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Pediatr. aten. prim ; 21(83): 239-244, jul.-sept. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-188634


Introducción: diversos estudios identifican la falta de conocimientos y tiempo como una de las barreras para la implementación de los resultados de la investigación en la práctica clínica. El uso de la tecnología de la información y comunicación puede ser una solución a estos problemas. Objetivo: evaluar el alcance y la difusión de los contenidos publicados en el blog Cuidando neonatos relacionados con el consumo de evidencia en cuidados. Material y método: estudio descriptivo transversal. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron Google Analytics y el directorio Blogger. Resultados: el número de páginas vistas en el periodo de revisión (12 de noviembre de 2014 hasta fecha 12 de septiembre de 2018) fue 645 249 durante 155 874 sesiones. La mayoría de las visitas procedían de España y México. De los 144 posts publicados, 26 estaban relacionados con el consumo de evidencia en cuidados. La entrada más vista fue: "RCP neonatal. ¿Repasamos conceptos claves?", con 13 649 visitas. Conclusiones: el alcance de los contenidos publicados en Cuidando neonatos y difundidos a través de sus redes sociales, constatan que el blog puede ser una herramienta que facilite la implementación de cuidados de salud basados en la evidencia en el ámbito de la neonatología

Introduction: several studies have identified the lack of knowledge and time as one of the barriers for the application of research findings to clinical practice. The use of information and communication technologies may offer a solution to these problems. Objective: to asses the reach and diffusion of contents published in the Cuidando neonatos blog related to the consumption of evidence in health care. Material and method: we conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study using Google Analytics and the Directorio Blogger. Results: there were a total of 645 249 page views in the period under study (November 12, 2014 to September 12, 2018) in the course of 155 874 sessions. Most visits came from Spain and Mexico. Of the 144 published posts, 26 had to do with evidence-based care. The most-viewed post was "RCP neonatal. ¿Repasamos conceptos claves?", which received 13 649 visits. Conclusions: the reach of the contents published in the Cuidando neonatos blog and disseminated through its social network profiles demonstrates that blogging can be a powerful tool to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based health care practices in the field of neonatology

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Evidence-Based Practice/methods , Child Care/organization & administration , Consumer Health Information/organization & administration , Social Networking , Neonatal Nursing/organization & administration , Primary Care Nursing/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Blogging/organization & administration
Rev. Rol enferm ; 40(9): 600-604, sept. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-165955


La irrupción de Internet ha transformado la sociedad actual y la enfermería no puede estar de espaldas a esta realidad. Hoy día, para adquirir conocimiento se recurre a smartphones, tabletas, etc. Existe una corriente de enfermeras que decidieron crear y compartir conocimientos a través de los blogs, para lo que crearon lo que se conoce por Blogosfera Enfermera. El objetivo principal de este artículo es conocer la utilidad de esta Blogosfera Enfermera y mostrar alguno de los blogs que la conforman. Un blog es un diario web que permite la interacción con los lectores. Esto supone una serie de beneficios tanto al profesional como a la profesión en sí. Existe una interacción natural entre los blogs y las redes sociales (RRSS) con el fin de difundir el conocimiento y generar interacción. La inmediatez y el alcance de las RRSS y blogs hace que se pierda el control de lo que se publica, por lo que hay que seguir una serie de precauciones y requisitos a la hora de difundir o compartir contenido a través de ellos. Cuando se publica en un blog, como enfermera, se actúa como referente en el ámbito de la sanidad, por lo que la responsabilidad es mayor. Se debe ser escrupuloso en la selección y fuentes del contenido. Un blog tiene infinidad de ventajas, pero, si se opta por escribir uno a nivel profesional, hay que hacerlo desde el rigor científico, el respeto a los demás y la protección de información confidencial (AU)

