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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371769


Ao longo de duas décadas trabalhamos na investigação do universo do chamado olimpismo, na história do Movimento Olímpico e, especialmente, no registro das histórias de vida daqueles que são os protagonistas desse fenômeno sociocultural: os atletas. Tal trabalho é realizado com base na metodologia das Narrativas Biográficas. O objetivo deste texto é destacar os processos de construção das narrativas de vida dos atletas com o auxílio de acervo de patrimônio particular. O material de acervo compõe amplo espectro de formas, desde recortes de mídias impressas até a variedade dos objetos biográficos. A preservação de tais acervos, mesmo que realizada de maneira particular, é um elemento fundamental para a memória pública acerca do olimpismo (AU).

Over the past two decades, we worked in the investigation of the universe of the so-called Olympism, in the history of the Olympic Movement and, especially, in the recording of the life stories of those who are protagonists of this socio-cultural phenomenon: the athletes. This job is based in the methodology of the Biographical Narratives. The purpose of this article is to highlight the processes of construction of life narratives with the aid of a private heritage collection. The collection material comprises an extensive spectrum of shapes, from cutouts of printed media to a variety of biographical objects. The preservation of such collections, even if carried out in a particular way, is a fundamental element for public memory around Olympism (AU).

Durante dos décadas, trabajamos en investigar el universo del llamado Olimpismo, en la historia del Movimiento Olímpico y, especialmente, en registrar las historias de vida de los protagonistas de este fenómeno sociocultural: los atletas. Este trabajo es hecho con base en la metodología de Narrativas Biográficas. El propósito de este texto es destacar los procesos de construcción de narrativas de vida con la ayuda de un acervo de patrimonio privado. El material de colección comprende un amplio conjunto de formas, desde recortes de medios impresos, hasta la variedad de objetos biográficos. La preservación de los acervos, aunque sea de manera particular, es un elemento fundamental para la memoria pública en torno al Olimpismo (AU).

Humans , Sports , Life , Athletes , Memory , Library Materials
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 13(2): e423, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1357289


Introducción: Frecuentemente se identifican dificultades en la organización de las referencias bibliográficas por las Normas de Vancouver. Objetivo: Desarrollar la aplicación para dispositivos móviles Normas de Vancouver-APK para la organización de las referencias bibliográficas. Método: Se utilizó HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio y adobe Photoshop. Resultados: En este trabajo se muestra el prototipo de aplicación Normas de Vancouver-APK para dispositivos móviles, sus ventajas, la dirección electrónica donde se puede descargar, y el manual de usuario para generar y recuperar las referencias bibliográficas a través del llenado del formulario según el tipo de documento utilizado. Conclusiones: La aplicación contribuye a la organización de las referencias bibliográficas por las Normas de Vancouver de una manera más fácil, limitando la complejidad para el que lo redacta(AU)

Introduction: Difficulties are frequently identified in the organization of bibliographic references by the Vancouver Standards. Objective: To develop the Vancouver Rules-APK application for mobile devices for the organization of bibliographic references. Method: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio and Adobe Photoshop were used for its construction. Results: This work shows the Vancouver Standards-APK application prototype for mobile devices, its advantages, the electronic address where it can be downloaded, and the user manual to generate and retrieve bibliographic references by filling in the form according to the type of document used. Conclusions: The application contributes to the organization of the bibliographic references by the Vancouver Standards in an easier way for the one who writes it(AU)

Humans , Library Technical Services/organization & administration , Library Materials , Mobile Applications
J Med Libr Assoc ; 109(2): 336-338, 2021 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34285678


Recent global events have underscored the need for broad access to digitized library special collections. At the same time, a burgeoning field of scientific and historical inquiry is finding a goldmine of data in the physical old books and manuscripts stored for centuries on library shelves. This article gives an overview of some of the interesting studies employing library materials in the new field of biocodicology, which expands the field of codicology (learning about book history through studying a copy's physical attributes, sometimes referred to as "archaeology of the book") to interrogate physical books with proteomic, genomic, and microbiomic tools. Historical health sciences collections provide rich, new research avenues for budding biocodicologists, and biocodicology and other interdisciplinary fields focused on material culture present an unforeseen justification for institutions' continued preservation and access to individual physical copies.

