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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e44779, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1091752


RESUMO Estudos indicam que as mulheres enfrentam mais dificuldades nas áreas empresariais (gestão, contabilidade, finanças, ciências do comportamento e gestão de pessoas) do que os seus colegas homens, devido a considerações estereotipadas sobre o seu papel, que têm consequências negativas nas oportunidades no local de trabalho. Neste sentido, a liderança surge, nesta investigação, com um papel reforçado e como uma ferramenta crucial no apoio à gestão do marketing (em específico, o caso da comunicação e da publicidade) e na sua relação com o sexismo e a igualdade do género. Em específico, torna-se necessário compreender até que ponto a comunicação social e a indústria publicitária influenciam os estereótipos que vão ditar a ascensão ou não da liderança feminina. O presente trabalho visa contribuir, em nível teórico, para a compreensão deste fenómeno, reunindo alguns dos principais contributos da literatura. Estudos futuros deverão conduzir os investigadores no sentido de testar empiricamente qual o papel da liderança na definição das políticas e planos de comunicação das organizações (em específico, a promoção da igualdade de género). Numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, o presente estudo pretende contribuir para o marketing e para o comportamento organizacional. Futuros trabalhos deverão conduzir à elaboração de focus group e entrevistas em profundidade reunindo alguns agentes da tomada de decisão (na ótica da empresa) e consumidores (na ótica da procura).

RESUMEN Los estudios indican que las mujeres se enfrentan a más dificultades en las áreas empresariales (gestión, contabilidad, finanzas, ciencias de comportamiento y gestión de personas) que sus colegas varones, debido a consideraciones estereotipadas sobre su papel, que tienen consecuencias negativas en las oportunidades en el lugar de trabajo. En este sentido, el liderazgo surge en esta investigación con un papel reforzado y como una herramienta crucial en el apoyo a la gestión del marketing (en particular, el caso de la comunicación y la publicidad) y en su relación con el sexismo y la igualdad de género. En concreto, es necesario comprender hasta qué punto la comunicación social y la industria publicitaria influencian los estereotipos que van a dictar la ascensión o no del liderazgo femenino. El presente trabajo pretende contribuir, en nivel teórico, a la comprensión de este fenómeno, reuniendo algunas de las principales contribuciones de la literatura. Los estudios futuros deben conducir a los investigadores a probar empíricamente cuál es el papel del liderazgo en la definición de las políticas y planes de comunicación de las organizaciones (en particular, la promoción de la igualdad de género). En una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, el presente estudio pretende contribuir al marketing y al comportamiento organizacional. Los futuros trabajos conducen a la elaboración de focus group y entrevistas en profundidad reuniendo algunos agentes de la toma de decisión (en la óptica de la empresa) y consumidores (en la óptica de la demanda).

ABSTRACT Studies show us that women face more difficulties in business (management, accounting, finance, behavioral sciences and people management) than their male counterparts because of stereotypical considerations about their role, which have negative consequences on opportunities on the workplace. So, leadership emerges in this research with a reinforced role and as a crucial way in supporting marketing management (specifically the case of communication and advertising) and in its relation to sexism and gender equality. It is necessary to understand to what extent the media and the advertising industry influences the stereotypes that will dictate the rise or not of female leadership. The present work aims to contribute, theoretically, to the understanding of this phenomenon, gathering some of the main contributions of the existent literature. Future studies should lead researchers to empirically test the role of leadership in shaping organizations' communication policies and plans (specifically, promoting gender equality). In an interdisciplinary perspective, this study intends to contribute to marketing and to organizational behavior. Future work will help to the elaboration of a focus group and in-depth interviews bringing together some decision-making agents (in the company's perspective) and consumers (from a demand perspective).

