Airborne microorganisms (AM) have significant environmental and health implications. Extensive studies have been conducted to investigate the factors influencing the composition and diversity of AM. However, the knowledge of AM with anthropogenic activities has not reach a consensus. In this study, we took advantage of the dramatic decline of outdoor anthropogenic activities resulting from COVID-19 lockdown to reveal their associations. We collected airborne particulate matter before and during the lockdown period in two cities. The results showed that it was fungal diversity and communities but not bacteria obviously different between pre-lockdown and lockdown samples, suggesting that airborne fungi were more susceptible to anthropogenic activities than bacteria. However, after the implementation of lockdown, the co-occurrence networks of both bacterial and fungal community became more complex, which might be due to the variation of microbial sources. Furthermore, Mantel test and correlation analysis showed that air pollutants also partly contributed to microbial alterations. Airborne fungal community was more affected by air pollutants than bacterial community. Notably, some human pathogens like Nigrospora and Arthrinium were negatively correlated with air pollutants. Overall, our study highlighted the more impacts of anthropogenic activities on airborne fungal community than bacterial community and advanced the understanding of associations between anthropogenic activities and AM.
Air Microbiology , Air Pollutants , Bacteria , Environmental Monitoring , Fungi , Bacteria/classification , Air Pollutants/analysis , Particulate Matter/analysis , COVID-19 , Humans , ChinaABSTRACT
HONO is a critical precursor of â¢OH, but its sources are controversial due to its complex formation mechanism. This study conducted comprehensive observations in Zhengzhou from April 26 to May 11, 2022. Low NOx concentrations were observed during the Covid epidemic period (EP) (10.4 ± 3.0 ppb), compared to the pre-epidemic period (PEP) (12.5 ± 3.8 ppb). The mean HONO concentration during EP (0.53 ± 0.34 ppb) was 0.09 ppb lower than that during PEP (0.62 ± 0.53 ppb). The decrease in HONO concentration during EP came mainly at night due to the reduction in the direct emission (Pemi) (0.03 ppb/hr), the homogeneous reaction between â¢OH and NO (POH+NO) (0.02 ppb/hr), and the heterogeneous conversion of NO2 on the ground (0.01 ppb/hr). Notably, there was no significant change in daytime HONO concentration. The daytime HONO budget indicated that the primary HONO sources during PEP were the nitrate photolysis (Pnitrate), followed by the POH+NO, Pemi, the photo-enhanced reaction of NO2 on the ground (Pground+hv) and aerosol surface (Paerosol+hv). The primary HONO sources were Pnitrate, POH+NO, Pemi, and Paerosol+hv during EP, respectively. The missing source has a high correlation with solar radiation, there might be other photo-related HONO sources or the contributions of photosensitized reactions were underestimated. In the extremely underestimated cases, HONO production rates from the Pnitrate, Pground+hv, and Paerosol+hv increased by 0.17, 0.10, and 0.10 ppb/hr during PEP, 0.23, 0.13, and 0.16 ppb/hr during EP, and Pnitrate was still the primary source during both PEP and EP.
Air Pollutants , COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Air Pollutants/analysis , Environmental Monitoring/methods , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemics , Cities , HumansABSTRACT
This chapter summarizes the epidemiological study design of natural immune epidemiology studies based on recent COVID-19-related research. The epidemiological studies on antiviral innate immunity have mainly included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies. Importantly, this chapter will discuss how to use these methodologies to answer an epidemiological question of natural immunity in the viral infection process based on previous studies. An observational case- or cohort-based study of antiviral innate immunity may support this theoretical hypothesis but is not appropriate for clinical practice or treatment. RCTs are the gold standard for epidemiological studies and occupy a greater role in the hierarchy of evidence.