Libraries , Medicine , Books , Library Materials , Proteomics
Prensa méd. argent ; 107(4): 187-201, 20210000. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359376


Introducción: La aparición de un nuevo coronavirus, el SARS-CoV-2, ha sido catalogado el 2019 como una pandemia por la OMS, teniendo hasta la actualidad más de 170 millones de infectados y 3.53 millones de fallecidos. Objetivo: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la bibliografía publicada sobre los factores de riesgo asociados a mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19. Métodos: La revisión se realizó a través de la búsqueda electrónica de diversos artículos científicos relacionados con el tema. Se utilizó la pregunta PEO: ¿Cuáles son los factores de riesgo asociados a mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19? Las fuentes de búsqueda fueron PubMed, Scielo y Google Scholar. Las palabras clave fueron: "coronavirus infections", en combinación con "risk factors" y "mortality"; "infecciones por coronavirus" junto con "COVID-19", "factores de riesgo" y "mortalidad". Se seleccionaron los artículos publicados desde 07 de mayo de 2020 hasta 28 de abril de 2021. Resultados: De los 76 artículos encontrados se descartaron 57 por no cumplir con nuestros criterios de inclusión y exclusión, quedando 19 artículos para esta revisión. Los factores de riesgo significativos para mortalidad por COVID-19 fueron: Edad > 60 años, sexo masculino, estancia hospitalaria prolongada, presencia de comorbilidades, presencia de signos y síntomas de la enfermedad y biomarcadores alterados, etc. Conclusión: Diversos factores de riesgos se asocian a mortalidad por COVID-19: Edad > 60 años, sexo masculino, estancia hospitalaria prolongada, presencia de comorbilidades, presencia de signos y síntomas de la enfermedad y biomarcadores alterados entre otros

Introduction: The appearance of a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has been classified in 2019 as a pandemic by the WHO, having to date more than 170 million infected and 3.53 million deaths. Objective: This article aims to conduct a systematic review of several scientific publications about the risk factors associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19. Methods: The review was conducted through an electronic search of several scientific articles related to this topic. The PEO question was used: What are the risk factors associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19? The search sources were PubMed, Scielo, and Google Scholar. The keywords used to search were: "coronavirus infections", in combination with "risk factors" and "mortality"; "infecciones por coronavirus" along with "COVID-19", "factores de riesgo" and "mortalidad". Articles published from May 7, 2020 to April 28, 2021 were selected. Results: Of the 76 articles found, 57 were discarded for not meeting our inclusion and exclusion criteria, leaving 19 articles for this review. Significant risk factors for mortality from COVID-19 were: Age > 60 years, male sex, prolonged hospital stay, presence of comorbidities, presence of signs and symptoms of the disease and altered biomarkers, etc. Conclusion: Various risk factors are associated with mortality from COVID-19: Age> 60 years, male gender, prolonged hospital stay, presence of comorbidities, presence of signs and symptoms of the disease and altered biomarkers, among others

Humans , Social Change , Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information , Comorbidity , Demography/statistics & numerical data , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Library Materials , PubMed , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19/mortality
Hist. enferm., Rev. eletronica ; 12(2): a5, 20210000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1377563


Objetivo: socializar, por meio de uma visita guiada, o primeiro Museu Cearense que trata da história e memória da Enfermagem, oriundo das conquistas do Núcleo de Documentação, Informação, História e Memória da Enfermagem no Ceará na luta pela guarda, recuperação e preservação desta história no estado. Método: Trata-se de relato de experiência acerca de trabalho realizado para guardar e preservar a história da Enfermagem cearense, que culminou na criação de Museu, per-tencente ao Núcleo de Documentação, Informação, História e Memória da Enfermagem no Ceará, instalado na Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Resultados: São apresentadas duas salas. A sala um é constituída por bandeiras da primeira escola de Enfermagem do estado, quadros, mobiliários e expositores, contendo diversos objetos: livro de registro de acontecimentos, fotos, broches, anéis, entre outros, e na sala dois há documentação, arquivo e acervo de biblioteca. Os materiais/objetos expostos nos museus, cuja busca se deu a partir do envolvimento de pesquisadores, mostram-se indispensáveis para o resgate e a preservação da História da Enfermagem no Ceará. Conclusão: A criação de Museus, além de agregar conhecimento, reúne valor à formação e reconhecimento do profissional de Enfermagem.

