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Lima; IETSI; feb. 2023.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BRISA/RedTESA | ID: biblio-1553254


ANTECEDENTES: En el marco de la metodología ad hoc para evaluar solicitudes de tecnologías sanitarias, aprobada mediante Resolución del Instituto de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud e Investigación N° 111-IETSI-ESSALUD-2021, se ha elaborado el presente dictamen, el cual expone la evaluación de la eficacia y seguridad de naltrexona/bupropión en pacientes adultos con obesidad que persisten sin pérdida de peso luego de terapia nutricional y actividad física a seis meses. ASPECTOS GENERALES: Los aspectos generales sobre las características de la obesidad se detallan en el Dictamen Preliminar de Evaluación de Tecnología Sanitaria N° 005-DETS-IETSI-2023. Brevemente, la obesidad es una enfermedad crónica multifactorial que aumenta el riesgo de complicaciones a largo plazo y genera un deterioro de la calidad de vida y disminuye la esperanza de vida (Blüher, 2019). En el Perú, la prevalencia de obesidad incrementó de 17.8 % en 2015 a 24.6 % en 2020, donde las mujeres tienen una mayor proporción de obesidad en comparación con los hombres (28.1 % vs. 20.7 %) (INEI, 2020). En EsSalud, los pac entes con obesidad (índice de masa corporal [IMC] k 30 kg/m2) son tratados mediante la combinación de cambios en el comportamiento, cambios en la dieta y aumento de la actividad física para alcanzar una pérdida de peso de al menos 5 % en 6 meses. La adición de la farmacoterapia a las intervenciones de estilos de vida es una estrategia propuesta para cuando existe el antecedente de fracaso de la pérdida de peso o cuando se mantiene un IMC k 27 kg/m2con una o más comorbilidades o un IMC >30 kg/m2con o sin efectos metabólicos asociados (Apovian et al., 2015). Actualmente, EsSalud no dispone de medicamentos para el manejo de la obesidad. Por ello, especialistas de EsSalud sugieren que la combinación naltrexona/bupropión sería de utilidad para la pérdida de peso, el control metabólico y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con obesidad que no han perdido peso luego de seis meses de terapia nutricional y actividad física. METODOLOGÍA: La búsqueda sistemática se realizó en las bases de datos bibliográficas PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science y LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud). Asimismo, se realizó una búsqueda dentro de la información generada en las páginas web de grupos o instituciones que realizan revisiones sistemáticas (RS), evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS) y guías de práctica clínica (GPC), tales como: el National Institute for Health and Care Exc:ellence (NICE), la Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), el Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC), la Haute Authorité de Santé (HAS), el Institute for Quality and Efficiency in HealthCare (IQWiG), el Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) y en la Base Regional de Informes de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud de las Américas (BRISA), y en las principales instituciones o sociedades especializadas en endocrinología: la American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, la Obesity Society, la Endocrine Society, y la European Association for the Study of Obesity. Además, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda manual en el motor de búsqueda Google utilizando los términos: "Obesity guidelines"; revisando en las diez primeras páginas de resultados, a fin de poder identificar otras publicaciones de relevancia que pudiesen haber sido omitidas por la estrategia de búsqueda o que no hayan sido publicadas en las bases de datos bibliográficas consideradas. Finalmente, se realizó una búsqueda manual en para identificar ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) en curso o que no hayan sido publicados aún. RESULTADOS: Luego de la búsqueda bibliojáfica realizada hasta abril de 2022, se incluyeron: tres GPC (NICE, 2014; ES, 2015; y MSPS 2016), tres ETS (NICE, 2017; MSA, 2018; y CADTH, 2020), una RS (Khera et al., 2016), cinco ECA de fase III (Greenway et al., 2010; Apoviarl et al., 2013; Wadden et al., 2011; Hollander et al., 2013; Nissen et al., 2016). Por otro lado, se excluyeron seis GPC: dos (SIGN, 2010; y AHAJACC/TOS, 2013) por haberse publicado antes de haberse autorizado por primera vez el uso de naltrexona/bupropión para el tratamiento de pacientes con sobrepeso u obesidad; y cuatro (MSA, 2014; AACE, 2016; OC/CABPS, 2020; y VA/DoD, 2020) porque no brindan recomendaciones para la población objetivo del presente dictamen. Además, se excluyeron seis RS (Qingyang et al., 2022; Singh et al., 2020; Khera et al., 2018, Onakpoya et al., 2020, Sposilo et al., 2017 y Kane et al., 2019). Dado que, las siete RS encontradas incluyen los mismos ECA pivotales, se incluyó la de mayor calidad metodológica (Khera et al., :2016), según la herramienta AMSTAR. Finalmente, se excluyó un estudio (Kolotkin et al., 2015) que evaluó la calidad de vida mediante un análisis combinado de datos a nivel de paciente (pooled analysis of patient level data) de cuatro ECA de fase III. Este estudio se excluyó porque el análisis combinado no tomó en cuenta las diferencias en los diseños de estudio de los cuatro ECA. Por ello, los resultados de calidad de vida fueron analizados en cada estudio, individualmente. CONCLUSIÓN: Por lo expuesto, el Instituto de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud e Investigación - IETSI no aprueba el uso de naltrexona/bupropión en pacientes adultos con obesidad que persisten sin pérdida de peso luego de terapia nutricional y actividad física a seis meses, como producto farmacéutico no incluido en el Petitorio Farmacológico de EsSalud. Se recomienda a los especialistas que, en caso de identificar nueva evidencia que responda a la población de la PICO de interés, envíen sus propuestas para ser evaluadas en el marco de la Directiva N° 003-IETSI-ESSALUD-2016.