The emergence of Internet has transformed society. Smartphones and tablets are used to acquire new knowledge and nursing cannot turn its back on this reality. A sector of nurses has decided to create and share knowledge through blogs, creating what is known as nurse blogosphere. The main objective of this article is to determine the usefulness of the nurse blogosphere and exemplify it with some blogs that comprise it. A blog is an online log that allows for interaction with readers. This entails a number of benefits, both for nurses and the profession itself. There is a natural interrelation between blogs and Social Networks, spreading knowledge and generating interaction. The immediacy and reach of blogs and Social Networks defies control over what is published, therefore certain precautions and requirements must be followed when spreading or sharing content through them. When a nurse publishes a post in a blog, she acts as benchmark within the health field; therefore, responsibility is bigger. The selection and sources of content should be carefully chosen. A blog has numerous advantages, however choosing to write one at professional level must imply scientific rigour, respect for others and protection of confidential information (AU)

Humans , Blogging/organization & administration , Blogging/trends , Internet , Webcasts as Topic/organization & administration , Nursing Informatics/organization & administration , Nursing Informatics/methods , Nursing Informatics/standards , Social Media/organization & administration , Social Media/standards
Metas enferm ; 19(7): 6-11, sept. 2016. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-156968


OBJETIVO: analizar la utilidad, la satisfacción y los flujos de información generados en la red 2.0 por el blog materno-infantil implementado en un centro de Atención Primaria de la Comunidad de Castilla y León. MÉTODO: estudio descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo (etapa final del embarazo, a los 15 días y a los 3 meses de vida del recién nacido) en un centro de salud urbano y sobre la población de mujeres embarazadas que realizan seguimiento de su embarazo y revisiones pediátricas. Además de las variables sociodemográficas, se incluyeron la utilidad y grado de satisfacción del blog materno-infantil, y aquellas que permitían analizar el flujo de comunicación del blog. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo (medidas de tendencia central y dispersión; frecuencias absolutas y relativas), análisis bivariante (Chi cuadrado) y análisis del flujo de comunicación del blog mediante la aplicación Google Analytics. RESULTADOS: el blog fue utilizado por un 46% de mujeres durante la gestación y un 67% en los primeros tres meses del postparto. Destacó el mayor uso en mujeres primigestas y en las mujeres con un nivel socioeconómico alto. El grado de satisfacción obtuvo una puntuación superior a 8 (escala de 1 a 10) en todos los aspectos analizados. CONCLUSIONES: esta nueva forma de comunicación y educación para la salud en red, entre ciudadanos y sanitarios, ha demostrado un elevado nivel de aceptación, resolver problemas de salud, generar tranquilidad y tener un elevado nivel de satisfacción en los usuarios

OBJECTIVE: to analyze the utility, satisfaction, and information flows generated in the Web 2.0 by the Mother-and-Child Blog implemented in a Primary Care Centre of the Castile and León Community. METHOD: a prospective longitudinal descriptive study (final stage of pregnancy, at 15 days and at 3 months into the newborn life) in an urban health centre, and with the population of pregnant women undergoing pregnancy follow-up and paediatric check-ups. As well as sociodemographical variables, the study included the utility and level of satisfaction of the Mother-and-Child Blog, and any variables allowing the analysis of the communication flow in said blog. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted (central tendency and dispersion measures; absolute and relative frequencies), bivariate analysis (Square-chi Test), and analysis of the communication flow in the blog through the Google Analytics application. RESULTS: the blog was used by 46% of women during pregnancy, and 67% during the first three months of the postpartum period. The higher use by first-time mothers stood out, as well as by women with a high socioeconomic level. The degree of satisfaction reached a score above 8 (scale from 1 to 10) in all aspects analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: this new way of on-line communication and health education between citizens and healthcare professionals has shown a high level of acceptance, solved health problems, provided reassurance, and reached a high degree of satisfaction among its users

Humans , Blogging/organization & administration , Maternal-Child Health Services/organization & administration , Health Education/organization & administration , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Midwifery/trends
Pediatr. aten. prim ; 18(70): 111-117, abr.-jun. 2016. graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-153798


