This study sought to explore the perspective of medical faculty on the mental health of their students. This qualitative study based on a focus group is part of a longitudinal research that studied the mental health of Brazilian students. One group was conducted with faculty employed at a medical school. Topics discussed covered the concept of mental health and medical education. Six professors participated in one group. The mental health of medical students is a construct that encompasses emotional aspects, ability to solve problems and multiple facets of a human being, according to the participants. Artistic practices, moments of socialization and leisure were perceived as stimulating students' good mental health. Excessive demands generate competitiveness and the teacher's expectation of the student's good performance based on their own experience can harm the student's mental health. Participants also highlighted that a pedagogical reformulation that makes sense for the student's learning process is necessary to update traditional curricula. Medical students' mental health is influenced by experiences and exchanges during the medical school, mainly between professor and student, understood as necessary and inherent to the process of becoming physician. The findings of this study show the need for curriculum changes in the medical education process and updating teacher training for good practices that reinforce good mental health.
Este estudio buscó explorar la perspectiva de los profesores de medicina sobre la salud mental de sus estudiantes. Este estudio cualitativo basado en un grupo focal es parte de una investigación longitudinal que estudió la salud mental de estudiantes brasileños. Un grupo se llevó a cabo con profesores empleados en una escuela de medicina. Los temas tratados abarcaron el concepto de salud mental y educación médica. Seis docentes participaron en un grupo. La salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina es un constructo que abarca aspectos emocionales, capacidad de resolución de problemas y múltiples facetas del ser humano, según los participantes. Las prácticas artísticas, los momentos de socialización y el ocio fueron percibidos como estimulantes de la buena salud mental de los estudiantes. Las exigencias excesivas generan competitividad y la expectativa del docente sobre el buen desempeño del estudiante basándose en su propia experiencia puede perjudicar la salud mental del estudiante. Los participantes también resaltaron que es necesaria una reformulación pedagógica que tenga sentido para el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante para actualizar los currículos tradicionales. La salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina está influenciada por las experiencias y los intercambios durante la carrera de medicina, principalmente entre profesor y estudiante, entendidos como necesarios e inherentes al proceso de convertirse en médico. Los hallazgos de este estudio muestran la necesidad de cambios curriculares en el proceso de formación médica y de actualización de la formación docente hacia buenas prácticas que refuercen la buena salud mental.
Este estudo buscou explorar a perspectiva dos docentes de medicina sobre a saúde mental de seus alunos. Este estudo qualitativo baseado em grupo focal faz parte de uma pesquisa longitudinal que estudou a saúde mental de estudantes brasileiros. Um grupo foi conduzido com professores empregados em uma faculdade de medicina. Os temas discutidos abrangeram o conceito de saúde mental e educação médica. Seis professores participaram de um grupo. A saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina é um construto que engloba aspectos emocionais, capacidade de resolução de problemas e múltiplas facetas do ser humano, segundo os participantes. As práticas artísticas, os momentos de socialização e de lazer foram percebidos como estimuladores da boa saúde mental dos estudantes. Exigências excessivas geram competitividade e a expectativa do professor pelo bom desempenho do aluno com base na própria experiência pode prejudicar a saúde mental do aluno. Os participantes destacaram também que é necessária uma reformulação pedagógica que faça sentido para o processo de aprendizagem do aluno para atualizar os currículos tradicionais. A saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina é influenciada pelas experiências e trocas durante o curso de medicina, principalmente entre professor e aluno, entendidas como necessárias e inerentes ao processo de tornar-se médico. Os achados deste estudo mostram a necessidade de mudanças curriculares no processo de formação médica e de atualização da formação docente para boas práticas que reforcem a boa saúde mental.
Humans , Social Perception , Students, Medical/psychology , Mental Health , Faculty, Medical , Brazil , Longitudinal Studies , Focus Groups , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Low viral load suppression rates among older adolescents and young adults with HIV are a global challenge, including in Namibia. Healthcare providers struggle with managing these age groups due to their unique demographic characteristics. Monitoring viral load suppression is vital for evaluating antiretroviral treatment effectiveness, making it essential to identify and address existing gaps. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore and describe healthcare practitioners' understanding and experiences in managing older adolescents and younger adults living with HIV in seven high-burden districts of Namibia. METHOD: Qualitative descriptive phenomenological research was followed in this study. Healthcare practitioners directly managing older adolescents and younger adults living with HIV were purposively recruited. Telephonic individual interviews were conducted, and data saturation was achieved with the 29th participant. Colaizzi's seven-step analysis was used to analyse the data. RESULTS: Two themes emerged from the study: (1) healthcare practitioners' knowledge of viral load management and (2) the strategies employed to manage high viral load in these age groups. These strategies included implementing differentiated service delivery, adopting interprofessional and Ubuntu approaches, psychosocial support, community engagement, enhancing adherence counselling, and support from implementing partners. CONCLUSION: The findings revealed inadequate knowledge among healthcare practitioners regarding viral load management, which negatively impacts the provision of quality care and an effective HIV response within the spirit of Ubuntu.Contribution: This study enhances healthcare practitioners' capacity in viral load management and guides policy makers in supporting this unique population, thus improving their health outcomes.
