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Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-508745


SARS-CoV-2 continues to acquire mutations in the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) that impact ACE2 receptor binding, folding stability, and antibody recognition. Deep mutational scanning prospectively characterizes the impacts of mutations on these biochemical properties, enabling rapid assessment of new mutations seen during viral surveillance. However, the effects of mutations can change as the virus evolves, requiring updated deep mutational scans. We determined the impacts of all amino acid mutations in the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 RBDs on ACE2-binding affinity, RBD folding, and escape from binding by the LY-CoV1404 (bebtelovimab) monoclonal antibody. The effects of some mutations in Omicron RBDs differ from those measured in the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 background. These epistatic shifts largely resemble those previously seen in the Beta variant due to the convergent epistatically modifying N501Y substitution. However, Omicron variants show additional lineage-specific shifts, including examples of the epistatic phenomenon of entrenchment that causes the Q498R and N501Y substitutions present in Omicron to be more favorable in that background than in earlier viral strains. In contrast, the Omicron substitution Q493R exhibits no sign of entrenchment, with the derived state, R493, being as unfavorable for ACE2 binding in Omicron RBDs as in Wuhan-Hu-1. Likely for this reason, the R493Q reversion has occurred in Omicron sub-variants including BA.4/BA.5 and BA.2.75, where the affinity buffer from R493Q reversion may potentiate concurrent antigenic change. Consistent with prior studies, we find that Omicron RBDs have reduced expression, and identify candidate stabilizing mutations that ameliorate this deficit. Last, our maps highlight a broadening of the sites of escape from LY-CoV1404 antibody binding in BA.1 and BA.2 compared to the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 background. These BA.1 and BA.2 deep mutational scanning datasets identify shifts in the RBD mutational landscape and inform ongoing efforts in viral surveillance. Author SummarySARS-CoV-2 evolves in part through mutations in its spike receptor-binding domain. As these mutations accumulate in evolved variants, they shape the future evolutionary potential of the virus through the phenomenon of epistasis. We characterized the functional impacts of mutations in the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 receptor-binding domains on ACE2 receptor binding, protein folding, and recognition by the clinical LY-CoV1404 antibody. We then compared the measurements to prior data for earlier variants. These comparisons identify patterns of epistasis that may alter future patterns of Omicron evolution, such as turnover in the availability of specific affinity-enhancing mutations and an expansion in the number of paths of antibody escape from a key monoclonal antibody used for therapeutic treatment of COVID-19. This work informs continued efforts in viral surveillance and forecasting.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-507781


The Omicron BA.1 variant of SARS-CoV-2 escapes convalescent sera and monoclonal antibodies that are effective against earlier strains of the virus. This immune evasion is largely a consequence of mutations in the BA.1 receptor binding domain (RBD), the major antigenic target of SARS-CoV-2. Previous studies have identified several key RBD mutations leading to escape from most antibodies. However, little is known about how these escape mutations interact with each other and with other mutations in the RBD. Here, we systematically map these interactions by measuring the binding affinity of all possible combinations of these 15 RBD mutations (215 = 32,768 genotypes) to four monoclonal antibodies (LY-CoV016, LY-CoV555, REGN10987, and S309) with distinct epitopes. We find that BA.1 can lose affinity to diverse antibodies by acquiring a few large-effect mutations and can reduce affinity to others through several small-effect mutations. However, our results also reveal alternative pathways to antibody escape that do not include every large-effect mutation. Moreover, epistatic interactions are shown to constrain affinity decline in S309 but only modestly shape the affinity landscapes of other antibodies. Together with previous work on the ACE2 affinity landscape, our results suggest that escape of each antibody is mediated by distinct groups of mutations, whose deleterious effects on ACE2 affinity are compensated by another distinct group of mutations (most notably Q498R and N501Y).