Humans , Adult , Exercise , Bupropion/therapeutic use , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Naltrexone/therapeutic use , Obesity/drug therapy , Efficacy , Cost-Benefit Analysis/economics
Lima; IETSI; feb. 2023.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BRISA/RedTESA | ID: biblio-1553255


ANTECEDENTES: En el marco de la metodología ad hoc para evaluar solicitudes de tecnologías sanitarias, aprobada mediante Resolución de Instituto de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud e Investigación N° 111-IETSI-ESSALUD-2021, se ha elaborado el presente dictamen, el cual expone la evaluación de la eficacia y seguridad de fentermina/topiramato en pacientes adultos con obesidad que persisten sin pérdida de peso luego de terapia nutricional y actividad física a seis meses. ASPECTOS GENERALES: La obesidad es definida como una acumulación excesiva de grasa que puede perjudicar la salud de niños y adultos y se diagnóstica operacionalmente con un índice de massa corporal (IMC) igual o superior a 30 (MacMahon et al. 2009). La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica que aumenta el riesgo de complicaciones a largo plazo, genera un deterioro de la calidad de vida y disminuye la esperanza de vida (Blüher 2019). La prevalencia de este trastorno ha aumentado en los últimos 40 años con variaciones entre países (de 3.8 % en Japón a 38.2 % en Estados Unidos) (MP et al. 2018). En el Perú, la prevalencia de obesidad ha aumentado de 8.5 % en 1975 a 18.5 % en 2013, y a 24.6 % en 2020 (INEI 2020). La obesidad mórbida se presenta con mayor frecuencia en las mujeres (1.3 %) que en los varones (0.4 %) (Pajuelo Ramírez et al. 2019). La obesidad es considerada como un factor de riesgo para desarrollar enfermedades metabólicas, cardiovasculares, musculoesqueléticas, Alzheimer, depresión y algunos tipos de cáncer (Blüher 2019). Estas condiciones han generado que las muertes globales y los años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) debido a la obesidad se dupliquen entre 1990 y 2017 en hombres (de 1.0 a 2.3 millones de muertes, y de 31.9 a 77.0 millones de AVAD) y mujeres (de 1.2 a 2.4 millones de muertes, y de 33.1 a 70.7 millones de AVAD) (Dai et al. 2020). En este sentido, reducir la carga de enfermedad y disminuir la prevalencia de la obesidad son prioridades sanitarias para la Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHO 2016). METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática, amplia y exhaustiva, en las bases de datos bibliográficas PubMed, The Cochrane Library y LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud). Asimismo, se realizó una búsqueda dentro de la información generada en las páginas web de grupos o instituciones que realizan revisiones sistemáticas (RS), evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS) y guías de práctica clínica (GPC), tales corno: el National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), la Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), el Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC), la Haute Authorité de Santé (HAS), el Institute for Quality and Efficiency in HealthCare (IQWiG), el Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) y en la Base Regional de Informes de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud de las Américas (BRISA), y en las principales instituciones o sociedades especializadas en endocrinología: la American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, la Obesity Society, la Endocrine Society, y la European Association for the Study of Obesity. Además, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda manual en el motor de búsqueda Google utilizando los términos: "Obesity guidelines"; revisando en las diez primeras páginas de resultados, a fin de poder identificar otras publicaciones de relevancia que pudiesen haber sido omitidas por la estrategia de búsqueda o que no hayan sido publicadas en las bases de datos bibliográficas consideradas. Finalmente, se realizó una búsqueda manual en para identificar ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) en curso o que o hayan sido publicados aún. Se elaboraron estrategias de búsqueda en bases de datos bibliográficas y sitios web para obtener la evidencia científica que permita responder a la pregunta PICO. Las estrategias de búsqueda incluyeron términos relacionados con la intervención, población de interés y tipo de estudio. Se emplearon términos MeS1-11, así como, términos de lenguaje libre, junto con operadores booleanos para cada una de las bases de datos elegidas para la búsqueda. RESULTADOS: Luego de la búsqueda bibliográfica realizada hasta el 19 de septiembre del 2022, se identificaron: cuatro GPC (AHA/ACC/TOS, 2013; NICE, 2014; ES, 2015; MSPS, 2016) que emiten recomendaciones para el tratamiento de pacientes con obesidad y no han respondido a la terapia de cambios de estilos de vida. También se incluyó una RS (Khera et al., 2016) y tres ECA fase III (Allison et al., 2012; Gadde et al., 2011; Garvey et al., 2012). Por otro lado, se excluyeron seis GPC: una (SIGN, 2010) porque fue publicada antes de la primera autorización de comercialización de fentermina/topiramato; y cuatro (MSA 2014; AACE, 2016; OC/CAE3PS, 2020; VA/DoD, 2020) porque no brindan recomendaciones específicas para la población objetivo del presente dictamen. Además, se excluyeron tres RS (Xiang-Guo et al., 2021; Singh et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2022) porque incluyeron los mismos ECA pivotales que la RS incluida en el dictamen (Khera et al., 2016), pero tuvieron menor calidad metodológica según la herramienta AMSTAR. Finalmente, se excluyó un estudio (Kolotkin et al., 2015) que evaluó la calidad de vida mediante un análisis combinado de datos a nivel de paciente (pooled analysis of patient levet data) de cuatro ECA de fase III. Este estudio se excluyó porque el análisis combinado no tomó en cuenta las diferencias en los diseños de estudio de los cuatro ECA. Por ello, los resultados de calidad de vida fueron analizados en cada estudio, individualmente. CONCLUSIÓN: Por lo expuesto, el Instituto de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud e Investigación - IETSI no aprueba el uso de fentermina/topiramato en pacientes adultos con obesidad que persisten sin pérdida de peso luego de terapia nutricional y actividad física a seis meses, como producto farmacéutico no incluido en el Petitorio Farmacológico de EsSalud. Se recomienda a los especialistas que, en caso de identificar nueva evidencia que responda a la población de la PICO de interés, envíen sus propuestas para ser evaluadas en el marco de la Directiva N° 003-IETSI-ESSALUD-2016.