HIV Infections , Health Personnel , Qualitative Research , Humans , Namibia , HIV Infections/psychology , HIV Infections/therapy , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Health Personnel/psychology , Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Viral Load , Middle Aged , Interviews as Topic/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To explore the lifestyle-related characteristics of people having type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: The phenomenological study was conducted from July 5 to September 18, 2021, at Sadabuan Health Centre, Batunadua Health Centre and Wek 3 Health Centre, Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia, and comprised diabetic neuropathy patients who had cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression. Data was collected using in-depth interviews. Data was analysed using Collaizi's method. RESULTS: There were 8 subjects with mean age 48.38±13,606 years (range: 27-65 years), and mean duration of diabetes was 6±3.207 years. The majority of participants in this study were women 6 (75%). There were 7 themes that emerged from the collected data: level of physical activity, diet, sleep pattern, habit of consuming sweet drinks, smoking habit, social interaction, and self-care. CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes mellitus patient with peripheral neuropathy had not been able to completely switch to a healthier lifestyle.
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Diabetic Neuropathies , Exercise , Life Style , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/psychology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/epidemiology , Adult , Male , Diabetic Neuropathies/psychology , Diabetic Neuropathies/epidemiology , Indonesia/epidemiology , Aged , Smoking/epidemiology , Smoking/psychology , Self Care/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Anxiety/psychology , Sleep , Depression/epidemiology , Depression/psychology , Diet , Interpersonal Relations , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/epidemiology , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/psychology , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , Cognitive Dysfunction/etiology , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate efforts made to help young people curb smoking behaviour. METHODS: The qualitative study was conducted from January to February 2020 at 3 junior high schools in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, after approval from the ethics review committee of the University of Indonesia. The participants were students in grades 7 and 8. Data was collected through interviews, documentation and field notes. Data was subjected to construct and content validation, and was qualitatively analysed using NVivo 12 Plus. RESULTS: Of the 16 students, 2(12.5%) were from grade 7, and 14(87.5%) from grade 8. Overall, 12(75%) adolescents had smoked. There were 5 themes that emerged: smoking compulsion, adolescent perspectives on smoking behaviour, knowledge of the risks associated with smoking, obstacles to quitting, and smoking control strategies. To curb adolescent smoking, there were 2 themes: barriers to quitting smoking, and smoking control strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to curb smoking should focus on increasing adolescent self-control.
Adolescent Behavior , Qualitative Research , Humans , Adolescent , Male , Female , Indonesia/epidemiology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Smoking Cessation/psychology , Smoking/psychology , Smoking/epidemiology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Students/psychology , Students/statistics & numerical data , Schools , Smoking Prevention/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To develop a continuity of psychiatric nursing care model to enhance medication adherence in schizophrenia patients. METHODS: The Participatory Action Research study was conducted from 2017 to 2018 in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, after approval form the ethics review committee of the Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. The sample included schizophrenia inpatients at a mental hospital, their family members and nursing staff. Qualitative data were gathered through in-depth interviews, observations, field notes, and photo records. Data was subjected to content analysis, while trustworthiness of the model was also determined. RESULTS: Of the 57 subjects, 22(38.6%) were schizophrenia patients, 22(38.6%) were family members, and 13(22.8%) were nurses. The continuity of psychiatric nursing care model consisted of three components: preparing for readiness to live a normal way of life; creating a supportive environment; and, sustaining the continuity of care until the community level care. CONCLUSIONS: The continuity of psychiatric nursing care model facilitated holistic nursing care aspects.
Continuity of Patient Care , Medication Adherence , Psychiatric Nursing , Schizophrenia , Humans , Indonesia , Schizophrenia/drug therapy , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Psychiatric Nursing/methods , Male , Female , Adult , Models, Nursing , Qualitative Research , Health Services Research , Family/psychology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To explore nurses' experiences in providing care in coastal areas. METHODS: The phenomenological study was conducted from July to September 2020 in two coastal areas located in the Riau province of Indonesia, and comprised nurses working in public health centers, hospitals and district health offices. Data was collected using in-depth interviews. Data was subjected to thematic analysis. RESULTS: Of the 13 nurses, 10(77%) were females and 3(23%) were males. The overall age range was 24-44 years. Four themes that emerged were health problems in coastal areas, obstacles in nursing care delivery, irrelevant duty, and procedures in delivering nursing care. There were a total of 10 sub-themes as well. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the challenged faced by the nurses, communities in coastal areas deserve to get due healthcare services.