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-505743


The ability of serum antibody to protect against pathogens arises from the interplay of antigen-specific B cell clones of different affinities and fine specificities. These cellular dynamics are ultimately responsible for serum-level phenomena such as antibody imprinting or "Original Antigenic Sin" (OAS), a proposed propensity of the immune system to rely repeatedly on the first cohort of B cells that responded to a stimulus upon exposure to related antigens. Imprinting/OAS is thought to pose a barrier to vaccination against rapidly evolving viruses such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2. Precise measurement of the extent to which imprinting/OAS inhibits the recruitment of new B cell clones by boosting is challenging because cellular and temporal origins cannot readily be assigned to antibodies in circulation. Thus, the extent to which imprinting/OAS impacts the induction of new responses in various settings remains unclear. To address this, we developed a "molecular fate-mapping" approach in which serum antibodies derived from specific cohorts of B cells can be differentially detected. We show that, upon sequential homologous boosting, the serum antibody response strongly favors reuse of the first cohort of B cell clones over the recruitment of new, naIve-derived B cells. This "primary addiction" decreases as a function of antigenic distance, allowing secondary immunization with divergent influenza virus or SARS-CoV-2 glycoproteins to overcome imprinting/OAS by targeting novel epitopes absent from the priming variant. Our findings have implications for the understanding of imprinting/OAS, and for the design and testing of vaccines aimed at eliciting antibodies to evolving antigens.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-505713


Neutralization assays are experimental surrogates for the effectiveness of infection- or vaccine-elicited polyclonal antibodies and therapeutic monoclonal antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2. However, the measured neutralization can depend on details of the experimental assay. Here we systematically assess how ACE2 expression in target cells affects neutralization by antibodies to different spike epitopes in lentivirus pseudovirus neutralization assays. For high ACE2-expressing target cells, receptor binding domain (RBD) antibodies account for nearly all neutralizing activity in polyclonal human sera. But for lower ACE2-expressing target cells, antibodies targeting regions outside the RBD make a larger (although still modest) contribution to serum neutralization. These serum-level results are mirrored for monoclonal antibodies: N-terminal domain (NTD) antibodies and RBD antibodies that do not compete for ACE2 binding incompletely neutralize on high ACE2-expressing target cells, but completely neutralize on cells with lower ACE2 expression. Our results show that ACE2 expression level in the target cells is an important experimental variable, and that high ACE2 expression emphasizes the role of a subset of RBD-directed antibodies.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-496635


The Omicron BA.1 variant emerged in late 2021 and quickly spread across the world. Compared to the ancestral Wuhan Hu-1 strain and other pre-Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variants, BA.1 has many mutations, a number of which are known to enable antibody escape 1-3. Many of these antibody-escape mutations individually decrease the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) affinity for ACE2 in the background of early SARS-CoV-2 variants 4, but BA.1 still binds ACE2 with high affinity 5,6. The fitness and evolution of the BA.1 lineage is therefore driven by the combined effects of numerous mutations. Here, we systematically map the epistatic interactions between the 15 mutations in the RBD of BA.1 relative to the Wuhan Hu-1 strain. Specifically, we measure the ACE2 affinity of all possible combinations of these 15 mutations (2 15 = 32,768 genotypes), spanning all possible evolutionary intermediates from the ancestral Wuhan Hu-1 strain to BA.1. We find that immune escape mutations in BA.1 individually reduce ACE2 affinity but are compensated by epistatic interactions with other affinity-enhancing mutations, including Q498R and N501Y. Thus, the ability of BA.1 to evade immunity while maintaining ACE2 affinity is contingent on acquiring multiple interacting mutations. Our results implicate compensatory epistasis as a key factor driving substantial evolutionary change for SARS-CoV-2 and are consistent with Omicron BA.1 arising from a chronic infection.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-485875


To combat future SARS-CoV-2 variants and spillovers of SARS-like betacoronaviruses (sarbecoviruses) threatening global health, we designed mosaic nanoparticles presenting randomly-arranged sarbecovirus spike receptor-binding domains (RBDs) to elicit antibodies against conserved/relatively-occluded, rather than variable/immunodominant/exposed, epitopes. We compared immune responses elicited by mosaic-8 (SARS-CoV-2 and seven animal sarbecoviruses) and homotypic (only SARS-CoV-2) RBD-nanoparticles in mice and macaques, observing stronger responses elicited by mosaic-8 to mismatched (not on nanoparticles) strains including SARS-CoV and animal sarbecoviruses. Mosaic-8 immunization showed equivalent neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants including Omicron and protected from SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV challenges, whereas homotypic SARS-CoV-2 immunization protected only from SARS-CoV-2 challenge. Epitope mapping demonstrated increased targeting of conserved epitopes after mosaic-8 immunization. Together, these results suggest mosaic-8 RBD-nanoparticles could protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and future sarbecovirus spillovers.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-484088