Humans , Adult , Phentermine/therapeutic use , Exercise , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Topiramate/therapeutic use , Obesity/drug therapy , Efficacy , Cost-Benefit Analysis
Exp Biol Med (Maywood) ; 246(14): 1668-1679, 2021 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33794699


Intrauterine growth restriction affects up to 10% of all pregnancies, leading to fetal programming with detrimental consequences for lifelong health. However, no therapeutic strategies have so far been effective to ameliorate these consequences. Our previous study has demonstrated that a single dose of nutrients administered into the amniotic cavity, bypassing the often dysfunctional placenta via intra-amniotic administration, improved survival at birth but not birthweight in an intrauterine growth restriction rabbit model. The aim of this study was to further develop an effective strategy for intra-amniotic fetal therapy in an animal model. Intrauterine growth restriction was induced by selective ligation of uteroplacental vessels on one uterine horn of pregnant rabbits at gestational day 25, and fetuses were delivered by cesarean section on GD30. During the five days of intrauterine growth restriction development, three different methods of intra-amniotic administration were used: continuous intra-amniotic infusion by osmotic pump, multiple intra-amniotic injections, and single fetal intraperitoneal injection. Technical feasibility, capability to systematically reach the fetus, and survival and birthweight of the derived offspring were evaluated for each technique. Continuous intra-amniotic infusion by osmotic pump was not feasible owing to the high occurrence of catheter displacement and amnion rupture, while methods using two intra-amniotic injections and one fetal intraperitoneal injection were technically feasible but compromised fetal survival. Taking into account all the numerous factors affecting intra-amniotic fetal therapy in the intrauterine growth restriction rabbit model, we conclude that an optimal therapeutic strategy with low technical failure and positive fetal impact on both survival and birthweight still needs to be found.

Fetal Growth Retardation/diet therapy , Fetal Therapies/instrumentation , Nutrients/administration & dosage , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Amniotic Fluid/metabolism , Animals , Birth Weight , Catheters/adverse effects , Female , Fetal Growth Retardation/drug therapy , Fetal Therapies/methods , Infusion Pumps/adverse effects , Injections, Intraperitoneal/adverse effects , Nutrition Therapy/methods , Rabbits
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 23(266): 4360-4366, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1127642


A alta prevalência de pacientes críticos tem aumentado a demanda pela terapia nutricional para recuperação da saúde. As sondas enterais possibilitam a oferta de nutrientes e a melhora do estado nutricional de pacientes com problemas de deglutição, desde que o sistema digestório mantenha sua capacidade de absorção. A equipe que assiste o paciente com necessidade de receber terapia nutricional através de sonda enteral deve ter conhecimento sobre a passagem da sonda e sobre a administração das dietas, com treinamento para prevenir, reconhecer e tratar as possíveis complicações. Neste trabalho foram entrevistados enfermeiros envolvidos na passagem de sonda enteral no Hospital Irmandade de Misericórdia do Jahu, registrando opiniões e problemas enfrentados durante esse procedimento, com o intuito de produzir a seguir um manual técnico para oferecer suporte ao procedimento realizado pelos servidores do hospital. Os resultados apontaram algumas carências de padronizações e certa resistência na exposição de dúvidas, mesmo por meio do questionário. Após o conhecimento sobre as respostas dos entrevistados, elaborou-se um manual de orientação padronizado sobre a introdução e o posicionamento da sonda enteral, com o objetivo de contribuir com a atualização da equipe e permitirá realização de procedimentos mais seguros.(AU)

The high prevalence of critically ill patients has increased the demand for nutritional therapy for health recovery. Enteral probes make it possible to provide nutrients and improve the nutritional status of patients with swallowing problems if the digestive system maintains its absorption capacity. The team that assists the patient in need of receiving nutritional therapy through an enteral tube must have knowledge about the passage of the tube and about the administration of diets, with training to prevent, recognize and treat possible complications. In this work, nurses involved in the passage of enteral tubes at the Irmandade de Misericórdia do Jahu Hospital were interviewed, recording opinions and problems faced during this procedure, in order to produce a technical manual to support the procedure performed by the hospital servers. The results pointed out some lack of standardization and some resistance in the exposition of doubts, even though the questionnaire. After knowledge of the respondents' responses, a standardized guidance manual on the introduction and placement of the enteral tube was developed, with the aim of contributing to the updating of the team and will allow for safer procedures.(AU)

La alta prevalencia de pacientes críticos ha aumentado la demanda de terapia nutricional para la recuperación de la salud. Las sondas enterales permiten proporcionar nutrientes y mejorar el estado nutricional de los pacientes con problemas para tragar, siempre que el sistema digestivo mantenga su capacidad de absorción. El equipo que ayuda al paciente que necesita recibir terapia nutricional a través de un tubo enteral debe tener conocimiento sobre el paso del tubo y sobre la administración de dietas, con capacitación para prevenir, reconocer y tratar posibles complicaciones. En este trabajo, se entrevistó a enfermeras involucradas en el paso de tubos enterales en el Hospital Irmandade de Misericórdia do Jahu, registrando opiniones y problemas enfrentados durante este procedimiento, con el !n de producir un manual técnico para respaldar el procedimiento realizado por los servidores del hospital. Los resultados señalaron cierta falta de estandarización y cierta resistencia en la exposición de dudas, incluso a través del cuestionario. Después de conocer las respuestas de los encuestados, se desarrolló un manual de orientación estandarizado sobre la introducción y colocación del tubo enteral, con el objetivo de contribuir a la actualización del equipo y permitir procedimientos más seguros.(AU)

Humans , Enteral Nutrition , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Critical Care Nursing , Risk Factors , Nursing Care
PLoS One ; 14(7): e0219151, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31291306