Objective: to socialize, through a guided visit, the first Museum of Ceará that deals with the his-tory and memory of Nursing, originating from the conquests of the Nucleus of Documentation, Information, History and Memory of Nursing in Ceará in the struggle for the safekeeping, recovery and preservation of this history in the state. Method: This is an experience report about the work done to save and preserve the history of nursing in Ceará, which culminated in the creation of the Museum, belonging to the Nucleus of Documentation, Information, History and Memory of Nurs-ing in Ceará, installed in the State University of Ceará. Results: Two rooms are presented. Room one consists of flags from the first nursing school in the state, pictures, furniture and displays, containing several objects: registration book of events, photos, brooches, rings, among others, and in room two there is documentation, archive and library collection. The materials/objects exhib-ited in the museums, whose search was based on the involvement of researchers, show themselves indispensable for the rescue and preservation of the History of Nursing in Ceará. Conclusion: The creation of museums, besides aggregating knowledge, adds value to the formation and recognition of the nursing professional.

Objetivo: socializar, a través de una visita guiada, el primer Museo de Ceará que trata de la historia y memoria de la Enfermería, originado por las conquistas del Núcleo de Documentación, Información, Historia y Memoria de la Enfermería en Ceará en la lucha por el resguardo, recuperación y preserva-ción de esta historia en el estado. Método: Este es un informe de experiencia sobre el trabajo realizado para salvar y preservar la historia de la enfermería en Ceará, que culminó con la creación del Museo, perteneciente al Núcleo de Documentación, Información, Historia y Memoria de la Enfermería en Ceará, instalado en la Universidad Estatal de Ceará. Resultados: Se presentan dos salas. La sala uno consta de banderas de la primera escuela de enfermería del estado, cuadros, muebles y expositores, conteniendo varios objetos: libro de registro de eventos, fotos, broches, anillos, entre otros, y en la sala dos hay documentación, archivo y fondo de biblioteca. Los materiales/objetos expuestos en los museos, cuya búsqueda se basó en la participación de los investigadores, se muestran indispensables para el rescate y preservación de la Historia de la Enfermería en Ceará. Conclusión: La creación de museos, además de agregar conocimiento, agrega valor a la formación y reconocimiento del profe-sional de enfermería.

History, 20th Century , Documentation , Museums , Library Materials , History of Nursing , Memory
RECIIS (Online) ; 14(3): 734-750, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121975


Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever, por meio de um relato de experiência, o processo de elaboração do Plano de Preservação Digital da VideoSaúde ­ Distribuidora (VSD), um serviço vinculado ao Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde (Icict), unidade técnico-científica da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). Resultado de um conjunto de ações de preservação da Fiocruz, o Plano de Preservação Digital visa contemplar os documentos audiovisuais digitais da VSD, traçando uma estratégia de gestão e preservação a ser executada em curto prazo. A estratégia escolhida procurou se pautar por diretrizes sólidas de preservação digital, em especial a norma OAIS, por meio da adoção do Archivematica, repositório digital de código aberto. A estrutura desenvolvida para o plano se baseou em modelos de referência e procurou dar conta das principais necessidades da VSD, a fim de que seu acervo audiovisual possa estar devidamente preservado e acessível para as futuras gerações.

This work aims to describe, through an experience report, the preparation process of the Digital Preservation Plan of VideoSaúde ­ Distribuidora (VSD), a service linked to the Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health (Icict), technical-scientific unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Result of a set of preservation actions developed by Fiocruz, the Digital Preservation Plan aims to contemplate VSD digital audiovisual assets, outlining a management and preservation strategy to be implemented in the short term. The chosen strategy sought to be guided by solid digital preservation guidelines, especially the OAIS standard, through the adoption of Archivematica, an open source digital repository. The structure developed for the plan was based on reference models and attempted to address the main needs of VSD, so that its audiovisual collection can be properly preserved and accessible for future generations.

