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Lima; Instituto Nacional de Salud-INS; jul. 2022.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BRISA/RedTESA | ID: biblio-1510252


INTRODUCCIÓN: Este documento técnico se realiza a solicitud de la Estrategia sanitaria nacional de prevención y control de enfermedades metaxénicas y otras transmitidas por vectores. a. Cuadro clínico: El Síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB) es un trastorno autoinmune poco frecuente en el que el propio sistema inmunitario de una persona ataca a los nervios periféricos. Aproximadamente dos tercios de personas con SGB presentan una infección respiratoria o entérica previa entre 2 y 4 semanas antes del inicio de los síntomas. Mientras que en el año 2016, se estableció una relación causal entre virus del Zika (ZIKV) y el desarrollo del SGB. La inmunoterapia por administración de inmunoglobulina intravenosa (IgIV) y la plasmaféresis (PE) son dos tratamientos que han sido usados para el tratamiento del SGB relacionado a infección previa por ZIKV, habiéndose extrapolado esta práctica de la experiencia al tratar el SGB no relacionado a ZIKV. b. Tecnología sanitária: Existen varios medicamentos aprobados contra el SGB como la IgIV. IgIV fue aprobada para la indicación del SGB en Europa en el 2006 por la European Medicines Agency (EMA), en los Estados Unidos en el 2008 por la United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), y en el Perú en 2016 por la Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas (DIGEMID), aunque en este último caso sólo para la inmunoglobulina humana normal 5% inyectable para la indicación del SGB agudo. El uso de la PE, por otro lado, para el tratamiento del SGB fue descrito por primera vez entre el 1978 y 1981. OBJETIVO El objetivo del presente documento es evaluar la eficacia y seguridad, así como documentos relacionados a la decisión del uso de la IgIV y PE en el tratamiento del SGB relacionado a infección por Zika en adultos, gestantes y niños. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos bibliográficas: MEDLINE, LILACS, COCHRANE, así como en buscadores genéricos de Internet incluyendo Google Scholar y TRIPDATABASE. Adicionalmente, se hizo una búsqueda dentro de la información generada por las principales instituciones internacionales de infectología, y agencias de tecnologías sanitarias que realizan revisiones sistemáticas (RS), evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS) y guías de práctica clínica (GPC). RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron una RS, una ECA, 4 evaluaciones económicas, y un estudio observacional. Se identificaron 8 guías de práctica clínica y una ETS. Lin et al. publicaron una revisión sistemática para comparar la eficacia de varios tratamientos para el SGB en octubre de 2021. Se incluyeron ECAs y ensayos clínicos no aleatorizados con adultos y niños con SGB de todos los grados de severidad (28 estudios; n=2474). El análisis indicó que la IgIV y la PE eran ambas eficaces para el tratamiento del SGB y, aunque la IgIV fue el tratamiento más efectivo, no hubo una diferencia significativa comparado con la PE (diferencia de medias [DM] = 0,073; IC95% ­ 0,26 ­ 0,41. El uso de distintas dosis de PE o IgIV, y la combinación de PE y IgIV, no demostraron tener un beneficio significativo ante el tratamiento estándar de PE (4-5 sesiones) o de IgIV (0,4-0,5g/kg/día por 4-5 días). Se encontró además otro ECA no incluido en la RS anterior (n=41, edad promedia=37.4 ± 9.2 años), publicada en 2014 que encontró que el tiempo de hospitalización era significativamente menor en los pacientes tratados con IgIV (p=0,03), además de poder ser retirados de la ventilación mecánica antes (p=0.01) y tener un tiempo hasta el inicio de la recuperación motora menor (p=0.04) comparado con pacientes tratados con PE. Un estudio observacional publicado en los Estados Unidos en 2020 coincide con el ECA anterior y encontró que los pacientes tratados con PE tenían un tiempo de hospitalización mayor (PE = 17,78 días vs. IgIV = 10,24 días), unos costos totales mayores (PE: US$149 143 vs. IgIV: US$103 223), y una tasa de mortalidad mayor (PE = 3,8% vs. IgIV = 1,4%; OR = 2,78) comparado con los pacientes tratados con IgIV. Existen varias GPC para el diagnóstico y tratamiento del SGB. La más reciente se publicó en Argentina en octubre de 2021 y indica que la IgIV (0,4g/kg/día durante 5 días) y la PE (200-250ml/kg en 5 sesiones) son tratamientos igualmente eficaces para el SGB. La guía indica que ambos tratamientos conllevan riesgos comparables a eventos adversos, aunque la PE tiene más probabilidades de interrumpirse que la IgIV. Debido a esto, y dado que la IgIV también es más fácil de administrar y, en general, tiene una mayor disponibilidad que la plasmaféresis, suele ser el tratamiento de elección. La guía también indica que aunque la evidencia en embarazadas y niños es limitada, no existen contraindicaciones de estos tratamientos en estos grupos. Sin