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J Christ Nurs ; 41(2): 140, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38436335

Health Fairs , Humans
J Prim Care Community Health ; 15: 21501319231222766, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38178605


INTRODUCTION: Strategies are needed to promote the uptake of preventive health services among Black, Hispanic, and rural men because these men underutilize health services. Previous research indicates that men prefer community-based health promotion programming, such as health fairs; however, specific guidance on how to tailor health fairs for Black, Hispanic, and rural men are lacking. The present seeks to study provides that guidance. METHODS: A multisectoral team developed, implemented, and evaluated a men's health fair in a county of South Carolina with a sizeable Black, Hispanic, and rural-dwelling population. Although the health fair was open to all men in the county, specific outreach campaigns were implemented to attract Black and Hispanic men. The health fair occurred on Father's Day weekend in 2023 and consisted of health screenings, health information, and other resources (eg, condoms, research studies). Participants who attended the health fair were asked to complete a check-in survey (N = 103) that assessed demographic information and how they heard about the health fair, followed by a survey (N = 58) that assessed facilitators/barriers to participation in a men's health fair. RESULTS: Results were stratified by the gender of respondent. The results highlight the facilitators/barriers experienced by men to attending health fairs and also highlight important differences in facilitators/barriers for men to attend a health fair as perceived by men and women. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have implications for the design and implementation of future men's health fairs to promote preventive health service use among Black, Hispanic, and rural men.

Health Fairs , Men's Health , Female , Humans , Male , Black People , Health Promotion , Hispanic or Latino , Rural Population
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(1): 206-224, jan.-marc. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419254


Aedes aegypti é o principal vetor dos agentes etiológicos de dengue, zika e chikungunya, doenças para as quais não existem vacinas totalmente eficazes. Alternativas de controle visando mitigar essas arboviroses são primordiais. Entre essas, o controle mecânico aborda práticas de eliminação e/ou limpeza de criadouros do vetor. Neste relato, apresentamos e avaliamos criticamente ações realizadas pelo grupo, ocorridas entre 2016 e 2019, nas quais divulgamos informação científica clara através do diálogo com a população. Os métodos utilizados foram: 1) palestras em escolas (público infantojuvenil) utilizando slides, fotos e vídeos; 2) oficinas (público misto), estande com material in vivo do ciclo de vida do Aedes, jogos e desenhos. Analisamos dez palestras em escolas do ensino fundamental e médio e vinte oficinas realizadas em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Concluímos que tais ações e suas análises críticas devem ser realizadas continuamente para que sejam bem-sucedidas

Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue, zika, and chikungunya etiological agents, diseases for which no effective vaccines are available. Control alternatives aimed at mitigating these arboviruses are essential. Among such, mechanical control addresses practices of elimination and/or cleaning of vector breeding sites. Here, we presented and critically evaluated actions carried out by ourselves. These actions took place between 2016 and 2019, where we disseminated clear scientific information through dialogue with the population. The following methods were employed: 1) lectures in schools (children and youth audiences) using slides, photos, and videos; 2) workshops (mixed audience), stand with in vivo material from the Aedeslife cycle, games, and drawings. Ten lectures in elementary and high schools and twenty workshops held in different regions of Brazil were analyzed. It was concluded that such actions and their critical analyzes must be carried out continuously to be successful

Aedes aegypti es el principal vector de los agentes etiológicos del dengue, zika y chikungunya, enfermedades para las que no existen vacunas totalmente eficaces. Las alternativas de control para mitigar estas arbovirosis son fundamentales. El control mecánico, representa una de estas alternativas, aborda prácticas de eliminación y/o limpieza de criaderos del vector. En este informe presentamos y evaluamos de manera crítica las acciones realizadas por el grupo entre los años 2016 y 2019. Presentamos información científica clara a través del diálogo con la población mediante los siguientes métodos: 1) conferencias en escuelas (público infantil) utilizando diapositivas, fotos y videos; 2) Talleres (público mixto), stand con material in vivo del ciclo de vida del Aedes, juegos y dibujos. Analizamos diez conferencias en escuelas (primarias y secundarias) y veinte talleres realizados en diferentes regiones de Brasil. Concluimos que tales acciones y el análisis crítico de las mismas deben llevarse a cabo de manera continua para que resulten exitosas.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Mosquito Control , Health Education/methods , Aedes/growth & development , Educational and Promotional Materials , Teaching Materials , Brazil , Health Fairs , Dengue/prevention & control , Qualitative Research , Chikungunya Fever/prevention & control , Zika Virus Infection/prevention & control , Health Promotion/methods
J Racial Ethn Health Disparities ; 10(3): 1127-1137, 2023 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35426057