BACKGROUND: Infection in acute pancreatitis (AP) is associated with nutritional therapies including naso-gastric (NG), naso-jejunal (NJ), and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). To examine infections among NG, NJ, TPN, and no nutritional support (NNS) in treating patients with AP. METHODS: The investigators completed comprehensive search in the Cochrane library, EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, and without restriction on language and publication date before January 21, 2019. They also searched the reference lists of relevant studies for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing NG, NJ, TPN, and NNS among patients with AP. Quantitative synthesis was conducted in a contrast-based network meta-analysis. To clarify effects, a network meta-analysis was conducted to calculate the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA). Beside of overall infections, the event rates of infected pancreatic necrosis, bacteremia, line infection, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and other types of infections were measured. RESULTS: The network meta-analysis of 16 RCTs showed that NJ had significantly lower overall infection rates compared with TPN (risk ratio: 0.59; 95% confidence interval: 0.38, 0.90); and NG had a larger effect size and higher rank probability compared with NJ, TPN, and NNS (mean rank = 1.7; SUCRA = 75.8). TPN was the least preferred (mean rank = 3.2; SUCRA = 26.6). CONCLUSIONS: NG and NJ may be preferred therapies for treating patients with AP. Clinicians may consider NG as a first-line treatment for patients with AP (including severe AP) and even in patients receiving prophylactic antibiotics. In addition, we found that NNS should be avoided when treating patients with severe AP.

Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Nutrition Therapy/adverse effects , Pancreatitis/therapy , Humans , Network Meta-Analysis , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Parenteral Nutrition, Total/adverse effects , Qualitative Research , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Crit Care ; 23(1): 111, 2019 Apr 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30953553


BACKGROUND: Microaspiration of gastric and oropharyngeal secretions is the main mechanism of entry of bacteria into the lower respiratory tract in intubated critically ill patients. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of enteral nutrition, as compared with parenteral nutrition, on abundant microaspiration of gastric contents and oropharyngeal secretions. METHODS: Planned ancillary study of the randomized controlled multicenter NUTRIREA2 trial. Patients with shock receiving invasive mechanical ventilation were randomized to receive early enteral or parenteral nutrition. All tracheal aspirates were collected during the 48 h following randomization. Abundant microaspiration of gastric contents and oropharyngeal secretions was defined as the presence of significant levels of pepsin (> 200 ng/ml) and salivary amylase (> 1685 UI/ml) in > 30% of tracheal aspirates. RESULTS: A total of 151 patients were included (78 and 73 patients in enteral and parenteral nutrition groups, respectively), and 1074 tracheal aspirates were quantitatively analyzed for pepsin and amylase. Although vomiting rate was significantly higher (31% vs 15%, p = 0.016), constipation rate was significantly lower (6% vs 21%, p = 0.010) in patients with enteral than in patients with parenteral nutrition. No significant difference was found regarding other patient characteristics. The percentage of patients with abundant microaspiration of gastric contents was significantly lower in enteral than in parenteral nutrition groups (14% vs 36%, p = 0.004; unadjusted OR 0.80 (95% CI 0.69, 0.93), adjusted OR 0.79 (0.76, 0.94)). The percentage of patients with abundant microaspiration of oropharyngeal secretions was significantly higher in enteral than in parenteral nutrition groups (74% vs 54%, p = 0.026; unadjusted OR 1.21 (95% CI 1.03, 1.44), adjusted OR 1.23 (1.01, 1.48)). No significant difference was found in percentage of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia between enteral (8%) and parenteral (10%) nutrition groups (HR 0.78 (0.26, 2.28)). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that enteral and parenteral nutrition are associated with high rates of microaspiration, although oropharyngeal microaspiration was more common with enteral nutrition and gastric microaspiration was more common with parenteral nutrition. TRIAL REGISTRATION:, NCT03411447 . Registered 18 July 2017. Retrospectively registered.

Drug Administration Routes , Nutrition Therapy/standards , Shock/diet therapy , Aged , Bodily Secretions , Critical Illness/therapy , Female , Gastric Juice , Humans , Inhalation/physiology , Intensive Care Units/organization & administration , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Male , Middle Aged , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Nutrition Therapy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Time Factors
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 18(1): 54-58, jan.-abr. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100108


Objetivo: Descrever o planejamento de um cardápio equilibrado qualitativamente e quantitativamente, para pacientes adultos vítimas de queimaduras do Centro de Tratamento de Queimados em Salvador, Bahia. Trata-se de um relato de caso, para o qual foi feito levantamento de dados baseado em protocolos e nas diretrizes mais atuais em terapia nutricional para queimaduras para revisar o cardápio oferecido aos pacientes hospitalizados no Hospital Geral do Estado da Bahia. Relato do Caso: Foi calculado o cardápio padrão atual das seis refeições oferecidas e dois cardápios propostos através do sistema de avaliação e prescrição Dietwin® com informações acerca do valor energético total, macronutrientes e micronutrientes. Houve ajuste da oferta energética total, de 2810Kcal/dia para uma média de 2546,77Kcal/dia, correspondendo a 36Kcal/Kg/dia, para um adulto referência de 70Kg. Houve aumento na oferta de proteína de 85,88g/dia para média de 111,46g/dia, 1,59 g/Kg/dia. Com o aumento da oferta proteica, a relação de calorias por gramas de nitrogênio foi reduzida de 179,5:1 do cardápio original, para uma média de 118,26:1. A oferta lipídica foi reduzida de 26,66% para em média 21,5%. A relação ômega 6:ômega 3 foi reduzida de 7,39:1 para 1,16:1, nos cardápios propostos. Conclusões: Os cardápios propostos estão de acordo com as evidências científicas mais recentes, com ajustes quantitativos da oferta calórica, proteica e lipídica, além de melhora da composição qualitativa dos carboidratos e ácidos graxos essenciais.