embargo, dado que la PE requiere consideraciones y seguimiento adicionales, y como la PE solo está disponible en centros con experiencia. en su uso y parece producir mayor malestar y mayores tasas de complicaciones que la IgIV en niños, se tiende a preferir el uso de IgIV en estos grupos. Estas recomendaciones coinciden con las descritas en la guía de práctica clínica para el SGB en niños y adolescentes desarrollada por expertos en Alemania, publicada en enero de 2020. Adicionalmente, esta guía indica que en caso de contraindicaciones a la IgIV en niños y adolescentes con SGB severo, o si el tratamiento con IgIV es ineficaz, se recomienda el uso de PE, aunque no se recomienda el inicio de la PE en las 2 semanas precedentes al tratamiento con IgIV. Se encontraron otras 4 GPC internacionales: guía publicada en 2021 en Brasil por la CONITEC (por sus siglas en portugués Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no SUS), guía internacional publicada en 2016 por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), guía europea publicada en 2008 por la EFNS (por sus siglas en inglés European Federation of the Neurological Societies), y guía publicada en 2003 en los Estados Unidos por la AAN (por sus siglas en inglés American Academy of Neurology). Todas estas guías coinciden con las recomendaciones descritas anteriormente. Cabe recalcar que la guía publicada por la OMS es la única en la que se encontró recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y manejo del SGB relacionado específicamente a infección previa por ZIKV. En este contexto, y después de recomendar el uso de IgIV y la PE debido a su misma eficacia, la OMS recomendó lo siguiente: 1) la selección del tratamiento debe basarse en la disponibilidad, costo y viabilidad de la administración, 2) se requiere entrenamiento en la administración apropiada de ambos tratamientos, y 3) antes de la administración de IgIV debe realizarse un muestreo de sangre para el ZIKV y otros flavivirus. También se encontraron dos GPC recientes para SGB peruanas: la primera publicada en 2018 por la oficina de calidad y el servicio de Neurocirugía del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Neurológicas (INCN) del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA), y la segunda publicada en 2019 por el Instituto de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud e Investigación (IETSI). Ambas guías coinciden con las recomendaciones en las guías anteriores. Se seleccionó un estudio de minimización de costos entre el uso de la IgIV vs. PE en pacientes con SGB realizado en Colombia y publicado en 2016. El estudio encontró una diferencia significativa (p=0,002) en el costo total de la atención de los pacientes tratados con IgIV (9,976 US$) comparado con PE (23,354 US$). El costo de la atención de los pacientes tratados con PE se vio afectado por el alto costo en cuanto a complicaciones y mayor estancia hospitalaria en este grupo, ya que no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el costo del procedimiento. Por otro lado, un estudio de minimización de costos en Brasil concluyó que los costos directos estimados para el tratamiento con IgIV eran significativamente mayores al tratamiento con PE. Sin embargo, este estudio solamente incluyó los costos directos del tratamiento con IgIV o PE, y excluyó costos indirectos como aquellos relacionados con complicaciones del tratamento. CONCLUSIONES: La evidencia con respeto al tratamiento del SGB con inmunoglobulina intravenosa (IgIV) o plasmaféresis (PE) en adultos es abundante y se basa en ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y noaleatorizados. No hay evidencia que el tratamiento del SGB relacionado a infección previa por Zika debe ser distinto al tratamiento estándar del SGB. Una RS analizando ECAs publicados indicó que ambos tratamientos son igual de eficaces para el tratamiento del SGB, y que el uso de distintas dosis o combinación de tratamientos no demostraron tener un beneficio significativo ante el tratamiento estándar de PE o de IgIV. Por otro lado, estudios observacionales indican que las complicaciones y el tiempo de hospitalización en pacientes tratados con PE son mayores, lo que también afecta a los costos totales del paciente, siendo mayores en pacientes tratados con PE comparado con aquellos tratados con IgIV, a pesar de que los costos directos del medicamento y sanitarios sean menores para el tratamiento con PE. Debido a esto, la mayoría de las GPC nacionales e internacionales recomiendan el tratamiento del SGB con IgIV o PE de acuerdo a la disponibilidad, costo, viabilidad de la administración y ausencia de contraindicaciones a los tratamentos. La evidencia con respeto al tratamiento del SGB con IgIV o PE en embarazadas y niños es limitada, aunque no hay evidencia actual de contraindicaciones de estos tratamientos en estos grupos. A pesar de ello, por su mayor facilidad de administración y tolerancia, tiende a haber una preferencia para el uso de IgIV en embarazadas y niños.

