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PLoS One ; 15(12): e0239944, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33382719


How can states with a history of recent armed conflict trust one another? Distrust between Ukraine and Russia aggravates security fears and limits hopes for a meaningful resolution of the bloodiest armed conflict in Europe since 1994. Hostility levels have risen dramatically between the populations of Ukraine and Russia after the events of 2013-2015. Political psychology offers two competing approaches to increase trust between the publics of different countries: appealing to an overarching, common identity above the national level vs. affirming a sense of national identity. This project asks which of these approaches increases trust towards Russia among the Ukrainian public. The study employs a survey experiment (between-subjects design) to evaluate these competing claims. The survey is to be fielded by a reputable public opinion research firm, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, based in Ukraine.

Public Opinion , Trust/psychology , Warfare and Armed Conflicts/psychology , Adult , Aged , Female , History, 21st Century , Humans , Internationality/history , Male , Middle Aged , Russia , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Ukraine , Warfare and Armed Conflicts/history
Sanid. mil ; 74(4): 266-273, oct.-dic. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-182311


La Sanidad Militar es una parte esencial dentro del organigrama de cualquier ejército. Dentro de España, ha sido desarrollada hasta nuestros días, con un impulso forzado durante los conflictos bélicos, especialmente la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Con unos claros antecedentes, derivados de su propia historia y experiencias, la Sanidad Militar durante la Guerra Civil desarrolló y puso en práctica nuevas técnicas sanitarias como el "Método Español". Junto a lo anterior, una de las mayores innovaciones de orígen español será la invención, en 1920, del autogiro de Juan de la Cierva. Predecesor de los helicópteros, esta aeronave fue puesta al servicio de la Aviación Sanitaria europea y mundial. Todas las innovaciones, militares y sanitarias, surgidas en España durante el conflicto civil, tendrán un reflejo y aplicación en los diferentes países europeos, sobre todo en la II Guerra Mundial. Dicha contribución generalmente ha pasado desapercibida dentro de nuestras fronteras, pero no así en ámbito internacional donde son ampliamente reconocidas personalidades como Juan de la Cierva o el Doctor J. Trueta i Raspall

The military health is an essential part within the organization of any army. In Spain, it has been developed to the present day, with momentum forced during armed conflicts, especially the Civil War (1936-1939). With a clear background, derived from its own history and experiences, the military health during the Civil War developed and implemented new sanitary techniques such as the "Spanish method". Along with the above, one of the major innovations of Spanish origin was the invention, in 1920, of Juan de la Cierva's autogiro. Predecessor of the helicopters, this aircraft was at the service of European health and global aviation. All the innovations, both military and health, arising in Spain during the civil conflict, had a reflection and application in different European countries, especially during World War II. This contribution has generally gone unnoticed within our borders, but not at international level where Juan de la Cierva or Doctor J. Trueta i Raspall are widely-recognized figures

Humans , History, 20th Century , Military Medicine/history , Hospitals, Military/history , Hospitals, Military/organization & administration , War-Related Injuries/history , Warfare and Armed Conflicts/history , Warfare/history , 51708/history , Combat Disorders/history , World War I
Asclepio ; 68(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-158644


Since the late twentieth century, disability history has grown out of its infancy. Scholars from a variety of backgrounds have increasingly become convinced of the value of looking at the past through the lens of disability. Many studies have focused on the constructed nature of disability and thus deliberately tried to deconstruct contemporary distinctions between able-bodied and disabled individuals. By positively revaluing the particular position of the individual with disabilities on the basis of historical narratives, an attempt was made to counter ongoing tendencies of discrimination and oppression. In this article, we would like to remind the reader of another approach which sometimes runs the danger of being snowed under, namely a historical venture that seeks to uncover commonalities: places where the distinctions between persons with and without disabilities are temporarily forgotten and/ or erased, moments when the boundaries between the self and the other are being reconfigured. In order to do so, we will draw on an influential discourse from the history of disability itself: the discourse of rehabilitation. Going back to the early twentieth century, we will present the work of French scientist Jules Mardochée Amar and two Belgian disabled soldiers from the First World War. Amar’s ideas on rehabilitation would prove influential for the actual practices of rehabilitation during and after the war. The two Belgian disabled soldiers were retrained in a professional institute for rehabilitation established by the Belgian government in the north of France. By juxtaposing Amar’s discourse with the experiences of the two Belgian soldiers, we will demonstrate how, besides the discursive individual of rehabilitation, one also can find moments when that individual is absorbed by a real and tangible commonality. As a consequence, everybody —whether able-bodied citizen or mutilated soldier— becomes part of a community of equals (AU)

