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Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514476


Introducción: Aquellas personas que brindan atención en situaciones de emergencias están expuestas a un alto riesgo de sufrir lesiones o fallecer durante labores de rescate, sea en accidentes de tránsito, desastres naturales, atentados terroristas o crisis humanitarias generadas por conflictos armados. Esta investigación fue realizada en las personas trabajadoras de la Cruz Roja Costarricense (CRC) para establecer la percepción de la utilidad de los registros dentales como método de identificación y elaborar un formato único de información odontológica antemortem. Materiales y métodos: Un cuestionario piloto fue diseñado y aplicado a 10 personas para ser calibrado y validado. Posteriormente se generó un cuestionario electrónico final en la plataforma Google Forms que fue enviado vía correo electrónico institucional a las personas trabajadoras constituida por 175 individuos, de los cuales 92 respondieron en el período del 20 de noviembre de 2022 al 20 de enero de 2023. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante las distribuciones de frecuencia, cruce de variables, comparación de medias con base en el análisis de variancia. El nivel mínimo de confianza para las comparaciones fue del 95%. Resultados: El cuestionario fue realizado por 92 personas, 75% hombres y 25% mujeres. El rango de edad entre los 36 y 40 años fue el más frecuente (23.9%). El 60,9% labora en la provincia de San José, 58% indica que visitaron al odontólogo hace un año o menos y el 38,6% refiere que nunca les han tomado una radiografía panorámica, un 81,8% dice tener tratamientos dentales como coronas, puentes o implantes; y el 75% considera de gran utilidad los registros dentales como método de identificación, y lo ubican en segundo lugar de conocimiento (89,8%) al compararlo con ADN (97,7%) y dactiloscopia (86,4%). Conclusiones: Las personas trabajadoras de la Cruz Roja Costarricense consideran que los registros odontológicos son útiles en la identificación de seres humanos y cuentan con información antemortem útil para dicho efecto.

Introduction: Those who provide care in emergency situations are exposed to a high risk of injury or death during rescue work, whether in traffic accidents, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or humanitarian crises generated by armed conflicts. This research was carried out among Costa Rican Red Cross (CRC) workers to establish the perception of the usefulness of dental records as a method of identification and to develop a single format for antemortem dental information. Materials and methods: A pilot questionnaire was designed and applied to 10 persons to be calibrated and validated. Subsequently, a final electronic questionnaire was generated in the Google Forms platform and sent via institutional e-mail to 175 workers, of whom 92 responded during the period from November 20, 2022, to January 20, 2023. The results were analyzed by means of frequency distributions, crossing of variables, and comparison of means based on the analysis of variance. The minimum confidence level for comparisons was 95%. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 92 people, 75% men and 25% women. The age range between 36 and 40 years was the most frequent (23.9%). A total of 60.9% worked in the province of San José, 58% indicated that they had visited the dentist a year ago or less and 38.6% said that they had never had a panoramic X-ray taken, 81.8% said they had dental treatments such as crowns, bridges or implants; and 75% considered dental records to be very useful as a method of identification, and placed it in second place in terms of knowledge (89.8%) when compared with DNA (97.7%) and dactyloscopy (86.4%). Conclusions: Costa Rican Red Cross workers consider dental records to be useful in the identification of human beings and have useful antemortem information for this purpose.

Humans , Red Cross , Dental Records , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Forensic Medicine , Formulary, Dental
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(89): 9-13, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552610


La identificación humana genera continuos desafíos técnicos y científicos para los equipos de expertos forenses en sus múltiples contextos de intervención. Uno de los más complejos, está representado por el hallazgo de cadáveres quemados o carbonizados, donde las huellas dactilares resultan inviables. En tales situaciones, los tejidos de la cavidad oral han demostrado elevada tolerancia a la injuria térmica, aportando información decisiva, muchas veces com-plementada por estructuras protésicas recupera-das del occiso. El presente artículo reporta dos ca-sos donde las prótesis dentales acrílicas y de cromo cobalto exhibieron notable indemnidad pese a la gran pérdida orgánica sufrida por los cuerpos de las víc-timas ante la acción vulnerante del fuego, otorgando valor probatorio para contribuir en el establecimien-to de su identidad (AU)

