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Vaccines (Basel) ; 10(5)2022 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35632537


The infections and deaths resulting from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) triggered the need for some governments to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory. The present study aims to analyze the position of 3026 adults in Colombia, El Salvador, and Spain regarding the possibility of making COVID-19 vaccine mandatory and the intention to be vaccinated with the booster or possible successive doses. Data from an online survey conducted from August to December 2021 among a non-representative sample of Spanish-speaking countries were collected. Multinomial Logistic Regression Models were used. A total of 77.4% of Colombians were in favor of mandatory vaccination compared to 71.5% of Salvadorians and 65.4% of Spaniards (p < 0.000). Women and people over 65 years of age were the groups most in favor of making the vaccine mandatory (p < 0.000). A total of 79.4% said they had received a third dose or would intend to receive the third dose or future doses, if necessary, compared with 9.4% who expressed doubts and 9.9% who refused to be vaccinated or did not intend to be vaccinated. Among the measures that could be taken to motivate vaccination, 63.0% and 60.6% were in favor of requiring a negative test to enter any place of leisure or work, respectively, compared to 16.2% in favor of suspension from work without pay. The acceptance of mandatory vaccination and of third or future doses varies greatly according to sociodemographic characteristics and work environment. As such, it is recommended that policy makers adapt public health strategies accordingly.

Rev. cienc. cuidad ; 19(2): 31-39, 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1373526


Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de incertidumbre de las usuarias que acuden a la toma de ci-tología cérvico uterina según la teoría de Mishel. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal de tipo descriptivo, realizado durante el año 2019 a partir de una muestra por conveniencia; es no probabilística y está conformada por 151 mujeres a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Incertidumbre en la enfermedad de Mishel adaptada para procedimientos de diagnósticos en Colombia en el año 2017 por la enfermera Leidy Yazmin Díaz Moreno. Tiene validez de contenido de 0.861 y Alfa de Cronbach de 0.90. Además, se realizó un análisis univariado a través de frecuencias y distribución porcentual para las característi-cas sociodemográficas. Para obtener los niveles de incertidumbre se efectuó la sumatoria de ítems y chi cuadrado a fin de identificar la asociación. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 39 años; el 17,3% de mujeres manifestó acudir a la toma de la citología por primera vez. Aproximadamente el 95% de las mujeres presentó niveles de incertidumbre alto o modera-do. Conclusiones: La incertidumbre provocada por un posible diagnóstico de cáncer, hace que las personas evalúen inadecuadamente una situación estresante como lo es la toma de citología cérvico uterina; es por eso que, la aplicación de la teoría de Mishel lleva a que se identifiquen las primeras percepciones del paciente que servirán para realizar un plan de cuidado enfocado en controlar esta situación y lograr que la persona o familiar afronten y se adapten a la enfermedad.

Objective: Determine the uncertainty level of the user that goes to the taking of cervical cytol-ogy according to the Mishel theory. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study of descrip-tive type, realized during the 2019 year starting at a convenience sampling, non-probabilistic formed by 151 women's who was apply the Uncertainty in Illness Scale of Mishel adapted to diagnosis procedures in Colombia in 2017 by the nurse Leidy Yazmisn Díaz Moreno. It has conten validity of 0.861 and Cronbach's alpha of 0.9 Was realized a univariate analysis through frequencies and percent distribution for the sociodemographic characteristics and to obtain the levels of uncertainty was carried out the summation of items and chi ­ square to identify association. Results: The average age was 39 years, the 17,3% of women expressed go to the cytology by first time. Approximately the 95% of the women presented level of uncertainty high or moderate. Conclusion: The uncertainty caused for a possible terrible di-agnosis of cancer, can make that the persons evaluate inappropriately a stressful situation like the taking of the cervical cytology; that's why, the application of the Mishel Theory carry to identify the first perceptions of the patient to realize a care plan focus to control this situation and later reach that the person or familiar confront and adapt to the illness