Objetivo: conocer el perfil internauta de las gestantes de dos centros de salud con el fin de desarrollar un blog materno-infantil con contenidos de alto interés. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo longitudinal de gestantes con fecha probable de parto de entre el 1 de mayo de 2014 y el 31 de marzo de 2015, con seguimiento de su embarazo y revisiones pediátricas del bebé en dos centros de salud urbanos. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas y datos sobre frecuencia de uso de Internet, modalidades y expectativas. Resultados: se analizaron 101 cuestionarios. Edad media de las embarazadas: 32,64 años. El 53,8% fueron primíparas, el 37,6% tenía ya un hijo y el 8,7% dos o más. El 2,2% sin estudios, el 10,8% estudios primarios, el 43% secundarios y el 44,1% universitarios. El teléfono fue el dispositivo más utilizado. El 79,6% utilizaban Internet a diario. El nivel de estudios y la edad de la madre influyeron en el uso de determinados dispositivos y en la frecuencia de acceso. Los motivos principales para usar Internet fueron el correo electrónico y la búsqueda de información sobre salud. Los temas más consultados fueron maternidad, alimentación y estilos de vida. Más de la mitad buscan información en Internet antes o después de la consulta. A la mayoría les gustaría que su matrona, enfermera o pediatra utilizara nuevos canales de información y comunicación. Conclusiones: se observa un elevado uso de Internet para consultar problemas de salud entre las gestantes, especialmente las que tienen estudios superiores y menos de 30 años. Las primigestas muestran elevado interés en recibir información. Está justificado desarrollar herramientas de formación y comunicación sanitaria, como los blogs sanitarios (AU)

Objectives: to assess the web-user profile in pregnant women from two primary care centers with the intention of developing high interest blog contents. Methods: descriptive study of 101 pregnant women who gave birth between May 2014 and March 2015 and attended routine post-partum and pediatric visits. Results: a total of 101 surveys were analyzed. The mean age was 32.64 years. In parity groups 53.8% were nulliparous, 37.6% second birth, 8.7% third birth or more. 13% had a low education level, 43% medium (secondary studies) and 44.1% high education level. Devices utilized were 88.2% smartphone, 82.6% personal computer, 65.6% tablet and 52.7% family computer. A 79.6% used the Internet every day. The level of education along with the age of the mother influences the use of certain devices and the frequency of internet access. Main uses were email and browsing health information. Most viewed topics were motherhood, food and lifestyle. More than half frequently looked for information before or after visiting the doctor or nurse. The majority of women are willing to communicate and receive information with/from the caregiver by new channels such as blogs, social media, etc. especially in primigravid women. Conclusions: pregnant women frequently use the Internet to consult about health problems, specially those with high level of education and aged under 30. Primigravid women are the most interested. This experiment supports further development of education and communication tools such as health-related blogs (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnant Women , Maternal and Child Health , Maternal-Child Health Services/organization & administration , Maternal-Child Health Services/standards , Blogging/instrumentation , Blogging/organization & administration , Internet/standards , Internet , Webcasts as Topic , Blogging/statistics & numerical data , Blogging/standards , Blogging , Social Media/organization & administration , Social Media/standards , Surveys and Questionnaires
Metas enferm ; 18(7): 65-69, sept. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-143125


Una de las principales innovaciones que se debe llevar a cabo para implementar la actual reforma de la universidad española se encuentra en el protagonismo de los estudiantes y las metodologías que promuevan el aprendizaje autónomo y, también, colaborativo. En este artículo se presenta el diseño y construcción de un blog educativo por el profesorado y el alumnado de la asignatura Enfermería en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en 2º Grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Valladolid (España), que tiene la finalidad de desarrollar estrategias didácticas novedosas para compartir ideas o como un instrumento de soporte para contenidos curriculares. Los weblogs, blogs o bitácoras son herramientas de gran utilidad en educación, son gratuitos y fáciles de usar. Complementan la enseñanza presencial, permiten el aprendizaje colaborativo, sirven como buscadores a través de enlaces específicos y promueven la interacción entre los profesores y los estudiantes con sus comentarios

One of the main innovations which must be conducted in order to implement the current reform in the Spanish University consists in the main role played by students and the methodologies which promote independent as well as cooperative learning. In this article, we present the design and building of an educational blog by the professors and students of the Nursing in Sexual and Reproductive Health subject in the 2nd Nursing Degree of the University of Valladolid (Spain), with the objective of developing innovative learning strategies to share ideas or as a supporting tool for educational contents. Weblogs, blogs or logs are very useful tools in education, they are free and easy to use. They complement face-to-face teaching, allow collaborative learning, are useful search engines through specific links, and they promote interaction between professors and students with their comments