INTRODUCTION: The Pacific Islander American population is understudied due to being aggregated with Asian Americans. In this study, we conduct a comparative analysis of directly measured body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (%BF), and blood pressure (BP) between Pacific Islander Americans and Asian Americans from health screenings in Los Angeles, California. We hope to reveal intra-APIA health disparities masked by this data aggregation. METHODS: We analyzed BMI, %BF, and BP that were objectively measured by trained personnel at health screenings in Los Angeles between January 2011 and December 2019. We performed multivariable multinomial logistic regression models with obesity and hypertensive categories as outcome variables and ethnicity as the primary independent variable of interest. Models controlled for year of visit, participant age, sex, income, education level, years living in the USA, employment status, English proficiency, regular doctor access, and health insurance status. RESULTS: A total of 4,832 individuals were included in the analysis. Multivariable analyses revealed that Pacific Islander participants were at significantly higher risks for being classified as obese compared with all Asian American subgroups studied, including Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Japanese. Pacific Islanders also exhibited significantly lower predicted probability of having a normal blood pressure compared with Chinese and Thai participants. Some variation between Asian subgroups were also observed. CONCLUSIONS: Pacific Islander participants had higher risk of several sentinel health problems compared to Asian American participants. Disaggregation of PI Americans from the APIA umbrella category in future studies is necessary to unmask the critical needs of this important community.

Health Fairs , Hypertension , Humans , Asian , Pacific Island People , Los Angeles , Obesity
Public Health Rep ; 138(1): 97-106, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35067110


OBJECTIVES: Given several efforts to improve health care access in California and nationally, we studied whether linguistic and socioeconomic disparities in health care access changed from 2011 to 2019 among Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) people in Los Angeles, California. METHODS: We analyzed survey responses from APIA health fair participants (n = 5032) in the Greater Los Angeles area from May 15, 2011, through October 20, 2019. To assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on and shifts in health care access (ie, health insurance status/regular doctor), we used a logistic regression model. Covariates included English proficiency, year, age, sex, ethnicity, income, employment, and education. We also ran an interaction analysis between English proficiency and year. RESULTS: Health insurance access increased and doctor access remained stable throughout the study period; however, disparities in health insurance status widened by a factor of 1.08 per year between participants with high English proficiency (HEP) and participants with low English proficiency (LEP) (P = .01). People with HEP were 2.02 times more likely to have a regular doctor than people with LEP (P < .001), and this disparity persisted from 2011 to 2019 (P = .58). Participants who were young (P < .001) and male (P = .005) were significantly less likely to have health insurance and a regular doctor (P < .001) than participants who were older and female. Chinese participants were significantly more likely than Thai (P = .002) and Korean (P < .001) participants to be insured but not more likely to have a regular doctor, when controlling for health insurance. CONCLUSIONS: Policy changes targeting language and cultural barriers to care for APIA people with LEP may address the disparities observed.

Health Fairs , Humans , Male , Female , Los Angeles , Healthcare Disparities , Health Services Accessibility , Socioeconomic Factors , Asian
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255684, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529232


Os estudos sobre as relações mútuas entre as pessoas e o ambiente buscam subsidiar melhorias no contexto urbano a partir de métodos e técnicas pautados na compreensão do uso de espaços públicos e privados. A crescente demanda pela promoção de ambientes amigáveis para idosos e crianças nos cenários urbanos direcionou esta pesquisa e elencou dois componentes: o panorama relativo à população local e o arcabouço teórico da psicologia ambiental. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar as principais atividades realizadas por crianças e idosos em seus respectivos locais de moradia. Foram avaliados os principais usos e atividades desses dois grupos, em duas vizinhanças, diferenciando-os de acordo com suas especificidades em termos de demandas individuais e ambientais. As observações sistemáticas a partir da técnica de mapeamento comportamental centrado no lugar (MCCL) ocorreram na cidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal (DF) e permitiram compreender o processo de apropriação dos espaços na infância e na velhice e suas repercussões em termos da congruência pessoa-ambiente. Cada um destes setores organizados a partir de elementos específicos direciona as ações dos participantes para determinados tipos de comportamentos, observados de maneira a compor um roteiro em que a brincadeira (lazer ativo) surge como central na infância e a caminhada (circulação) como mais potente para a população idosa. Os resultados demonstram que o diálogo entre a psicologia ambiental e a ciência do desenvolvimento humano tem sido bastante profícuo e tem contribuído para a compreensão de aspectos da relação pessoa-ambiente em diferentes momentos do ciclo de vida.(AU)

