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Iran J Public Health ; 42(9): 972-9, 2013 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26060658


BACKGROUND: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) exist in slums as the inhabitants adopt an urbanized lifestyle which places them at a higher risk for. Lack of knowledge about the morbidity, complications and the method of control contributes to a large percentage of undetected and untreated cases. METHODS: This cross-sectional survey polled 2,434 respondents from Ijora Oloye, Ajegunle and Makoko, three urban slums in Lagos metropolis, southwestern Nigeria between June 2010 and October 2012. We investigated the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Respondents signed consent forms and their health conditions were documented based on self-reported history of diabetes, hypertension and family history using a semi-structured questionnaire. Diagnostic tests; weight and height for body mass index, blood glucose, and blood pressure were performed. RESULTS: More than one quarter of the participants were suffering from hypertension and only half of this were diagnosed earlier, while a further few were already on treatment. Therefore on screening, it had been possible to diagnose over three hundred more respondents, who were not previously aware of their health status. The respondents' BMI showed that more than half of them were either overweight or obese and are at risk for diabetes, while 3.3% were confirmed as being diabetic, with their sugar levels greater than the normal range. CONCLUSION: This study therefore revealed the near absence of screening programs for chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity in these urban slums. This was further confirmed by the detection of new and undiagnosed cases of hypertension in about one quarter of the respondents.

Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med ; 5(3): 247-56, 2008 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20161945


The study investigated the anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of a Nigerian Polyherbal Health Tonic tea aqueous extract (PHT) in rodents of both sexes. 100-500 mg kg(-1) of the aqueous extract was administered via the intra-peritoneal (i.p.) and oral (p.o.) routes to 5 groups of mice using tail immersion, tail clip, formalin and acetic acid-induced writhing tests of experimental nociceptive models. Each of the models showed that PHT possesses a significant (p<0.05) anti-nociceptive effects which were peripherally and centrally mediated as both the early and late phases of pain significantly (p<0.05) were inhibited. However, the peripherally mediated analgesic effect of PHT, although similar to that of aspirin but was found to be more potent than aspirin. In assessing its anti-inflammatory potentials, 300-1340 mg kg(-1) PHT was also administered via oral and intraperitoneal routes, which, significantly (p<0.05) reduced the volume of carrageenan-induced oedema. Although, PHT administered via i.p. route was more effective than the oral but there was barely any difference between the percentage inhibition of oedema volume at both 600 and 1340 mg kg(-1) given orally. PHT anti-inflammatory effect was elucidated to be significantly (p<0.05) mediated via histaminergic, serotonergic, bradykinin and prostaglandin inhibition. PHT was also shown to be more protective than acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in the castor oil-induced diarrhea model, which suggests the involvement of other mechanisms. Thus, lending supports to its folkloric use in pain and swelling management.