El objetivo de este trabajo es describir, a través de un informe de experiencia, el proceso de preparación del Plan de Preservación Digital de VideoSaúde ­ Distribuidora (VSD), un servicio vinculado al Instituto de Comunicación e Información Científica y Tecnológica en Salud (Icict), unidad técnico-científica de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). Resultado de un conjunto de acciones de preservación de Fiocruz, el Plan de Preservación Digital tiene como objetivo contemplar documentos audiovisuales digitales VSD, esbozando una estrategia de gestión y preservación que se ejecutará en el corto plazo. La estrategia elegida buscaba guiarse por pautas sólidas de preservación digital, especialmente el estándar OAIS, a través de la adopción de Archivematica, un repositorio digital de código abierto. La estructura desarrollada para el plan se basó en modelos de referencia y buscó dar cuenta de las principales necesidades de VSD, de modo que su colección audiovisual se pueda preservar adecuadamente y sea accesible para las generaciones futuras.

Humans , Organization and Administration , Audiovisual Aids , Records , Data Curation , Library Materials , Information Management , Academies and Institutes
Mycologia ; 112(5): 859-870, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32821020


Paper-based works of art and documents of cultural importance kept in museums and libraries can show notorious signs of deterioration, including foxing stains, caused by fungal colonization. Some of the main chromophore agents of fungal origin that deteriorate paper and therefore affect paper cultural heritage both aesthetically and structurally are the group of pigments called melanins. Thus, knowledge of the diversity and features of fungal melanins and of the melanization pathways of fungi growing on paper is key to removing these pigments from paper-based works of cultural importance. This review provides an approach about the current knowledge of melanins synthesized by paper-colonizing fungi, their localization in the fungal structures, and their role in the deterioration of paper. This knowledge might contribute to developing new, effective, and sustainable strategies of restoration and conservation of historical documents and works of art based on paper.

Art , Fungi/growth & development , Fungi/metabolism , Library Materials , Melanins/adverse effects , Melanins/metabolism , Paper , Museums , Pigments, Biological/adverse effects , Pigments, Biological/metabolism
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 24(2): 75-80, maio-ago. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116352


Os fungos desempenham vários papéis que impactam a humanidade de diversas maneiras. Suas características metabólicas são importantes na biotecnologia, porém, tais microrganismos podem desencadear alguns problemas de saúde pública e até mesmo serem letais. Objetivo: detectar a presença de fungos no acervo de uma biblioteca no município de São José do Rio Preto. Metodologia: foram coletadas quarenta amostras nas superfícies inanimadas (livros, estantes, documentos, mapas, artigos e revistas) das principais salas da biblioteca com o auxílio de swabs umedecidos em solução salina estéril, posteriormente encaminhados ao laboratório de Biomedicina da Universidade Paulista ­ UNIP. As amostras foram semeadas em meio de cultura ágar Sabouraud Dextrose (SDA), tendo adicionado cloranfenicol e incubadas a 30 °C. Foi realizada a colônia gigante em todas as cepas crescidas em SDA para a realização da técnica de microcultivo para a identificação dos fungos, de acordo com o Manual de Detecção e Identificação dos Fungos de Importância Médica da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Resultados: Houve positividade em trinta e uma amostras (78%) e em quatro delas foi observado mais de um tipo de colônia (13%). Das vinte e duas superfícies de livros analisadas, foram isolados e identificados: Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cunninghamella sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., Mucor sp. e Nigrospora sp. Nas oito superfícies de estantes: Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium sp. e Scopulariopsis sp. e, nos dez documentos: Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus sp., Cladosporium sp., Cunninghamella sp. e Trichoderma sp. Conclusão: Os fungos encontrados estão amplamente distribuídos no ambiente como solo e ar e, por diversos fatores, instalam-se em locais como bibliotecas. Em condições favoráveis, podem infectar o homem e causar perdas patrimoniais para os acervos.

