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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(6): 1961-1974, 01-11-2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147962


Studying particle size distribution is important to understand soil structure and formation processes. This research aimed to assess the fractal dimension of soil texture in Indian Dark Earth (IDE) areas in southern Amazonas state under different land uses, as follows: two areas in the municipality of Apuí, one growing cocoa and the other coffee; a grassland area in the municipality of Manicoré; and a forest area in the municipality of Novo Aripuanã. A sampling grid containing 88 collection points (intersecting points on the grid) was established in each area, measuring 80 x 42 m for the cocoa and coffee-growing sites, and 80 x 56 m and 60 x 42 m for the grassland and forest areas, respectively. Soil samples were collected in soil core and as clumps at a depth of 0.0-0.20m to determine the structural physical properties and texture of the soil. The following physical attributes were assessed: texture (PSD), bulk density (BD), macroporosity (Macro), microporosity (Micro), total porosity (TP) and aggregate stability (GMD and WMD). The fractal dimension (D) of the soil texture was determined, followed by analysis of variance and comparison of the means using Tukey's test (p≤0.05). Pearson's correlation was applied to assess the correlation between variables. There was a significant difference between the IDEs studied, with a higher D value in the cocoa-growing area in relation to the other sites. Additionally, the larger the clay fraction, the higher the D value. Fractal dimension (D) showed a positive correlation with sand, clay, BD, Macro, GMD and WMD, and a negative correlation with silt, micro, TP. Based on the D values obtained, the ADE cultivated with cocoa showed superior quality in relation to the other areas studied.KEYWORDS: Fractal dimension. Soil physics. Soil use. INTRODUCTION Applications of fractal geometry in soil science have shown that soil exhibits fractal characteristics, being a porous medium having different particle compositions, with irregular shape and self-similar structure (TYLER; WHEATCRAFT, 1989; KRAVCHENKO; ZHANG, 1998). Fractal geometry, proposed and established by Mandelbrot (1982), is a method for describing systems with non-characteristic scales and self-similarity. In recent years, this theory has been used to quantitatively describe the particle size distribution of soil, attracting the interest of pedologists worldwide (DENG et al., 2017). Particle size distribution is one of the most important physical characteristics of soil because of its significant influence on water flow and soil erosion (XU; LI; LI, 2013). In this respect, broad and precise knowledge of particle size distribution is vital to understanding soil structures and formation, since it is closely related to soil erosion, organic matter content and moisture content (DU et al., 2017). Deng et al. (2017) studied the fractal features of soil particle size distribution and found an association between fractal dimensions and the physical and chemical properties of the soil analyzed, indicating that the lower the fractal dimension, the worse the soil physical and chemical properties. Recently, the fractal method was applied to estimate soil structure and proved to be an efficient tool in analyzing soil Received: 01/04/2019 Accepted: 30/01/2020

Estudar a distribuição do tamanho das partículas é importante para entender a estrutura do solo e os processos de formação. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a dimensão fractal da textura do solo em áreas de Terra Preta de Índio (TPI) no sul do Estado do Amazonas sob diferentes usos da terra: duas áreas no município de Apuí, uma com cultivo de cacau e outra de café; uma área de pastagem no município de Manicoré; e uma área florestal no município de Novo Aripuanã. Uma malha de amostragem contendo 88 pontos de coleta (pontos de interseção na grade) foi estabelecida em cada área, medindo 80 x 42 m para as áreas de cacau e café, e 80 x 56 m e 60 x 42 m para as áreas de pastagem e floresta, respectivamente. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em torrões a uma profundidade de 0,0-0,20 m para determinar as propriedades físicas estruturais e a textura do solo. Os seguintes atributos físicos foram avaliados: textura, densidade do solo (DS), macroporosidade (Macro), microporosidade (Micro), porosidade total (PT) e estabilidade de agregados (DMG e DMP). Determinou-se a dimensão fractal da textura do solo (D), seguida da análise de variância e comparação das médias pelo teste de Tukey (p≤0,05). A correlação de Pearson foi aplicada para avaliar a correlação entre as variáveis. Houve uma diferença significativa entre as TPIs estudadas, com um maior valor D na área de cultivo de cacau em relação aos outros locais. Além disso, quanto maior a fração argila, maior o valor de D. A dimensão fractal (D) apresentou correlação positiva com areia, argila, DS, Macro, DMG e DMP, e correlação negativa com silte, micro, PT. Com base nos valores de D obtidos, as TPIs cultivadas com cacau apresentaram qualidade superior em relação às demais áreas estudadas.PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Dimensão Fractal. Física do solo. Uso do solo. REFERENCES ALVARENGA, R. C.; FERNANDES, B.; SILVA, T. C. A.; RESENDE, M. Estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Roxo sob diferentes métodos de preparo do solo e de manejo da palha do milho. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, v. 10, n. 2, p. 273-277, 1986.