Objective: To describe the planning of a qualitatively and quantitatively balanced dietary for adult burn victims of the Centro de Tratamento de Queimados in Salvador - Bahia. This is a case report, which data were collected based on the most current protocols and guidelines in nutritional therapy for burns to revise the dietary offered to patients hospitalized in Hospital Geral do Estado da Bahia. Case Report: The current standard dietary of the six meals offered and two menus proposed through the Dietwin® prescription and evaluation system with information on total energy value (VET), macronutrients and micronutrients were calculated. There was adjustment of the total energy supply, from 2810 Kcal / day to an average of 2546.77 Kcal / day, corresponding to 36Kcal / Kg / day, for an adult reference of 70Kg. There was an increase in protein supply from 85.88g / day to a mean of 111.46g / day, 1.59g / kg / day. With the increase in protein supply, the ratio of calories per grams of nitrogen was reduced from 179.5:1 of the original menu, to an average of 118.26:1. The lipid supply was reduced from 26.66% to an average of 21.5%. The W6: W3 ratio decreased from 7.39: 1 to 1.16: 1 on the proposed menus. Conclusions: The proposed menus are in accordance with the latest scientific evidence, with quantitative adjustments of the caloric, protein and lipid supply, as well as improvement of the qualitative composition of carbohydrates and essential fatty acids.

Objetivo: Describir la planificación de un menú equilibrado cualitativamente y cuantitativamente, para pacientes adultos víctima de quemaduras del Centro de Tratamento de Queimados en Salvador - Bahia. Se trata de un relato de caso, donde se hizo la recolecta de datos basados en protocolos y pautas más actuales en terapia nutricional para quemaduras para revisar el menú ofrecido a los pacientes hospitalizados em lo Hospital Geral do Estado da Bahia. Reporte de Caso: Se calculó el menú estándar actual y dos menús propuestos a través del sistema de evaluación y prescripción Dietwin® con informaciones a cerca del valor energético total, macronutrientes y micronutrientes. Hubo ajuste de la oferta energética total, de 2810Kcal/día para una media de 2546,77Kcal/día, correspondiendo a 36Kcal/Kg/día, para un adulto referencia de 70Kg. Se observó un aumento en la oferta de proteína de 85,88g/día para un promedio de 111,46g/día, 1,59g/Kg/día. Con el aumento de la oferta proteica, la relación de calorías por gramos de nitrógeno fue reducida de 179,5:1 del menú original, para una media de 118,26:1. La oferta lipídica se redujo del 26,66% para un promedio del 21,5%. La relación W6: W3 disminuyó de 7,39:1 a 1,16:1, en los menús propuestos. Conclusiones: Los menús propuestos están de acuerdo con las evidencias científicas más recientes, con ajustes cuantitativos de la oferta calórica, proteica y lipídica, además de mejora de la composición cualitativa de los carbohidratos y ácidos grasos esenciales.

Humans , Burn Units , Burns/therapy , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Menu Planning/standards , Carbohydrates/administration & dosage , Fatty Acids, Essential/administration & dosage
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth ; 7(2): e12692, 2019 02 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30794205


BACKGROUND: In recent years, the use of mobile phone weight-management apps has increased significantly. Weight-management apps have been found effective in promoting health and managing weight. However, data on user perception and on barriers to app usage are scarce. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the use of weight-management apps and barriers to use as well as reasons for discontinuing use in a sample of mobile phone users in Saudi Arabia. METHODS: Mobile phone users aged 18 years and above from the general public in Saudi Arabia completed a Web-based survey. The survey included questions on weight-management app usage patterns, user perceptions concerning weight management, efficacy of weight-management apps, and reasons for discontinuing use. Participants were classified into normal weight (body mass index [BMI]: 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2) and overweight or obese (BMI: ≥25.0 kg/m2). RESULTS: The survey included 1191 participants; 513 of them used weight-management apps. More overweight or obese respondents used these apps compared with normal weight respondents (319/513, 62.2% vs 194/513, 37.8%, respectively). App features that overweight or obese users were most interested in were mainly the possibility to be monitored by a specialist and barcode identification of calorie content, whereas normal weight users mostly preferred availability of nutrition information of food items. Reasons for discontinuing use among overweight or obese respondents were mainly that monitoring by a specialist was not offered (80/236, 33.9%) and the app was not in the local language (48/236, 20.3%). Among normal weight users, the main reason for noncontinuance was the app language (45/144, 31.3%) and difficulty of use (30/144, 20.8%). CONCLUSIONS: To better address the needs of both normal weight and overweight or obese adults, improved app designs that offer monitoring by a specialist are needed. Developers may consider ways of overcoming barriers to use, such as language, by developing local language apps, which can improve the efficacy of such apps and help spread their use.

Body Weight Maintenance , Mobile Applications/trends , Nutrition Therapy/methods , Adult , Body Mass Index , Female , Humans , Internet , Male , Mobile Applications/statistics & numerical data , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Obesity/psychology , Obesity/therapy , Overweight/psychology , Overweight/therapy , Saudi Arabia , Surveys and Questionnaires
Braspen J ; 32(3): 214-220, jul-set. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-906158


Introdução: A nutrição adequada é essencial para qualidade de vida e para a saúde, por reduzir morbimortalidade, dias de hospitalização e os custos totais com saúde. A terapia nutricional (TN) tem como objetivo manter ou recuperar o estado nutricional/funcional dos pacientes e tem crescido sua indicação no cuidado domiciliar (CD). Apesar do crescimento da TN no domicílio, poucos dados existem na literatura. Desta forma, o Comitê de Assistência Nutricional Domiciliar (CAND) da SBNPE/BRASPEN realizou um questionário para avaliar a situação brasileira da assistência nutricional domiciliar (AND). Método: Realizado um questionário por meio da ferramenta Survey Monkey enviado via mala direta a todos associados da BRASPEN, à coordenação do programa Melhor em Casa e ao Núcleo Nacional das Empresas de Serviços de Atenção Domiciliar (NEAD Saúde), no período de julho de 2016 a janeiro de 2017. Resultados: Retornaram 560 respostas, 89% relativos à saúde suplementar. O nutricionista foi responsável por 74% das respostas e a maior região contribuinte foi o Sudeste (48%) seguido pelo Nordeste (20%). Indivíduos de 60 anos ou mais e com doenças neurológicas correspondem à maioria dos atendimentos domiciliares em TN. A nutrição enteral domiciliar (TNED) é a mais utilizada (84%), com uso de dieta industrializada/mista com indicação semelhante entre setor público e privado. A via de acesso mais utilizada é sonda nasogástrica/nasoentérica em 59%. A orientação recebida pelos pacientes e familiares para TN é dada na hora da alta hospitalar em 32% dos casos. Conclusão: São poucas as informações existentes na literatura de dados brasileiros sobre terapia nutricional domiciliar (TND). Este inquérito reflete o estado atual desta prática em nosso país e justifica a importância em delinear uma normatização mais firme para a prática de TND.(AU)