Humans , Female , Women, Working/psychology , Advertising/ethics , Marketing/ethics , Sexism/psychology , Leadership and Governance Capacity/ethics , Personnel Management , Professional Competence , Women/psychology , Work/ethics , Behavioral Sciences , Cultural Characteristics/history , Decision Making/ethics , Education/trends , Employee Performance Appraisal/ethics , Gender Equity , Gender Identity
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (45): 213-220, mar. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-177384


A precarização da vida animal no âmbito do Mundo do Trabalho costuma ser encarada como dissociada das relações juridicamente relevantes para a conformação do arsenal de proteção de Direitos Fundamentais. A partir da ressignificação dos espaços de laboralidade, analisei as relações estabelecidas entre animalidade e humanidade. Desta forma, supus a existência de espaços de intersecção entre o Direito Animal, a Bioética Animal e o Direito do Trabalho. Concluí pela necessidade de reflexão sobre os pontos de encontro da juridicização de interesses animais e questões relativas ao Direito do Trabalho uma vez que há um déficit de teorização sobre as interconexões dos objetos de proteção das normas jurídicas destes campos específicos

The precariousness of animal life in the world of work is often seen as dissociated from legally relevant relationships for the formation of the arsenal of protection of fundamental rights. From the re-signification of the spaces of work, I analysed the relations established between animality and humanity. In this way, I assumed the existence of spaces of intersection between Animal Law, Animal Bioethics and Labour Law. I concluded that is necessary to reflect on the intersection of the juridicization of animal interests and issues related to Labour Law since there is a lack of theorization about the interconnections of the objects of protection of the legal norms of these specific fields

La precarización de la vida animal en el mundo del trabajo suele ser disociada de las relaciones jurídicamente relevantes para conformar el arsenal de protección de derechos fundamentales. A partir de la resignificación de los espacios de trabajo, en este artículo analizo las relaciones establecidas entre animalidad y humanidad. De esta forma, supuse la existencia de espacios de intersección entre el Derecho Animal, la Bioética Animal y el Derecho del Trabajo. Concluí con la necesidad de reflexionar la intersección entre la legalización de los intereses animales y cuestiones relativas al Derecho del Trabajo, ya que hay un déficit de teorización sobre las interconexiones de los objetos de protección de las normas jurídicas de estos campos específicos

La precarització de la vida animal en l'àmbit del món del treball sol dissociar-se de les relacions jurídicament rellevants per a la conformació de l'arsenal de protecció de drets fonamentals. A partir de la resignificació dels espais de treball, en aquest article analitzo les relacions establertes entre animalitat i humanitat. En aquesta línia, hom suposa l'existència d'espais d'intersecció entre el Dret Animal, la Bioètica Animal i el Dret del Treball. Se’n conclou la necessitat de reflexionar sobre la intersecció entre la legalització dels interessos animals i qüestions relatives al Dret del Treball, ja que hi ha un dèficit de teorització al voltant de les interconnexions entre els objectes de protecció de les normes jurídiques en aquests camps específics

Animals , Work/ethics , Animal Welfare/ethics , Animal Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Rights , Bioethics , Legislation, Veterinary/ethics
Sci Eng Ethics ; 25(1): 231-245, 2019 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29071571


We determined the prevailing ethical climate at three different schools of a single university, in order to explore possible differences in the ethical climate related to different research fields: the School of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Naval Architecture; the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; and the School of Medicine. We used the Ethical Climate Questionnaire to survey the staff (teachers and administration) at the three schools, and used the research integrity and organizational climate (RIOC) survey for early-stage researchers at the three schools. The dominant ethical climate type perceived collectively at the three university schools (response rate 49%, n = 294) was Laws and professional codes, which is associated with the cosmopolitan level of analysis and the ethical construct of principle. Individually, the same climate predominated at the schools for engineering and humanities, but the School of Medicine had the Self-interest ethical climate, which is associated with the individual level of analysis and the egoism ethical construct. In the RIOC survey (response rate 85%; n = 70), early-stage researchers from the three university schools did not differ in their perceptions of the organizational research integrity climate, or in their perceived individual, group or organizational pressures. Our study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to show differences in perceived ethical climate at a medical school compared to other schools at a university. Further studies are needed to explore the reasons for these differences and how they translate to organizational outcomes, such as job satisfaction, commitment to the institution and dysfunctional behaviour, including research misconduct.

