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Curitiba; s.n; 20230330. 181 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1551213


Resumo: Trata-se de uma pesquisa vinculada a linha de pesquisa de Políticas e Práticas de Educação, Saúde, Enfermagem e ao projeto guarda-chuva intitulado "Simulação Clínica Multiprofissional: Criação e Validação de Modelos, Cenários e Instrumentos de Avaliação". A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio da avaliação do debriefing no cenário clínico simulado com múltiplas vítimas no âmbito hospitalar com graduandos de Enfermagem, cujo objetivo foi analisar a contribuição do debriefing no aprendizado do cenário simulado de atendimento a múltiplas vítimas com graduandos de enfermagem. O método utilizado foi quantitativo com delineamento descritivo e transversal como resultados destaca-se na caracterização do perfil dos participantes que a maioria se congratula no sexo feminino e com idade 20-30 anos. Na avaliação das escalas do debriefing: Escala de Experiência do Debriefing: aponta-se destaque na concordância que o debriefing ajudou a analisar seus pensamentos; ajudou a fazer conexões na aprendizagem; professor permitiu tempo suficiente para verbalizar os sentimentos antes dos comentários; que tiveram tempo suficiente para esclarecer os questionamentos e que o professor realizou uma avaliação construtiva da simulação durante o debriefing. Em relação a Escala de avaliação do debriefing associado a simulação: evidenciou-se que a maior parte dos graduandos concordaram que o debriefing identificou dificuldades na atuação; que foca nos aspectos importantes da atuação; refleti as minhas competências; identifica aspectos que se deve melhorar em atuações futuras e discordam em não querer participar em mais nenhuma simulação; em se sentir desrespeitado e em sentir que foi uma perda de tempo. Conclui-se que a contribuição a partir dos resultados das escalas de avaliação é importante para atuação dos futuros Enfermeiros através das boas práticas de Enfermagem conforme as normas de segurança do paciente. A relevância da contribuição do debriefing constatado a partir dos resultados das escalas de avaliação é importante para o desenvolvimento de habilidades técnicas e comunicativas, competências assistenciais de maneira interdisciplinar. O caráter inovativo da pesquisa: uso de metodologias ativas por meio da simulação clínica. A replicabilidade e impacto social do tema de atendimento de múltiplas vítimas no âmbito hospitalar pode ser aplicado em novas capacitações por meio da simulação clínica com graduandos e profissionais da área da saúde, para que consigam obter conhecimento sobre os cuidados em atendimento em massa com incêndio e como proceder nestas eventualidades.

Abstract: This research is linked to the research line of Education, Health, and Nursing Policies and Practices and to the umbrella project entitled "Multiprofessional Clinical Simulation: Creation and Validation of Models, Scenarios, and Assessment Instruments". The research was developed through the evaluation of debriefing in the simulated clinical scenario with multiple victims in the hospital environment with undergraduate nursing students, whose objective was to analyze the contribution of debriefing in learning the simulated scenario of care to multiple victims with undergraduate nursing students. The method used was quantitative with a descriptive and transversal design. The results highlight in the characterization of the participants' profile that most of them are female and aged 20-30 years. In the evaluation of the debriefing scales: Debriefing Experience Scale: it is highlighted in the agreement that the debriefing helped to analyze their thoughts; helped to make connections in learning; teacher will allow enough time to verbalize feelings before comments; that they had enough time to clarify the questions and that the teacher made a constructive evaluation of the simulation during the debriefing. In relation to the Rating scale of the debriefing associated to the simulation: it was evident that most undergraduate students agreed that the debriefing identified difficulties in the performance; that it focused on important aspects of the performance; that it reflected my skills; that it identified aspects that should be improved in future performances, and disagreed on not wanting to participate in any further simulation; on feeling disrespected, and on feeling that it was a waste of time. We conclude that the contribution from the results of the evaluation scales is important for the performance of future Nurses through good Nursing practices according to patient safety standards. The relevance of the contribution of the debriefing verified from the results of the evaluation scales is important for the development of technical and communicative skills, and care competencies in an interdisciplinary way. The innovative character of the research: use of active methodologies through clinical simulation. The replicability and social impact of the topic of multiple victim assistance in the hospital setting can be applied in new training courses through clinical simulation with undergraduate students and health professionals, so that they can obtain knowledge about care in mass care with fire and how to proceed in these eventualities.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students, Nursing , Victim Concentration Zone , Disasters , Simulation Training , Learning , Nursing Care
Agora USB ; 16(2): 453-478, jul.-dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-793090


