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J Anal Psychol ; 66(3): 484-505, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34231903


Given the contemporary situation of many analysts in the world now being forced to work online due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to review the working online issue. Substantial debate over previous years has questioned whether a genuine analytic process can unfold through online work. This debate is reviewed with the conclusion that such a process is not necessarily precluded. Research outcomes are then reviewed to highlight those things that can facilitate positive outcomes when working online. These cover the 'online disinhibition effect', the therapeutic alliance, particular ways of using the screen, focussing on trauma, the importance of self-awareness, knowing the predictors of mental health, certain potential positives of isolation/quarantine and psychotherapy interventions that may be currently needed. Final recommendations and suggestions are then presented as in the diagnosis issue, professional development and guidelines to do with practical and ethical considerations.

Etant donnée la situation actuelle dans laquelle beaucoup d'analystes dans le monde sont maintenant obligés de travailler en ligne du fait des effets de la pandémie de COVID-19, il est important de revisiter le sujet du travail en ligne. Dans les dernières années, il y a eu un débat important sur la question de savoir si un authentique travail analytique pouvait se déployer dans le cadre d'un travail en ligne. Ce débat est revisité ici avec la conclusion qu'un tel processus n'est pas nécessairement rendu impossible. Les résultats de recherches sont alors étudiés afin de souligner les éléments qui peuvent faciliter des effets positifs quand on travaille en ligne. Cela recouvre 'l'effet de désinhibition du travail en ligne', l'alliance thérapeutique, les manières particulières d'utiliser l'écran, se concentrer sur le traumatisme, l'importance de la conscience de soi, la connaissance des indicateurs de santé mentale, certains aspects potentiellement positifs de l'isolation/la quarantaine et les interventions psychothérapeutiques qui peuvent alors être avisées. Des recommandations et des suggestions sont enfin présentées au sujet du diagnostic, de la formation continue et des consignes sur les considérations pratiques et éthiques.

Dada la situación contemporánea de muchos analistas en el mundo forzados en la actualidad a trabajar en línea debido a los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19, es importante revisar el tema del trabajo online. Durante los años previos, un debate sustancial ha cuestionado si un genuino proceso analítico puede llevarse a cabo a través del trabajo online. Este debate es revisado con la conclusión de que semejante proceso no está necesariamente impedido. Los resultados de la investigación son luego revisados para destacar aquellos elementos que pueden facilitar resultados positivos al trabajar online. Los mismos abarcan, 'el efecto online de desinhibición', la alianza terapéutica, los modos particulares de usar la pantalla, el focalizarse en el trauma, la importancia del autoconocimiento, el conocer los predictores en salud mental, ciertos potenciales positivos del aislamiento/cuarentena e intervenciones en psicoterapia que pueden ser necesarias en la actualidad. Se presentan recomendaciones finales y sugerencias, en el tema diagnóstico, desarrollo profesional y guías con consideraciones prácticas y éticas.

COVID-19 , Physical Distancing , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Telecommunications , Telemedicine , Therapeutic Alliance , Humans , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/standards , Telecommunications/ethics , Telecommunications/standards , Telemedicine/ethics , Telemedicine/standards
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 68(4): 561-582, 2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32927984


The proper practice of psychoanalysis repudiates a rule-based code of ethical conduct. A conflict exists, however, between Freud's rejection of the Biblical commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself and his development of psychoanalytic techniques that demand something very much of this ilk. Other essential conflicts in analytic practice include the impossibility of removing the analyst's desire from the analytic relationship, the unruly nature of unconscious processes in both analyst and analysand, and the après-coup nature of ethical recognition. A discourse of ethics is recommended in which analysts are called on to consider the ethical demands of each clinical moment. Ethical demands on the analysand, as well as the analyst, bring to light the way in which analysis rests on the foundational ethical situation into which humankind is born.