Qualitative Research , Humans , Female , Male , Indonesia , Adult , Young Adult , Nursing Care , Attitude of Health Personnel , Interviews as TopicABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals (HCPs) play a significant role in the decision-making process of pregnant women on maternal vaccinations. Whereas a high proportion of HCPs discuss maternal vaccinations with pregnant women, confidence in discussing maternal vaccinations is lacking and HCPs experience inadequate training to discuss maternal vaccinations with pregnant women. Furthermore, different practical barriers might influence the consultation process, such as lack of time. More studies on the barriers, as well as facilitators, to discussing maternal vaccinations is needed and will help us to better understand and support HCPs in discussing maternal vaccinations. METHODS: This qualitative study involved semi-structured interviews with fourteen HCPs working as midwives or gynaecologists in the Netherlands. An integrated theoretical approach was used to inform data collection and analysis. Thematic analysis was conducted using inductive and deductive approaches. This study followed the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research (COREQ) guidelines. RESULTS: The thematic analysis of the data pointed to the following five themes of HCP counselling: the consultation process, attitude, perceived norm, perceived control and improvement ideas. Most HCPs follow a similar approach in maternal pertussis vaccination consultations, beginning by assessing clients' understanding, providing basic information, and addressing questions. However, consultation timing and prioritization vary among HCPs. Challenges in consultations include client requests for clear advice, with HCPs trained to remain neutral, emphasizing client autonomy in decision-making. Most HCPs acknowledge the importance of their consultations in informing pregnant women about maternal pertussis vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: This study offers a confirmation of the awareness of the pivotal role of HCPs in informing pregnant women about the maternal pertussis vaccination. HCPs stress the importance of neutral counselling, enabling pregnant women to make well-informed decisions independently. Because of upcoming vaccine hesitancy nowadays, HCPs must be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to navigate difficult conversations. Continuous education and training might help to increase HCPs' confidence in handling difficult consultations. Additionally, making the information materials for pregnant women available in multiple languages and incorporating more visuals to enhance comprehension could support HCPs in reaching a broader group of pregnant women.
Counseling , Gynecology , Midwifery , Qualitative Research , Vaccination , Humans , Female , Netherlands , Pregnancy , Vaccination/psychology , Adult , Attitude of Health Personnel , Whooping Cough/prevention & control , Pertussis Vaccine/administration & dosage , Pregnant Women/psychology , Health Personnel/psychology , Middle Aged , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , MaleABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Encouraging alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling or public transport is a key cross-sector policy priority to promote population and planetary health. Individual travel choices are shaped by individual and environmental contexts, and changes in these contexts - triggered by key events - can translate to changes in travel mode. Understanding how and why these changes happen can help uncover more generalisable findings to inform future intervention research. This study aimed to identify the mechanisms and contexts facilitating changes in travel mode. METHODS: Prospective longitudinal qualitative cohort study utilising semi-structured interviews at baseline (in 2021), three- and six-month follow up. Participants were residents in a new town in Cambridgeshire, UK, where design principles to promote walking, cycling and public transport were used at the planning stage. At each interview, we followed a topic guide asking participants about previous and current travel patterns and future intentions. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. Data analysis used the framework approach based on realist evaluation principles identifying the context and mechanisms described by participants as leading to travel behaviour change. RESULTS: We conducted 42 interviews with 16 participants and identified six mechanisms for changes in travel mode. These entailed increasing or reducing access, reliability and financial cost, improving convenience, increasing confidence and raising awareness. Participants described that these led to changes in travel mode in contexts where their existing travel mode had been disrupted, particularly in terms of reducing access or reliability or increasing cost, and where there were suitable alternative travel modes for their journey. Experiences of the new travel mode played a role in future travel intentions. IMPLICATIONS: Applying realist evaluation principles to identify common mechanisms for changes in travel mode has the potential to inform future intervention strategies. Future interventions using mechanisms that reduce access to, reduce reliability of, or increase the financial cost of car use may facilitate modal shift to walking, cycling and public transport when implemented in contexts where alternative travel modes are available and acceptable.
Bicycling , Qualitative Research , Transportation , Travel , Walking , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Female , Male , Adult , Transportation/methods , Prospective Studies , Middle Aged , United Kingdom , Interviews as Topic , Health Behavior , Young Adult , AgedABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Workers tasked with specific responsibilities around patient and public involvement (PPI) are now routinely part of the organizational landscape for applied health research in the United Kingdom. Even as the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has had a pioneering role in developing a robust PPI infrastructure for publicly funded health research in the United Kingdom, considerable barriers remain to embedding substantive and sustainable public input in the design and delivery of research. Notably, researchers and clinicians report a tension between funders' orientation towards deliverables and the resources and labour required to embed public involvement in research. These and other tensions require further investigation. METHODS: This was a qualitative study with participatory elements. Using purposive and snowball sampling and attending to regional and institutional diversity, we conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with individuals holding NIHR-funded formal PPI roles across England. Interviews were analysed through reflexive thematic analysis with coding and framing presented and adjusted through two workshops with study participants. RESULTS: We generated five overarching themes which signal a growing tension between expectations put on staff in PPI roles and the structural limitations of these roles: (i) the instability of support; (ii) the production of invisible labour; (iii) PPI work as more than a job; (iv) accountability without control; and (v) delivering change without changing. CONCLUSIONS: The NIHR PPI workforce has enabled considerable progress in embedding patient and public input in research activities. However, the role has led not to a resolution of the tension between performance management priorities and the labour of PPI, but rather to its displacement and - potentially - its intensification. We suggest that the expectation to "deliver" PPI hinges on a paradoxical demand to deliver a transformational intervention that is fundamentally divorced from any labour of transformation. We conclude that ongoing efforts to transform health research ecologies so as to better respond to the needs of patients will need to grapple with the force and consequences of this paradoxical demand.