Exposure histories to SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccinations will shape the specificity of antibody responses. To understand the specificity of Delta-elicited antibody immunity, we characterize the polyclonal antibody response elicited by primary or mRNA vaccine-breakthrough Delta infections. Both types of infection elicit a neutralizing antibody response focused heavily on the receptor-binding domain (RBD). We use deep mutational scanning to show that mutations to the RBDs class 1 and class 2 epitopes, including sites 417, 478, and 484-486 often reduce binding of these Delta-elicited antibodies. The anti-Delta antibody response is more similar to that elicited by early 2020 viruses than the Beta variant, with mutations to the class 1 and 2, but not class 3 epitopes, having the largest effects on polyclonal antibody binding. In addition, mutations to the class 1 epitope (e.g., K417N) tend to have larger effects on antibody binding and neutralization in the Delta spike than in the D614G spike, both for vaccine- and Delta-infection-elicited antibodies. These results help elucidate how the antigenic impacts of SARS-CoV-2 mutations depend on exposure history.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-481899


SARS-CoV-2 has evolved variants with substitutions in the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) that impact its affinity for ACE2 receptor and recognition by antibodies. These substitutions could also shape future evolution by modulating the effects of mutations at other sites--a phenomenon called epistasis. To investigate this possibility, we performed deep mutational scans to measure the effects on ACE2 binding of all single amino-acid mutations in the Wuhan-Hu-1, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Eta variant RBDs. Some substitutions, most prominently N501Y, cause epistatic shifts in the effects of mutations at other sites, thereby shaping subsequent evolutionary change. These epistatic shifts occur despite high conservation of the overall RBD structure. Our data shed light on RBD sequence-function relationships and facilitate interpretation of ongoing SARS-CoV-2 evolution.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-477288


The SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD) E406W mutation abrogates neutralization mediated by the REGEN-CoV therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) COVID-19 cocktail and the cilgavimab (AZD1061) mAb. Here, we show that this residue substitution remodels the ACE2-binding site allosterically, thereby dampening receptor recognition severely and altering the epitopes recognized by these three mAbs. Although vaccine-elicited neutralizing antibody titers are decreased similarly against the E406 mutant and the Delta or Epsilon variants, broadly neutralizing sarbecovirus mAbs, including a clinical mAb, inhibit the E406W spike mutant.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-476382


Among the 30 non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions in the Omicron S-gene are 13 that have only rarely been seen in other SARS-CoV-2 sequences. These mutations cluster within three functionally important regions of the S-gene at sites that will likely impact (i) interactions between subunits of the Spike trimer and the predisposition of subunits to shift from down to up configurations, (ii) interactions of Spike with ACE2 receptors, and (iii) the priming of Spike for membrane fusion. We show here that, based on both the rarity of these 13 mutations in intrapatient sequencing reads and patterns of selection at the codon sites where the mutations occur in SARS-CoV-2 and related sarbecoviruses, prior to the emergence of Omicron the mutations would have been predicted to decrease the fitness of any genomes within which they occurred. We further propose that the mutations in each of the three clusters therefore cooperatively interact to both mitigate their individual fitness costs, and adaptively alter the function of Spike. Given the evident epidemic growth advantages of Omicron over all previously known SARS-CoV-2 lineages, it is crucial to determine both how such complex and highly adaptive mutation constellations were assembled within the Omicron S-gene, and why, despite unprecedented global genomic surveillance efforts, the early stages of this assembly process went completely undetected.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-471236


A key goal of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance is to rapidly identify viral variants with mutations that reduce neutralization by polyclonal antibodies elicited by vaccination or infection. Unfortunately, direct experimental characterization of new viral variants lags their sequence-based identification. Here we help address this challenge by aggregating deep mutational scanning data into an "escape calculator" that estimates the antigenic effects of arbitrary combinations of mutations to the viruss spike receptor-binding domain (RBD). The calculator can be used to intuitively visualize how mutations impact polyclonal antibody recognition, and score the expected antigenic effect of combinations of mutations. These scores correlate with neutralization assays performed on SARS-CoV-2 variants, and emphasize the ominous antigenic properties of the recently described Omicron variant. An interactive version of the calculator is at, and we provide a Python module for batch processing.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-464114


