appalling tendencies of world history. As a whole, it testifies for and is the result of a lifelong attempt to understand something incomprehensible, to express something unspeakable, to restore something destroyed. It represents something akin to the primal history of the psychic catastrophe that Bion failed to escape from as long as he lived. The article first provides an overview of these autobiographical and literary writings against the background of a brief account of the external facts of Bion's life. It then undertakes a narrative analysis of the sequences in which Bion tries to find a narrative form for the arguably most terrible event of the entire war which not only was a deeply traumatic experience remaining with him throughout his life, but also resulted in what he felt to be his psychic death. Taken together, these sequences impressively show the painful work of gradually dissolving or at least coming to terms with the psychological catastrophe of a paralyzing trauma, the causes of which reach far beyond the individual and the private. The article sets out to contribute to the still unwritten inquiry into the genetic context in which Bion's autobiographical, literary, and theoretical writings figure, together with the concepts and writing strategies embodied in them.

Psychoanalytic Theory , World War I , Autobiographies as Topic , Emotions , Humans , Male , Writing
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e190856, 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154582


O objetivo deste artigo é, com base em uma narrativa autobiográfica que descreve a carreira de usuário de drogas, construir um diagrama que permita visualizar o desenvolvimento da carreira e dividi-la em fases sucessivas quanto ao incremento ou à diminuição do autocontrole sobre o uso de drogas. A construção de um diagrama nos permitiu visualizar os períodos de maior e menor autocontrole sobre o consumo de substâncias e os principais fatores intervenientes. Tal procedimento mostrou-se uma ferramenta capaz de fornecer uma representação sintética e, ao mesmo tempo, diacrônica da carreira de usuário, dividida em fases sucessivas quanto ao incremento ou à diminuição do autocontrole, que constatamos depender da droga consumida e do contexto pessoal e social do usuário. (AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es, a partir de una narrativa autobiográfica que describe la carrera de usuario de drogas, construir un diagrama que permita visualizar el desarrollo de la carrera y dividirla en fases sucesivas en lo que se refiere al aumento o disminución del autocontrol sobre el uso de drogas. La construcción de un diagrama nos permitió visualizar los períodos de mayor y menor autocontrol sobre el consumo de substancias y los principales factores intervinientes. Tal procedimiento se mostró una herramienta capaz de suministrar una representación sintética y, al mismo tiempo, diacrónica de la carrera de usuario, dividida en fases sucesivas con relación al aumento o la disminución del autocontrol, que conforme constatamos depende de la droga consumida y del contexto personal y social del usuario. (AU)

The objective of this article is to construct a diagram based on the autobiographical narrative that describes the trajectory of a drug user, to allow visualizing the development of his career and dividing it into successive phases regarding the increase or decrease of self-control over drug use. The construction of a diagram allowed us to visualize the periods of increased and decreased self-control over substance use and the main factors involved. This procedure proved to be an able tool to provide a synthetic and, at the same time, diachronic representation of the user's career, divided into successive phases regarding the increase or decrease of self-control, which we found to be dependent on the drug consumed and the personal and social context of the user. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Autobiographies as Topic , Drug Users/psychology , Self-Control , Crack Cocaine , Chart
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (37): 1-31, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357443


Resumo Este artigo é uma narrativa pessoal de um drama familiar representado na sequência da morte do meu irmão, decorrente de um acidente de avião. Histórias "verdadeiras" como essa se encaixam no espaço entre ficção e ciências sociais, juntando escrita etnográfica e literária, e compreensão autobiográfica e sociológica. Meu objetivo é reposicionar os leitores em relação aos outros autores de textos de ciências sociais, reconhecendo o potencial para leituras opcionais e encorajando os leitores a "experienciarem uma experiência" que pode revelar não apenas como foi para mim, mas como poderia ser ou foi também para eles alguma vez. Esta forma experimental permite a pesquisadores e leitores reconhecerem e darem voz às suas próprias experiências emocionais e incentiva sujeitos etnográficos (coautores) a reivindicarem e escreverem suas próprias vidas.

Abstract: This article is a personal narrative of a family drama enacted in the aftermath of my brother's death in an airplane crash. "True" stories such as this fit in the space between fiction and social science, joining ethnographic and literary writing, and auto-biographical and sociological understanding. My goal is to reposition readers vis a vis authors of texts os social science by acknowledging potential for optional readings and encouraging readers to "experience and experience" that can reveal not only how it was for me, but how it could be or once was for them. This experimental form permits researchers and readers to acknowledge and give voice to their own emotional experiences and encourages ethnographic subjects (co-authors) to reclaim and white their own lives.