Studies on the mutual relations between people and the environment seek to support improvements in the urban context from methods and techniques based on understanding the use of public and private spaces. The growing demand for the promotion of friendly urban environments for older people and children guided this research, with two notable components: the panorama related to the local population and the theoretical framework of Environmental Psychology. Therefore, we sought to identify the main activities carried out by children and older people in their respective dwellings. The main uses and activities of these two groups were evaluated in two neighborhoods, differentiating them according to their specificities in terms of individual and environmental demands. Systematic observations using the place-centered behavioral mapping technique took place in the city of Brasília, Federal District, and allowed us to understand the process of appropriation of spaces in childhood and old age and its repercussions in terms of person-environment congruence. Each of these sectors, organized from specific elements, directs the participants' actions towards certain types of behavior, observed in order to compose a script in which playing (active leisure) emerges as central in childhood and walking (circulation) as more potent for the older people. The results demonstrated that the dialogue between environmental psychology and the science of human development has been very fruitful and has contributed to the understanding of aspects of the person-environment relationship at different times in the life cycle.(AU)

Los estudios sobre las relaciones mutuas entre las personas y el medio ambiente buscan aportar mejoras en el contexto urbano mediante métodos y técnicas basados en la comprensión del uso de los espacios públicos y privados. La creciente demanda de la promoción de ambientes amigables para las personas mayores y los niños en entornos urbanos guio esta investigación y enumeró dos componentes: el panorama relacionado con la población local y el marco teórico de la Psicología Ambiental. En este contexto, buscamos identificar las principales actividades que realizan los niños y las personas mayores en sus respectivas viviendas. Se evaluaron los principales usos y actividades de estos dos grupos en dos barrios, diferenciándolos según sus especificidades en cuanto a las demandas individuales y ambientales. Las observaciones sistemáticas utilizando la técnica de mapeo conductual centrado en el lugar (MCCL) ocurrieron en la ciudad de Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil) y nos permitieron comprender el proceso de apropiación de espacios en la infancia y la vejez y sus repercusiones en la congruencia persona-ambiente. Cada uno de estos sectores, organizados a partir de elementos específicos, orienta las acciones de los participantes hacia determinados comportamientos, observados para componer un guion en el que el juego (ocio activo) emerge como central en la infancia y el caminar (circulación) como el más potente para las personas mayores. Los resultados demuestran que el diálogo entre la Psicología Ambiental y la ciencia del desarrollo humano ha sido muy fructífero y ha contribuido a la comprensión de aspectos de la relación persona-entorno en diferentes momentos del ciclo de vida.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Child , Child Welfare , Urban Area , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecological Development , Environment , Environmental Psychology , Parks, Recreational , Parking Facilities , Personal Satisfaction , Physiology , Art , Psychology , Quality of Life , Reading , Recreation , Safety , Self Care , Self Concept , Soccer , Social Alienation , Social Behavior , Social Desirability , Social Isolation , Social Sciences , Social Support , Social Welfare , Socialization , Sports , Swimming Pools , Urban Population , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Aged Rights , Brazil , Activities of Daily Living , Exercise , Child Behavior , Child Rearing , Indicators of Quality of Life , Environmental Health , Mental Health , Child Health , Health of the Elderly , Health Fairs , Chronic Disease , Transportation of Patients , Relaxation Therapy , Staff Development , Cities , City Planning , Civil Rights , Environmental Imbalance , Human Ecology , Nature , Life , Universal Access to Health Care Services , Medical Care , Personal Autonomy , Spirituality , Value of Life , Friends , Vulnerable Populations , Education, Continuing , Environment Design , Essential Public Health Functions , Disease Prevention , Industrial Development , Environmental Restoration and Remediation , Family Relations , Resilience, Psychological , Pleasure , Sedentary Behavior , Independent Living , Environmental Policy , Social Participation , Pandemics , Community Integration , Social Skills , Grandparents , Cognitive Aging , Public Service Announcement , Diet, Healthy , Psychosocial Support Systems , Transportation Facilities , Cell Phone Use , Cultural Rights , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Data Analysis , Respect , Digital Inclusion , Right to Health , Empowerment , Functional Status , Freedom of Movement , COVID-19 , Healthy Life Expectancy , Sleep Quality , Intersectional Framework , Citizenship , Geriatrics , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Family Support , Gymnastics , Habits , Handwriting , Health Physics , Health Planning , Health Promotion , Housing , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations , Loneliness , Longevity , Methods , Motivation , Noise
J Health Care Poor Underserved ; 33(4): 1747-1756, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36341660