Humans , Immunoglobulins/therapeutic use , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Guillain-Barre Syndrome/drug therapy , Zika Virus Infection/etiology , Efficacy , Cost-Benefit Analysis/economics
Brasil; CONITEC; abr. 2021.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1378092


CONTEXTO: Os PCDT são documentos que visam garantir o melhor cuidado de saúde diante do contexto brasileiro e dos recursos disponíveis no SUS. Podem ser utilizados como materiais educativos aos profissionais de saúde, auxílio administrativo aos gestores, regulamentação da conduta assistencial perante o Poder Judiciário e explicitação de direitos aos usuários do SUS. Os PCDT são os documentos oficiais do SUS que estabelecem critérios para o diagnóstico de uma doença ou agravo à saúde; tratamento preconizado, com os medicamentos e demais produtos apropriados, quando couber; posologias recomendadas; mecanismos de controle clínico; e acompanhamento e verificação dos resultados terapêuticos a serem seguidos pelos gestores do SUS. Os PCDT devem incluir recomendações de condutas, medicamentos ou produtos para as diferentes fases evolutivas da doença ou do agravo à saúde de que se tratam, bem como aqueles indicados em casos de perda de eficácia e de surgimento de intolerância ou reação adversa relevante, provocadas pelo medicamento, produto ou procedimento de primeira escolha. A lei reforçou a análise baseada em evidências científicas para a elaboração dos protocolos, destacando os critérios de eficácia, segurança, efetividade e custo-efetividade para a formulação das recomendações sobre intervenções em saúde. Para a constituição ou alteração dos PCDT, a Portaria GM n° 2.009 de 2012 instituiu na Conitec uma Subcomissão Técnica de Avaliação de PCDT, com as competências de definir os temas para novos protocolos, acompanhar sua elaboração, avaliar as recomendações propostas e as evidências científicas apresentadas, além da revisão periódica dos PCDT vigentes, em até dois anos. A Subcomissão Técnica de Avaliação de PCDT é composta por representantes de Secretarias do Ministério da Saúde interessadas na elaboração de diretrizes clínicas: Secretaria de Atenção Primária à Saúde, Secretaria de Atenção Especializada à Saúde, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena e Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Insumos Estratégicos em Saúde. Após concluídas as etapas de definição do tema e escopo do PCDT, de busca, seleção e análise de evidências científicas e consequente definição das recomendações, a aprovação do texto é submetida à apreciação do Plenário da Conitec, com posterior disponibilização deste documento para contribuição de sociedade, por meio de consulta pública (CP) pelo prazo de 20 dias, antes da deliberação final e publicação. A consulta pública é uma importante etapa de revisão externa dos PCDT. O Plenário da Conitec é o fórum responsável pelas recomendações sobre a constituição ou alteração de PCDT, além dos assuntos relativos à incorporação, exclusão ou alteração das tecnologias no âmbito do SUS, bem como sobre a atualização da Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais (RENAME). É composto por treze membros, um representante de cada Secretaria do Ministério da Saúde ­ sendo o indicado pela Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Insumos Estratégicos em Saúde (SCTIE) o presidente do Plenário ­ e um representante de cada uma das seguintes instituições: ANVISA, Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar - ANS, Conselho Nacional de Saúde - CNS, Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde - CONASS, Conselho Nacional de Secretarias Municipais de Saúde - CONASEMS e Conselho Federal de Medicina - CFM. Cabe à Secretaria-Executiva, exercida pelo Departamento de Gestão e Incorporação de Tecnologias e Inovação em Saúde (DGITIS/SCTIE), a gestão e a coordenação das atividades da Conitec. Conforme o Decreto n° 7.646 de 2011, o Secretário de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Insumos Estratégicos em Saúde deverá submeter o PCDT à manifestação do titular da Secretaria responsável pelo programa ou ação a ele relacionado antes da sua publicação e disponibilização à sociedade. APRESENTAÇÃO: A proposta de atualização do PCDT de Miastenia Gravis é uma demanda que cumpre o Decreto nº 7.508 de 28 de junho de 2011 e as orientações previstas no artigo 26º e o parágrafo único, sobre a responsabilidade do Ministério da Saúde de atualizar os Protocolos Clínicos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas. Este PCDT apresenta a atualização da versão publicada em 2015, com inclusão do exame complementar de diagnóstico dosagem sérica de anticorpos de acetilcolina (anti-AChR). DELIBERAÇÃO INICIAL: Os membros da Conitec presentes na 88ª Reunião do Plenário, realizada nos dias 07, 08 e 09 de julho de 2020, deliberaram para que o tema fosse submetido à consulta pública com recomendação preliminar favorável à publicação deste Protocolo. CONSULTA PÚBLICA: A Consulta Pública nº 27/2020 foi realizada entre os dias 21 de julho a 10 de agosto de 2020. A seguir é apresentado o resumo da análise das contribuições recebidas, ressaltando-se que foram consideradas apenas as encaminhadas no período estipulado e por meio do sítio eletrônico da Conitec. Os dadosforam avaliados quantitativa e qualitativamente, considerando asseguintes etapas: a) leitura de todas as contribuições, b) identificação e categorização das ideias centrais, e c) discussão acerca das contribuições. Foram recebidas ao todo 34 contribuições. A grande maioria dos participantes (n= 33; 97%) classificou a proposta de PCDT como boa ou muito boa na avaliação geral.