Introduction: Adequate nutrition is essential for quality of life and for health by reducing morbidity and mortality, hospitalization days and total health costs. Nutritional therapy (NT) aims to maintain or restore the nutritional status of patients and has increased its indication in home care. Despite the growth of NT at home, few data exist in the literature, so the home nutritional assistance committee from the Brazilian society of enteral and parenteral nutrition (SBNPE / BRASPEN) conducted a questionnaire to evaluate the Brazilian situation of home nutritional assistance (HNA). Method: A questionnaire was carried out using the Survey Monkey tool ( and sent by mail to all members of SBNPE / BRASPEN, the coordination of the Home public program and the National Center for Home Care Services Companies (NEAD Saúde) in the period from July 2016 to January 2017. Results: 560 responses returned, 89% related from private health. The nutritionist was responsible for 74% of the responses and the largest contributing region was the Southeast (48%) followed by the Northeast (20%) from Brazil. Individuals aged 60 years or older and with neurological diseases correspond to the majority of home patients in NT. Home enteral nutrition (HEN) is the most used (84%) with the use of industrialized / mixed diet with similar indication between public and private health sector. The most commonly used route of access is nasoenteral / nasogastric probe in 59%. The orientation received by patients and relatives for TN is given at the time of hospital discharge in 32% of cases. Conclusion: There is a little information in the Brazilian data literature on home nutritional therapy (HNT). This survey reflects the current state of this practice in our country and justifies the importance in outlining a firmer standardization for the practice of HNT.(AU)

Humans , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Health Policy , Home Nursing , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires , National Health Programs
Braspen J ; 32(2): 125-127, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-848144


Objetivo: A esquizofrenia está associada ao aumento da obesidade e morbidade por doença cardiovascular. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar alterações no peso e índice de massa corporal (IMC) de pacientes com esquizofrenia após tratamento nutricional de longo prazo. Método: Estudo piloto retrospectivo envolvendo 42 indivíduos com esquizofrenia em tratamento nutricional entre 2004 e 2010. Os prontuários médicos foram revisados após aprovação institucional e coleta de dados para peso, índice de massa corporal (IMC), idade, gênero e dieta. O peso e o IMC foram avaliados no início do tratamento nutricional, após seis meses, após 12 meses e no momento da coleta de dados. Resultados: Houve perda significativa de peso e diminuição significativa do IMC quando comparados a cada grupo com o valor basal (p<0,001). Conclusões: Demonstramos que as intervenções nutricionais podem promover uma significativa perda de peso na esquizofrenia. Estes resultados suportam a importância da intervenção nutricional na esquizofrenia e trazem evidências de que a perda de peso permanece ao longo do tempo.(AU)

Objective: Schizophrenia is associated with increased obesity and morbidity from cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate changes in weight and body mass index (BMI) of patients with schizophrenia following a long-term nutritional treatment. Methods: Retrospective pilot study involving 42 individuals with schizophrenia on nutritional treatment from 2004 to 2010. Medical charts were reviewed after institutional approval and data collection was conducted for weight, body mass index (BMI), age, gender and diet prescription. Weight and BMI were evaluated at baseline of nutrition treatment, after six months, after 12 months and at the time of data collection. Results: There was a significant weight loss and significant decreased in BMI when compared each group to baseline (p<0.001). Conclusions: We demonstrate that nutritional interventions can promote a significant weight loss in schizophrenia. These results support the importance of nutritional intervention in schizophrenia and bring evidences that weight loss remains along the time.(AU)

Humans , Schizophrenia/etiology , Weight Loss , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Body Mass Index , Data Collection/instrumentation , Retrospective Studies , Diet
Braspen J ; 32(1): 30-35, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-847916


Objetivo: Analisar o perfil nutricional, demográfico e clínico de indivíduos hospitalizados com indicação de terapia nutricional, assim como verificar as variáveis que se relacionam à ocorrência de desnutrição e óbito. Método: Estudo transversal retrospectivo, realizado em um hospital filantrópico de Minas Gerais, com os dados dos pacientes adultos e idosos que receberam terapia nutricional enteral e/ou parenteral entre 2011 e 2014. Resultados: Foram analisados os dados de 688 indivíduos, com idade média de 69 anos (DP=17,5 anos). Dos pacientes avaliados, 55,5% apresentavam algum grau de desnutrição, segundo a Avaliação Subjetiva Global, sendo 22,5% desnutridos graves. A maioria (81,5%) atingiu a meta nutricional e 56,6% foram a óbito. Ter 60 anos ou mais, estar em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) e o atendimento pelo Sistema Único de Saúde foram fatores que se associaram à maior frequência de desnutrição e ao óbito. Conclusão: É preocupante a frequência de indivíduos que já iniciam a terapia nutricional com algum grau de desnutrição, ressaltando-se a necessidade da intervenção nutricional precoce. Idosos e pacientes em UTI foram grupos potencialmente mais vulneráveis à desnutrição e ao óbito e, requerem, portanto, atenção especial.(AU)

Objective: To analyze the nutritional status, demographic and clinical profile of hospitalized patients with nutritional support indication, as well as check the variables that relate to the occurrence of malnutrition and death. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study in a philanthropic hospital in Minas Gerais, with data from adults and elderly patients who received enteral and/or parenteral nutrition between the years 2011 to 2014. Results: Data of 688 individuals were analyzed, with mean age of 69 years (SD: 17.5 years). Among the patients, 55.5% had some degree of malnutrition according to the Subjective Global Assessment, and 22.5% were severely malnourished. Most of patients (81.5%) reached the nutritional goal and 56.6% died. Be 60 years or older, be in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the attendance by the Unified Health System were factors that were associated with higher frequency of malnutrition and death. Conclusion: It is worrying the high frequency of individuals who already begin to nutritional support with some degree of malnutrition, emphasizing the need for early nutritional intervention. Elderly and patients in ICU were potentially most vulnerable to malnutrition and death, and therefore require special attention.(AU)

