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J Abnorm Psychol ; 129(2): 143-161, 2020 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31804095


Genetic discovery in psychiatry and clinical psychology is hindered by suboptimal phenotypic definitions. We argue that the hierarchical, dimensional, and data-driven classification system proposed by the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) consortium provides a more effective approach to identifying genes that underlie mental disorders, and to studying psychiatric etiology, than current diagnostic categories. Specifically, genes are expected to operate at different levels of the HiTOP hierarchy, with some highly pleiotropic genes influencing higher order psychopathology (e.g., the general factor), whereas other genes conferring more specific risk for individual spectra (e.g., internalizing), subfactors (e.g., fear disorders), or narrow symptoms (e.g., mood instability). We propose that the HiTOP model aligns well with the current understanding of the higher order genetic structure of psychopathology that has emerged from a large body of family and twin studies. We also discuss the convergence between the HiTOP model and findings from recent molecular studies of psychopathology indicating broad genetic pleiotropy, such as cross-disorder SNP-based shared genetic covariance and polygenic risk scores, and we highlight molecular genetic studies that have successfully redefined phenotypes to enhance precision and statistical power. Finally, we suggest how to integrate a HiTOP approach into future molecular genetic research, including quantitative and hierarchical assessment tools for future data-collection and recommendations concerning phenotypic analyses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).

Mental Disorders/classification , Mental Disorders/genetics , Phenotype , Psychiatry/classification , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Humans , Mental Disorders/psychology
Cuad. med. forense ; 22(1/2): 12-25, ene.-jun. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-159567


En la presente investigación, llevada a cabo por la Unidad de Valoración Integral de Violencia de Género de Sevilla (UVIVG), a lo largo de los años 2013 y 2014, se han incluido aquellos casos en los que se ha explorado la existencia de situaciones de violencia en la pareja, llegando a elaborar 562 informes. Dichos informes dan respuesta a las periciales solicitadas por jueces y magistrados, y en ellos se han valorado diferentes variables (edad, sexo, estudios, situación sociolaboral, raza, etc.) que tienen influencia en los comportamientos y respuestas dados por denunciantes y denunciados. Los resultados más elocuentes del estudio han sido el alto porcentaje de casos valorados como conflictividad de pareja, muy por encima de los casos valorados como violencia de género y maltrato, así como el alto porcentaje de las personas españolas y en trámites de separación, por encima de los extranjeros y parejas que mantienen sus relaciones en el momento de la denuncia. De las patologías emocionales más frecuentes que se observan en las mujeres afectas de las situaciones estudiadas tenemos la sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, y han sido escasos los casos en que se ha valorado la existencia de secuelas psicológicas que impidan la realización de su vida cotidiana. La violencia de género, o cualquier tipo de maltrato en sus formas posibles, no elude a ninguna condición social, económica, cultural, etc. Sí se relacionan ciertas situaciones de trastorno metal y consumos de sustancias con conductas de marcada conflictividad (AU)

This study has been developed by UVIVG Seville, over the years 2013 and 2014. It includes those cases where the professionals of UVIVG have explored the existence of violence situations inside the couple. These professionals have elaborated 562 reports. The reports content the results of the expert investigations asked by the judges. The professionals have dealt different variables in the reports, as age, gender, socio-labour situation, race, etc., which influence over the behavior of the plaintiff and the defendant, and their given answers. The main results of this study have been the highest percentage of cases valuated as couple conflict, comparing with the cases considered as gender violence and maltreatment. Moreover, the study shows that the gender violence occurs more often in Spanish people than in foreigners, and during the process separation than in the stable couple situations. The most frequent emotional pathologies observed in women, who have been affected by the analyzed situations, are the anxiety and depressive symptoms. The existence of psychological aftermath, that impede their normal daily life, were analyzed in few cases. The gender violence or any other possible type of violence took place in every group, without differences between social, economic and social conditions, among others. However, certain mental derangements and narcotic consumption are closely related to conflictual behaviour (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Violence Against Women , Forensic Toxicology/methods , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Psychology, Clinical/standards , Substance-Related Disorders/diagnosis , Personality Disorders/psychology , Forensic Toxicology/classification , Forensic Toxicology/standards , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Spain/ethnology , Substance-Related Disorders/psychology , Personality Disorders/pathology , Intellectual Disability/complications
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 20(1): 57-69, jan.-mar. 2015.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-783481


