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PLOS Glob Public Health ; 3(6): e0001121, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37327194


Nutritional warnings are used as a public health strategy to address obesity. Peru approved in 2013 and implemented in 2019 a law requiring nutritional warnings on the marketing and packaging of processed foods high in sugar, sodium, saturated fat, and containing trans-fat. The complexity behind the design and approval of these policies over six years provides unique learnings, that inform the obesity prevention context, especially when proposed policies face strong opposition from powerful stakeholders. Our study aims to describe the milestones and key stakeholders' roles and stances during the nutritional warnings policy design in Peru, and to identify and analyze the main drivers of policy change that explain its approval. In 2021, interviews were conducted with 25 key informants closely involved in its design. Interviews were analyzed using the Kaleidoscope Model as a theoretical framework. Relevant policy documents and news were also analyzed. Milestones for this policy included the approval of the Law, Regulation, and Manual. Policy supporters were mainly from Congress, civil society advocates, and Health Ministers. Opponents came from Congress, ministries linked to the economic sector, the food industry, and media. Across the years, warnings evolved from a single text, to traffic lights, to the approved black octagons. Main challenges included the strong opposition of powerful stakeholders, the lack of agreement for defining the appropriate evidence supporting nutritional warning parameters and design, and the political instability of the country. Based on the Kaleidoscope Model, the policy successfully targeted a relevant problem (unhealthy eating decisions) and had powerful advocates who effectively used focusing events to reposition the warnings in the policy agenda across the years. Negotiations weakened the policy but led to its approval. Importantly, government veto players were mostly in favor of the policy, which enabled its final approval despite the strong opposition.

Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica ; 39(4): 480-488, 2022.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36888812


The sale of ultra-processed products has increased in Latin America in recent years, as well as the prevalence of overweight and obesity. In Peru, Law No. 30021 passed in an attempt to reduce overweight and obesity in children and adolescents; however, the development of this law was characterized by constant modifications to the documents prepared in this regard. This article aims to identify essential modifications in the documents elaborated by the Government and the Congress within the timeframe of Law No. 30021, particularly those regarding the regulation of food and non-alcoholic beverage advertising, advertising warnings and technical parameters of critical nutrients. The lack of timely scientific evidence, the opposition by the food industry and the lack of political consensus were the main reasons for the detected modifications, which shows the dynamism during the development of this policy.

La venta de productos ultraprocesados y el sobrepeso y la obesidad han aumentado en América Latina en los últimos años. En el Perú, se aprobó la Ley N° 30021 en busca de reducir el sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y adolescentes, sin embargo, el desarrollo de esta Ley se caracterizó por tener continuas modificaciones en los diversos documentos elaborados. El propósito de este artículo es identificar cambios esenciales en los documentos elaborados por el Gobierno y el Congreso en el marco de la Ley N° 30021, específicamente en los temas de regulación de la publicidad de alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas, advertencias publicitarias y parámetros técnicos de nutrientes críticos. Los cambios identificados en los diferentes documentos muestran el dinamismo en el desarrollo de esta política donde la falta de evidencia científica oportuna, la oposición de la industria alimentaria y la falta de consenso político fueron los principales motivos.

Sobrepeso , Obesidad Infantil , Niño , Adolescente , Humanos , Perú , Dieta Saludable , Políticas