Attitude , Biomedical Research/ethics , Organizational Culture , Research Personnel/ethics , Schools, Medical/ethics , Universities/ethics , Work/ethics , Adult , Codes of Ethics , Croatia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ethics, Research , Faculty , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Moral Obligations , Social Responsibility , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workload
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 22(67): 1135-1146, Out.-Dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975799


O suicídio é um problema de saúde pública de magnitude elevada e ascendente. No Brasil, o Rio Grande do Sul tem apresentado, historicamente, altas taxas de mortalidade, sobretudo em regiões colonizadas por alemães. Este é um estudo de caso social, cujas informações foram produzidas com base em narrativas de 14 informantes-chave, pertencentes aos campos da saúde, agricultura, justiça, segurança pública, comunicação social e educação. Os determinantes atribuídos pelos informantes ao suicídio incluíram: a cultura germânica, a ética protestante e o sofrimento no trabalho que afeta agricultores que trabalham com o fumo em regime de pequena propriedade familiar. As reflexões dos entrevistados apontam para o suicídio como um recurso usado na cultura desses descendentes de alemães para enfrentar as dificuldades, cuja frequência se manteve com a introdução do capitalismo no campo e com a subordinação dos agricultores à indústria fumageira.(AU)

Suicide is a serious public health issue with increasing rates. The state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has a history of high mortality rates, mainly in regions colonized by German populations. The present investigation is a social case study, whose information was obtained through narratives of 14 informers from the health, agriculture, justice, public safety, social communication and education fields. The decisive factors for suicide reported by the informers were the German culture, protestant ethics and suffering at work, which affects family farmers who grow tobacco. The reflections of the interviewees point to suicide as a resource used in the culture of people who descend from German populations to cope with difficulties, which persists as a consequence of the introduction of capitalism in the countryside and the subordination of producers to the tobacco industry.(AU)

El suicidio es un problema de salud pública de magnitud elevada y ascendiente. En Brasil, el Estado de Rio Grande do Sul ha presentado históricamente grandes tasas de mortalidad, principalmente en regiones colonizadas por alemanes. Este es un estudio de caso social, cuyas informaciones se produjeron con base en narrativas de 14 informantes clave, pertenecientes a los campos de: salud, agricultura, justicia, seguridad pública, comunicación social y educación. Los factores determinantes atribuidos por los informantes al suicidio incluyeron: la cultura germánica, la ética protestante y el sufrimiento en el trabajo que afecta a los agricultores que trabajan con el tabaco en régimen de pequeña propiedad familiar. Las reflexiones de los entrevistados señalan el suicidio como un recurso utilizado en la cultura de esos descendientes de alemanes para enfrentar las dificultades, cuya frecuencia se mantuvo con la introducción del capitalismo en el campo y con la subordinación de los agricultores a la industria del tabaco.(AU)

Humans , Suicide/psychology , Suicide/trends , Work/psychology , Work/ethics , Protestantism/psychology , Brazil , Germany
J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics ; 13(5): 475-485, 2018 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29998780


This study investigated the kinds of ethical challenges experienced by nurses in oncology and hematology when nursing care and research overlap in clinical trials, and how the nurses handle such challenges. Individual interviews with 39 nurses from Sweden, Denmark, and Finland indicated that all nurses were positive about research, considering it essential for developing the best care. Ethical challenges exist, however; the most difficult were associated with the end-of-life patients, no longer responsive to standard therapy, who eagerly volunteer for cutting-edge drug trials in the hope of gaining therapeutic benefit. Many nurses lacked systematic strategies for addressing such challenges but found support from their nursing colleagues and relied on the research protocols to guide them.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Biomedical Research/ethics , Hematology/ethics , Medical Oncology/ethics , Nurses , Nursing Care/ethics , Adult , Aged , Denmark , Female , Finland , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Qualitative Research , Sweden , Terminal Care , Work/ethics , Young Adult
Sci Eng Ethics ; 24(2): 393-418, 2018 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28597222


In this paper we describe the development and initial psychometric evaluation of a new measure, the values in scientific work (VSW). This scale assesses the level of importance that investigators attach to different VSW. It taps a broad range of intrinsic, extrinsic, and social values that motivate the work of scientists, including values specific to scientific work (e.g., truth and integrity) and more classic work values (e.g., security and prestige) in the context of science. Notably, the values represented in this scale are relevant to scientists regardless of their career stage and research focus. We administered the VSW and a measure of global values to 203 NIH-funded investigators. Exploratory factor analyses suggest the delineation of eight VSW, including autonomy, research ethics, social impact, income, collaboration, innovation and growth, conserving relationships, and job security. These VSW showed predictable and distinct associations with global values. Implications of these findings for work on research integrity and scientific misconduct are discussed.