Humans , Education, Nursing/trends , Blogging/organization & administration , Students, Nursing , Educational and Promotional Materials , Technological Development
J Med Internet Res ; 17(4): e103, 2015 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25908092


BACKGROUND: Journal clubs are an essential tool in promoting clinical evidence-based medical education to all medical and allied health professionals. Twitter represents a public, microblogging forum that can facilitate traditional journal club requirements, while also reaching a global audience, and participation for discussion with study authors and colleagues. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the current state of social media-facilitated journal clubs, specifically Twitter, as an example of continuing professional development. METHODS: A systematic review of literature databases (Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, ERIC via ProQuest) was performed according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A systematic search of Twitter, the followers of identified journal clubs, and Symplur was also performed. Demographic and monthly tweet data were extracted from Twitter and Symplur. All manuscripts related to Twitter-based journal clubs were included. Statistical analyses were performed in MS Excel and STATA. RESULTS: From a total of 469 citations, 11 manuscripts were included and referred to five Twitter-based journal clubs (#ALiEMJC, #BlueJC, #ebnjc, #urojc, #meded). A Twitter-based journal club search yielded 34 potential hashtags/accounts, of which 24 were included in the final analysis. The median duration of activity was 11.75 (interquartile range [IQR] 19.9, SD 10.9) months, with 7 now inactive. The median number of followers and participants was 374 (IQR 574) and 157 (IQR 272), respectively. An overall increasing establishment of active Twitter-based journal clubs was observed, resulting in an exponential increase in total cumulative tweets (R(2)=.98), and tweets per month (R(2)=.72). Cumulative tweets for specific journal clubs increased linearly, with @ADC_JC, @EBNursingBMJ, @igsjc, @iurojc, and @NephJC, and showing greatest rate of change, as well as total impressions per month since establishment. An average of two tweets per month was estimated for the majority of participants, while the "Top 10" tweeters for @iurojc showed a significantly lower contribution to overall tweets for each month (P<.005). A linearly increasing impression:tweet ratio was observed for the top five journal clubs. CONCLUSIONS: Twitter-based journal clubs are free, time-efficient, and publicly accessible means to facilitate international discussions regarding clinically important evidence-based research.

Blogging/statistics & numerical data , Education, Continuing/methods , Periodicals as Topic , Adult , Blogging/organization & administration , Blogging/trends , Humans , Internationality , Periodicals as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Social Media
Rev Gaucha Enferm ; 34(3): 31-7, 2013 Sep.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24344582


The objective was to analyze the structure of school blogs on sexuality and their utilization by adolescents. This quantitative, exploratory and documentary study was performed with 11 blogs designed by students and available online in March of 2012. The information was submitted to hypertext analysis and descriptive statistics, taking research ethics norms into consideration. Group and education blogs developed in Portuguese and Brazilian schools were most often signed by their authors and suffered few updates. The written posts mixed scientific and informal languages, besides presenting videos and images. Every blog included information regarding the number of followers, visits, comments and a contact to answer questions. The highlighted discussed topics were birth control methods and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Blogs are a resource for health education that should promote active discussions and rely on the participation of health care professionals.

Blogging , Psychology, Adolescent , School Health Services/organization & administration , Sex Education/methods , Sexuality , Students/psychology , Adolescent , Authorship , Blogging/organization & administration , Blogging/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Contraception , Female , Humans , Male , Multimedia , Portugal , School Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Social Participation , Writing
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 34(3): 31-37, set. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-695253


O objetivo foi analisar a estrutura e a utilização do blog escolar por adolescentes, ao abordarem a temática da sexualidade. Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa exploratória documental, realizada com 11 blogs criados por estudantes que estavam disponíveis online em março de 2012. As informações foram submetidas à análise hipertextual e da estatística descritiva, observando-se os preceitos éticos em pesquisa. Os blogs grupais e educacionais desenvolvidos em escolas portuguesas e brasileiras eram na maioria assinados pelos autores e sofreram poucas atualizações. As publicações escritas mesclaram linguagem científica com informal, apresentavam vídeos e imagens. Informações sobre a quantidade de seguidores, acessos, comentários e contato para dúvidas não foram encontrados na totalidade dos blogs. Entre os assuntos discutidos, destacaram-se métodos contraceptivos e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DSTs). Os blogs sãorecurso de educação em saúde que necessitam assumir o seu espaço de discussão ativa e podem contar com a participação de profissionais da saúde.