Se relacionan los hallazgos en torno a los significados y construcciones sociales de los y las participantes del Municipio de San Carlos Antioquia en torno a la reparación estatal de las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia (ley 1448); encontramos que no se están desarrollando plenamente procesos reparadores, por el contrario, en algunos casos se evidenciaron acciones re-victimizantes, lo cual, según nuestro concepto, podría implicar barreras en la transición de la guerra a la paz, la reconciliación nacional y la recuperación de las víctimas (Villa Gómez & Insuasty Rodríguez, 2015) &(Villa Gómez & Insuasty Rodríguez, 2016)en Colombia, claves a tener en cuenta en el actual proceso de Negociación y transición del conflicto armado entre la insurgencia de las FARC-EP y el Gobierno nacional, y el posible proceso con la insurgencia del ELN.

The findings around the meanings and social constructions of the participants of the municipality of San Carlos, Antioquia around the State repairs for the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia (Law 1448) are related. It was found that reparative processes, are not being fully developed. On theother hand, in some cases, re-victimizing actions were evident, which, according to our perception, could imply barriers in the transition from war to peace national reconciliation, and the recovery of the victims (Villa Gómez & Insuasty Rodríguez, 2015) & (Villa Gómez & Insuasty Rodríguez, 2016) inColombia, which are key to be taken into account in the current Negotiation process and transition of the armed conflict between the insurgency of the FARC-EP and the national Government, and the possible process with the ELN insurgency.

Humans , Male , Female , Armed Conflicts , Community Participation , Hierarchy, Social , Victim Concentration Zone , Victims Identification
Agora USB ; 16(1): 165-191, ene.-jun. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-790128


Se resultados de las indagaciones sobre la valoración que las mismas víctimas del conflicto armado, del municipio de San Carlos Antioquia (Colombia), hacen de la implementación de la Ley 1448 (Ley de Victimas); dicho proceso de investigación, evidenció entre otroshallazgos, la contradicción entre el discurso oficial y el relato de las víctimas en relación a los procesos de reparación, discursos contradictorios respecto a la transición, el estadode vulneración e insatisfacción de necesidades básicas de las personas victimizadas así como una alta confusión en la implementación de la Ley. Estos resultados, entre otros,permiten afirmar que, la reparación hoy, dista mucho de ser un proceso que aporte a la reconstrucción del tejido social, a la paz y la reconciliación.

The results of the inquiries on the valuation that the very victims make of the armed conflict, in the Municipality of San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia of the implementation of the 1448 Law (Law of victims); such a process of research, made evident among other findings, the contradiction between the official discourse and the story of the victims inrelation to the processes of repair, contradictory speeches regarding the transition, the state of infringement and dissatisfaction of victimized people’s basic needs, as well as a highconfusion in the implementation of the Law. These findings, among others, allow to affirm that, repair today, is very far from being a process that contributes to the reconstruction ofthe social fabric, to peace, and reconciliation.

Armed Conflicts , Crime Victims , Victim Concentration Zone , Colombia , Public Policy
Agora USB ; 16(1): 193-213, ene.-jun. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-790129


El artículo presenta una revisión de la producción académica nacional relacionada con el tema de la atención psicosocial a víctimas del conflicto armado. La revisión se realizó a partirdel año 2000, con el objetivo de situar las principales consideraciones sobre los procesos de acompañamiento psicosocial a la población víctima de la violencia por el conflicto armadoen la historia reciente de Colombia. El análisis se hizo a partir de cuatro categorías: 1) Iniciativas estatales para la atención psicosocial a víctimas del conflicto armado; 2) Reflexiones investigativas sobre procesos de atención a víctimas; 3) Recomendaciones para las instituciones y profesionales que adelantan procesos de atención y reparación integrala víctimas; y 4) La reivindicación del sujeto en los procesos de atención. Los resultados de este trabajo presentan un panorama sobre las principales posturas asumidas en los escenarios de atención psicosocial a víctimas del conflicto en Colombia...