Clinical Protocols/standards , Myasthenia Gravis/diagnosis , Myasthenia Gravis/drug therapy , Thymectomy/instrumentation , Unified Health System , Brazil , Immunoglobulins/therapeutic use , Acetylcholine/blood , Cholinesterase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Diagnosis, Differential , Electric Stimulation/methods , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use
Ther Apher Dial ; 25(2): 145-151, 2021 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32558286


Double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) is a semi-selective blood purification modality derived from the plasma exchange (PE) modality. In the DFPP treatment, two types of filters with different pore sizes are used: a plasma separator and a plasma component separator. Blood is separated into plasma and blood cells using a plasma separator. The separated plasma is fractionated into large and small molecular weight components by a plasma component separator. Large molecular weight components, including pathogenic substances, are discarded. Small molecular weight components, including valuable substances such as albumin, are returned to the patient. The advantage of DFPP is that the volume of replacement fluid can be significantly reduced compared to PE. By selecting the optimal pore size model for the plasma component separator, DFPP can be applied to various disorders. The clinical applications of DFPP are reviewed based on recent articles on metabolic disorders, organ transplants, rheumatic disorders, neurological disorders, and dermatologic disorders.

Filtration/methods , Plasmapheresis/methods , Filtration/instrumentation , Humans , Plasma Exchange/instrumentation , Plasma Exchange/methods , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation
Brasília; s.n; 13 maio 2020. 22 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, BRISA/RedTESA, PIE | ID: biblio-1097393


Essa é uma produção do Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia (Decit) da Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Insumos Estratégicos em Saúde (SCTIE) do Ministério da Saúde (Decit/SCTIE/MS), que tem como missão promover a ciência e tecnologia e o uso de evidências científicas para a tomada de decisão do SUS, tendo como principal atribuição o incentivo ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas em saúde no Brasil, de modo a direcionar os investimentos realizados em pesquisa pelo Governo Federal às necessidades de saúde pública. Informar sobre as principais evidências científicas descritas na literatura internacional sobre tratamento farmacológico para a COVID-19. Além de resumir cada estudo identificado, o informe apresenta também uma avaliação da qualidade metodológica e a quantidade de artigos publicados, de acordo com a sua classificação metodológica (revisões sistemáticas, ensaios clínicos randomizados, entre outros). Foram encontrados 15 artigos e 10 protocolos.

Pneumonia, Viral/drug therapy , Coronavirus Infections/drug therapy , Betacoronavirus/drug effects , Renin-Angiotensin System , Ribavirin/therapeutic use , Steroids/therapeutic use , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Methylprednisolone/therapeutic use , Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Sulbactam/therapeutic use , Cefoperazone/therapeutic use , Chloroquine/therapeutic use , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Disease Progression , Ritonavir/therapeutic use , Lopinavir/therapeutic use , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Hydroxychloroquine/therapeutic use , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Antimalarials/therapeutic use
s.l; s.n; 4 maio 2020. ilus.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, BRISA/RedTESA | ID: biblio-1099490


CONTEXTO: Conforme classificação da OMS, a COVID-19 é uma pandemia de risco muito alto a nível global. Até o momento não existem terapias específicas para a doença, embora diferentes alternativas, incluindo o uso de plasma de pacientes recuperados, estejam em investigação. OBJETIVOS: Identificar, avaliar sistematicamente e sumarizar as melhores evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a eficácia e a segurança do uso de plasma de pacientes recuperados para COVID-19. MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática rápida (rapid review methodology). RESULTADOS: Após o processo de seleção, 55 estudos foram incluídos: 15 estudos com resultados e 40 estudos clínicos em andamento. Os estudos evidenciaram que o plasma de paciente recuperado para tratamento de SARS-CoV-2 resultou em redução de mortalidade, carga viral e tempo de internação hospitalar. Entretanto, estes estudos têm risco de viés moderado a alto e os estudos clínicos têm amostra pequena. Estes fatores contribuíram para que a certeza na evidência fosse muito baixa. CONCLUSÃO: Esta revisão sistemática rápida identificou 15 estudos com qualidade metodológica baixa a moderada, que avaliaram os efeitos da terapia com plasma de pacientes recuperados para COVID-19. Com base nos achados destes estudos, a eficácia e a segurança do plasma de pacientes recuperados em pacientes com COVID-19 ainda são incertas e seu uso de rotina, para esta situação, não pode ser recomendado, até que resultados de ensaios clínicos em andamento possam ser avaliados.(AU)

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/drug therapy , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Coronaviridae Infections/drug therapy , Betacoronavirus/drug effects , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Cost-Benefit Analysis
Int J Artif Organs ; 43(12): 753-757, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32342769