Fungi play many roles that impact humankind in different ways. Their metabolic characteristics are important in biotechnology; however, these microorganisms can trigger some public health problems or may even be lethal. Objective: detect the presence of fungi in the collection of a public library in the city of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. Methods: a total of forty samples were collected from inanimate surfaces (books, shelves, documents, maps, articles and magazines) located in the main rooms of the library with swabs soaked in sterile saline solution and sent to the Universidade Paulista ­ UNIP laboratories. The samples were plated in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) supplemented with chloramphenicol and incubated at 30 °C. The colonies that grew in SDA were isolated in Potato Dextrose Agar for performing the slide culture technique for the identification of the fungi, performed according to the Manual of Detection and Identification of Fungi of Medical Importance from the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). Results: Thirty-one samples (78%) were positive, and in four of them more than one fungus genus was observed (13%). From the twenty-two book surfaces analyzed, the following fungi were isolated and identified: Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cunninghamella sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., Mucor sp. and Nigrospora sp. On the eight shelves: Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium sp. and Scopulariopsis sp. The ten documents analyzed presented the following fungi: Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus sp., Cladosporium sp., Cunninghamella sp. and Trichoderma sp.. Conclusion: These fungi are widely distributed in the environment such as in the soil and air, and due to several factors, they colonize public places, such as libraries. In favorable conditions, they may infect humans and cause diseases.

Environmental Monitoring , Library Materials , Fungi , Penicillium , Aspergillus flavus , Aspergillus nidulans , Aspergillus niger , Trichoderma , Biotechnology , Cladosporium , Cunninghamella , Agar , Infections
Pediatr. aten. prim ; 22(85): 95-101, ene.-mar. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-193454


Los gestores de referencias son herramientas surgidas en los años ochenta para facilitar la labor de citación y referencia en los textos académicos. Con los años, han aparecido nuevos gestores que incluyen nuevas funcionalidades, como localizar referencias en Internet, su descarga y almacenamiento, gestión, adición de información de cada referencia, e incluso algunos van más allá y facilitan la visibilidad y comunicación entre los investigadores. En este artículo nos centramos en los gestores de carácter gratuito, más concretamente en Zotero, explicando sus características, instalación y uso, y se hace una breve comparación con Mendeley. Los gestores de referencias son herramientas muy útiles e indispensables hoy en día que ahorran mucho tiempo y preocupaciones a cualquier persona que necesite presentar un trabajo académico o publicar un artículo

Reference managers are tools that appeared in the 1980s to facilitate the work of citation and reference in academic texts. Over the years, new reference managers have appeared that include new functionalities, such as locating references on the internet, downloading and storing them, managing and adding information to each reference, and some even go beyond this and facilitate visibility and communication among researchers. In this article we focus on free managers, more specifically Zotero, explaining their characteristics, installation and use, and making a brief comparison with Mendeley. Reference managers are very useful and indispensable tools today that save a lot of time and worries for anyone who needs to present an academic paper or publish an article

Humans , Biomedical Research/methods , Information Management/instrumentation , Software/trends , Library Materials/trends , Research Report/standards , Periodicals as Topic/standards , Information Management/methods
J Med Libr Assoc ; 107(4): 560-565, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31607813


BACKGROUND: After several years of storing a large number of historical medical books that had been weeded from the general collection, the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center developed a set of evaluation criteria to determine whether the material should be kept and included in the library catalog or discarded. The purpose of this article is to share lessons learned in evaluating and processing a historical medical book collection. The authors share how we determined review criteria as well as cataloging and processing procedures. CASE PRESENTATION: Best practices for evaluating, cataloging, and processing historical library material were determined through a literature search and then reviewed and adapted for application to this project. Eight hundred sixty-two titles were selected to add to the catalog and were added to a shelving location in our offsite storage facility. CONCLUSIONS: These materials are now discoverable in the library's catalog for library users who are interested in historical research, and the materials have been processed for easy retrieval as well as preservation purposes.

Cataloging/standards , Catalogs, Library , Libraries, Medical/organization & administration , Library Collection Development/standards , Library Materials/organization & administration , Humans , New Mexico , Organizational Objectives
J Med Libr Assoc ; 107(4): 611-612, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31607824


Library users frequently make individual requests to staff about how they would like us to improve the services and resources, but it can be difficult to prioritize such requests. To proactively understand how we can improve our library, library staff undertook a comprehensive assessment of spaces and resources using Suma.