The article presents a review of the national academic production related to the subject of psycho-social care to armed conflict victims. The review was conducted from the year 2000,in order to locate main considerations about the processes of psycho-social accompaniment to the victims of violence by the armed conflict in the recent history of Colombia. The analysiswas made from four categories: 1) State initiatives for psycho-social care to victims of the armed conflict; (2) research reflections on processes of care to victims; (3) recommendationsfor the institutions and professionals carried out processes of care and full reparation to victims; and (4) the claim of the subject in the care processes. The results of this work present an overview of the main positions assumed in the scenarios of psycho-social care to victims of the conflict in Colombia...

Humans , Armed Conflicts , Conflict of Interest , Crime Victims , Victim Concentration Zone , Victims Identification , Attention , Colombia
Agora USB ; 11(2): 279-296, jul.-dec. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-678735


El siguiente artículo presentalo s resultados de la investigación que buscó describir la prevalencia de tendencias psicopatológicas en 100 personas en situación de Desplazamiento Forzado, reasentadas en el Quindío entre el 2005 y el 2011. Para ello, se utilizó el Inventario de síntomas SCL-90-R de Derogatis y una Ficha de Caracterización psicosocial. Ésta es una investigación empírico – analítica con un diseño descriptivo transversal.

The following article presents the research results whose aim was to describe the prevalence of psychopathological tendencies in 100 people in a situation of forced displacement, resettled in Quindio between the years 2005 and 2011. For this purpose, the Derogatis Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R) and a Psychosocial Characterization Card were used. This is an empirical–analytical research with a cross-sectional descriptive design.

Humans , Displacement, Psychological , Victim Concentration Zone , Crime Victims , Crime Victims/psychology
In. Navarro Machado, Victor René. Situaciones de desastres. Manual para la organización de la atención médica de urgencia. La Habana, ECIMED, 2009. .
Monography in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-62075
Puesta día urgenc. emerg. catastr ; 8(3): 136-143, jul.-sept. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-78593


La capacidad de absorber desorganización es directamenteproporcional a la capacidad de desplegar estructuraseventuales en proximidad al punto de impacto.La asistencia en PMDA se va a prestar en situacionesconflictivas, dramáticas y, con frecuencia, en condicionesadversas de luz y meteorología. El terreno en el que desplegamosdeberá suplir o amortiguar las condiciones ambientalesexpuestas para que el rendimiento sea mejor; cualquiersitio no es bueno, hay que buscarlo sin que nospreocupe excesivamente la distancia. Si nos colocamos muycerca del punto de conflicto, tendremos dificultades paradesplegar y además nos engullirá la inercia caótica resultante.Si nos separamos, desplegamos con soltura, y las víctimasnos llegarán atraídas por nuestra visibilidad organizativa.El despliegue no tiene solución de continuidad, sudesarrollo es funcional, y atenderá a criterios de salvar almayor número de víctimas en el menor tiempo posible.Para resolver de la mejor manera posible una catástrofese precisan tres elementos concluyentes: a) personal organizadoy perfectamente entrenado; b) elementos de despliegueen la zona; y c) logística adecuada al tiempo de desplieguey a las circunstancias medioambientales.La organización es la clave del grupo humano, que lotransforma en equipo de gestión de crisis, dotándole de autoridady disciplina, y marcando la dirección de sus esfuerzos (AU)

The aptitude to absorb disorganization is directly proportionalto the aptitude to deploy eventual structures.The assistance in PMDA is going to lend in troubled,dramatic situations and, often, in adverse conditions oflight and meteorology. The area in which we deploy willhave to replace or muffle the environmental exposed conditionsin order that the yield is better. Not any site is notgood, it is necessary to look for it without the distance worryingexcessively. If we place closely together of the point ofconflict we will have difficulties to deploy and in additionwe will be devoured by the chaotic resultant inertia. If weare separated, we deploy with fluency, and the victims willcome to us attracted for our organization. The display doesnot have solution of continuity, its development is functional,and it will attend to criteria for saving the major numberof victims in the minor possible time.To solve in a best possible way a catastrophe three conclusiveelements are needed: a) Organized and perfectlytrained personal; b) Elements of display in the zone, and c)Adapted logistics to the problemOrganization is the key of the human group, whichtransforms it into team of management of crisis, providingit with authority and discipline, and marking the directionof its efforts (AU)

Humans , Installations for Disaster Victims , Emergency Medical Services/methods , Emergency Medical Services/organization & administration , Victim Concentration Zone , Health Centers , Disasters
s.l; Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR);Ligue des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge; s.d. 20 p. ilus.(Les Cahiers Pedagogiques du Movement International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge).
Monography in Fr | Desastres -Disasters- | ID: des-14208