Sepsis and septic shock are characterized by a release of cytokines into the circulation. These mediators contribute to the detrimental hemodynamic and metabolic effects in the early phase of septic shock. Recently, a new polystyrene-based hemoadsorption device was introduced into clinical practice (CytoSorb®). The adsorber binds a variety of molecules including cytokines and removes them from the circulation. Studies in septic patients have shown an improved clinical course following hemoadsorption but no increased survival. We hypothesize that not only cytokines but also antibiotics may be removed which potentially may negate any beneficial effect of the adsorber. To test this hypothesis, we performed polystyrene-based hemoadsorption in three patients in septic shock and analysed glycopeptide elimination by measuring serum levels pre- and post-adsorber. We administered both teicoplanin and vancomycin via a 60-min infusion and vancomycin via continuous infusion, additionally. When applied as 60 min infusion, vancomycin and teicoplanin were removed immediately by the adsorber. However, the adsorptive capacity of the device was saturable. Serum levels of vancomycin, but not teicoplanin, decreased to subtherapeutic levels. With continuous infusion of vancomycin, removal was less and serum levels remained in the therapeutic range. In conclusion, we show effective glycopeptide adsorption using a polystyrene-based hemoadsorber in septic patients. The dose of these antibiotics should be adjusted appropriately and early therapeutic drug monitoring is highly recommended.

Adsorption , Drug Monitoring/methods , Plasmapheresis , Shock, Septic , Teicoplanin , Vancomycin , Adult , Aged , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/blood , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacokinetics , Drug Elimination Routes , Female , Glycopeptides/pharmacokinetics , Humans , Male , Plasmapheresis/adverse effects , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/methods , Polystyrenes/chemistry , Shock, Septic/blood , Shock, Septic/physiopathology , Shock, Septic/therapy , Teicoplanin/administration & dosage , Teicoplanin/blood , Teicoplanin/pharmacokinetics , Vancomycin/administration & dosage , Vancomycin/blood , Vancomycin/pharmacokinetics
Mult Scler Relat Disord ; 37: 101480, 2020 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31706165


We report a case of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) with complete loss of vision in the left eye in a patient who was not satisfied with the effect of methylprednisolone therapy, which was improved by HA280 immunoadsorption (IA) therapy. HA280 is a relatively cheaper IA column (made in China) often used in the treatment of rheumatoid immune-related diseases. HA280 can effectively remove inflammatory markers in serum. However, whether the HA280 IA column is suitable for NMOSD is unknown. This case suggests that the HA280 IA column has a potential therapeutic effect on NMOSD and may be an alternative treatment for steroid-resistant NMOSD. There may be therapeutic targets other than anti-AQP4 antibody. Identifying the inflammatory substances that could be removed to contribute to NMOSD recovery is worthy of further study, and the results could provide new ideas for acute NMOSD treatment. Moreover, the HA280 IA column is relatively cheap and allows lower-income families to use it.

Neuromyelitis Optica/therapy , Plasmapheresis , Adult , Blindness/etiology , Female , Humans , Neuromyelitis Optica/complications , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation
Transfus Apher Sci ; 58(3): 247-253, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31023623


Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) is the extracorporeal technique performed in an apheresis device were patient's plasma is separated from whole blood and removed, while the cellular blood components are returned to the patient together with a replacement fluid. By the extracorporeal removal of pathological substances and the replacement of deficient plasma components, it constitutes an important tool for the management of several disorders and it is a well-known and established treatment for numerous diseases. Additionally, overall available data confirm the safety and efficacy of TPE. Nevertheless, the quality of the evidence supporting the utility and efficacy of the procedure is diverse. This review attempts to compile the current indications of TPE in different disorders according to an extensive and updated literature review, with special focus on its present role and its validity in the twenty-first century medicine.

Plasma Exchange , Plasmapheresis , Humans , Plasma Exchange/instrumentation , Plasma Exchange/methods , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/methods
Blood Purif ; 46(2): 126-133, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29698959


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Marburg virus (MARV) are among the World Health Organization's top 8 emerging pathogens. Both zoonoses share nonspecific early symptoms, a high lethality rate, and a reduced number of specific treatment options. Therefore, we evaluated extracorporeal virus and glycoprotein (GP) elimination by lectin affinity plasmapheresis (LAP). METHODS: For both MERS-CoV (pseudovirus) as well as MARV (GPs), 4 LAP devices (Mini Hemopurifiers, Aethlon Medical, San Diego, CA, USA) and 4 negative controls were tested. Samples were collected every 30 min and analyzed for reduction in virus infectivity by a flow cytometry-based infectivity assay (MERS-CoV) and in soluble GP content (MARV) by an immunoassay. RESULTS: The experiments show a time-dependent clearance of MERS-CoV of up to 80% within 3 h (pseudovirus). Up to 70% of MARV-soluble GPs were eliminated at the same time. Substantial saturation of the binding resins was detected within the first treatment hour. CONCLUSION: MERS-CoV (pseudovirus) and MARV soluble GPs are eliminated by LAP in vitro. Considering the high lethality and missing established treatment options, LAP should be evaluated in vivo. Especially early initiation, continuous therapy, and timed cartridge exchanges could be of importance.