El objetivo fue analizar la estructura y el uso del blog de la escuela para los adolescentes, abordando el tema sexualidad. Se trata de investigación exploratoria cuantitativa realizada con 11 blogs creados por estudiantes que estaban disponibles en línea el marzo de 2012. La información sufrió análisis de la estadística descriptiva, con observación de la ética en investigación. Los blogs y el grupo educativo desarrollado en Brasil y escuelas portuguesas fueron firmados en su mayoría por los autores y sufrió menos cambios. Las publicaciones escritas se mezclan con el lenguaje científico informal, tenían videos y fotos. La información sobre la cantidad de seguidores, visitas, comentarios y contacto para cuestiones que no se encuentran en todos los blogs. Entre los temas tratados, se puso de anticoncepción y las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Los blogs son la educación característica de salud que necesitan para tomar su espacio y el debate activo puede incluir la participación de profesionales de la salud.

The objective was to analyze the structure of school blogs on sexuality and their utilization by adolescents. This quantitative, exploratory and documentary study was performed with 11 blogs designed by students and available online in March of 2012. The information was submitted to hypertext analysis and descriptive statistics, taking research ethics norms into consideration. Group and education blogs developed in Portuguese and Brazilian schools were most often signed by their authors and suffered few updates. The written posts mixed scientific and informal languages, besides presenting videos and images. Every blog included information regarding the number of followers, visits, comments and a contact to answer questions. The highlighted discussed topics were birth control methods and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Blogs are a resource for health education that should promote active discussions and rely on the participation of health care professionals.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Psychology, Adolescent , Blogging , School Health Services/organization & administration , Sex Education/methods , Sexuality , Students/psychology , Authorship , Blogging/organization & administration , Blogging/statistics & numerical data , Blogging , Brazil , Contraception , Multimedia , Portugal , School Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Social Participation , Writing
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 194: 160-5, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23941949


During the last three years the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Tasmania has used a needs assessment survey to explore the needs of organizations and nursing professionals that facilitate and clinically supervise Bachelor of Nursing students in the workplace. Findings from the survey indicated that staff at healthcare organizations wanted a communication strategy that was easily accessible by clinicians who supervised students during work integrated learning placements. In particular they wanted to receive timely information related to the role and function of supervisors in practice. The development of the digital strategy to strengthen the development of a community of practice between the University, organizations, facilities and clinical supervisors was identified as the key method of improving communication. Blogging and micro blogging were selected as methods of choice for the implementation of the digital strategy because they were easy to set up, use and enable equity of access to geographically dispersed practitioners in urban and rural areas. Change champions were identified to disseminate information about the strategy within their workplaces. Although clinicians indicated electronic communication as their preferred method, there were a number of human factors at a systems and individual level identified to be challenges when communicating with clinical supervisors who were based off-campus. Information communication technology policies and embedded culture towards social presence were impediments to using this approach in some organizations. Additionally, it was found that it is necessary for this group of clinicians to be educated about using digital methods to undertake their role as clinical supervisors in their varied clinical practice environments.

Blogging/organization & administration , Information Dissemination/methods , Information Storage and Retrieval/methods , Interprofessional Relations , Nursing, Supervisory/organization & administration , Nursing/organization & administration , Rural Health Services/organization & administration , Education, Nursing/organization & administration , Tasmania
Rev. Rol enferm ; 36(5): 348-352, mayo 2013.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-112962