COVID-19 , Immunity, Innate , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , COVID-19/immunology , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/virology , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Epidemiologic Studies , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Introdução: O conhecimento da magnitude em que a população implementa medidas de proteção emitidas pelas autoridades de saúde pública é essencial na prevenção da doença do novo coronavírus (COVID-19). A eficácia de medidas não farmacológicas de prevenção e das políticas públicas destinadas a reduzir o contágio pela COVID-19 depende de quão bem os indivíduos são informados sobre as consequências da infecção e as medidas que devem adotar para reduzir sua propagação. O entendimento, as atitudes e as práticas das pessoas em relação à COVID-19 e sua prevenção são basilares para a compreensão da dinâmica epidemiológica, demandando a realização de pesquisas sobre o cumprimento de medidas não farmacológicas de prevenção do contágio em diversos territórios. Para isso, em 2020, medidas não farmacológicas contra a COVID-19 foram divulgadas por fontes diversas, estatais e privadas, para a maior parte da população brasileira, com a finalidade de orientar comportamentos para conter a crise sanitária. As equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família têm um papel fundamental neste processo de educação em saúde, pois compreendem elementos socioculturais das suas comunidades, alcançando-as tanto em capilaridade quanto em adequação local da informação técnico-científica. Este artigo abrange uma pesquisa de campo, parte de um projeto multicêntrico nacional. Objetivo: Avaliar se a população do território de uma unidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família da cidade de Condado-PE entende e aplica as informações que recebeu sobre medidas não farmacológicas de prevenção em suas práticas de proteção contra a COVID-19. Mais especificamente, a pesquisa visou determinar que informações foram recebidas pelos respondentes, quais as suas fontes, o grau de confiabilidade atribuído a estas, além da adesão deles às medidas não farmacológicas e sua relação com variáveis sociodemográficas. Métodos: O modelo do estudo foi observacional e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, a partir da coleta de dados primários com 70 usuários por entrevista presencial com questionário estruturado. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que a população recebeu vasta informação sobre prevenção da doença. Conclusão: Com níveis variados de confiabilidade das fontes, atribuindo importância relevante às medidas de prevenção e adotou a maioria delas, com exceção do isolamento social total.
Introduction: Knowledge of the magnitude to which the population implements protective measures issued by public health authorities is essential in preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The effectiveness of non-pharmacological prevention measures (NPM) and public policies aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 depends on how well individuals are informed about the consequences of the infection and the measures they must adopt to reduce its spread. The understanding, attitudes, and practices of people in relation to COVID-19 and its prevention are fundamental for understanding the epidemiological dynamics, demanding research on compliance with NPM to prevent contagion in different territories. To this end, in 2020, NPM against COVID-19 were released by various sources, state and private, for most of the Brazilian population, with the aim of guiding behaviors to contain the health crisis. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) teams play a key role in this health education process, as they comprise sociocultural elements of their communities, reaching them both in capillarity and in local adequacy of technical-scientific information. This article covers field research, part of a national multicenter project. Objective: To evaluate whether the population of the territory of an FHS unit in the city of Condado, Pernambuco, understands and applies the information it received about NPM prevention in their practices to protect against COVID-19. More specifically, the research aimed to determine what information was received by the respondents, what are their sources, the degree of reliability attributed to these, in addition to their adherence to the NPM and their relationship with sociodemographic variables. Methods: The study model was observational and descriptive, with a quantitative approach, based on the collection of primary data with 70 users through face-to-face interviews with a structured questionnaire. Results: The results showed that the population received extensive information on disease prevention. Conclusion: With varying levels of reliability of the sources, attributing relevant importance to prevention measures and adopted most of them, with the exception of total social isolation.
El conocimiento de la magnitud con la que la población implementa las medidas de protección emitidas por las autoridades de salud pública es fundamental en la prevención de la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). La efectividad de las medidas de prevención no farmacológicas (MFN) y de las políticas públicas dirigidas a reducir la propagación de la COVID-19 depende de qué tan bien se informe a las personas sobre las consecuencias de la infección y las medidas que deben adoptar para reducir su propagación. La comprensión, actitudes y prácticas de las personas con relación al COVID-19 y su prevención son fundamentales para comprender la dinámica epidemiológica, exigiendo investigaciones sobre el cumplimiento de las MNF para prevenir el contagio en diferentes territorios. Con ese fin, en 2020, MNF contra el COVID-19 fueron divulgados por diversas fuentes, estatales y privadas, para la mayoría de la población brasileña, con el objetivo de orientar comportamientos para contener la crisis sanitaria. Los equipos de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia (ESF) juegan un papel fundamental en este proceso de educación en salud, ya que integran elementos socioculturales de sus comunidades, alcanzándolas tanto en la capilaridad como en la adecuación local de la información técnico-científica. Este artículo aborda una investigación de campo, parte de un proyecto multicéntrico nacional, con el objetivo de evaluar si la población del territorio de una unidad de la ESF en la ciudad de Condado-PE comprende y aplica la información recibida sobre la prevención de MNF en sus prácticas de protección contra el COVID -19. Más específicamente, la investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar qué información recibieron los encuestados, cuáles son sus fuentes, el grado de confiabilidad atribuido a estas, además de su adherencia al MNF y su relación con variables sociodemográficas. El modelo de estudio fue observacional y descriptivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, basado en la recolección de datos primarios con 70 usuarios a través de entrevistas cara a cara con un cuestionario estructurado. Los resultados mostraron que la población recibió amplia información sobre prevención de la enfermedad, con diversos niveles de confiabilidad de las fuentes, atribuyendo importancia relevante a las medidas de prevención y adoptando la mayoría de ellas, con excepción del aislamiento social total.