Many SARS-CoV-2 variants have mutations at key sites targeted by antibodies. However, it is unknown if antibodies elicited by infection with these variants target the same or different regions of the viral spike as antibodies elicited by earlier viral isolates. Here we compare the specificities of polyclonal antibodies produced by humans infected with early 2020 isolates versus the B.1.351 variant of concern (also known as Beta or 20H/501Y.V2), which contains mutations in multiple key spike epitopes. The serum neutralizing activity of antibodies elicited by infection with both early 2020 viruses and B.1.351 is heavily focused on the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD). However, within the RBD, B.1.351-elicited antibodies are more focused on the "class 3" epitope spanning sites 443 to 452, and neutralization by these antibodies is notably less affected by mutations at residue 484. Our results show that SARS-CoV-2 variants can elicit polyclonal antibodies with different immunodominance hierarchies.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-452804


Two different sarbecoviruses have caused major human outbreaks in the last two decades1,2. Both these sarbecoviruses, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, engage ACE2 via the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD)2-6. However, binding to ACE2 orthologs from humans, bats, and other species has been observed only sporadically among the broader diversity of bat sarbecoviruses7-11. Here, we use high-throughput assays12 to trace the evolutionary history of ACE2 binding across a diverse range of sarbecoviruses and ACE2 orthologs. We find that ACE2 binding is an ancestral trait of sarbecovirus RBDs that has subsequently been lost in some clades. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that bat sarbecoviruses from outside Asia can bind ACE2. In addition, ACE2 binding is highly evolvable: for many sarbecovirus RBDs there are single amino-acid mutations that enable binding to new ACE2 orthologs. However, the effects of individual mutations can differ markedly between viruses, as illustrated by the N501Y mutation which enhances human ACE2 binding affinity within several SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern12 but severely dampens it for SARS-CoV-1. Our results point to the deep ancestral origin and evolutionary plasticity of ACE2 binding, broadening consideration of the range of sarbecoviruses with spillover potential.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-444222


The unprecedented global demand for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has demonstrated the need for highly effective vaccine candidates that are thermostable and amenable to large-scale manufacturing. Nanoparticle immunogens presenting the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (S) in repetitive arrays are being advanced as second-generation vaccine candidates, as they feature robust manufacturing characteristics and have shown promising immunogenicity in preclinical models. Here, we used previously reported deep mutational scanning (DMS) data to guide the design of stabilized variants of the RBD. The selected mutations fill a cavity in the RBD that has been identified as a linoleic acid binding pocket. Screening of several designs led to the selection of two lead candidates that expressed at higher yields than the wild-type RBD. These stabilized RBDs possess enhanced thermal stability and resistance to aggregation, particularly when incorporated into an icosahedral nanoparticle immunogen that maintained its integrity and antigenicity for 28 days at 35-40{degrees}C, while corresponding immunogens displaying the wild-type RBD experienced aggregation and loss of antigenicity. The stabilized immunogens preserved the potent immunogenicity of the original nanoparticle immunogen, which is currently being evaluated in a Phase I/II clinical trial. Our findings may improve the scalability and stability of RBD-based coronavirus vaccines in any format and more generally highlight the utility of comprehensive DMS data in guiding vaccine design.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-439844


The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants with mutations in key antibody epitopes has raised concerns that antigenic evolution will erode immunity. The susceptibility of immunity to viral evolution is shaped in part by the breadth of epitopes targeted. Here we compare the specificity of antibodies elicited by the mRNA-1273 vaccine versus natural infection. The neutralizing activity of vaccine-elicited antibodies is even more focused on the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) than for infection-elicited antibodies. However, within the RBD, binding of vaccine-elicited antibodies is more broadly distributed across epitopes than for infection-elicited antibodies. This greater binding breadth means single RBD mutations have less impact on neutralization by vaccine sera than convalescent sera. Therefore, antibody immunity acquired by different means may have differing susceptibility to erosion by viral evolution. One Sentence SummaryDeep mutational scanning shows the mRNA-1273 RBD-binding antibody response is less affected by single viral mutations than the infection response.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-438709