Objetivo general. Evaluar la repercusión de la difusión de los contenidos del blog «Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia» a través un perfil personal de Facebook. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se hizo llegar vía web un enlace a la encuesta online (previamente pilotada) a una población de 2132 perfiles de Facebook que mantenían una relación de «amistad» con el perfil de carácter divulgativo estudiado. La encuesta contaba con ocho ítems relacionados con el tipo de perfiles conectados al perfil de estudio y su interacción con el blog que representa; y se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las variables mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS 19. Resultados. Respondieron 473 personas. El 75,9% de la muestra tiene un perfil en Facebook de carácter personal y en un 94,1% de los casos están interesados en las prácticas basadas en la evidencia. El 55,6% conoce el blog; además el 46,5% contestó que lo leía ocasionalmente, frente al 17,1% que lo hacía regularmente y el 35,7% que señarla no leerlo. De los lectores, el 75,75% dice haber mejorado sus conocimientos en cuanto a las prácticas basadas en la evidencia tras su lectura. El 88% comentó no seguir el blog por otro medio o red social y en el caso de que sí se haga, los medios mas utilizados son Google Reader, NetworkedBlogs y Twitter. Conclusiones. La lectura de los contenidos del blog mejora los conocimientos en cuanto a prácticas basadas en evidencias de los «amigos» del perfil social, tal y como ellos mismos refieren. La adecuación del perfil social como herramienta de difusión parece ser correcta si bien es necesario investigar en profundidad el funcionamiento de las redes sociales(AU)

Aims. Evaluate the impact of diffusion of the contents of the blog «Evidence-Based Nursing» through Facebook. Method. Cross-sectional study carried out via a web link to the online survey (previously tested) to a population of 2132 Facebook profiles that had a “friendship” with the profile studied. The survey had 8 items and a descriptive study of variables was conducted using SPSS 19. Results. 75.9% of the sample has a Facebook profile of a personal character and 94.1% of cases are interested in evidence-based practices. 55.6% of the sample knows the blog, plus 46.5% answered that they read it occasionally, compared with 17.1% who does regularly and 35.7% who say they do not read it. Of all readers, 75.75% say they have improved their knowledge in terms of evidence-based practice after reading it. 88% said they did not follow the blog by other means or social network and in the case that they did, the most used are Google Reader, and Twitter Networked Blogs. Conclusions. Reading the contents of this blog improve the knowledge about evidence-based practices of the «friends» of the social profile, as they themselves relate. The adequacy of the social profile as a dissemination tool is successful as it is necessary to investigate in depth the functioning of social networks(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Evidence-Based Practice/methods , Evidence-Based Nursing/methods , Evidence-Based Nursing/standards , Internet , Webcasts as Topic , Blogging/organization & administration , Blogging/standards , Computer Communication Networks , Medical Informatics , Medical Informatics/organization & administration , Evidence-Based Practice , Evidence-Based Nursing , Evidence-Based Nursing/organization & administration , Webcasts as Topic , Blogging/instrumentation , Blogging/trends , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies
Pediatr. aten. prim ; 15(57): 27-35, ene.-mar. 2013.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-111123


Los blogs se han convertido en una potencial fuente de información y formación en Medicina, en general, y en Pediatría, en particular, máxime en el actual entorno sanitario de la “web social”. La experiencia personal de los autores en relación con el blog Pediatría basada en pruebas ha permitido analizar el interés temático de los lectores del blog, así como los flujos de comunicación en el entorno de la “blogosfera” pediátrica española. Se analizan las 1311 entradas publicadas en el blog Pediatría basada en pruebas durante el periodo de revisión (de mayo de 2008 a septiembre de 2012), con un estudio pormenorizado de las 105 entradas que han recibido más de 1000 visitas. Los temas que más interesan a los lectores del blog Pediatría basada en pruebas se concentran en seis grupos: 1) enfermedades infecciosas (gripe, meningitis, sepsis, sarampión, varicela, vacunas, etc.); 2) Perineonatología (temas de la gestación y del recién nacido, algunos volcados en dos secciones ya consolidadas como Propositus y Neo-Dividencias); 3) temas sociales (tabaquismo, accidentes, inmigración, acoso escolar, etc.); 4) guías e informes de sociedades científicas; 5) secciones ya establecidas del blog (con cinco consolidadas: Propositus, Neo-Dividencias, Formación e Información en Pediatría, Resumen de la blogosfera pediátrica y Cine y Pediatría), y 6) polémicas (temas de especial debate social y/o médico y que corresponden con los más comentados, y donde se incluyen temas como el aborto, la circuncisión neonatal, grupos antivacunas, mala praxis sanitaria, etc.). Teniendo en cuenta que el entorno de los blogs ya es considerado por la propia Asociación Española de Pediatría como una fuente de información fiable, nuestro compromiso en el blog es construir esta información de la mejor forma posible. Y la mejor forma posible inicial es conocer la dinámica de nuestros lectores y, con ello, y sin dejar de ser rigurosos y éticos, podemos (y debemos) plantear como válida esta forma de transmitir formación e información a nuestros colegas de profesión, a pacientes y familias, y a la sociedad en general (AU)