Humans , National Health Strategies , Health Education , Health Communication , COVID-19 , Primary PreventionABSTRACT
Patients on B cell immunosuppressive treatments have been shown to have persistent infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In this report, a woman treated with ibrutinib for chronic lymphocytic leukemia experienced more than 40 days of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. Unexpectedly, her peripheral blood experiments showed a normal SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody level and a relatively elevated percentage of CD19 + B cells, while an obvious decrease in the percentages of NK cells, CD4 + T cells and CD8 + T cells. Further SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell analysis in this patient indicated a significant decrease in the percentage of SARS-CoV-2-specific IFN-γ, TNF-α or IL-2 producing CD4 + T or CD8 + T cells. Most notably, ten days after the cease of ibrutinib, the PCR for SARS-CoV-2 turned negative and the reduced proportions of peripheral CD4 + T cells and CD8 + T cells recovered. Our research predicted that the depleted B-cell function therapies may play considerable role in the development of long COVID-19 and the abnormal T-cell subset distribution might be the underlying mechanism.
Adenine , COVID-19 , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell , Piperidines , SARS-CoV-2 , Virus Shedding , Humans , Adenine/analogs & derivatives , Adenine/therapeutic use , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell/drug therapy , Piperidines/therapeutic use , Female , COVID-19/virology , CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Pyrimidines/therapeutic use , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Aged , Pyrazoles/therapeutic use , Middle AgedABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: This study assesses the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in first time visitors to the STIs clinic in Hangzhou, China, considering different genders, ages and symptoms. And also explores howthe COVID-19 pandemic has affected on STIs. METHODS: From 2019 to 2023, 27,283 first time visitors were tested for nine distinct STIs, including Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), syphilis, Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 (HSV-2), Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Mycoplasma genitalium (MG), and vaginal Candida. RESULTS: Symptomatic male and female visitors showed overall STI-positive rates of 39.27% and 59.20%, respectively(p < .001). The top three pathogens in both genders were HPV (47.56% and 56.71%), UU (29.21% and 56.47%), and HSV-2 (22.41% and 52.94%). Among asymptomatic visitors, the total STI-positive rate was 36.63% in males and 52.03% in females. Age-stratified analysis revealed higher STI rates in visitors ≤ 20 or >50 years, regardless of gender and symptoms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, symptomatic visitors showed lower positive rates for HPV, HIV, syphilis, and HSV-2, while Candida, UU, CT, NG, and multiple infections increased. Among asymptomatic visitors, HPV had the lowest positive rate, while NG and multiple infections increased during the pandemic. CONCLUSION: STI prevalence is notably high, particularly in those aged ≤ 20 and >50 years. It emphasizes the need for enhanced health education, condom use, and vaccination. The COVID-19 pandemic impacting STIs through varied factors, such as reduced sexual activity and clinical service interruption.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Female , Male , China/epidemiology , Adult , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Prevalence , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Adolescent , PandemicsABSTRACT
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic started in December 2019, spread like wildfire and took an immense toll on human life. ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine was used worldwide for the prevention of Covid-19. Covid-19 has been implicated in the causation of severe haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) syndrome. However, the same has not been reported with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in the literature. We report a young man who developed secondary HLH post-ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination.
COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 , Lymphohistiocytosis, Hemophagocytic , Humans , Lymphohistiocytosis, Hemophagocytic/etiology , Lymphohistiocytosis, Hemophagocytic/diagnosis , Male , ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/adverse effects , COVID-19/prevention & control , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19 Vaccines/adverse effects , Adult , SARS-CoV-2/immunologyABSTRACT
Herpes zoster is a viral infection caused due to the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus that is localized to a single dermatome unilaterally. The factors responsible for its reactivation are increasing age, immunosuppressive drugs, malignancies, chronic liver and renal diseases. Herpes zoster was found to be one of the cutaneous manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Various skin manifestations post-vaccination are being reported, which include injection site urticarial, maculopapular rash and positive dermographism. We report a patient of herpes zoster triggered by the viral vector (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) coronavirus vaccine (recombinant).
COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 , Herpes Zoster , Humans , Herpes Zoster/prevention & control , Herpes Zoster/immunology , COVID-19 Vaccines/adverse effects , COVID-19 Vaccines/administration & dosage , COVID-19/prevention & control , COVID-19/immunology , Male , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , Middle Aged , FemaleABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is widely accepted as a transdiagnostic vulnerability factor for a range of mental health problems. It is considered a transsituational vulnerability factor associated with a range of responses to different stressful life situations. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to examine the association between IU and specific psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and the moderators of this relationship drawn from IU research and other studies on COVID-19. METHOD: The studies included were as follows: (i) English-language articles published in peer-reviewed journals or thesis/dissertations; (ii) reporting specific psychological impacts of COVID-19; (c) reporting IU; (iii) case-control studies, prospective cohort studies, experimental studies and cross-sectional studies of large populations and (iv) reporting correlation coefficients between the variables of interest. Studies on participants with a diagnosis of neurological and/or organic impairment were excluded. The databases searched were Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest, up until 31 December 2022. The risk of bias was assessed using the Risk of Bias Utilized for Surveys Tool (ROBUST, Nudelman et al., 2020). Sensitivity analysis was conducted using the one-study remove method, and studentized residuals and Cook's distance were examined. A random effects model was used. RESULTS: We examined the association between IU and COVID-19-related psychological impacts across 85 studies from 22 countries (N = 69,997; 64.95% female; mean sample age, 32.90 ± 9.70). There was no evidence of publication bias. We found a medium and positive association between IU and COVID-19-related psychological impacts (N = 69,562, r = 0.35, k = 89, 95% CI [0.32, 0.37]), which was independent of the IU measure used or whether the psychological impact was measured in relation to the virus alone or broader aspects of the pandemic. It was also independent of severity, publication year, sample type and size, study quality, age and sample levels of anxiety, depressive symptoms, stress, mental well-being and social support. However, the observed association varied significantly between countries and country income levels (stronger among low-incomes) and across genders (stronger among males) and was stronger for measures with greater reliability and more items, but lower among samples with more people who had been exposed to COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support that IU is a higher order transsituational vulnerability factor related to cognitive, behavioural and distress responses during the pandemic. Limitations include English-language-only sources, reliance on a wide range of measures that were coded using a novel system and variable risk of bias across studies. The implications are considered in relation to the management of psychological consequences of major situational stressors experienced at a global scale, but the variations at a national and socioeconomic level also have implications for different or localized stressors at a regional or community level.
COVID-19 , COVID-19/psychology , Humans , Uncertainty , SARS-CoV-2 , PandemicsABSTRACT
Background: China exited strict Zero-COVID policy with a surge in Omicron variant infections in December 2022. Given China's pandemic policy and population immunity, employing Baidu Index (BDI) to analyze the evolving disease landscape and estimate the nationwide pneumonia hospitalizations in the post Zero COVID period, validated by hospital data, holds informative potential for future outbreaks. Methods: Retrospective observational analyses were conducted at the conclusion of the Zero-COVID policy, integrating internet search data alongside offline records. Methodologies employed were multidimensional, encompassing lagged Spearman correlation analysis, growth rate assessments, independent sample T-tests, Granger causality examinations, and Bayesian structural time series (BSTS) models for comprehensive data scrutiny. Results: Various diseases exhibited a notable upsurge in the BDI after the policy change, consistent with the broader trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic. Robust connections emerged between COVID-19 and diverse health conditions, predominantly impacting the respiratory, circulatory, ophthalmological, and neurological domains. Notably, 34 diseases displayed a relatively high correlation (r > 0.5) with COVID-19. Among these, 12 exhibited a growth rate exceeding 50% post-policy transition, with myocarditis escalating by 1,708% and pneumonia by 1,332%. In these 34 diseases, causal relationships have been confirmed for 23 of them, while 28 garnered validation from hospital-based evidence. Notably, 19 diseases obtained concurrent validation from both Granger causality and hospital-based data. Finally, the BSTS models approximated approximately 4,332,655 inpatients diagnosed with pneumonia nationwide during the 2 months subsequent to the policy relaxation. Conclusion: This investigation elucidated substantial associations between COVID-19 and respiratory, circulatory, ophthalmological, and neurological disorders. The outcomes from comprehensive multi-dimensional cross-over studies notably augmented the robustness of our comprehension of COVID-19's disease spectrum, advocating for the prospective utility of internet-derived data. Our research highlights the potential of Internet behavior in predicting pandemic-related syndromes, emphasizing its importance for public health strategies, resource allocation, and preparedness for future outbreaks.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Bayes Theorem , Health Policy , PandemicsABSTRACT
This study examines the factors influencing users' intention to continue using mobile medical apps within the framework of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Through a combination of questionnaire surveys and interviews, the research finds that doctor-patient trust, Performance Expectancy (PE), social influence, and facilitating conditions significantly impact users' intention to utilize mobile medical apps. Furthermore, the study reveals the moderating effect of doctor-patient trust on social influence, indicating an increased trust level during the epidemic, attributed to positive media coverage, complimentary medical services, and risk-sharing initiatives. These results provide valuable insights for the field of internet healthcare, COVID-19 response strategies, health information management, and the advancement of digital health technologies, spotlighting the pivotal roles of trust, PE, and social influence in fostering sustained engagement with mobile health apps.