An ideal anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody would resist viral escape1-3, have activity against diverse SARS-related coronaviruses4-7, and be highly protective through viral neutralization8-11 and effector functions12,13. Understanding how these properties relate to each other and vary across epitopes would aid development of antibody therapeutics and guide vaccine design. Here, we comprehensively characterize escape, breadth, and potency across a panel of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies targeting the receptor-binding domain (RBD), including S3094, the parental antibody of the late-stage clinical antibody VIR-7831. We observe a tradeoff between SARS-CoV-2 in vitro neutralization potency and breadth of binding across SARS-related coronaviruses. Nevertheless, we identify several neutralizing antibodies with exceptional breadth and resistance to escape, including a new antibody (S2H97) that binds with high affinity to all SARS-related coronavirus clades via a unique RBD epitope centered on residue E516. S2H97 and other escape-resistant antibodies have high binding affinity and target functionally constrained RBD residues. We find that antibodies targeting the ACE2 receptor binding motif (RBM) typically have poor breadth and are readily escaped by mutations despite high neutralization potency, but we identify one potent RBM antibody (S2E12) with breadth across sarbecoviruses closely related to SARS-CoV-2 and with a high barrier to viral escape. These data highlight functional diversity among antibodies targeting the RBD and identify epitopes and features to prioritize for antibody and vaccine development against the current and potential future pandemics.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-435863


Monoclonal antibodies targeting a variety of epitopes have been isolated from individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2, but the relative contributions of these different antibody classes to the polyclonal response remains unclear. Here we use a yeast-display system to map all mutations to the viral spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) that escape binding by representatives of three potently neutralizing classes of anti-RBD antibodies with high-resolution structures. We compare the antibody-escape maps to similar maps for convalescent polyclonal plasma, including plasma from individuals from whom some of the antibodies were isolated. The plasma-escape maps most closely resemble those of a single class of antibodies that target an epitope on the RBD that includes site E484. Therefore, although the human immune system can produce antibodies that target diverse RBD epitopes, in practice the polyclonal response to infection is dominated by a single class of antibodies targeting an epitope that is already undergoing rapid evolution.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-431683


Monoclonal antibodies and antibody cocktails are a promising therapeutic and prophylaxis for COVID-19. However, ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 can render monoclonal antibodies ineffective. Here we completely map all mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain (RBD) that escape binding by a leading monoclonal antibody, LY-CoV555, and its cocktail combination with LY-CoV016. Individual mutations that escape binding by each antibody are combined in the circulating B.1.351 and P.1 SARS-CoV-2 lineages (E484K escapes LY-CoV555, K417N/T escape LY-CoV016). Additionally, the L452R mutation in the B.1.429 lineage escapes LY-CoV555. Furthermore, we identify single amino acid changes that escape the combined LY-CoV555+LY-CoV016 cocktail. We suggest that future efforts should diversify the epitopes targeted by antibodies and antibody cocktails to make them more resilient to antigenic evolution of SARS-CoV-2.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-425021


The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 could impair recognition of the virus by human antibody-mediated immunity. To facilitate prospective surveillance for such evolution, we map how convalescent serum antibodies are impacted by all mutations to the spikes receptor-binding domain (RBD), the main target of serum neutralizing activity. Binding by polyclonal serum antibodies is affected by mutations in three main epitopes in the RBD, but there is substantial variation in the impact of mutations both among individuals and within the same individual over time. Despite this inter- and intra-person heterogeneity, the mutations that most reduce antibody binding usually occur at just a few sites in the RBDs receptor binding motif. The most important site is E484, where neutralization by some sera is reduced >10-fold by several mutations, including one in emerging viral lineages in South Africa and Brazil. Going forward, these serum escape maps can inform surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 evolution.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-405472


Antibodies are becoming a frontline therapy for SARS-CoV-2, but the risk of viral evolutionary escape remains unclear. Here we map how all mutations to SARS-CoV-2s receptor-binding domain (RBD) affect binding by the antibodies in Regenerons REGN-COV2 cocktail and Eli Lillys LY-CoV016. These complete maps uncover a single amino-acid mutation that fully escapes the REGN-COV2 cocktail, which consists of two antibodies targeting distinct structural epitopes. The maps also identify viral mutations that are selected in a persistently infected patient treated with REGN-COV2, as well as in lab viral escape selections. Finally, the maps reveal that mutations escaping each individual antibody are already present in circulating SARS-CoV-2 strains. Overall, these complete escape maps enable immediate interpretation of the consequences of mutations observed during viral surveillance.