BACKGROUND: The University of Miami Mitchell Wolfson Sr. Department of Community Service (DOCS) is a student-run organization providing free health care to the medically underserved in South Florida. For a large organization providing care to thousands of people per year, an effective electronic medical record (EMR) is necessary to keep track of patient records. METHODS: A REDCap project was configured in a way that allows it to mimic a basic EMR. This was done by assigning patients medical record numbers, creating repeating events allowing patient results to be seen over time, and incorporating extensive logic to facilitate clinical decision-making. RESULTS: DOCS was able to create a basic EMR using REDCap and has seen success with this approach. DISCUSSION: REDCap is capable of functioning as a robust, basic EMR which can be suitable for any purpose. It is HIPAA-compliant, comprehensive and low-cost, making it suitable for serving underserved populations.

Electronic Health Records , Health Fairs , Humans , Electronics , Software , Students , Medically Underserved Area
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(1): 195-214, Mar. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375600


Abstract As of the nineteenth century, the number of world fairs and hygiene exhibitions grew significantly. This phenomenon was linked to the experience of modernity and the emergence of bacteriology, when different cities were sanitized with the aim of combating urban diseases and epidemics. For the purpose of sanitary education and hygiene propaganda, many objects and pictures were displayed in hygiene exhibitions and museums, such as the International Hygiene Exhibition of 1911 and the German Hygiene Museum, both in Dresden. The goal of this article is to analyze a chapter of the international history of health through images that portray the connections between the German Hygiene Museum and Latin American countries between 1911 and 1933.

Resumo A partir do século XIX, o número de exposições universais e de exposições de higiene cresceu significativamente. Esse fenômeno estava ligado à experiência da modernidade e ao surgimento da bacteriologia, quando diferentes cidades foram higienizadas com o objetivo de combater doenças e epidemias urbanas. Visando à educação sanitária e à propaganda da higiene, inúmeros objetos e imagens foram exibidos em exposições e museus de higiene, como na Exposição Internacional de Higiene de 1911 e no Museu Alemão de Higiene, ambos em Dresden. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar um capítulo da história internacional da saúde por meio de imagens que retratam as conexões entre o Museu Alemão de Higiene e os países latino-americanos de 1911 a 1933.

Bacteriology , Hygiene , Global Health , Health Fairs , Disease Prevention , Exhibitions as Topic , History, 19th Century , Latin America
Public Health Nurs ; 39(4): 847-855, 2022 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35120272


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to examine public health nursing (PHN) students' experiences delivering peer-to-peer health education to college students during a health fair. DESIGN: A qualitative, descriptive research design was used. SAMPLE: Senior-level nursing students (n = 13) completing the clinical portion of a PHN course. MEASUREMENTS: A semi-structured focus group guide consisting of 10 questions and follow-up probes was used to elicit PHN student experiences. Focus groups were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using a thematic analysis technique. RESULTS: Five main themes were identified: (1) benefits of health fairs in general, (2) benefits of nursing-student-led health fairs, (3) negatives of nursing-student-let health fairs, (4) importance of interaction, and (5) suggestions for maximizing the potential of nursing student-led health fairs. CONCLUSIONS: Although challenges exist, PHN students experienced several benefits from the provision of peer-to-peer health education. College campuses represent a unique clinical site that allows nursing students to utilize their insider status to better assess, understand, and provide tailored health education to the college community. This clinical site has shown to provide positive experiences for nursing students and is critical in developing essential nursing skills and building confidence for future clinical rotations.

Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate , Health Fairs , Students, Nursing , Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate/methods , Humans , Public Health Nursing/education , Qualitative Research , Universities
J Glaucoma ; 30(9): 846-850, 2021 09 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34172631


PRECIS: This is the first exploratory study demonstrating the promising potential of app-based visual fields testing in a low-resource health fair setting for community screening of high-risk Latino adults. PURPOSE: To compare the "Visual Fields Easy" (VFE) iPad application against the Humphrey Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) N-30-5 in detecting abnormal visual fields in a low-resource health fair setting. METHODS: Latinos aged 40 to 80 years were recruited at a health fair in Los Angeles, California, in November 2017. Both eyes were tested using VFE and FDT. To account for possible nested correlations between participants and eyes, linear mixed effects models were used to estimate the difference in test time and the association in percent of missed points. A Bland-Altman plot and receiver operator characteristic curve were constructed for further comparisons. RESULTS: Forty-five participants with a mean age of 58.5 years (SD=9.5 y) were recruited and both eyes were tested (90 eyes). VFE testing took on average 141 seconds longer per eye than FDT (95% confidence interval: 137-145 s), and FDT resulted in having 7.50% more missed points than VFE (95% confidence interval: 2.56%-12.43%, P=0.002). The Bland-Altman plot depicted reduced agreement with increasing average of percent of points missed. The sensitivity and specificity of VFE were 67% and 77%, respectively, with an area under the receiver operator characteristic curve of 0.71. CONCLUSIONS: In this exploratory study, VFE exhibited moderate discrimination for identifying Latino adults with abnormal visual fields compared with FDT. Agreement between FDT and VFE was greater for patients with mild-to-moderate visual field loss. Further software enhancements of app-based fields testing, in concert with other portable testing, represents promising screening methods for high-risk groups in resource-limited environments.

Health Fairs , Mobile Applications , Humans , Intraocular Pressure , Middle Aged , Prospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Technology , Vision Disorders , Visual Field Tests , Visual Fields
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can ; 41(1): 14-24, 2021 01.
Article in English, French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33438942


INTRODUCTION: Early childhood caries is a public health concern, and the considerable burden exhibited by Indigenous children highlights the oral health inequities across populations in Canada. Barriers include lack of access to oral health care and lack of culturally appropriate oral health promotion. The purpose of this study was to determine where and how First Nations and Métis parents, caregivers and community members learn about caring for young children's oral health, and what ideas and suggestions they have on how to disseminate information and promote early childhood oral health (ECOH) in Indigenous communities. METHODS: Sharing circles and focus groups engaged eight groups of purposively sampled participants (n = 59) in four communities in Manitoba. A grounded theory approach guided thematic analysis of audiorecorded and transcribed data. RESULTS: Participants said that they learned about oral health from parents, caregivers and friends, primary care providers, prenatal programs, schools and online. Some used traditional medicines. Participants recommended sharing culturally appropriate information through community and prenatal programs and workshops; schools and day care centres; posters, mailed pamphlets and phone communication (calls and text messages) to parents and caregivers, and via social media. Distributing enticing and interactive oral hygiene products that appeal to children was recommended as a way to encourage good oral hygiene. CONCLUSION: Evidence-based oral health information and resources tailored to First Nations and Métis communities could, if strategically provided, reach more families and shift the current trajectory for ECOH.

Dental Caries/prevention & control , Health Education, Dental/methods , Health Promotion/methods , Indigenous Canadians , Oral Health , Adult , Caregivers , Child , Child, Preschool , Cultural Competency , Female , Focus Groups , Grandparents , Health Fairs , Humans , Infant , Male , Manitoba , Middle Aged , Nurses, Public Health , Pamphlets , Parents , Professional Role , Qualitative Research , Schools , Social Media , Toothbrushing/instrumentation , Toothpastes , Young Adult
Health Educ Behav ; 48(6): 758-768, 2021 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32917102


Lead exposure has been linked to neurological, reproductive, and developmental effects, and approximately 3.5% of Chicago children under the age of 3 years have elevated blood lead levels. The aim of this research was to provide outreach opportunities to address the issue of lead exposure in water and soil. A series of seven community-based health fairs were held with a combined approach of screening and education accomplished through partnerships with organizations established within underserved communities that leveraged resources. Community members attending the fairs brought in samples of soil from their yards and tap water for lead testing. Lead concentrations in the soil samples had a mean value of 305.7 parts per million, and 30% of the samples were above the Environmental Protection Agency's action level for children's play lots. The mean lead concentration in tap water was 8.3 parts per billion, with 6% of sample testing above the Environmental Protection Agency's action level. There was no significant correlation between the lead levels in water and soil (p = .21), and there was no significant difference between the average lead concentrations in different areas of the city. A multifaceted approach was utilized to educate and engage and ultimately empower the communities affected by exposure to lead in urban settings.

