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Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 34(3): 261-267, mayo-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-196617


OBJETIVO: Conocer la valoración de personas migrantes sobre su acceso al sistema sanitario tras la entrada en vigor del Real Decreto-Ley16/2012 y sobre el efecto que han podido producir los recortes económicos en dicho acceso. MÉTODO: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico con entrevistas semiestructuradas, realizado en Andalucía, en dos fases (2009-2010 y 2012-2013), con 36 participantes. Se segmentó la muestra por tiempo de estancia, nacionalidad y ámbito de residencia. Las nacionalidades de las personas migrantes son Bolivia, Marruecos y Rumanía. RESULTADOS: Como elementos facilitadores del acceso en ambas fases se identifican la situación administrativa regular, la posesión de tarjeta sanitaria individual, el conocimiento del idioma, las redes sociales y la información. Los resultados muestran diferencias en el acceso a la atención sanitaria de las personas migrantes antes y después de la aplicación del RDL 16/2012, en el marco de las políticas de austeridad. En la segunda fase se agravan algunas barreras de acceso, como los tiempos de espera y la incompatibilidad de horarios, y empeoran las condiciones socioeconómicas y administrativas de las personas participantes. CONCLUSIONES: El diseño de políticas económicas y de regulación de la atención sanitaria debería tener en cuenta las barreras y los facilitadores de acceso como ejes fundamentales de la protección de la salud de las personas migrantes y, por ende, de la población general

OBJECTIVE: To conduct an assessment of migrant people regarding their access to the health system following entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 16/2012 along with the impact of economic cuts on such access. METHOD: Qualitative phenomenological study with semi-structured interviews, conducted in Andalusia (Spain), in two phases (2009-2010 and 2012-2013), with 36 participants. The sample was segmented by length of stay, nationality and area of residence. The nationalities of origin are Bolivia, Morocco and Romania. RESULTS: Elements facilitating access in both periods: regular administrative situation, possession of Individual Health Card, knowledge of the language, social networks and information. The results show differences in access to health care for migrants before and after the enforcement of the RDL 16/2012, within austerity policies. In the second period, access barriers such as waiting times or incompatibility of schedules are aggravated and the socio-economic and administrative conditions of participants worsen. CONCLUSIONS: The design of policies, economic and regulatory health care, should take into account barriers and facilitators of access as fundamental main points of health protection for migrants and, therefore, for the general population

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Cost Savings/trends , Financial Resources in Health/supply & distribution , Health Services Accessibility/trends , Transients and Migrants/statistics & numerical data , Minority Health/trends , Economic Recession/statistics & numerical data , Spain/epidemiology , 50207 , Qualitative Research
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-2844


Especialista em Política Pública e Gestão Governamental do Ministério da Fazenda, Ricardo Vidal afirmou, durante o Fórum de Debates do SUS, que uma reforma tributária progressiva e justa será benéfica não só para o SUS, mas também para outras áreas.

Financial Resources in Health/supply & distribution , Unified Health System/economics
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 92: 0-0, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-177597


Fundamentos: La crisis económica iniciada el año 2008 provocó una caída importante del gasto sanitario público en España. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el impacto de la crisis en la actividad, calidad y eficiencia de un hospital terciario universitario de alta complejidad. Métodos: Se analizó retrospectivamente la evolución entre los años 2007 y 2016 de cuatro grupos de indicadores de gestión (A: actividad asistencial; B: calidad y complejidad de las altas; C: plantilla, producción global y gasto; D: satisfacción de los pacientes hospitalizados). Los datos se obtuvieron de los sistemas de información del centro y se trataron como series longitudinales de tipo descriptivo. El impacto de la crisis se valoró analizando las desviaciones porcentuales de los diferentes indicadores en relación a los valores del año 2009, el año previo al inicio de los ajustes presupuestarios. Resultados: La actividad global ajustada por complejidad disminuyó un 9% los dos primeros años de la crisis, y se recuperó en los años posteriores. La complejidad de los pacientes hospitalizados se incrementó en un 14%. Los indicadores de calidad no se deterioraron. El gasto ejecutado anual disminuyó un 16% entre el 2009 y el 2014, y la eficiencia y la productividad global aumentaron un 13%. Los indicadores de satisfacción no se modificaron. Conclusiones: La crisis económica y la consecuente reducción del presupuesto y del gasto provocaron una disminución inicial de la actividad del centro, asociada a un incremento de la complejidad, que fue compensada progresivamente gracias a una mejora en la eficiencia y en la productividad global. La crisis no impactó negativamente ni en la calidad ni en la satisfacción de los pacientes atendidos en régimen de hospitalización