O estudo objetivou investigar os modos de atuação e as características do trabalho de intervenção com adultos jovens em situação de rua e usuários de substâncias psicoativas, segundo percepções de profissionais do Consultório na Rua (CR) do município de Goiânia (GO) e de pessoas atendidas pelo mesmo. Os participantes foram nove profissionais de diferentes categorias com idades entre 24 e 64 anos e quatro usuários beneficiários do CR com idades entre 23 e 37 anos. A metodologia foi qualitativa com aplicação de roteiros semiestruturados de entrevista e realização de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados, a partir dos relatos dos profissionais, configuraram eixos temáticos, tais como: atuação profissional no CR; aspectos facilitadores e dificultadores e apoio necessário para o trabalho. Para os usuários, os eixos foram: primeiro contato com a equipe; atuação dos profissionais do CR e o mais interessante nesse trabalho. Observou-se consonância entre as percepções e predomínio de aspectos positivos nos relatos dos profissionais e dos usuários acerca da atuação do CR, caracterizada por acolhimento, escuta e vínculo. Quanto às dificuldades, foram citados: preconceito e falta de aceitação do usuário pela sociedade civil; atuação agressiva da Polícia Militar e da Guarda Municipal e falta de insumos para o trabalho. O estudo indicou que os modos de atuação do CR vão ao encontro daqueles preconizados nas políticas públicas de álcool e outras drogas do país, pautados no respeito aos direitos humanos, ampliação do acesso a ações e serviços e redução de danos à saúde da população usuária em situação de rua.

The present study aimed at investigating professional practices and characteristics of intervention with young adults living in the streets who make use of psychoactive substances (PAS), according to perceptions of Street Outreach Office (SOO) professionals in the city of Goiânia and of people served by the SOO. Participants were nine different categories of professionals, aged between 24 and 64 years old, four PAS users aged between 23 and 37 years old, alcohol and crack users. The methodology was of qualitative type with semi-structured interviews and used content analysis. The results based on reports from professionals configured the following theme axes: professional work at the SOO; facilitating aspects; difficulties; support needed for the work. The users’ themes were: first contact with the team, the work of the SOO professionals, the most interesting thing about this work. There was consistency between the perceptions and positive aspects in the reports from professionals and PAS users about the work of the SOO, characterized by listening, reception and bond. The difficulties cited were: prejudice and lack of acceptance from civil society towards users; aggressive actions by the Military Police and the Municipal Guard; and lack of provisions for the work. The study indicated that the governing principles of the actions of the SOO are in accordance with those recommended by the public policy in the area of alcohol and other drugs in Brazil, based on respect for human rights, expansion of access to actions and services, and harm reduction to the users’ health.

El estudio tuvo el objetico de investigar los modos de actuación y las características del trabajo de intervención con adultos jóvenes habitantes de la calle y usuarios de sustancias psicoactivas, según percepciones de profesionales del Consultorio en la Calle (CC) del municipio de Goiânia (GO) y de personas atendidas por el CC. Los participantes fueron nueve profesionales de diferentes categorías con edades entre 24 y 64 años, y cuatro usuarios beneficiarios de CC con edades entre 23 y 37 años. Fue utilizada la metodología cualitativa con aplicación de guiones semiestructurados de entrevista y la realización de análisis de contenido. Los resultados, a partir de los relatos de los profesionales, se configuraron en ejes temáticos, tales como: actuación profesional en el CC; aspectos facilitadores y dificultadores; apoyo necesario para el trabajo. Para los usuarios, los ejes fueron: primer contacto con el equipo; actuación de los profesionales del CC; lo más interesante en ese trabajo. Se observó una coherencia entre las percepciones y el predominio de aspectos positivos en los relatos de los profesionales y de los usuarios, respecto a la actuación del CC, caracterizada como acogida, escucha y vínculo. En cuanto a las dificultades, fueron citados: prejuicio y falta de aceptación del usuario por la sociedad civil; acciones agresivas de la Policía Militar y Guardia Municipal; y la falta de insumos para el trabajo. El estudio indicó que los modos de actuación del CC cumplen aquellos preconizados en las políticas públicas de alcohol y otras drogas de Brasil, basados en el respeto a los derechos humanos, ampliación del acceso a acciones y servicios y la reducción de daños a la salud de esta población usuaria.