Freudian Theory , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Humans
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 68(4): 583-613, 2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32927986


The moment is opportune for a renewed look at what we understand about patient consent to treatment. Until recently, little reference to informed consent could be found in the literature, as though it has never been a preoccupation for psychoanalytic practitioners. Yet several post-Freudian authors offer reasons to suppose the risk of misunderstandings about consent. In fact, the very discovery of transference, replete with unrequited infantile wishes, implies that at some level, at some moment, in every psychoanalytic treatment there will be moments when "consent" will to some extent vacillate. A distinction, justifiable on etymological and intersubjective grounds, is made between patients' consent as a cognitive, somewhat passive, acceptance and patients' assent as an arduous, conflicted, partial disagreement with the symbolically limiting details of analytic work. It is in the discovery and working through of unexpected unconscious responses to aspects of the analytic setting and to the analyst that patients become "informed" of the unique risks to their psychic equilibrium the process poses, as well as its benefits. Instead of a static and unitary contractual event, informed consent in psychoanalysis is more properly conceived as a multilayered, repetitively posed, and necessarily ambivalent process of good-enough assenting over time.

Informed Consent/psychology , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Adult , Humans , Practice Guidelines as Topic
Article in Spanish | InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1344719


Reflexión sobre las prácticas de los concurrentes del Centro de Salud Mental N° 1 de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, y los efectos que han tenido los movimientos de género sobre las subjetividades de quienes se presentan en los dispositivos clínicos, así como sobre las críticas recibidas por distintas comunidades psicoanalíticas, desde algunas disciplinas y movimientos actuales.

Psychoanalytic Therapy/instrumentation , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Psychoanalytic Therapy/trends , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Community Mental Health Centers/trends , Gender Perspective , Mental Health Services/trends
J Anal Psychol ; 64(4): 565-586, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31418828


Writing from experiences in the consulting room in private practice in Australia, the author refers to the layered complexity of a conflict of ethical duty which has legal and social implications. The paper explores how the ethics that are congruent with creating a safe vas bene claustrum can be diametrically opposed to the social and legal structures and processes on which we all rely. It is suggested that within the vas, analysts and analysands engage in a shared process of emotionally connected, layered, symbolic thinking. Subpoenas directed at analysts are seeking concrete evidence that will stand up in court. The paper argues that this is a category error based on ignorance and misconceptions of what analytic work entails. The intrusion of a subpoena into the vas has the potential to cause havoc in the mental health and the lives of already vulnerable, possibly traumatized and isolated individuals. It can undermine a fundamental human right and undermine the profession of psychotherapy as a whole. The paper proposes that analysts have an ethical obligation to protect the work contained within the vas from these category errors and to educate other professionals as to why we cannot provide the kind of evidence that the courts require.

Ecrivant à partir d'expériences de sa pratique avec sa patientèle privée, en Australie, l'auteur souligne la complexité s'étageant sur plusieurs niveaux d'un conflit concernant un devoir éthique qui a des implications légales et sociales. L'article étudie comment l'éthique congruente avec la création d'un bon vas bene claustrum peut être diamétralement opposée aux structures et processus légaux et sociaux sur lesquels nous nous appuyons tous. Il est suggéré qu'à l'intérieur du vas, les analystes et les analysants sont impliqués dans un processus partagé de pensée symbolique, à plusieurs niveaux, et reliée aux émotions. Les assignations adressées à des analystes demandent des preuves concrètes qui tiendraient lors d'un procès. L'article argumente qu'il s'agit là d'une erreur de catégorie provenant de l'ignorance et de l'incompréhension sur ce que le travail analytique implique. L'intrusion d'une assignation dans le vas risque potentiellement de faire des ravages dans la santé psychique et la vie de personnes déjà vulnérables, et peut-être traumatisées ou isolées. Cela peut porter atteinte à un droit humain fondamental et saper la profession de psychothérapie dans son ensemble. L'article suggère que les analystes ont une obligation éthique de protéger le travail contenu dans le vas de ces erreurs de catégorie et d'éduquer les autres professions sur la question de pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas fournir la sorte de preuve dont les tribunaux ont besoin.