Community Participation , Patient Participation , Qualitative Research , Humans , United Kingdom , Research Personnel , Health Services Research , Social Responsibility , England , Professional Role , Interviews as TopicABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Women in the sex trade encounter significant challenges in obtaining reproductive healthcare. Reports of reproductive healthcare for women in the sex trade center on the prevention and termination of pregnancies, yet most women in the sex trade globally experience full term pregnancies and bear children. This study aimed to explore barriers and enabling factors to providing reproductive healthcare for women in the sex trade in Israel. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study utilizing a grounded theory method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, conducted between June 2021 and July 2022. Interviews were conducted with practitioners in healthcare settings (n = 20), practitioners in social services settings (n = 15), and women in the sex trade who received reproductive health care-related medical services (n = 13) in Israel. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and thematically analyzed. RESULTS: The findings indicated a multilayered structure of healthcare system-related factors and women-related factors. Stigma was noted as a multidimensional barrier, reflected in service providers' attitude towards women in the sex trade, impairing the patient-provider relationship and impeding women's help-seeking. However, the creation of a relationship of trust between the women and healthcare providers enabled better health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings, we propose recommendations for designing and implementing reproductive healthcare services for women in the sex trade. The recommendations offer to (a) include women with lived experiences in planning and providing reproductive healthcare services, (b) adopt a trauma-informed approach, (c) emphasize nonjudgmental care, (d) train healthcare providers to reduce stigma and bias, and (e) enhance the affordability of health services for women experiencing marginalization.
Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Qualitative Research , Reproductive Health Services , Humans , Female , Israel , Adult , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology , Reproductive Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Interviews as Topic , Social Stigma , Grounded Theory , Middle Aged , Sex Workers/psychology , Sex Workers/statistics & numerical data , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Sex Work/psychology , Sex Work/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Health system responsiveness to public priorities and needs is a broad, multi-faceted and complex health system goal thought to be important in promoting inclusivity and reducing system inequity in participation. Power dynamics underlie the complexity of responsiveness but are rarely considered. This paper presents an analysis of various manifestations of power within the responsiveness practices of Health Facility Committees (HFCs) and Sub-county Health Management Teams (SCHMTs) operating at the subnational level in Kenya. Kenyan policy documents identify responsiveness as an important policy goal. METHODS: Our analysis draws on qualitative data (35 interviews with health managers and local politicians, four focus group discussions with HFC members, observations of SCHMT meetings, and document review) from a study conducted at the Kenyan Coast. We applied a combination of two power frameworks to interpret our findings: Gaventa's power cube and Long's actor interface analysis. RESULTS: We observed a weakly responsive health system in which system-wide and equity in responsiveness were frequently undermined by varied forms and practices of power. The public were commonly dominated in their interactions with other health system actors: invisible and hidden power interacted to limit their sharing of feedback; while the visible power of organisational hierarchy constrained HFCs' and SCHMTs' capacity both to support public feedback mechanisms and to respond to concerns raised. These power practices were underpinned by positional power relationships, personal characteristics, and world views. Nonetheless, HFCs, SCHMTs and the public creatively exercised some power to influence responsiveness, for example through collaborations with political actors. However, most resulting responses were unsustainable, and sometimes undermined equity as politicians sought unfair advantage for their constituents. CONCLUSION: Our findings illuminate the structures and mechanisms that contribute to weak health system responsiveness even in contexts where it is prioritised in policy documents. Supporting inclusion and participation of the public in feedback mechanisms can strengthen receipt of public feedback; however, measures to enhance public agency to participate are also needed. In addition, an organisational environment and culture that empowers health managers to respond to public inputs is required.