Background: The financial crisis that begun in 2008 significantly decreased the budget of the public health system on Spain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the financial crisis on the activity, quality and efficiency of a high-technology university hospital. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the outcomes of four sets of hospital management indicators between 2007 and 2016 (A: activity; B: quality and complexity of inpatientcare; C: staff, global production and budget expenses; D: patients satisfaction survey). The data were obtained from the center's information systems and treated as longitudinal series of descriptive type. The impact of the crisis was assessed by analyzing the percentage deviations of the different indicators in relation to the values of the year 2009, the year before initial budget adjustments. Results: The overall activity of the hospital, adjusted for complexity, decreased 9% during the first two years of the crisis and recovered later. Inpatient complexity increased 14%. Quality set indicators did not deteriorate. Expenses decreased 16% between the years 2009 and 2014, and efficiency and global productivity improved by 13%. Patient satisfaction survey results did not change. Conclusions: The financial crisis and the subsequent decrease of budget provoked an initial reduction of hospital activity, associated with a complexity increase. It was progressively made up for with increased efficiency and global productivity. The financial crisis did not have negative effects on quality of care or patient satisfaction

Humans , Tertiary Healthcare/organization & administration , Healthcare Financing , Efficiency, Organizational/trends , Quality Indicators, Health Care/trends , Financial Resources in Health/supply & distribution , Economic Recession/statistics & numerical data , Budgets/organization & administration , Quality of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies
Rev. patol. respir ; 19(3): 88-95, jul.-sept. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-157180


Objetivo: Sintetizar la información disponible acerca de estudios económicos relacionados con las exacerbaciones agudas asociadas a la EPOC publicados en España durante los últimos 5 años. Material y Métodos: Revisión ordenada de la literatura (MedLine/Pubmed, Cochrane Library, ISI WOK y Google Scholar) sobre estudios económicos referentes a la EPOC y las exacerbaciones agudas (EA-EPOC) en los últimos 5 años (2011-2015). Se incluyeron artículos originales y revisiones de costes directos, uso de recursos o evaluaciones económicas desde la perspectiva del SNS español. Los costes fueron actualizados a €, 2016. Resultados: Se identificaron 8 artículos de costes y uso de recursos, además de evaluaciones económicas de la EPOC y exacerbaciones realizados en España. La presencia de EA-EPOC se asoció a unos peores resultados clínicos, mayor uso de recursos, así como a un mayor coste medio anual por paciente (3.200,4 €vs. 1.403,1 €). El coste directo anual por exacerbación osciló entre 347,7 € y 482,8 €, de los cuales, más del 70% estaban asociados a las hospitalizaciones. Asimismo, existe una tendencia al aumento en el coste directo en pacientes de EPOC en España en los últimos años (2006-2010), por aumento de costes por paciente ingresado (p<0,001). Conclusiones: En nuestro país, el manejo de las EA-EPOC, y más específicamente, de las hospitalizaciones asociadas, constituye la mayor parte de los costes directos y uso de recursos atribuibles a la EPOC. La introducción de estrategias preventivas podría reducir de manera considerable los costes directos y el uso de recursos asociadas a las EA-EPOC en España

Objective: To review and synthesize the available information on economic evaluations related to acute exacerbations of COPD published in Spain during the last 5 years. Material and Method: A comprehensive review of the literature (MedLine/Pubmed, Cochrane Library, ISI WOK y Google Scholar) on economic evaluations related to COPD and acute exacerbations in Spain between 2011 and 2015 was performed. Original articles and reviews of the literature on direct cost, resource use and economic evaluations from the Spanish NHS perspective were included. Costs were update to Spanish €, 2016. Results: A total of 8 studies regarding direct cost, use of resources and economic evaluations of COPD published in Spain during the last 5 years were identified. The presence of exacerbations in COPD patients was associated with worse clinic outcomes together with an increase in use of resources and mean cost per COPD patient and year (3,200.4 € vs. 1,403.1 €) compared with patients without exacerbations. The average direct cost of an exacerbation ranged from 347.7 € and 482.8 €. The highest proportion of this cost (70%) was attributable to hospitalizations. In addition, there is a trend towards an increase in the mean cost per COPD patient in Spain during the last years (2006-2010), as the mean cost per hospitalized patient has risen during this period (p<0.001). Conclusion: In Spain, exacerbations-associated hospitalizations account for the largest portion of COPD expenses. The introduction of preventive strategies may reduce considerably healthcare costs and resource use related to COPD exacerbations

Humans , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/economics , Financial Resources in Health/supply & distribution , Direct Service Costs/statistics & numerical data , Recurrence , Secondary Prevention/trends , Hospitalization/economics
Physis (Rio J.) ; 19(3): 867-901, 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-535667