Human identification generates continuous technical and scientific challenges for teams of forensic experts in their multiple contexts of intervention. One of the most complex is represented by the discovery of burned or charred corpses, where fingerprints are unviable. In such situations, the tissues of the oral cavity have shown high tolerance to thermal injury, providing decisive information, often complemented by prosthetic structures recovered from the deceased. This article reports two cases where the acrylic and cobalt chrome dental prostheses presented notable indemnity despite the great organic loss suffered by the bodies of the victims before the damaging action of fire, granting probative value to contribute to the establishment of their identity (AU)

Humans , Acrylic Resins , Burns/complications , Chromium Alloys/chemistry , Dental Prosthesis/instrumentation , Postmortem Changes , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Chemical Phenomena
J Forensic Sci ; 64(4): 1187-1195, 2019 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30592775


Denture marking (DM) helps identify edentulous people with different methods. Analyzing perceptions and attitudes of denture wearers would enable understanding of the practical aspects, an analysis still absent in South America. Fifty-three individual candidates for removable dentures were instructed on disaster victim identification (DVI) and the usefulness of DM for this purpose. They were physically shown eight DM systems and a questionnaire to which they responded by highlighting preferences in those systems. Although 98.11% did not know that dentures could be marked, only 9.43% denied interest in some type of DM. The 90.57% would mark their dentures with some system, preferring the inclusion of QR codes or a micro SIM card. The proven weaknesses of DVI and propensity for disaster mean this community in Chile is an opportunity to implement DM systems. Obstacles may come not from patients but from their dentists, educational institutions, or a lack of public policies.

Denture Identification Marking/methods , Patient Preference , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Chile , Denture, Complete , Denture, Partial, Removable , Female , Humans , Jaw, Edentulous , Male , Middle Aged
Odovtos (En línea) ; 20(3): 11-15, Sep.-Dec. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1091454


ABSTRACT Denture identification procedures have multiple benefits for denture wearers. These include prevention of losing or misplacing dentures and forensic identification of victims. A simplified inclusion technique is fully described to label dentures with QR code prints.

RESUMEN Los procedimientos de identificación de dentaduras completas tienen muchos beneficios para los pacientes. Estos incluyen la prevención de la pérdida o confusión de las prótesis y la identificación forense de las víctimas. Se describe en forma detallada una técnica simplificada para identificar dentaduras con códigos QR.

Electronic Data Processing , Dentition , Denture Identification Marking/methods
Rev. esp. med. legal ; 44(3): 131-133, jul.-sept. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-178178


Presentamos un caso de identificación de un cadáver en avanzado estado de putrefacción, momificado en gran parte y parcialmente esqueletizado y con pérdida de rasgos faciales, mediante el estudio de los implantes dentales que portaba. La identificación mediante estudio odontológico se viene utilizando en casos de cadáveres carbonizados, con múltiples víctimas o cuando no es posible proceder a una identificación por medio de ADN, que es el método de excelencia, con el hándicap de necesitar los registros dentales previos del individuo. No obstante, en el caso de sujetos edéntulos, podrían estudiarse los trabajos dentales llevados a cabo, bien prótesis dentales o, como en este caso, los implantes dentales (tipo, marca y localización concreta). Sin embargo, se hace imprescindible una marca identificativa del material utilizado, unas bases de datos de las casas comerciales, y una buena comunicación entre los profesionales que intervienen en la identificación

The case is presented on the identification of a corpse in an advanced state of putrefaction, mummified, and partially skeletonised and with loss of facial features, by studying its dental implants. Identification by dental study is being used in cases of carbonised cadavers, multiple victims, or when it is not possible to proceed with identification using DNA, which is the method of choice par excellence, with the handicap of needing the individual's previous dental records. However, in the case of lacking their own teeth, dental work carried out, dental prostheses or, as in this case, dental implants (type, brand and specific location) could be studied. However, it is essential to identify the material used, databases of commercial firms, and good communication between the professionals involved in identification

Humans , Forensic Dentistry/methods , Victims Identification , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Biometric Identification/methods , Dental Implants , Forensic Sciences/trends
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 32(72): 12-20, ene.-jun. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-908088


