A fratura é uma descontinuidade óssea, completa ou incompleta. Fraturas mandibulares em ruminantes são provocadas por malformações congênitas, neoplasias, manipulação obstétrica e traumas. Essas patologias causam defeitos segmentares da mandíbula que requerem interversões cirúrgicas. Relata-se caso de fratura completa bilateral em região de meridiano mandibular em um bezerro da raça Braford de vinte dias de idade, atendido no Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais da FAIT, Itapeva-SP. O animal apresentou protusão de língua, sialorreia, taquicardia, edema na região mandibular, odor fétido e secreção purulenta. Segundo a confirmação radiográfica e achados de termografia infravermelha, o tratamento consistiu na cirurgia de mandibulectomia bilateral. Conclui-se que a mandibulectomia, aplicada devido abordagem tardia e inviabilidade do tecido mole, não proporciona adaptação a dieta com volumoso, comprometendo a expectativa de vida do bovino.(AU)
Fracture is a bone discontinuity, complete or incomplete. Congenital malformations, neoplasms, obstetric manipulation andtrauma cause mandibular fractures in ruminants. These pathologies cause segmental defects of the mandible that require surgical interventions. We report a case of complete bilateral fracture in the region of the mandibular meridian in a twenty-day-old Braford calf, treated at the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital of FAIT, Itapeva-SP. The animal presented tongue protrusion, drooling, tachycardia, edema in the mandibular region, foul odor and purulent secretion. According to radiographic confirmation and infrared thermography findings, treatment consisted of bilateral mandibulectomy surgery.It is concluded that mandibulectomy, applied due to late approach and infeasibility of the soft tissue, does not provide adaptation to bulky feeds, compromising the life expectancy of the bovine.(AU)
La fractura es una discontinuidad ósea, completa o incompleta. Las fracturas mandibulares en rumiantes son causadas por malformaciones congénitas, neoplasias, manipulación obstétrica y traumatismos. Estas patologías provocan defectos segmentarios de la mandíbula que requieren intervenciones quirúrgicas. Presentamos un caso de fractura bilateral completa en la región del meridiano mandibular en un ternero de veinte días de edad atendido en el Hospital Veterinario de Grandes Animales de la FAIT, Itapeva-SP. El animal presentaba protrusión de la lengua, babeo, taquicardia, edema en la región mandibular, mal olor y secreción purulenta. Según la confirmación radiográfica y los hallazgos de la termografía infrarroja, el tratamiento consistió en una cirugía de mandibulectomía bilateral. Se concluye que la mandibulectomía, aplicada por abordaje tardío e inviabilidad de los tejidos blandos, no proporciona adaptación a la dieta con fibra, comprometiendo la expectativa de vida del bovino.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Cattle , Mandibular Osteotomy/veterinary , Mandibular Fractures/surgery , Thermography/methodsABSTRACT
Background: Fibrosing osteomyelitis is a chronic inflammatory process caused by infectious agents that lead to the destructionand replacement of bone tissue by fibroblasts. The diagnosis is based especially on histopathological and bacterial culture. Incases where extensive and irreversible injuries are observed, surgical treatment may be indicated. The objective of this work isto report the clinical, radiographic, histopathological, and microbiological aspects of a cat presenting fibrosing osteomyelitis.Case: A 10-year-old male feline, no defined breed, weighing 3.9 kg was referred to one Private Veterinary Clinic of Fortaleza,CE, Brazil with a history of left mandibular enlargement, presenting dysphagia, sialorrhea, an increase in firm consistencyalong of the left mandibular body, temporomandibular arthralgia and decreased joint motion range. On cranium radiograph,signs of proliferative osteopathy of irregular contours were observed in the branch and body of the left mandible and extending to the rostral region of the right mandible, suggesting a neoplastic process. After anesthesia, for better assessment ofthe oral cavity, a sample was collected by incisional biopsy, however, the histopathological result was nonspecific. In viewof the inconclusive condition, it was decided to perform left hemimandibulectomy combined with right partial mandibulectomy. Tissue samples were obtained and sent for microbiological and histopathological analyses. The last test revealedan inflammatory reaction consisting of neutrophils and plasma cells, associated with a large amount of fibrous connectivetissue, multifocal bacterial aggregates, necrosis and bone resorption. Based on the findings, the diagnosis of chronic bacterial osteomyelitis was concluded. The microbiological culture demonstrated the growth of the bacterium Pseudomonasaeruginosa, with sensitivity to cefovecin, which was administered to the treatment in....(AU)
Animals , Male , Cats , Mandibular Osteotomy/veterinary , Cats/surgery , Osteomyelitis/veterinary , Bacterial Infections/veterinary , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Pseudomonas Infections/veterinaryABSTRACT