Ethics, Professional , Ethics, Research , Research Personnel , Research , Scientific Misconduct , Social Values , Work/ethics , Adult , Biomedical Research/ethics , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Social Responsibility
Med Pr ; 68(6): 711-724, 2017 Oct 17.
Article in Polish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28840900


BACKGROUND: The article presents the mutual relations between the components of work ethic and the strategies of coping with stress used by employees of different branches. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Work ethic was presented as a syndrome of the following attitudes: perceiving work as a moral value, treating work as a central value in life, and the belief in the importance of hard work that leads to success. This ethic also consists of the following components: unwillingness to waste time, disapproval of spare time (anti-leisure), willingness to delay gratification, willingness to act honestly at work (morality/ethic), and being independent (self-reliance). Coping strategies were presented as 3 dimensions (obtained by application of factor analysis of the questionnaire scales COPE (Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced)): proactive cognitive operations, avoidance of action and seeking support. RESULTS: The study conducted on 360 employees of different branches shows that the dimensions of the work ethic are moderately related to strategies emphasizing proactive cognitive operations and poorly related to seeking support and avoidance of action. At the same time, the relations between work ethic and avoidance of action are negative (higher work ethic is linked with lower tendency to avoid action). CONCLUSIONS: Predictors of proactive cognitive operations are unwillingness to waste time, treating work as a central value in life, willingness to act honestly at work (morality/ethic) and being independent (self-reliance). Med Pr 2017;68(6):711-724.

Adaptation, Psychological/ethics , Self Efficacy , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Work/ethics , Workplace/psychology , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Social Support , Social Values , Stress, Psychological/prevention & control , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Medisan ; 21(7)jul. 2017.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-70091


La formación de los profesionales de la salud se basa en el principio martiano y marxista de la vinculación estudio-trabajo, a lo que se denomina educación en el trabajo, como modalidad fundamental de organización del proceso docente educativo en el ciclo clínico de las diferentes carreras de la educación médica superior. A tales efectos, en el presente artículo se exponen los principales tipos de educación en el trabajo relacionados con la formación del estudiante universitario y del residente durante el período de especialización, así como las experiencias positivas aplicadas durante años por los autores. Este material será un instrumento útil para los profesores y contribuirá a elevar la calidad de la formación de médicos y especialistas(AU)

Health professionals training is based on Martí and Marx principle of linking study-work, what is denominated education at work, as fundamental modality of organization of the teaching educational process in the clinical cycle for the different careers of the higher medical education. To such effects, the main types of education at work related to the university student and intern training during the period of specialization are exposed in this work, as well as the positive experiences implemented during years by the authors. This material will be a useful instrument for the professors and it will contribute to elevate the quality of doctors and specialists training(AU)

Female , Universities , Education, Medical , Education, Professional , Task Performance and Analysis , Employee Performance Appraisal , Work/ethics
Medisan ; 21(7)jul. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998131


La formación de los profesionales de la salud se basa en el principio martiano y marxista de la vinculación estudio-trabajo, a lo que se denomina educación en el trabajo, como modalidad fundamental de organización del proceso docente educativo en el ciclo clínico de las diferentes carreras de la educación médica superior. A tales efectos, en el presente artículo se exponen los principales tipos de educación en el trabajo relacionados con la formación del estudiante universitario y del residente durante el período de especialización, así como las experiencias positivas aplicadas durante años por los autores. Este material será un instrumento útil para los profesores y contribuirá a elevar la calidad de la formación de médicos y especialistas.

Health professionals training is based on Martí and Marx principle of linking study-work, what is denominated education at work, as fundamental modality of organization of the teaching educational process in the clinical cycle for the different careers of the higher medical education. To such effects, the main types of education at work related to the university student and intern training during the period of specialization are exposed in this work, as well as the positive experiences implemented during years by the authors. This material will be a useful instrument for the professors and it will contribute to elevate the quality of doctors and specialists training.