Glycoproteins/isolation & purification , Marburgvirus/isolation & purification , Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus/isolation & purification , Plasmapheresis/methods , Animals , Case-Control Studies , Flow Cytometry , Humans , Immunoassay , Lectins/metabolism , Marburgvirus/chemistry , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/standards , Zoonoses
Transfusion ; 58(4): 951-959, 2018 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29520799


BACKGROUND: Whole blood and red blood cell (RBC) donors are at risk of iron deficiency. Since Source plasma (SP) donors have RBCs returned during apheresis, risk of iron depletion appears low. However, SP donors can donate frequently and assessment of frequent donor iron status is needed. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 1254 SP donors were enrolled in four frequency groups determined by donations in the prior 12 months: no donations and 1 to 24, 25 to 69, and 70 or more donations. Ferritin was determined for each donor. Donors with ferritin levels of less than 12 ng/mL were classified as having absent iron stores (AIS). RESULTS: Compared to new donors, ferritin for females was higher in each successive frequency group. For 70 or more donations, ferritin was 13 ng/mL higher than in new donors (p = 0.02). For males, 1 to 24 donations had the highest ferritin levels. Compared to new donors, highest-frequency donors had lower ferritin levels, 114 ng/mL versus 100 ng/mL (p = 0.14). Age for females and males increased with each successive frequency group. Age adjustment resulted in smaller ferritin differences for females and larger differences for males in the high-frequency groups; AIS for females was highest in new donors (7%) and lowest in the highest-frequency group (1%). In aggregate, AIS occurred in less than 1% of all male donors. Male new and highest-frequency donors had 1% AIS with none in the other groups. CONCLUSION: Few SP donors have iron depletion and it is not higher in frequent donors. Frequent SP donation does not adversely impact iron stores. Thus, monitoring donor iron status or iron supplementation is not necessary.

Blood Donors , Ferritins/blood , Iron Deficiencies , Plasma , Plasmapheresis/adverse effects , Adult , Age Factors , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/etiology , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/prevention & control , Donor Selection , Erythrocyte Count , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Risk , Sex Characteristics , Young Adult
Blood Purif ; 44(2): 100-105, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28715820


Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in neonates and small infants is a treatment method at the forefront that may become a potentially life-saving procedure in a wide array of severe conditions. Indications for TPE in the pediatric population have been mainly derived from adult literature, with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia being the most notable exception. The only alternative to TPE in small pediatric patients is manual blood exchange transfusion, which, however, bears an unacceptably high risk of severe complications. Still, technical issues due to extracorporeal circulation in neonates have burdened TPE so far, since machines developed for adults require a relatively large blood volume to operate. We in this study, describe our preliminary experience of TPE for treating 2 potentially life-threatening conditions in neonatal age. To overcome the aforementioned limitations, plasmapheresis was performed in both cases using a machine specifically designed for patients weighing less than 10 kg.

Plasma Exchange/instrumentation , Body Weight , Equipment Design , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Miniaturization/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation
J Vasc Access ; 18(4): e45-e47, 2017 Jul 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28604987


We present a case of an iatrogenic lymphocutaneous fistula secondary to placement of a tunneled, large bore (14.5 Fr) right-sided internal jugular vein for plasmapheresis to treat antibody-mediated kidney transplant rejection. While iatrogenic lymphatic leaks caused by neck and thoracic surgeries are well described in the literature, lymphatic leak or lymphocutaneous fistula resulting from image-guided placement of a central venous catheter through the right internal jugular vein has yet to be described. We also describe the successful percutaneous treatment of this lymphocutaneous fistula using a combination of n-butyl cyanoacrylate glue and embolization coils.

Cutaneous Fistula/therapy , Embolization, Therapeutic , Fistula/therapy , Iatrogenic Disease , Lymphatic Diseases/therapy , Plasmapheresis/adverse effects , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Vascular Access Devices/adverse effects , Adult , Cutaneous Fistula/diagnosis , Cutaneous Fistula/etiology , Embolization, Therapeutic/instrumentation , Embolization, Therapeutic/methods , Enbucrilate/administration & dosage , Equipment Design , Female , Fistula/diagnosis , Fistula/etiology , Humans , Lymphatic Diseases/diagnosis , Lymphatic Diseases/etiology , Treatment Outcome
Transfusion ; 57(7): 1818-1826, 2017 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28555930