Objetivo: Determinar o nível de incerteza dos clientes que freqüentam a citologia cervical de acordo com a teoria de Mishel. Materiais e métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal, realizado durante 2019 com base em uma amostra de conveniência; é não-probabilístico e é composto por 151 mulheres às quais foi aplicada a Escala de Incerteza Mishel adaptada para procedimentos diagnósticos na Colômbia em 2017 pela enfermeira Leidy Yazmin Díaz Moreno. Tem validade de conteúdo de 0,861 e o alfa do Cronbach de 0,90. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise uni-variada através de freqüências e distribuição percentual para as características sociodemográ-ficas. Para obter os níveis de incerteza, foi utilizada a soma dos itens e o qui-quadrado para iden-tificar a associação. Resultados: A idade média foi de 39 anos; 17,3% das mulheres relataram visitas citológicas pela primeira vez. Aproximadamente 95% das mulheres tinham níveis de incerteza altos ou moderados. Conclusões: A incerteza causada por um possível diagnóstico de câncer faz com que as pessoas avaliem inadequadamente uma situação estressante como a citologia cervical; portanto, a aplicação da teoria de Mishel leva à identificação das primeiras percepções do paciente que servirão para fazer um plano de cuidado focalizado no controle desta situação e fazer com que a pessoa ou membro da família enfrente e se adapte à doença

Biología Celular , Atención , Incertidumbre , Diagnóstico , Educación en Enfermería , Prevención Secundaria
Invest Educ Enferm ; 38(2)2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33047553


OBJECTIVES: To analyze the report of the experience of the person with high blood pressure, in light of the theory proposed by Kristen Swanson. METHODS: This was a qualitative research with autobiographical-type narrative design. To collect and analyze the information, the work used open in-depth interview with 12 individuals, participant observation, and field notes. RESULTS: The study recognized the beliefs, customs, and cultural practices of the person living with high blood pressure and identified the care needs. The participants shared their feelings, finding that each confronts this disease differently and learns to care for themselves in particular manner. CONCLUSIONS: In the analysis of the narratives of the experience of people with high blood pressure, five care processes by Swanson were recognized: maintaining the beliefs, knowing, being with, doing for, and permitting.

Cultura , Hipertensión , Humanos , Investigación Cualitativa
Invest. educ. enferm ; 38(2): [e10], junio 30 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1103582


Objective. To analyze the report of the experience of the person with high blood pressure, in light of the theory proposed by Kristen Swanson, Methods. This was a qualitative research with autobiographical-type narrative design. To collect and analyze the information, the work used open in-depth interview with 12 individuals, participant observation, and field notes. Results. The study recognized the beliefs, customs, and cultural practices of the person living with high blood pressure and identified the care needs. The participants shared their feelings, finding that each confronts this disease differently and learns to care for themselves in particular manner. Conclusion. In the analysis of the narratives of the experience of people with high blood pressure, five care processes by Swanson were recognized: maintaining the beliefs, knowing, being with, doing for, and permitting.

Objetivo. Analizar el relato de la experiencia de la persona con hipertensión arterial, a la luz de la teoría propuesta por Kristen Swanson, Métodos. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa con diseño narrativo tipo autobiográfico. Para la recolección y análisis de la información, se utilizó la entrevista abierta a profundidad, a doce personas, la observación participante y las notas de campo. Resultados. Se reconocieron las creencias, costumbres y prácticas culturales de la persona que vive con hipertensión arterial y se identificaron las necesidades de cuidado. Los participantes compartieron sus sentimientos, encontrando que cada uno afronta esta enfermedad de manera diferente y aprende a cuidarse de forma particular. Conclusión. En el análisis de las narrativas de la experiencia de las personas con hipertensión arterial se reconocieron los cinco procesos de cuidado de Swanson: mantener las creencias, conocer, estar con, hacer por y permitir.

Objetivo. Analisar o relato da experiência da pessoa com hipertensão arterial, à luz da teoria proposta por Kristen Swanson, Métodos. Se trata de uma investigação qualitativa com desenho narrativo tipo autobiográfico. Para a coleta e análise da informação, se utilizou a entrevista aberta a profundidade, a doze pessoas, a observação participante e as notas de campo. Resultados. Se reconheceram as crenças, costumes e práticas culturais da pessoa que vive com hipertensão arterial e se identificaram as necessidades de cuidado. Os participantes compartiram seus sentimentos, encontrando que cada pessoa afronta esta doença de maneira diferente e aprende a cuidar-se de forma particular. Conclusão. Na análise das narrativas da experiência das pessoas com hipertensão arterial se reconheceram os cinco processos de cuidado de Swanson: manter as crenças, conhecer, estar com fazer por e permitir.

Humanos , Autocuidado , Teoría de Enfermería , Investigación Cualitativa , Hipertensión