A partir de experiencias en su práctica privada en Australia, la autora hace referencia a los distintos niveles de complejidad de un conflicto de deber ético que tiene implicancias sociales y legales. El trabajo explora como la ética congruente con la noción de crear un vas bene claustrum seguro puede ser diametralmente opuesta a las estructuras sociales y legales y a los procesos sobre los cuales todos nos apoyamos. Se sugiere que al interior del vas, analistas y analizandos se comprometen en un proceso compartido de pensamientos simbólico, emocionalmente conectado. Las citaciones dirigidas a analistas buscan evidencia concreta que se sostendrá en la corte. El presente trabajo argumenta que este es un error de categoría basado en la ignorancia y la incomprensión de lo que implica el trabajo analítico. La intrusión de una citación dentro del vas tiene el potencial de hacer estragos en la salud mental y en las vidas de individuos ya vulnerables, y posiblemente aislados y traumatizados. Puede debilitar un derecho humano fundamental y la profesión de psicoterapia en su totalidad. El artículo propone que analistas tienen una obligación ética de proteger el trabajo contenido al interior del vas de estos errores categóricos, así como de educar a otros profesionales respecto a porqué no es posible proveer esta clase de evidencia que la corte requiere.

Confidentiality , Health Personnel , Jurisprudence , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Psychological Trauma/psychology , Adult , Confidentiality/ethics , Confidentiality/legislation & jurisprudence , Health Personnel/ethics , Health Personnel/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Professional-Patient Relations/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/legislation & jurisprudence
Psychodyn Psychiatry ; 47(1): 27-38, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30840561


The ubiquitous nature of the internet and of online social networking has created new opportunities but also challenges for the psychotherapist. Former notions of anonymity and privacy are now infeasible as a result of massive information sharing through electronic media. The clinical repercussions of these changes are being extensively debated, but issues involving patient privacy and anonymity have not been sufficiently explored. Although several aspects of the impact of the internet on therapeutic setting-such as the need for psychotherapists to exercise caution when making personal information available online-have been addressed in the literature, there has been comparatively little discussion on psychotherapists seeking information about their patients on the internet, a phenomenon known as "patient-targeted googling" (PTG).

Countertransference , Internet , Privacy , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Adult , Humans , Internet/ethics , Professional-Patient Relations/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics
Am J Psychoanal ; 78(1): 28-46, 2018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29422685


This paper discusses aspects of ethical presence in psychoanalysis, and the possible use of apology in the therapeutic process. The author roughly delineates two periods in the history of psychoanalysis regarding the ethical dimension-the early classical period which is influenced by Freud's ethics of honesty, which gradually evolves towards the more recent intersubjectively-influenced period, necessitating the assimilation of an ethics of relationships. It is suggested that explicit theorizing of the ethical dimension into psychoanalysis offers added value to its effectiveness, and a framework is presented for combining relational, intersubjectively informed ethical dialogue, with contributions of classical technique, enriching the therapeutic potential of psychoanalytic work.

Psychoanalysis/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Psychoanalysis/history
Int J Psychoanal ; 98(5): 1311-1332, 2017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27859150


Extinction anxiety is the expression used to describe a pervasive and ever more realistic sense of futurelessness. A group emotion characterized by terror of the extinction of the human race, the family, or professional or shared cultural group, it grips the individual with a sense of desperation and impotence through the internal groups present in the mind of every individual. The contribution presented here aims to demonstrate how extinction anxiety has also infected psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic institutions, thereby seriously weakening the ethics of psychoanalysis. The term ethics here should not be confused with morals, but is intended as the happiness that is derived from the capacity to be responsible for one's self and one's own professional identity. The contagion of extinction anxiety has, in fact, accentuated the crisis of psychoanalysts and their faith in psychoanalysis. The author relates a particularly tormented clinical experience in order to show how only the relationship with psychoanalysis and its capacity to interpret the manifestations of the unconscious, enables the recognition of the effects of what he defines as a true invasion of reality, thus restoring to thought the power to establish a deep, transformative, and fecund relationship between internal and external reality.