Fractals , Edaphology
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(1)mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507661


Introducción: En Costa Rica el banano es uno de los cultivos más importantes en términos de producción y exportaciones, que requiere la aplicación de agroquímicos para controlar el efecto de plagas como el picudo negro, Cosmopolites sordidus. Debido a los efectos dañinos en la salud humana y ambiental, y la posibilidad de que las plagas presenten resistencia a estas sustancias, es necesario investigar alternativas amigables con el medio ambiente como potenciales controladores biológicos. Los nemátodos entomopatógenos (NEPs) de los géneros Heterorhabditis y Steinernema presentan una relación simbiótica con bacterias de los géneros Photorhabdus y Xenorhabdus respectivamente y este complejo ha sido ampliamente estudiado como controlador biológico debido a su capacidad de eliminar insectos hospederos en horas. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de nemátodos de los géneros Heterorhabditis y Steinernema en suelos de plantaciones de banano del Caribe costarricense y zonas aledañas y caracterizar su hábitat. Metodología: Se tomaron muestras de suelo en plantaciones y áreas circundantes, a partir de las cuales, se llevó cabo aislamiento de NEPs y análisis químicos, físicos y microbiológicos (pH, acidez, materia orgánica, Ca, K, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, textura del suelo, biomasa y respiración microbiana). Se encontraron diferencias entre sitios de muestreo, y muestras con presencia y ausencia de NEPs, y se realizó un análisis de componentes principales utilizando las variables con mayor influencia en ambas categorías para encontrar combinaciones de las mismas que explicaran la presencia según condiciones del hábitat. Se efectuó un análisis discriminante para determinar la eficiencia de las variables seleccionadas en el diagnóstico de presencia. Resultados: Se mostró que las variables relacionadas con la presencia de NEPs corresponden a materia orgánica, biomasa microbiana de carbono y respiración microbiana. Se encontró que el 38.4 % de las muestras fueron positivas con respecto a la presencia de los mismos, de las cuales el 95 % corresponde al género Steinernema y el 5 % restante a Heterorhabditis. Según la ecuación discriminante cuadrática, de un 81.2 % de las muestras sin nemátodos, seis deberían pertenecer al grupo con presencia de los mismos; mientras que para aquellas que contenían NEPs, un 55.0 % (nueve de 20) al grupo de ausencia. Conclusiones: No se observaron diferencias estadísticas entre los hábitats de muestreo seleccionados (P = 0.4296), por lo que se determinó que las tres variables mencionadas anteriormente influyen en la presencia de NEPs y valores altos indican condiciones favorables para su persistencia.

Introduction: In Costa Rica the banana is one of the most important crops in terms of production and exports; the application of pesticides is hence necessary to control the effect of pests on the plantation, such as the Cosmopolites sordidus black weevil. Because of the harmful effects of pesticides on human and environmental health, and the possibility that pests become resistant to these substances, alternatives compatible with the environment, as potential biological controllers, have been investigated to complement the effect of agrochemicals. The entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) of genera Heterorhabditis and Steinernema have become a focus of study in the field of biological control because of their symbiotic relation with bacteria of genera Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus, which are a complex capable of eliminating host insects in hours. Objective: The objective was to determine the presence of EPN of genera Heterorhabditis and Steinernema in soil samples taken from banana plantations in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica, and to characterize their habitat. } Methods: Sampling points were selected within the plantations and surrounding areas; physicochemical and microbiological analyses were undertaken (pH, acidity, organic matter, Ca, K, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, texture, biomass and microbial respiration of the soil, EPN isolation). Variables were analyzed statistically to determine differences between them, in sampling sites, and samples with presence and absence of EPN. A principal-component analysis (PCA) was undertaken using the variables of greater influence in both categories to find their combinations that would explain their presence according to habitat conditions. A discriminant analysis was undertaken to determine the efficiency of the variables selected in the diagnosis of nematode occurrence. Results: The variables related to the presence of EPN were shown to correspond to organic matter, carbon biomass and microbial respiration. Of the samples 38.4 % were found to be positive with respect to the presence of EPN, of which 95 % correspond to genus Steinernema and the remaining 5 % to Heterorhabditis. According to the quadratic discriminant equation, from 81.2 % of the samples without nematodes, six belong to the group with their presence, whereas for those with EPN, 55.0 % (nine of 20) belong to the absence group. Conclusions: No statistical difference was found between the selected sampling habitats (P= 0.4296); the three variables mentioned above were thus determined have an influence on the presence of EPN; their large values indicate favorable conditions for their persistence.