Delivery of Health Care , Focus Groups , Qualitative Research , Kenya , Humans , Power, Psychological , Health Policy , PoliticsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: In 2016, large-scale 20 miles per hour speed limits were introduced in the United Kingdom cities of Edinburgh and Belfast. This paper investigates the role that scientific evidence played in the policy decisions to implement lower speed limits in the two cities. METHODS: Using a qualitative case study design, we undertook content analysis of a range of documents to explore and describe the evolution of the two schemes and the ways in which evidence informed decision-making. In total, we identified 16 documents for Edinburgh, published between 2006 and 2016, and 19 documents for Belfast, published between 2002 and 2016. FINDINGS: In both cities, evidence on speed, collisions and casualties was important for initiating discussions on large-scale 20 mph policies. However, the narrative shifted over time to the idea that 20 mph would contribute to a wider range of aspirations, none of which were firmly grounded in evidence, but may have helped to neutralize opposing discourses. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between evidence and decision-making in Edinburgh and Belfast was neither simple nor linear. Widening of the narrative appears to have helped to frame the idea in such a way that it had broad acceptability, without which there would have been no implementation, and probably a lot more push back from vested interests and communities than there was.
Accidents, Traffic , Automobile Driving , Cities , Humans , United Kingdom , Accidents, Traffic/prevention & control , Decision Making , Qualitative Research , Policy MakingABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Survivorship from gynecologic cancers is becoming increasingly prevalent. There are significant sexual side effects that influence quality of life that would be reduced with proper intervention; however, existing literature highlights the lack of understanding of the sexual health needs within this population. Furthermore, multiple studies show that one contributing factor to sexual well-being in survivorship is provider-patient communication. The aim of this study is to explore experiences of sexual distress and survivor experiences of sexual health communication. METHODS: Adult participants who had been out of active treatment for 3 months were recruited to participate in focus groups. Six focus groups (n = 32) were conducted with survivors of gynecologic cancers via Zoom. Research team members analyzed content using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Two broad themes were identified: Experiences of provider communication and Preferences for provider communication, with subthemes nested under both. Subthemes from the Experiences theme included absent/lacking communication, negative experiences, emotional reaction to lack of communication, and feeling like sexuality was not valued. Subthemes from the Preferences theme included more conversation and open communication about sexuality, more resources/referrals, and more provider training on sexuality. CONCLUSION: Survivor experiences of subjective sexual health are often dependent on the type and quality of information they receive from their healthcare team during treatment. Unfortunately, the majority of participants endorsed negative or absent communication related to their sexual health needs, leading to additional distress.
Cancer Survivors , Communication , Focus Groups , Genital Neoplasms, Female , Qualitative Research , Sexual Health , Humans , Female , Cancer Survivors/psychology , Middle Aged , Genital Neoplasms, Female/psychology , Genital Neoplasms, Female/therapy , Adult , Aged , Patient Preference , Quality of Life , Physician-Patient RelationsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Veteran residents in Northern Ireland (NI) are an under-researched population. Little is known about their experiences of trauma and mental health management. The overall mental well-being of veterans living in NI may be poorer than other veteran populations, due to the challenges presented by the unique landscape. Understanding their experiences is crucial for providing appropriate, targeted support. METHOD: Six male veterans, who had received a mental health diagnosis, living in NI and all aged > 40 years participated. Semi-structured interviews, using open-ended questions, were conducted over the telephone. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore their experiences. RESULTS: Two experiential themes were identified each containing three experiential statements. Statements for 'an extreme lack of' included: lack of mental health literacy/awareness; lack of expectations of official support; lack of a sense of perceived appreciation. Statements for 'an extreme abundance of' included: exacerbated exposure to a range of extreme environments; high levels of ruled-based living; high levels of engaging with informal/local level support. CONCLUSIONS: Several experiential statements aligned with existing literature, including having poor mental health literacy and problem recognition, and heavily utilising social support versus formal help-seeking. Some novel findings included bouncing between extreme positive and negative environments which could be as detrimental to mental health as experiencing conflict trauma. Heavy alcohol use was just another rule soldiers followed. Positive help-seeking experiences failed to improve poor opinions of support organisations. Finally, poor self-perceptions connected to military status are pertinent in NI, which seems to fuel self-marginalisation and distrust. A combination of factors likely contributes to many veterans living in NI having poorer mental well-being. Novel findings would benefit from further exploration as understanding how NI veterans interpret their experiences is key to providing adequate healthcare.
