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Metas enferm ; 26(3): 7-14, Abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-218745


Objetivo: describir las condiciones de la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) con respecto al reacondicionamiento, equipamiento y organización de los servicios para enfrentar la pandemia y medir la percepción de los profesionales sobre las adecuaciones. Método: investigación de métodos mixtos en una ciudad del estado de San Pablo (Brasil). En la etapa cuantitativa se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 222 profesionales de APS, en quienes se aplicó el cuestionario adaptado del Risk assessment and management of exposure of health care workers in the context of COVID-19 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se siguió del abordaje cualitativo, que consistió en observación de campo en cuatro unidades de APS. Resultados: del total, el 86,94% (n= 193) mencionó que las unidades evalúan los signos y síntomas de los usuarios antes de las consultas; el 63,96% (n=142) que había una rutina de limpieza diaria en la sala de espera; el 92,34% (n= 205) que existían métodos para la higiene de manos; el 77,48% (n= 172) que agendaba citas para mantener el distanciamiento físico; el 80,12% (n= 178) no realizó obras de reacondicionamiento y el 45,95% (n=102) proporcionó material educativo al usuario. Conclusiones: en la observación de campo se identificaron algunas evaluaciones de signos y síntomas de los usuarios, no se observaron acciones de limpieza en las unidades, se percibió que no había suficiente alcohol gel en dispensador, no había marcas en el suelo para mantener el distanciamiento, faltaba material educativo y no se verificó que se hubieran realizado obras de reacondicionamiento. En la integración de los datos hubo convergencia en la estructura física y el reacondicionamiento de las unidades.(AU)

Objective: to describe the Primary Care (PC) scenario regarding reconditioning, equipment and organization of services in order to face the pandemic and to measure the perception by professionals regarding these adaptations. Method: a research with mixed method in a city of the San Pablo state (Brazil). In the quantitative stage, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 222 PC professionals; the adapted Risk assessment and management of exposure of health care workers in the context of COVID-19 questionnaire by the World Health Organization was implemented. This was followed by the qualitative approach, which consisted in field observation in four PC units.Results: out of the total, 86.94% (n= 193) mentioned that there was an assessment of the signs and symptoms of the users before consultation; 63.96% (n=142) stated that a daily cleaning routine was followed in the waiting room; 92.34% (n= 205) claimed that there were methods available for hand hygiene; 77.48% (n= 172) said that appointments were scheduled in order to maintain physical distancing; 80.12% (n= 178) had not conducted any reconditioning work, and 45.95% (n=102) provided educational materials to users. Conclusions: during field observation, some assessments for signs and symptoms in users were detected; no cleaning actions were observed in the units, it was perceived that there was not enough alcohol gel in the dispenser, there were no marks on the floor to keep distancing, there was a lack of educational materials, and it was not verified that any reconditioning work had been conducted. During data integration, there was convergence regarding physical structure and unit reconditioning.(AU)

Humanos , Atención Primaria de Salud , Enfermería , Pandemias , Infecciones por Coronavirus/epidemiología , Servicios de Salud , Personal de Salud , Brasil , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
J Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 77(2): 409.e1-409.e9, 2019 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30352213


PURPOSE: The purpose was to perform a quality-of-life survey in patients with skeletal malocclusion before undergoing orthognathic surgery, as well as delineate the sociodemographic profile and detect factors that may alter the quality of life. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out in patients who sought care at the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School (N = 106; average age, 27.2 years). Participants answered the Oral Health Impact Profile 14 (OHIP-14) questionnaire and Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ). The χ2 or Fisher test was used to verify the association between impact and sociodemographic variables. RESULTS: On the Oral Health Impact Profile 14 (OHIP-14) questionnaire, the "psychological incapacity" dimension (64.15%) presented a higher prevalence of impact. The marital status of the interviewees had a statistically significant effect on the impact of quality of life (P = .0119). On the Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ), the "facial esthetics" dimension represented 81.13% in the prevalence of impact on quality of life. The "gender" variable had a statistically significant effect on the quality of life of the respondents (P = .0005), with women having an 11.78 times greater chance of having this impact. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, psychological factors and esthetics exerted a strong influence on the quality of life of patients with dentofacial deformities, overlapping with functional aspects.