Desde finales del siglo XX la historia de la discapacidad ha madurado. Investigadores de muy diversa formación se han convencido cada vez más del valor de mirar al pasado a través de la lente de la discapacidad. Numerosos trabajos se han centrado en el análisis de la naturaleza construida de la discapacidad y, en consecuencia, han intentado de manera deliberada deconstruir las distinciones actuales entre las personas sin discapacidades y las personas discapacitadas. Reevaluando positivamente la particular posición del individuo con discapacidades sobre la base de narrativas históricas, este artículo intenta mostrar las tendencias presentes de discriminación y opresión. Con este trabajo nos gustaría además recordar al lector otro tipo de aproximación que, en ocasiones, corre el peligro de quedar oculta, concretamente la tarea histórica que intenta desvelar lo que se comparte: lugares donde las distinciones entre las personas con o sin discapacidades son temporalmente olvidadas y / o borradas; momentos en los que las fronteras entre el yo y el otro son reconfiguradas. Para llevar esto a cabo, vamos a utilizar un discurso de gran influencia dentro de la historia de la discapacidad: el discurso de la rehabilitación. Retrocediendo hasta el comienzo del siglo XX, presentaremos el trabajo del científico francés Jules Mardochée Amar y de dos soldados belgas con discapacidad de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Las ideas de Amar sobre la rehabilitación influyeron en las prácticas de rehabilitación desarrolladas durante y después de la guerra. Los dos soldados belgas discapacitados fueron rehabilitados en un instituto para la rehabilitación profesional establecido por el gobierno Belga en el norte de Francia. Al yuxtaponer el discurso de Amar con las experiencias de los dos soldados belgas, demostraremos cómo, junto al discurso individual de rehabilitación, pueden encontrarse también momentos en los que el individuo es absorbido por una 'commonality'-un conjunto de características comunes- real y tangible. Como consecuencia de esto, todo el mundo - ya sean ciudadanos físicamente capaces o soldados mutilados- pasa a formar parte de una comunidad de iguales (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , History, 20th Century , Health of the Disabled , Disabled Persons/history , Disabled Persons/psychology , Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , World War I , Veterans Disability Claims/history , War-Related Injuries/history , War-Related Injuries/rehabilitation , Warfare and Armed Conflicts/history
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 25(2): 311-320, 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-683247


Neste artigo discutimos a reconstrução do passado a partir de relato de um ex-guerrilheiro urbano que lutou contra a ditadura militar brasileira, através da concepção da memória como construção e ação social. Para tanto, entrevistamos o ex-guerrilheiro de codinome Jamil Rodrigues, conhecido por ter elaborado as "Teses do Jamil", documento da Vanguarda Popular Revolucionária - VPR, reconhecido como a expressão máxima da estratégia militarista nas práticas da esquerda armada brasileira. Constatamos que houve um processo de transformação; Jamil faz uma interpretação bastante diferenciada de suas antigas teses, em que atenua os aspectos militaristas da luta armada. A sua memória é interessada: seleciona e intensifica as passagens que convergem com seu posicionamento político presente. Concluímos que a construção da memória aparece como produção do novo e está agenciada pelo presente, adotando uma plasticidade contingente ao lugar social que se ocupa na atualidade.

In this article we discuss the reconstruction of the past from report of a former-guerrilla fighter who fought against the Brazilian military dictatorship, through the perspective of the memory as construction and social action. We interviewed the former-guerrilla fighter nicknamed Jamil Rodrigues, known for writing the "Jamil's thesis", document of Revolutionary Popular Vanguard, recognized as the maxim expression of militarist strategy in the practices of the Brazilian armed left. We noted a transformation's process; Jamil does a quite differentiated interpretation of his ancient thesis, reducing the militarist aspects of armed struggle. His memory is interested and it selects and intensifies the passages that converge with his present political position. We conclude that the construction of memory appears as production of the new and is assembled by the present, adopting a contingent plasticity to the social place that is occupied in the present.

Humans , Memory , Politics , Warfare and Armed Conflicts/history , Brazil , War Exposure/history