Veterans , Humans , Male , Veterans/psychology , Northern Ireland , Middle Aged , Adult , Mental Health , Help-Seeking Behavior , Qualitative Research , Aged , Social Support , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology , Health Literacy , Mental Disorders/psychologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Engagement with and the potential impact of web-based interventions is often studied by tracking user behavior with web analytics. These metrics do provide insights into how users behave, but not why they behave as such. OBJECTIVE: This paper demonstrates how a mixed methods approach consisting of (1) a theoretical analysis of intended use, (2) a subsequent analysis of actual use, and (3) an exploration of user perceptions can provide insights into engagement with and potential impact of web-based interventions. This paper focuses on the exploration of user perceptions, using the chlamydia page of the Dutch sexual health intervention, Sense.info, as a demonstration case. This prevention-focused platform serves as the main source of sexual and reproductive health information (and care if needed) for young people aged 12-25 years in the Netherlands. METHODS: First, acyclic behavior change diagrams were used to theoretically analyze the intended use of the chlamydia page. Acyclic behavior change diagrams display how behavior change principles are applied in an intervention and which subbehaviors and target behaviors are (aimed to be) influenced. This analysis indicated that one of the main aims of the page is to motivate sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing. Second, the actual use of the chlamydia page was analyzed with the web analytics tool Matomo. Despite the page's aim of promoting STI testing, a relatively small percentage (n=4948, 14%) of the 35,347 transfers from this page were to the STI testing page. Based on these two phases, preliminary assumptions about use and impact were formulated. Third, to further explore these assumptions, a study combining the think-aloud method and semistructured interviews was executed with 15 young individuals aged 16-25 (mean 20, SD 2.5) years. Template analysis was used to analyze interview transcripts. RESULTS: Participants found the information on the Sense.info chlamydia page reliable and would visit it mostly for self-diagnosis purposes if they experienced potential STI symptoms. A perceived facilitator for STI testing was the possibility to learn about the symptoms and consequences of chlamydia through the page. Barriers included an easily overlooked link to the STI testing page and the use of language not meeting the needs of participants. Participants offered suggestions for lowering the threshold for STI testing. CONCLUSIONS: The mixed methods approach used provided detailed insights into the engagement with and potential impact of the Sense.info chlamydia page, as well as strategies to further engage end users and increase the potential impact of the page. We conclude that this approach, which triangulates findings from theoretical analysis with web analytics and a think-aloud study combined with semistructured interviews, may also have potential for the evaluation of web-based interventions in general.
Sexual Health , Humans , Adolescent , Netherlands , Female , Male , Young Adult , Interviews as Topic , Adult , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Qualitative Research , Child , Sexual Behavior/psychologyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Tactical capacity planning is crucial when hospitals must cope with substantial changes in patient requirements, as recently experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is only little understanding of the nature of capacity limitations in a hospital, which is essential for effective tactical capacity planning. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: We report a detailed analysis of capacity limitations at a Norwegian tertiary public hospital and conducted 22 in-depth interviews. The informants participated in capacity planning and decision-making during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data are clustered into categories of capacity limitations and a correspondence analysis provides additional insights. FINDINGS: Personnel and information were the most mentioned types of capacity limitations, and middle management and organizational functions providing specialized treatment felt most exposed to capacity limitations. Further analysis reveals that capacity limitations are dynamic and vary across hierarchical levels and organizational functions. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Future research on tactical capacity planning should take interdisciplinary patient pathways better into account as capacity limitations are dynamic and systematically different for organizational functions and hierarchical levels. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: We argue that our study possesses common characteristics of tertiary public hospitals, including professional silos and fragmentation of responsibilities along patient pathways. Therefore, we recommend operations managers in hospitals to focus more on intra-organizational information flows to increase the agility of their organization. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Our detailed capacity limitation analysis at a tertiary public hospital in Norway during the Covid-19 pandemic provides novel insights into the nature of capacity limitations, which may enhance tactical capacity planning.
COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiology , Humans , Norway , Uncertainty , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemics , Interviews as Topic , Hospitals, Public , Tertiary Care Centers , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
Background: This research concerns improving the National Health Service health services trans adults need. These include the national specialist Gender Identity Clinics that support people making a medical transition. Not all trans people need to make a medical transition, and transition can take many different paths. Waits to be seen by Gender Identity Clinics are, however, several years long, and there may be significant problems of co-ordination between different aspects of transition-related care, and between transition-related care and general health care. Objectives: The main objectives were to understand: Which factors make services more or less accessible and acceptable to the variety of trans adults? How initiatives for providing more person-centred and integrated care can be successfully implemented and further improved? Design, data sources and participants: An online and paper screening survey was used to gather data on demographics and service use of trans people across the United Kingdom, with 2056 responses. Researchers used survey data to construct five purposive subsamples for individual qualitative interviews, identifying groups of people more likely to experience social exclusion or stigma. There were 65 online interviews. In addition, 23 trans Black people and people of colour attended focus groups. Six case studies were completed: four on initiatives to improve care and two on experiences of particular trans populations. Fifty-five service provider staff and 45 service users were interviewed. Results: The following undermine person-centred co-ordinated care and can lead to experiences of harm: lack of respectful treatment of trans people by general practitioner practices; inadequate funding of services; lack of support during waiting; the extended and challenging nature of Gender Identity Clinic diagnostic assessments, sometimes experienced as adversarial; breakdowns in collaboration between Gender Identity Clinics and general practitioner practices over hormone therapy; lack of National Health Service psychological support for trans people. Case studies indicated ways to improve care, although each has significant unresolved issues: training in trans health care for general practitioners; third-sector peer-support workers for trans people who come to National Health Services; gender services taking a collaborative approach to assessing what people need, clarifying treatment options, benefits and risks; regional general practitioner-led hormone therapy clinics, bringing trans health care into the mainstream; psychology services that support trans people rather than assess them. Limitations: Some contexts of care and experiences of particular groups of trans people were not addressed sufficiently within the scope of the project. While efforts were made to recruit people subject to multiple forms of stigma, there remained gaps in representation. Conclusions and future work: The findings have significant implications for commissioners and providers of existing National Health Services gender services, including recently established pilot services in primary care. In particular they point to the need for assessments for access to transition care to be more collaborative and culturally aware, implying the value of exploring informed consent models for accessing transition-related care. Further research is needed to investigate how far the findings apply with particular subpopulations. Study registration: This study is registered as Research Registry, no. 5235. Funding: This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health and Social Care Delivery Research programme (NIHR award ref: 17/51/08) and is published in full in Health and Social Care Delivery Research; Vol. 12, No. 28. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.