Com a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde, em 1990, o Ministério da Saúde tomou as primeiras medidas para descentralizar as ações de vigilância sanitária, o que significou decisiva inovação na tradicional institucionalidade dessa área e grande desafio para os gestores nos três níveis da Federação. Os efeitos dessa determinação somente foram sentidos após criação da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, em fins de 1999, quando foi possível estruturar o atual Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária numa concepção que incentiva o papel diretor, coordenador e executor das ações de maior complexidade das Secretarias Estaduais de Saúde. Este estudo analisa a descentralização da gestão da VISA empreendida pela Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro no período 2002-2006 e as condições das Secretarias Municipais no exercício das respectivas funções, através de pesquisa baseada em análise dos relatórios de avaliação da descentralização elaborados pelo Centro de Vigilância Sanitária. Entre as conclusões, destaca a fragilidade da própria Secretaria de Saúde do estado para assumir os encargos a ela atribuídos e questões subjacentes ao exercício municipal. Tais constatações refletem as muitas dificuldades enfrentadas nas relações intergovernamentais diante do imperativo de as partes agirem solidariamente numa área fundamental para a saúde individual e coletiva e para o bem-estar da população. O estudo informa requisitos básicos do processo de estruturação de um órgão de VISA e constitui importante contribuição para melhor compreender os entraves políticos, institucionais, técnicos, materiais e humanos que desafiam os gestores, para implementar as inovações ensejadas com a descentralização neste complexo campo.

With the creation of the Unified Health System in 1990, the Ministry of Health has taken the first steps to decentralize health surveillance actions, which meant a decisive innovation in the traditional institutional framework in this area and challenge for managers at all three levels of the Federation. The effects of this determination were felt only after the creation of the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency, in late 1999, when it was possible to structure the current National System of Sanitary Surveillance in a design that encourages the role director, coordinator and executor of the more complex actions of the State Health Secretariats. This study analyzes the decentralization of management of VISA undertaken by the State Secretariat of Health of Rio de Janeiro between 2002-2006 and the conditions of the municipal acting in their duties by providing research-based analysis of reports evaluation of decentralization developed by the Center for Health Surveillance. Among the findings, it highlights the fragility of the State Health Secretariat to shoulder the burden assigned to it and issues underlying the performance hall. These findings reflect the many difficulties in intergovernmental relations on the need for parties to act jointly in a key area for the individual and collective health and welfare of the population. The study states the basic requirements of the process of structuring a body of VISA and makes an important contribution to better understand the political barriers, institutional, technical, material and human challenge to managers, to implement the innovations occasioned by decentralization in this complex field.

Politics/organization & administration , Health Management , Regional Health Planning/organization & administration , Unified Health System/organization & administration , Health Surveillance/organization & administration , Brazil , Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency , Workforce , Politics , Financial Resources in Health/supply & distribution
Goiânia; SES-GO; 2007. 93 p. ilus, mapas, graf, tab.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, Coleciona SUS, CONASS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1095188


Coleção Regionalização da Saúde Intercâmbio Goiás-Québec é um projeto que tem como objetivo global melhorar a equidade no acesso aos serviços de saúde e aumentar a qualidade através da implantação de uma autêntica rede de serviços de saúde, oferecidos ao nível local (municipal) e regional, visando a continuidade dos serviços ao usuário entre os 3 níveis (federal, estadual, municipal) e entre os setores públicos, filantrópicos e privados, a contribuição significativa dos cidadãos das regiões quanto às escolhas a serem feitas em matéria de saúde e quanto à avaliação dos serviços prestados e também a mobilização dos dirigentes locais, regionais e da Secretaria de Estado de Goiás - SES-GO, em um contexto de descentralização. O resultado final visado é a instauração de um sistema de saúde fortificado nas regiões e municípios, podendo adaptar-se ás realidades do meio e que garanta um acesso equitativo e eficaz aos serviços para toda a população. Alocação de recursos com equidade é o título do terceiro volume da Coleção e trata da utilização de ferramentas para medida de necessidades em saúde e para alocação de recursos com indicadores compostos, especialmente desenvolvidos para este fim. Trabalhado pela equipe da Superintendência de Planejamento do Governo do Estado de Goiás - Brasil, com consultores do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Pública do Quèbec e da Agência de Saúde e serviços sociais do Outaouais - Canadá

The Goiás-Québec Regionalization Health Collection is a project that has the global objective of improving equity in access to health services and increasing quality through the implementation of an authentic network of health services, offered at the local (municipal) level and regional, aiming at the continuity of the services to the user between the 3 levels (federal, state, municipal) and between the public, philanthropic and private sectors, the significant contribution of the citizens of the regions regarding the choices to be made in terms of health and regarding the evaluation of the services provided and also the mobilization of local, regional leaders and the State Secretariat of Goiás - SES-GO, in a context of decentralization. The end result aimed at is the establishment of a fortified health system in the regions and municipalities, being able to adapt to the realities of the environment and guaranteeing equitable and effective access to services for the entire population. Allocation of resources with equity is the title of the third volume of the Collection and deals with the use of tools to measure health needs and to allocate resources with composite indicators, especially developed for this purpose. Worked by the team of the Planning Superintendence of the Government of the State of Goiás - Brazil, with consultants from the National Institute of Public Health of Quèbec and the Health and Social Services Agency of Ottawa - Canada

Humans , Health Care Rationing , Equity in the Resource Allocation , Financial Resources in Health/supply & distribution , Health Policy