BACKGROUND: Acoustic cell separation uses ultrasound waves to separate cells from plasma to perform plasmapheresis. Although the fundamental process has been studied for decades, no acoustic cell separation has been studied in a disposable plastic format suitable for clinical applications. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We developed a disposable, rectangular, polystyrene microchannel acoustic cell-separation system and applied acoustic energy relevant for plasmapheresis. Fresh blood from healthy volunteers was exposed in vitro to acoustic energy in an open microfluidic circuit with and without ultrasound applied. Blood was tested for perturbations in red blood cells, platelets, and coagulation using clinical assays. RESULTS: Red blood cell and platelet size parameters as well as coagulation activation all were within 3% of baseline values. P-selectin expression on platelets increased by an average of 10.9% relative to baseline. Hemolysis increased with flow through the microfluidic channel, but percentage hemolysis remained below 0.3%. CONCLUSION: Blood parameters in a single-pass, microfluidic acoustic cell-separation apparatus remained within normal limits. In vivo animal studies that model continuous separation in a physiologic environment are warranted.

Blood Safety , Lab-On-A-Chip Devices , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Blood Coagulation Factors/analysis , Blood Specimen Collection , Hemolysis , Humans , Platelet Activation
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27631450


Liver failure is a disease with a high mortality rate. Often liver transplantation is the sole therapeutic option. On the one hand, liver support systems probably support the liver to allow regeneration, on the other hand they are an option to bridge for transplantation. This article gives an overview on the clinically used liver assist devices (molecular adsorbent recirculating system [MARS], Prometheus system, single-pass albumin dialysis [SPAD], plasmapheresis) and discusses the applications in liver failure.

Extracorporeal Circulation/instrumentation , Liver Failure/therapy , Liver, Artificial , Peritoneal Dialysis/methods , Plasmapheresis/methods , Renal Dialysis/instrumentation , Blood Component Removal , Combined Modality Therapy/methods , Equipment Design , Equipment Failure Analysis , Evidence-Based Medicine , Extracorporeal Circulation/methods , Fluid Therapy/instrumentation , Fluid Therapy/methods , Humans , Liver Failure/diagnosis , Liver Transplantation/instrumentation , Liver Transplantation/methods , Peritoneal Dialysis/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Renal Dialysis/methods , Serum Albumin/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome
J Artif Organs ; 19(4): 378-382, 2016 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27411710


To improve the efficiency of plasma perfusion on eliminating plasma paraquat (PQ), we designed continuous plasma perfusion of dual cartridges in series (CPPDCS) on Diapact Braun CRRT machine. The goals of this study were to evaluate the effective of CPPDCS on paraquat removal in patients with acute paraquat intoxication. Our results show that the PQ clearance rate of dual cartridges was significantly higher than that of single cartridge at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th plasma perfusion. Compared with single-cartridge plasma perfusion, CPPDCS significantly reduced the frequency of cartridge replacement, shorten the time of perfusion. These results indicate that CPPDCS is effective than plasma perfusion of single cartridge on PQ clearance rate and may provide an effective treatment for PQ poisoning.

Paraquat/poisoning , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Perfusion , Plasmapheresis/methods , Poisoning/therapy , Treatment Outcome
Anal Chem ; 88(10): 5197-204, 2016 05 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27094711


We present a novel plasmapheresis device designed for a fully integrated point-of-care blood analysis microsystem. In the device, fluidic microchannels exhibit a characteristic cross-sectional profile arising from distinct three-dimensional (3D) microelectrodes featuring sidewall undercuts readily integrated through a single-mask process. The structure leverages mainly electrothermal convective rolls that efficiently manifest themselves in physiological fluids and yet have received inadequate attention for the application of plasmapheresis due to concerns over Joule heating. Using this device, we show that such convective rolls not only lead to plasma extraction at a high yield and purity but also deliver plasma at an acceptable quality with no evidence of hemolytic stress or protein denaturation. Specifically, plasma from 1.5 µL of whole blood diluted to 4% hematocrit in a high-conductivity buffer (1.5 S/m) is extracted in a continuous flow at a fraction of 70% by using a peak voltage of ±10 Vp applied at 650 kHz; the extracted plasma is nearly 99% pure, as shown by a rigorous assessment using flow cytometry. The plasmas obtained using this device and using conventional centrifugation and sedimentation are of comparable quality as revealed by absorbance and circular dichroism spectra despite thermal gradients; however, these gradients effectively drive electrothermal bulk flows, as assessed using the microparticle image velocity technique. The device achieves high target molecule recovery efficiency, delivering about 97% of the proteins detected in the plasma obtained using sedimentation. The utility of the extracted plasma is further validated based on the detection of prostate-specific antigen at clinically relevant levels.