Deformidades Dentofaciales , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ortognáticos , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Cirugía Ortognática , Calidad de Vida
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 55(4)oct.-dic. 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508191


Introducción: El desarrollo de la ciencia ha posibilitado la producción de equipamientos que benefician la salud de los seres humanos. A través del tiempo, la fabricación de los sillones dentales ha seguido protocolos a fin de garantizar la comodidad del paciente y del profesional. Objetivo: Describir la evolución del sillón dental y la aplicación de normas internacionales para su diseño y fabricación. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de serie histórica. Los datos fueron obtenidos de la documentación histórica existente e imágenes fotográficas en la literatura científica. Se consultaron artículos en sitios web, BBO, Lilacs y Medline; todos relacionados con el tema de investigación. Resultados: Los sillones dentales mostraron una tendencia evolutiva significativa en los últimos años: en el inicio de la práctica odontológica, permitían el trabajo con el paciente sentado, luego aparecieron con diferentes posiciones en el espaldar y con el pasar del tiempo hubo un aumento de los dispositivos y control de los movimientos de cabezal, brazos, asiento y espaldar, lo cual posibilitó la realización de actividades con el paciente acostado. En el proceso de la evolución de los sillones, en relación con su diseño y construcción se siguen normas internacionales que garantizan la calidad y confort de estos, lo que ha sido satisfactorio en la disminución de afectaciones musculoesqueléticas de los profesionales dentistas. Conclusiones: A pesar de la existencia de las nuevas tecnologías establecidas, es preciso continuar incorporando elementos ergonómicos que produzcan el máximo de confort al profesional/paciente a fin de optimizar el trabajo odontológico(AU)

Introduction: The development of science has enabled the production of equipment that benefits the health of human beings. Over the course of time, the manufacturing of dental chairs has followed protocols in order to ensure the comfort of the patient and the professional. Objective: To describe the evolution of the dental chair and the application of international standards for its design and manufacture. Method: This is a descriptive study, of historical series. The data was obtained from the existing historical documentation and photographic images in the scientific literature, articles were consulted on websites, BBO, Lilacs and Medline, all related to the research topic. Results: Dental chairs showed a significant evolutionary tendency in the last years: at the beginning of the dental practice, they allowed the work with the patient sitting, then they appeared with different positions in the back and with the passage of time there was an increase of the devices and control of movements of head, arms, seat and back, making possible activities with the patient lying down. In the process of the evolution of the chairs, in relation to their design and construction, international standards are followed to guarantee the quality and comfort of these, which has been satisfactory in the reduction of musculoskeletal affectations of the dentist professionals. Conclusions: Despite of the existence of the new established technologies, it is necessary to continue incorporating ergonomic elements that produce maximum comfort to the professional and the patient in order to optimize the dental work(AU)

Humanos , Medicina Oral/historia , Literatura de Revisión como Asunto , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Sedestación , Ergonomía/métodos
Cienc. Trab ; 19(59): 91-94, ago. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-890076


RESUMO A prática da odontologia predispõe o académico a sofrer acidente com material biológico. Objetivou-se neste trabalho verificar a adesão às precauções padrão, em especial a recomendação de não reencapar agu lhas, bem como o descarte de resíduos odontológicos nos recipientes do grupo E, baseado no comportamento revelado pelos estudantes de odontologia de uma universidade pública brasileira. Coletaram-se todos os recipientes de descarte utilizados no ano de 2016 nas clínicas da faculdade, os quais foram levados para sala de expurgo para análise. Inicialmente, realizou-se a separação das agulhas conforme o tipo de reencape e também de outros materiais descartados. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à contagem das agulhas colocadas sobre uma bancada forrada, com a ajuda de uma pinça longa. No total, foram analisados 111 recipientes de descarte do grupo E, com 6.729 agulhas descartadas. Destas, 1.078 (16%) estavam reencapadas nos dois lados, 1.960 (29,1%) em um lado e 3.691 (54,9%) sem reencape. Além disso, foram observa dos diferentes materiais não perfurocortantes descartados, incluindo películas radiográficas e dentes humanos. Conclui-se que a adesão dos estudantes às precauções padrão, especialmente à recomendação de não reencapar agulhas, é baixo. Os recipientes de descarte de perfurocortan-tes estão sendo utilizados de maneira incorreta.

RESUMEN La práctica de la Odontología predispone el estudiante a accidentes con material biológico. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la adhesión de alumnos a las precauciones estándares, en especial la recomendación en el manejo de agujas, así como el deseche de residuos odontológicos en recipientes del grupo E, basado en el comportamiento revelado por los estudiantes de odontología de una universidad pública brasileña. Se recolectaron todos los recipientes de deseche utilizados en el año de 2016 en las clínicas de la facultad, los que se llevaron para el sector de expur go para análisis. Se separaron las agujas según el tipo de manejo y también otros materiales desechados. Se procedió el contaje de agujas sobre una bancada forrada con ayuda de una tenaza larga. En el total, se analizaron 111 recipientes de deseche del grupo E, con 6.729 agujas desechadas. De esas, 1.078 (16%) mantenían su capuchón plástico en ambos lados, 1.960 (29,1%) en solo un lado y 3.691 (54,9%) no tenían su capuchón. Además, se observaron diferentes materiales punzocortantes desechados, entre ellos películas radiográficas y dientes humanos. Se concluye que la adhesión de los estudiantes a las precauciones estánda res, en especial a la recomendación de no manejar agujas, es baja. Los recipientes de deseche de punzocortantes están siendo utilizados de manera incorrecta.