COVID-19 , Mobile Applications , Physician-Patient Relations , Trust , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/psychology , Male , Female , Surveys and Questionnaires , Adult , Telemedicine/statistics & numerical data , Middle Aged , SARS-CoV-2 , Intention , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Introduction: There are no reports in LATAM related to longitudinal humoral and cellular response to adenovirus based COVID-19 vaccines in people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS) under different disease modifying therapies (DMTs) and neutralization of the Omicron and Wuhan variants of SARS-COV-2. Methods: IgG anti- SARS-COV-2 spike titer were measured in a cohort of 101 pwMS under fingolimod, dimethyl fumarate, cladribine and antiCD20, as well as 28 healthy controls (HC) were measured 6 weeks after vaccination with 2nd dose (Sputnik V or AZD1222) and 3nd dose (homologous or heterologous schedule). Neutralizing capacity was against Omicron (BA.1) and Wuhan (D614G) variants and pseudotyped particles and Cellular response were analyzed. Results: Multivariate regression analysis showed anti-cd20 (ß= -,349, 95% CI: -3655.6 - -369.01, p=0.017) and fingolimod (ß=-,399, 95% CI: -3363.8 - -250.9, p=0.023) treatments as an independent factor associated with low antibody response (r2 adjusted=0.157). After the 2nd dose we found a correlation between total and neutralizing titers against D614G (rho=0.6; p<0.001; slope 0.8, 95%CI:0.4-1.3), with no differences between DMTs. Neutralization capacity was lower for BA.1 (slope 0.3, 95%CI:0.1-0.4). After the 3rd dose, neutralization of BA.1 improved (slope: 0.9 95%CI:0.6-1.2), without differences between DMTs. A fraction of pwMS generated anti-Spike CD4+ and CD8+ T cell response. In contrast, pwMS under antiCD20 generated CD8+TNF+IL2+ response without differences with HC, even in the absence of humoral response. The 3rd dose significantly increased the neutralization against the Omicron, as observed in the immunocompetent population. Discussion: Findings regarding humoral and cellular response are consistent with previous reports.
Antibodies, Neutralizing , Antibodies, Viral , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Immunosuppressive Agents , Multiple Sclerosis , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , Male , Female , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , COVID-19 Vaccines/immunology , COVID-19 Vaccines/administration & dosage , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , Middle Aged , Multiple Sclerosis/immunology , Multiple Sclerosis/drug therapy , COVID-19/immunology , COVID-19/prevention & control , Adult , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Antibodies, Viral/immunology , Antibodies, Neutralizing/immunology , Antibodies, Neutralizing/blood , Argentina , Adenoviridae/genetics , Adenoviridae/immunology , Immunity, Humoral , Spike Glycoprotein, Coronavirus/immunologyABSTRACT
Introduction: The immune response regulates the severity of COVID-19 (sCOVID-19). This study examined the cause-and-effect relationship between immune cell traits (ICTs) and the risk of severe COVID-19. Additionally, we discovered the potential role of plasma metabolome in modulating this risk. Methods: Employing data from a genome-wide association study (GWAS), we conducted a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) assessment of 731 genetic ICTs and sCOVID-19 (5,101 cases, 1,383,241 controls) incidence. The MR analysis was utilized to further quantitate the degree of plasma metabolome-mediated regulation of immune traits in sCOVID-19. Results: The inverse variance weighted method recognized 2 plasma metabolites (PMs) responsible for casual associations between immune cells and sCOVID-19 risk. These included Tridecenedioate (C13:1-DC) which regulated the association between CD27 on IgD- CD38br (OR 0.804, 95% CI 0.699-0.925, p = 0.002) and sCOVID-19 risk (mediated proportion: 18.7%); arginine to citrulline ratio which controlled the relationship of CD39 on monocyte (OR 1.053, 95% CI 1.013-1.094, p = 0.009) with sCOVID-19 risk (mediated proportion: -7.11%). No strong evidence that genetically predicted sCOVID-19 influenced the aforementioned immune traits. Conclusion: In this study, we have successfully identified a cause-and-effect relationship between certain ICTs, PMs, and the likelihood of contracting severe COVID-19. Our findings can potentially improve the accuracy of COVID-19 prognostic evaluation and provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms of the disease.