This research concerns improving the range of National Health Service health services that trans adults need. Trans people have a different gender from that assigned at birth or in early childhood. Not all need to make a medical transition to express their gender, and transition can take many different forms, including hormone therapy, various kinds of surgery, and other procedures such as hair removal. At the time of writing, trans people over 17 who need to make a medical transition can seek care at one of the United Kingdom's 10 specialist National Health Service Gender Identity Clinics. However, people must wait a very long time before they are seen. Through 110 in-depth interviews, as well as focus groups attended by 23 people, this research explored recent experiences of trans people receiving various kinds of health care. A further 55 interviews investigated the views of National Health Service and voluntary-sector staff involved in delivering trans health care. All of this has led to insights about how services can be improved, and the development of online courses for healthcare staff and for people who use services or support those who use services. The research indicates what can lead to experiences of poor care that is not 'joined up': lack of respectful treatment of trans people by general practitioner practices; inadequate funding of services; lack of support while waiting; the extended and difficult nature of Gender Identity Clinic diagnostic assessments; breakdowns in collaboration between Gender Identity Clinics and general practitioner practices over hormone therapy; lack of National Health Service psychological support for trans people. The research indicates some important ways to improve care: training in trans health care for general practitioners; third-sector peer-support workers for trans people who come to National Health Service services; gender services taking a collaborative approach to assessing what people need, clarifying treatment options, benefits and risks; regional general practitioner-led hormone therapy clinics, bringing trans health care into the mainstream; psychology services that support trans people rather than assessing them.
State Medicine , Humans , Male , Female , United Kingdom , Adult , State Medicine/organization & administration , Focus Groups , Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/organization & administration , Transgender Persons/psychology , Middle Aged , Quality Improvement , Qualitative Research , Health Services Accessibility/organization & administration , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young AdultABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Social media posts that portray vaping in positive social contexts shape people's perceptions and serve to normalize vaping. Despite restrictions on depicting or promoting controlled substances, vape-related content is easily accessible on TikTok. There is a need to understand strategies used in promoting vaping on TikTok, especially among susceptible youth audiences. OBJECTIVE: This study seeks to comprehensively describe direct (ie, explicit promotional efforts) and indirect (ie, subtler strategies) themes promoting vaping on TikTok using a mixture of computational and qualitative thematic analyses of social media posts. In addition, we aim to describe how these themes might play a role in normalizing vaping behavior on TikTok for youth audiences, thereby informing public health communication and regulatory policies regarding vaping endorsements on TikTok. METHODS: We collected 14,002 unique TikTok posts using 50 vape-related hashtags (eg, #vapetok and #boxmod). Using the k-means unsupervised machine learning algorithm, we identified clusters and then categorized posts qualitatively based on themes. Next, we organized all videos from the posts thematically and extracted the visual features of each theme using 3 machine learning-based model architectures: residual network (ResNet) with 50 layers (ResNet50), Visual Geometry Group model with 16 layers, and vision transformer. We chose the best-performing model, ResNet50, to thoroughly analyze the image clustering output. To assess clustering accuracy, we examined 4.01% (441/10,990) of the samples from each video cluster. Finally, we randomly selected 50 videos (5% of the total videos) from each theme, which were qualitatively coded and compared with the machine-derived classification for validation. RESULTS: We successfully identified 5 major themes from the TikTok posts. Vape product marketing (1160/10,990, 8.28%) reflected direct marketing, while the other 4 themes reflected indirect marketing: TikTok influencer (3775/14,002, 26.96%), general vape (2741/14,002, 19.58%), vape brands (2042/14,002, 14.58%), and vaping cessation (1272/14,002, 9.08%). The ResNet50 model successfully classified clusters based on image features, achieving an average F1-score of 0.97, the highest among the 3 models. Qualitative content analyses indicated that vaping was depicted as a normal, routine part of daily life, with TikTok influencers subtly incorporating vaping into popular culture (eg, gaming, skateboarding, and tattooing) and social practices (eg, shopping sprees, driving, and grocery shopping). CONCLUSIONS: The results from both computational and qualitative analyses of text and visual data reveal that vaping is normalized on TikTok. Our identified themes underscore how everyday conversations, promotional content, and the influence of popular figures collectively contribute to depicting vaping as a normal and accepted aspect of daily life on TikTok. Our study provides valuable insights for regulatory policies and public health initiatives aimed at tackling the normalization of vaping on social media platforms.