Humans , Homeless Youth/classification , Homeless Youth/education , Homeless Youth/history , Homeless Youth/psychology , Health Personnel/education , Health Personnel/psychology , Ill-Housed Persons/classification , Ill-Housed Persons/history , Ill-Housed Persons/psychology , Illicit Drugs/toxicity , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Psychology, Clinical/trends
Inf. psiquiátr ; (218): 39-52, oct.-dic. 2014. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-144671


Introducción y Objetivos: de cara a mejorar la gestión y planificación de recursos sanitarios, se ha realizado un estudio epidemiológico de los pacientes atendidos por Psicología clínica, en el marco de aplicación del PSP (Programa de Soporte a la Primaria). Material y método: estudio epidemiológico observacional de los pacientes (N=323) atendidos por Psicología clínica en los distintos Centros de Atención Primaria que da atención el CSMA Dr. Pujadas del CASM Benito Menni. La muestra consta tanto de hombres como mujeres mayores de 18 años atendidos en PSP. Además de la descripción epidemiológica de las principales características socio-demográficas, socio-laborales y clínicas de la muestra, se pretende comprobar si existen correlaciones entre ellas. Resultados: Los datos nos presentan un perfil muy homogéneo de pacientes: mujeres de alrededor de 40 años, con presencia mayoritariamente tanto de antecedentes psiquiátricos personales (normalmente acudiendo a centros públicos) como familiares. El grupo más prevalente ha sido el que conforman los trastornos de ansiedad. En la mayoría de los casos no se ha prescrito ningún psicofármaco. Finalmente, señalar que se han observado diferencias significativas entre las distintas áreas básicas de salud (ABS), en relación a las distintas variables socio-laborales y clínicas. Conclusiones: el perfil de paciente atendido por psicología clínica en PSP estaría en la línea señalada por la bibliografía científica previa. Las diferencias observadas en las distintas ABS deberían de orientar la gestión y planificación de los recursos sanitarios en el futuro, según las necesidades detectadas en cada caso

Introduction and Objectives: aimed at improving the management and planning of health care resources, an epidemiological study of patients treated by Clinical Psychology has been developed, within the framework of Mental Health Support Program to Primary Care (MHSPPC). Methods: observational epidemiological study of patients (N = 323) treated by clinical psychologists at primary care centers in which The Adult Mental Health Ambulatory Service of Complex Assistencial en Salut Mental Benito Menni CASM gives attention. The sample consists of both men and women over 18 years treated in MHSPPC. In addition to the epidemiological description of the main socio-occupational , socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample, possible correlations between them are checked. Results: The data present us with a very homogeneous profile of patients: women of around 40 years, mostly with the presence of both personal psychiatric history (usually being attended at public services) and family psychiatric history. The most prevalent group was anxiety disorders. In most cases it has not been prescribed any psychiatric medication. Finally, note that there have been significant differences between the primary care units, in relation to the various socio-occupational and clinical variables. Conclusions: the Patient Profile that is being attended by clinical psychology in MHSPPC would be along the lines indicated by the previous scientific literature. The differences observed in the various primary care units should guide the management and planning of health resources in the future, according to the needs identified in each case

Female , Humans , Male , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Mental Health/education , Primary Health Care , Primary Health Care/methods , Anxiety/diagnosis , Psychiatry/methods , Psychology, Clinical , Psychology, Clinical/standards , Mental Health , Primary Health Care/standards , Primary Health Care , Anxiety/complications , Psychiatry/standards , Observational Study
Apuntes psicol ; 28(2): 307-314, mayo-ago. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-88795


La expansión de la psicología del deporte como disciplina cient´fica y aplicada en los últimos años tiene como consecuencia la apertura de nuevos campos de intervención, pero también la interrelación con algunos ya existentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es definir cuáles son los ámbitos de trabajo que la psicología del deporte comparte con la psicología de la salud y cuáles son aquellos en los que aunque compartan el objetivo, los medios son diferentes(AU)

The expansion of the psychology of the sport like discipline cient'fica and applied in the last years it takes as a consequence the opening of new fields of intervention, but also the interrelationship with already existing some. The aim of this work is define which are the areas of work that the psychology of the sport shares with the psychology of the health and which are those in which though they share the aim, the means are different (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , 34921 , Psychology, Clinical/ethics , Psychology, Clinical/history , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Psychology, Clinical/statistics & numerical data , Sports/history , Sports/psychology , Sports/statistics & numerical data , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/economics , Psychology, Clinical/education , Psychology, Clinical/standards , Sports/classification , Sports/economics , Sports/education , Sports/standards
Iatreia ; 21(2): 177-185, jun. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-506612


