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J Clin Diagn Res ; 8(4): PC01-3, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24959486


BACKGROUND: Acute lower respiratory tract infection is a major cause of death in under five years of age, and anemia is the commonest co-factor in pediatric patients seeking medical advice especially in developing countries. AIM: To analyze whether a low hemoglobin level is a risk factor for acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRTI) in children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective case control study on 220 children (110 cases and controls each) was carried out in our children's hospital (G.B. Pant Hospital), an associated hospital of Government Medical College Srinagar, of Kashmir Northern India. All patients between the age of 1 month to 5 years of age who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included. We used WHO criteria to diagnose ALRTI among the cases, and age and sex matched patients who did not have respiratory complaints were kept as controls. Patients who had congenital heart diseases, tuberculosis, malignancies, or dysmorphic features were excluded from the study. All patients were subjected to detailed history and through clinical examination followed by investigations like complete blood count (CBC), peripheral blood film (PBF) smear, blood culture and sensitivity test, X-ray chest, serum iron and iron binding capacity were done in all cases. RESULTS: Our study had slightly male preponderance 57.3% in study group and 59.1% in control group. Maximum number of children were between 3 months and 23 months both in the study (80.9%) as well as in the control (81.8%) group. In this study hemoglobin level <11 gm/dl was considered low. Mean Hb level was 8.8 gm/dl in the study group and 11.6 gm/dl in the control group. Anemia was found in 71 (64.5%) cases in the study group and in 31 (28.2%) cases in the control group. Anemic patients were found to be 4.6 times more susceptible to ALRTI in our study (Odds Ratio was 4.63), p-value <0.01. Iron deficiency was found in 78.9% of total anemic cases in the study group, p-value <0.01. In the study group, the mean serum iron level was 35.3 mcg/dl in the anemic cases and 57.1 mcg/dl in the non-anemic cases. while in the control group, these values were 52.4 mcg/dl and 62.6% mcg/dl respectively, (p-value ,<0.01). CONCLUSION: Anemia, predominantly iron deficiency anemia, was significantly found in ALTRI patients, and these patients were found to be 4.6 times more susceptible to ALRTI. Early and accurate diagnosis of anemia in children suffering from various ailments in particular to ALRTI will serve the mankind in a better way.

Med J Islam Repub Iran ; 27(1): 35-7, 2013 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23483784


Sheehan's syndrome (SS) refers to the occurrence of varying degree of hypopituitarism after parturition (1). It is a rare cause of hypopituitarism in developed countries owing to advances in obstetric care and its frequency is decreasing worldwide. However, it is still frequent in underdeveloped and developing countries. Sheehan's syndrome is often diagnosed late as it evolves slowly (2,3). Reports of psychoses in patients with Sheehan's syndrome are rare. Herein, a case report of psychosis in a 31 year old woman who developed Sheehan's syndrome preceded by postpartum haemorrhage is presented. Treatment with thyroxine and glucocorticoids resulted in complete remission after attaining euthyroid and eucortisolemic state.

Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci ; 6(2): 102-4, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24644491


Fahr's disease is a rare syndrome characterized by symmetrical and bilateral intracranial calcifications. We report a 21-year-old male who presented with aggression, talkativeness, restlessness, and insomnia of recent onset. His neurological examination was normal. Mental status examination and clinical investigation revealed mania. Brain revealed symmetrical large areas and foci of calcification in bilateral basal ganglia and subcortical regions of cerebral hemispheres. This is the first reported case of mania associated with Fahr's disease in a Kashmiri patient. The description highlights the importance of considering organic causes when encountering patients with mania. The patient was put on mood stabilizers and his abnormal behaviors improved within 4 weeks.

Lung India ; 28(2): 97-100, 2011 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21712940


OBJECTIVES: This observational study was done to describe the clinical profile, and delays in diagnosing cystic fibrosis (CF) disease in Kashmir, India. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 6758 patients between the ages of 0 and 19 years were registered over a period of 1 year. Out of these, 150 patients suspected of having CF, on clinical grounds, were subjected to pilocarpine iontophoresis, and later on genetic evaluation. Apart from these specific tests, these patients were subjected to laboratory tests like blood counts, blood sugar, KFT, LFT, pancreatic function test, serum electrolytes, and chloride, urine, throat swab, blood culture, ABG analysis, chest and paranasal X-rays. In addition, sonographic evaluation of abdominal organs was carried out to know the status of internal organs. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based test was used for the identification of CF mutation. RESULTS: CF was diagnosed in three (0.8%) patients. Median age of presentation of CF was 78 months. Family history suggestive of CF was present in one (33.3%) and consanguinity in three (100%) patients. Common clinical manifestations at the time of presentation included recurrent pneumonia in three (100%), failure to thrive in three (100%), recurrent diarrhea in one (33.3%) patients. General physical examination showed pallor in three (100%), malnutrition in three (100%), and clubbing in two (66.7%) patients. Examination of respiratory tract revealed hyperinflation in two (66.7%), rhinitis in two (66.7%), and creptations in two (66.7%) patients. Sonography of abdominal organs revealed pancreatic cysts in one (33.3%), hyperechoeic and increased liver span in two (66.7%), and small gallbladder in one (33.3%). Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from sputum in one (33.3%), pseudomonas aeruginosa in one (33.3%) patients. Delta F508 mutation was present in one (33.3%) patient. CONCLUSION: CF may be more common in Kashmir and other parts of Asia, than indicated by our study; diagnosis is often considerably delayed when the disease is identified solely on clinical grounds. It would be advisable to raise the index of suspicion about CF.