Natural Language Processing , Social Media , Vaping , Vaping/psychology , Humans , Adolescent , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The Floodlight Open app is a digital health technology tool (DHTT) that comprises remote, smartphone sensor-based tests (daily activities) for assessing symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). User acquisition, engagement, and retention remain a barrier to successfully deploying such tools. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively investigate key user experience (UX) factors associated with the Floodlight Open app. METHODS: Floodlight Open is a global, open-access, digital-only study designed to understand the drivers and barriers in deploying a DHTT in a naturalistic setting without supervision and onboarding by a clinician. Daily activities included tests assessing cognition (Information Processing Speed and Information Processing Speed Digit-Digit), hand-motor function (Pinching Test and Draw a Shape Test), and postural stability and gait (Static Balance Test, U-Turn Test, and Two-Minute Walk Test [2MWT]). All daily activities except the 2MWT were taken in a fixed sequence. Qualitative UX was studied through semistructured interviews in a substudy of US participants with MS. The quantitative UX analysis investigated the impact of new UX design features on user engagement and retention in US participants for 3 separate test series: all daily activities included in the fixed sequence (DA), all daily activities included in the fixed sequence except the Static Balance Test and U-Turn Test (DAx), and the 2MWT. RESULTS: The qualitative UX substudy (N=22) revealed the need for 2 new UX design features: a more seamless user journey during the activation process that eliminates the requirement of switching back and forth between the app and the email that the participants received upon registration, and configurable reminders and push notifications to help plan and remind the participants to complete their daily activities. Both UX design features were assessed in the quantitative UX analysis. Introducing the more seamless user journey (original user journey: n=608; more seamless user journey: n=481) improved the conversion rate of participants who enrolled in the study and proceeded to successfully activate the app from 53.9% (328/608) to 74.6% (359/481). Introducing reminders and push notifications (with reminders and notifications: n=350; without reminders and notifications: n=172) improved continuous usage time (proportion of participants with ≥3 consecutive days of usage: DA and DAx: ~30% vs ~12%; 2MWT: ~30% vs ~20%); test completion rates (maximum number of test series completed: DA: 279 vs 64; DAx: 283 vs 126; 2MWT: 302 vs 76); and user retention rates (at day 30: DA: 53/172, 30.8% vs 34/350, 9.7%; DAx: 53/172, 30.8% vs 60/350, 17.1%; 2MWT: 39/172, 22.6% vs 22/350, 6.2%). Inactivity times remained comparable. CONCLUSIONS: The remote assessment of MS with DHTTs is a relatively nascent but growing field of research. The continued assessment and improvement of UX design features can play a crucial role in the successful long-term adoption of new DHTTs.
Mobile Applications , Multiple Sclerosis , Smartphone , Humans , Multiple Sclerosis/physiopathology , Female , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Qualitative Research , Activities of Daily LivingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The Indian Government launched Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), the world's largest health insurance scheme, in 2018. To reform pricing and gather evidence on healthcare costs, a hospital cost-surveillance pilot was initiated among PM-JAY empanelled hospitals. We analysed the process and challenges from both healthcare providers and payer agency's perspectives and offer recommendations for implementing similar systems in lower- and middle-income countries. DESIGN: We employed an open-ended, descriptive and qualitative study design using in-depth interviews (IDI) as the data collection strategy. SETTINGS: The interviews were conducted in both virtual and face-to-face modes depending on the convenience of the participants. The IDIs for the National Health Authority (NHA) officials and all providers in Kerala were conducted virtually, while face-to-face interviews were conducted and in Haryana and Chhattisgarh. PARTICIPANTS: Staff from 21 hospitals in three states (Haryana, Chhattisgarh and Kerala), including officials from State Health Agency (n=5) and NHA (n=3) were interviewed. RESULTS: The findings highlight significant challenges in reporting cost data at the hospital level. These include a shortage of trained staff, leading to difficulties in collecting comprehensive and high-quality data. Additionally, the data collection process is resource-intensive and time-consuming, putting strain on limited capacity. Operational issues with transaction management system, such as speed, user-friendliness and frequent page expirations, also pose obstacles. Finally, current patient records data has gaps, in terms of quantity and quality, to be directly put to use for pricing. CONCLUSION: Accurate cost data is vital for health policy decisions. Capacity building across healthcare levels is needed for precise cost collection. Integration into digital infrastructure is key to avoid burdening providers and ensure quality data capture.