Drinking Water/adverse effects , Environmental Exposure , Health Fairs , Lead Poisoning , Lead , Chicago , Humans , Lead/analysis , Lead Poisoning/prevention & control , Mass Screening , Soil/chemistry
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev ; 28(1): 63-68, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33337531


INTRODUCTION: Hypertension (SBP/DBP > 130/80 mmHg) is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease worldwide. AIM: To determine the prevalence of hypertension in a homeless community during an interprofessional education (IPE)-based health fair. METHODS: Homeless participants were recruited between August 2019-September 2019. Faculty, nursing, and pharmacist students, educated 477 participants, aged 18-80 years, on the risk factors associated with untreated hypertension. Then, participants self-completed the consented demographic survey questionnaire. Finally, the sitting blood pressure (BP) was recorded three times based on a standardized procedure, using Omron BPN monitor with cuff. RESULTS: Seven pharmacy students, nine nursing students, two registered nurses, five registered pharmacists, and two medical doctors collaboratively provided health education to the homeless community and screened their sitting BP. 390/477 (81.8%) of participants satisfied the inclusion criteria. Participants (54.7%) of the reported education level was at the high School level or less. More than the half of the participants (average age of 51 ± 13 years) had hypertension (median SBP/DBP ≥ 130/82.7 mmHg), respectively. The prevalence of hypertension for the overall cohort was 61.52% (95% CI, 56.59-66.35). Age (p value = 0.000) was significantly associated with hypertension based on the binary logistic analysis. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated a high prevalence of hypertension in the homeless community in Long Beach, California with high risk of cardio-vascular events or strokes. This works sheds new light on an issue of major public health significance and points to the need for fostering IPE community-based health fairs intervention program for the US homeless population.

Blood Pressure , Community Health Services , Health Fairs , Hypertension/epidemiology , Ill-Housed Persons , Interprofessional Education , Urban Health , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , California/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Health Surveys , Humans , Hypertension/diagnosis , Hypertension/physiopathology , Male , Middle Aged , Prevalence , Young Adult
J Immigr Minor Health ; 22(6): 1373-1377, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32936411


Asian Americans Pacific Islanders (AAPI) share a disproportionate burden of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in both the United States and New York State. Current hepatitis B virus (HBV) screening and research efforts have focused on urban communities. We administered a cross-sectional survey to 64 attendants at two free health fairs hosted by AAPI organizations on suburban Long Island, New York. We report the demographic make-up, healthcare attitudes, and HBV-related health histories of event attendees in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Participants in Nassau County generally had more access to healthcare (97.1% vs 74.1% insured, 91.4% vs. 63.0% annual physician visit) and more familiarity with HBV screening (57.1% vs 17.2% history of HBV screening, 42.9% vs 3.9% physician recommendation for HBV screening). AAPI are a heterogenous population. Communities in close proximity may be demographically distinct and efforts to screen for HBV should be tailored to individual communities.

Health Fairs , Hepatitis B , Asian , Attitude , Cross-Sectional Studies , Delivery of Health Care , Demography , Hepatitis B/diagnosis , Hepatitis B/epidemiology , Humans , Mass Screening , United States/epidemiology
Cancer Med ; 9(22): 8701-8712, 2020 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32966684