Resumen: Este artículo es la narración personal del drama familiar ocurrido tras la muerte de mi hermano en un accidente aéreo. Historias "verdaderas" como esta se encajan en el limite de la ficción y las ciencias sociales, uniendo escritura etnográfica y literaria, y la comprensión autobiográfica y sociológica. Mi objetivo es reposicionar a los lectores en relación con los demás autores de textos de ciencias sociales, reconociendo el potencial de la lectura opcional y animar a los lectores a "experimentar una experiencia" que pueda revelar no solo cómo fue para mí, sino también como podría haber sido para ellos. Esta forma experimental permite a los investigadores y lectores reconocer y expresar sus propias experiencias emocionales y anima a los sujetos etnográficos (coautores) a reclamar y escribir sus propias vidas.

Family , Death, Sudden , Personal Narrative , Life Change Events , Autobiographies as Topic , Anthropology, Cultural
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci ; 75(9): 2029-2039, 2020 10 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32812040


OBJECTIVES: While a great deal is known about the risk factors that increase vulnerability to loneliness in later life, little research has explored stability and change in levels of loneliness. METHODS: Narrative interviews were conducted with 11 participants who were identified as being lonely during Wave 1 of the Maintaining Function and Well-being in Later Life Study Wales (CFAS Wales). The interviews were used to explore stability and change in levels of loneliness from the perspective of older people themselves. The interviews focused on participant's perspectives of the events that triggered loneliness, stability, and change in levels of loneliness over time as well as participant's responses to loneliness. RESULTS: The findings show that participants experienced losses and loneliness as biographical disruption. How participants and their wider social network responded to these losses had implications for the individual's trajectory through loneliness. DISCUSSION: Drawing on a biographical lens, the study reframed the events that triggered loneliness as disruptive events. This article discusses the utility of biographical disruption in understanding stability and change in loneliness. The findings suggest how drawing on valued identities may help lonely adults transition out of loneliness.

Activities of Daily Living/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological , Aging/psychology , Autobiographies as Topic , Loneliness/psychology , Social Identification , Social Isolation/psychology , Aged , Female , Humans , Life Change Events , Male , Narration , Resilience, Psychological , Social Networking
Annu Rev Chem Biomol Eng ; 11: 23-34, 2020 06 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32513083


John Davidson was widely recognized as the founding father of fluidization in chemical engineering. He was a great thinker and had a tremendous ability to distill complicated problems into much simpler concepts. Much of his thinking was set out, along with that of his coauthor David Harrison, in their book Fluidised Particles, first published in 1963, a book that is still used today. John was still coming into his office in Cambridge until the very last weeks of his life, where he continued to work with final-year undergraduates and graduate students. Fluidization, and two-phase flows, continued to fascinate him, and that enthusiasm was transmitted to those around him. The following article was the last work that he wrote and was very much a reflection on his life and career. John passed away on Christmas Day 2019, with the article in its final stages of preparation.

Chemical Engineering , Autobiographies as Topic , Biotechnology , Humans , Nuclear Energy
Memory ; 28(6): 741-752, 2020 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32552313


In the present experiment, we examined whether adopting a fictitious biography would make participants believe in this autobiography. Participants were split up into two conditions: forced confabulation condition and control condition. The forced confabulation condition received a snippet with the fake biography and had to adopt it through several methods (i.e., method acting, journaling, and convincing experimenters in an interview) over an extended period of time. The control condition was told that they partook in an experiment about personal childhood memories. Before, during and after lying participants completed four Life Event Inventories (LEI). Results revealed that after coming forward with the truth participants did not increase nor decrease their belief for the lied about events. Additionally, even after a one-year delay, we found no evidence for either effect. Our findings suggest that more extreme forms of fabrication do not make people believe in their lies.

Autobiographies as Topic , Deception , Truth Disclosure , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult
Memory ; 28(6): 753-765, 2020 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32525740


Memories of events from one's personal past that come to mind unintentionally and effortlessly are termed involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs). Recurrent IAMs are known as relevant to many disorders within clinical literature. However, less is known about their links with mental health status in the general population. In the current study, 2184 undergraduate students completed surveys assessing occurrence of any recurrent IAMs. Participants also wrote a description of their most frequently recurring IAM and rated it on phenomenological characteristics, such as frequency, valence, vividness, and centrality. Results showed that the majority of our sample experienced recurrent IAMs, replicating previous findings, but most of these memories were emotionally negative, unlike past work. Importantly, negative recurrent IAMs were associated with significantly more mental health concerns, including symptoms of depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress. We also found that frequency of IAM recurrence was predicted by the memory's age, level of completeness/detail, emotional intensity, and centrality to one's life story. Further, descriptions of positive recurrent IAMs contained significantly more episodic detail compared to negative or neutral ones, suggesting that emotional regulation may play a role in how recurrent IAMs are recounted. Recurrent IAMs, and their characteristics, serve as a window into mental health status.

Autobiographies as Topic , Health Status , Memory, Episodic , Mental Health , Mental Recall , Anxiety/psychology , Depression/psychology , Emotions , Female , Humans , Male , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/psychology , Young Adult