Introducción: el trastorno depresivo mayor es una alteración muy frecuente del estado de ánimo con gran impacto personal y social. Puede generar déficit notables en funciones psicológicas importantes como la ejecutiva, la atención o la memoria y evolucionar hasta un cuadro de pseudodemencia susceptible de mejorar con tratamiento antidepresivo. Objetivo: describir el funcionamiento de la memoria explícita en el trastorno depresivo mayor. Materiales y métodos: se hizo una búsqueda en la base de datos PUBMED con las palabras clave “major depression” (depresión mayor), “explicit memory” (memoria explícita) y “recollection memory” (memoria de recolección); se tomaron los artículos publicados después del año 2000; adicionalmente se incluyó bibliografía científica relevante para el cumplimiento del objetivo. Desarrollo: en la neuroanatomía del trastorno depresivo mayor se encuentran implicadas redes fronto-subcorticales (como las áreas prefrontales, tálamo, ganglios basales, hipocampo, entre otras). Estas estructuras pueden presentar atrofias que explicarían la persistencia o cronicidad de algunos de los síntomas cognitivos de la depresión. Las alteraciones en la memoria explícita, declarativa o de recolección, son de particular importancia por ser las más frecuentemente encontradas en sujetos con uno o más episodios depresivos mayores, y la estructura cerebral que se ha correlacionado más directamente con alteraciones en el almacenamiento de la memoria explícita es el hipocampo. Se ha observado actividad continua de neurogénesis en el hipocampo de animales adultos, la cual es especialmente susceptible cuando hay exposición prolongada a situaciones de estrés grave. Esto se evidencia en estudios que han encontrado reducido su volumen en sujetos con trastorno depresivo mayor, en comparación con individuos sanos. De todas maneras, aunque no se encuentre una reducción marcada del volumen, se sugiere que hay una alteración de su funcionamiento...

Introduction: Major depression is a highly prevalent affective disorder with great personal and social impact. It can generate remarkable deficits inimportant psychological functions such as executive function, attention or memory and evolve into a profile of pseudodementia that can be amelioratedwith antidepressive treatment. Objective: To describe explicit memory functioning in major depressive disorder. Materials and methods: Using the key words "major depression", "explicit memory", and"recollection memory", a search in PUBMED was carried out, selecting articles published after 2000. Additonal relevant scientific bibliography was alsoincluded. Results: In the neuroanatomy of the major depressive disorder fronto-subcortical networks are involved, among them prefrontal areas, the thalamus, basal ganglia, and the hippocampus. Atrophy of these structures may explain the persistence or chronicity of some cognitive symptoms of depression. Alterations of explicit, declarative or recollectionmemory are particularly important because of their frequency in subjects with one or more depressive episodes. The hippocampus is the cerebral structure more directly related with alterations of the explicit memory. In the hippocampus of adult animalscontinuous neurogenesis activity has been observed, and it is especially vulnerable to prolonged severestress. Hippocampal volume has been found to be reduced in individuals with major depressive disorder, as compared to healthy ones. Even in the absence of marked volume reduction, there may bealterations in hippocampal function. Conclusion: Explicit memory is a psychological process with a very clear biological basis whose structure andfunction may be altered in the presence of major depression.

Hippocampus , Memory/classification , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Depressive Disorder, Major
An. psicol ; 22(2): 175-185, dic. 2006.
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-049597


En este trabajo realizamos una revisión de la investigación llevada a cabo en los últimos treinta años sobre el papel del padre en la dinámica familiar. Partiendo de estudios descriptivo comparativos sobre el comportamiento materno y paterno, el campo de estudio ha ido ampliándose y complejizándose, en parte influido por los cambios sociales ocurridos en las últimas décadas y la repercusión que este cambio está teniendo en la nueva distribución de las funciones materna y paterna. Analizamos asimismo los factores que influyen en la implicación paterna en el cuidado de los niños: el tipo de organización familiar, el trabajo materno y paterno, las actitudes de los padres y de las madres, la relación entre la pareja de padres y la situación de divorcio. Dedicamos un último apartado al análisis de la presencia del padre en el área de la Psicología Clínica y de la Psicopatología del Desarrollo. Finalizamos reseñando las nuevas y prometedoras líneas de investigación abiertas en este campo

A review of the research carried out on fatherhood in the last 30 years is described in this article. From the first descriptive comparative studies on how fathers and mothers behave toward their children, the field has progressively grown wider and more complex, in part, reflecting changes occurred in society in the last years and their impact on the distribution of men and women’s roles within the family. We analyze the main factors controlling the father’s involvement in child care: family organization, the mother and father’s work, the attitudes of mothers and fathers, relationships and conflict between parents, and divorce. The last part is devoted to the presence of the father in the area of Clinical Psychology and Developmental Psychopathology. Finally, promising lines of research recently opened in this field are summarized

Male , Female , Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Mental Health/classification , Mental Health/statistics & numerical data , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Psychology, Clinical/trends , Family/psychology , Fathers/psychology , Parents/psychology , Family Health , Health Planning/methods , Social Welfare/psychology , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/organization & administration , Role , Quality of Life
J Clin Psychol ; 62(10): 1221-9, 2006 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16897690


The health and behavior current procedural terminology (CPT) codes introduced in 2003 have gained nationwide acceptance through Medicare and limited acceptance through third party payers. The codes facilitate accurate description and quantification of behavioral medicine services within a primary care or specialty clinic setting. The author reviews their appropriate utilization to enhance reimbursement and facilitate development of self-sustaining behavioral medicine programs. Information is provided on increased use and reimbursement of codes within psychology. Future directions for continued advocacy, increased acceptance, training, and research are discussed.