Blogs have become a potential source of information and training in medicine in general and in pediatrics in particular, especially in the present health care environment in the social web. The authors’ personal experience relating to the blog Pediatría basada en pruebas has made possible to analyze the readers’ interests, as well as the communication movements around the Spanish pediatric blogosphere. The 1311 public entries from May 2008 to September 2012 are analyzed, with a detailed study of the 105 posts with more than 1000 visits. The subjects that interest the most to the readers of Pediatría basada en pruebas blog gather around six groups: 1) infectious diseases (flu, meningitis, septicemia, measles, chickenpox, vaccinations, etc.); 2) peri-neonatology (pregnancy and newborn subjects, some of them issued in two established sections named Propositus and Neo-Dividencias; 3) social subjects (smoking, injuries, immigration, bulling, etc.); 4) guidelines and reports of scientific societies; 5) established sections in the blog (five of them consolidated: Propositus, Neo-Dividencias, Training and Information in Pediatrics, Pediatric blogosphere summary and Cinema and Pediatrics; 6) controversies (subjects of special social and/or healthcare debate, that are the more commented ones and include subjects such as abortion, newborn circumcision, anti-vaccination groups, medical malpractice, etc.). Taking into account that blogs are already considered by the Spanish Pediatrics Association itself as a source of information, our compromise with the blog is to build this information in the best possible way. And the initial best possible way is to know our readers’ dynamics, and therefore staying rigorous and ethical, we can (and should) consider valid this way of transmitting training and information to our colleagues, patients and families, and to society in general (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Internet , Webcasts as Topic , Blogging/organization & administration , Blogging/standards , Blogging/trends , Blogging , Pediatrics/education , Pediatrics/methods , Information Services/standards , Information Services , Blogging/instrumentation , Blogging/supply & distribution , Information Systems/standards , Information Systems , Knowledge Management for Health Research , Knowledge Management/standards
J Vasc Surg ; 57(4): 1159-62, 2013 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23321344


There has been a tremendous growth in the use of social media to expand the visibility of various specialties in medicine. The purpose of this paper is to describe the latest updates on some current applications of social media in the practice of vascular surgery as well as existing limitations of use. This investigation demonstrates that the use of social networking sites appears to have a positive impact on vascular practice, as is evident through the incorporation of this technology at the Cleveland Clinic and by the Society for Vascular Surgery into their approach to patient care and physician communication. Overall, integration of social networking technology has current and future potential to be used to promote goals, patient awareness, recruitment for clinical trials, and professionalism within the specialty of vascular surgery.

Blogging/organization & administration , Marketing of Health Services/organization & administration , Practice Management, Medical/organization & administration , Social Media/organization & administration , Vascular Surgical Procedures/organization & administration , Access to Information , Consumer Health Information , Humans , Models, Organizational , Organizational Objectives , Physician-Patient Relations
Crit Care Nurs Q ; 35(4): 328-34, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22948365


Effective communication is a key factor to success in intensive care nursing. At Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) incorporated blogging as one of its primary means of communication. In the health care clinical environment, blogging can help to promote 2-way communication among nursing staff and leadership. Blogging can serve as a valuable method of relaying important updates, changes in practice, and educational resources. Incorporating a blog into the ICU environment involves a cultural shift and some potential barriers. Lack of a technological understanding of social media, outdated software systems, and limited hospital policies may pose issues when incorporating a blog into the health care setting. The benefits though are impressive. Blogging is a form of rapid, real-time communication for which any person may post or comment on an important thought or message. Blogging can help to increase compliance with quality measures, update staff on need to know information such as changes in policies and procedures, and provide up-to-date educational resources at any time, from anywhere.