Background: Fibrosing osteomyelitis is a chronic inflammatory process caused by infectious agents that lead to the destructionand replacement of bone tissue by fibroblasts. The diagnosis is based especially on histopathological and bacterial culture. Incases where extensive and irreversible injuries are observed, surgical treatment may be indicated. The objective of this work isto report the clinical, radiographic, histopathological, and microbiological aspects of a cat presenting fibrosing osteomyelitis.Case: A 10-year-old male feline, no defined breed, weighing 3.9 kg was referred to one Private Veterinary Clinic of Fortaleza,CE, Brazil with a history of left mandibular enlargement, presenting dysphagia, sialorrhea, an increase in firm consistencyalong of the left mandibular body, temporomandibular arthralgia and decreased joint motion range. On cranium radiograph,signs of proliferative osteopathy of irregular contours were observed in the branch and body of the left mandible and extending to the rostral region of the right mandible, suggesting a neoplastic process. After anesthesia, for better assessment ofthe oral cavity, a sample was collected by incisional biopsy, however, the histopathological result was nonspecific. In viewof the inconclusive condition, it was decided to perform left hemimandibulectomy combined with right partial mandibulectomy. Tissue samples were obtained and sent for microbiological and histopathological analyses. The last test revealedan inflammatory reaction consisting of neutrophils and plasma cells, associated with a large amount of fibrous connectivetissue, multifocal bacterial aggregates, necrosis and bone resorption. Based on the findings, the diagnosis of chronic bacterial osteomyelitis was concluded. The microbiological culture demonstrated the growth of the bacterium Pseudomonasaeruginosa, with sensitivity to cefovecin, which was administered to the treatment in....
Male , Animals , Cats , Cats/surgery , Osteomyelitis/veterinary , Mandibular Osteotomy/veterinary , Bacterial Infections/veterinary , Pseudomonas Infections/veterinary , Pseudomonas aeruginosaABSTRACT
Ossifying fibroma is a disfiguring benign neoplasia of the jaw that affects young animals of several species, including horses. The present report described the postoperative care and long-term follow-up after a rostral mandibulectomy (RM) that was performed to treat an ossifying fibroma in a horse. A 3-year-old crossbred horse presented a hard, well-defined, 14.5×10.0×9.5cm ulcerated mass attached to the rostral mandible. Radiographic findings were compatible with a nonaggressive mandibular bone deformity (benign neoplasia). Histological features confirmed the diagnosis of the ossifying fibroma. After the RM, the horse slowly adapted to the new feeding conditions and was discharged when it fully recovered and was capable of feeding on the paddock and drinking water on its own on day 60. This slow adaptation was crucial for post-surgical recovery and required hard labor to manage the feeding and hydration by nasogastric tube during the hospital stay.(AU)
Fibroma ossificante é uma neoplasia benigna desfigurante da mandíbula, que afeta animais jovens de várias espécies, incluindo equinos. O presente relato descreve os cuidados pós-operatórios e o acompanhamento a longo prazo após mandibulectomia rostral (MR) no tratamento de um fibroma ossificante em um equino. Um cavalo mestiço de três anos de idade apresentou massa ulcerada, dura, bem definida, medindo 14,5x10x9,5cm, contígua à mandíbula rostral. Os achados radiográficos foram compatíveis com uma deformidade óssea mandibular não agressiva (neoplasia benigna). As características histológicas confirmaram o diagnóstico de fibroma ossificante. Após a MR, o equino adaptou-se lentamente às novas condições de alimentação e recebeu alta clínica totalmente recuperado, sendo capaz de se alimentar em piquetes e beber água por conta própria, no 60o dia. Esta lenta adaptação foi crucial para recuperação pós-cirúrgica e exigiu trabalho árduo no manejo da alimentação e hidratação por meio de sonda nasogástrica durante o período de internação hospitalar.(AU)
Animals , Male , Horses/surgery , Mandibular Osteotomy/methods , Mandibular Osteotomy/veterinary , Cementoma/diagnosis , Cementoma/rehabilitation , Cementoma/surgery , Cementoma/veterinary , Postoperative Period , Neoplasms/diagnosis , Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Neoplasms/surgery , Neoplasms/veterinaryABSTRACT
Six cases of mandibular fractures associated with severe periodontal disease that had been treated by mandibulectomy, due to intense bone loss, were evaluated retrospectively. The dogs were mainly older, small breed dogs that had suffered a traumatic event. Four dogs had a bilateral mandibulectomy and 2 a unilateral mandibulectomy.
Mandibulectomie pour le traitement de fractures associées à une maladie parodontale grave. Six cas de fractures mandibulaires associées à une maladie parodontale grave qui avaient été traités à l'aide d'une mandibulectomie, en raison d'une perte osseuse intense, ont été évalués rétrospectivement. Les chiens étaient pour la plupart âgés et de petite race et ils avaient été victimes d'un traumatisme. Quatre chiens avaient subi une madibulectomie bilatérale et 2 une mandibulectomie unilatérale.(Traduit par Isabelle Vallières).