Behavioral Medicine/economics , Current Procedural Terminology , Economics, Medical , Electronic Data Processing , Primary Health Care/economics , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/economics , Specialization , Federal Government , Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act , Humans , Primary Health Care/classification , Reimbursement Mechanisms , United States
J Clin Psychol ; 60(12): 1267-9, 2004 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15470729


The Tree of Knowledge is an imaginative attempt to construct a metatheoretical system that proposes to unify the discipline of psychology. However, it is limited in its appreciation of political factors, and so an optimistic view of the possibility of the system overlooks the power issues that beset the field.

Behavior, Animal , Behavior , Psychology, Clinical/trends , Psychology/trends , Societies, Scientific , Specialization/trends , Animals , Forecasting , Humans , Interprofessional Relations , Knowledge , Organizational Objectives , Politics , Power, Psychological , Psychological Theory , Psychology/classification , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Science/trends , United States
J Clin Psychol ; 60(12): 1243-7, 2004 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15470732


The unity of psychology as a science is to be found in its definition as the science of mental life, and its explanation of individual behavior in terms of mental states. This disciplinary focus will help negotiate psychology's relations with other disciplines, such as neuroscience and cognitive science. The unity within psychology between science and practice is to be found in a focus on scientific evidence as the source of the status, autonomy, and privileges of professional practitioners. Psychology should avoid the temptations of reductionism, and assert (and enjoy) its twin status as both a biological science and a social science.

Behavior, Animal , Behavior , Psychology, Clinical/trends , Psychology/trends , Science , Specialization/trends , Animals , Behaviorism , Cognitive Science/classification , Cognitive Science/trends , Forecasting , Humans , Interprofessional Relations , Neuropsychology/classification , Neuropsychology/trends , Professional Practice/trends , Psychology/classification , Psychology, Clinical/classification , United States
J Clin Psychol ; 60(12): 1249-53, 2004 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15470733


Henrique's thoughtful effort (this issue) to define psychology suffers from at least three shortcomings: (a) "psychology" is almost certainly an inherently fuzzy concept that resists precise definition; (b) attempts to define psychology are likely to hamper rather than foster consilience across scientific disciplines; and (c) Henriques incorrectly diagnoses the cause of the scientist-practitioner gap and hence offers an incorrect prescription. The sources of this gap lie not in intractable definitional disputes, but in fundamentally different approaches to acquiring knowledge.

Behavior, Animal , Behavior , Knowledge , Psychology/trends , Animals , Cooperative Behavior , Dissent and Disputes , Humans , Interprofessional Relations , Philosophy , Psychology/classification , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/trends
Psicológica (Valencia, Ed. impr.) ; 21(1): 121-133, ene. 2000. ilus
Article in En | IBECS | ID: ibc-9536


En este trabajo esbozo el estado de la cuestión que dio lugar a los test adaptativos, centrando la discusión en el avance de los TAI y en particular en las expectativas que expresara Bert Green sobre las ventajas de esta tecnología. Se usan datos de la primera década donde los TAI fueron operativos, para comparar lo que ocurrió con aquello que se esperaba que ocurriera. Encuentro que algunas de las metas de TAI expresadas por Green están próximas a cumplirse, aunque la mayoría de ellas quedan para el futuro (AU)

Female , Male , Humans , Adaptation, Psychological/classification , Adaptation, Psychological/physiology , Computers , Attitude to Computers , Psychological Tests , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychology, Clinical/methods , Psychology, Clinical/trends
Am Psychol ; 49(3): 200-6, 1994 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8192273


The continued growth and development of professional psychology may ultimately stand or fall on the integrity of the educational system that prepares future generations of practitioners. Currently, the educational enterprise is unduly hampered by several significant impediments. These impediments are identified and resolutions are proposed that would, if implemented, greatly enhance psychology's ability to assume its rightful place as a major autonomous profession that is properly positioned to address some of the nation's pressing social needs.

Psychology, Clinical/education , Accreditation/trends , Counseling/education , Curriculum/trends , Forecasting , Humans , Psychology, Clinical/classification , Psychotherapy/education , United States