Blogging/organization & administration , Coronary Care Units/organization & administration , Critical Illness/nursing , Interdisciplinary Communication , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnosis , Cardiovascular Diseases/therapy , Critical Care/organization & administration , Female , Hospitals, General , Humans , Intensive Care Units/organization & administration , Male , Pennsylvania , Program Development , Program Evaluation , Quality Control
Plast Surg Nurs ; 32(2): 73-6, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22647955


Not having a Twitter account or a Facebook fan page for your employer, or for yourself, is no longer an option if you plan to participate in social media. I preface this article with the statement that many things could possibly change on Twitter and Facebook in 1 month's time from writing this article and it's publishing. We will focus on Twitter and Facebook because they can have the greatest impact with the least amount of effort, and they are the most popular. By creating an account for each and connecting them together, you ensure a "sprint" out of the social media gate versus a slow jog; so let's get started!

Blogging/organization & administration , Social Media/organization & administration , Humans
Aesthet Surg J ; 31(8): 972-6, 2011 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22065887


BACKGROUND: "Social media" describes interactive communication through Web-based technologies. It has become an everyday part of modern life, yet there is a lack of research regarding its impact on plastic surgery practice. OBJECTIVES: The authors evaluate and compare the prevalence of classic marketing methods and social media in plastic surgery. METHODS: The Web sites of aesthetic surgeons from seven US cities were compared and evaluated for the existence of Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace links and promotions. To find the sites, the authors conducted a Google search for the phrase "plastic surgery" with the name of each city to be studied: Beverly Hills, California; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Las Vegas, Nevada; Miami, Florida; New York City, New York; and San Francisco, California. The trends of social networking memberships were also studied in each of these cities. RESULTS: In comparison to aesthetic surgeons practicing in other cities, those in Miami, Florida, favored social media the most, with 50% promoting a Facebook page and 46% promoting Twitter. Fifty-six percent of New York City aesthetic surgeons promoted their featured articles in magazines and newspapers, whereas 54% of Beverly Hills aesthetic surgeons promoted their television appearances. An increase in the number of new Facebook memberships among cosmetic providers in the seven cities began in October 2008 and reached a peak in October, November, and December 2009, with subsequent stabilization. The increase in the number of new Twitter memberships began in July 2008 and remained at a steady rate of approximately 15 new memberships every three months. CONCLUSIONS: Social media may seem like a new and unique communication tool, but it is important to preserve professionalism and apply traditional Web site-building ethics and principles to these sites. We can expect continued growth in plastic surgeons' utilization of these networks to enhance their practices and possibly to launch direct marketing campaigns.

Blogging/organization & administration , Social Marketing , Surgery, Plastic/organization & administration , Blogging/ethics , Blogging/trends , Humans , Internet , Marketing of Health Services/ethics , Marketing of Health Services/organization & administration , Marketing of Health Services/trends , Physicians/ethics , Physicians/organization & administration , Physicians/trends , Social Media/ethics , Social Media/organization & administration , Social Media/trends , Surgery, Plastic/ethics , Surgery, Plastic/trends , United States
Glob Health Promot ; 18(2): 18-26, 2011 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21596936


We conducted a conversation analysis of 21 threads initiated by newcomers of an online support group (OSG) on eating disorders, to examine the discursive process of entering such a group. The analysis revealed three important issues. First, many newcomers articulate that the step to join the group is extremely difficult. Second, a presentation of the self in terms of a diagnosis works as a legitimization for joining the forum. The data suggest that participants who do not fulfil the conditions for such a legitimization do not join the forum. Third, the option of acquiring a serious symptom as a solution to the legitimization problem is offered by one of the regular members. Hence, the newcomers' discourse reveals issues relevant to the accessibility for undiagnosed sufferers. We discuss these findings theoretically as a phenomenon of self-presentation in relation to community norms. The analysis generates the hypothesis that newcomers are confronted with implicit norms regarding membership legitimacy that they should obey in their self-presentation, although they may not be ready yet to actually do so. OSGs should find strategies to facilitate various possibilities for newcomers to present themselves to the group while becoming a member.

Access to Information , Blogging/organization & administration , Communication , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Self-Help Groups , Blogging/standards , Humans , Internet , Interpersonal Relations , Research Design