Humans , Male , Female , Task Performance and Analysis , Teaching/education , Universities , Education, Professional/standards , Work/ethics , Communication , Education, Medical
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 33(1): 69-81, abr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-161041


This study investigates the impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) on envy in the workplace and the subsequent effects of envy on work engagement and socially undermining behavior. In addition, the moderating roles of personality traits, such as self-esteem and neuroticism, are examined in this relationship. Paired questionnaires were personally collected from 245 subordinates and 82 of their immediate supervisors. Empirical analysis of the responses revealed: (a) the quality of LMX is negatively related to employee envy in the workplace, (b) employee envy mediates the relationship between LMX and work engagement, (c) self-esteem boosts the relationship between envy and work engagement, but decreases the relationship between envy and social undermining, and (d) neuroticism exacerbates the relationship between envy and social undermining (AU)

En este estudio se investigó el impacto del LMX en la envidia de los empleados en el lugar de trabajo y su efecto en el comportamiento laboral de los empleados, tales como el compromiso con el trabajo y el comportamiento de debilitamiento social. Además, se analizó el rol moderador de rasgos de personalidad tales como la autoestima o el neuroticismo en relación a la envidia y el comportamiento en el trabajo de los empleados. Se recogieron personalmente cuestionarios emparejados de 245 empleados y de 82 de sus supervisores directos (la media era de 3 empleados por supervisor). Los hallazgos de la investigación pueden generalizarse de la siguiente manera: (a) la calidad del LMX está negativamente relacionada con la envidia del empleado en su lugar de trabajo, (b) la envidia del empleado media en la relación entre LMX y el compromiso laboral, (c) la autoestima fomenta las relaciones entre envidia y compromiso laboral pero disminuye la relación entre envidia y debilitamiento social y (d) el neuroticismo sólo potencia la relación entre envidia y debilitamiento social (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Leadership , Dominance-Subordination , Self Concept , Work/ethics , Work/psychology , Psychology, Industrial/methods , Psychology, Industrial/trends , Personal Autonomy , Employment/psychology , 16054/psychology , Psychology, Industrial/ethics , Psychology, Industrial/organization & administration , Psychology, Industrial/standards , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (39): 53-71, mar. 2017.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-160539


Muy pocas veces se han analizado desde un punto de vista jurídico los efectos que el trasplante de órganos puede desplegar en el ámbito del Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. En el presente trabajo se exponen las principales medidas de contenido socio-laboral actualmente vigentes destinadas a ofrecer una protección especial a este tipo de pacientes, a través de las que se trata de evitar que esta situación desencadene el abandono prematuro e involuntario de la vida activa (AU)

The effects of organ transplantation have been rarely addressed from a legal perspective in the Labor and Social Security Law. This paper analyzes the current, main social and labor regulations, designed to provide special protection to transplanted patients, which prevent the premature and involuntary abandonment of working life (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Organ Transplantation/ethics , Organ Transplantation/legislation & jurisprudence , Sick Leave/legislation & jurisprudence , Social Security/ethics , Social Security/legislation & jurisprudence , Work/ethics , Work/legislation & jurisprudence , Absenteeism , Occupational Medicine/ethics , Occupational Medicine/legislation & jurisprudence , Occupational Risks
J Trauma Stress ; 28(2): 142-8, 2015 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25864505


News journalists working on crisis-related assignments may experience dilemmas with regard to how to conduct their work without causing additional harm to first-hand victims. In this study, we investigated how exposure to journalistic ethical dilemmas during the Oslo/Utøya terror attack in 2011 and subsequent work-related guilt were related to the development of posttraumatic stress (PTS) reactions. Norwegian journalists (N = 371) covering the terror attack participated in a web-based survey 8-9 months after the incident. We found that females reported more ethical dilemmas during the assignment than males (n = 356, d = 0.51). We also found that being on the scene was not related to more exposure to dilemmas (n = 311, d = 0.01). Moreover, we discovered that work-related guilt had a significant indirect effect on the relationship between exposure to ethical dilemmas and severity of PTS reactions (n = 344, completely standardized indirect effect size = .11, 95% CI [.04, .19]. The results showed that exposure to ethical dilemmas may affect the development of long-term psychological impairment. We concluded that media organizations can prevent postcrisis impairment by preparing employees for possible exposure to dilemmas during crisis-related assignments.