COVID-19 , Genome-Wide Association Study , Mendelian Randomization Analysis , Metabolome , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , COVID-19/immunology , COVID-19/blood , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , SARS-CoV-2/genetics , Severity of Illness Index , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Polymorphism, Single NucleotideABSTRACT
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), lead to a crisis with devastating disasters to global public economy and health. Several studies suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (N protein) is one of uppermost structural constituents of SARS-CoV-2 and is relatively conserved which could become a specific diagnostic marker. In this study, eight single domain antibodies recognized the N protein specifically which were named pN01-pN08 were screened using human phage display library. According to multiple sequence alignment and molecular docking analyses, the interaction mechanism between antibody and N protein was predicted. ELISA results indicated pN01-pN08 with high affinity to protein N. To improve their efficacy, two fusion proteins were prepared and their affinity was tested. These finding showed that fusion proteins had higher affinity than single domain antibodies and will be used as diagnosis for the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2.
Antibodies, Viral , COVID-19 , Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Proteins , Molecular Docking Simulation , SARS-CoV-2 , Single-Domain Antibodies , Humans , Single-Domain Antibodies/immunology , Single-Domain Antibodies/chemistry , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Proteins/immunology , Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Proteins/chemistry , COVID-19/immunology , COVID-19/diagnosis , Antibodies, Viral/immunology , Antibody Affinity , Phosphoproteins/immunology , Phosphoproteins/chemistry , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/methods , Recombinant Fusion Proteins/immunology , Recombinant Fusion Proteins/chemistry , Recombinant Fusion Proteins/genetics , Peptide LibraryABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Following the initial acute phase of COVID-19, health care resource use has escalated among individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare new diagnoses of long COVID and the demand for health services in the general population after the Omicron wave with those observed during the pre-Omicron waves, using similar assessment protocols for both periods and to analyze the influence of vaccination. METHODS: This matched retrospective case-control study included patients of both sexes diagnosed with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction or antigen tests in the hospital microbiology laboratory during the pandemic period regardless of whether the patients were hospitalized. We included patients of all ages from 2 health care departments that cover 604,000 subjects. The population was stratified into 2 groups, youths (<18 years) and adults (≥18 years). Patients were followed-up for 6 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Previous vaccination, new diagnoses, and the use of health care resources were recorded. Patients were compared with controls selected using a prospective score matched for age, sex, and the Charlson index. RESULTS: A total of 41,577 patients with a history of prior COVID-19 infection were included, alongside an equivalent number of controls. This cohort encompassed 33,249 (80%) adults aged ≥18 years and 8328 (20%) youths aged <18 years. Our analysis identified 40 new diagnoses during the observation period. The incidence rate per 100 patients over a 6-month period was 27.2 for vaccinated and 25.1 for unvaccinated adults (P=.09), while among youths, the corresponding rates were 25.7 for vaccinated and 36.7 for unvaccinated individuals (P<.001). Overall, the incidence of new diagnoses was notably higher in patients compared to matched controls. Additionally, vaccinated patients exhibited a reduced incidence of new diagnoses, particularly among women (P<.001) and younger patients (P<.001) irrespective of the number of vaccine doses administered and the duration since the last dose. Furthermore, an increase in the use of health care resources was observed in both adult and youth groups, albeit with lower figures noted in vaccinated individuals. In the comparative analysis between the pre-Omicron and Omicron waves, the incidence of new diagnoses was higher in the former; however, distinct patterns of diagnosis were evident. Specifically, depressed mood (P=.03), anosmia (P=.003), hair loss (P<.001), dyspnea (<0.001), chest pain (P=.04), dysmenorrhea (P<.001), myalgia (P=.011), weakness (P<.001), and tachycardia (P=.015) were more common in the pre-Omicron period. Similarly, health care resource use, encompassing primary care, specialist, and emergency services, was more pronounced in the pre-Omicron wave. CONCLUSIONS: The rise in new diagnoses following SARS-CoV-2 infection warrants attention due to its potential implications for health systems, which may necessitate the allocation of supplementary resources. The absence of vaccination protection presents a challenge to the health care system.