The World Health Organization (WHO) refers to cervical cancer as a public health problem, and sub-Saharan Africa bears the world's highest incidence. In the realm of screening, simplified WHO recommendations for low-resource countries now present an opportunity for a public health approach to this public health problem. We evaluated the feasibility of such a public health approach to cervical cancer screening that features community-based self-administered HPV testing and mobile treatment provision. In two rural districts of western-central Uganda, Village Health Team members led community mobilization for cervical cancer screening fairs in their communities, which offered self-collection of vaginal samples for high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) testing. High-risk human papillomavirus-positive women were re-contacted and referred for treatment with cryotherapy by a mobile treatment unit in their community. We also determined penetrance of the mobilization campaign message by interviewing a probability sample of adult women in study communities about the fair and their attendance. In 16 communities, 2142 women attended the health fairs; 1902 were eligible for cervical cancer screening of which 1892 (99.5%) provided a self-collected vaginal sample. Among the 393 (21%) women with detectable hrHPV, 89% were successfully contacted about their results, of which 86% returned for treatment by a mobile treatment team. Most of the women in the community (93%) reported hearing about the fair, and among those who had heard of the fair, 68% attended. This public health approach to cervical cancer screening was feasible, effectively penetrated the communities, and was readily accepted by community women. The findings support further optimization and evaluation of this approach as a means of scaling up cervical cancer control in low-resource settings.

Community Health Services , Early Detection of Cancer , Mobile Health Units , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnosis , Rural Health Services , Specimen Handling , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Vagina/virology , Women's Health Services , Adult , Cryotherapy , Feasibility Studies , Female , Health Fairs , Humans , Middle Aged , Papillomavirus Infections/therapy , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Patient Education as Topic , Predictive Value of Tests , Text Messaging , Uganda , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/therapy , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/virology , Young Adult
Tog (A Coruña) ; 17(1): 87-89, mayo 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-196311


La fotografía en cuestión trae una reflexión sobre las relaciones colectivas que impregnan la vida cotidiana en un asentamiento rural, ubicado en Brasil. Aspecto que marca así los modos de vida que se establecen en este territorio. La feria es un ejemplo que demuestra estas relaciones, es entonces una estrategia de ayuda mutua que promueve y mejora las redes de cooperación comunitaria y lazos de interdependencia para superar los desafíos que suceden en la vida de todos los días

The photograph in question brings a reflection about the collective relations that permeate the everyday of a rural settlement, located in Brazil. This aspect marks the ways of life established in this territory. The fair is a mutual aid strategy that promotes the community cooperation networks and interdependence bonds, necessary to overcome the challenges that happen on the daily living

Humans , Social Support , Occupational Therapy/methods , Rural Population , Health Fairs , Health Promotion , Health Services , Community Participation
J Am Pharm Assoc (2003) ; 60(4): e52-e57, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32014442


BACKGROUND: Individuals with unrecognized atrial fibrillation (AF) may be at an increased risk of stroke. There is a need to develop a sustainable and reproducible population-based screening model to identify unrecognized AF. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to evaluate AF screening and education at student pharmacist-driven health fairs. METHODS: Screening for AF was performed by student members of the American Pharmacist Association Academy of Student Pharmacists with preceptor oversight. Participants were screened using the KardiaMobile device (AliveCor, Mountain View, CA), a Food and Drug Administration-cleared device that interprets a medical-grade electrocardiogram in 30 seconds. Student pharmacists also calculated a CHA2DS2-VASc score. Participant education was provided using an American Heart Association AF patient information sheet. Learning assessment was evaluated with 3 multiple choice questions. RESULTS: Students screened a total of 697 participants over a 6-month period at 13 health fairs. Overall, 71% of the participants were women aged 56 ± 15 years (mean ± SD). Sixteen of the participants (2.3%) who were screened received results indicating possible AF. None of the participants with a possible positive finding had symptoms suggestive of AF. Of these 16 participants, 11 (69%) had a CHA2DS2-VASc score greater than or equal to 2 (2.7 ± 0.7). Most participants answered each learning assessment question correctly. More than 95% of participants believed that screening for AF at health fairs was important or very important. CONCLUSION: Student pharmacist-driven health fairs were shown to be feasible models to screen for AF and were effective in providing AF education to the public. Student pharmacists also cultivated a clinical skill that is transferable to their future practice setting, including the community pharmacy setting. Additional studies are needed to assess whether population-based real-time assessment and detection of AF can reduce the risk of stroke in individuals with previously undetected AF.