Anxiety/psychology , Attitude of Health Personnel , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychoanalysis/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Adult , Female , Humans
Clín. salud ; 26(3): 131-139, nov. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-144979


Today’s clinical psychology advocates for empirically validated treatments. This supports the need for outcome-driven research, but may overlook the importance of process-driven research, which can respond to the question of why psychological treatments work. Functional analysis of behaviour has received a new boost with the emergence of the third wave of psychological therapies, which stress the importance of verbal behaviour in therapy as a way to access and modify client problems. The case presented in this work was analysed in order to make an approach to the strengthening processes that take place in therapy through verbal interaction. First, we developed and applied a categorization system of client’s adaptive verbalizations. We found that this type of verbalizations increase significantly after the first few sessions, remain high in the middle sessions, and gradually decrease towards the end of the therapy. We subsequently developed and used a system of categorization of therapist’s verbal behaviour. We found that agreeable verbalizations were concentrated in the middle sessions, being replaced by other verbalizations in the final sessions

La psicología clínica actual es partidaria de los tratamientos validados empíricamente, lo cual invoca la necesidad de una investigación guiada por los resultados, si bien puede soslayar la importancia de la investigación quiada por los procesos, que puede responder a la pregunta de por qué funcionan los tratamientos psicológicos. El análisis funcional de la conducta ha recibido un nuevo impulso con la emergencia de la tercera ola de terapias psicológicas, que destaca la importancia del comportamiento verbal en la terapia como una manera de acceder a los problemas del cliente y modificarlos. El caso que se presenta en este trabajo nos permitirá acercarnos a los procesos reforzadores que tienen lugar en la terapia debidos a la interacción verbal. En primer lugar hemos desarrollado y aplicado un sistema de caracterización de las verbalizaciones adaptativas del cliente. Observamos que este tipo de verbalizaciones aumenta significativamente transcurridas las primeras sesiones, se mantiene elevado en las sesiones intermedias y disminuye paulatinamente hacia el final de la terapia. Posteriormente elaboramos y utilizamos un sistema de categorización del comportamiento verbal del terapeuta, observando que las verbalizaciones se concentraban en las sesiones intermedias y eran sustituidas por otras verbalizaciones en las sesiones finales

Adult , Female , Humans , Psychology, Clinical/education , Psychology, Clinical , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Biomedical Research/methods , Biomedical Research/standards , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Psychology, Clinical/standards , Psychoanalytic Therapy/classification , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Biomedical Research/classification , Biomedical Research/economics , Observational Study
Soins Psychiatr ; (299): 20-1, 2015.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26143215


The psychoanalytical point of view regarding the notion of risks helps us to understand the concept of transference and counter transference. Practice analysis groups provide an opportunity for collective discussion and the sharing of experience of clinical situations. Interview with Didier Gauchy, a psychiatrist-psychoanalyst in Lyon.

Dangerous Behavior , Mental Disorders/nursing , Mental Disorders/psychology , Psychiatric Nursing , Psychoanalytic Theory , Risk Management , Violence/prevention & control , Violence/psychology , Countertransference , Ethics, Nursing , Humans , Nurse-Patient Relations/ethics , Psychiatric Nursing/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Risk Management/ethics , Transference, Psychology , Violence/ethics
J Relig Health ; 54(5): 1788-99, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25216966


Psychology's historical rejection of ethics has led to an oversimplification of the origins and treatments of mental disorders. In this article, we present an analysis of how classical neurosis can be reformulated from an ethical and psychological interaction. We focus on the crucial role that egocentricity plays and argue that this term can help to clarify how ego defensive ethical decisions can undermine psychological capacities and contribute to a progressive depersonalization that can result in typical clinical disorders. In Christian anthropology, the virtues, especially humility and love have a crucial role in the positive growth of human affective and cognitive capacities. In addition, the person in his/her nature is endowed with the capacity to transcend the self and to escape egocentricity through self-giving love of God and of others. This capacity of self-giving is diametrically opposed to egocentricity and opens a new way for possible psychological recovery.