Guilt , Journalism/ethics , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/etiology , Terrorism/psychology , Work/ethics , Adult , Age Factors , Emotions , Ethics, Professional , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Norway , Severity of Illness Index , Sex Factors , Stress, Psychological/etiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Work/psychology , Young Adult
Influenza Other Respir Viruses ; 9(3): 120-30, 2015 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25807865


To estimate the proportion of healthcare workers (HCWs) willing to work during an influenza pandemic and identify associated risk factors, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis compliant with PRISMA guidance. Databases and grey literature were searched to April 2013, and records were screened against protocol eligibility criteria. Data extraction and risk of bias assessments were undertaken using a piloted form. Random-effects meta-analyses estimated (i) pooled proportion of HCWs willing to work and (ii) pooled odds ratios of risk factors associated with willingness to work. Heterogeneity was quantified using the I(2) statistic, and publication bias was assessed using funnel plots and Egger's test. Data were synthesized narratively where meta-analyses were not possible. Forty-three studies met our inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis of the proportion of HCWs willing to work was abandoned due to excessive heterogeneity (I(2) = 99.2%). Narrative synthesis showed study estimates ranged from 23.1% to 95.8% willingness to work, depending on context. Meta-analyses of specific factors showed that male HCWs, physicians and nurses, full-time employment, perceived personal safety, awareness of pandemic risk and clinical knowledge of influenza pandemics, role-specific knowledge, pandemic response training, and confidence in personal skills were statistically significantly associated with increased willingness. Childcare obligations were significantly associated with decreased willingness. HCWs' willingness to work during an influenza pandemic was moderately high, albeit highly variable. Numerous risk factors showed a statistically significant association with willingness to work despite significant heterogeneity between studies. None of the included studies were based on appropriate theoretical constructs of population behaviour.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Personnel/ethics , Health Personnel/psychology , Influenza, Human/epidemiology , Pandemics , Work/ethics , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Humans , Male , Nurses/psychology , Physicians/ethics , Physicians/psychology , Risk Factors , Time Factors
Occup Ther Health Care ; 28(4): 382-93, 2014 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25050893


This study used a quantitative survey design to investigate the existence of moral distress among occupational therapists. The Moral Distress Scale-Revised (MDS-R-OHPA) was distributed to a random sample of 600 members of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). The results of this explorative study found that occupational therapists reported moderate levels of moral distress with occupational therapists working in geriatric settings reporting higher levels of moral distress than occupational therapists who work in physical disability settings, although the difference was not statistically significant. However, occupational therapists who were considering leaving their current position reported the highest levels of moral distress. These initial findings are discussed as well as the need for further research.

Conflict, Psychological , Health Personnel/psychology , Morals , Occupational Therapy/psychology , Stress, Psychological/etiology , Work/psychology , Adult , Data Collection , Disabled Persons , Female , Geriatrics , Health Personnel/ethics , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Occupational Therapy/ethics , Surveys and Questionnaires , Work/ethics
Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 17(1): 101-115, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-741008


Este ensaio, por meio de revisão da literatura, analisa as transformações societárias em curso que afetam o mundo do trabalho e a vida em sociedade, provocando o acirramento da questão social, compreendida como resultante das contradições entre capital e trabalho. Em linhas gerais, tendo em vista o acúmulo de conhecimento produzido no campo das ciências sociais e humanas acerca do tema, são apresentados elementos acerca das alterações desencadeadas no mundo do trabalho e seus reflexos para os trabalhadores em tempos de crise do capital. Dentre as consequências dessas transformações estão a intensificação e a expansão de formas precárias de trabalho, o agravamento do pauperismo, o avanço do desemprego, a informalidade, as subcontratações, a miséria e a perda de direitos sociais. Tal quadro esboça, para o conjunto da classe trabalhadora, por meio de organizações e lutas coletivas, desafios com vistas à superação da sociabilidade capitalista...

This essay, through literature review, analyzes ongoing societal transformations affecting the world of work and life in society, besides provoking the worsening of the social issue, understood as resulting from the contradictions between capital and labor. Generally, taking into account the accumulation of knowledge produced in the field of social and human sciences on this subject, it is presented elements about the changes triggered in the world of work and its reflections to the workers in times of crisis of the capital. One of the consequences of these transformations are the intensification and the expansion of precarious forms of work, the increase of pauperism, the advancement of unemployment, informality, subcontracting, poverty and the loss of social rights. This framework outlines, for the whole working class, through organizations and collective struggles, challenges aimed at overcoming the capitalist sociability...