Atrial Fibrillation , Health Fairs , Stroke , Atrial Fibrillation/diagnosis , Electrocardiography , Female , Humans , Mass Screening , Pharmacists , Risk Assessment , Risk Factors , Stroke/diagnosis , Students
Rev. baiana enferm ; 34: e37173, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143948


Objetivo relatar a experiência da produção e divulgação de tecnologia, em forma de cartilha educativa, para informar e orientar sobre os cuidados com as crianças frente à pandemia da COVID-19. Metodologia trata-se de relato de experiência sobre a construção de uma cartilha on-line e gratuita, tendo como público-alvo crianças a partir de dois anos de idade, os pais ou responsáveis e a comunidade. A construção foi realizada por estudantes de enfermagem, em maio de 2020. Resultados a construção da cartilha possibilitou a integração entre pesquisadoras, educadores e comunidade. O produto foi amplamente divulgado e houve retorno positivo das orientações passadas de forma lúdica, fidedignas e acessíveis. Conclusão a experiência oportunizou a disseminação de informações seguras, com fontes confiáveis e embasamento científico, além da integração das pesquisadoras à comunidade. Ampliou o vínculo extramuros da Universidade, fator imprescindível para atuação junto à população.

Objetivo informar la experiencia de la producción y difusión de tecnología, en forma de folleto educativo, para informar y orientar sobre el cuidado de los niños frente a la pandemia de COVID-19. Metodología este es un informe de experiencia sobre la construcción de un folleto en línea y gratuito, dirigido a niños a partir de dos años de edad, padres o tutores y la comunidad. La construcción fue llevada a cabo por estudiantes de enfermería en mayo de 2020. Resultados la construcción del folleto permitió la integración entre investigadores, educadores y la comunidad. El producto fue ampliamente difundido y hubo un retorno positivo de las orientaciones anteriores de una manera lúdica, fiable y accesible. Conclusión la experiencia permitió la difusión de información segura, con fuentes fiables y base científica, además de la integración de los investigadores en la comunidad. Amplió el vínculo extramuros de la Universidad, un factor indispensable para trabajar con la población.

Objective to report the experience of producing and disseminating technology as an educational booklet, to inform and guide about the childcare before the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology this is an experience report on the construction of an online and free booklet, targeting children from two years of age, parents or guardians and the community. The construction was carried out by nursing students in May 2020. Results the construction of the booklet allowed integrating researchers, educators and the community. The product was widely disseminated and there was a positive return of the provided guidelines in a playful, reliable and accessible way. Conclusion the experience allowed for the dissemination of safe information, with reliable sources and scientific basis, in addition to integrating researchers into the community. It expanded the extramural bond of the University, an indispensable factor for working with the population.

Humans , Child , Child Health , Health Fairs/trends , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics , Health Promotion , Child Rearing , Education in Disasters , Information Dissemination/methods
Pediatr Diabetes ; 20(7): 909-914, 2019 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31376227


OBJECTIVE: The incidence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is increasing, most notably in young children and in racial and ethnic minorities. Historically, screening for risk with T1D-associated antibodies has been limited to those with a family history, while up to 90% of newly diagnosed patients lack such a family history. To address the needs to screen diverse ethnic groups in the general population, we screened children for T1D-associated antibodies in the Denver, Colorado metro area at community health fairs. METHODS: Children attending health fairs from 2015 to 2018 were offered free T1D screening by measuring the four prototypical T1D-associated antibodies. A finger stick capillary puncture was performed to collect blood spots on filter paper. Dried blood spots (DBSs) were eluted and antibodies were measured using fluid-phase radio-binding assays. RESULTS: At 39 health fairs, children were educated on the signs and symptoms of diabetes, and screened for T1D-associated antibodies (n = 478), which represented 90% of those that attended. Median age was 9.0 years (range of 1-18) with diverse ethnic backgrounds: 37% Hispanic, 31% Caucasian, 20% African American, and 12% other. Nine children screened positive for antibodies, single n = 8 and multiple n = 1, and confirmation with serum samples showed excellent correlation to the measurements from DBSs for antibodies directed against GAD, IA-2, and ZnT8 (P < .01 for each). CONCLUSIONS: Screening for T1D risk at community health fairs using DBSs on filter paper is feasible and provides an avenue to screen children from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

Autoantibodies/blood , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/diagnosis , Health Fairs/methods , Mass Screening/methods , Adolescent , Autoantibodies/analysis , Blood Specimen Collection/methods , Child , Child, Preschool , Colorado/epidemiology , Community Health Services/methods , Community Health Services/organization & administration , Community Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/blood , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/immunology , Diagnostic Techniques, Endocrine , Female , Health Fairs/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Infant , Islets of Langerhans/immunology , Male , Mass Screening/statistics & numerical data