Ego , Neurotic Disorders/psychology , Neurotic Disorders/therapy , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychological Theory , Psychology/ethics , Humans
Psychoanal Rev ; 101(2): 197-217, 2014 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24731045


Teaching professional ethics in psychoanalytic institutes begins with two assumptions: (1) Students learn not only a code of ethics, they learn to develop their inner ethicist. (2) Institutes do not "train" students to become versed in a professional discipline, institutes educate, so students acquire a complex range of knowledge, developing intellectually and emotionally. Studying professional ethics begins with questions concerning freedom, free will, and responsibility, allowing students to contemplate emotionally charged topics: power politics, collegial relationships, organizational malfeasance, and boundary violations. Another area of concern involves the ability to observe and manage countertransference. Another related theme is trust: trust in supervisors, training analysts, instructors, and one's own ability to process countertransference. Processing countertransference is a necessary ethical obligation. Instructors need to be aware of the emotional stresses involved in studying professional ethics, particularly in discussions of sexual boundary violations. Students developing an ethical stance can enhance creativity in psychoanalytic work.

Ethics, Professional/education , Professional Misconduct/ethics , Psychoanalysis/education , Psychoanalytic Therapy/education , Teaching/methods , Universities/ethics , Codes of Ethics , Countertransference , Curriculum , Humans , Interprofessional Relations/ethics , Literature , Psychoanalysis/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Trust/psychology , Universities/organization & administration
Psychoanal Q ; 83(1): 1-22, 2014 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24470362


The author narrates her experience of mourning her therapist's sudden death. The profession has neglected implications of the analyst's mortality: what is lost or vulnerable to loss? What is that vulnerability's function? The author's process of mourning included her writing and her becoming an analyst. Both pursuits inspired reflections on mortality in two overlapping senses: bodily (the analyst is mortal and can die) and character (the analyst is mortal and can err). The subject thus expands to include impaired character and ethical violations. Paradoxically, the analyst's human limitations threaten each psychoanalytic situation, but also enable it: human imperfection animates the work. The essay ends with a specific example of integrity.

Attitude to Death , Bereavement , Professional-Patient Relations/ethics , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Self Concept , Career Choice , Death, Sudden , Humans , Professional Role/psychology , Psychotherapeutic Processes
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 13: 129-149, nov. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706403


En la práctica clínica con niños, adolescentes y adultos con discapacidad será necesario retomar el rumbo que orienta la ética del psicoanálisis en lo concerniente a la dirección de la cura. Si bien puede parecer una obviedad hacer referencia a esto, no obstante es importante remarcarlo ya que es un rumbo que suele olvidarse cuando se trabaja con esta población de pacientes.Esto significa tomar la senda trazada por Freud cuando sostiene que el psicoanálisis se basa en la “cura a través de la palabra”, sin perder de vista que en el orden simbólico nada es absoluto debido a que ninguna palabra puede cerrarse en una significación que lo defina todo, ni siquiera, podemos agregar, cuando existe algo tan contundente como real como una discapacidad. Rescatar para la escucha de los pacientes con un compromiso orgánico este rumbo será fundamental dado que a través de él es como se podrá favorecer la dialectización de lo que la discapacidad tiende a transformar en signo y a eclipsar al sujeto detrás de ella.

Humans , Persons With Hearing Impairments/psychology , Deafness/psychology , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychoanalysis/ethics
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 13: 121-127, nov. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706404