Humans , Capitalism , Social Conditions/trends , Work/economics , Work/ethics , Work/psychology , Working Conditions
Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 17(1): 101-115, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-62744


Este ensaio, por meio de revisão da literatura, analisa as transformações societárias em curso que afetam o mundo do trabalho e a vida em sociedade, provocando o acirramento da questão social, compreendida como resultante das contradições entre capital e trabalho. Em linhas gerais, tendo em vista o acúmulo de conhecimento produzido no campo das ciências sociais e humanas acerca do tema, são apresentados elementos acerca das alterações desencadeadas no mundo do trabalho e seus reflexos para os trabalhadores em tempos de crise do capital. Dentre as consequências dessas transformações estão a intensificação e a expansão de formas precárias de trabalho, o agravamento do pauperismo, o avanço do desemprego, a informalidade, as subcontratações, a miséria e a perda de direitos sociais. Tal quadro esboça, para o conjunto da classe trabalhadora, por meio de organizações e lutas coletivas, desafios com vistas à superação da sociabilidade capitalista.(AU)

This essay, through literature review, analyzes ongoing societal transformations affecting the world of work and life in society, besides provoking the worsening of the social issue, understood as resulting from the contradictions between capital and labor. Generally, taking into account the accumulation of knowledge produced in the field of social and human sciences on this subject, it is presented elements about the changes triggered in the world of work and its reflections to the workers in times of crisis of the capital. One of the consequences of these transformations are the intensification and the expansion of precarious forms of work, the increase of pauperism, the advancement of unemployment, informality, subcontracting, poverty and the loss of social rights. This framework outlines, for the whole working class, through organizations and collective struggles, challenges aimed at overcoming the capitalist sociability.(AU)

Work/economics , Work/ethics , Work/psychology , Capitalism , Social Conditions/trends , Working Conditions
J Nurs Adm ; 44(5): 303-8, 2014 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24759204


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to understand if differences in dimensions of work ethic exist among 3 generations of nurses working in an inpatient setting at an acute care facility. BACKGROUND: Generational differences are linked with increased turnover, with work ethic frequently cited as an important difference. METHODS: The quantitative, quasi-experimental cross-sectional study recruited inpatient registered nurses from 2 teaching hospitals in a southern US metropolitan area to complete the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile online. RESULTS: The 285 completed surveys indicated that similarities exist among the 3 generations, with statistically significant differences only in leisure, hard work, and delay of gratification dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding differences in work ethic dimensions could lead to strategies for improving the generational conflict. These results also lead to the conclusion that work ethic differences may not be the cause of the generational conflict among nurses.

Critical Care/organization & administration , Intergenerational Relations , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology , Work/ethics , Adult , Age Factors , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Nursing Administration Research , Nursing Evaluation Research , Nursing Staff, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Young Adult
J Nurs Manag ; 22(7): 931-9, 2014 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23879468


AIM: To examine variables affecting nurse willingness to report for work in the event of an earthquake in Israel and whether this can be predicted through the Theory of Self-Efficacy. BACKGROUND: The nursing profession has a major role in preparing for earthquakes. Nurse willingness to report to work in the event of an earthquake has never before been examined. METHOD: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed among a convenience sample of 400 nurses and nursing students in Israel during January-April 2012. RESULTS: High willingness to report to work in the event of an earthquake was declared by 57% of respondents. High perceived self-efficacy, level of knowledge and experience predict willingness to report to work in the event of an earthquake. Multidisciplinary collaboration and support was also cited as a meaningful factor. CONCLUSION: Perceived self-efficacy, level of knowledge, experience and the support of a multidisciplinary staff affect nurse willingness to report to work in the event of an earthquake. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Nurse managers can identify factors that increase nurse willingness to report to work in the event of an earthquake and consequently develop strategies for more efficient management of their nursing workforce.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Disaster Planning/methods , Earthquakes , Nurses/psychology , Self Efficacy , Work/ethics , Humans , Israel , Nurses/standards