Insect Control , Agriculture , Crop Production , Costa Rica , Musa/growth & development , Edaphology
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0822018, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1100115


The soil macrofauna is fundamental for the maintenance of soil quality. The aim of this study was to characterize the soil macrofauna under different species of cover crops, including monoculture or intercropping associated to two types of soil management in the southwest region of Piauí state. The study was carried out in an Oxisol (Latossolo Amarelo, according to Brazilian Soil Classification System) in the municipality of Bom Jesus, Piauí, distributed in 30 m2 plots. Testing and evaluation of the soil macrofauna were conducted in a 9 × 2 strip factorial design, with combinations between cover crops/consortia and soil management (with or without tillage), with four replications. Soil monoliths (0.25 × 0.25 m) were randomly sampled in each plot for macrofauna at 0‒0.1, 0.1‒0.2, and 0.2‒0.3 m depth, including surface litter. After identification and counting of soil organims, the relative density of each taxon in each depth was determined. The total abundance of soil macrofauna quantified under cover crops in the conventional and no-tillage system was 2,408 ind. m-2, distributed in 6 classes, 16 orders, and 31 families. The results of multivariate analysis show that grass species in sole cropping systems and no-tillage presents higher macrofauna density, in particular the taxonomic group Isoptera. No-tillage also provided higher richness of families, where Coleoptera adult were the second more abundant group in no-tillage and Hemiptera in conventional tillage.(AU)

Os organismos da macrofauna edáfica são fundamentais para a manutenção da qualidade do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a macrofauna edáfica sob diferentes espécies de plantas de cobertura, incluindo monocultura ou cultivo consorciado associados a dois tipos de manejo do solo no sudoeste do Piauí. O estudo foi realizado em Latossolo Amarelo (Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos) no município de Bom Jesus, Piauí, distribuídos em parcelas de 30 m2. O experimento e avaliação da macrofauna edáfica foram conduzidos em um ensaio fatorial em faixas 9 × 2, com combinações entre culturas /consórcios de cobertura e manejo do solo (com ou sem preparo), com quatro repetições. Os monólitos de solo (0,25 × 0,25 m) foram retirados aleatoriamente de cada parcela, para contagem da macrofauna, nas camadas de 0‒0,1, 0,1‒0,2, e 0,2-0,3 m de profundidade, inclusive liteira de superfície. Após a identificação e contagem dos organismos, foi determinada a densidade relativa de cada táxon em cada profundidade. A abundância total da macrofauna edáfica quantificada no experimento foi de 2.408 ind.m-2, distribuídos em 6 classes, 16 ordens e 31 famílias. Os resultados da análise multivariada revelaram que espécies de gramíneas em sistemas de cultivo solteiro e plantio direto favoreceram maior densidade da macrofauna, em especial do grupo taxonômico Isoptera. A ausência de preparo também proporcionou maior riqueza de famílias, destacando-se o grupo taxonômico Coleoptera adulto em plantio direto e Hemiptera em plantio convencional.(AU)

Soil Quality , Environmental Biomarkers , Crop Production , Edaphology
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 47-60, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958127


Resumen Se describe la composición florística del manglar y la distribución espacial de las principales especies de mangle y otras especies vegetales asociadas, presentes en el sector estuarino del Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe, mediante el levantamiento de campo de 1 127 puntos y 77 parcelas de muestreo de 60x10m. Por otra parte, se explora la relación entre el tipo de sedimento subyacente y las especies de mangle establecidas sobre éste. Los resultados de composición, estructura y distribución de la vegetación del HNTS, muestran que el manglar exhibe un modelo o zonación, consistente en la variación desde la costa al continente y de las márgenes de los canales o esteros al interior de las llanuras de marea, de las distintas especies. Rhizophora racemosa y Pelliciera rhizophorae son las especies que muestran una mayor distribución espacial o distribución continua, con los mayores valores de abundancia (45.44% y el 39.92%, respectivamente), frecuencia (88.31% y 74.03%) y área de manglar (7 670.73ha y 5 824.94ha). Se confirmó la dependencia entre la presencia de especies de mangle y el tipo de sedimento del sustrato, de modo que las especies Avicennia spp. y L. racemosa tienden a distribuirse en los sustratos arenosos con mayor facilidad que las otras especies cuya distribución es más homogénea sobre los sustratos lodosos.