La identificación categórica de un cadáver no sólo es importante por razones humanitarias y emocionales, sino también por sus efectos legales y administrativos. Durante el proceso de identificación humana, toda la información necesaria se obtiene del cuerpo desconocido de la víctima, permitiendo cumplir el objetivo de que su perfil sea reconstruido. Se utilizan sistemas de marcado y etiquetado de prótesis dentales en diferentes situaciones, detallándose métodos directos e indirectos para tal fin. Se propone la incorporación del número del documento nacional de identidad (DNI) en todas las prótesis removibles y fijas, con el fin de adoptar un único y definitivo código de identificación personal con el objetivo de lograr un método uniforme, estandarizado, sencillo y rápido para la identificación forense en pacientes atendidos en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

The categorical identification of a corpse is not only important for humanitarian and emotional reasons, but also for legal andadministrative purposes. During the human identification process, all necessary information is gathered from the unknown body of thevictim and hence that an objective reconstructed profile can be established. Denture marking and labeling systems are being used in varioussituations, and a number of direct and indirect methods are reported. Is proposed that national identity number (DNI) be incorporated inall removable and fixed prostheses, so as to adopt a single and definitive personal identification code with the aim of achieving a uniform,standardized, easy, and fast identification method in patients treated at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Buenos Aires forforensic identification.

Male , Female , Humans , Clinical Coding/methods , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Forensic Dentistry/trends , Electronic Data Processing/methods , Civil Codes/methods , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Victims Identification
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 31(70): 24-30, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835574


La ciencia odontológica cuenta con diversas metodologías a la hora de brindar auxilio a la Justicia, tanto en la resolución de casos criminales como en procedimientos de índole civil y laboral. La odontología legal requiere de un trabajo interdisciplinario con las otrasespecialidades odontológicas. En ese contexto, el rol capital del perito odontólogo es contribuir al esclarecimiento de la identidad de unapersona. El diente es susceptible de variantes fisiológicas y patológicas en sus estructuras, como así también estigmas inherentes a los tratamientos restauradores, hechos que confiere información dental que individualiza a una persona. Las piezas dentarias pueden ser utilizadas como un arma en determinadas circunstancias, brindando información relevante sobre los caracteres odontológicos de la víctimay/o del agresor, pudiendo entonces desempeñar la odontología legal un importante rol en la investigación de situaciones de agresión sexual yabuso en todas las edades. El odontólogo en su tarea asistencial tiene la responsabilidad de labrar y documentar de manera fiel y completasu devenir profesional, pudiendo ser requerido por las autoridades encargadas de administrar Justicia en casos de responsabilidad profesional, negligencia, fraude, abuso, e identificación de restos humanos.

Dental science has various methodologies when providing aid to justice, both in solving criminal cases and civil procedures and labor issues.Legal Dentistry requires interdisciplinary work with other dental specialties. In this context, the principal role of the dentist expert is helpclarify the identity of a person. The tooth is subject to physiological and pathological variations in their structures, as well as inherentstigmas restorative treatments, facts which confers dental individualized information to a person. The teeth can be used as a weapon incertain circumstances, providing relevant information about dental characteristics of the victim and/or perpetrator can then LegalDentistry play an important role in investigating cases of sexual assault and abuse in all the ages. The dentist in their care task isresponsible for faithfully document and complete their professional procedure that may be required by the authorities responsible foradministering justice in cases of professional liability, negligence, fraud, abuse, and identification of human remains.

Humans , Male , Female , Forensic Dentistry/legislation & jurisprudence , Forensic Dentistry/standards , Victims Identification , Bites and Stings , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Legislation, Dental/standards , Radiography, Dental/standards , Dental Records/standards , Disaster Victims/legislation & jurisprudence , Domestic Violence/legislation & jurisprudence
Rev. cient. Esc. Univ. Cienc. Salud ; 2(1): 37-42, ene.-jun. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-833760