Facility Design and Construction/trends , Libraries, Medical/organization & administration , Library Materials/statistics & numerical data , Library Services/organization & administration , Architectural Accessibility , Humans , Libraries, Medical/trends , Organizational Case Studies
E-Cienc. inf ; 9(1): 20-43, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1089855


Resumen La presente investigación se propuso interpretar las razones que expone un grupo de investigadores para citar y descartar fuentes de información documentales y vivas. Para cumplir dicho propósito se realizó un estudio desde un enfoque cualitativo. Como técnicas se utilizaron la entrevista y el grupo focal de discusión. Los participantes en la investigación fueron doce investigadores activos, quienes aportaron la información en función de su experiencia y percepción subjetiva de la realidad. Los resultados se contrastaron con los criterios de fiabilidad y calidad de las fuentes de información expuestos en la literatura especializada. Entre los hallazgos más relevantes destaca la coincidencia en razones objetivas de selección y la diferencia entre las razones subjetivas de cada investigador. Por último, se presentan algunas recomendaciones para la selección de fuentes impresas y digitales, así como para la escogencia de fuentes vivas (informantes clave y expertos).

Abstract: The current investigation intends to interpret the reasons exposed by a group of researchers to cite and discard sources of live and documentary information. To achieve this goal, a study from a qualitative focus was carried out. Interviews and focal groups of discussion were used as techniques. The participants in the research were 12 active researchers, who provided the information based on their experience and subjective perception of reality. The results were contrasted with the reliability and quality criteria of the information sources exposed in the specialized literature. Among the most relevant findings, the coincidence in objective reasons of choice and the difference among the subjective reasons of each researcher stand out. Finally, some recommendations are presented for the selection of printed and digital sources, as well as for the choice of live sources (key informants and experts).

Research , Bibliographies as Topic , Bibliometrics , Library Materials , Data Analysis , Data Management , Library Services , Science and Technology Observatories , Journal Impact Factor
J Med Libr Assoc ; 106(4): 483-489, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30271290


BACKGROUND: Hospital libraries must often demonstrate value to users who are not aware of their services. Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG) Library aimed to increase patient and staff awareness using innovative outreach methods through our involvement in a Summerfest health fair and a National Medical Librarians Month event. CASE PRESENTATION: At 2 hospital events, ZSFG Library staff and volunteers used a game show-style approach involving active learning to teach attendees about library resources and services. Across events, there were 300 attendees and 167 in-depth discussions of library resources with the librarian, including 54 demonstrations. After implementing these new outreach efforts, the number of attendees increased by over 240% and meaningful interactions increased by 1,300% from the previous year's event. Our value analysis indicates an overall positive effect with 14 minutes of total library staff time spent per meaningful interaction. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a spinnable wheel for asking participants library-related questions and a television monitor to demonstrate library resources greatly increased the number of attendees and fostered new staff connections, resulting in several in-service trainings and search requests. Future recommendations for outreach events include enlisting the help of volunteers to record attendance data, creating materials in multiple languages, and integrating library involvement into existing hospital events. These recommendations may decrease the amount of library staff time spent in return for each meaningful interaction, creating increased value for less time.

Information Services/supply & distribution , Libraries, Hospital/organization & administration , Library Materials/statistics & numerical data , Library Services/supply & distribution , Patient Education as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Libraries, Medical/organization & administration , Organizational Case Studies , San Francisco
Health Info Libr J ; 34(1): 32-44, 2017 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28244256


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this research was to explore the library and information needs of health and social care students whilst on placement. METHODS: Both desk and primary research were conducted and included an online questionnaire to students and semi-structured interviews. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed by 252 students from a variety of programmes, equivalent to a 10% response rate. The results indicate a wide range of factors impacting on the library and information experiences of students. Whilst differences in the availability of a physical library in hospital or community locations still exist, these are mitigated by technology and a preference for home study. A significant result is that 77% (n = 193) of students on placement study at home, using a variety of Internet-connected devices. This highlights a marked change in practice and underlines the need for mobile-compliant e-resources and accessible at-a-distance services. CONCLUSION: As a result of this research, practical recommendations on how library support can be improved were developed including enhanced collaboration and learning with NHS colleagues, and knowledge sharing with other departments within the University who support our students.