Abstract This research describes the floristic composition and spatial distribution of the main mangroves species and other associated flora present in the estuarine sector of Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland, Costa Rican Pacific. Field survey consists of 1 127 points and 77 sampling points of 60x10m. Results of composition, structure and distribution of mangrove in HNTS exhibits a pattern or species zonation. We found variation from the coast to mainland and from the fringe or estuaries to the interior tidal flats. The species Rhizophora racemosa and Pelliciera rhizophorae showed greater spatial and continuous distribution, with the highest values of abundance (45.44% and 39.92% respectively), frequency (88.31% and 74.03%) and mangrove area (7 670.73ha and 5 824.94ha). The mangrove fern, Acrostichum aureum, was the third most important species, meanwhile, Avicennia spp., Rhizophora mangle y Laguncularia racemosa showed a segregated distribution or a tendency to local conglomeration, Talipariti tiliaceum var. pernambucense, Mora oleifera y Conocarpus erectus were found in very localized areas and other species were considered companions with low contribution to the total coverage. The dependence was confirmed between the presence of mangrove species and sediment type substrate. The species Avicennia spp. and L. racemosa tend to be distributed in sandy substrates more easily than the other species whose distribution is more homogeneous on muddy substrates. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 47-60. Epub 2015 April 01.

Substrate Specificity , Sediments/classification , Ecosystem , Estuaries/classification , Hydroelectric Power Plants (Environmental Health)/adverse effects , Rhizophoraceae/classification , Environment , Wetlands , Costa Rica , Edaphology
São Paulo; Editora da Universidade de São Paulo; 2012. 346 p. ilus, tab, graf.(Acadêmica, 61).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-695485


Paulo Leonel Libardi desenvolve de forma clara os aspectos envolvidos no movimento da água no solo neste livro, destinado a estudantes e profissionais de diferentes ramos do conhecimento envolvidos no estudo do movimento da água em meios porosos, como a geologia e algumas áreas da engenharia, especialmente a agronômica, agrícola, florestal e ambiental. Em dez capítulos e quatro apêndices, são tratadas questões que envolvem a estrutura da água, o cálculo e a avaliação de sua retenção nos poros do solo. Destacam-se tópicos como: tensão superficial, potenciais mátrico, gravitacional e químico, condutividade hidráulica, equações de fluxo e do balanço hídrico. São também apresentados resumos de tópicos importantes da física e da química que oferecem subsídios para o aprofundamento dos temas abordados no livro.

Humans , Edaphology , Soil , Soil Characteristics , Water , Water Physical Characteristics , Infiltration-Percolation , Surface Tension , Thermodynamics , Hydrologic Balance , Hydrostatic Pressure
Ars pharm ; 51(supl.2): 324-330, mayo 2010. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-88648


El estudio de las materias primas farmacéuticas y cosméticas de origen mineral, sus propiedades,métodos de investigación específicos, normas de obligado cumplimiento para el uso y otros nuevosámbitos y aplicaciones de carácter sanitario que se han ido abriendo con el desarrollo de la Ciencia yla Técnica durante las últimas décadas, ha sido una asignatura de obligada impartición en los estudiosde Farmacia hasta la implantación del Nuevo Grado auspiciado por la puesta en práctica del PlanBolonia.En esta Comunicación se relata la historia de la asignatura, sus diferentes denominaciones y profesoresque ha tenido; se analizan en detalle sus contenidos científicos actuales y sus retos futuros: Todo elloen el marco del papel jugado hasta el presente en la Facultad de Farmacia en la formación delfarmacéutico, y para componer una base científica y argumental, que permita analizar objetivamente lasituación actual y las perspectivas futuras(AU)

The study of pharmaceutical and cosmetic mineral raw materials, their properties, their specificresearch methods, regulating norms and test for their use, and other new applications for the humanhealth that have been opened during the last decades owing to the development of Science andTechnology, has been a obligatory subject of teaching in the Pharmacy studies of the GranadaUniversity until the implantation of the new studies of Grade promoted by the Bologna Process.This communication relates the history of the subject "Applied Geology to Pharmacy", their differentdenominations and Professors who have had, analyzes in detail the current scientific content and itsfuture lines of research and challenges. All these discussions in the context of the role that has playeduntil today in the Faculty of Pharmacy as in the training of pharmaceutics. And to compose a scientificbasis and line of thinking, which allows to objectively analyze the current situation and future of thesubject "Applied Geology to Pharmacy"(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Geology/education , Education, Pharmacy/methods , Cosmetic Industry , Cosmetic Technology , Education, Pharmacy/organization & administration , Education, Pharmacy/trends , Edaphology/methods , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Crystallography/methods
Cochabamba; UMSS-Fac. Agronomía. TESIS; 1998. 94 ; 28 cm p. ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1335264
Cochabamba; UMSS-Fac. Agronomía. TESIS; 1995. 134 ; 28 cm p. ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1334966

Bolivia , Edaphology