Introducción. La Identificación es el método o sistema empleado para fijar de la manera más segura la identidad de una persona en la vida jurídica, tanto civil como penal y evitar confundirla con otra. La Rugoscopia es una técnica de identificación odonto-estomatológica que se preocupa por estudiar, clasificar y registrar las rugosidades palatinas. Objetivo. Proporcionar elementos de juicio para la identificación de personas vivas o muertas a través de estructuras anatómicas específicas dentro de la cavidad oral. Pacientes y Metódos. Para la recolección de datos se realizó la toma de impresión del maxilar, en veinte pacientes atendidos en la clínica de la Carrera de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras en el Valle de Sula (UNAH-VS), luego se procedió a la Calcorugoscopia. El duplicado obtenido se dividió por la línea media y se registraron las formas y números de formas palatinas de cada lado. El paso siguiente fue el llenado de ficha de cada uno de los modelos pertenecientes a los individuos. Resultados. De los 20 pacientes estudiados la forma más común encontrada en el paladar derecho es las curva (24 rugas), en el paladar izquierdo fue la recta (27 rugas). Conclusiones. Las Rugas Palatinas son diferentes de un indivi-duo a otro, en una misma persona ambas mitades del paladar son diferentes. La Calcorusgoscopia es un método de identificación que no permite la presunción...AU)

Humans , Data Collection/methods , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Forensic Anthropology/legislation & jurisprudence , Social Identification
Int J Prosthodont ; 26(2): 172-4, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23476913


The placement of individual identification on a prosthesis is very important for forensic dentistry and traceability. This article describes the unique naming/labeling of dentures with information for individual identification using a method in which information is invisible under natural light but visible under ultraviolet light-emitting diode/black light exposure. The use of laser beam machining with this method will enable the recording of a large amount of information.

Denture Identification Marking/methods , Fluorescent Dyes/chemistry , Ultraviolet Rays , Acrylic Resins/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Materials/chemistry , Denture Bases , Denture Design , Forensic Dentistry , Humans , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Lasers , Surface Properties
J Forensic Sci ; 58(1): 170-2, 2013 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22971078


Several methods of denture marking have been described in the literature. However, most of them are expensive, time-consuming, and do not permit the incorporation of large amounts of information. We propose a novel and simple method incorporating 2D codes which has several advantages over the existing methods. A 2D code was generated in the dental office and inserted into a maxillary denture. The code was then read using software downloaded into a mobile phone giving access to the website containing details about the patient. The denture was also subjected to durability tests, which did not hamper the efficacy of the 2D code. 2D coding for dentures is a simple, less expensive method with the potential of storing a large amount of information that can be accessed on-site by the forensic investigator, thus allowing quick identification of the denture wearer.

Denture Identification Marking/instrumentation , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Electronic Data Processing , Denture, Complete , Denture, Partial , Forensic Dentistry , Humans , Software
J Prosthet Dent ; 107(3): 199-202, 2012 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22385697


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The difficulty of identifying the ownership of lost dentures when found is a common and expensive problem in long term care facilities (LTCFs) and hospitals. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of using radiofrequency identification (RFID) in the identification of dentures for LTCF residents after 3 and 6 months. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-eight residents of 2 LTCFs in Switzerland agreed to participate after providing informed consent. The tag was programmed with the family and first names of the participants and then inserted in the dentures. After placement of the tag, the information was read. A second and third assessment to review the functioning of the tag occurred at 3 and 6 months, and defective tags (if present) were reported and replaced. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. RESULTS: At the 3-month assessment of 34 residents (63 tags) 1 tag was unreadable and 62 tags (98.2%) were operational. At 6 months, the tags of 27 of the enrolled residents (50 tags) were available for review. No examined tag was defective at this time period. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study (number of patients, 6-month time span) RFID appears to be a reliable method of tracking and identifying dentures, with only 1 of 65 devices being unreadable at 3 months and 100% of 50 initially placed tags being readable at the end of the trial.

Denture Identification Marking/methods , Radio Frequency Identification Device/methods , Residential Facilities , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Denture Identification Marking/instrumentation , Denture, Complete , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Long-Term Care , Male , Radio Frequency Identification Device/standards , Reproducibility of Results
Gerodontology ; 29(2): 117-24, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21711388