Estudiantes de Odontología , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Eliminación de Residuos Sanitarios/métodos , Residuos Dentales , Universidades , Brasil , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud , Estudios Transversales , Administración de Residuos , Agujas
Int J Occup Med Environ Health ; 30(3): 367-377, 2017 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28481371


OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders amongst dentists who work in public clinics in São Paulo, Brazil, to investigate their awareness of the presence of risk factors in the workplace, disability due to pain, and the influence of pain on this awareness and disability. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 204 dentists who work in public health clinics in the northwest of São Paulo, Brazil. The data was collected through interviews, using the Nordic Questionnaire and the Work-Related Activities that May Contribute to Job-Related Pain Questionnaire. In the case of workers who reported pain, the Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ) and the Numeric Pain Scale were also administered. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 21.0. RESULTS: Most dentists (81.4%) had musculoskeletal disorders, especially in the neck, shoulders and lower back. We found that the presence of symptoms in the neck (15.7%), shoulders (12.7%) and lower back (15.7%) were the major causes of absenteeism over the past 12 months. Occupational risk factors perceived as the most problematic ones were: bending or twisting the back in an awkward way, continuing to work when injured or hurt and working in the same position for long periods. Comparison between the symptomatic and asymptomatic dentists showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the perception of occupational risk factors. The analysis of the intensity of pain and disability with PDQ in the symptomatic dentists showed an average pain intensity of 3.8. Mean scores of the PDQ total (11.46) and its dimensions - functional condition (7.1) and psychosocial condition (4.4) - suggest a moderate disability in the dental surgeons. There was a strong t correlation (r = 0.697) between pain intensity and the total score of disability caused by pain. CONCLUSIONS: Pain and work-related musculoskeletal disorders interfere significantly with the dentists' lives. In the case of dental surgeons there is a significant correlation between pain intensity and disability. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(3):367-377.

Odontólogos , Enfermedades Musculoesqueléticas/epidemiología , Enfermedades Profesionales/epidemiología , Cirujanos Oromaxilofaciales , Absentismo , Adulto , Anciano , Dolor de Espalda/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Dolor de Cuello/epidemiología , Postura , Factores de Riesgo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 18(1): 107-118, abr. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-692920


Este estudo tem por objetivo evidenciar a prevalência de situações de violência intrafamiliar experimentadas por adolescentes, durante a infância. Trata-se de estudo transversal realizado com 372 adolescentes matriculados em uma instituição de formação profissional de Araçatuba-SP. Utilizou-se o Questionário Sobre Traumas na Infância (QUESI) traduzido e validado. Foram investigados ainda gênero e classe social. De acordo com os resultados, 180 adolescentes eram do gênero feminino e 192 do masculino. Predominou a classe social B2 (39,2%). Setenta e três por cento dos adolescentes relataram ter sofrido pelo menos algum tipo de violência durante a infância. A violência emocional foi a mais prevalente nos graus leve (28,7%) e moderado (9,2%). Foram encontradas associações entre: violência física e emocional; física e sexual; física e negligência emocional; sexual e emocional; emocional e negligência emocional. Quanto à classe social, não foram encontradas associações. Conclui-se que a maior parte dos adolescentes sofreu abusos na infância, prevalecendo a violência emocional.

This study aims to highlight the prevalence of situations of domestic violence experienced by adolescents during their childhood. It is cross-sectional study with 372 adolescents enrolled in a vocational training institution, Araçatuba-SP, utilizing the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), translated and validated. Gender and social class were also investigated. According to the results, 180 adolescents were female and 192 were male. The predominant social class was B2 (39.2%). Seventy two percent of teens reported having experienced at least some form of violence during childhood. Mild (28.7%) and moderate (9.2%) emotional abuse were the most prevalently associated, as well as between: physical and emotional violence, physical and sexual, physical and emotional neglect, sexual and emotional abuse, emotional neglect and emotional. Regarding social class, no associations were found. In conclusion, most teens suffered abuse in childhood, with a prevalence of emotional violence.

Este estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar la prevalencia de situaciones de violencia intrafamiliares sufrida por adolescentes durante la infancia. Es un estudio transversal con 372 adolescentes matriculados en una institución de formación profesional de Araçatuba-SP. Se utilizó el Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), traducido y validado. También se investigó: género y clase social. Según los resultados, 180 adolescentes eran del sexo femenino y 192 del masculino. Predominó la clase social B2 (39,2%). El 72,3% de los adolescentes relató haber sufrido por lo menos alguna forma de violencia durante la infancia. La violencia emocional fue la más frecuente en el grado leve (28,7%) y moderado (9,2%). Se encontraron asociaciones entre: violencia física y emocional; física y sexual, física y negligencia emocional; sexual y emocional; emocional y negligencia emocional. En cuanto a clase social, no se encontraron asociaciones. Se concluye que la mayoría de los adolescentes sufrió abusos en la infancia, prevaleciendo la violencia emocional.

Maltrato a los Niños , Violencia Doméstica , Violencia , Niño