Information Dissemination , Libraries, Medical/organization & administration , Preceptorship , Students, Health Occupations , Humans , Information Storage and Retrieval/methods , Internet , Library Materials/organization & administration , Library Services/organization & administration , Surveys and Questionnaires
s.l; Novas Edições Acadêmicas; 2017. 169 p.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-859564


Pensando nas bibliotecas especializadas, na doutrina espírita e na organização e padronização da indexação surgiu a proposta da elaboração de um tesauro espírita. Segundo pesquisa do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) de 2010, o número de espíritas vem crescendo no Brasil e, com isso, os centros espíritas também estão em expansão, muitos possuem sua própria biblioteca ou sala de leitura. Um dos desafios do bibliotecário que trabalha em centros espíritas é a falta de instrumentos que o ajudem a desenvolver a indexação de forma padronizada. A Federação Espírita elaborou um manual para a implantação de bibliotecas espíritas e, também, uma Classificação Decimal Espírita (CDE) com a ajuda de profissionais voluntários, mesmo assim, ainda falta uma ferramenta de controle terminológico adequado para a indexação, já que as existentes são voltadas apenas para a representação física do item e não para sua representação temática. Ainda a partir dos dados da mesma pesquisa observa-se que, no Brasil o grupo de adeptos do espiritismo passou de 2,3 milhões em 2000, para 3,8 milhões em 2010. Esse grupo possui as maiores proporções de pessoas com nível superior completo (31,5%) e taxa de alfabetização (98,6%), além das menores percentagens de indivíduos sem instrução (1,8%) e com ensino fundamental incompleto (15,0%) (IBGE, 2010). Esses dados são importantes para analisarmos o perfil das pessoas que frequentam os centros espíritas no Brasil e que tipo de público uma biblioteca, inserida nesses locais atende. Como mostra a pesquisa, o público que mais frequenta possui grau de instrução superior. Entende-se que é preciso levar em conta o perfil dos frequentadores, quando se pensar na organização, produtos e serviços de uma biblioteca espírita. Os serviços ao usuário devem ser funcionais. Entende-se funcional, no sentido de agilizar a busca do usuário na base de dados durante sua pesquisa. .

Information Storage and Retrieval , Spirituality , Libraries, Digital , Library Technical Services , Library Materials , Library Science
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 27(2): 0-0, mayo.-ago. 2016.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-64092


Introducción: la dapagliflozina es un inhibidor del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2, un nuevo grupo de fármacos que disminuyen la glucemia, con bajo riesgo de hipoglucemia y con discreta pérdida de peso. Objetivo: describir algunos aspectos de interés sobre el uso de la dapagliflozina en el tratamiento de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, para lo cual, se realizó una revisión de varios artículos publicados sobre el tema, a través de algunas bases de datos y de los buscadores habituales (PubMed, Cochrane, Google, y otros), teniendo en cuenta su calidad y actualidad, según criterio de los autores. Desarrollo: la dapagliflozina es administrada por vía oral, e inhibe la reabsorción de glucosa en el túbulo proximal renal y aumenta la excreción urinaria de glucosa (efecto glucosúrico). Se utiliza a una dosis de 10 mg diarios, sola o asociada a otros medicamentos normo o hipoglucemiantes. En ambos casos es capaz de disminuir los niveles de la hemoglobina glucosilada. Su efectividad es similar a las sulfonilureas. Los efectos adversos más frecuentes se relacionan con un incremento de las infecciones genitourinarias, cetoacidosis con glucemias no tan elevadas, y cáncer. Conclusiones: la dapagliflozina es efectiva en reducir los niveles de la hemoglobina glucosilada, el peso corporal y de la presión arterial en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, sobre todo, cuando se adiciona a otros medicamentos como la metformina. Su uso debe ser considerado como un tratamiento coadyuvante, aunque su indicación se debe individualizar, debido a su costo y sus posibles efectos adversos(AU)

Introduction: dapagliflozin is a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor, a new group of pharmaceuticals that reduce glycemia, with low risk of hypoglycemia and modest loss of weight. Objective: to describe some aspects of interest on the use of dapagliflozin in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for which several articles published on this topic were reviewed through some databases and the regular searchers (PubMed, Cochrane, Google and others), taking into account their quality and topicality, according to the authors criteria. Development: dapagliflozin is orally administered and inhibits the re-absorption of glucose in the renal proximal tubule and increases the urinary glucose excretion (glycosuric effect). The dose is 10 mg daily, single or combined with other normoglycemic and hypoglycemic drugs. In both cases, it is able to diminish the levels of glycosylate hemoglobin. The effectiveness of this new drug is similar to that of the sulfonylureas. The most frequent effects are related to increase in genitourinary infections, ketoacidosis with not so high glycemia values and cancer.Conclusions: dapagliflozin is effective for the reduction of levels of glycosylate hemoglobin, body weight and blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, mainly when added to other drugs like metformin. It should be considered as a coadjuvant treatment, although it should be prescribed on an individual footing due to its cost and possible adverse effects(AU)