AIM: Denture marking is useful in institutional settings and post-mortem identification. Numerous markers have been developed, and their advantages and limitations assessed previously; however, patient perception to denture marking is paramount. We evaluated this in an Indian sample and also gauged their preference for different markers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One-hundred and one edentulous patients seeking prosthodontic treatment in our institution were shown four denture markers (stainless steel matrix band, paper strip with name inscribed on it, patient photograph and optically readable laminated bar code) and asked whether they wanted similar markers in their dentures; patients were also asked to rank the markers based on preference and indicate their satisfaction with it. RESULTS: Approximately two-thirds of patients (65/101) were uninterested in getting their dentures marked; among the 36 who agreed, 10 preferred the stainless steel band followed by photographs (9), paper strip (6) and bar code (2); nine gave multiple responses and were excluded from analyses. Sixteen patients expressed dissatisfaction with the photographic marker and bar code, while this number reduced for the stainless steel band (13) and paper strip (10). CONCLUSIONS: The results are in contrast to European studies wherein the majority of patients agreed to denture marking, indicating patient background (e.g. education level) may affect perception to denture marking; amongst those who agreed to marking, most preferred, or were satisfied with, the stainless steel and paper strip markers over photographic marker and a complex method such as bar-coding, implying that simple methods harbouring basic patient information may suffice in the Indian context.

Attitude to Health , Denture Identification Marking/psychology , Patient Preference , Adult , Aged , Denture Identification Marking/instrumentation , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Denture, Complete/psychology , Electronic Data Processing , Female , Humans , India , Male , Middle Aged , Mouth, Edentulous/psychology , Paper , Patient Preference/psychology , Patient Satisfaction , Photography , Stainless Steel , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol ; 68(211): 9-11, abr. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-620335


Lograr la identificación de cadáveres como resultado de accidentes, homicidios, suicidios, etc., resulta de vital importancia no sólo por razones jurídicas, también hay motivos humanitarios y religiosos. Considerando lo expuesto, se propone un examen previo (al confeccionar la documentación de identidad) de todas las personas, tomando como referencia el sistema estomatognático, siendo este campo de incumbencia odontológica: la historia clínica completa, incluido el odontograma, la radiografía panorámica previa y la individualización de las prótesis en caso de ser portador. Resultan registros de utilidad, ya que de las coincidencias entre pre-mortem y post-mortem se obtiene el dictamen de identidad de la víctima. Muchos fueron los accidentes en los cuales fueron identificadas las víctimas gracias a estudios exclusivamente odontológicos, alcanzando un porcentual muy elevado, cercado al 70 por ciento en algunos sucesos masivos. Si en el cadáver no quedan piezas dentarias, perdemos datos de apreciable valor; pero si la víctima posee prótesis que ha sido previamente identificada, ésta nos puede revelar la identidad certeramente. Los datos extractados de los registros efectuados por odontólogos de su nómina de pacientes no siempre resultaron en las prácticas fiables al momento de cotejarlos, ya sea por la falta de una reglamentación y adopción de simbolismo de carácter universal o por distintos motivos.

Humans , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Forensic Dentistry/standards , Victims Identification , Legislation, Dental , Dental Records/standards
Indian J Dent Res ; 21(1): 112-4, 2010.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20427919


AIM: The need for denture marking is important for forensic and social reasons in case patients need to be identified individually. Majority of the surface marking and inclusion techniques are expensive, time consuming, and do not permit the incorporation of large amounts of information. In this article, the method to include a lenticular identification card stood out from the currently available denture marking methods in various ways. The lenticular card stores the patient's information has two or more images that can be viewed by changing the angle of view. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The maxillary denture was processed according to the manufacturer's instructions. The lenticular identification card was incorporated in the external posterior buccal surface of the maxillary denture using salt and pepper technique. For testing of durability, denture with the identifier was placed in water for up to 4 months. CONCLUSION: The proposed method is simple, cheap, and can store a large amount of information, thus allowing quick identification of the denture wearer. The labels showed no sign of fading or deterioration.

Denture Identification Marking/methods , Denture, Complete, Upper , Forensic Dentistry/methods , Forensic Anthropology/methods , Humans , Lenses , Printing/methods
Gerodontology ; 27(4): 272-7, 2010 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19515204