Lacan ha demostrado que la función de la ciencia, las religiones y la filosofía son operaciones para sustituir a la única sustancia adecuada y genuina del ser parlante: la sustancia gozante, la imposible de hablar por ser lo real. Se desprende una torsión que va del significante a lo escrito y su función en lo ya escrito del poema “por esa forma en lo ya escrito del poema conforma el decir menos tonto”. Un decir menos tonto lejos de la alfabestialización pretendida en las instituciones educativas para todos, capturando a los sujetos bajo un ejercicio de control con las evaluaciones y clasificaciones, rechazando, así, la verdadera función del decir. Decir para que resuene otra cosa que la debilidad mental generalizada que engendra individuos indivisos. Será por los andariveles del discurso analítico que ese decir menos tonto exilie sentidos psicologizantes y pueda advenir un sujeto en su peculiaridad, su rareza; justamente lo que la evaluación desvía de la norma. J de 8 años mediado por sus lapsus, amortigua lo raro de la presencia de lo real no anudado, escribe su sínthoma, asegura su posición. La aptitud del analista es la condición para una práctica anti-segregativa.

Humans , Physician-Patient Relations/ethics , Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychoanalysis
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 13: 129-149, nov. 2013.
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-130458


En la práctica clínica con niños, adolescentes y adultos con discapacidad será necesario retomar el rumbo que orienta la ética del psicoanálisis en lo concerniente a la dirección de la cura. Si bien puede parecer una obviedad hacer referencia a esto, no obstante es importante remarcarlo ya que es un rumbo que suele olvidarse cuando se trabaja con esta población de pacientes.Esto significa tomar la senda trazada por Freud cuando sostiene que el psicoanálisis se basa en la ôcura a través de la palabraö, sin perder de vista que en el orden simbólico nada es absoluto debido a que ninguna palabra puede cerrarse en una significación que lo defina todo, ni siquiera, podemos agregar, cuando existe algo tan contundente como real como una discapacidad. Rescatar para la escucha de los pacientes con un compromiso orgánico este rumbo será fundamental dado que a través de él es como se podrá favorecer la dialectización de lo que la discapacidad tiende a transformar en signo y a eclipsar al sujeto detrás de ella.(AU)

Humans , Persons With Hearing Impairments/psychology , Deafness/psychology , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Psychoanalysis/ethics
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 13: 121-127, nov. 2013.
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-130457


Lacan ha demostrado que la función de la ciencia, las religiones y la filosofía son operaciones para sustituir a la única sustancia adecuada y genuina del ser parlante: la sustancia gozante, la imposible de hablar por ser lo real. Se desprende una torsión que va del significante a lo escrito y su función en lo ya escrito del poema ôpor esa forma en lo ya escrito del poema conforma el decir menos tontoö. Un decir menos tonto lejos de la alfabestialización pretendida en las instituciones educativas para todos, capturando a los sujetos bajo un ejercicio de control con las evaluaciones y clasificaciones, rechazando, así, la verdadera función del decir. Decir para que resuene otra cosa que la debilidad mental generalizada que engendra individuos indivisos. Será por los andariveles del discurso analítico que ese decir menos tonto exilie sentidos psicologizantes y pueda advenir un sujeto en su peculiaridad, su rareza; justamente lo que la evaluación desvía de la norma. J de 8 años mediado por sus lapsus, amortigua lo raro de la presencia de lo real no anudado, escribe su sínthoma, asegura su posición. La aptitud del analista es la condición para una práctica anti-segregativa.(AU)

Humans , Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Physician-Patient Relations/ethics , Psychoanalysis
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 61(5): 897-924, 2013 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23963185


It is widely acknowledged that sexual boundary violations by a faculty member at an analytic institute damage the local analytic community in ways that can reverberate for years. Yet little has been written about the process of institutional recovery. With one exception, a paper published after the major protagonists had died, no actual case studies are to be found in the literature. In 2010 a senior training analyst at a psychoanalytic training program abruptly resigned under the cloud of a presumed sexual boundary violation. Seventeen months later, an APsaA Committee on Institutes site visit presented a unique opportunity to study the institutional trauma and recovery process as they unfolded. This report highlights the importance of recognizing and working through the expectable institutional resistance to processing the trauma. This enables a sensitive response to the various constituencies that have been affected and allows the integrity of the institute to be restored.

Ethics, Professional , Psychoanalytic Therapy/ethics , Sex Offenses , Sexual Behavior , Humans