COVID-19 , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/prevention & control , Male , Case-Control Studies , Female , Adult , Adolescent , Retrospective Studies , Middle Aged , Child , Young Adult , Aged , SARS-CoV-2 , Child, Preschool , COVID-19 Vaccines/administration & dosage , Pandemics , Cost of Illness , Infant , Post-Acute COVID-19 SyndromeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted various containment strategies, such as work-from-home policies and reduced social contact, which significantly altered people's sleep routines. While previous studies have highlighted the negative impacts of these restrictions on sleep, they often lack a comprehensive perspective that considers other factors, such as seasonal variations and physical activity (PA), which can also influence sleep. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to longitudinally examine the detailed changes in sleep patterns among working adults during the COVID-19 pandemic using a combination of repeated questionnaires and high-resolution passive measurements from wearable sensors. We investigate the association between sleep and 5 sets of variables: (1) demographics; (2) sleep-related habits; (3) PA behaviors; and external factors, including (4) pandemic-specific constraints and (5) seasonal variations during the study period. METHODS: We recruited working adults in Finland for a 1-year study (June 2021-June 2022) conducted during the late stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. We collected multisensor data from fitness trackers worn by participants, as well as work and sleep-related measures through monthly questionnaires. Additionally, we used the Stringency Index for Finland at various points in time to estimate the degree of pandemic-related lockdown restrictions during the study period. We applied linear mixed models to examine changes in sleep patterns during this late stage of the pandemic and their association with the 5 sets of variables. RESULTS: The sleep patterns of 27,350 nights from 112 working adults were analyzed. Stricter pandemic measures were associated with an increase in total sleep time (TST) (ß=.003, 95% CI 0.001-0.005; P<.001) and a delay in midsleep (MS) (ß=.02, 95% CI 0.02-0.03; P<.001). Individuals who tend to snooze exhibited greater variability in both TST (ß=.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.27; P=.006) and MS (ß=.17, 95% CI 0.03-0.31; P=.01). Occupational differences in sleep pattern were observed, with service staff experiencing longer TST (ß=.37, 95% CI 0.14-0.61; P=.004) and lower variability in TST (ß=-.15, 95% CI -0.27 to -0.05; P<.001). Engaging in PA later in the day was associated with longer TST (ß=.03, 95% CI 0.02-0.04; P<.001) and less variability in TST (ß=-.01, 95% CI -0.02 to 0.00; P=.02). Higher intradaily variability in rest activity rhythm was associated with shorter TST (ß=-.26, 95% CI -0.29 to -0.23; P<.001), earlier MS (ß=-.29, 95% CI -0.33 to -0.26; P<.001), and reduced variability in TST (ß=-.16, 95% CI -0.23 to -0.09; P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: Our study provided a comprehensive view of the factors affecting sleep patterns during the late stage of the pandemic. As we navigate the future of work after the pandemic, understanding how work arrangements, lifestyle choices, and sleep quality interact will be crucial for optimizing well-being and performance in the workforce.
COVID-19 , Pandemics , Sleep , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Longitudinal Studies , Female , Male , Surveys and Questionnaires , Adult , Middle Aged , Sleep/physiology , Finland/epidemiology , Exercise , Fitness Trackers/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Problem: By 31 December 2021, only 5.5% (861 879/15 670 530) of the Somali population had been fully vaccinated against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Approach: To rapidly increase COVID-19 vaccine coverage in 2022, the health ministry and its partners (World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund) adopted a more responsive strategy. This strategy included careful microplanning, better targeting of populations and providing people-centred vaccination services close to their homes. These services were combined with childhood vaccination and basic health-care provision using the existing polio network and community health workers. Additionally, a digital tool for recording COVID-19 vaccination data and a mobile phone-based electronic registration system were introduced. Local setting: Somalia, a fragile and conflict-affected state, faced challenges when implementing COVID-19 vaccination, including inexperience in managing mass adult vaccination, inadequate infrastructure and health workforce. Furthermore, insecurity in some areas and severe drought resulted in large-scale displacement of people. Relevant changes: The implementation of a more context-specific strategy helped Somalia reach substantially more people with COVID-19 vaccination and 42.1% coverage by 31 December 2022. Additionally, 84 600 zero-dose children received their first childhood vaccine during the integrated campaigns. The increased coverage has led to public health benefits that outweigh the investment in the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. Lessons learnt: Successful roll-out of adult vaccination is achievable even in a fragile and conflict-affected setting through implementation of a tailored contextualized approach. Key factors include good microplanning, use of digital tools, better population-targeting, bundling vaccines together and delivering vaccination services close to people's homes.
COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Somalia , Humans , COVID-19/prevention & control , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19 Vaccines/administration & dosage , COVID-19 Vaccines/supply & distribution , Immunization Programs/organization & administration , SARS-CoV-2 , Mass Vaccination/organization & administration , Vaccination CoverageABSTRACT
Objective: To assess the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on protests by health workers. Methods: We conducted an interrupted time series analysis of data from 159 countries for 2 years before and after the World Health Organization classified COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020, thus between 2018 and 2022. We produced models examining two main outcomes: (i) the total weekly number of health worker protests globally; and (ii) the number of countries with one or more health worker protests in a given week. Findings: In total, there were 18 322 health worker protests in 133 countries between 2018 and 2022. The number of weekly health worker protests globally increased by 47% (30.1/63.5), an increase of 30.1 protests per week (95% confidence interval, CI: 11.7-48.6) at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the number of countries experiencing such protests in a given week increased by 24% (5.7/24.1) following the declaration of the pandemic (an increase of 5.7 countries; 95% CI: 3.5-7.8). Conclusion: The pandemic increased the overall level of health worker protests globally as well as the number of countries experiencing such protests. These protests highlight discontent in the health workforce. Given the ongoing global health workforce crisis, understanding and addressing the drivers of health worker discontent is important for global health policy and security.
COVID-19 , Health Personnel , Interrupted Time Series Analysis , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Pandemics , Global HealthABSTRACT
Background: Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) is a significant cause of community-acquired pneumonia with high macrolide resistance rates. Various COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have impacted the prevalence of MP. Objective: To assess the changes in the pattern of MP infections among children before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A total of 36685 enrolled patients, aged 0-18 years, diagnosed with pneumonia and admitted to Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from January 2019 to December 2023, were retrospectively reviewed in this study. The epidemiological characteristics of pediatric MP infection were analyzed. Results: Among 36685 patients, 7610 (20.74%) tested positive for MP. The highest positive rate was observed among children aged over 6 years (55.06%). There was no gender disparity in MP infection across the three phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospital stays were longest for children during the COVID-19 pandemic (P <0.001). MP infection was most prevalent in the summer (29.64%). The lowest positive rate was observed during the pandemic, with the highest rate found after easing the measures across all age groups (P <0.001). There was a surge in the positive rate of MP in the third year after the COVID-19 pandemic. Regression analyses demonstrated a shift in the age range susceptible to MP infection, with children aged 3.8 to 13.5 years post-pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic range of 5.3 to 15.5 years old. Additionally, the average macrolide resistance rate was 79.84%. We observed a higher resistance rate during the pandemic than in the pre- and post-pandemic phases (P <0.001). Conclusion: The restrictive measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced the spread of MP to some extent and altered demographic and clinical characteristics, such as age, age group, season, length of stay, and macrolide resistance. We recommend continuous surveillance of the evolving epidemiological characteristics of MP infection in the post-pandemic period when restrictions are no longer necessary.
COVID-19 , Mycoplasma pneumoniae , Pneumonia, Mycoplasma , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , Child , COVID-19/epidemiology , Child, Preschool , China/epidemiology , Female , Male , Infant , Adolescent , Pneumonia, Mycoplasma/epidemiology , Mycoplasma pneumoniae/drug effects , Mycoplasma pneumoniae/isolation & purification , Retrospective Studies , Infant, Newborn , Prevalence , SARS-CoV-2/isolation & purification , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , Macrolides/therapeutic use , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Child, Hospitalized/statistics & numerical data , Seasons , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiologyABSTRACT
Background: Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the learning pattern of medical students shifted from onsite to online. This transition may contribute to what has been called "Zoom fatigue." This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of Zoom fatigue related to online learning, identify associated factors of Zoom fatigue, and explore its correlation with depression among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 1st to 6th-year Thai medical students. The online survey was administered using a demographic and health behavior questionnaire, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and the Thai version of the Zoom Exhaustion & Fatigue Scale (ZEF-T). Results: Among the 386 participating students, 221 (57%) were female, with a mean age of 20.6 years. The prevalence of high Zoom fatigue was 9.6%. In the multivariable regression analysis, a lower academic year and a higher number of online learning sessions were significant predictors of Zoom fatigue (p < 0.001), while regular exercise emerged as a protective factor (p = 0.009). The prevalence of depressive disorder was 61.9%, and a significant correlation was found between having a depressive disorder and experiencing Zoom fatigue (p = 0.004). Conclusion: Zoom fatigue among medical students was correlated with depression. Consequently, medical students experiencing Zoom fatigue should undergo further assessment for depression. It is crucial to closely monitor medical students in lower academic years with a high number of online sessions for signs of Zoom fatigue. Additionally, implementing strategies, such as reducing the frequency of online sessions and promoting regular exercise, may help alleviate the symptoms.