Biomarkers, Tumor/blood , Microelectrodes , Microfluidic Analytical Techniques/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Prostate-Specific Antigen/blood , Heating , Humans , Lab-On-A-Chip Devices
J Biomed Nanotechnol ; 11(9): 1524-34, 2015 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26485924


Particle adhesion to the walls of microfluidic channels is a prominent cause of deteriorating performance and reliability in miniaturized analytical devices; it can also cause unexpected changes in their structures and operating conditions. Therefore, the demand of anti-adhesion for wall loss reduction on particle processing chips is high. This paper demonstrates an anti-adhesion technique using dielectrophoresis. The proposed technique is applied to a distribution microchannel for a feasibility test and is then applied to a blood plasma filter, which is a human blood cell and plasma separation device. In the distribution microchannel, the application of electric potentials of 0-20 V(pp) at 3 MHz caused the wall loss of polystyrene latex (PSL) particles to decrease with decreasing particle diameter. When an electric potential of 20 V(pp) was applied in a distribution microchannel experiment using PSL particles, the wall loss decreased by 52.7 ± 3% for 10-µm-diameter particles. On the other hand, when a 20 V(pp) electric potential was applied in a distribution microchannel experiment using human blood cells, the wall loss decreased by 66.4 ± 6%. In the blood plasma filter, the wall loss decreased by 54.89 ± 5% at 20 V(pp) and 1 MHz. The purity efficiency of the blood plasma filter was 69.56% without the wall loss reduction technique and 95.14% when the applied electric potential was 20 V(pp).

Electrophoresis/instrumentation , Erythrocytes/cytology , Hemodiafiltration/instrumentation , Plasma/chemistry , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Adhesiveness , Cell Separation/instrumentation , Cells, Cultured , Computer-Aided Design , Equipment Design , Equipment Failure Analysis , Hemorheology , Humans , Lab-On-A-Chip Devices , Shear Strength , Stress, Mechanical
Ther Apher Dial ; 19(4): 324-9, 2015 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26386219


A system providing both appropriate cooling and warming are needed for the efficacy and safety of cryofiltration (CF) plasmapheresis. We measured some points of CF circuit temperatures with varying plasma flow rates (QP = 10-40 mL/min) and the numbers of connecting cooling coils (one or two) under the conditions of blood flow rate (QB ) 100 mL/min with 7700-mm coil length, 19 turns, and 50-mL priming volume. We measured the respective temperatures of each point of starting/returning for an extracorporeal circuit (TA /TV ), intracooling coil (TC ), and post-plasma fractionator (PF) (TPF ). The subtraction of TV from TA (ΔT) was used as an indicator of safe return. There were no significant differences in TC , TPF , or ΔT in accordance with each QP between that of one and two coils. All of the Tc values under the condition QP ≤ 20 mL/min achieved <4°C. The TPF under the condition QP ≥ 20 mL/min was not significantly different compared to that of QP 30 mL/min (the lowest condition). Although the ΔT increased depending on the QP increase, the ΔT under the condition QP ≤ 15 mL/min was not significantly different from that of the control (one-way double-filtration plasmapheresis [DFPP]) group. We conclude that (i) one coil is enough for effective cooling in CF, and (ii) an ideal QP that fulfills the required conditions for both effective cooling and sufficient warming of returning fluid does not exist, but QP from 15 to 20 mL/min may be a relevant range.

Cold Temperature , Plasmapheresis , Systemic Vasculitis , Cryoglobulins/adverse effects , Equipment Design , Filtration/methods , Humans , Patient Safety , Plasmapheresis/adverse effects , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Systemic Vasculitis/etiology , Systemic Vasculitis/prevention & control , Treatment Outcome
Ther Apher Dial ; 19(4): 361-6, 2015 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26386225


Selective plasma exchange (SePE) using a selective membrane separator is a modified method of simple plasma exchange (PE). Immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass distribution is one of the important immunological characteristics of IgG. However, there is little information regarding the removal characteristics of IgG subclasses by SePE and conventional PE. Here, we investigated the removal ratio of IgG subclasses by PE and SePE in seven patients with immunological disorders. When the mean processed volume was 0.88 plasma volume (PV) (corresponding to 2.12 L), the mean percent reductions by PE were as follows: IgG, 63.2%; IgG1, 64.5%; IgG2, 64.0%; IgG3, 61.4%; and IgG4, 69.5%. When the mean processed volume was 1.18 PV (corresponding to 2.98 L), the mean percent reductions by SePE were as follows: IgG, 51.6%; IgG1, 55.3%; IgG2, 52.0%; IgG3, 53.7%; and IgG4, 64.6%. In both PE and SePE, using albumin solution as the supplementary fluid, IgG was effectively eliminated regardless of IgG subclasses.

Immune System Diseases , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Plasma Exchange , Plasmapheresis , Adult , Aged , Comparative Effectiveness Research , Female , Humans , Immune System Diseases/blood , Immune System Diseases/therapy , Japan , Male , Membranes, Artificial , Middle Aged , Plasma Exchange/instrumentation , Plasma Exchange/methods , Plasmapheresis/instrumentation , Plasmapheresis/methods , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome