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Enferm. glob ; 17(51): 332-349, jul. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-173970


Introducción: La prescripción de cuidados básicos con temporalidad en unidades de hospitalización médico-quirúrgicas representa una laguna en los planes de cuidados y los estudiantes de enfermería no pueden adquirir la competencia de gestionar cuidados básicos. El objetivo de este estudio es validar un plan de cuidados estandarizado para prescribir cuidados que pueda ser utilizado por estudiantes de enfermería durante la adquisición de las competencias relacionadas con cuidados básicos. Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuali-cuantitativo con paneles de expertos combinando las técnicas grupo nominal (generar la hipótesis de trabajo y desarrollo del método de prescripción), Delphi modificado (validez de contenido) y grupo focal como técnica complementaria para alcanzar consenso. El estudio se realizó durante un periodo de 18 meses entre 2013-2014. Resultados: Se han construido tres parrillas de prescripción de cuidados estandarizados utilizando la escala de Barthel que utilizan los estudiantes de enfermería de segundo curso de Grado en la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, con soporte electrónico. Conclusiones: En la revisión de la literatura no se han identificado trabajos que especifiquen como llevar a cabo estudios de validez de planes de cuidados estandarizados. En este estudio se utilizó una combinación de métodos similar a la utilizada por otros autores para el desarrollo de diferentes herramientas. Con este sistema de registro y prescripción se puede evaluar la calidad de los cuidados y potenciar el rol responsable de enfermería en unidades médico-quirúrgicas

Introduction: The prescription of basic care with temporality in medical-surgical hospitalization units represents a gap in the care plans and nursing students cannot acquire the competence of managing basic care. The objective of this study is to validate a standardized care plan to prescribe care that can be used by nursing students during the acquisition of skills related to basic care. Methods: A qualitative and quantitative study was carried out, including panels of experts combining nominal group techniques (generating hypothesis of the research and the development of prescription method) with Delphi method modified (content validity) and a focus group as a complementary method in order to reach consensus. The study was carried out over a 18-month time period between 2013-2014.Results:Three levels prescribing standardized cares have been created. This has been made by using Barthel scale which is used in an electronic form by second-year nursing students at University Jaume I in Castellón. Conclusions: Studies that specify how to carry out standardized validated studies of care plans have not been identified in literature review. In this study a combination of methods was used, similar to that which was used by other authors in order to develop different types of tools. With this registration and prescription system it is possible to evaluate the quality of cares and reinforce the role of nursing in hospital medical-surgical units

Humans , Electronic Prescribing/nursing , Patient Care Planning/organization & administration , Primary Nursing/standards , Standing Orders/standards , Students, Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Qualitative Research , Professional Competence/standards , Faculty/statistics & numerical data
J. optom. (Internet) ; 9(3): 148-157, jul.-sept. 2016. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-153344


Purpose: Ophthalmic technicians (OT) work at health facilities in Mozambique and are trained to provide primary and secondary eye care services including basic refraction. This study was designed to assess OT competence and confidence in refraction, and investigate whether an upskilling programme is effective in developing their competence and confidence at refraction. Methods: Thirty-one trainee OTs and 16 qualified OTs were recruited to the study. A background questionnaire was administered to determine the demographic profile of the OTs. A confidence levels questionnaire explored their self-reported skills. Clinical competencies were assessed in relation to knowledge (theory exam) and clinical skills (patient exams). 11 OTs were upskilled and the clinical evaluations carried out post training. Results: Initial evaluations demonstrated that confidence and competence levels varied depending on the OTs training (location and duration), and their location of work (clinical load, availability of equipment and other eye care personnel). The qualified OTs were more competent than trainee OTs in most of the evaluations. Post upskilling results demonstrated significant positive impact on confidence and competence levels. Conclusion: These evaluations identified factors affecting the refraction competencies of the OTs and demonstrated that upskilling is effective in improving confidence and competence levels for refraction. They demonstrate the need for a refraction competency framework. The overarching aim of this research was to inform the development of a nationwide programme of OT mentoring, upskilling and leading to the establishment of clinical competency standards for the new OT curricula, relevant to the professional demands (AU)

Objetivo: Los Técnicos Oftálmicos (TO) trabajan en los centros sanitarios de Mozambique, y están formados para aportar servicios de cuidados oculares primarios y secundarios que incluyen la refracción básica. Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar la competencia y seguridad de los TO en cuanto a refracción, así como investigar la eficacia de un programa para incrementar sus conocimientos para desarrollar la competencia y seguridad en la refracción. Métodos: Para el estudio se reclutó a treinta y un TO en formación y a dieciséis TO cualificados. Se les proporcionó un cuestionario de antecedentes, para determinar el perfil demográfico de los TO. Un cuestionario sobre los niveles de seguridad exploró sus técnicas auto-reportadas. Las competencias clínicas se evaluaron en relación al conocimiento (examen teórico) y las habilidades clínicas (evaluación de los pacientes). Se incrementaron los conocimientos de 11 TO, realizándose la evaluación clínica tras su formación. Resultados: Las evaluaciones iniciales demostraron que los niveles de seguridad y competencia variaban dependiendo de la formación del TO (emplazamiento y duración), y de su emplazamiento de trabajo (carga clínica, disponibilidad de equipos y de personal adicional de cuidados oculares). Los TO cualificados fueron más competentes que los TO en formación en la mayoría de las evaluaciones. Los resultados tras el incremento de conocimientos demostró un impacto considerablemente positivo sobre los niveles de seguridad y competencia. Conclusión: Estas evaluaciones identificaron aquellos factores que afectan a las competencias sobre refracción de los TO, y demostraron que el incremento de conocimientos es eficaz para mejorar los niveles de seguridad y competencia en cuanto a refracción. Demostraron la necesidad de un marco de competencias en refracción. El objetivo más importante de esta investigación fue el de informar sobre el desarrollo de un programa nacional de tutelaje e incremento de conocimientos de los TO, encaminado a establecer los estándares de competencia clínica para los currículum de los nuevos TO, que sean relevantes para las demandas profesionales (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Clinical Competence/legislation & jurisprudence , Ophthalmology/education , Ophthalmology/methods , Ancillary Services, Hospital/ethics , Primary Nursing/methods , Mozambique , 35174 , Clinical Competence/standards , Ophthalmology/classification , Ophthalmology , Ancillary Services, Hospital , Primary Nursing/standards , Mozambique/ethnology
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 13(4): 0-0, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-147607


Background: The complexity of a medication regimen is related to the multiple characteristics of the prescribed regimen and can negatively influence the health outcomes of patients. Objective: To propose cut-off points in the complexity of pharmacotherapy to distinguish between patients with low and high complexities seen in a primary health care (PHC) setting to enable prioritization of patient management. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, which included 517 adult and elderly patients, analyzing different cut-off points to define the strata of low and high pharmacotherapy complexities based on percentiles of the population evaluated. Data collection began with the solicitation of prescriptions, followed by a questionnaire that was administered by an interviewer. The complexity of a medication regimen was estimated from the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI). High complexity pharmacotherapy scores were analyzed from patient profiles, the use of health services, and pharmacotherapy. The criteria for subject inclusion in the sample population were as follows: inhabitant of the area covered by the municipality, 18 years or older, and being prescribed at least one drug during the collection period. Exclusion criteria at the time of collection were the use of any medication whose prescription was not available. All medications were accessed through the Primary Healthcare Service (PHS). Results: The median total pharmacotherapy complexity score was 8.5. High MRCI scores were correlated with age, medications taken with in the Brazilian PHS, having at least one potential drug-related problem, receiving up to eight years of schooling, number of medications and polypharmacy (five or more medicines), number of medical conditions, number of medical appointments, and number of cardiovascular diseases and endocrine metabolic diseases. We suggest different complexity tracks according to age (e.g., adult or elderly) that consider the pharmacotherapy and population coverage characteristics as high complexity limits. For the elderly patients, the tracks were as follows: MRCI≥25.4, MRCI≥20.9, MRCI≥17.5, MRCI≥15.7, MRCI≥14.0, and MRCI≥13.0. For adult patients, the limits of high complexity were MRCI≥25.1; MRCI ≥ 23.8; MRCI≥21.0; MRCI≥17.0; MRCI≥16.5; and MRCI≥15.5. Conclusion: The medication regimen complexity is associated with the patient's illness profile and problems with the use of drugs; therefore, the proposed scores can be useful in prioritizing patients for clinical care by pharmacists and other health professionals (AU)

Antecedentes: La complejidad de un régimen de medicación se relaciona con las múltiples características del régimen prescrito que pueden influenciar negativamente los resultados en salud de los pacientes. Objetivo: Proponer puntos de corte en la complejidad de la farmacoterapia para diferenciar entre pacientes de baja y alta complejidad que permita la priorización de la gestión de los pacientes entre los atendidos en un centro de cuidados primarios. Métodos: Este es un estudio transversal que incluyó 517 adultos y ancianos analizando diferentes puntos de corte para definir los estratos de alta y baja complejidad de la farmacoterapia basándose en los percentiles de la población evaluada. La recogida de datos comenzó con la solicitud de las prescripciones, seguida de un cuestionario administrado por un entrevistador. La complejidad de la medicación se estimó mediante el Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI). En las farmacoterapias de alta complejidad se analizó los perfiles de los pacientes, el uso de servicios de salud, y la farmacoterapia. Los criterios para la inclusión de la muestra fueron: habitantes del área cubierta por el municipio, 18 años o más, y tener prescrito al menos un medicamento durante el periodo de recogida de datos. Los criterios de exclusión durante la recogida de datos fue el uso de algún medicamento que no estaba disponible. Todos los medicamentos eran del Servicio de Cuidados Primarios (PHS). Resultados: La mediana total de puntuación de complejidad de la farmacoterapia fue de 8,5. Las puntuaciones altas del MRCI se correlacionaban con la edad, medicamentos tomados del PHS, tener al menos una interacción potencial medicamento-medicamento, tener más de 8 años de escolaridad, numero de medicamentos, polimedicación (cinco o más medicamentos), número de problemas de salud, número de visitas al médico, y numero de enfermedades cardiovasculares o metabólicas. Sugerimos diferentes tramos de complejidad de acuerdo a la edad (e.g. adultos o ancianos) que tienen en cuenta las características de la población y la farmacoterapia como límites de alta complejidad. Para los ancianos los tramos eran: MRCI≥25,4, MRCI≥20,9, MRCI≥17,5, MRCI≥15,7, MRCI≥14,0, y MRCI≥13,0. Para los pacientes adultos los límites de complejidad eran: MRCI≥25,1; MRCI ≥ 23,8; MRCI≥21,0; MRCI≥17,0; MRCI≥16,5; y MRCI≥15,5. Conclusión: La complejidad del régimen de medicación se asocia con el perfil de enfermedad del paciente y sus problemas de uso de medicamentos; por tanto, los limites propuestos pueden ser útiles para priorizar pacientes en cuidados clínicos de los farmacéuticos u otros profesionales de la salud (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Prescriptions/classification , Prescriptions/nursing , Primary Nursing , Primary Nursing/methods , Drug Therapy/instrumentation , Drug Therapy/methods , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Pharmaceutical Preparations/metabolism , Brazil/ethnology , Prescriptions/standards , Primary Nursing/classification , Primary Nursing/standards , Drug Therapy/classification , Drug Therapy/nursing , Health Centers , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Pharmaceutical Preparations/supply & distribution
Enferm. glob ; 14(40): 340-350, oct. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-141919


Los pacientes hospitalizados en entornos críticos requieren la provisión de cuidados de enfermería para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas. Las intervenciones encaminadas a satisfacer las necesidades de higiene son cuidados de enfermería, inherentes al rol profesional y que actualmente se omiten o delegan por considerarlas de poco valor, sin tener en cuenta que constituyen indicadores de resultado en los pacientes y de la calidad de atención en las unidades de cuidado crítico. Objetivo: Analizar la importancia social, disciplinar y teórica de la higiene como un cuidado básico de enfermería requerido por los pacientes críticos y su relación con la comodidad a la luz de la teoría propuesta por Kolcaba. Método: Revisión de la literatura y selección de artículos en las bases de datos ISI -Web of Knowledge, Scopus, Science Direct, Proquest, Ebsco, Medline, Ovid, Scielo y de otras fuentes como documentos no publicados y páginas web. La revisión incluyó 3 estudios cualitativos, 27 cuantitativos, 1 estudio mixto, 40 piezas documentales y 4 editoriales publicados por profesionales de enfermería y otras áreas de la salud. Resultados: Los resultados se organizaron en 4 categorías así, cuidados básicos de enfermería en entornos críticos, higiene como cuidado básico para los pacientes críticos, higiene y comodidad y necesidades de investigación. Importancia clínica: Es indispensable que el profesional de enfermería asegure la satisfacción de las necesidades de higiene de los pacientes, así se proporciona seguridad, comodidad y bienestar. Durante la provisión de los cuidados de enfermería se presenta una oportunidad para que el profesional de enfermería se comunique con el paciente, evalúe el estado físico y psicológico, identifique posibles ansiedades y temores, planifique los cuidados y brinde una atención individualizada (AU)

Patients who are hospitalized in critical care settings require nursing care to meet their basic needs. These interventions are integrated as indicators of patient outcomes and quality of care in critical care units. Objective: To analyze the social relevance and disciplinary nature of hygiene, as basic nursing care required for critically ill patients. Method: A literature review and article selection from the ISI-Web of Knowledge, Scopus, Science Direct, Proquest, Ebsco, Medline, Ovid, and SciELO databases and other sources, such as unpublished documents and web pages. This review included 3 qualitative studies, 27 quantitative studies, 1 mixed study, 40 documentary works, and 4 editorials that were published by nursing professionals and health professionals in other areas. Results: The results were divided into the following 4 categories: basic nursing care in critical care settings, hygiene as basic care for critically ill patients, hygiene and comfort, and research recommendations. Clinical Relevance: It is essential that nursing professionals satisfy patients’ hygiene needs and thus provide for their safety, comfort, and welfare. There is an opportunity during the delivery of nursing care for nursing professionals to communicate with patients, assess physical and psychological states, identify potential anxieties and fears, plan patient care, and provide individual attention (AU)

Female , Humans , Male , Hygiene/education , Hygiene/standards , Primary Nursing/organization & administration , Primary Nursing/standards , Basic Health Services , Critical Care Nursing/organization & administration , Critical Care Nursing/standards , Critical Care Nursing/methods , Critical Care Nursing/trends , Self Care/standards
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 31(3): 0-0, jul.-set. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-797696


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo dirigir a los profesionales de la enfermería a una reflexión crítica sobre la comprensión del sentido del cuidado en la profesión, en el escenario actual de la salud. Teniendo en cuenta la búsqueda del saber propio, a pesar de la práctica reiterada, heredada a lo largo de la historia, es importante que los profesionales de la enfermería direccionen su preocupación a descubrir el por qué y el cómo realizar en la práctica, armonizando el cuidado y la gerencia, siendo indispensable el hacer no solo desde el punto de vista de la acción y sí del cuidado, considerando el significado y profundidad, visto que el cuidado debe ser orientado por las teorías de una práctica no mecanicista, sino con un espíritu enfocado en la solidaridad y el respeto a la integralidad del ser humano(AU)

The present study aims to lead the nurses to uma critical reflection on understanding the meaning of care profession em, em the current scenario of the health. Teniendo into account the pursuit of knowledge itself, although the practice inherited repeated throughout history, it is important that nurses her lead! precocupación you to discover the why and the how to perform in practice amonizando care and management, being essential to do not only from the point of view of the action and yes, care, considering the meaning and depth, given that care should be guided by a non-mechanistic theories of practice, but in a spirit focused on solidarity and respect for the integrity of human beings(AU)

Humans , Primary Nursing/standards , Review Literature as Topic , Nursing Care/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Databases, Bibliographic , Professional Training
Enferm. glob ; 14(38): 1-32, abr. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-135449


Se trata de un relato de experiencia de un caso sin precedentes en Brasil acerca de la sistematización de los cuidados de enfermería aplicados a una paciente en asistencia circulatoria mecánica con membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea en el postoperatorio de un trasplante de pulmón. Se establecieron 18 diagnósticos de enfermería y las 94 conductas implementadas abarcaron: cuidados con el circuito de asistencia, monitorización hemodinámica y control de las pruebas de laboratorio. Los principales resultados fueron que el paciente presentaba: un mejor intercambio de gases, mantenimiento de la estabilidad hemodinámica y ausencia de efectos adversos relacionados con el tratamiento, como el sangrado y reducción de la perfusión de la extremidad de la cánula venosa. La sistematización de la atención establecida mostró agregar conocimiento científico, orientación a la práctica clínica y atención integral (AU)

Trata-se de um relato de experiência de caso inédito no Brasil sobre a sistematização da assistência da Enfermagem aplicada a uma paciente em assistência circulatória mecânica com membrana de oxigenação extracorpórea no pós-operatório de transplante pulmonar. Foram estabelecidos 18 diagnósticos de Enfermagem e as 94 condutas implementadas envolveram: cuidados com o circuito da assistência, monitorização hemodinâmica e controle de exames laboratoriais. Os principais resultados esperados foram que a paciente apresentasse: troca gasosa melhorada, manutenção da estabilidade hemodinâmica e ausência dos efeitos adversos relacionados à terapia, tais como, sangramento e prejuízo à perfusão do membro de inserção da cânula venosa. A sistematização da assistência estabelecida mostrou agregar conhecimento científico, orientação à prática clínica e integralidade do cuidado

This is an experience report of unprecedented case in Brazil on the nursing care system applied to a patient in mechanical circulatory support with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in postoperative lung transplantation. Were established 18 diagnoses and 94 nursing behaviors implemented involved: care assistance circuit, hemodynamic monitoring and control of laboratory tests. The main outcomes were that the patient had: improved gas exchange, maintenance of hemodynamic stability and absence of adverse effects related to treatment, such as bleeding and reduction in limb perfusion with cannula. The care system established showed aggregate scientific knowledge, guidance to clinical practice and comprehensive care (AU)

Humans , Female , Cystic Fibrosis/diagnosis , Cystic Fibrosis/nursing , Primary Nursing/methods , Primary Nursing/standards , Lung Transplantation/nursing , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Brazil/ethnology , Cystic Fibrosis/enzymology , Cystic Fibrosis/metabolism , Primary Nursing/economics , Primary Nursing , Lung Transplantation/methods , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 68(1): 115-124, ene.-feb. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-132764


OBJETIVO: En la consulta de urología existe un importante volumen de patología con limitada sofisticación que consume una parte importante de los recursos. El delegar algunas tareas de este tipo en el personal de enfermería podría suponer una ventaja competitiva en términos económicos sin que ello implique una merma de la calidad prestada a los pacientes y de su nivel de satisfacción. Ello supone un ejemplo del concepto de innovación inversa. En este trabajo pretendemos dar a conocer nuestra experiencia en la gestión por parte del personal de enfermería de aspectos de la consulta de urología tradicionalmente reservados al personal facultativo, así como en el diseño de los procesos relacionados. MÉTODOS: Se desarrollaron los procesos de uso más frecuente que competen al personal de enfermería de la unidad: 1) Atención a la patología urológica quirúrgica ambulatoria; 2) Ecografía urológica; 3) Consulta de enfermería urológica tradicional. RESULTADOS: Durante el año 2013 el personal de enfermería llevó a cabo 423 consultas de patología urológica quirúrgica ambulatoria, 931 ecografías urológicas y 1019 actuaciones diversas correspondientes a la labor tradicional de enfermería urológica. Se desarrollan los formularios de estabilización y los diagramas de flujo de los procesos mencionados. Se llevó a cabo una cuantificación del ahorro monetario obtenido comparando los costes generados en el caso de emplear personal de enfermería o facultativo. Dicho ahorro fue de 2,78 y 4,00 euros en los procesos de patología urológica quirúrgica ambulatoria y de ecografía urológica, respectivamente. El ahorro total obtenido en ambos procesos fue de 4.900 Euros durante el año 2013. CONCLUSIONES: Es posible la implicación del personal de enfermería urológica en determinadas labores asistenciales tradicionalmente reservadas al facultativo sin que ello represente un incremento de los defectos de calidad, obteniendo una ventaja en términos de coste económico y de flexibilidad en cuanto a la organización de la plantilla gracias a la ampliación del abanico de competencias

OBJECTIVES: In the urology clinics there is an important volume of limited-complexity pathology that consumes an important part of resources. Delegating some tasks of this type to Nurses may imply a competitive advantage in economic terms without decrease in the quality of the care given to patients and their level of satisfaction. This is an example of the concept of inverse innovation. In this work we try to make public our experience in the management by nursing staff of features of the urology consultation traditionally reserved to physicians, as well as the design of the related processes. METHODS: We developed the most frequent processes competence of the nursing staff in the unit: 1) Care of ambulatory urological surgery pathology; 2) Urologic ultrasound; 3) Traditional urologic nurse consultation. RESULTS: During 2013 the nursing staff performed 423 ambulatory urologic surgery pathology clinic visits, 931 urologic ultrasounds and 1019 varied actions corresponding to traditional urological nurse work.We developed stabilization formularies and flow diagrams of the aforementioned processes. We performed a quantification of the amount of money saved in comparison with the costs generated if a nurse or a physician was employed. Such saving was 2,78 and 4,00 Euros in the ambulatory urological surgery pathology and urologic ultrasound, respectively. Total savings in both processes was 4900 Euros. CONCLUSIONS: Implication of urological nursing staff in certain care tasks traditionally reserved to the physician is possible without increase in quality defects, obtaining an advantage in terms of economic cost and flexibility in staff organization thanks to the expansion of the competence array

Humans , Male , Female , Urology/ethics , Primary Nursing/classification , Primary Nursing/methods , Organization and Administration/economics , Urology/education , Primary Nursing , Primary Nursing/standards , Organization and Administration/standards
Nurs Times ; 109(42): 17-8, 20, 2013 Oct 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24288861


Asthma is a common inflammatory condition affecting the airways. Many people with it fail to achieve a satisfactory level of control and, consequently, have recurrent acute exacerbations. These can occur due to allergen exposure, viral infections or for no identifiable reason. Guidelines categorise exacerbations into three categories, from moderate to life threatening. Prompt assessment and treatment using bronchodilators and corticosteroids are essential, as is follow up to identify and manage factors that may have contributed to the exacerbation. This article discusses guidelines on the management and causes of acute exacerbations, and follow-up care that should be provided.

Anti-Asthmatic Agents/therapeutic use , Asthma/drug therapy , Asthma/nursing , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Primary Nursing/standards , Humans , United Kingdom
Ont Health Technol Assess Ser ; 13(10): 1-66, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24194798


BACKGROUND: In response to the increasing demand for better chronic disease management and improved health care efficiency in Ontario, nursing roles have expanded in the primary health care setting. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effectiveness of specialized nurses who have a clinical role in patient care in optimizing chronic disease management among adults in the primary health care setting. DATA SOURCES AND REVIEW METHODS: A literature search was performed using OVID MEDLINE, OVID MEDLINE In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, OVID EMBASE, EBSCO Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), the Wiley Cochrane Library, and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination database. Results were limited to randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews and were divided into 2 models: Model 1 (nurse alone versus physician alone) and Model 2 (nurse and physician versus physician alone). Effectiveness was determined by comparable outcomes between groups in Model 1, or improved outcomes or efficiency in Model 2. RESULTS: Six studies were included. In Model 1, there were no significant differences in health resource use, disease-specific measures, quality of life, or patient satisfaction. In Model 2, there was a reduction in hospitalizations and improved management of blood pressure and lipids among patients with coronary artery disease. Among patients with diabetes, there was a reduction in hemoglobin A1c but no difference in other disease-specific measures. There was a trend toward improved process measures, including medication prescribing and clinical assessments. Results related to quality of life were inconsistent, but patient satisfaction with the nurse-physician team was improved. Overall, there were more and longer visits to the nurse, and physician workload did not change. LIMITATIONS: There was heterogeneity across patient populations, and in the titles, roles, and scope of practice of the specialized nurses. CONCLUSIONS: Specialized nurses with an autonomous role in patient care had comparable outcomes to physicians alone (Model 1) based on moderate quality evidence, with consistent results among a subgroup analysis of patients with diabetes based on low quality evidence. Model 2 showed an overall improvement in appropriate process measures, disease-specific measures, and patient satisfaction based on low to moderate quality evidence. There was low quality evidence that nurses working under Model 2 may reduce hospitalizations for patients with coronary artery disease. The specific role of the nurse in supplementing or substituting physician care was unclear, making it difficult to determine the impact on efficiency. PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY: Nurses with additional skills, training, or scope of practice may help improve the primary care of patients with chronic diseases. This review found that specialized nurses working on their own could achieve health outcomes that were similar to those of doctors. It also found that specialized nurses who worked with doctors could reduce hospital visits and improve certain patient outcomes related to diabetes, coronary artery disease, or heart failure. Patients who had nurse-led care were more satisfied and tended to receive more tests and medications. It is unclear whether specialized nurses improve quality of life or doctor workload.

Chronic Disease/therapy , Disease Management , Nurse Practitioners/organization & administration , Primary Health Care/standards , Primary Nursing/standards , Adult , Aged , Coronary Artery Disease/nursing , Coronary Artery Disease/therapy , Delivery of Health Care/methods , Diabetes Mellitus/nursing , Diabetes Mellitus/therapy , Evidence-Based Practice , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ontario/epidemiology , Primary Nursing/methods
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 27(4)sept.-dic. 2011.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-49188


Se efectuó estudio analítico transversal con el objetivo de analizar cómo incide el proceso de formación del profesional de Enfermería en la gestión de los cuidados con calidad, en el periodo comprendido entre enero-abril 2008. El universo estuvo constituido por profesores y estudiantes, seleccionando una muestra. Las variables operacionalizadas fueron: asignaturas que enseñan a gestionar los cuidados, vínculos del sistema de conocimientos al desarrollo de habilidades profesionales, formas de organización de la enseñanza, influencia de las funciones de los profesionales de enfermería y consideraciones acerca de la calidad de los cuidados a brindar. Enseñan a gestionar cuidados con calidad técnica el 96,34 por ciento de los profesores, estableciendo el vínculo de sistemas de conocimientos con desarrollo de habilidades profesionales, gestión que se favorece con las formas de organización de la enseñanza. Las funciones asistenciales ocupan el primer lugar en la escala jerárquica, intervinieron con sus respuestas estudiantes de primer año del Nuevo Modelo Formativo, y expresan que todas las asignaturas los enseñan a gestionar cuidados con calidad mediante formas de organización de la enseñanza como conferencias, seminarios, presentación de casos y clase talleres. Profesores y estudiantes expresan desde sus ópticas cómo se percibe el proceso de gestión. El procesamiento de datos se realizó mediante el sistema SPSS. Se concluyó que el proceso de enseñanza influye de forma decisiva en la gestión de cuidados de enfermería con calidad que se brinda a los educandos.(AU)

A cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted to analyze how to affect the process of training of Nursing on the quality care management from January to 'April, 2008. Universe included professors and students to select a sample. Operational variable included: subjects teaching to manage the cares, links of knowledge system to development of professional abilities, ways or teaching organization, influence of functions of nursing professionals and considerations on the quality of care to be supplied. To teach in management of care with a technical quality of the 96,34 percent of professors, establishing the link of knowledges systems with develop of professional abilities, management favored by teaching organization ways. Assistance functions are in the first place in hierarchical scale where the first year of the New Formative Form students gave their answers, expressing that all subjects teach them to manage the cars with quality be means of ways of organization of teaching as lectures, seminaries, cases presentation and workshop class. Professor and students express, from their point of view, how the management process is perceived. The data processing was carried out using the SPSS system. We conclude that the teaching process influences in a decisive way on the management of nursing care with quality offering to students.(AU)

Primary Nursing/standards , Quality of Health Care , Total Quality Management , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 27(4): 319-326, sep.-dic. 2011.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-615087


Se efectuó estudio analítico transversal con el objetivo de analizar cómo incide el proceso de formación del profesional de Enfermería en la gestión de los cuidados con calidad, en el periodo comprendido entre enero-abril 2008. El universo estuvo constituido por profesores y estudiantes, seleccionando una muestra. Las variables operacionalizadas fueron: asignaturas que enseñan a gestionar los cuidados, vínculos del sistema de conocimientos al desarrollo de habilidades profesionales, formas de organización de la enseñanza, influencia de las funciones de los profesionales de enfermería y consideraciones acerca de la calidad de los cuidados a brindar. Enseñan a gestionar cuidados con calidad técnica el 96,34 por ciento de los profesores, estableciendo el vínculo de sistemas de conocimientos con desarrollo de habilidades profesionales, gestión que se favorece con las formas de organización de la enseñanza. Las funciones asistenciales ocupan el primer lugar en la escala jerárquica, intervinieron con sus respuestas estudiantes de primer año del Nuevo Modelo Formativo, y expresan que todas las asignaturas los enseñan a gestionar cuidados con calidad mediante formas de organización de la enseñanza como conferencias, seminarios, presentación de casos y clase talleres. Profesores y estudiantes expresan desde sus ópticas cómo se percibe el proceso de gestión. El procesamiento de datos se realizó mediante el sistema SPSS. Se concluyó que el proceso de enseñanza influye de forma decisiva en la gestión de cuidados de enfermería con calidad que se brinda a los educandos(AU)

A cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted to analyze how to affect the process of training of Nursing on the quality care management from January to 'April, 2008. Universe included professors and students to select a sample. Operational variable included: subjects teaching to manage the cares, links of knowledge system to development of professional abilities, ways or teaching organization, influence of functions of nursing professionals and considerations on the quality of care to be supplied. To teach in management of care with a technical quality of the 96,34 percent of professors, establishing the link of knowledges systems with develop of professional abilities, management favored by teaching organization ways. Assistance functions are in the first place in hierarchical scale where the first year of the New Formative Form students gave their answers, expressing that all subjects teach them to manage the cars with quality be means of ways of organization of teaching as lectures, seminaries, cases presentation and workshop class. Professor and students express, from their point of view, how the management process is perceived. The data processing was carried out using the SPSS system. We conclude that the teaching process influences in a decisive way on the management of nursing care with quality offering to students(AU)

Humans , Quality of Health Care , Primary Nursing/standards , Total Quality Management , Cross-Sectional Studies
Gac Sanit ; 25(6): 474-82, 2011.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21802792


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there is an association between the Primary Nursing Model and perceived quality of care. METHOD: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in four hospital wards with Primary Nursing organization. Over a 12-month period, all the patients discharged from each ward were included in this study. The degree of development of Primary Nursing was measured by using the Personalization of Nursing Care Index and the perceived quality of care was measured with the LOPSS-12. Bivariate statistical analysis was carried out through ANOVA and Student's t-tests. Multivariate linear regression analysis was then applied to correlated variables (p < 0.05). RESULTS: 817 patients were included, 447 from two medical wards and 370 from two surgical wards. After a preliminary data analysis performed 6 months after the start of the study, four items were removed from the LOPSS-12 and each of the remaining items were analyzed separately. Scores for both patient satisfaction and the introduction of the Primary Nursing Model were higher in the surgical wards. Bivariate and multivariate regression analyses showed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) association between implantation of the model and all except one of the items included in the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of the Primary Nursing Model in hospital wards allows the presence of a primary nurse for each patient and consequently improves the nurse-patient relationship, increasing perceived quality of care among patients.

Hospital Departments/organization & administration , Patient Satisfaction , Precision Medicine/nursing , Primary Nursing/organization & administration , Quality of Health Care , Adult , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Internal Medicine/organization & administration , Male , Middle Aged , Models, Theoretical , Nurse-Patient Relations , Patients' Rooms/organization & administration , Precision Medicine/psychology , Primary Nursing/standards , Social Perception , Surgery Department, Hospital/organization & administration , Surveys and Questionnaires
J Fam Pract ; 60(11 Suppl): S26-32, 2011 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22336922


Nurse practitioners (NPs) are advanced practice nurses who have increased responsibility,such as prescribing authority. In the NP-led model, the NP is the primary care provider for clinic patients and takes on an autonomous role in patient management. In some states, NP-led clinics are required to have a supervising or collaborating physician. There is evidence that NP-led and physician-led primary care is comparable for multiple health outcomes. The NP-led model emphasizes the strong interaction between health care provider and patient. Challenges of NP-led care include physician resistance, legal restrictions, inaccessibility and cost of malpractice insurance, and limited payouts from insurance companies

Diabetes Mellitus/therapy , Disease Management , Practice Patterns, Nurses' , Primary Care Nursing , Primary Nursing/standards , Health Personnel/organization & administration , Humans , Insurance , Models, Organizational , Nurse's Role/psychology , Nurse-Patient Relations , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Physician-Nurse Relations , Practice Patterns, Nurses'/organization & administration , Practice Patterns, Nurses'/standards , Primary Care Nursing/economics , Primary Care Nursing/methods , Primary Care Nursing/standards , Primary Health Care/methods