AIM: Denture marking has been recommended for identifying the edentulous, both in day-to-day recognition when dentures are misplaced as well as in forensic scenarios. The purpose of this study was to test the use of patient photographs as a denture marker and to compare it with conventional marking systems as well as discussing its suitability in the Indian context. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A photograph of the patient was taken and compared with a metal matrix band and optically readable laminated bar code in terms of preparation, ease of incorporation into the denture, readability following denture fabrication and changes on exposure to high temperatures (200-1300 °C). RESULTS: The photograph and metal matrix band were easy to prepare and incorporate, but the bar code was less so; no differences, however, were appreciable with regard to readability of the three markers. Fire resistance of the photographic marker (280 °C) and bar code (200 °C) was considerably lower to that of the metal marker (1050 °C). CONCLUSIONS: The major advantage of the photographic marker is that identity is easily ascertained by lay persons with the unassisted eye (bar codes require a hand-held reading device); photographic markers are also relevant in the Indian context where one-third of the population is illiterate and diverse scripts are used across the country, making interpretation of written data challenging at times. This allows for photographic markers' routine use in residential and hospital set-ups. Although the photographic marker has low fire resistance, it may be useful in forensic contexts since dentures retained in the mouth are well-protected by the oro-facial tissues and may survive incineration.

Denture Identification Marking/methods , Dentures , Photography , Dental Alloys , Denture Bases , Denture Design , Denture Identification Marking/instrumentation , Electronic Data Processing , Hot Temperature , Humans , India , Reading , Stainless Steel , Time Factors
J Forensic Odontostomatol ; 28(1): 1-4, 2010 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21239857


Dental implants have become a popular choice of treatment in replacing individual lost teeth or entire dentitions. The physical properties of high corrosion resistance, high structural strength and high melting point, suggest the retention of intact implants following most physical assaults. As the implants are machine made, they lack the individualisation required for their use as identifiers of the deceased, however the Straumann™ Company (Waldenburg, Switzerland) has recently released information that within the chamber of their implants they have laser etched batch numbers. The number of implants with the same batch number varies from 24 to 2400. The purpose of this study was to ascertain if the batch number was still identifiable following intense heat exposure in a furnace. A Straumann™ Standard Plus 3.3 x 8 mm implant, with no healing cap nor abutment attached was incinerated to 1125 degrees Celsius. Another Straumann™ Standard Plus 3.3 x 8 mm implant was also incinerated in the same way as the first implant but with an abutment attached. The results indicated that the first implant had totally oxidised within the internal chamber whilst the second implant following the removal of the abutment revealed an intact identifiable batch number. If the companies constructing implants were to place individual serial numbers rather than batch numbers on these implants then the potential exists for a new approach to be established for the identification of the deceased.

Dental Implants , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Forensic Dentistry , Dental Abutments , Dental Materials/chemistry , Dental Prosthesis Design , Forensic Anthropology/methods , Hot Temperature , Humans , Industry , Materials Testing , Microscopy , Oxidation-Reduction , Photography , Technology, Dental , Titanium/chemistry
Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol ; 66(207): 22-24, dic. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-124081


Lograr la identificación de cadáveres como resultado de accidentes, homicidios, suicidios, catástrofes, etc. resulta de vital importancia, no sólo por razones jurídicas, también hay motivos humanitarios y religiosos. Considerando lo expuesto, se propone un examen previo de todas las personas tomando como referencia el sistema estomatognático, siendo este campo de incumbencia odontológica: la historia clínica completa, incluido el odontograma, la radiografía previa y la individualización de la prótesis en caso de ser portador, resultan registros de utilidad, ya que de las coincidencias entre pre-mortem y post-mortem se obtiene el dictamen de identidad de la víctima. Muchos fueron los accidentes en los que fueron identificadas las víctimas gracias a estudios exclusivamente odontológicos, alcanzando un porcentual muy elevado, cercano al 70 por ciento en algunos sucesos masivos. Si en el cadáver no quedan piezas dentarias, perdemos datos de apreciable valor; pero si la víctima posee prótesis que han sido previamente identificadas, éstas nos pueden revelar la identidad certeramente. Los datos exactos de los resgistros efectuados por odontólogos de su nómina de pacientes no siemrpe resultaron fiables en la práctica al momento de cotejarlos, ya sea por la falta de una reglamentación y adopción de simbolismo de carácter universal, o por distintos motivos.(AU)

Accidents and crimes occur with increasing frequency, this produces a social impact. A team of different disciplines can help society to know the identity of the deceased. The clinical history prior to the death is essential for the recognition of dead bodies, forexample an updated dental form and X- ray. New rules and strategies for data collection make possible the task of the experts.(AU)

Humans , Forensic Dentistry/methods , Victims Identification , Dental Records/standards , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Medical Records