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/diagnosis , Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2/therapeutic use , Library Materials , Glycated Hemoglobin/therapeutic use
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 27(2): 0-0, mayo.-ago. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-780735


Introducción: la dapagliflozina es un inhibidor del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2, un nuevo grupo de fármacos que disminuyen la glucemia, con bajo riesgo de hipoglucemia y con discreta pérdida de peso. Objetivo: describir algunos aspectos de interés sobre el uso de la dapagliflozina en el tratamiento de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, para lo cual, se realizó una revisión de varios artículos publicados sobre el tema, a través de algunas bases de datos y de los buscadores habituales (PubMed, Cochrane, Google, y otros), teniendo en cuenta su calidad y actualidad, según criterio de los autores. Desarrollo: la dapagliflozina es administrada por vía oral, e inhibe la reabsorción de glucosa en el túbulo proximal renal y aumenta la excreción urinaria de glucosa (efecto glucosúrico). Se utiliza a una dosis de 10 mg diarios, sola o asociada a otros medicamentos normo o hipoglucemiantes. En ambos casos es capaz de disminuir los niveles de la hemoglobina glucosilada. Su efectividad es similar a las sulfonilureas. Los efectos adversos más frecuentes se relacionan con un incremento de las infecciones genitourinarias, cetoacidosis con glucemias no tan elevadas, y cáncer. Conclusiones: la dapagliflozina es efectiva en reducir los niveles de la hemoglobina glucosilada, el peso corporal y de la presión arterial en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, sobre todo, cuando se adiciona a otros medicamentos como la metformina. Su uso debe ser considerado como un tratamiento coadyuvante, aunque su indicación se debe individualizar, debido a su costo y sus posibles efectos adversos(AU)

Introduction: dapagliflozin is a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor, a new group of pharmaceuticals that reduce glycemia, with low risk of hypoglycemia and modest loss of weight. Objective: to describe some aspects of interest on the use of dapagliflozin in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for which several articles published on this topic were reviewed through some databases and the regular searchers (PubMed, Cochrane, Google and others), taking into account their quality and topicality, according to the authors' criteria. Development: dapagliflozin is orally administered and inhibits the re-absorption of glucose in the renal proximal tubule and increases the urinary glucose excretion (glycosuric effect). The dose is 10 mg daily, single or combined with other normoglycemic and hypoglycemic drugs. In both cases, it is able to diminish the levels of glycosylate hemoglobin. The effectiveness of this new drug is similar to that of the sulfonylureas. The most frequent effects are related to increase in genitourinary infections, ketoacidosis with not so high glycemia values and cancer. Conclusions: dapagliflozin is effective for the reduction of levels of glycosylate hemoglobin, body weight and blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, mainly when added to other drugs like metformin. It should be considered as a coadjuvant treatment, although it should be prescribed on an individual footing due to its cost and possible adverse effects(AU)

Humans , Combined Modality Therapy/methods , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/diagnosis , Glycated Hemoglobin/therapeutic use , Library Materials/statistics & numerical data , Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2/therapeutic use
J Med Libr Assoc ; 104(2): 150-3, 2016 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27076804


QUESTION: What to do when a major database ceases publication? SETTING: An urban, academic health sciences library with four campuses serves a university health sciences system, a college of medicine, and five other health sciences colleges. METHODS: Usage statistics of each e-book title in the resource were carefully analyzed. Purchase decisions were made based on the assessment of usage. RESULTS: Sustainable resources were acquired from other vendors, with perpetual access for library users. CONCLUSION: This systematic process of finding alternative resources is an example of librarians' persistence in acquiring perpetual electronic resources when a major resource is cancelled.

Databases, Bibliographic , Diffusion of Innovation , Information Storage and Retrieval/methods , Libraries, Medical/organization & administration , Library Materials/supply & distribution , Humans , Librarians