Nutritional Status , Malnutrition/diet therapy , Malnutrition/mortality , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies
Braspen J ; 31(4): 347-356, out.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-847398


Introdução: Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a percepção da necessidade/importância da implementação de um protocolo de Terapia Nutricional para os pacientes admitidos nas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs), bem como avaliar o papel do nutricionista neste processo. Método: Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa-quantitativa, foram entrevistados membros de uma equipe multiprofissional da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto do Hospital Regional Dom Moura, em Garanhuns, PE. A análise buscou elucidar e situar o preparo e a formação dos profissionais que compõem as equipes multiprofissionais em atuação nas UTIs, assim como também conhecer a percepção da equipe de saúde da supracitada UTI sobre a atuação e/ou papel do nutricionista neste ambiente em particular. Resultados: Apesar de ser reconhecido e valorizado pelos membros de sua equipe, o real escopo de suas atribuições e o alcance de sua atuação ainda não é compreendido e respeitado pelos mesmos. Conclusão: Mesmo com profissionais tecnicamente muito capazes, ainda se faz necessário investir muito esforço e dedicação na educação e formação destas equipes para atuação multiprofissional nas UTIs, capacitando-as a compreender as atribuições específicas, conjuntas e complementares de cada área de atuação profissional.

Introduction: This study aims to investigate the overall perception of need/importance at the implementation of a Nutritional Therapy Protocol for patients admitted to the Intensive Care Units (ICU), as well as, to evaluate the nutritionist's role in this process. Methods: Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, members of a multidisciplinary team of the Adult ICU of the Hospital Regional Dom Moura in Garanhuns, PE, were interviewed. The analysis sought to clarify and situate the preparation and training of the professionals who compose the multidisciplinary teams at work in intensive care units, as well as to understand the perception of the above ICU health team about the performance and/or role of the nutritionist in this unit in particular. Results: Even being recognized and valued by the members of his team, the real scope of its duties and the coverage of its activities is still not understood and respected by them. Conclusion: Despite having technically very capable professionals, it is still necessary to invest a lot of effort and dedication in the education and training of the ICUs multidisciplinary teams, in order to enable them to fully understand the specific, conjoined and complementary tasks of each professional area.

Humans , Nutrition Assessment , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Nutritionists , Intensive Care Units/standards , Data Collection/instrumentation , Professional Training
Braspen J ; 31(4): 367-370, out.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-847401


Introdução: As atuais recomendações de oferta proteica para o doente crítico orientam uma grande quantidade, sendo a orientação entre 1,2 e 2,0 g/kg/dia. Todavia, os grandes estudos demonstram que esta oferta proteica não é atingida, trazendo prejuízos à evolução dos pacientes. A utilização de uma oferta proteica alta frente a uma disfunção renal instalada também é tema de discussão na condução da terapia nutricional. Objetivo: Este artigo busca discutir os principais pontos dos estudos atuais relacionados ao tema. Método: Foram avaliados artigos de 2010 até 2016, na base de dados PubMed e LILACS, que relatavam a oferta proteica oferecida aos doentes críticos, embora nem sempre este fosse o principal dado do estudo. Resultados: A maioria dos estudos tinha desenho observacional, sendo possível notar que, em grande parte destes estudos, a oferta proteica mínima recomendada não foi atingida, tanto no grupo intervenção como controle. Outro ponto importante é que com o aumento da oferta para 1,5 g/kg/dia a 2 g/kg/dia ocorre aumento significativo do balanço nitrogenado, sem alterar a função renal. Não foram encontrados estudos randomizados que mostrem melhora do desfecho com uma oferta proteica mais elevada. Conclusões: Pacientes críticos apresentam geralmente elevado catabolismo proteico, desta forma existe um racional de recomendação de elevada oferta proteica. Entretanto, a maioria dos estudos mostra que tal recomendação não é cumprida na prática clínica. Dúvidas persistem em relação à meta proteica, particularmente na primeira semana da doença grave de pacientes com lesão renal aguda.(AU)

Introduction: The current recommendations of protein supply for the critical patient guide a great quantity, being the orientation between 1.2 and 2.0 g/kg/day. However, the large studies show that this protein supply is not reached, bringing losses to the evolution of the patients. The use of a high protein supply facing an established renal dysfunction is also a topic of discussion in the conduction of nutritional therapy. Objective: This article aims to discuss the main points of the current studies related to the theme. Methods: Articles from 2010 to 2016 were evaluated in the PubMed and LILACS databases, which reported the protein supply offered to critically ill patients, although this was not always the main data of the study. Results: Most of the studies had an observational design, being possible to observe that in the majority of these studies, the recommended minimum protein supply was not reached, both in the intervention and in the control group. Another important point is that with the increasing supply to 1.5 g/kg/day at 2 g/kg/day there is a significant increase in the nitrogen balance, without altering renal function. No randomized trials were found to show improvement in outcome with a higher protein supply. Conclusions: Critical ill patients generally present high protein catabolism in thus there is a rational recommendation of high protein supply. However,the majority of the studies show that this recommendation is not fulfilled in clinical practice. Doubts persist regarding the protein target, particularly in the first week of severe disease in patients with acute kidney injury.(AU)

Humans , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Intensive Care Units , Nutritional Support/instrumentation , Critical Care
Braspen J ; 31(3): 219-225, jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-831484


Introdução: A adequação nutricional é uma terapêutica que pode diminuir as complicações e melhorar o resultado do tratamento do paciente na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, sendo os dados obtidos nas fichas de pacientes atendidos entre agosto de 2013 e outubro de 2014, em uso exclusivo de nutrição enteral. Foram coletados: diagnóstico principal; uso de drogas vasoativas; dependência de ventilação mecânica e de hemodiálise; exames bioquímicos; dados antropométricos; dia do início e aportes energéticos e proteicos nos 3o e 7o dias suporte nutricional; motivos para o atraso na introdução e evolução do suporte e desfecho clínico (óbito ou alta). Foram obtidos também os déficits energéticos e proteicos cumulativos. Os dados foram analisados com o programa SPSS versão 18.0 por meio da estatística descritiva, sendo significativos os valores de p<0,05. Resultados: Foram obtidos dados de 74 pacientes. O tempo de início da terapia nutricional esteve de acordo com o preconizado. Somente as recomendações energéticas foram atingidas dentro do prazo estabelecido. O déficit calórico diário foi menor do que o relatado pela literatura, já para a proteína foi elevado. Os principais fatores que dificul- taram a adequação nutricional foram os relacionados às causas internas. A adequação energética não influenciou nos parâmetros bioquímicos, nem no desfecho da internação dos pacientes. Já os pacientes que atingiram a quota proteica apresentaram menores valores de leucócitos no desfecho e também houve menor número de óbitos quando comparados aos que não atingiram. Conclusões: A terapia nutricional instituída atendeu às recomendações preconizadas para a adequação energética. A oferta proteica esteve em desacordo com as necessidades estimadas.(AU)

Introduction: The nutritional adequacy is a therapy that can reduce complications and improve the outcome of patient care in the Intensive Care Unit. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, the data were obtained from patient records attended from August 2013 to October 2014, in exclusive use of nutrition enteral. There were collected: primary diagnosis; vasoactive drugs; dependence on mechanical ventilation and hemodialysis; biochemical tests; anthropometric data; day of start and energy and protein intakes at 3 and 7 days nutritional support; reasons for the delay in the introduction and evolution of support and clinical outcome (death or discharge). Also there were obtained cumulative energy and protein deficits. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 18.0 software using descriptive statistics, being significant p values <0,05. Results: It was obtained data from 74 patients. The onset of nutritional therapy time agreed with the recommendations. Only energy recommendations were reached within established. Daily calorie deficit was lower than that reported in the literature, as for the protein was high. The main factors that hampered the nutritional adequacy were related causes interns. An adequate energy intake did not influence the biochemical parameters, or the outcome of the hospitalization of patients. Patients that reached the quota protein had lower leukocyte values in outcome and also fewer deaths when compared to those that not reached. Conclusions: Nutritional therapy instituted met the recommended recommendations for energy adequacy. The protein supply was at odds with estimated needs.(AU)

Humans , Energy Intake , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Intensive Care Units , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies
Injury ; 45(12): 1834-41, 2014 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24996574


INTRODUCTION: Patients who have sustained traumatic brain injury (TBI) have increased nutritional requirements yet are often unable to eat normally, and adequate nutritional therapy is needed to optimise recovery. The aim of the current scoping review was to describe the existing evidence for improved outcomes with optimal nutrition therapy in adult patients with moderate to severe TBI, and to identify gaps in the literature to inform future research. METHODS: Using an exploratory scoping study approach, Medline, Cinahl, Embase, CENTRAL, the Neurotrauma reviews in the Global Evidence Mapping (GEM) Initiative, and Evidence Reviews in Acquired Brain Injury (ERABI) were searched from 2003 to 14 November 2013 using variations of the search terms 'traumatic brain injury' and 'nutrition'. Articles were included if they reported mortality, morbidity, or length of stay outcomes, and were classified according to the nature of nutrition intervention and study design. RESULTS: Twenty relevant articles were identified of which: 12 were original research articles; two were systematic reviews; one a meta-analysis; and five were narrative reviews. Of these, eleven explored timing of feed provision, eight explored route of administration of feeding, nine examined the provision of specific nutrients, and none examined feeding environment. Some explored more than one intervention. Three sets of guidelines which contain feeding recommendations were also identified. DISCUSSION: Inconsistency within nutrition intervention methods and outcome measures means that the present evidence base is inadequate for the construction of best practice guidelines for nutrition and TBI. Further research is necessary to elucidate the optimal nutrition therapy for adults with TBI with respect to the timing, route of administration, nutrient provision and feeding environment. A consensus on the ideal outcome measure and the most appropriate method and timing of its measurement is required as a foundation for this evidence base.

Brain Injuries/therapy , Nutrition Therapy , Brain Injuries/complications , Humans , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Nutrition Therapy/methods , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Prognosis , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
J Control Release ; 190: 201-9, 2014 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24878187


In the facilitation of widespread access to low-cost, good tasting food, the global food system has relied on the use of fat, sugar, chemical processing aids and plastics, among other elements potentially detrimental to human health and the environment. This contrasts starkly with the strategies of natural nutrition delivery systems. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and other substances of functional benefit to human health, natural delivery systems, such as fruits and vegetables, retain their physical and chemical stability in a range of conditions over relatively long times through protective skins and shells that can either be eaten or degrade rapidly and fully in nature. Frequently natural foods can be delivered in small (even extremely small) portions, as with berries, insects, plankton and krill, permitting portion control and the rapid and efficient delivery of functional nutrition in inherently mobile circumstances. These and other qualities, which have insured the sustainable and healthy nourishment of animals and humans for at least tens of thousands of years, are often absent from today's man-made food and beverage delivery systems. With growing awareness of the liabilities to maintaining the food system of today, efforts are now underway to redesign nutrition delivery so as to provide the contemporary benefits of global access while retrieving the health and environmental benefits associated with natural delivery systems. We review these here, with special attention to recently commercialized nutritional delivery systems emerging from the drug delivery field aimed at reducing waste in food and beverage (nutritional aerosols) and eliminating waste in food and beverage packaging (edible skins). We briefly discuss the potential ramifications to how we will eat tomorrow.

Food Packaging , Food , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Adsorption , Adult , Aerosols , Female , Humans , Male